16 300 PERSONS IN DANGER AS SUB RAMS STEAMER "Quick Action of Crew in Clos ing Bulkhead Prevents Loss of Life New York, Oct. 7.—Quick action on the part of the crew in closing the water tight "collision bulkhead" of the steamer Lexington last night prevented a possible loss of life "when the craft was rammed by the United States submarine 0-7 in the treacherous waters of the Hell Gate' channel in the upper East River. 'The Lexington, a colonial line steamer, was bound for Providence 'with 300 passengers, when, accord ling to passengers, the submarine, 'which had been maneuvering on the surface, suddenly headed across her jbow. There was a crash, the steamer 'quivered, and there was a sensation jot "sliding backward. Many of the passengers were thrown off their I feet. Women screamed and men j cried for help. Tears Big Hole 111 Ship There was a general rush for the !]ife preservers as the submarine :backed away from the Colonial iiner. 'The crews were standing by the life- Iboats, but Captain Gray and the of jficers aboard after a quick inspection jof the bow, In which a jagged semi (circular hole of fifteen-foot radius ,'had been torn, said that three of i her plates above the water line had (been stove in. Order was quickly restored when lit was learned that the ship was I in no danger, the pumps were set to 'work, and what little water had been ishipped was soon being pumped out. On board the submarine there -were about thirty men under com mand of Lieutenant Commander Junken. Ensign James Boyce was the only man injured. His arm was -crushed so badly that it was neces sary to take him to the hospital on Blackwcll's sland. The submarine was uninjured, and I was taken to the Navy yard by a : Navy tug. HARPER'S EDITOR DIES By Associated Press. New York, Oct. 7.—Henry Mills Al- I den. editor of Harper's Magazine sine 1869, died at his home hero to day after a long illness. He was 82 years old. Don't Spoil & Good Meal With a Bad Stomach If a physician, a specialist in stom ach diseases, came to you and said: "I will fix up that miserable, worn out stomach for you or money back. "I will make it as good as new so you will not suffer from any dis ! tress and can eat what you want without fear or suffering, or money hack would you turn down his of fer? And when you are offered Ml-o-na stomach tablets, made from a pre scription better than many of the stomach specialists know how to . write, are you going to be narrow minded and continue to suffer from indigestion, or are you goixg to be ' fair to yourself and 'try Mi-o-na on the money back agreement. Mi-o-na stomach tablets are offered . to you on this basis, that if they do not put your stomach into such good i shape that there is no dizziness, sour : stomach, biliousness, sick headache, I and stomach distress, your money will be returned. For sale by H. C. Kennedy and all leading druggists. A Practical Kitchen Range Detroit Vapor Oil Stove Heats, Cooks and Bakes at a cost impossible to any other Stove Which DoVol Prefer? A small can of oil or—a large bucket of expensive coal and the dirt and ashes after burning? S~We GUARANTEE the] | VAPOR RANGE to! • HEAT ANY OR-t I DINARY SIZEDI KITCHEN. j When you see this Stove you will say it is the most wonderful you have ever seen. Cheerfully demonstrated without obligation to buy at either the HARRIS BURG or CARLISLE STORES. I Special Offer For One Week • With every Vapor Stove Isold we will furnish the* following: 7-Piece Aluminum Outfit' $8.50 If This applies only to' Stoves sold between tills i date and October 13. HOOVER Furniture Company 1415-19 N. 2nd St. Carlisle: 23 W. High St. OPEN EVERY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING, YORK HAVEN HONORS MEN WHO SERVED NATION WHEN CALL TO ARMS WAS SOUNDED I/ook Haven, Oct. i .—Citizens pf this P'&f® grave returned soldier boys a great welcome home Saturday. The town was decorated and every place of entertainment was thrown open to the soldiers who were in the "World War. The blir "features were°ft parade and raising of a Community Flag. This ceremony took place at 3 o clock. Following an-invocation by the Rev. J. H. Sch mitt, addresses were made by H. W. Stokes, of Philadelphia; Congressman E. S. Brookes, W. L. Hayes, York and Attorney "t'th, of Philadelphia. Special music features were a part of the program. In the evening at 5 o'clock a banquet was tendered the soldiers, their wives and mothers. H. W. Stokes was toast master. LUMBER, WHICH CHANGED HANDS, GOES ON MARKET Four-Million-Dollar Deal Will Relieve the Shortage to Large Degree By .Associated Press. Philadelphia, Oct. 7. A lumber transaction involving approximately 74,000,000 is completed by the sale of all the surplus lumber and timber be longing to the Emergency Fleet Cor poration to the American Lumber | Sales Company, with headquarters in this city. It was said to have been one of the largest transactions of the kind in the history of the country. About one hundred million feet-of lumber was involved, of which twelve million feet are in Philadelphia. The remainder is located in 45 shipbuild ing and storage yards on the Atlantic and Gulf coasts from Maine to Texas. The placing of this immense stock on the markets within the next 13 months, the time allowed for its sale, it was stated, would relieve to a large degree the lumber shortage which has existed for some time. Long leaf pine, oak, Douglas fir and cypress, which was gotten out for the fleet corporation's wooden ship program, comprises the stock, much of which, according to John R. Wal ker, of Washington, president of the company, will be exported to Europe for use in rebuilding the devastated areas. CONFIRMS DEFEAT REPORT By Associated Press. Stoekolm. Oct 7.—An intercepted Russian Bolshevik wireless message from Moscow confirms the report that the Bolshevik! have been forced to abandon the town of Dvinsk be tween Old Russia and Poland, says a telegram received here from Reval. The Red troops evacuated the place after they had been defeated in vio lent fighting. Berlin advices relayed through Co penhagen on October 6 stated that Polish forces had carried the fortifi cation of Dvinsk, after two days of hard fighting, and held all the city except a portion south of the Dvina river. PADEREWSKI QUITS PIANO Paris, Oct. 7.—lnterviewed after the signature of the Austrian treaty, Ignace Jan Paderewski volunteered the information that he had quite forgotteen how to play the piano. The journalist, after asking the Polish premier numerous questions relating to the political situation In Poland, finally queried: "And your art, Mr. President, have you given it up completely 1" "Yes," replied the former artist, "I have forgotten it. I have little time to think of it. I have not play ed a piano for two years and three months. I do not regret it." INJURED AVIATORS IMPROVE Philadelphia, Oct. 7. —The condi tion of the six United States Army aviators, injured in two crashes at Bustleton field Sunday afternoon, was reported as satisfactory at the Frankford Hospital, where the men were carried after the accident. All are expected do recover. Lieutenant Charles R. Colt is the most seriously injured of the six. Colonel Townsend F. Dodd was killed in one of the crashes. BEWARE OF AUTO STEALING Washington, Oct. 7.—Severe pen alties for the theft of automobiles will soon be on the statute books. The Senate yesterday passed the House bill providing that "whoever shall transport or cause to be trans ported in interstate or foreign com merce a motor vehicle, knowing the same to have been stolen, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $5,000, or by imprisonment of not more than five years, or both." "INVENTED ARMY TANK," DECLARE 11 CLAIMANTS London, Oct. 7.—The controversy between rival claimants for the honor of having invented the Army tank will have a hearing before the British Commission on Awards to Inventors soon. Eleven claimants will appear before the commission. Winston Churchill, Minister of War. will he among the witnesses called ! to the stand In an' effort to settle the controversy. U. S. NEEDS -LERKS The United States Civil Service Commission has announced that the need for stenographers, typists and stenographer-typists is urgent. These examinations are held every Tuesday IT- the post office building and are open to both men and women. The usual entrance salaries are $l,lOO a year for typists and $1,200 a year for stenographers and stenographer-tvp ists. ARRANGING PRINCE'S VISIT Regina. Snsk., Oct. 7.—Lieutenant Colonel E. M. Origg, military secre tary of the Prince of Wales, is on his way to Washington to confer with Viscount Grey. British Ambassador to the United States, concerning the prince's visit to Washington and New York in November. Beyond the fact that the royal party will pass "Armistice Day" in Washing ton, no details of the visit to the United States have been settled. DISTRIBUTE ARMY FOOD Postmaster Frank C. Sites an nounced that within a week per sons in the city who ordered reserve government food supplies by parcel post will receive their orders. The postmen are distributing the food now and new supplies were received yesterday. Memorial Park Addition—The suburb unparalleled. TECH-CENTRAL DANCE LAST NIGHT More Than Two Hundred At tend First Event of Kind at Winterdale The Tech-Central Dance, the first event of Its kind to be held this sea son, was given last evening at Win terdale Hall, with the Sourbeer- Meyers Orchestra playing for the dancing. About two hundred persons were present including the following: The Misses Esther Famous, Kate Famous, Margaret Geisklng, Mary Shupe, Kathryn McNeal, Mary E. Witmer, Martha K. Miller. Levan Middleton, Helen McHenry, J. G. Moore, Esther McHenry, Margaret Hassler, Merle L. Smith, Elsie - „ ... . stanianeous metnod. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Book Offer Extraordinary! By Special Arrangement of the Dives, I Pomeroy & Stewart Book Department I Complete at .. . . $5 . 95 j A Cost Considerably Less Than Publish- —M H BEI 10l fc er's Selling Price '~s J'J pij Roosevelt Speaks to America Today Through These < Four Large Volumes .Vol. 1 tells with many vivid incidents the thrilling history of his life. Mr. Roosevelt himself read and strongly approved this latter portion of the volume by EUGENE THWING. VOLUMES II and 11l- Contain Theodore Roosevelt's stirring ad dresses and messages on The Square Deal in Business, and other noteworthy utter ances—a complete record of the "Roose velt Policies" up to the last year of his Presidency. Size of Volumes, each CURRENT OPINION—a magazine rich in information upon all national and interna tional affairs, broad, impartial, non-partisan—covers the whole field of literature, science, art, politics, business, religion and personal interests. $3.00 a year. Number of Sets Limited! Send in Your Order at Once! Play Aprons, Rompers and Dresses Stamped for Embroidery New styles displayed in the Art Needlework Sec- tion on the Third floor. These pieces are neatly stamped on good gingham with separate nursery de . signs for trimming pockets—green, tan pink and §) IHBI Infants' dresses stamped on mull and batiste in I' Children's rompers, ready-made and stamped on lr Jnllrffllllii \ white rep and poplin, sizes 1 to 3 years. i a WOUU/A^XJ J \ I \\iil Dresses for girls up to 14 years, stampted on 119 ■&(imWE-H—l- —X \j\\ batiste, lawn, pique and oxford in white and colors. Each $2.25 to $4.75 Misses pajamas, stamped on fine mercerized pink batiste with sufficient colored embroidery cotton to complete $3.00 and $3.95 Ready made French chemise, steamped o i sheer mull and finished with veinittg.. .$2.75 Dlvee, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor B*BRISBURO TEEEGIUPH! Rose. Ruth McCauley, Esther Wheeler, Helen Gable, Myrtle Deck ard, Laura Eichelberger, Edna Bowers, Florence H. Rinkenbach, M. E. Hanlen, Helen Henderson, Ruth Pauline Rife, Frances Todd, Martha Moltz, Helen Jackson, Pau line Stjroe, Sara Rochman, Josephine Ebersore, Mary Twigg, Mable Shan non, Eleanor M. Bothwell, Alda Maloy, Martha Hollar, Mary Mutch, Rose Bellows, "Dot" Schmidt, Edna White, Beatrice Blair, Kathryn Spangler. B. J. Dlssinger, Harvey L. Ens minger, George W. Moltz, R. Keever, W. R. Rice, Maurice Nathan, I. T. Rochman, Fred W. Ramey, Charles Spangler, S. Sherman, F. L. Kam sky, B. C. Yoffee, R. H. Price, R. L. Morgan, L. Willis Patterson, J. G. Bingham, S. L. Iloltry, Bruce Smith, E. Earle Unger, Neil Pickering, John Upp, George M. Rex, Don Heagy, Vernon M. Wright, "Don" Wright, H. M. Shope, Barney Aldinger, Thomas R. Shuey, Robert Wallower, Robert Snyder, Walter W. Dorwart, H. L. Landis, "Joe" Schmidt, Fred VOLUME IV— Incorporates his important addresses and messages on Americanism, Preparedness, and National Ideals during the four years of world war. In this volume, also, are his ringing speeches during the sensational Presidential campaign of 1912. Henry, S. S. Froehlich, E. Hill Rob erts, J. M. Middleton, John H. Mur phy, J. G. Moore, Charles G. Fry, Jr., George L. Stark, C. W. Britsch, Mr. and Mrs. Hlest R. Culp, Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nesbit, Turk Nationalists Arc Precipitating Crisis Similar to Fiume Paris, Oct. 7.—General Ali Riza Pasha, the new Turkish grand vizier, has opened negotiations with Mustapha Kemai, the Turkish Na tionalist leader, whose troops re cently tnok possession of the strategic city of Konien, according to a dispatch from the special corre spondent of I/lnformation at Con stantinople. Turkish Nationalist troops now number upward of 300,000 men and commanded by Mustapha Kemal seem to have precipitated In Asia Minor, on a major scale, a crisis similar to that which arose in Dal matia when Captain Gabriele D'An nunzio seized the city of Fiume. There is a feeling that the situa tion in Asia Minor lias gone beyond the control of the Turkish govern ment and that the Allied powers are helpless, at present, to do anything to bring military pressure to bear nnd afford any appreciable relief. There are some who question whether the powers are sufficiently united, or inclined to intervene. PLAN ENTERTAINMENT Young men and women in charge of a seres of entertainments for Sacred Heart Church, South Cameron street, have a big program ahead. On Thurs day night a eucher and five hundred party will be featured. The Commit tee in charge is preparing to make this a pleasant evening. Many out of town friends will be on hand, and a large attendance is looked for. Memorial Park Addition—The suburb unparalleled. More Enchanting Than Ever—in New Colorings and New Designs Kumsi-Kumsa } Brocaded Symphony and Fan-ta-si Iridescent, glowing shimmering, radiant two-tone silks in the rich, deep more brilliant tones of Autumn. These are the silks that reveal golden vistas in the world of fashion. .Several of the patterns were specially designed for evening wraps; others include rich plaids, stripes and figured designs, 38 to 40 inches wide. Yard $8.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor ' I Fall Dress Cottons in Splendid Array Poplins are a perennial favorite and new arrivals show dressy and serviceable styles in fine silk and cotton weaves at $1.25 and $1.49 Poplins of the finest cottons, silky finish, 27x36 inches wide, all the wanted Autumn shades. Yard ......... Nainsook in good pink for lingerie; 38 inches. Yard 69^ Silk muslin, 36 inches. Yard 85^ Wm. Anderson Ginghams, in fancy plaids, checks and staple stripes. Yard, 69d and 79<* Kimono Silk, 36 inch. Yard $1.25 Madras Shirting, 32 and 36 inches; silk stripes. Yard 59£, 75£, and 85£ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor The Credit Department Now on the 3rd Floor The Credit and Bill Paying Department has been removed from the balcony, over looking the street floor, to larger quarters on the third floor. The new location may be reached handily by three elevators. The space occupied heretofore by this department will be used by the Children's Footwear Section where the best of school and dress shoes for boys and girls will be found in abundance. Housecleaning Necessaries Brooms, 75c, 85c, 95c, SI.OO, sl.lO and $1.19 .Galvanized scrub pails, 42c, 45c, 50c, 59c, 80c, 90c and 98c Wire carpet beaters with wood handle .... 15c STEP LADDERS 3 feet high sl.lO 4 feet high $1.40 5 feet high SI.BO 6 feet high $2.20 Household sponges 15c to $1.25 Shelf paper in assorted designs and colors, 5 yard pieces 5c Wall paper cleaner, can 15c Galvanized ash sifters to fit over barrel or ash can $1.50 Bissell's vacuum hand cleaners. .$9.00, $ll.OO Bissell's carpet sweepers, $2.75, $4.25, $4.50 and $0.50 Liquid Veneer polish 25c mid 50c Japanese furniture polish 25c Lyknu furniture polish 25c, 50c and SI.OO Liquid gloss furniture polish.... 75c and $1.25 Liquid floor wax, (Johnson) 50c Hard floor wax, (Johnson) 65c and $1.25 Utility dustless dusters 45c Scrub brushes 10c and 20c Stove brushes 25c and 50c Paint and varnish brushes, 10c, 15c, 25c to 83c Dust brushes, 33c, 45c, 50c, 75c, 83c and 980 Feather dusters, 42c, 50c, 80c, 73c, 83c and 98c Lambs wool wall dusters, 98c, $1.15, $1.39, $1.59 O'Cedar battle ship polish mops SI.OO O'Oedar dust mops SI.OO Self wringing scrub mop SI.OO Floor mop with long handle 50c Dustless mops 50c Mops without handle, 45c, 59c, 75c and 98c Mop handles 25c and 50c O'Cedar polish, 25c, 50c, SI.OO, $1.75 and $3.00 Dives, Pomsroy A Stewart —Basement OCTOBER 7, 1919. Lille Demanding the Extradition of Count Otto Bismarck By Associated Press. Paris, Oct. 7.—The extradition of Count Otto Bismarck, grandson of the famous German Chancellor, has been demanded of the German gov ernment at the instance of court martial authorities at Lille, accord ing to the correspondent of the Ex celsior. Eight other Germans are also to be extradited, the writer states. Count Bismarck is accused of having had fourteen inhabitants of the village of Vicoigne shot as "an example" and of burning several houses there. Similar charges are preferred against the others whose extradition is demanded. FORM NEW MINISTRY By Associated Press. Paris, Oct. 7.—A new ministry for Jugo-Slavia has been formed in Bel Women's Fine Quality Gloves In Suit Shades, White and Black Women's Chamoisette gloves, in white brown, grey and mode. Pair SI.OO to $1.50 Leatherette gloves with strap wrist in mode and white. Pair ... $2.00 Washable cape skin gloves, in tan. grey and pearl. Pair $2.50 to $2.75 Two clasp French kid gloves, in black, with white or contrasting embroidery or white with self or contrasting embroidery. Pair $3.50 Pique sewn kid gloves, with pearl clasp and fancy embroidery in grey, brown and beaver. Pair $3.75 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. A Discount of 10 Per Cent Now On Christmas Greeting Cards Done In Relief Engraving A special pre-holiday saving of 10 per cent is offered to all persons making selec tions of personal greeting cards before Oc tober 10th. Complete samples may be seen at the Sationery Department on the street floor. Dlvei, Fomeroy A Stewart, Street Floon grade, according to dispatches re ceived here. M. Trikovitch has been named as premier, it is stated, and M. Trumbitch as minster of foreign affairs. New Methods Removes Superflous Hair Roots! Have you "tried everything" for that annoying hairy or fuzzy growth and about given up in despair? Well, there's just one thing more to try, and you must try it, because it is the one home treatment that reaches the very root of such troubles. The new process is not to be compared at all with depilatory, electrical of any other method you've ever heard of. It is different because it actually removes roofs nnl all —you see the roots with your own eyes. •lust get a stick of phelactine from your druggist, follow the simple in structions. and you will he delighted with the result. Phelactine is odor less. non-irritating, and can be used with entire safety—you could even eat it with impunity. It is an in stantaneous method.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers