TRADE ILLS TO BE DISCUSSED AT CONFERENCE Men High in Affairs of the World's Nations at At lantic City Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 22. — Hundreds of the world's greatest business "surgeons"—men high in affairs in the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Belgium —met here to-day at the opening session of a three-days' "clinic" to diagnose international trade ills and prescribe for their cure. The first day was spent largely in the organi zation of committees and other pre liminiary work. The International Trade Confer ence, as it is called, is being held under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce of the United Statep. Among tlie notables who are invited to speak Rro King Albert, of Bel gium; Herbert Hoover, A. C. Bed ford, chairman of the board of di rectors of the Standard Oil Com pany; Sir Arthur Shirley Benn, M. P., of England; Eugene Schneider, head of the Creusot works, the "steel king" of France; Florimonde Hankar, of Brussels, director of the National Bank of Belgium, and Fer nando Quartieri, formerly head of the Italian delegation to the Inter aUled Munitions Council. Committees to Report Ten committees, named by an executive committee of which Mr. Hedford is chairman, are to submit surveys and reports on American trade and financial conditions for the information and guidance of the thirty-six foreign delegates. The topics are as follows: Credit and Finance; Chemicals; Foodstuffs; Coal; Oil; Metals; Shipping; Tex tiles; Re-construction. Supplies and Permanent Organization. Of all these committees none, perhaps, is • lore important .-than the one on credit and finance, headed by James S. Alexander, president of the Na tional Bank of Commerce of New York. Discussing the objects of the Credit and Finance Committee, Mr. Alexander said: "It is to study the question of re-establishing normal trade relations between the United States and the nations of Europe, to provide an opportunity for a frank discussion of facts and an exchange of views with our visitors from Eng land, France, Italy and Belgium. Neither the foreign delegation nor the American committee is in any sense official." Will Carry Weight While it is a fact that the dele gates to the conference are not em powered to pledge their govern ments in any way, their recommen dations are expected to carry great weight. The conference, it is said, has the "sympathy" of each nation represented. England, France, Italy and Belgium, as well as the United States, has in attendance an official "observer," who will report to his government and, where such a course is desirable, it is expected necessary "enabling legislation" *vill be passed to put the recommenda tions of the conference into effect. Stabilizing of foreign exchange is, perhaps, the most vital topic up for consideration. One delegate put it: "We must stabilize exchange or we won't have any foreign trade at all. Europe need:> vast quantities of raw materials, semi-finished as well as finished goods, and the United States as the storehouse of the world must extend -credit to put Europe back upon an industrial, buying basis." Two recommendations will be made at the conference, among oth ers, for the stabilization of exchauge, one of an "international currency," by Marshall Stevens, of England, one of the founders of the Man chester Ship Canal, and the other for a guarantee by American banks of foreign railroad and industrial securities to encourage their pur chase by American investors. Plane Again Unable to Seek Boy, Due to Haze Hammonton. N. J., Oct. 22.—Ow ing to hazy conditions the biplane which was to have arrived from the Pennsylvania Military College -at Chester. Pa., did not attempt a •light. Efforts will be made to have the same come here the day the United Boy Scout forces enter the woods and attempt to discover lost "Billy" Dansey, or some clue as to his fate. This will probably be to morrow or Friday. It is understood that fully three hundred scouts will be in service and that they will be under the rection of George D. Pettitt, of New York, a national field scout commis sioner, assisted by Scoutmasters Herbert N. Etter, of Camden, and Harold V. Feyl, of Atlantic City. The lines of an entirely new theory to solve the mystery will be attempted to-day, but the details of this will not be made known until later. No American Executed For Military Reasons New York, Oct. 22.—N0 American soldier was executed "for purely military reasona"- during the war with Germany. Major S. W. Brew ster, of the United States Marine Corps, retired, and former judge ad vocate of the Third Naval District, declared in an address before the American Prison Association here. He said that those executed had been found guilty of offenses recog nized as capital crimes in civil courts. „ CABLING SWITCHMEN By Associated Press. Cliieago, Oct. 22.—Receipt by the Chicago djstrict steel strike* commit tee of r. telegram from the commit tee at Washington, headed by John Fitzpotrlck, chairman of the Na tionl ComtpUtee for Organization of Sfed Workers, saying in reference to the calling out of fifteen switch crews at South Chicago," nil may bo out by middle of next week." was the only external development In this to -day. MOB ITALIAN STATESMAN Home, Oct. 2. —Former Premier An tcnlo Salandra. who held that office during the-early part of the Euro pean war, was attacked by Socialists and anarchists when he arrived at San Severn Monday. His motorcar wus Htcned, missiles striking the oc cupants. SON VISITS FOfIMEH KAISER Aincrongcn, Oct. 22.—Prince An- Wilhelm, fourth son of the for met German JCmpcor, a ••rived here fr. rn German-/ iast. night on a visit to hie parents. < WEDNESDAY EVENING RUMMAGE SALE OPENS TODAY Conducted by Ladies' Auxil iary of Polyclinic Hospital, at 108 S. Fourth Street Is there anything you want from a sowing machine or an organ to a pair of shoes? If there is, go to the Polyclinic Hospital Rummage Sale, now in full swing, at 108 South Fourth street. At this sale, lasting until Saturday evening, anil con ducted through the courtesy of Sam uel Fishman, in two storerooms at the entrance to tho Mulberry street, bridge, hundreds of articles of every description and sort are exhibited. The sale opened with a rush at 1 o'clock Ui-day and In a short time tho scorefc of dresses, skirts, middles, shoes and underwear, both new and old, as well as the sewing machines, organs, dishes, bric-a-brac, baby coaches, beds, chairs, sofas, over coats, suits for men, pictures, and many good things to eat, Including bread, jellies, ketchup, olives, canned goods, jars of fruit, onions, sweet potatoes and the like, were faßt dis appearing. One whole table bears nothing but a large assortment of hats, while another Is loaded beneath piles of shoes, all in good condition, many entirely new. Mrs. Gustave Koster, 230 Wood bine street, is general chairman for the event, and with her corps of workers has accumulated literally thousands, of useful articles to be sold at extremely low prices. New York Crippled by Strike, to Print in Ocher Cities By Associated Press. New York, Oct. 22.—Plans were on foot by New York periodical pub lishers to-day to break the press men's strike by temporary publica tion of their magazines in cities far removed from the trouble zone. Authorization of this move was made last night by the Periodical Publishers' Association in a letter to William Green, chairman of the labor committee of the Printers' League section of the Association of Employing Printers. It was under stood that a large amount of the work will be taken temporarily to Cincinnati, where conditions in the printing Industry are said to be ad mirable. Overtures to end the strike were reported to have been made yester day by officials of the Press Room Executives Association. The en voys were informed, it was stated, that the only terms on which the strikers and workmen locked out could obtain re-employment were disbandment of their independent locals and affiliation with the inter national union from wheh they re cently seceded. Declares U. S. Aviators Long Missing Killed by Mexican Woodchoppers San Diego, Cal., Oct. 22. — Word has been received here that, the bodies of Lieutenants Frederick B. Waterhousc and Cecil H. Connolly, American aviators, who were burled at Bahia, Los Angeles, Lower Cali fornia, recently, had been disinter red and placed aboard the United States destroyer Aaron Ward. Waterhouse and Connolly were carried off their course while on border patrol on August 21 and sev eral days later their bodies were found eighteen miles from their air-, plane. L. J. Allen of this city, who has just returned from the gulf of Cali fornia. said he had been told that the aviators were killed by Mexican wood choppers. Allen said also that Governor Es teban Cantu, of Lower California, had sent a squad of Mexican soldiers to Bahia, Los Angeles, with orders to arrest the wood choppers accus ed of the crime and bring them to Ensenada for trial. New Coal Increase a Gouge, Miners Declare Indianapolis, Oct. 22. —An Increase in the price of coal, since the issu ance of the call to all bituminous miners to go on strike November 1, has been placed in effect all over the country, according to reports re ceived in the international headquar ters here of the United Mine Work ers of America. A statement issued from the union headquarters says (he consumer is being forced to pay as much as a dollar more a ton for coal now than a week ago. "All of this is without the slight est justification," the statement con tinues. "Operators have refused flrtly to grant an advance in wages, but they have increased .the price of coal. Production costs are no higher now than they were a month ago." Captain Sexton Goes to London as Naval Attache By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. 22.—Captain Wal ter R. Sexton has been appointed American naval attache at London, relieving from his duty Rear Admiral Harry S. Knapp, who now will be able to devote all his time to his work as commander-in-chief of the Ameri can naval forces in European waters. From the entry of tho United States the war the comnlander of the American naval forces overseas has acted as attache at London, so as to bring about closer contact and unity between the American and British na vies. Of late. however, Admiral Knapp has found it necessary to be absent from London frequently and it was said at the Navy Department to-day that he had-asked to be reliev ed as attache, as he will maintain his headquarters afloat most of the time in the future, it was said at the De partment. STRIKE AT BIG COFFEE PORT Santos. Brazil, Oct. 22.—A general strike has been declared here. As Santos is the world's greatest coffee port the strike is expected to af fect materially the coffee trade. The police have been reinforced by 400 soldiers. LEMOYNE BOY HONORED Gettysburg, Oct. 22.— K. W. Et shled, of Lemoyne, has been elected secretary of the junior class of Get tysburg College, He was also recent ly elected to the Spectrum and Uet j tysburgian staffs, tho former being the college annual year book and the latter r weekly newspaper, ! MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION i The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. MAYNARD MADE DOUBLE FLIGHT IN 69JI0URS Return Trip Consumed More Time Because of Acci dent to Machine Washington, Oct. 22. —Lieut. Bel vln W. Maynard, winner of tho trans continental derby, made the round trip from New York to Ban Fran cisco and return in less than 70 fly ing hours, the official timekeeper of the contest reported to Major Gen eral Menoher, director of air service. The record shows that he spent 69 hours, 8 minutes and 48 H seconds In the air. The return trip- required 18 hours more than that to the west coast, principally because of the accident to M&ynard's machine, which nearly puT him out of tho contest. "Lieutenant Maynard'B trip is practically Invaluable to the air service," the official announcement said. "He collected data which will prove very valuable to airmen who attempt the flight In the future. This great flight proves certalnly that the contemplated aerial route from the United States to Alaska is not merely a dream, but is very prac tical and can be easily accomplished." Two Aviators Are Fighting For Fourth Place in Air Race By Associated Press. Chicago, Oct. 22.—The flght for fourth position In the army endur ance and reliability airplane race to day was the most interesting fea ture of the twice trans-continental contest. Lieutenant Earl Manzelman and Captain Alex. Pearson who spent the night at Cleveland, 503 miles from their goal, planned to reach Mlneola, N. Y., to-day. They still had as an added incentive the possible bettering of the actual fly ing time, as yet not reported offi cially of Lieutenant Belvin W. May nard, the "flying parson," who was first to retrace the course across the country. Captain J. O. Donald son, who followed him to Mineola. and Captain Lowell H. Smith, first man to complete a San Francisco to New York and return flight. To-day three flyers had completed the 5,402-mile flight, eight were on their way to home hangars and eleven remained at San Francisco with one half their race completed. LEAVE CLEVELAND By Associated Press. Cleveland, Ohio, Oct. 22.—Lieu tenant Earl Manzelman, No. 37, and Lieutenant Alexander Pearson, No. 8, eastbound aviators in the Army transcontinental air derby, left here for Buffalo this morning, Manzel man at 7 o'clock and Pearson at 7:01.30. Both pilots had remained hei-e over night. Promises to Return Work Fails to Bring Out Longshoremen New York, Oct. 22.—Not a long shoreman went to work on the Chel sea piers in response to 7 o'clock whistles this morning. Although hundreds of dock work ers were congregated in the vicinity of the big trans-Atlantic steamship piers there at an early hour, prom ises to return to work in the Chelsea district, one of the most important of the New York waterfront, brought no result. It was on the word of tli Chelsea longshoremen that officials based their prediction of a break in the strike here. T. V. O'Connor, president of the International Longshoremen's Asso ciation to whom the promise to re turn to work had been made, ex pressed surprise when informed this morning of the failure of the Chel sea longshoremen to resume work on time. He said that failure of the riggers' local to resume labor prob ably was the reason for the long shoremen's inactivity. He explained that inasmuch as the riggers operate the tackle and lines on the ships and piers, It would bo impossible for longshoremen to begin work without them. Foremen's whistles were blown for resumption of work at piers along the North River water front from the Battery to Twenty-third street as was customary before the strike in summoning the men to work. Not a man moved towards the piers in response to the sig nals. In the Chelsea district are located the great trans-Atlantic steamship piers, including the Cunard and White Star lines, the Clyde Steam ship Company and the General Trans-Atlantique. MACHINISTS MEET Keystone Lodge No. 1070, Interna tional Machinists, held its tri-month ly meeting last night when a class of ten new members was obligated. N. J. Gorman, of Scranton, a grand lodge member, spoke x pn the national agreement and means of settling grievances. A special meeting will be held next Tuesday. * SIMPLE SERVICES FOR ASTOR By Associated Press. London, Oct. 22.—Simple funeral services were held in St. George's church this forenoon for Viscount (William Waldorf) Astor. The rec tor of St. George's, the Rev. Francis Norman Thicknesse, officiated. TO HOLD PIE fsOCIAL The W. B. A. of the Maccabees, will .hold a masquerade pie social this evening at their hall, Verbeko and James streets. All members have been urged to come and bring a friend. FALLS DOWN STEPS Grace Potteiger, 15 years old, of 935 South Second street, suffered a lacerated thigh when she fell down a stairway at her home. She was treated at the Harrisburg Hospital. FILMS DISPLEASE "HIS MAJESTY" By Associated Press. | Berlin, Tuesday, Oct. 21. ' Former Emperor William has ! commissioned Attorney Slebert, , of Berlin, to institute a suit against the actor, Ferdinand ! Bonn, who prepared what are known as the "Kaiser films," j which were barred in Berlin, but I wei£ permitted to ( be exhibited • elkewhere. The ex-Emperor i charges Insult and the misuse of I his portrait and usks for tho sup | prcsslon of tho films, BLAJRJFUSBURG TELEGRAPH "NO MORE NEW CLOTHES ' UNTIL PRICES GO " And Badges of Honor in This Novel English Organization Are Patches on Trousers, Shiny Coat Sleeves and . Sewn-up Splits in Shoes By Associated Press. 'London, Oct. 6. Fashionable London tailors are said to bo some what perturbed over the reported popularity of a clothes conservation "movement" hailing from the United States which Is being enthusiastical ly acclaimed by Englishmen wearied of long continued high clothing costs. Over here the "movement" has manifested Itself In the organiza tion of "old clothes leagues"—socle Y.M.C. A. ACTIVE IN FALL WORK Program For Winter to Be Taken Up by Board of Directors Activities at the Central Y. M. C. A. are assuming unusual proportions as one thing after another gets un der way. Last evening the glee club, with twenty-eight members under the leadership of Edward Mauser, held their flr3t rehearsal and the performance of these untrained vo calists was amazing in Its possibili ties. The first public appearance of the club will not be made until Jan uary, but It Is certain that Harris burg will be surprised with the new organization. To-morrow at noon the directors will hold their meeting at a lunch eon served in the banquet room, at which time Secretary Robert Reeves will submit his program which was adopted some time ago and which has now been put Into effect. The classes of all sorts are receiving the greatest enrollment possible, partic ularly the salesmanship class, which is drawing men from all walks of life. To-morrow at noon also the so cial committee will meet and have luncheon in the "Y" in order to talk over the woodchopping which is go ing to be pulled off on Saturday. Owing to the Improvements which are being made in Arch Dlnsmore's boys' rooms at present, by the tear ing out of a partition, the social committee will eat amor.g the ruins. The Improvements, by the way, 'will give the boys a much bigger | and more comfortable room in which to play their games and read. Everything that can be provided for their comfort and amusemeffi will he provided and in* several weeks the opening will take place inform ally. F. R. Lear Leaves Many Friends Here; Plant to Be Bigger Floyd R. Lear, for nine years in charge of the engraving department of The Telegraph Printing Company, has gone to Easton, where he will go into business for himself. Mr. Lear has made many friends in Harrisburg and leaves with the regrets of his fellow workers. The Telegraph engraving and art departments will be operated on an enlarged scale under the direction of Edward Lichtervberger. who has been an engraver for the Telegraph for a number of years. and Ray Snow, whose art work has long been a fea ture of the Telegraph service. Larger quarters and the latest engraving de vices are being provided in the Tele graph's new plant at Cameron and State streets, and when completed, it will be one of the largest and best equipped in Pennsylvania. Particular attention will be paid to newspaper cuts, fine halftones and line cuts. Commercial art work will also be a specialty. t Y. M. C. A. Axes Sharpened For the Annual "Cutfest" Get out the old ax and sharpen it up, you members of the Klwanls, the Rotary, the Chamber ci Com merce, or the "Y"! For you ate going to need it on Saturday after noon when Grant Forrer points out the huge pile of wood which he has had stacked up at the Division street entrance to Wildwood Park. There have been any number of chal lenges made by the diffesent organ izations, and they will be taken up on Saturday. > At 1.30 It is planned to have every man who is not in bed with the flu. meet at the "Y" on Locust street with an ax over his shoulder, and his oldest clothes on his back And woe unto him who has a dull oiade! There won't ,be enough axes at the park to go around among these mighty axmen, so everyone is urged tp get out the old family weapon, which is probably lurking down the cellar somewhere, and bring it along. Gus Steinmetz has his Rotary Club all lined up for the chopping, and it Is said that the ten strongest men in the club wfll lje present to wield the weapons; Baron Neefe has the Kiwanis orutfit in line also and they are sure to give-the Rotary a chop for their money. The C. of C. will be along the line somewhere with such old woodsmen as George Reily, Will Bowman, Dave Kaufman, and others who have spent most of their lives on the plains and hills. So save your Saturday afternoon and get there at least in time to eat the bean soup, and other hot food that Sholl Rutherford is going to hand out. The "Y" and the In dustrial Homes of the city need fire wood this winter! BUILDING PERMITS C. W. Lady secured permits to day for the erection of three two and one-half brick houses. One of these properties ' will be erected near Chestnut and Twenty-second streets for T. E. Munce, and will cost $ll,- 000. The other two will be built by Mr. Lady near Green and Woodbine streets and will cost $lO,OOO. Other permits Issued follow; Frank Brla, Nick Garrlto, contractor, addition, 116 Washington, $1,000; D. A. Ca ley, Mr. Lady, contractor, addition, 1723 North Secohd, $600; Louis Sl monettl, H. G. Hippie, contractor, addition and remodeling, 215 For ster, $3,700; Mrs. E. M. Browell, Mr. Hippie, contractor, addition and re modeling, 816 North Second, $3,- 500. CAUGHT UNDER CAR Oliver Crone, of Lemoyne, em ployed at the Lemoyne Quarries, was treated at the Harrisburg Hospital this morning for slight lacerations of the head and hip, Ho was work ing beneath a car when it was moved. ties with the single-pledge slogan— "No moro new clothes until prices go down." Those who assume this pledge are expected to regard patch es on trousers, shiny coat sleeves and sewn up splits in boots and shoes as badges of honor. The turning of old suits, sewing In of new linings and other necessary al terations which make old trousers, coat and vest serve the purpose of a new suit at one-third the cost is another part of the practical appli cation of the "league's" precepts. SHOE PRICES TO REMAIN AWAY UP Congressman Kreider Sees No Relief; Only Hope Is to Hold Them Where They Are Congressman a/s. Kreider, head of the A. S. Kreider Company, manu facturer of shoes, does not look for any reduction in shoe prices and lays the difficulty to the sharp advances in the prices of all kinds of leather. Leather is scarce and immense quan tities have been used in the war and more recently have been sent to Eu rope. *3y conservative action it is hoped to keep prices where they are," he says in a letter to the Har risburg Telegraph. The letter was written at the request of J. Frank McElwatn, president of the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Asso ciation, who was recently misquoted as saying that shoe prices are due for an early fall. The communica tion follows: "Many of the metropolitan and other newspapers have recently been carrying large headlines as follows: 'Price of Footwear Drops 20 Per Cent Another Tumble Due After Christmas Holidays." The articles go on to quote that J. Frank Mc- Elwatn. President of the National Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Asso ciation is responsible for the state ment, etc. "As a matter of fact, Mr. McEl wain had been misquoted, and in a personal letter to me, has asked me to try and assist him in correcting the erroneous impression created by this article. "Under date of October 15, he says: 'My remarks at the Middle States Shoe Wholesalers' Convention in New York yesterday have been misquoted in the papers to-day. " 'The fact is that there has been a decline of approximately 20 per cent, in the price of hides and from the high point reached in August. It, however, must be borne in mi,nd that shoe prices have never reached the high peak represented by the August price of hides, and have in reality been based on hide values no higher, and in many cases con siderably lower, than now prevail. " 'Shoe factories have to-day a larger volume of orders on hand than can be taken care of during the next three or four months. Dur ing that period they will require a large quantity of hides, leather, and other supplies. Desirable leather Is extremely scarce and cannot be quickly obtained. " 'There is, therefore, no indica tion of a recession in the price of shoes in the near future. It is my opinion that the prices for spring will be no lower than at present. "'(Signed) J. F. McELWAIN.' "I wish to say that it is my can did opinion that prices of footwear will not be lower in the near future on account of the extreme scarcity of raw materials, and the large de mand. If there is any change in price, it will be an advance rather than a decline, but it is to be hoped that further advances may be avoid ed by conservative buying on 'h e part of the retailer, the manufac turer and the tanner, for it must be remembered that, after all, the basic product is hides and skins, and if these should be fprced to higher level, by an abnormal demand, of necessity prices of leather and shoes must follow. By conservative action, it is hoped these advances may be avoided. "Yours truly, "A. S. KREIDER." Bill Extending Food Control Act to Clothes Goes to President Washington, Oct. 22.—The ad ministration bill extending the food control act to clothing and providing penalties for profiteering was trans mitted to President Wilson after it had been signed by Vice-President Marshall and Speaker Gillett WOMEN TO MEET An important meeting of the Penn sylvania Railroad Women's War Relief. Department No. 2, will be held to-morrow afternoon at 2.15 o'clock at the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., Sixth and Reily streets. The object of this and subsequent meetings will be to encourage interest in the work and bring about stronger co-opera tion on the part of the members, keeping each member in close touch with the activities of the department. Beginning to-morrow regular meet ings will be held on the third Thurs day of each month, at the same time and place. AUDITORS FILE Auditors of the accounts of the Swatara township school district, filed their report to-day in the office of Prothonotary Charles E. Pass. The balance on hand at the begin ning of the school year In July, 1919, was $1,639.73; receipts last year, $26,801.30; expenditures. $25,161.57; indebtedness, $45,900; resources, $69,428.16. START FLIGHT TO AUSTRALIA London, Oct. 22.—Captain George "-ews, a former sailor turned aviator, set oft from the suburb of Hounslow for an airplane flight to Australia, in an effort to win the prize of £lO,OOO offered by the Com monwealth government. The start was made at 11.44 a. m. HEADS KNIGHTS OF MALTA By Associated Press. Reading, Pa., Oct. 22.—At to-day's 36th annual convention of the Knights of Malta, George H. Bald ric, of Pittsburgh, was named grand military commander. Detroit ahd Cleveland want next year's conven tion. A banquet will be held to night. TREATY SEALED AT PARIS Paris, Oct 22. —The state seal wac affixed to the instrument, ennstitut jing the ratlfcation of the Peace i Treaty yesterday afternoon, ROTARY CLUB WILL WORK FOR IMPROVEMENTS To Name Committee on fcity Loans; Asks Others to Do the Same The Harrisburg Rotary club, meet ing in the offices of John Heethcote. in the Telegraph building last eve ning. adopted a resolution to send ten representatives to the Arbor Day cel ebration in Reservoir Park Friday, when a memorial grove of evergreens will be planted In memory of Harris burg men who died In the service, and to appoint a comiptttee of Rota rians two to each voting precinct, for the purpose of devoting at least an hour each on election day to the adoption of the Municipal loans for bathing beaches, the memorial bridge, sewers and street paving. The club also decided to have printed cards placed outside each voting place call ing attention to the loans, and to ask the Chamber of Commerce and the Klwanls Club also to appoint workers for the loans. Both resolutions had | the endorsement of Rudolph K. Sptc er, of the public affairs committee and were passed unanimously. Howard C. Fry, chairman of the At lantic City convention committee, re ported on a club plan to finance the trip next June and the appointment| of a committee on the Scr&nton dis trict conference next April was au thorized. The members were the guests of John Heathcote, superintendent of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Com pany in Harrisburg, who has Just completed twenty-five years In the service of the company, and Mr. Heathcote and Walter L. Metz, an in dustrial insurance and group policy expert, spoke on the business of the Company. Mr. Heathcote said that "there is nothing In Insurance too big and nothing too little for the Metropolitan, ' and he spoke at length of the welfare work being done in the industrial department, where ex pert nurses are constantly at work among policyholders, their services being free, and of the great educa tional work along health lines con ducted by the company. He said that in Harrisburg the Company had paid out more than four hundred claims due to the influenzt and pneu monia, and that for the year to Sep tember 1, 506 death claims had been paid through his office. The increase of premium income yearly through his office since he took charge is con siderably more than 6300,000, he said. Mr. Metz spoke at some length on group insurance, by which Industries are enabled to insure all of their employes without physical examina tion, s< > that in case of death, the employe leaves from one to two thousand dollars to his family at no , cost to himself. This is proving pop ular in many places, the Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company being one of the corporations that recently have taken out policies. He and Mr. Heath cote also spoke of the company's sav ing system t6v employes, the company adds 50 cents to every dollar saved by the employes, and explained the group insurance and health measures which the company has worked out for all its employes. After the meeting refreshments were served by the host. DELEGATES NOMINATED Paris, Oct. 22.—The nominations of various delegates to the committee on interpretation and execution of the German Peace Treaty put on record by the Supreme Council at to-day's scsr'on. The nominations registered were: Italy. Count Bonln-Longare, the ambassador to France, and Signor Paliano; France. Stephen Pichon, the foreign mihister, and Philippe Berthe lot, political director of the foreign office; Great Britain. Lord Derby, the ambassador to France; Japan, Baron Mutsui, ambassador at Paris. SEAPLANES NEAR FINISH By Associated Press. Charleston, S. C., Oct. £2. Naval seaplanes 854 and 858, enroute from Pensacola, Fla., to Rockaway, *L. 1., left here early to-day to resume their long-distance test flight. They will stop at Hampton Rhoads and ex pect to reach their destination this afternoon completing a trip of 2,880 miles. t - SUPPORT MY IRK, R Reasons why James Maurer, presi dent of the Pennsylvania State Fed eration of Labor, was not granted passports to go to Europe as repre sentatives of the Pennsylvania Old Age Commission, are being sought by Harrisburg Central Labor Union. Resolutions have been adopted and forwarded to Senators Penrose and Knox and Congressman Aaron S. Kreider. SPANISH WEAVERS STRIKE By Associated Press. 3ladrid, Tuesday, Oct. 21.—Fif teen thousand weavers employed by fifty mills at Alcoy engaged in the manufacture of cloth for uniforms struck to-day demanding a fifty per cent, increase in wages. The employ ers have offered a 20 per cent, ad vance, but this has" been rejected. Will you plant a tree on Arbor day? It is your civic duty. United States Grain Corporation• Will Sell . v Flour to Wholesalers and Jobbers The United States Grain Corporation is prepared to divert from its flour purchases, and to sell and deliver to wholesalers and jobbers straight (either, soft or hard) wheat flour, clean and well milled, packed in 140-pound jute sacks, (gross weight) basis of $10.25 per barrel, delivered in carload lots on tracks in territory east of the Illinois and Indiana line, and east of the Mis sissippi River, from Cairo to the Gulf. Wholesalers and jobbers in purchasing flour from the United States Grain Corporation must guarantee not to sell at more than seventy-five cents per barrel additional, and the wholesalers and jobber in turn must require a guarantee that the retailer will not sell at more than $1.25 per barrel over the wholesaler's prices, in original packages, and at a price not higher than seven cents a pound for broken packages of any size. All applications originating in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and the Lower Peninsula of Michigan must be sent to the undersigned. UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION H. D. IRWIN, Second Vice President 272 Bourse, Philadelphia, Pa. OCTOBER 22, 1919. ORGANIZE TO BOOST SQUARE Businessmen Propose to Look After Interests in City's Center The Market Square Association, composed of the businessmen who have their places of business on the Square was formed last night at a meeting held in the Tenn-Harris. The organization winch has as its purpose the betterment of conditions j in the Square elected David Kaufman! president, I'aul Johnston, vice-presi-l dent, and Stanley S. Zimmerman sec retary and treasurer. The association has no selfish mo tive against any other section of ths city but intends to work out their own problems of Market Square with an eye to bettering conditions as much as possible. One of the first things to bo taken up will be the improve ment of the Square from an artistic point of view, so that it will-become more of a municipal asset. Five businessmen were appointed last night to make a thorough inves. tigation of the problems which con front the Square. They will get the opinions of all men who are. have been, or expect to be connected with the Square in any way. and endeavor to deduce from these many opinions Just what tile best steps would be to follow out In making the Square a bitter place. At a later meeting of the Associa tion this committee will turn in its report, and although it is expected that the personnel of the committee will be able to submit a report which may be a-ted on, it is also thought that the advice of experts may be of benefit in the problems, which must be solved. It is the opinion of the committee that the Square will be come in future years even more the •central point of the city than it is now, and unless it is adequately treated, Harrjsburg will lose a con siderable asSet from many stand points. Traffic regulations will be consid ered and suggestions put forward as to the best way of regulating the con. stantly increasing flow of vehicles. The establishment of an isle of safety and a public comfort station will also be among the questions taken up. A number of men expressing their views at the meeting last evening, said that they thought the traffic problem the most serious one which demands the attention of everybody immediately. Mr. Kaufman will shortly appoint another committee of three to draw up a set of rules to govern the asso ciation. Learning He Is Listed For Trial by the Allies Rupprecht Grows Furious Geneva, Oct. 22.—Prince Rupprecht of Bavaria, who commanded the Ger man forces in Northern France and Belgium, learned yesterday at Davos, where he has been staying, that he is included in the French list of 600 or more wanted by the Allies for trial for crimes against international law. Ho became furious and said he would never give himself up. Prince Rupprecht is accused of be ing the first army commander to em. ploy poisonous gases, when several g>f the commanders opposed such a project. It is reported here that Count von Berchtold, former Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister, is on the Italian list as one of the principal instigat ors of the war. Several other offic ers. at present in Switzerland, ap peared on the lists. The question of extradition from a neutral country is expressed to be settled with Switzerland, thus creat ing a precedent for Holland in the case of the German Kmperor. I). S. Denies Justice to Poor Is Charged New York. Oct. 22.—With the in dorsement of Elihu Root in an accom panying foreword, the Carnegie Foundation yesterday issues a report entitled "Justice and the Poor," which "finds that the present system of ad ministering Justice in country fails to give adequate protection to the rights of poor citizens and im migrants and recommends the estab lishment of certain new types of courts and the rapid extension of le gal aid organizations and of defend ere in criminal cases so that the de nial of Justice which now exists may be speedily ended. The report was written by Regi nald Heber Smith, of Boston, and is ! based on a study which embraces his investigation di first hand of courts and legal organizations throughout the country during the last three years and his experiences as counsel for the Legal Aid Society in poston, in which capacity during five years ho represented about 15,000 clients , consisting of the poor persons and j immigrants in that city. To Cure n Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE 3ROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. E. NV. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c.—Adv. U. E. RALLY IN , BIG CAMPAIGN IS WELL ATTENDED Raise Million Dollars For "Forward" Work Is Goal Set by Denomination Many United Evangelical memberr attended the "Vorward Campaign" rally held in the Harris Street United Evangelical Church, the Rev. W. S Harris, leader of the Harrlsburg group, presiding. The gathering wa: opened with congregational singing and prayer by Bishop W. H. Fouke, of this city. The following delegations respond ed on the program by reading scrip ture: Dauphin delegation, 85 in num ber, the Rev. W. S. Harris leading: Rutherford Heights delegation, 46 tr number, the Rev. Elmer Brown, leading; Steelton delegation, 35 in number, the Rev. J. K. Hoffman leading! Sixth Street, city, and Pen brook delegations, 50 Jn number, the Rev. W. E. Pottieger leading; Har ris Street delegation, 40 in number, the Rev. A. G. Flexer leading; Park Street delegation, 25 in number, the Rev. S. A. Miller leading. "Forward Movement" was the sub ject of the address of the evening, delivered by the Rev. E. E. Stauf ifer, professor of Albright College, Myerstown. He emphasized the im portance of the forward movement work in the church to-day. He said in part: "The disputes of labor and capi tal fall in a crucial time. The thing as issue is not the quest of wages but the question of morals. During the past year there were sixty-three strikes in the United States. Fifty three strikes were called because men did not stand by the agreements made. Only sixteen strikes were legitimate. Somebody slipped at the moral end of things. "The golden rule of Jesus Christ should be the rule of commerce and business as well as in the home life. Our whole social basis to-day is en tire pagan and unchristian. "One million dollars is the aim for the United Evangelical Church for five years. "Japan is becoming rationalistic, he said, as he quoted a missionary. "Our aim and duty is first to make China Christian. Here we have a large field established under the sup ervision of the Rev. C. Newton Dubs, "Unbelief is crowding into our col leges and high schools and is also undermining the pulpits of to-day. The tendency is to gradually put the denominational college to death. Salvation is needed in the denomina tional colleges. The life of the world Is the Cross of Jesus Christ." Bishop W. M. Stanford, D. D., of this city, closed the meeting with prayer. Mayor Hylan Again Bars German Opera New York, Oct. 22.—Production of German opera at the Lexington Thea. ter, which provoked rioting by ser vice men, was discontinued pending the outcome of legal warfare begun by Max D. Steuer. attorney for tha producers. Mr. Steuer late yesterday appeared before the Supreme Court Justice Pijur to seek an <u-der restraining the Police from enforcing instructiona from Mayor Hylan to prevent presen. tation of "Die Meistersinger," until peace had been signed. Mr. Steuer said the question was held by the court o be one of law, and that Justice Pijur required mora time to consider it. Three hundred or more soldiers and sailors gathered near the theater about 8 o'clock, despite the fact that n 0 performance was held. Patrolmen dispersed the crowd, which confined its efforts to "booing" and jeering. About 500 policemen -fere held In re serve at the East Fifty-first street station in case of trouble. While "Tsar und Zimmerman." tha opera scheduled for last night, was called off, no money for seats was re funded and a sign in the lobby read "tickets will be honored to-morrow night." Trees create love of country, state, city and home. Be patriotic, plant trees. MEMORIAL PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. J FUNERAL TRIBUTES Handsome Wreath $2.50 Beautiful Spray $1.25 Keeney's, 814 N. 3rd St. i / \ PROGRESSIVE i Euchre and 500 Party SACRED HEART CHURCH HALL, South Cameron Street Thursday Evening PRIZES PRIZES Admission, Including Refresh ments, 35c *■ 11
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