4 HOSPITAL GIFTS WORTHY CHARITY Polyclinic Hospital Auxiliary Asks For Articles of All Sorts For Rummage Sale The Ladles' Auxiliary of the Poly . clinic Hospital, North Front street, asks for discarded articles from the household for their Rummage Sale, to be held October 23-26. Nothing is too old or too valueless to be sent. Clothing, hats, dishes, shoes, pic tures, bric-a-brac, toys—anything one has tired of—as well as jellies and groceries for the hospital work, are all asked for. Hospitals are filled to overflowing these days by children ami adults who have fallen prey to malnutri tion, and the Institutions are handi capped In their service because of lack of adequate funds. The La dies' Auxiliary has a Rummage Sale once a year to augment their treas ury, and everyone is urged to make some sort of contribution toward it. Phono to the general chairman., Mrs. G. F. Koster. 232 Woodbine street (Bell phone 3604-J). or to the chairman of the drayage committee, Mrs. J. L. Essig. 117 Verbeke street (Bell phone 2150-J), and drays will call for donations. 4 I Trees and Flowers!: '[for the hardy garden, can be][ .'planted now as safely as in the|[* |!spring— Plant now and gain aj| J [year in growth. '[ || Feed Your Lawn jj ;|now with Alphano Hums, the!' ! [great soil builder —Apply one]! < 'pound to each square foot —$1.60]! ilper 100 lb. bag—s2o per ton. <[ || The Berryhill |j Nursery Co. || jßell 3799J—Ix>cust St. at Second!! ■ m -Every Day Have us serve you daily with our Milk and Cream —you can always depend upon the quality—it never > varies. DRINK A*® MILK^CREAM BOTH PHONES PENBROOK.PA. Safe Deposit Boxes We wish to announce to our friends and the gen eral public that we can now supply Boxes in our enlarged vault suitable for the needs of the average person. At $1.50 PER ANNUM Larger Boxes at $3.00 Per Annum ALLISON HILL TRUST COMPANY ■ GOLDEN ROAST BLEND COFFEE A Blend of Unusual Flavor. Golden Roast Blend Coffee has been steadily winning friends. Each week sees more tables serving Golden Roast to the exclusion of other coffees. It's the flavor which tells. Golden Roast is blended from the finest coffees grown to please people who like coffee. And it's doing it. As soon as you experience the wonderful flavor and delicious aroma of Golden Roast you, too, will use it ex clusively. Your grocer has Golden Roast. Have him send you a pound. R. H. LYON Coffee Purveyor to the Penn-Harris HARRISBURG, PA. SATURDAY EVENING, INTRRESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL UNVEIL TABLET AT CAMP HILL The Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell Makes Memorial Address at Services Last Night Several hundred persons attended the unveiling of the Camp Hill memorial tablet of bronze last eve ning in the schoolhouse grounds, When the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell. pastor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, Harrisburg, made the memorial address. Dr. Bagnell paid high tribute to the sons and daugh ters of the borough who went out In the great "World War, two of whom, Charles Leßue Phillips and William J. Putt, never came back. Major R. M. Staley responded to the address in behalf of the military service. S. R. Coover, a Civil War veteran, un veiled the beautiful tablet after a few words of welcome by Guert W. Ensign. A band concert and dance fol lowed the exercises. The latter was held in the school auditorium with the Updegrove Orchestra furnishing the music. Refreshments were serv ed by a committee from the Civic Club comprising Mrs. Howard W. Goodman, president; Mrs. Carl Dean, Mrs. George D. Cook, Mrs. W. Fred Kendall, Mrs. J. C. Zook,, and Mrs. J. C. Armstrong. Mrs. George Kehr was chairman of a Civic Club committe which ex tended considerable effort towards making the event the success that it was. Camp Hill Music Club Meets on Tuesday Afternoon The first regular meeting of the Camp Hill Music Club will be held Tuesday, October 4, at the Firemen's Hall with Mrs. Guert W. Ensign pre siding. The business meeting will begin at 2.30 o'clock and a musical program will be given at 3 o'clock, with the following people partici pating: Miss Ruth Steinhauer, Mrs. William S. Meek, Mrs. Everhardt Mueller and Mrs. Warren Byrem Keim. Mrs. Maurice E Fernsler, of North Third street, is home after visiting a school friend at LititZ for several days. Miss Charlotte Pratt, of 60S Church street, is spending the week end among friends in Philadelphia and Camden, N. J. MEMORIAL. PARK ADDITION The Suburb Unparalleled.—Adv. We Do Just One Thing And do it right. We devote our entire time to scientific eye examinations and guarantee you high-grade glosses at a reasonable price. Cheap, bar gain sale lenses ruin many eyes. Buy good glasses. CKX I sohOtinkcnbach &Kous Optometrists A*> OmciAWj N0. 22 N. *th. St. HAfiIUIBVnO, PA* Where glasses are made right THOMAS-STAMM BRIDAL TODAY Wedding Solemnized at Noon, at Home of Bride, the Rev. Dr. Bagnell Officiating A war romance, beginning in France, culminated at noon to-day, In the marriage of Miss Julia Mont gomery Stamm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Carson Stamm to George Comyns Thomas, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Thomas, of Elizabeth, N. J. The ceremony took place at the home of the bride. Thirteenth and Reese streets, the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell, pas tor of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church officiating. The marriage service was read in the living room before a panel of greens. The walls were completely covered with festoons of greenery, relieved at intervals with masses of white chrysanthemums, contrasting effectively with the darkness of the highly polished teakwood floor. A profusion of pale pink and yellow dahlias filled the hall and the land ing of the stairs was banked with chrysanthemums and window bas kets holding yellow and pink autumn flowers. A riot bf flowers in the pastel shades of blue and pink was displayed in the Louis XVI drawing room while In the dining room wonderful Parisian baskets 'of Columbia roses, tied with silver ribbon, formed a pleas ing contrast to the blue tapestry of the walls. The decorations were by Uttley. The Sourbeer string orchestra played the Lohengrin "Bridal Chorus" as a precessional and "O, Promise Me" during the ceremony, witnessed by the immediate fami lies and the house-guests only. It also gave a concert of operatic selections during the reception that followed. In Tlie Wedding Party. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a Harris gown of white satin, with narrow, draped skirt, and a round neck finished in a bertha of rose point lace. Pearl garnitures and touches of rosepoint caught with orange blossoms, added to the cos tumes completed by an exquisite veil of Belgian rosepoint lace arranged in Dutch cap fashion and held with orange blossoms. Her only orna ment was a diamond and platinum brooch, the gift of the bridegroom. She carried an artistic bouquet of valley lilies, white lilacs, and bride roses, with crystal fruit. Miss Kntherine Stamm and Miss Maude Stamm were their sister's only attendants. The former wore a gown of draped orchid chiffon with a broad ribbon sash of the same shade and the latter wore a similar gown of peach chiffon. They carried sheaves of autumn flowers in shades of lavender, buff, and salmon pink, with sprays of wheat Intermingling with the ager atum and Madame Polncaire roses. Harold Rowe. of Brooklyn, was the best man. The flower girl, little Miss Mir- i iam Thomas Grundy, of Elizabeth, a niece of the bridegroom wore a dainty lace frock, falling full from the shoulder, trimmed with pale pink ribbons. She carried a basket of vari-colored autumn flowers. Mrs. Stamm's gown was of black Brussels lace over champagne satin and her corsage bouquef was of purple orchids. Mrs. Thomas chose a gown of accordeon plaited brown Georgette crepe and her bouquet was also of orchids. Mot While Overseas. The bride, who recently returned fr'm overseas where she was locat ed at Cannes in canteen work, is a graduate of the Ely Court School, Greenwich, Conn., class of 1912. She later attended the Thompson- Baldaseronni School in Paris, Rome and other parts of Europe, spend ing almost two years abroad, prior to her service during the war. The bridegroom, a Princeton alumnus, class of 1911, served over seas 88 a captain with the Three Hundred and Fifteenth Field Artil lery. He is a tennis player of con siderable merit having participated in the National Tournaments, and it was while playing in the A. E. F. tournament at Cannes that he met his bride at the home of Henry P. Davidson, of New York, head of the American Red Cross in France. After the reception, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas left on a motor trip through the East. They will be gone three weeks after which they will be "at home" at 860 N. Broad street, Elizabeth, N. J., where Mr. Thomas is vice-president and man ager of the Thomas Electrical Manu facturing Company. Out-of-Town Guests. Among the out-of-town guests who were present for the event are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, of Phila delphia, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Thomas, of Elizabeth, Mr. and Mrs. William C. Freeman, of Lebanon, and their house-guests, Mr. and Mrs. VanVechten, of Elizabeth, Mrs. Donald Mac Murray and Mrs. Ed ward J. Winters, of Chicago, Mrs. Harvey Pond, of Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Grundy and little daughter Miriam, of Elizabeth, Miss Katherine VanDuser, of Elmlra, Miss Noeline Westervelfc- and Mtss Marian Westervelt, of Englewood, N. J., Miss Marian Rice and Miss Katherine Corson, Earl Rice, and Blllie Brooks, all of Scranton, Nor man Charlock and Frederick Wil liamson, Jr., of Elizabeth, Lee Bar roll and Albert Walter, of Balti more, James Roberts, of Alexandria, Va., Frederick Seggerman, of New York City, and Ledlie Laughlln, of Pittsburgh. POSTPONE SALE Oak Troop No. 4, Girl Scouts of Stevens Memoilal Methodist Epis copal Church, have indefinitely post poned the bake sale to have been given to-day by members of the First and Second Patrols, due to the sugar shortage. A postponed date will be announced later. tAn announcement under this heading must be accompanied by name to assure accuracy.l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shlsler, of Williamson School. Pa., formerly of Harrisburg, announce the birth of a daughter, Virginia Rexroth Shia ler, Monday, October 6, 1919. Prior to her marriage. Mrs. Shlsler was Miss Margaret Manning. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hartzell, 2230 Logan street, announce the birth of a daughter, Helen May Hartzell, Sat urday, October 4, 1919. Mrs. Hart zell was formerly Mi6s Esther Irene Kubna, of this city. Hxmusßtracr TEnrorotFS OLD-TIME RIDE BY H.H.S. ALUMNI Big Hallowe'en Event Is Ar ranged by the Committee With Surprises An old-fashioned Hallowe'en straw ride will be held by the members of the Harrisburg High School Alumni Association qn Thursday evening. October 30. This was announced by the chairman of the entertainment committee following a meeting held last night. Several large auto trucks will be secured and will be made comforta ble by the use of more straw than was ever used on a local strawride. All members of the association are invited to attend. old and young alike, and the entertainment com mittee will endeavor to_ provide "friends for the friendless." Invitations to those who hold mem bership cards in the Alumni Associ ation will be issued early next week by the secretary. Miss Martina Mul len. Reply cards will be attached to be returned to the chairman. "Eats" to be provided by the com mittee. will include marshmallows to be roasted in a big early next week ious spot in the country and a sur prise which will not be divulged un til the night of the ride. Chaperons will bo provided for each of the The time and place of meeting will be announced in the newspapers of Monday. October 27. The time will be early in the evening and the place will be a central location. The list of those who will attend the Hallowe en party will close on Thursday, Octo ber 23. A nominal fee will be assessed, which must be in the hands of the committee by that time. Any person desiring to participate is re quested to advise the chairman of the committee as soon as is possible. Simh acceptances are to be mailed to W. Lowrie Kay, Box 652, Harrisburg. An important feature of the "big time" will be that any member of the Association may invite a friend who may or may not be a member of the association. It is expected that the number attending will be so large that the truck must.leave the place ot meeting at Intervals. Last night's entertainment commit tee meeting was held at the home of Harold E. Eckert. secretary of the Association. 125 Sylvan Terrace. The personnel includes: W. Lowrie Kay, chairman; Miss Martina Mullen, sec retary; Miss Edith Tatnall, Mas Ruth Fickes. Thomas D. Caldwell. CharleS C. Stroh. Karl Peters. Carl B. Stoner and Dr. J. Loy Arnold. Other activities planned by the com mittee are a Thanksgiving dance, a debate early in November and a first annual banquet at a date not yet de cided on. It is stated by the sec retary of the Association that ap plications for membership are being received daily. Bolshevism Discussed by Harrisburg Study Club The Harrlsburg Study Club held its second fall meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Fred Rowe, North Seven teenth street, "Bolshevism and So cialism at Home and Abroad," was the subject of the discussion. In teresting and startling facts concern ing the attempted application of thes theories of social and political organizations were presented by Mrs. Walter Johnston, who was in charge of the program. The club voted unanimously to request Mrs. Johnston to permit her article to be kept permanently in the files of the society. Rollcall responses were given by current events and news items were presented which had es caped general attention. The usual social half hour closed the meet ing during which Mrs. Rowe serv ed dainty refreshments. Sunshine Society to Hold Annual Election Monday The Roberta Disbrow Lloyd Sun shine Society will hold its first fall pieeting Monday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock in the John T. Boyd Hall at the Y. W. C. A. All members are urged to be present, as the annual election of officers will take place) and a discussion of plans for the play to be given December 6 and 6 will be held. Mrs. Frederick E. Downes, president, will preside. The work of the society has flour ished during the summer months, outings being arranged for the crip pled children and their mothers, a treat being given at the almshouse and various work of the kind car ried on. FOR PITTSBURGH VISITORS Miss Edith A. Fields entertained a few friends during the week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Irwin, of Pittsburgh. Cards, music and refreshments were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. James Fitzhugh, Miss Mabel Murray, Miss Kathryn Gpreijgs, of Mechanicsburg; Charles Johnson, Patrick Taylor, Miss Ada- # lene Fields. START FOR LONG DRIVE Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Wilson, of Market street, started to-day for an extended trip by automobile, ex pecting to remain away for ten days. They will go to Delaware Water Gap, points in New York State and return byway of the Berkshires and New England towns. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Carmlchael, of Trenton, N. J., are in the city for a week, stopping at the home of their sister, Mrs. Robert Foster of Green street Mrs. Russel R. Fleam and grand daughter are visiting Mrs. Sarah Rudisil In Marietta. Mr. and Mrs. David Atterbury went home to New York this morn ing after a short stay among rela tives In this vicinity. Miss Pearl Andrews and her small sister, Kathleen Andrews, of Grand Rapids, Mich., are spending the weekend among old frlelds In this city and Mlddletown. Miss Grace Rogers, of Chicago, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. Paul I. Houser, of Market street. Mrs. Casper Dunnmyer and small daughters, the Misses Letha and Nora Dunnmyer, of Indianapolis, Ind., are in the city to remain for a month with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Feagley of Green street. John D. Ross, a businessman of Denver, Col., Is the guest of his sis ter, Mrs. John B. Patrick, 817 North Second street. Mrs. Douglas E. Dismukes Is vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur F. Harris, 107 Locust street. Caprtaln Dis mukes will Join her to-morrow. (Other Social Neva on Page 0) GYM CLASSES TO OPEN MONDAY Physical Department at Y. W. C. A. to Begin Work Next Week The gymnasium classes at the T. W. C. A. will begin the fall term on Monday, October 13, under the direc tion of Miss Marjorle E. Bolles. Classes are arranged for all ages above seven years. The schedule is as follows: Business girls, advanced, Tuesday 7.15, Thursday, 7.15; business girls, intermediate, Tuesday, 8.00, Thurs day, 7.50; business girls, beginners, Monday, 7.15, Thursday, 8.30; club girls, Friday, 6.45; High School, ad vanced, Tuesday, 5.15, Friday, 5.15; High School, beginners. Monday, 5.25, Wednesday, 5.15; Juniors, ad vanced, Monday, 4.50, Thursday,' 5.00; Juniors, beginners, Monday, 4.15. Thursday, 4.15; Saturday Jun iors, Saturday, 9.15; morning class, Tuesday, 10.30. All persons Interested in the gym nasium work are requested to Join the beginning of next week. On Saturday afternoon, October 18th, a tea will be given to all mem bers of the gymnasium department. The Williams-Hutson Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hutson, of 328 Edison avenue, Detroit, Michi gan, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Helen Hutson to Sidney D. Williams of this city. No date Is set for the wedding. Mr. Williams who lived for a time with relatives in Philadelphia, came to this city last winter after his dls charge from the service. He was formerly a naval aviator in Miami, Florida. His home is now at 206 State street and he is an attache of the open hearth department of the Central Iron and Steel Company. j HATS TRIMMED A QTTR HATS TRIMMED I |j FREEOFCHARGE * I\l\/11 la FREEOFCHARGE | jj 308 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. g 11500 New Velvet Hats *O%. 0 j lj Go On Sale This Monday at Soe Prices | 1 The most remarkable values you have ever seen in times like the f|j |t| present where desirable shapes are hard to get, and regular prices , |: are higher than ever. We certainly will not be able to offer values 1 ' | like these later in season. '" - | IN THESE 1,500 HATS ARE INCLUDED THE FOLLOWING: jj ili Children's Tailored Felt __ " ". J!j Hats Black and Colored Silk Velvet Hats 111 A complete line of oi the best worth 5.00 to $8.50 Hatters' Plush Turbans colors and shapes, with wide on,.- _ . „ 111 l " irrosgrain ribbon n,i Large Sailor Shapes —side rolls, mushroom brims Zybeline _ . _ _ Si SEJSre band and long plufih Turbans—Shirred Velvet Turbans, I/yons Velvet /ft/> /*/ Trioornes £ O /J/J [Hi | Monday C? A A Hats, in medium shapes—Silk Velvet Tarns—and ? f)h wd J t QQ .% "J #t - %J oM M many other new and desirable shapes, at w v Monday at .... Large Hatters' Plush IIS Black Silk Velvet Hats Blac k Lyons Velvet Hats Hats v With colored Velvet Facing; also colored ft* n s\ Shirred or plain crown. Only about 20 in this sale. •! Panne and Silk Velvet Hats, elegant line of newest T nn value, 96.98. ft* / /t /% Actual values ft* / Q Q j|j large and medium shapes, at Monday j/T.OO $8.50. Monday tpO.C/O jj Those Handsome New Fancy Shirred Panne Black Lyons Velvet Hats 1 •• Velvet Hats worth sß.bo Regular value $8.50. Newest wide brim Sailor /ft ff £% I-arge, fancy Sailor Shapes, some with draped ft* ff /?,/? fill .. Shapes, all the best colors 05.66 05.66 l ! " 111 at vv • w crowns, at X • H ft Large Fancy Shirred Panne Velvet Hats ~T ~ " " ~TTT" Another Lot of Black and Colored Velvet Hats K Of best Panne Velvet—wide brims— 00 Good, new shapes. Monday, rt* J S\f\ 111 | ffO.ggl.. <PI.t/t/|| J Misses' Large Zybeline Tailored Hats Hatters' Plush Sailors Hatters Plush ||j Wide, floppy, stitched brim; regular value $8.50. ft* a £* f* Sailors " mo„,w. *5.66 $4 44 SB.BB I HI ■' vl * * 1 at vv/sw | j||j Misses' Tailored Silk Velvet Hats * Black Silk Velvet Sailors New Feather Turbans jjj X .... . Wide ribbon bands, value $3.98. Wing trimmings, all colors and 111 I x | Large Zybeline Plush Trimmed Burnt Goose Feather Tarns I Velour Felt Sport Hats 1 bailors Newest in Feather Turbans. All colors, „„. ... . . _ regular value $7.98. ft* F* O O All the fancy sweater ft* rt O O "! 1 sSHH 5 "-'.'" $5.66 $5.88 $3.88 | S Genuine Velour I Large Untrimmed Genuine I Children's Tailored Felt J,i | [II Hats Velour Hats Hats fl"n Actual value $12.00. /ft gy //V . AH the fancy sweater col- ft%/% / / Finest sport hat of the .An nil A ll color*, ribbon streamers. /) O ill * ... .An nr) season. Monday at Actual value $2.00 FSfSt* | llli ors; regular price $7.98 yF\J\F\F ■ Monday at ... I'' i | |||] Children's Velour Tailored Hats Children's Plush Tams Girls' Velvet Tams Black and colors. ft* / / / Full size, elastic ft* w gy Shirred crown, black ft* //* H 1 ! | 5-?*; *o4.44rrd 8:.. d 8:.. 0 . ndfty 01.66 | Girls' Tailored Velour Children's Beaver Girls' Beaver Color Plush jj Girls' Beaver Tams Hats Hats Tams Large size, wide roll brim, wide Full lite, ribbon trim- ||!| • • Full size, all colors and black, grosgraln ribbon and long stream- Mushroom roll brim, ribbon ~ 1 $4.66:z55.44 ~ $4.44 $2.66 § IsnCBXHIXBXBXBIXHiXBiKHXMXHXHIXBiXBMXHKHXHXaXHXHXMXmaXBWaiI Give Birthday Party For Her Little Daughter Mm E. H. Eh r hart, <7 North Seventeenth street, gave a party In oolebrajion of the seventh birth day anniversary of her daughter, Elizabeth. The decorations wore In keeping with the approaching Hallowe'en season, each guest re ceiving a small hob-goblin box of candy as a favor. A large cake bear ing seven lighted candles formed an attractive centerpiece for the table. The little honor guest received many beautiful gifts from these friends: Gladys Strlne, Marlon Wilson, Margaret Sanders, Katherlne Place, Vernlce Barker, Albert Kepner, Mary McCurdy. Anna Bowman, Janet Earhart, Ralph McCurdy, Jr. Mrs. Earhart was assisted In enter taining the children by Miss Laura Ort and Mrs. R. McCurdy. Concerts on the AMPICO I , J J (1 Featuring the 00 UOU J| Great Artists t • * I T n iff - I cleaning the house? JL XI6 JL JLcLjuCL ! Does it take too much of your time and FLL energy to keep your house clean? Do Mfe rk j you feel tired and "all in" after you've yM 1 cleaned a room or two? Do you often /Mm 1 . feel that things are not quite so clean as mSt I Entrance P. R. R. Station i y OU wou id like them to be? Then—you Brav I Where Metropolitan ideas Prevail ! need an Electric Vacuum Cleaner! You'll fflfclL I and Where Every Bite's find it an energy, time, and money-saver, a Relish an( j jt'll keep a smile on your face. The 1 jl I A quiet hour spent in j cos t Q { operation is but a fraction of a X/iL / our Dining Room 'mid the . , Ml / refined atmosphere of i C P er " our ' courteous waiters, musle j T} rill n/iin by the artists and the | JLJUUfj£llll I Electrical S nating will enjoy. j JOHN S . MCSSEH, Presldeat electric cleaner Menn of Special Dishes changed { 436 Market Street for Christmas Daily—Moderate Charges J OCTOBER 11, 1919. Goes to Pittsburgh to Join Her Husband Mrs. Charles W. Simmons, 429 South Seventeenth street, and daugh ter, Margaret, left at noon to-day for Pittsburgh, where Mrs. Simmons will Join her husband. Several weeks ago Mr. Simmons assumed charge of the coke oven operation, for the Jones & Laughlln Steel Company, said to be one of the modernly equipped plants of the east. / \ Dinner. Saturday Ere, Oct. 11 StoufFer's Restaurant, 4 X. Court St., S to TJW, 50< Rice Tomato Soap Chicken Crouuottes, Roast lamb Park Chop (plain). Roast Beef Mashed or Creamed Potatoes Egg-Plast, Stewed Tomatoes, Kntree lee Oreum, Pie or Pudding Coffee, Tea or Cocoa, RABBI HAAS TO SPEAK Rabbi Louis J. Haas, of the Ohev Hholom Temple, will be the speakw at the Feast of the Tabernacles Celebration to be given to-morrow evening by the Young Men's Hebrew Association of Wilkes-Barre. The subject of his address will be "The Spirit of Judaism as Interpreted by Our Holy Days and Holidays." * " Annoucement FRED H. MENGER Proprietor of the TRINDLEINN begs to announce* that the Inn Is closed for the season. Will re-open early tn the Spring.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers