Advocates League of Cotton Nations By Associated Press New Orleans, Oct. 16. —A League of Cotton Nations was advocatod here by W. Irving Bullard, of the Friday Bargain Day 74 C Women's Chamoisette Gloves * "C 2 clasp three row embroidered backs, in self color, i double finger tips, white, black, brown, gray and mode. ; Friday Bargain Day O A ~ Girls' Merino Vests "L White vests and pants, high neck and long sleeve ! vests ankle length pants; sizes 18 to 32; a big bargain. Friday Bargain Day O A Women's Fiber Silk Hose Boot length silk, double soles and heels, garter tops, j j come in white and black, slightly imperfect. Special. FRIDAY-3 BIG SALE EVENTS NOTIONS— "hoSM S 34 c Sl '" < i LS r ,^i,"S' S 24C broon!°™ort'Sf' An' COTTON ••• • that cannot be duplicated. All numbers, in black and GOOD tooth - . white, certainly worth coming .... I£|C for. while they last. Friday "L SHtJs onlv These are a good sanitary tooth brush, bristles of good 2 CARDS CLINTON 1 A quality, excellent values. SAFETY FINS A**V WOMEN'S SHOPPING AA n Every woman knows the BAGS '"C popular Clinton pins. These Ail made of good, strong are in assorted sies. While twine, and have durable hand they last only les, large size, excellent value. # Friday We Begin the Coat Sale SHOWING STYLES THAT ARE REMARKABLE, COLORS THAT ARE BEAUTIFUL AND IN BIG VARIETY, Such a range of models has never before C*l __g S fk been shown in Harrisburg. l^llVCrtOllC /t\a\ THE COLORS ARE THE MATERIALS ARE _T w m / YVfV rj , itt Velours, silvertips, broadcloth, bolivia, crys- I I I I /§/ \f\ >3, henna, ox blood, morocco, reindeer, tal, chameleon, silvertone, tinseltone, whippet, L-P ILJ jaL A kjP vViAI \ Clk ' nCW brown ' tau P e - nav -v- polo cloth, plush and fur fabrics. * % Many of these models have collars and some have cuffs of opossum, seal, raccoon, nutria d* fA I V Vy\\ and C ° ney ' ° therS are beautifull y P lain tailored. You can choose from the following price jr / \ $13.50, $15.00, $16.95, $18.50, $20.00, $22.50, y k $25.00, $29.50, $35.00, $39.50, and up to $125.00 sSS 111 A . . With handsome, big A more generous range of qualities and prices could not be expected. collars of silk plush. Special Attention is Called 09C fif) And Do Not Overlook These 000 Cf\ Lined with pretty fig- II to the Coats at &&&• 1/1/ p re tty Coats at *DU r ed silkatine. Belted 55 lA These models are selling at a much higher price at other We are absolutely certain that'no such value is offered models sizes 16 to 42. ill stores. They represent the greatest values obtainable at you at any other store, our shoppers have informed us this low price. When you wear one of these <25.00 coats that these coats and ones simitar to them are selling at A Wonderful value ■m our , ne &hbor will think you paid considerably more for $50.00 at the different stores about the city. Every wanted XT * 1 i c- i it, all colors, several good materials and a good variety color and many choice materials In the assortment, styles riClay anCl oatlirday. of styles to choose from. that are surprisingly handsome. . See them. With Renewed Energy We Offer the Following Stocks at Sensationally Low Prices Women's Enve- f\A lope Chemise ... .i/T'C Made of fine nainsook lace and embroidery trim med, these models have rib bon straps, full cut sizes, 36 to 46. Pretty Muslin Q>l Gowns i/TrC These are in dlip-over styles and are made of fine quality muslins, neatly trimmed with embroidery; extra special. Women's Flannelette 1 1/1 Gowns .... q) 1• 14 Made of neat striped out ing flannel, with or without collars, double yokes, full cut and well made; special Girls Ging- 1 1/1 ham Dresses $ 1 • IT 1 Excellent quality ging hams in solid colors and pretty plaids, very choice styles in sizes 6 to 14 years. Friday. p-==rj An Underselling Shoe Offer For Friday \ • I A Lucky Purchase Brlnfis To XJs Several Hundred Pairs of \ : • WOMEN'S & MISSES' FINE . _ _ I FALL AND WINTER BOOTS J , / d That Ordinarily Sell at Up to SB.OO, tDtlallT /X \\ Which We Will Sell FRIDAY AT , T * \ \Jk We say to the women who are complaining about \\ the high cost of winter shoes to come and see these fine \ values. Field mouse, beaver brown, and cocoa brown, and black shoes with good high tops. These boots have Louis heels and Goodyear welt and flexible soles. Sizes ; , are 2 V> to 8. ONE OF THE STYLES ILLUS i' TRATED. Friday only. THURSDAY EVENING, Merchants' National Bank of Boston, ! speaking to the World Cotton Con- I ference. I Urging the necessity of a world cotton federation, Mr. Bullard de clared that the world's need of ; harmony and understanding was no , less economic than as an Insurance I of political peace nnd progress. The Millinery Creations From Our Own Work Room, at . . $3.14 Trimmed hats that will favorably compare with much higher priced models shown elsewhere, pretty vel vet hats in the most favored colors and styles as shown in the Metropolitan fashion cen ters, some of hatters' plush and many in the choicest combinations ami colorings, rpally exceptional in every way, only upon sight can they be fully appreciated. (Millinery Department— Second Floor.) . I 1 need cries aloud over a war-shaken world, he 6ald, for a spirit of co operation and mutual service in cotton, America's task and problem, the speaker pointed out, is primarily the raising of cotton. The spinning of cotton concerns such a nation as England, but the world supply of KAu FTVL AISCO FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY, THE ANNIVERSARY SALE AND THE BIG BLANKET SALE ALL ROLLED INTO ONE BIG EVENT Values and prices tempting enough to crowd this big underselling store from opening to closing hours. Money savers will come early and stay late, WILL YOU BE AMONG THEM? Children's Ging- Q/f ham Dresses ...OTC Checks, plaids and solid colors, neatly tailored and well made; sizes 2 to 6 years; less than wholesale cost. Women's O O>l Sweaters .. *P This is a belt style coat sweater with sailor collar in all the new- colors, these sweaters would cost con siderably more if bought at present market value. (South aisle rear) Women's House 1 "I A Dresses A • A TT Pretty percale and gingham house dresses of fine qualities, in plain colors and stripes, some figures; sizes to 46. Women's Flannelette d "1 yf yfl Kimonos V A 1 1 All made of excellent quality flannelette pretty floral pat terns, trimmed; all well made. Excellent value.. fetRRIBBURG <69661 I Tia3EX3HXPHt cotton, of machinery, of yarnß and fabrics is ft world ftffalr. By a. world federation benefits would re sult to both the consumer and the producer, SOMJE GUILTY "Now If guilty, you may get as high as three years,' 1 —— Women's Men's Natural Wool Men's Dress mj A J 4 .. $1.44 74c omen s, missos and children's AU sizeß pood heavy we jght. f ales wlth sof * turn back cuffs middies made of lonsdale jean, these garments are scarce and in S°°d Patterns, extra spe plam white or white with color- worth much more today Friday cial Friday, ed trimmings. special. J Men's Outing dfc-| 11A 4 Pairs of Men's A A Men s Shirts and Flannel Shirts 3>1.04 Hose 44 C Draw " A 5-°,ru d^Ti >C t Srr£ 'M °y t,n ® 'J a ™" Think of it. Just 11c a pair, and drawers, in ail "wanted "sizes'! nel work shirt, all sizes, 14 to these come in all colors and are a big bargain worth comine 17; extra special. slightly imperfect; Friday only. miles for. ; I FRIDAY IN THE BARGAIN BASEMENT ~~~~1 A live "Down Stairs Store," fairly bursting with 1 ( the best values ever offered in a basement sales room. liU IB i i Come Friday and save. 1 Brooms 7A _ Turkish Bath tQ _ |jp=sg 1 #rr C Towels J. C foil |jßj 1 A good heavy, 4 string corn All white, slightly imper- I broom, Friday only. feet; excellent values. 1 Rag 44 n Aluminum J 24 '! Rugs . Roasters ( Hit and miss rag rugs, size Good size, round roasters, fine 'lB by 36, Friday only. self-basting; Friday only. . . 1 Heaters . Dutch QA _ Bleached 17 n Curtains Muslin i' C AQ £Q Pink and blue bordered 36-inch, good quality for ( i muslin curtains, Friday only. general use; hnday only. i I I Outintr O A Leatherette Chair 1 A Copper lined gas , Flannel 24 C Seats I<±C heaters, open fac- 1 Gray, pi'nk 'and blue, light Leatherette covered, in 12, ed, Friday only. 1 1 colored outing, Friday inly. 13 and 14 inch sizes. JC ■r, _ R "by Gloss Furni- Oyf Water r-> C |R fett y 25c ture Polish &4c Pans...s4cZ I Cretonnes ..... This is the regular 50c size Good, heavy tin § Beautiful figured cretonnes; bottles; excellent for furni- pails, 10 qt. size. % 36 inches wide; Friday only. ture. Friday only. i "But I ain't guilty whatever,' 1 "The discreet attorney, however, Is empowered to recommend a six months' sentence on a plea of guilty." "Take him up. boss, I guess I'm that much guilty."—Louisville Cour ier Journal, World Conference of Foreign Tradesr Is Being Planned New York, Oct 18,—One of the Important features of the Seventh OCTOBER 16, 1919: National Foreign Trade convention, to be held at San Francisco, May 12-15, 1820, will be a world con ference of American foreign traders, according to announcement made to-day by O. K. Davis, secretary of the National Foreign Trade Coun cil, who will be secretary of the convention. AGAIN FRIDAY THIS BEAUTIFUL 7-PIECE CUT GLASS WATER SET WORTH $2.00 i a FOR.. 14c/ ing SIO.OO worth of mer — r *££Sretli\ chandlse or over. Tills Itp&'U&Ei. LA I amount may be bought at i i any of the various depart—' liiT'iSru ments In the store, but ; j* T ! f'lt"r- it I infill ijm / tho total purchases must amount to SIO.OO (Only One te ■ CmtmanO, 5 IN ONE! IN THE MEN'S STORE (SEPARATE ENTRANCE) Every man wants full value for every dollar'''he ' spends, comparatively speaking this store gives the-' i biggest dollar's worth a man can possibly get these v days. "THE TEST IS BEST." Men's Odd Pants $2.64 _ .MP# > pants. In neat mixtures, | sizes 32 to 42 and tho big- Men s^Corduroy $3.94 JJnMs This Is a fine ribbed cor- f ft, j I duroy in a good service- jf 'kl able color, actually worth ,{** ■ jg®' jf , tL ; a dollar more, sizes 32 to t-i, m |® Men's Soft Hats iffflffrfr $1.94 |lll ■ An odd lot, showing 11 new different shades and (kMy |'h P /H gS all made of good grade H) • |L^B felt. Friday special. * | V| Men'. Work \ ft JffP $3J94 11! An ideal working coat I made of strong khaki | cloth and blanket lined, I all wanted sizes. A big (jjh IN THE BOYS' STORE FRIDAY WILL BE FOUND Boys' Odd Pants at /h <■ M M Think of It, sizes up to 17 years, all I /I/I heavy cheviots with the seams taped, U/ JL • ■ double stitched and lined, a bargain'. Boys' Extra Pants at (hi Qi / Sizes 6 to 17 years. All lined, seams I X/| , taped and double stitched. The materials w JL*V/A | are cheviots, cassimercs and corduroys. ' i Boys' Corduroy Suits, And such good ones at , this price, Oliver Twist, styles in the new drab, shades, big values every/one t $3.84 Boys' Norfolk Suits New waist seam and belt ed models, pants are lined and cut full, sizes 7 to 17 vears. Extra special. $6.94 Oh My! What Pretty Blouses Pretty Voile OA Blouses . . . Plain white and novelty blouses, beauties, trimmed with lace and embroidery, all finely made, good fltUng sizes, and worth much more than the advertised price. Crepe de Chine and JT J Georgette Blouses . Handsome blouses that if bought today would cost you almost double, plain tailored or embroidered in silk, white and flesh only, sizes 36 to 46. Very special. Very Fine Georgette f) J Blouses .... Ywali Embroidered, beaded and new frill models. In white, black, flesh, taupe, navy and bisque, big variety of pretty styles to choose from, exceptional values Friday. Three special convention sfeaunei have been chartered for the acoon modatton of delegates from alwba Another steamer, starting fro: New York, will go by waYfef tj Panama canal. MEMORTAIi PARK ADROTION The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. 5
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