!>*•*' ■ '* t r -TJV. ■'< ■' • -•• . . '• - "" Forced Back by the Onslaught of Enemies 6n ies Fdeeßisc ar LX XXVIII NO. 243 20 PAGES Da 1 1&.% e P ep . t t B TH" d SS;t omSTit I H.IS.W" HARRISBURG, PA. THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16, 1919. ow HTAHHIBI™" SI £WO B CENTS es HOME EDITION FEAR PACKERS WILL DOMINATE GROCERY TRADE Federal Board Claims "Big Five" Handle 200 Foods Unrelated to Packing FRUITS AND VEGETABLES These Are Among the Latest, Is Declaration; Branded "Large Speculators" By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 16. Reitera tion of the claim that the five big packing companies of Chicago bid fair to dominate the wholesale grocery trade and already handle more than 200 foods unrelated to the meat packing industry, many of them directly competitive as meat substitutes, is made in Part IV of the Federal Trade Commission's re port on the industry submitted to day. -"The extent to which the packer should be permitted to enter unre lated food lines (even assuming legitimate competitive methods)," the report said, "is a matter which the public interest alone should de termine. "Two questions, primarily eco nomic, are involved: "Does this widening of activity result in additional economies of pro duction and distribution? "Does it result and will it con tinue to result to the public in lower prices and better quality of product and service? Tlic Ultimate Effect "A third question, not here dis cussed, related to the ultimate ef fect of such vast and powerful or ganizations on the political and so cial fabric of American institutions." Included in the list of commodi ties said to be falling under con trol of the "big five" are poultry and game, dairy products, lard and butter substitutes, canned and dried vegetables and fruit, canned, cured and frozen fish, cocoa, coffee, mo lasses and cane, corn and maple syrup. In addition Armour and Company, one of the five, is said to be handling extensively soda foun tain preparations and utensils. The extent of packer control varies with the locality and com modity, "and the dealer whose busi ness is being absorbed." the report asserts. "I,argc Speculators" The report declares the meat packers "are large speculators" and that their control of capital and credit enable them to buy in such a way as to resell "upon a market In which their purchases have forced ujj the price." It also asserts that the' packers "have extraordinary buying and marketing power due to certain advantages, perhaps not al ways unlawful but certainly often unjustifiable." Among these advantages are enumerated packer control of 44.8 per cent, of all cold storage facili ties, their refrigerator car service, the "highly favorable rules," ob tained by the packers for mixed car loads of fresh meats and packing house products, permitting them to include a great variety of goods "foreign to their slaughtering busi ness with resulting discriminations not alone in service, but also in rates. "Until the packers are shorn of transportation advantages granted them by the carriers," the report says, "there is no way of measuring their true industrial efficiency." Debate on Shantung Continues Although Vote Is Believed Near By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 16.—Debate on the Shantung amendment to the Peace Treaty was resumed in the Senate to-day with leaders hopeful that a final vote on it would be had before adjournment. Although con tending that the vote would be close, supporters of the proposal generally consented that it would be defeated ed. At the outset of the debate, Sena tor Kellogg, Republican, Minnesota, announced his opposition to the amendment, declaring it would be inconsistent for the United States to presume to dictate in the Far East now, after remaining silent while Germany and other nations had seiz ed territory there in years pqst. The Shantung settlement was con demned as immoral by the Minne sota senator who said he would sup port a reservation by which the tlrilted States would decline to be a party to the transaction. Senator Hale, Republican, Xlaine, also announced he would vote against the Shantung amendment und added that he expected to vote against the Johnson amendment for equalization of voting power in the League of Nations. He said he fa vored a reservation dealing with Shantung and would vote against the Treaty unless such a reserva tion were adopted. CALL FIGHT OFF Hartford, Conn., Oct. 16. The Benny Leonard-Johnny Dundee ten round bout, scheduled for this city, Actober 27, has been declared off by Promoter Joseph P. Mulvihill. Too much local opposition was given as a reason for cancelling the bout. ITHEWEATHET^T Harris burg find Vicinity! Continu ed unsettled weather with oc enslonnl light showers this aft ernoon, to-night anil probably Friday. Cooler, lowest tempera ture to-night nliout degrees. Ensterii Pennsylvania: Showers probably to-night and Friday, colder Friday anil In north anil west portions to-niglit. Fresh south winds shifting to north • west Friday morning. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH After It Hits Us We'll Call the Ambulance and Have an Investigation 1 RIGHT OF LABOR TO BARGAIN IS BEING DECIDED Agreement Is Believed Near, on Unions and Collective I Bargaining By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 16. —An agree- i ment on a declaration as to the right j of wage earners to organize and bar- ; gain collectively with employers ap- j peared probable when the National ' Industrial Conference committee of 15 adjourned to-day after a four-hour i session. A report to the conference i at 2.30 p. m. generally was expected. ! The committee of 15 resumed its sessions in the hope of completing a report for presentation to the confer- | ence this afternoon. The public group also was prepared to take up the collective bargaining issue at its meeting to-day. Chair man Bernard XI. Barueh ■favored a definition of collective bargaining along the lines demanded by labor, and this was said to have the support of a majority of the group. The la bor delegation' also was represented as willing to accede to Xlr. Baruch's plan. Delegates representing capital, however, were standing fast on their original statement of principles, which Mr. Baruch said was a "thous- f and years out of date." Fake War Hero Escapes on Eve of Court-Martial; The day before he was to be court- j martialed at Camp Dix, N. J., Pri vate William S. Lawson, who was ar rested here in July after having de serted from the Tank Corps at Get tysburg, again escapejl. For more than a month Lawson had been ap pearing in the city streets wearing overseas service and wound stripes in addition to a Croix de Guerre, al though he had never been nearer the battlefield than Camp Colt, Get tysburg. Lawson had been confined in the Dauphin county prison for almost two months and was taken by De tective Speese to Fort Howard, Md., in September. From there he wast transferred to Camp Dix. PROHIBITION IS NOTHING TO JOE Joseph Reddy, of Marsh Run, ap parently is not bothered with war time prohibition measure, prohibi tion enforcement enactment and other similar legislation. This after noon he was taken to Harrisburg police 8-tns':on, completely intoxi cuted after having been released about 9 o'clock this morning follow ing a trip to the station house on the same charge yesterday. To-day's visit is the third within a week for Redd.v. who has been in the same condition on his arrival as he was to-day. A PROCLAMATION Whereas, The United States Rail road Administration has announced that a Nation-wide Accident PA)- vention Drive will be carried on under the directions of the Safety Section, beginning October 18, and continuing until October 31, und Whereas, It is deemed fitting that the general public who use the railroad t/rains and facilities should co-operate with the Rail road Administration and its em ployes. in making the campaign a tuccess. Now, Therefore, I, Daniel L. Roister, Xlayor of the City of Har risburg, do hereby publicly com mend the United States Railroad Administration in advocating this most worthy movement of con serving life, and urge upon ail cit izens. especially those engaged in railroad work, to exercise care when riding in trains or crossing tracks, in order to avoid accident and injury, and with a view of eliminating entirely or reducing to a minimum, the number of acci dents occurring during the period of the drive, and thereafter. 1 also urge the same close at tention to Safety First, on the part of the public in general. Do your utmost to prevent accidents. All citizens, and workers in industrial plants, are just as Important in this Nation-wide No Accident movement, as railroad employes, and sliould co-operate in every way possible. Rot everybody be careful. (Signed), DANIEI, I* KEISTKR, Xlayor GIRL WHO SPIED ON WIFE REFUSED DEMANDFORSSOO Lenney Says lie Got Services in Return For Spying on Her Fallie# Claiming that John XI. Lenney. Jr., a motion picture theatre proprietor, owed her SSOO for watching his wife during the spring of 1916, Xliss Mar garet R. Albright received no award from the civil court jury which heard the case yesterday afternoon. . The jurors this morning came into court with a verdict in favor of Lenney, who lost his attempt to secure a di vorce. Xliss Albright testified yesterday on the witness stand that February 15, 1916, Lenny told her to watch his wife and secure rooms in the same house in which Xlrs. Lenney was living in [Continued on Page IS.] MAIL PLANE WRECKED By Associated Press Allentown, Pa., Oct. 16.—A United States mail plane in charge of Lieu tenant S. A. Robinson, enroute from Belmont Park to Bellefonte, became lost in the fog near Xlacungie at 11.15 n. m. to-day, crashed into a tree, and in a fall of twenty feet, was completely- wrecked. Lieutenant Robinson who escaped with minor bruises, left by train for Belmont .Park. %X\t otar-Independent. ITALIAN PARK IS ENDORSED BY THE CITY PLANNERS Action Permits Council and School Board to Go Ahead With Their Plans ' Acting on suggestions of City douncil the City Planning Commis-, sion to-day approved plans for the changes and widening of streets in the Riverside district to enable the School Hoard to go ahead with its big school improvements on the Hoffman's Woods site and for the Harrisburg Academy to move along with enlargements under contempla tion. The owners of the property have agreed to the changes as outlined and the Planning Commission be lieves that all parties having ap proved the new plans Council will be able to place them on the city map without delay. It includes the recently announced plans to add Italian Park to the city system. Wide Highways The plan calls for a highway eighty feet wide the full length of Division street, for the reason that [Continued on Page 15.] Relieved From Swelling, President Wilson Spends Night of Good Rest By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 16. — President Wilson, relieved from the glandular swelling from which he suffered two days, had a good night's rest last night, said the bulletin issued by his physicians. The bulletin follows: "The White House, 11.55. Octo ber 16, 1919. The discomfort which the Presi-1 dent suffered for two days has been relieved to a very great extent. He had a good night. His-temperature pulse, respiration and kidney func tion continue normal." Medals For Harrisburg Soldiers at Hand Medals for all of the soldiers, sailors, marines, nurses and welfare workers of the Harrisburg district whose names are registered at the Harrisburg Cham ber of Commerce offices, have arrived, and those who did not receive their medals during the walcome home cele bration, can secure them by calling at the Chamber offices. Several hundred service men and women who did not turn out for the celebration, or who got to the Chamber offices too late for their medals, found that the initial sup ply had been exhausted before they were supplied. The Chamber desires every Harrisburg service man and woman to have a medal, and Invites those who missed out on the first lot, to call at the offices as soon as possible. SUGAR FAMINE IS A BLESSING IN DISGUISE Dr. Raunick Declares Short age of Sweets Has Its Compensations BOON TO TIRED STOMACH Toothache, Tuberculosis and Diphtheria Arc Compan ions of Sugar Glutton Reduced consumption of sugar by Harrisburg people, made necessary by the food shortage which now grips the city, will work great bene fit on the city health, according to I Dr. John M. J. Raunick, city health officer. The benefit from sugarless days really will have its compensa tion for its annoyances. "There is no quesUon but that peo ple of Harrisburg and other cities are consuming much more sugar than they need, and are consuming it in such quantities that it reacts on their health," Dr. Raunick says. Bi-octlen of Indigestion The consumption of raw sugar and large quantities of sweetening in our daily diet, interferes to a large extent with the stomach in an effi cient performance of its duties and breeds a great amount of indiges tion, Dr. Raunick believes. He called attention to the testi mony of dentists and physicians, who are practically unanimous in the assertion that American people would be far more healthy if they consumed less sweets. He men tion that it is a well-known fact that most teeth trouble is the re sult of too much sugar taken by the individual. Prone to Diseases Tuberculosis and diphtheria, too, are favored by the excessive con sumption of sugar, Dr. Raunick said. The teeth trouble, often resulting therefrom, favor the breeding of germs of these diseases, j "These are btyt a few of the many difficulties caused by the over con sumption of sugar," Dr. Raunick ! added. I Continue Probe of Radical Bomb Plot in Hotbed of Anarchy Gary, Tnd., Oct. 16. lnvestig ation of radical bomb and anti-Govern ment plots and surveillance of suspected Reds continued to-day ■in Gary, where Army intelligence officers and Federal operatives already have uncovered a number of alleged plots'and arrested a score or more agitators. Seven men taken in a series of raids Tuesday night are held on deportation warrants, it was stated to-day and three ot|iers remain in custody. An official reprtrt by Colonel W. S. Mapes, commanding the Federal troops | sent here when the situation growtng out of the steel strike got beyond tne power of state authorities, presenting what was said to be documentary evi ' dence of the connection of radical lead ers with the steel strike in Gary and elsewhere, to-day was in the hands of I Major General Leonard Wood, com mander of the Central Army Depart ment. General Wood declared Gary "Is a hot bed of anarchy." r The evidence submitted in the report is said to contain proof of the alleged ! radical plot to capture the civil gov j ernment of Gary and other steel cities in the strike area. Anton Gorsko, detained and ques tioned by the military authorities In connection with the bomb plot of last June, denied complicity in the con spiracy and also disclaimed informa tion that Alexander Ivanhoff, whom the authorities are searching, had taken part in It. Will End Strike Probe After Examination of Witnesses on Radicals By Associated Press Washington, Oct. 16.—Investiga tion of the steel strike by the Sen ate Labor Committee will be closed next week with the examination of witnesses on the activities of radi cals in the strike. In making this announcement to day Chairman Kenyon said the de- I cision to close the inquiry next week was reached because of the com mittee's desire to report to the Sen ate and expedite consideration of ' legislation for the Americanization of foreign born residents of the United States. This legislation will , be considered by the committee next Wednesday. Final witnesses in the steel strike will be heard Monday and Tuesday Chairman Kenyon said and the com mittee then will draft its report. ! Several senators had desired to visit , other strike districts, but it was de cided that the information obtained ' at Pittsburgh and in Washington is sufficient. Leaps to Death After Shooting Colored Editor By Associated Press New York, Oct. 16. George W. Tyler, who, according to the police, shot Marcus Garvey, colored editor of the Negro World at the latter's office on Tuesday afternoon leaped to his death from the third cell tier in Harlem prison to-day. Garvey, who was shot three times, is in a critical condition. The shoot ing, according to the police, was the result of a business quarrel. TRACTION MEN HONORED Harrisburg Railways Company of ficials announced to-day that each of the thirty-three stars on the ser vice flag of that corporation will be covered by S2O, contributions to the memorial fund, PONCE DE LEON LIVED TOO SOON Jr SKk |l| M ||;i ||.4|&,*~ :> Bu3Hu£ißHr mtttmußßmSl DR. SERGE VORONOFF In a report to the Paris Surgical i Society. Dr. Serge Yoronoff declared experiments had proved that by grafting interstitial glands of a monkey on human beings the old can be made young. He tried it not' only on animals, but on a man of sixty-six, the physician says, and the aged man now has the mer.'tal and physical vigor of a man of thirty five or forty. KING ALBERT MAY SPEND DAY IN HARRISBURG Royal Family Desires to Visit Capitol, City Learns Today King Albert of Belgium, and his Queen, may spend a day in Har risbnrg before they leave for home. The King and Queen with the Crown J'rirjce, have been touring the United States and now are on their way back east from the Pacific Coast and are understood to have expressed a desire to visit the Capital of Penn sylvania. Advices received from Washington to-day indicate that the State De partment whose guests the royal family is during its stay in America has given much consideration to the plan. v Plan For Welcome Arrangements to give King Albert a welcome fitting to the remark able ruler that he showed himself to be during the war, already have been gotten under way by prominent men of the city. With the first inkling that Marrisburg might be honored with the proposed visit, the Chamber of Commerce and the Ro tary Club sent telegrams to Secre tary Lansing asking him to use his good otfices. Tlic Imitations The Commerce Chamber's tele gram signed by President E. J. Stackpole follows: Reported here that there is likelihood of King and Queen of Belgium, being able to spend a day in Harrisburg. The Harris burg Chamber of Commerce will do everything in its power to make their stay pleasant and in teresting and urges you to use your good offices in procuring for Harrisburg the privilege of entertaining these distinguished visitors. Rotary Club Acts The Rotarians' telegram signed by President G. M. Steinmetz follows: Have just learned there is a possibility of King and, Queen of Belgium visiting Harrisburg for day or part of day. The Har risburg Rotary Club pledges it self to see to it that the whole city joins in welcoming them if it is possible for them to come. Eleven-Year-Old Boy Is ... Found Guilty of Homicide By Associated Press Dock Haven, Pa., Oct. 16. —Alfred Cozzi, aged 11, of Renovo, was found guilty of homicide in juvenile court here this morning and was sen tenoed by Judge R. B. McCormick to undergo imprisonment in Glen Mills reformatory for a term of six teen years. Cozzi caused the death of Lewis Mac Gill, aged 12 years, also of Renovo, when he hit him with a stone at Fhrwell on July 19 last, during a quarrel. Young Cozzi denied on the stand that he was in Farwell on July 19, claiming that he was home during the day and members of his family gave sim ilar testimony. D'Annunzio Appeals to Clemenceau For Aid By Associated Press Paris, Oct. 16. —■ (Havas) Cap tain Gabriele D'Annunzio, whose forqes are now holding the city of Flume, has sent a message -to Premier Clemenceau asking that the latter take the initiative in securing a declaration from the Allied Gov ernments making Fiume a free port. Captain D'Annunzio says he has drafted a manifesto inviting Serb'ans and Italians to recognize mutual national rights. The manifesto, which will be delivered by airplanes, will call upon the two nations to "rtfciintnin the bonds of brotherhood , which have been sealed by blood." BATHING BEACH TO ACCOMMODATE 5,000 PLANNED FOR CITY Park Expert Enthusiastic Over River and Ease With Which It May Be Made Splendid Summer Resort REGULAR SEASIDE BATHHOUSE TO COST LESS THAN s4ofioC \\ arren H. Manning, of Boston, the park expert who laid out the Harrisburg park system, visited the city to-day for the pur pose of going over possibilities for bathing beaches and bath houses for Harrisburg and is completely carried away with the possibilities here. "Harrisburg has a wonderful opportunity to serve its people through bathing beaches," he said. "1 have had much experi ence with this kind of development and the plans I have in mind will give this city bathing beach capacity for 5,000 a day and not exceed the initial expenditure of $40,000 contemplated by the loan which will come before the people in November." Possibilities Unlimited Mr. Manning in company with Commissioner E. Z. Gross and Assist ant Superintendent V. Grant Forrer, visited Island Park, where it is pro posed to place the beaches, and was much impressed with the. possibili ties. The lower point of the island he favors as the logical place for the first beach and set of bathhouses and the second probably will be lo cated between the Market and Wal nut street bridges. Mr. .Manning suggests that since the park nursery on the island has outlived its usefulness, tlic depart ment now having thousands of plant ings elsewhere, this piece of the is land between the bridges he trans formed into a park leading to the bathing l>eaclies ami that space be left for automobile parking purposes. He would have an underground way made beneath the Market street roadway for bathers and others and 'would transform tile whole tract be JL § f 4 f 4 - 4* X i • i 1 i X 4 *■ 4 ej* 4 f *f T . 14) ♦ . . v ;• X t 4 I* 4 X 1 •4a H - i I | x -* 4 ■4* 4 4 X •'' i * L X - - * ... * - 4* ■' ' ' - 4 * i X 4 X J L 4 + * I | $ . . • <■s i. X * ' 4* '*" X. w i the ■. * - <4 * " X *' <4# i* r I X * X *' • * * i e ! J * > 'f" * # ;l >: X \ X - , *- f . MARRIAGE LICENSES t TIIOIIIIIN W. I'lrlffer, Knhaut. anil lonise H. Schmidt. Steeltont * ► Harvey K. Deal and Mary C. Schnnri, Harrixhurg) Adam Arnold ail. . Margaret Fisher, Harrlaburg. * ' 1 f twoen the bridges into an Ideal pic nic and outing grove. Plans in Detail Continuing his explanation of the provisions which can be made to ac commodate bathers, Mr. Manning said: "At tfce lower point of the is land bathhouses of concrete could be constructed, in archway forri and in sections of about 100 feet in< length with showers at each end-i This would give the effect from tha., shoreline of continuous arches. On the top of the bathhouses which would be of concrete there would be plenty of room for persons to prom enade an,d watch the bathers. Some of the archways beneath would have doors cut through them while othert would only have ventilators at the top. Men and boys and women an( girls can easily be separated, ant showers can be provided for each group. "hater additional units can easily be constructed on the same plar. whenever they will bo needed." [Continued oil Page 15.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers