EIPI Readii\c[ cjvd all ike RsmiKj llP^Pf " When a Girl Harries" BR ANN IJISI.ES A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problem of a Girl Wife (Copyright, 1919, Star Feature Syndicate, Inc.) CHAPTER COCX VIII For a time after Phoebe departed 'or the luncheon to which Val had neglected to invite me, I wandered about restlessly trying to find some thing with which to occupy myself. But the day stretched ahead blank and empty. I was delighted when ;he 'phone rang. Answering it gave me something to do, even if I got there only to be told "No one on the line now." That didn't happen, however. Instead Pat's voice came aver the wire. "Anne, will you drop everything you're doing and meet me for lunch? He asked so anxiously that ordinarily I'd have acquiesced at once, but now my raw feelings made me parley with him. "Can't you get anyone else? Is that why you ask me to lunch at the eleventh hour? "Come now, Alanna. what ruf fled the fine plumuge of you?" coaxed Pat at his most Irish. "It s not the eleventh hour, but the lunch hour—just one. I've been waiting for young Neal to get out of the office so I could call you. Knowing how the lad adores you, I was sure he'd insist on being invited too, and I wanted to see you alone. Will you be blaming me for that?" "You're balm to a wounded spirit. Pat," I replied, smiling in spite of myself-. , , _ . "Then you'll come?" asked lat with eagerness j_hat was beyond pretence. Of course, I went. I found Pat striding up and down the restaurant corridor, looking startlingly haggard, almost ill. His eyes seemed deeper-set than ever and the lines of his mouth were rugged. I made no comment, suf fering him to greet me in common place fashion and lead me to the table he had selected. That things were sadly amiss with Pat I gathered from the fact that instead of ordering with the easy grace so characteristic of him, he asked me uneasily what I wanted and didn't seem able to make up his mind about his food. At last we got the needed preliminaries out of the way, and as we settled back to wait for our order, Pat burst out doggedly: "Anne, something's got to be done about that Harrison place. I can't have it like this much longer. The transfer's all made—only waiting for her signature. Some one's got to bring her to her senses." "Yes," I inquired politely." And who?" Pat's eyes twinkled. I liked htm for the understanding grin in the HERPICIDE MARY SAYS: "A G\r\ That Cares for her looks cares for her hair" USE NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE Sold at all Drug and Department Stores Applications at ttie Better Barber Sbops | Send You This / Invitation \ | / To Visit Our Shop \ | f During \ jj I / Home Craft Week \| ijf All This Week i if disylaving a complete assortment <•! \ I Morally advertised and well known f Quaker Laces M( 'flier with a large variety of other lac. s I' for curtains. Our patterns are exclusive and will I i individualize your draperies. It is well to make \ A Display of Over Draperies / 1 will during this week showing / \ the various modes which are adapted to the i A modern American home. j[ j i|J\ We shall be pleased to estimate on your Jb I \ draperies. J \ \ THE BLAKE SHOP / P w Interior Decorations <(M) | 1 ffl 225 North Second St. || J TUESDAY EVENING, 1 midst of his own personal solem nity. "Meaning you don't fancy the job?" he asked. "Meaning I'm not \ip to it." I be gan, and then my blood froze in my veins and my voice stuck in my throat, for marching into the res taurant with the everpresent Shel don in her wake came no less than Virginia. Porhaps if she'd seen us as she came in she wouldn't have carried the thing through so scornfully. But the maitre d'hotel himself was es corting her diagonally across from us, so that directly she was seated Virginia must see us. One quick, scornful glance and then, fussing audibly about the draft, Virginia changed places with Sheldon so that she sat with her back to us. That she should turn away like this and yet remain in the restaurant must have seemed a deadly insult to Pat. He changed color, but made no com ment. As if by mutual consent, we raced through our lunch and got out of the place. And then, also as if we had planned it. we stepped into a taxi and rolled off toward the park. After a moment or two, Pat spoke in a grim tone to match the lines about his mouth. "I'm going to clear out of here for a while, Anne. Young Neal is well ahle to run the whole works. And if he strikes any snags. Car lotta will steer him out of shoal water. I need—a vacation." "Where are you going?" I asked, as if that were the main point at issue. "One of my clubs has a lodge up North. If I get company. T may go for a fishing trip," he replied, evad ing a direct answer and driving on to what was in his mind. "I've started work on the Old Place, Anne. T wonder if you'll run out now and again and see that every thing's ship-shape. I'll withdraw that deal I made out to Virginia. It's never been recorded—couldn't be without her signature. When T come hack I'll talk it over with Jimmie. T know he once wanted the place, and if he still cares to buy, I'll let him have it for what I paid." "Of course, we want it, but we won't talk about buying it now. And remember this, you nice, gen erous boy: if we take it off your hands, we'll include the improve ments in the price," I replied, feel ing as if I ought to pull poor Pat's head down on my shoulder and tell him to cry'it out. "You'll get it for what I paid, or not at all. I had a lot of fun plan ning the improvements," replied Bringing Up Father - Copyright, 1918. International News Service - By Mc AT anus ~J 1 I I I'M <LAO VOO ITI i WANNA AIT * ] ~] NO-I'VE BEEN PNOW ANfewPß ~ ["DIDN'T I JUW TEUU f \| ™ ,^ 1 , N V E< iOT FEB NE iELr AND WIFE ( ORDERED AND<iET PA-btPORr;,. S a mind• J U ' ARE XOU COlN<5 WITH NEWIFE!!!!! IK, IVC NIADE OPOOR NIIND-b S f AH' DECIDED .A FOR PLEA"bORE E PE | t O<OADROAD or ibosmevb- r '■' Pat, turning his face away from me so that I remarked the tense line of his Jaw. "Say my good-byes to Jimmie. It may be a long time till we see each other again. I'm grate ful to you both for the way you stood by—darn grateful. I'll send you the miniature—of her. I'd rather you had it thun anyone else." "Pat Dalton!" I cried with sud den conviction. "Pat Dalton — where are you going? Not north to fish, I know that. You're too final about things. Where are you going?" Then, almost as I had known he would, Pat turned to me with the hopeless expression I had seen Vir ginia wear a few weeks before and spoke almost the very words she had used. Only now it was hopeless and I had no answer, no argument. For this is what Pat said: "There's one thing I can give her. There's one gift she can't refuse, and that's her freedom. I'm going to Reno, Anne." (To Be Continued) C. E. Pass Leaves on an Extended Trip Charles E. Pass, Great Tokaltan of the Improved Order of Red Men, will leave to-day for Maine and Connecticut where he will conduct sessions of the Great Councils of Red Men In those states. The session in Maine will be held at Rewiston, and in Connecticut at Hartford. Mr. Pass also will make a welcome home address to the Red Men of Seymour, Conn. He will be gone about two weeks. MAJOR ERICSOX GETS ARMY DISCHARGE Major John E. Erlcson, who re turned from overseas on September 15, was discharged in Washington Saturday and is staying with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gilbert at their country home. Major Ericson received a citation from General Pershing for "excep tionally conspicuous and meritor ious service in the A. E. F." Major Ericson will leave Harris burg, which he considers as his home town, October 15, to take up his for mer duties with Scovell Wellington & Co., of Boston in their Cleveland office. CENTRAL HIGH NOTES The members of the Demosthe nlan Literary Society of '2O were announced yesterday by Miss Mary C. Orth, faculty adviser of the club. The members of the society, chosen for high standing in English in the junior year, are: The Misses Helen Bahn, Prances Burkholder, Cath arine Burris, Katharine Clark, Mar ion Davis, Mabel Dice, Ethel Earley, Esther Frank, Florence Frank, Cora Gilbert. Sylvia Gingrich, Elizabeth Handschuh, Eva Irving, Lillian Fos ter, Ethelyn MacCloskey, Edith Rife, Mary Rodney, Helen Rosenberg, Emily Sites, Evelyn Snyder, Miriam Spitler, Elizabeth Tolbert, Winifred Tripner, Gladys Voorhees, Virginia Watts. Elizabeth Wise, Rosalie Yeakle. Harold Fox, Isaac Jeffries, John Minnaugh, Albert Sanders, Howard Selsam, Wayne Snyder and Vincent Stanford. A meeting of the C. A. Society was held last evening at the home of Miss Emilie Jean, 1420 State street. After the business meeting which consisted of furthering the-plans for a dance to be held at Christmas time a social hour was spent in dancing and singing at the conclusion of which refreshments were served to the following members: The Misses Emily Sites, Claire Van Dyke. Eliza beth Herr, Catharine Edwards, Elsie Hope, Elizabeth Hobart, Feme HofT stot Margaret Chamberlain, Mary Harris, Virginia Watts, Louise Kel ler and Emilie Jean. The S. S. S. Society will meet on Thursday evening at the liome Miss Elizabeth Frantz, 1701 North Third street. . _ , On Thursday evening the French students will meet in the assembly hall and under the leadership of Miss Edith Phillips, French teacher, will organize La Cercle Francaise which originated last year and at tained such great success under Miss Phillips. ' The members of the P. B. P- So ciety of 'l9 initiated the new mem bers last evening. After being tied together with rope, forming a long chain, the girls were paraded over Market street to the Palace Con fectionery store where they were treated to a P. B. P. sundae, after which they were taken to the Sweet land shop and from there to the Davenport Restaurant, being treat ed at both places. When tilled to bursting capacity with refreshments they were made to sing "Hail Dear Old High School" in the Square, from whence they proceeded to Sec ond and Walnut streets where traf fic was held up while this crowd who resembled Alpine climbers, strolled leisurely across the street. After being taken through the secret rites of the society the following girls were declared the 1920 members of the P. B. P. The Misses Marion Da vis, Mary Witmyer, Margaret Good year, Elizabeth Clark, Sarah Mana han, Ella Kreidler, Katherine L. Clark, Virginia Morrow, Katharine Plowman, Frances Burkholder and Katharine Kohler. Memorial Park Addition —The 1 UJOXk&lftlifilCd HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH THE LOVE GAMBLER By Virginia Terhune Van de Water (Copyright, 1919, Star Company) i By a coincidence, Samuel Leigh ton met Walter Jefferson on his ! way uptown that afternoon. Incensed as he was by his ex chauffeur's behavior, he felt sud denly indignant with Jefferson. Man is an unreasonable creature, and Leighton had a swift desire to vent his irritation upon the first person he met. Moreover Jefferson was in- j directly concerned with the matter j that had destroyed his equanimity ! —for had he not informed Helen i Goddard that he was going to "in- i vestigate" Smith's past? "Good afternoon!" Jefferson greeted the older man unbanely. "I j am just back from Baltimore." "So 1 infer," was the blunt re joinder. "I tried to call you up during your absence." "Ah?" Jefferson's expression in- I dicated interest. "Was there any- j thing especial you wanted to say?" i "There was—but there is not now —except," he added, "that I am at present without a chauffeur —thanks to the inability of people in general to mind their own af fairs." Walter Jefferson gasped. Had Smith then slipped away before he could find out who he was?" "Indeed!" he explained. "I am sorry. To tell the truth, I had hoped in a few days to gave you a little information about this man. I know his name is not 'Smith.' " "And what if it is not?" Leigh ton burst forth, raising his voice to make himself heard above the roar | of the subway. "Whose business is that, pray?" A Change of Manner. Walter Jefferson had always re garded this elderly gentleman as a mild and courteous individual— yet here he was challenging him in a way that astounded him. He tried to laugh. "Why," he admitted, "it is nobody's business —in a way—of course, but it so 1 happens that I met that chap some years ago at the house of a cousin of mine. Unfortunately she was not at home when I was down in Baltimore, so I could not get into touch with her as I hope to do later—for she expects to be in New York shortly. I beg you to believe, however, that my chief concern in this matter was that I was afraid this fellow might prove as dishonest as the disappearance of a piece of your daughter's jew elry would lead one to suspect." "My daughter's jewelry!" Leigh ton exclaimed. "Did she mention its disappearance to you?" "No, indeed," Jefferson hastened to reply. "Then who told you about it?" The pair were holding to straps in the crowded express and the lurching of the train brought the older man's face almost in collision with Jefferson's. The young man felt awkward and ridiculous. "I—well —Mr. Leighton—l can not say jupt now—but I surely un derstood that" "Well, Just understand something else now!" Samuel Leighton ad vised harshly. "The piece of jewel- Dinner-And An Unex pected Business Friend "I don't know when X have been as embarrassed as I was last night,'" said Mrs. Greenly, as she and Mrs. Gordon sat knitting on the cool, awn inged porch. "Why. what happened?" replied her friend with interest. "Well," she said, "you know 1 al ways have a rather makeshift dinner on Monday nights. Everything is upset with the washing, and I don't go to much trouble. Well, last night Bob came home early, and brought a business friend to dinner." "Isn't that like a man?" said Mrs. Gordon sympathetically. "And," continued Mrs. Greenly, "I was having a cold supper so I thought the best thing to do was to have a nice dessert to save the situ ation, so I made a cornstarch pud ding. You should have seen it lumpy and thip I simply couldn't serve it. I had to serve stewed fruit. My dear, I'll never get over it.' "Didn't you have any Puddine?"' asked Mrs. Gordon. "I've never used it," she replied, "what is it like?" "It's a most wonderful dessert nothing uncertain anoiit it like a cornstarch pudding. Puddine always turns out right." "How do you prepare it? said Mrs. Greenly with interest. "All you need do is to add milk, either fresh or condensed, and sugar, boil for three mlnur.es, pour into a mold and then after it cools, you have a nice creamy mound of the most luscious rich dessert vou ever tasted." "It sounds lovely," said her friend, interested. "It's that and more," continued Mrs. Gordon enthusiastically. "You can get it in most any flavor chocoTate, rose, vunilla, orange, lemon and Puddine is so pure and whole some you can let the children have as much of it as they want." "Is it expensive?" asked Mrs. Greenly. "Expensive! I should say not. One 15c box will serve 15 people. And you can make all sorts of things with it rich pie and cake fillings and delicious ice cream, smooth and vel vety." Some time later, the two friends met. "My dear," said Mrs. Greenly, "I can't thank you enough for telling me about Puddine. The whole family love it. They want it for every meal." Include Puddine with today's groceries! Adv. ry is not lost —it so happens. It was simply put into one receptacle instead of another by my daugh ter's maid. I never knew so much fuss over a slight happening. One would think that in a big city like New York there was enougn inter est going on to engage busybodies without their prying into a trifling matter that was of no moment whatever. "As to Smith, my chauffeur — when I engaged him I knew all about him. I am a man of the world and have the sense to make sure of the character of a person before I employ him. If you wish to satisfy your curiosity on this matter, Mr. Jefferson, I can supply you with the name and address of the gentleman who recommended my chauffeur to me. You are wel "Why, Mr. Leighton—my dear sir," Walter stammered—what ob ject could I possibly have in in quiring about a common chauffeur like this fellow?" Still More Angry. He, too. was angry now, and his speech showed it. "I'm blest if I know!" was the sharp rejoinder. "But apparently you thought it worth while until this minute. As Smith has left my employ of his own volition, I have nothing more to say about him or his affairs one way or the other. So if you have any investi gations to make—such as those you referred to just now—you will pursue them for your own gratifi cation. "But to save you some trouble, I will assure you here and now that the man you are hounding is honest. This may be a disappoint ment to you. Here is my station. Good afternoon!" Before Jefferson could reply, his GARMENTS T J,' „ „ t) GARMENTS 19CI10S na7B9i OF QUALITY J OF QUALITY Dress and Suit Specials in a Two Days' Sale—Wednesday and Thursday Five Big Groups—Various Styles and Materials—Exceptional Values ~ I Three Groups of Dresses Georgette i Satin \ Georgette) n\ Serm itlO- 95 Sew™ L?9-95 "/# % L /\\ TaffeM $ Taffeta ly Satin ZTM ffiSW /) Values to Values to j Values to J \ \ \\\\V\ l| \ £BNg VY 929.95 934.95 j \VsM\ jm/' j The dresses all represent the latest styles and materials for this 7':" j• \ , IB Fall's wear. They are exceptional values. For quality and serv- f i Mmm ice they are sure to meet your approval in every respect. Ihe I I ; sizes include both the regular stock and odd sizes. I fw Two Groups of Suits U LiP Broadcloth i Tricotine j T J Wm T°ri l otine W 9 5 Broadcl,s j 'lff Serge, Gabardine Silvertone 1/ Vr-rV These Suits are bigger values than we have offered for some \l time. They include the many wanted materials and styles that tm I \M jjp have proven so popular this Fall. Our policy of lower prices for 1 ■ 11 HHSMM^PJ. ■in in ii idni iin * first quality garments makes these suits exceptional values, indeed. COATS 1 WAISTS I SKIRTS All sizes, all materials, all styles. Every ne.w design and material are In Our stocks are complete. Any style Prices range ' our stocks and at lower prices. you wish from $24.95 to $195.95 $139 to $14.95 $4.95 to $14.95 BXJY HERE T 1* O BUY HERE Jadies Bazaar BUY WISELY 8-10-12 S. FOURTH ST. choleric companion had loft the ' J train. j "I'll be darned!" Walter mut- | tered. "What the devil's struck j ■ h:m? Something's up, I bet. Where j. there's so much smoke there's hound to be some fire. The crusty ' old codger has got his fingers burn- [] ed in some way. "Well, my fair Cousin Daisy andji her husband are to be in New York i soon. Then I'll find out who this upstart. Smith is. He certainly seems to make a disagreeable sen sation wherever he goes." Samuel Leighton walked from the subway to his home ,s much j surprised at his own outburst as 1 Jefferson had been. "Queer," he pondered, "how that ; fellow's insinuations ' angered me! | I got as mad as if Smith had treat ed me fairly instead of going off I like a scoundrel without a day's ; notice. I suppose 1 took out my j wrath on Jefferson. Ye gods! how I hate a man-gossip! A woman tat- I tier is bad enough—but a male I scandel monger heaven deliver us!" To Be Continued. AHGI'MKNT POSTPONED Argument of the motions for new trials in the pending Hardserabble! cases was continued to-day by the, court until the November term of j argument court, upon agreement of I counsel. City Solicitor John E. Fox i announced he was ready to argue j the question of whether the city l could assess benefits on property i owners on the east side of the street! because of proposed improvements, on the west side, but counsel for the j property owners announced that he preferred to wait until all the testi- I monv in the court trials was avail able.' CHARTER GRANTED Judge S. J. M. McCarrell yester-1 day afternoon granted a charter to | the Memorial Hall Association, an\ organization which plans to build a hall for Harrisburg Dodge, No. 1, Order of 99-ers and Allequippai Lodge, No. 57. Improved Order of I Red Men. OCTOBER 7, 1919 KBEKTS ESTATE IS VALUED AT $,20! 1-etters of administration on the! estate of the late S. S. Eberts, were l issued to-day by Register of Wills] E. Fisher to the widow, Mrs. Mary | A. Eberts. The value of the person • j at and real estate is estimated at i $9,200. Letters on the estate of the late] O. H. Enck were issued to the widow, Margaret E. and a son, Ralph C. ] Enck. The estate is valued at SB,OOO. ] PJAAN DAY'S OI'TIXG Keystone Division No. 47, Ladies' j Auxiliary to the Order of Railway ! Conductors, will have a day's outing i on Thursday at Mrs. Zapel's cottage i at Juniata Bridge. Some of the party will leave In the morning. • taking the 8 o'clock train, and some in the afternoon on the 1.35 train. ' Notice of the event hits been issued ! over the signature of Mrs. J. W. j Flickinger. LONG TIME TO RESTORE MINES ' Paris, Oct. 7.—A commission of ; German .experts who have visited ! the mines of Northern France which i were devastated during the war be- I lieve that it will take from two to j eight years to restore them to their j former condition, according to the i Gaulois. j | Memorial Park Addition—The ; suburb unparalleled. • S. OF C. GRADUATES RECEIVE THE NA TION AI, SEAL OF EFFICIENCY; THIS IS ABSO LUTELY THE LARGEST, OLDEST AND BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE IN HARRISBURG. Enter Now—Day or Night School of Commerce I. H. Troup Building 15 S. Market Square Bell 485 Dial 4393 INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION 5 BUILDING PKRMITS j J. E. Dare yesterday afternoon se cured a permit to erect a two-story brick garage at the northwest cor ner of Chestnut street and the right of way of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway Company near Eighteenth street. The structure will cost SB,OOO. C. L. Leiby, with A. E. Brough as i contractor, will build two two-story i houses at the southeast corner of Emerald and Fourth streets, at a , cost of SB,OOO. F. L. Morrow, con tractor for Milton Clay, secured a ; permit to build a two-story brick ! and stucco house on the east side I of Fourth street, near Emerald, for $4,000. Harmless Means of Reducing Fat Many fat people fear ordinary , means for reducing their weight ; Here' is an extraordinary method! | Extraordinary because while per , fectly harmless no dieting or ! exercise are necessary. Marmola Prescription Tablets are made exactly In accordance with the famous Mar i mola Prescription. A reduction of | two, three or four pounds a week is I the rule. Procure them from any | druggist or if you prefer send sl. to j the Marmola Company, 861 Woodward j Ave., Detroit, Mich., for a large case.
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