14 A Classlflcdl Advertisement Will Sell Property—llf the Property Is Saleable iDeatba COLEMAN—Sarah A. Coleman, aged 79 years, 34 N. Second Street, died Saturday morning after a brief ill ness. Funeral services will be held Tues day afternoon at 2 p. m. from the home of her son, Joseph Coleman, 1058 South Cameron street. Rela tives and friends are Invited to at tend without further notice. Inter ment Paxtang cemetery. Columbia papers please copy. MORGAN—October 9. 1919, Margaret E. Morgan, wife of James L. Mor gan, aged 47 years. Relatives and friends are invited to attend funeral services Monday aft ernoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence, 1833 Regina st. Interment Paxtang cemetery. GRIFFIN—On October 10. 1919, Pat lick J. Griffin at the home of his daughter. Miss Mary Griffin, ob 4 Camp St.. aged 87 years. Funeral from St. Mary's Catholic church. Danville. Pa., on Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Remains can be viewed Sunday evening at C. H. Mauk's funeral parlo* Sixth and Kelker Sts., from 7 to 9 p. m. STEPHENS—CIara Dunbar Steph ens. October 11. 1919. at 1 a. m.. wife of J. C. F. Stephens, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. William E. Strawinski, 1926 Bellevue Road. Harrisburg. _ . „ Rurie.l at Newport, Vs.. Monday. October 13. 1919. at 2 p. m. IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of_ our dear son and brother, Charles YY . Reevie, who died October 11, 1918, at Camp Dee. Va. . , Gone in the best of his days Blighted in manhood's bloom; Gone from the hearts that loved him. To tfleep in the silent tomb. From a world of care and sorrow, to a land of peace and rest; God has taken you from us, dear Charles, where you have found eternal rest. Parents. Brother and Sisters. In tender affectionate memory of my dear son, Benjamin Hoyer Boggs. who died in the service of his country one year ago to-day. MOTHER AND SISTER. In sad but loving remembrance of of Helen Miller Ludlum, who depart ed this life, October 11. 19IS. Bv her husband. EDWARD LUDLLM. Parents. Brother and Sister. In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Private Amos C. Ree se el Co. K, 12Sth Inf.. died for his rcuntry in France. October 9, 1918. So sadly missed We never knew the pain he bore. Wo did not see him die. Wo onlv knew he passed away. And never said good-by. Mother. Sister and Brothers. LOST AND FOUND LOST—On Oberlin car on Thurs day evening lady's black and white skirt. Kinder piease return Mrs. E. Miller, 42 River Ave., Steelton. Pa. LOST Fur neckpiece, black wolf ! calf. or. Third street between IN si nut and South on Friday evening. Re ward if returned to 2053 Penn x.t. LOST—GoId breast pin on Tuesday evening on Heir between Front and Second streets. Reward. Call Bell 4432-J- LOST —A leather loose leaf book. Finder please return to Hammond ec Dailey. Franklin Bldg. _ LOST —On South Cameron Street, black wolf neckpiece. Address George R. Fuller. 216 South Main Street, Muncey, Pa. LOST—Between Allison Hill freight etatiot, and Keystone Tractor and implement Co.. two large envelopes containing railroad ticket between York and Harrisburg, bearing the name ol W. F. iGrove. Also check for slsl. Finder please return to Keystone Tractor and Implement Co., 50 soutn Cameron Street and receive rewaid. LOST—Black French female bull dog. white breast and fore legs, white stripe on face and head, answers to I'ame of "Betty." Please return to ad dress on collar or 1190 Bailey St. and receive reward. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in GregS Shorthand, Typewriting. English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125 Dial 4CI. BECK LEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 123 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. OVERSEAS soldier with some knowledge of French language, de sires instruction by French person. Address Box D-8110 care Telegraph. CASSIO POMAR B. A. universida De Fam Narcos, will open a class at night for beginners and Spanish. Ad dress Harrisburg Academy. HELP WANTED—MALE Young man wanted to assist in parts stock room of a local manufacturing company, pre vious experience unnecessary. We are willing to teach the work to some one who earn estly desires to make a per manent connection, with pos sibilities. Apply in your own handwriting, giving us the things you think we ought to know about you. to judge your qualifications from your application. Address Box P-5315 care Telegraph. MEN —Age 17 to 55. Experience un necessary. Travel, make secret in vestigations, reports. Salaries; ex- American Foreign Detective Agency. 429, St. Louis. (Continued in Next Colum.i) / A If You Want to Invest Money With Good Returns— Here is a very good proposi tion 3-story Apartment House Centrally Located , First 1100r —5 rooms and bath; harrdwood floors; rents for $45 per mo. Second floor —5 rooms and bath; hardwood floors; rents for $35 per mo. Third floor—3 rooms end bath; rents for $25 per ino. Gas and electric light; steam heat. Garage rents for t5 per mo. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Members llbg. Heal Estate Board . .r SATURDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE , W A NTED i A "Live Wire" to Take Exclu ! sive Agency in towns ot' from j 10,000 to 25,000 population, ; throughout the State of Penn : sylvania. ONE OF THE BIGGEST MONEY - MAKING PROPOSITIONS IN AMER ICA. EVERY HOME AND BUSINESS PLACE MUST HAVE IT. LETTERS - FROM MANY' OP THE LEADING t BUSINESS HOUSES IN THE UNITED - STATES ENDORSE THIS PROPOSI TION. ONLY A SMALL CAPITAL > REQUIRED. REFERENCES EX - CHANGED. FOR FULL INFORMA ? TION YVRITE TO -i FEUMORT MFG. CO. i\ Dept. P. 160 Fifth Avenue NEW YORK ,j ,i • | i i 1; ' • 4 i s I FOR i . | A large number of inexperi enced men, ages 18 to 45. Must be in good physical con- > - ! dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work > assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. I i I THE GOODYEAR TIKE AND RUBBER COMPANY, r j AKRON. OHIO. ; I t • " i . i ; WANTED Demonstrators with automobile • and horse and buggies or light wagon to deliver merchandise throughout farm district adjacent to Harrisburg, Mechanicsburg. Hum melstown, Hershey and Palmyra, Duncnnnon, Halifax and Fort Hunter. No selling or collecting. Good men are earning from sls to $25 per da v. For . further Information, write THE WALTER DAMPIER CO., 205 Arcade Building, Harrisburg. ACCOUNTANTS and BOOKKEEPERS Because of the tremendous short age of technically trained executives and accountants, men who have some accounting ability will welcome the information that a prominent organ ization of certified public account ants has made available a scientifical |ly simple and intensely interesting home study training qualifying ac cepted applicants through special coaching high grade positions. (Ac cepted candidates guaranteed satis faction). If you earn less than $2,500 ' address in confidence, John B. Tanner, . £' A " President, Suite 19-F, 2626 t S. Michigan Ave., Chicago. ! BUSINESS TRAINING ' Higher salaries and added earning ; power representing 25 to 600 per ; cent, increase have been reported bv _ thousands of La Sallee members. A<- - countancy. business administration, 'I business letter-writing, law. banking. traffic. Complete information on re ' quest or telephone 4940R for office 1 appointment. La Salle Extension Uni ; versity 26 N. 18th St. Open evenings ' until S. ' WANTED—One first steam fitter and two steam fitter's helpers. Apply to Herre Bros., 417 Vaughn St. WANTED—Men and boys for ma , chine work, also several men for ' janitor work. Apply Elliott-Fisher • Factory Employment Bureau. WANTED—High school and college • graduates gifted in language who de sire permanent work on literary staff. Trained under experts. Must be • high grade, under 25 years of age. | L-7981 care Telegraph. WANTED—Two neat appearing, ag • gressive young men, over 22, desiring to learn salesmanship. We give you • special attention and pay while learn t ing. Salesmanager, 410 Patriot Bldg. WANTED—Salesmen. Money on the side comes in handy nowadays. Why i not inciease your income to meet the high cost, of living? Experience and capital not necessary. Y'ou don t have • to leave your present work. Sell our new Victory Accident and Sickness policy. Eastern Casualty Insurance Co.. Box 870, Harrisburg, Pa. YVANTED—Two experienced news paper or magazine canvassers. Guar anteed weekly salary and permanent position for producers. 410 Patriot Building. FIELD manager, experienced in handling crew of salesmen, $lB week ly salary, plus bonus, commission and expenses. We want a man desiring a permanent connection only. 410 Pa triot Eidg. NEAT appearing, experienced crew! manager for local office of national oi ganizction. Permanent position to producer. Salary $lB per week to start, plus, expenses, commission and bonus. 410 Patriot Bldg. LABORERS wanted; steady work; indoors and outdoors near Harris burg. Apply Gannett. Seelye & Flem ing, 204 Locust St. SHIRT factory foreman, must be capable of adjusting all kinds of sewing machines, and intelligent in handling female help. Permaent posi - tioh and excellent opportunity for - hard working ambitious man. Address - L-8020 care Telegraph. c t WANTED —Expansion of our local ! sales organization makes opening for • I t-.vo neat appearing, experienced house I to house men. Guaranteed salary and ' permanent position to producer. Call 1410 Patriot Bldg. I I THOUSANDS Census clerks wanted, ' sll4O-$1260 year. Harrisburg exam inations Nov. 15. Write for list posi tions. Franklin Institute Dept., 412T, ! Rochester, N. Y. i WANTED —Laborers and contrac tors at the Paxtang quarries. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Paxtang. Pa. ! WANTED —Young man In stock room experience. Apply to Y-8250 care Telegraph. | WANTED —Young man with cler ical experience In wholesale business. ; Address Pox L-8251 care Telegraph. 1 TWO neat appearing young men to 'travel with manager on meritorious advertising proposition; good chance for advancement and to see the country; expenses advunced. See Mr. Kirk, crystal Hotel, between 3 and 7 p. in., 1- nday and Saturday. f I (Continued In Next ColunuQ , HELP WANTED—MALE DRAFTSMEN—MECHAN -ICAL. WITH SEVERAL j YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN LAYING OUT OR CHECK ING. KNOWLEDGE OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS NOT NECESSARY, BUT MEN HAVING SOME EX-j PERIENCE ON MOTORS, GENERATORS, TRANS-i , FORMERS, SWITCHES, CIR CUIT BREAKERS, ETC.,: ARE PREFERRED. AT-! TRACTIVE AND PERMA NENT POSITIONS FOR; MEN WHO QUALIFY.; STATE AGE, EXPERIENCE! AND SALARY EXPECTED. I ADDRESS CHIEF CLERK, j ! ENG. DEPT., WESTING-! : HOUSE ELEC. & MEG. CO., EAST PITTSBURGH, PA. CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS WOOD PATTERN MAKERS AND PIPEFITTERS HERE'S YOUR CHANCE To earn rates in accordance with your ability. Steady work all year 'round. Good physical condition re quired. Apply in person or write at once to: Factory Employment Office, THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. 1 BRICK BURNER 1 BRICK SETTER 2 BRICK TOSSERS 6 LABORERS GOOD WAGES; STEADY WORK. MANCHESTER SHALE BRICK CO. EMIGSVILLE, YORK COUNTY, PA. t WANTED Man to drive two-ton coal truck. Only good, steady man need apply. UNITED ICE AND COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Streets. I ADD TO YOUR income. Sell guar anteed trees, shrubs, roses. Apply at once. Permanent. Weekly pay. Guaranty Nursery, Rochester, N. Y. MAN—To work this city refinish ing chandeliers, brass beds, automo biles. by new method; $lO daily with out capital or experience. Write Gunmetal Company, 334 Elm, Deca tur, 111. WANTED —Laborers. Inquire 1545 N. Sixth street. S. YV. Shoemaker & Son. WANTED —A truck driver for truck now working out of town that will be in Harrisburg in the near future. Please reply by letter, stating age and previous experience to Box J8671 care Telegraph. MACHINIST FOREMAN WANTED A small machine manufacturing con cern which is rapidly growing and lo cated in a town of 14,000. with ideal living conditions, has an opening for a first class man. One who can handle men and has experience in up-to-date methods and designing of jigs and special tools, to Increase production and efficiency, only need apply. A good future for the right man. Give full particulars in reply. Care Box A-8511 Harrisburg Telegraph. WOOD workers wanted; bench hands; machine hands; stair builders, good wages, steady work, union shop. Apply Somers Lumber Co., 209 North Missouri. Atlantic City. BRICKLAYERS wanted; highest wages; six months' work; apply in person with tools or by letter. Build ers' Exchange. 24 S. 7th St., Philadel phia carfare refunded after first week's work. . AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY WANTED. THOROUGHLY etaoin Wanted. Thoroughly compe tent and accurate stenograph er at good salary to right ' party. Give details of quali fications and references which will, be Investigated. Address Fox E-8112 care Telegraph. i I ie WTKD —A MAN TO DO QEN FRAL WOOD YVORK ON BODIES, I 1 wIIFKLS GEARS. ETC.; STEADY WORK APPLY J. L. SAYLOR & * SONS CARRIAGE BUILDERS. ANN ! VILL'E. PA. ; MAN for day labor; also cutting corn in country near city. Apply 1700 North Second St. 1 i APORERS wanted, 45c per hbur. ! Appty toH. Bartel, Grace M. E. . church. State street. v ANTED— Two young men over 22 desiring to learn salesmanship. ' W?llyoubesatisfied with S2O per ! week while learning? Call 410 Patriot Building. , n ttASP tho opportunity to-day to become un expert mechanic and chauf f.r Wo teach you between your working hours to become an expert " ind for only seven dollars a week. ' Learn a practical trade. Make appli ' cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School. Office 26 N. ■ Cameron at., Harrisburg. Training 5 Quarters and Aeroplane Field, 14th 1 and Sycamore Sts. s —— s DRUGGIST —Qualified assistant or •lone having had cxperlenfce in drug 7 j gtcte. Mehring's Drug Store. Fourth i and Poller Sta. j* (Continued In Next Column) , BAItRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH If IF YOU HAVE A VACANT &= STORE or office to rent you can get yj . ! m in quick touch with desirable tenants ffl j 4 nrough the classified columns. There's fjp) i demand ai-plenty. Why take further ] ,jj losses? jlj ! HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED—SEVERAL DE SIGNERS, DETAILERS AND TRACERS FOR MECHANI CAL AND STRUCTURAL W O RK ON HEAVY MACHINERY. STEADY : WORK AND A GOOD POSI TION FOR THOSE WHO i MEAN BUSINESS. APPLY IN PERSON, OR WRITE TO THE MORGAN ENGINEER ING COMPANY, ALLIANCE, OHIO. ATTENTION H. W. KING. WANTED CAR REPAIRMEN At the P. R. R. Shops, Har risburg, Pa. Inquire at Master Mechanics' Office, Harrisburg. General Foreman's Office, Lucknow. General Foreman's Office, Enola. | Or at P. R. R. Employment Bureau, No. 5 Grace Avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. ■ 1 INVESTIGATOR Protestant, age 25 to 30, single, col-i lege or high school graduate, clean cut. wideawake and ambitious for betterment, to enter secret service de partment of large corporation; excel lent opportunity for bright future to one willing to work hard for advance jment; traveling work, long trips; 'transportation, incidental and part of | living expenses paid; $l2O per month to start. Give personal description and details of previous employment in own handwriting. Address L-8010 care Telegraph. SHIRT FACTORY IN STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA REQUIRES FORE MAN. MUST BE CAPABLE OF AD JUSTING ALL KINDS OF SEWING MACHINES AND INTELLIGENT IN HANDLING FEMALE HELP. A PER MANENT POSITION AND EXCEL LENT OPPORTUNITY FOR A HARD WORKING AMBITIOUS MAN. TAU j BLR. LIPTON & CO., TYRONE. PA. WANTED —High grade man be- Itween ages 25 and 35; college gradu | ate preferred; must possess executive and sales ability. Address Box L-80i j 'care Telegraph. MEN wanted for detective work, write J. Ganor, former govt, detective, Danville, Ilk WOOD working machine men, stock cutter. Federal Equipment Co.. Car lisle. Pa. _ WANTED —Platen pressmen; good wages; steady employment. Apply at once. Telegraph Printing Com pany, State and Cameron streets. WANTED —Messenger boys, good wages, easy work. Apply immediately Western Union Telegraph Co. HELP WANTED —I'EMAl<K WANTED I Our business is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn. If you are a vamper, folder or i skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can , operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present ai your present pay, or more, get in touch with ua. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There ian t a better place to work in Har- I risburg than our lactory and we are making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot b de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRJSBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO., 1408 Vernon Street. I WANTED—Several young women between 18 and 25 for telephone oper ating; $9.00 a week while in train ing; an increase at the end of four weeks and others as you become ex perienced; an exceptional opportu nity for the girl who is ambitious to qualify for positions that require her to accept responsibility and that pay accordingly. Call to see the Chief Operator, third floor, 208 Walnut street. 1 THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. r LADlES—Fascinating home busi ness tinting postcards, pictures, i photos, etc., spare time for profit; $u 1 on 100; no canvassing; samples loc (stamps). Particulars free. Artint, 1 710H, Station A, Brooklyn, N. Y. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on the fast, easily learned auto knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance lm i material; positively no canvassing, i Yarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. Dept. 146 C. Auto Knitter Co.. Buf ■ falo, N. Y. ; rj WANTED —Girls to learn how to i' make paper boxes. Apply Penn-Harns i Paper Box Co.. 103 N. Cameron St. i (Continued in Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMA LE ATTRACTIVE EMMPLOYMENT Some one said the other day that if we could explain alt at once the many features of telephone operating that make it so attractive not only to girls, but to mothers who want to know that their daughters are well cared for in the business they enter, we would have more appli cants for admission to our Training Department for Operators than we could pos sibly handle. We have not the space to tell all these things here, but we will be glad to give you all the information you desire about, telephone operating if you will call to see the Chief Operator, 3d fioor, 208 Wal nut street. Salary is paid while learning. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PA. SILK, STLK, SILK. Silk Operators. Good Learners. If steady work is what you want and short day and best pay, apply SILK MILL Cor. Second a)id North Sts. WANTED Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We ore also employing inexperi enced operators who are paid while learning. A bonus is paid every pay day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Reily and Fulton Streets WANTED Middle-aged woman to take charge of small apartment and two children. References re qu 1 red. L-7872. WANTED — Woman or girl for gen ual hcusework, must sleep out. Ap ply 2012 Susquehanna St. COOK OR WAITRESS wanted. Ref erences required. Apply Mrs. Golds borough, 821 N. Front street. WANTED —Midle aged white wom an for general housework. Must be good cook. Apply 240 S. 13th St. WANTED —Experienced girls on paper box work. Apply Penn-Harns Paper Box Co., 103 N. Cameron St. WANTED Five bright, capaole ladies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $25 to SSO per week; railroad fare paid; write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 841, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guai antee all operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in the city on our work and also 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrlsbuig Apparel Co., Sixth and Herr Sts., City Star Laundry Bldg.. Third Floor. WANTED —White girl for general housework, family of four adults; good home and easy place to right party. Inquire 3003 North Front St. Bell "3398. WOMAN organize homeworkers simple hand embroidery and choehet ing In large quantities. Send full par ticulars Dept. S, Jos. Cirker, 1777 Broadway New York City. WANTED —Young woman experi enced or to learn shampooing, man icuring and facial massage; reference required. Address Mrs. Mary E. Phll lippy, 209 Kroninberg Bldg., Carlisle. WANTED —Experienced salesladies for millinery, hosiery and underwear departments. Apply Robinson & Co., Third and Broad Sts. WANTED —Young woman to work In office about four weeks during the period of recovery of one of our girls from a severe accident; must be able to operate typewriter. Apply by letter only to United Ice and Coal Company, Forater and Cowden Sts. WANTED —Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton St. ALTERATION HAND IN LADIES' APPAREL SHOP. LANES', 6 S. 4TH ST. WANTED —Young woman. 21 to 40, to work in confectionery store a few! evenings or if preferred every even ing except Sunday. Apply Messlmer's 718 N. Third St. WANTED —Girl or middle aged wom an to do general housework and as sist with children; no cooking; state wages desired. Write Mrs. E. J. Peiper It. D. No 3. Lancaster, Pa. WANTED—A white girl for general housework, two In family. Apply 2135 Green Street. WANTED —Girl or middle aged woman to do general housework; no cooking, and assist with the children; wages $7 per week. Write Mrs. E. J 1 leper. R. D. 3. Lancaster, Pa. (Continued in -Next Column) HELP WAM'KU—KKMAI.E | ——^— (1 I We can use a few more ex- ;! peric-nced knitters and loop erj &pply j ( NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO., 14th and Howard Sts. * i' GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK '; We need you to make socks on the fast easily learned auto knitter. Ex- | perience unnecessary. Distance imma- . terial. Positively no canvassing. Yarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. Dept. ] 1 I6C Auto Knitter Co., Buffalo. N. Y. j H 101,1' WAXTEI)—MaIe and Female j MILLINERY SALESLADIES WANTED Must have experience. All year arouhd employment. ASTRICH'S, 308 Market St. Second Floor. i WANTED Reliable woman for general hcusework. Address Box CBt>SS care Telegraph. HELP WANTED Press feeders at once. The Telegraph Printing Company, Cameron and State Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—Men. women, girls, 18- 50, U. S. government census clerks, or railway mail clerks. Thousands crnsus clerks needed before January. Harrisburg examinations Nov. 15. SI 140-$1260 first year. Write imme diately for full list positions open. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413T, Roch ester, N. Y. MEN—Women raise Belgian hares for us. We pay $7 to $lO for all you raise. Free Illustrated booklet. Cnitcd Food and Fur Association. 329 West 48th St.. Dept. C. New York. NEW YORK manufacturer having i a nutional organization, desires to 1 obtain the services of a local repro-j tentative, either sex; product used i daily by everybody; for application, i lilanl; send two references to Oselda I Corporation, 14 West loth St., New i j York. I 1 CENSUS CLERKS (men. women!, i 4.000 needed. $95 month. Age 18-50. j Exporlente unnecessary. Examina- j tions, Harrisburg, October 18. Fori free particulars, write Raymond | Terry (former government examiner) ; 1518 Continental Bldg. Washington. SALESMEN WASTED DANDY SIDE LINE FREE SAMPLES PROVE IT They are winners and make money for many salesmen more money than their regular line does. We manu facture the snappiest, fastest selling variety of metai specialties on the market. Big trade stimulators for I every manufacturer, wholesaler, re j taller, banks, factories, etc. Every line everywhere buys them in large quun -1 titles. No seasons. Side line salesmen learn SSO a week; $l5O to S2OO for I whole time. Get busy. Write quick fori I outfit. Full commissions paid prompt-1 j ly. C. E. Erickson Co., Inc.. 542; | Erickson Bldg., Des Moines. lowa. | ; NUMBER or our salesmen made as! h'gh as $165 last week and yet, we are j six weeks from our busy season. Do I you realize why they value their con- j nection with our organization? This; imassigned territory will be allotted to a man of character, push and ability. Address personally Jerome I Laadt Pres., 8 S. Dearborn St., Chi-1 cago. 111. | SALESMEN to call on candy, cigar! i delicatessen, drug stores to sell chew ' ing gum machines and gum. Excel lent proposition. Large weekly com-1 (missions. Semel Vending Machinel I Co.. 405 Lexington, ave., New York. SALESMEN—Write for list ol j openings and full particulars. Earn I $2,0u0 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand! for men. Inexperienced or experi enced. City or traveling. Nat'l. Sales mens Tr. Assn., Dept. 603. Chicago. SALESMEN —New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple not a moving part. I installed in thirty minutes, guaran- j teed to double your mileage and start i in zero weather without heating or! priming. Fifteen-alay free trial. Our St. Louis man sold 3000 in 11 months; Salt Luke City man made SI2OO in one week. Write U. & J. Carburetor Co, 505 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. SIDE LINE SALESMEN—We have an attractive line of premium assort ments for live salesmen. Commission from $5 to S2O per order. If you want an up-to-date line, write to-day. Can field Mfg. Co., 4003 Broadway st., Chi cago, 111. — I AGENTS WANTED - 1. AGENTS —Good live fellows who! want to make SSO-150 weekly with specialty product can connect with large mfinufacturer by addressing Sales Manager. Box 246, Madison, Wis. 1 AGENTS 'Every wise salesman wants a repeater proposition. We have it and it's worth $75-SIOO a week. Specialty Mfg. Company, Divi sion 1?5. Madison. Wis. 1 AGENTS Every wise salesman wants a repeater proposition. We have it and it's worth $75-slo9 a week. Specialty Mfg. Company, Divi slon 340. Madison, Wis. AGENTS— Make big profits selling our extracts, perfumes, cold creams, face powders, spices, medicines, etc. Beautiful high grade line. Exclusive territorv. Sample soap free. Lacassian Co., Dept. 141, St. Louis. Mo. AfiFNTSi —Good live fellows who want to make $0-$150 weekly with specialty product can connect with farge manufacturer by addressing Sales Manager. Box -46, Madison Wis. im. NTS Hit of season; new rub berized apron; attractive; waterproof, selling wildfire, par ticulars free. Eyre & Lee, Box 519, Dept. 4, Pittsburgh. Pa. Charles Marshall made $l2O first 1J hours You can make sl6 to $-0 a dav "sure on our special plans. Great est success ever known. "America s Part "n the World War." Introduc tion hv General Pershing. Only au thentic* story. Protu e ly Special Terms? FreUhf given Outfit free. Universal House, Ph i lodelphia. AGENTS —Big pay and free auto mobile introducing wonderful new ; gasoline saver, puncture proof, ilve • vear spark plugs and other econonnv lal auto necessities. Outfit free. L. Ball j wey. Dept. 632, Louisville. Ky. I (Continued In Next Column) OCTOBER 11, 1919. AGENTS WANTED ALCOHOL OUR book "Distillation of Alcohol," from (train, etc. with Gov. laws, $1 prepaid. Agents wanted. Devol & Co., flllO Barker Block, Omaha, Neb. , \ SSOO per month selling a new pat-] lented fuel vaporizer guaranteed to leave up to 50 per cent, in gasoline; 40 | f .miles per gallon made with Ford car. ■ 1 Sold on money-back guarantee. One r I sample free. Stransky Vaporizer Co., I Pukwana. S. Dak. I AGENTS—2OO per cent. profit, s I Wonderful little article. Something c new; sells like wtldtire. Carry right in pocket. Write at once for free sample. Albert Mills, general manager. Ameri- I can Rldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. i c AGENTS —Quick seller, big profits; | c i flower beads coining money for hust lers, new stuff, tremendous demand, i catalog free. Mission Bead Co., 1127, ] Irola, Los Angeles. Cal. i AGENTS making S2OO weekly! ! Everyone wants it. Formula for 200 homemade beverages, book form. Send $1 for copy and territory proposition. Buyers Export Agency, Inc., 415 | Broome St.. New York. j ; LARGE MANUFACTURER wants | representatives to sell shirts, under wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts. , direct to homes. Write for free , samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad- < I way. New York City. SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE i . < ! CAPABLE OFFICE MAN EXPERIENCED IN BUS!- , NESS ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT. WANTS TO lA)CATE IN HARRISBURG. AGE 25. GRADUATE OFFI- I CURS' TRAINING SCHOOL. 1. C. S. AD. SCHOOL AND AL EXANDER HAMILTON IN STITUTE. PLAN AND EX ECUTE EFFECTIVE CAM PAIGNS AND FORCEFUL SALES LETTERS. SYSTEM AND EFFICIENCY HAND LING OFFICE AVORK. KEEN AGGRESSIVE AND CLEAN LIVING. SEVEN YEARS' UNIFORM SATISFACTION AVITH BIG BALTIMORE FI NANCIAL HOUSE. EXCEP TIONAL R E F E RE N CE S. PROMPT REPLY FOR IN TERVIEW. P. O. 36. DAUPHIN, PA. ! WANTED—Position by colored man ]as janitor or porter, can furnish best of references. Inquire H. K. Gibson, iIS2C North Fourth St. ! AVHITE man wishes position as ,cook ir. camp or boarding hotise. Best jof reference. M. Melham, York Haven. SITUATION'S WANTED—FEMALE i , I WOMAN wants dish washing or 'cleaning in store. 654 Calder St. i . i AA'ANTED White woman with child three years old, desires house work in private family. Phone 3800 Associated Aid Society. . a COLORED woman wants morning work. Address 718 N. Seventh St. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms on second floor for light housekeep ing with balcony, all conveniences, use of bath, steam heat, no children. Apply 1814 Green St. FOR RENT—One large third floor front room, suitable for a couple of I men. all conveniences. Call 1613 N. I Third St. Bell 879 W. : , FOR RENT—Two furnished or un- I furnished rooms, use of bath and ; telephone. Apply 230 Pefter St. ! FOR RENT—Two unfurnished front I rooms on first floor at 1609 Market jSt. Hent and electric lights furnished. I j Suitable for doctor or businessman. I (Apply to C. H. Corder, 1722 Green j j Street. I FOR RENT—Steam heated room for I I two gentlemen looking for a per-I jmanent home. Inquire 234 State St. j | TWO unfurnished rooms for rent ; for light housekeeping, third floor, | water and bath, use of gas and heat. (Bell 1622 J. I NICELY furnished. clean. cool I rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. ROOMS WANTED AVANTED—One or two rooms in (private family in Prospect street sec tion for two gentlemen. S-7980 care ] Telegraph. j— —— 1 | WANTED—By lady employed. 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms or apartment con venient to Penn-Harris Hotel. App'y Coat Check Room. Penn-Harris Hotel. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT Five rooms and bath, electric lights and steam heat. Turner St. near Camp. Rent S3O. Call F. S. Titzel. 2409 N. sth St. i —, j APARTMENTS WANTED ; BUSINESS man and wife want i small furnished housekeeping aparl iment with private bath. Riverside dis trict preferred. Address Box 0-7974 (care Telegraph. ! WANTED TO .RENT—Young mar | ried man desires furnished apartment lor small furnished house. Phone 4150 lor see Mr. Lowrie. 101 Telegraph | Building. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 258 BROAD STREET; 3- STORY BRICK; NINE ROOM AND BATH. POSSESSION NOVEMBER 1. INQUIRE DR. ELLENBERGER, 922 NORTH THIRD ST. I HOUSES FOR SALE 1229 CUMBERLAND ST., Harris ; burg, Pa., brick house with 6 rooms and bath; new paint; all latest lm ments; cemented cellar, with flrat class cement walks. This property can b'e bought on easy terms or if 1 paid cash a large discount will be al . lowed. Price, $3,000.00. 803-805 S. THIRD. Steelton. Pa. Two 1 frame dwellings with 6 rooms each. Price, $1,500.00 apiece. 769 MOHN ST., Steelton, Pa. Frame house in flrst-class condition. Price, $1,500.00. 929 8. FRONT ST.. Steelton. Six room frame house with a lot 30 ft. by 213 ft. Price $2,300.00. 1 SALINGER & MILLER. 44 Union Trust Bldg. Harrisburg. Pa. Bell Phone 2769 i.ultKS for sale in Hlghspire at a bargain. AV. J. Reeves. 224 Market St., Higbbpire. 9801. n (Continued in Kent rlpu\ I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IF IT'S REAL ESTAT3 SEE SANDERLIN WICONISCO ST.. 629—3-story brick. rw!I >ITI ' s a . nd I,f ßh. all improvements, m,? porch, shade trees, driveway rent reH ' down, balance same nit MAHANTONGO ST., 618—3-storr oi J l, rooms an d bath; front porch, as rent CS " down> balanc ® same- JKFFERSGN ST., 2130 B-story i.„. ' rooms and bath, all modern r improvements, in good condition, omeway in the rear. S3OO down, bal- M anee same as rent. „S T ,H TWELFTH ST.. 68—VA- . j J —.l-story. 8 rooms and batb, gam and electricity, thoroughly overhaul ed, newly papered and painted inside! and outside, front and back porches, nice side and back yard. Right price' to quick buyer. MOVE AT ONCE—LAFAYETTE—Si 17th St., corner Paxton. BRAND NEW V ACANT—2 Mi-story, 7 rooms and bath, hardwood floors, steam heat, gas and electric light, front and back porches, drivewuy in the rear; a real modern home; can be bought with $.500 cash. DERRY ST.. 2145—3-story brick, rooms and bath, separate toilet, steam heat, gas and electric light, cement cellar, nice front and back porches; must he seen to be appreciated; can. r be bought with a small amount down;; balance same as rent. ENOLA Two-story frame. VACANT—seven, rooms, electric lights, hot air heat;i nice front and back porches; very largo yard; can be bought with a, small amount down; balance same at. rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1, Security Trust Building. 36 North Third Street. Bell 1390. Dial 3573( w \ HOUSES on easy terms; possession r at once, N. 6th St., 8 rooms, elect, anil gas, Ircrit porch, side ent., large yard, bay windows. Possession 30 days. 8-story brick, (corner). 6 rooms, all imp., on the Hill, front porch (terms). Possession at once, 2-story brick,, porch front, bay window, side ent., drive alley. SSOO down. Possession at once, large single pressed brick. N. 2d St., yard entirely around the house. I,arge single brick house. N. 3d St., large yard, shade, etc. ) Large single homes on the Hill. Apartment houses on Hill and up town. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, FOR SALE f A SINGLE PROPERTY, NO. 1707 NORTH SECOND ST. A BARGAIN. POSSESSION AT ONCE. INQUIRE i* N. K. OYSTER, REAL ESTATE OFFICE, , 4 S. FOURTH STREET. r N. 18th St.. 917—2-story frame, 6 rooms, gas, electric, furnace, large yard. Verv attractive price. N. 6th St., 2627—3-story brick, cor ner property, drive alley in rear, up to-date in every respect. Will be sold. If interested in a pleasant place see us. I Woodbine —3-story frame. 9 I rooms, bath, lot 35x100, gas, electric, i furnace. Price right. ... I 2608 N. Sixth St.—3-story brick, nil improvements, lot 19x90. drive alley, loom for a garage. Will sell at a bar |BaCamr Hill—2 Vt -story frame, 7 rooms, gas, electric, vapor heat, lot 59x156. fruit trees are ideal, home, beautiful lawn and line lot included. Apply, LEHMAN & KI.INGEMAN, Patriot Building. ENOLA, ENOLA. Seven-room house, electricity, good j cellar, furnace, slate roof, stable, hog pen chicken house, fruit trees, lot 75xi50, S2IOO. H. C. FERBER. IC7 Chestnut near Front. FOR SALE —N. E. corner of 16th and Swatara; 3-story frame; 8 rooms and bath; lot, 16x100; gas. private sewers. ( JOHN H. MALONEY, \ Real Estate and Insurance 1619 Green Street. PROPERTY for sale of the Mary K Dout estate, consisting of 6 acres, good frame house and barn and all | necessary out buildings, peach or chard and all oth-r kinds of fruit, well of good water at the door, oit-1 uated Vi-mile north of New Kingston, and 12 miles west of Harrisburg. Inquire on premises. FOR SALE' —3346 N. Sixth St. A, frame house built on cottage style. if 40x113 ft. with garage, bath, gas,, electric and steam heat, with fruit j tries and outbuildings Very pleasant . I ■within one ftire limit of citj. In outre at above address or phone Bell| 597J.-5- THREE mercantile buildings, well , growing business sections., K C s%lSh? , an"d"t\rms to sult D. A.| _ Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. SUBURBAN HOME 8 rooms., frame summer house, barn, chicken, hou™c electricity. %-mile from Pro gress. road to Paxtang. Apply Wll-i - • fj a m Ulrlch on premises. CAMP HILL—2 V4-story brick, dwelling. 8 rooms and bath, .outh with large porch, rtno up Cumberland Valley, hot air aLVt nice fire place, chicken house garage in rear, with fruit trees fn bearing on lot 50x150. or on lot 100x150. Lawn planted In evergreens and flowers, vines covering house. Lo- Logan street, just west of Row mar" avenue. Can be Inspected ati any time A E. Strode. Bell phone, 3180 R. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental] y navment Plan. Small cash or Libert*i &ond flratj>a.yment required balance, as rent We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply p. Dorans. 1225 North Sixth street. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers