"F. 1.1. int> l—gsra UNITED HAItKISBUIIG, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1010. ~ FOUNDED IWTI • A Two Day Clean Up of Wavy Hair Switches All Shades Including Gray at $2.95 Our usual $4.45 and $4.95 values are included. It's hardly possible that you'll be able to buy switches of such good quality at this low price soon again. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Time to he T{eady mith Knitted Under wear For Fall Careful people don't wait for the cool days to come— ! this year least of all; for we are told that there won't be ' (► enough of the best kinds to go around. Too bad to have to accept the less carefully made sorts. It means so much to one's comfort and good disposition to have I good-fitting Underwear that is shapely and never binds | or pinches. The right sorts are here in full supply, now. Athena vests and pants are made to fit the body. Made in several styles. Vests with high neck, long sleeves; low neck, sleeve less; Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, pants, ankle and knee length with closed gore, $l.OO and $1.25. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor Hosiery A fine quality silk stock ing, full length with lisle top and feet in black, white, naw, gray and brown; each, $1.19. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor f Warm Sleeping Garments For Children and Infants Every careful mother takes proper precaution to see that her children have the warmer sleeping garments as soon as the cool nights come. Flannelette keeps their bodies warm at night even though the bed covers should be kicked off. Our Fall stock of flannelettes are now complete and moder ately priced. Children's Flannelette gowns; pink and white, blue and white striped; V neck without collar finished with fancy nar row braid; double yoke back, and front; 2 to 14 years; $1.25 to $1.50. Children's flannelette gowns in blue and white, pink and white striped with turnover collar; double yoke and back; 2 to 14 years; $1.50. Children's knit sleeping garments with and without feet; drop seat; $1.15; $1.35 and $1.50. Infants' knitted gowns; 6 mo., 1 and 2 years; draw string at bottom; 75c, 85c, 95c, $1.05, $1.30. BOWMAN'S —Second 'Floor. Turkish Towel Special Turkish towels with blue border; good size; each, 27c. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. | An All Around Shoe j! i For All Times | Special $lO i> Whether it be services for business or dress, or f. both, and you wish good shoes that spell durability, " you'll find Bowman's shoes full of satisfaction and ; comfort. Good values and intelligent fitting are re- Y . , sponsible for the continually increasing growth and patronage we are enjoying. I There's extra wear and style in every pair of our ll shoes. Let Us Prove It To You. i. Brown and black calfskin, black kidskin and patent coltskin; all with welted soles; special, $lO.OO. k " " 0 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Distinctive Suits in Fashion's 11 Newest Modes ■ Blouse, Ripple, Flare, Semi-fitted and Tailored models are featured in Duvet De Malanga, Peachbloom, Lyonnier, Massena, p V ;fj|j Herringbone, Silvertone, Delhi, Tricotine, Serge and Oxford B ' $45.00 t() $350.00 U | I Smart Coats of Surpassing Beauty ' H That Radiate Smartness it dpFetching models designed to suit every individual taste. In choice of style and color they are all that Fashion decrees. In ft] Chameleon cord, Caledonia, Bokhara, Frost Glow, Peach- • p kl°° m , Tinseltone, Silvertone Yelonr, Polo cloth, Art Seal, and New Frocks That Are Particularly Jj Attractive For Fall and Winter Assembled in a profusion of styles, materials and colors. jfe Smart evening, afternoon or street dresses of undeniable - c^iarm are developed in Metal Brocades, Panne Velvet, Georgette, Satins, Crepe Granite, Airette, Canton, Tricotine, Jersey BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Special Sale of the Famous Van Raalte Silk Undergarments This lot of charming Silk Underwear from one of the country's foremost makers of silk gar ments was secured at such a remarkable price concession that we can offer them to you at an unusual saving. And such exquisitely lovely undergarments, excellent in shapeliness and dainty charm as appeal instantly to discriminating women. The special prices presented during this Envelope chemise in flesh satin. Front event gives a woman an attractive opportun- trimmed with three rows of val lace insets, lty to replenish her supply of extra-fine silk Shoulder strap model. Something just a little undergarments at a real saving gar- dUPIk out °f ordinary, even in beautiful silk ments are fashioned from fine quality "crepe EpS garments. Special during sale, at $9.98. de chine georgette and washable satin. The Envelope chemise in flesh, orchid and extensive variety of lace, embroidered, ribbon V (T A. peach crepe de chine. Bodice top has shoul and tuck-trimmed styles will please the most der stra P s ancl trimmed in val lace and hand exacting woman. \ \\ I embroidered organdy insets. The regular \ priee of this elsewhere is a great deal more Dainty envelope chemises in Beige crepe \ *' ian de chine. A plain tailored model with tucked V Envelope chemise in sky blue, flesh and bodice top and tucks to match on band below, maize crepe de chine. Tucked georgette bodice which also has two lace trimmed pockets. I i\ | |\ top with insets of val lace. Very special at Extra fine quality and very special in price, at I\\\ I/ u $7.98. $9-98. I u\|//|L Envelope chemise in flesh tint in-armhole ... . . . . . /u \\ \l II \ effect. Bodice top of flesh satin orchid trim- A two-tone georgette step-in, foundation U \ med, embroidered ribbon trimmed and insets of flesh tint covered with Nile green. Plain \\J f \ of val lace. A decided saving in money at tailored with hemstitched bodice top and g }\\ \V I \ $9.98. trimmed with flowered ribbon. A beautifully Envelope chemise of sky blue satin. designed garment, specially priced at $9.98. iJiJ Bodice top with ribbon strap, and prettily ~ A , • n i (IT A / / I trimmed in narrow pink ribbon and val lace. Envelope chem.se in flesh satin. Net / I During this sale> sp £ cial at $798 . and fancy ribbon trimmed bodice top and / shoulder straps. Prettily trimmed below to / / Envelope chemise in blue crepe de chine. . , . ~ . • i . cno / \ / Bodice top of georgette trimmed with lace match. An excellent special, at $7.98. / medallion insets and trimmed down front with Envelope chemise in flesh georgette. / I '798 S *" rrec * ff eor ? ette ' Special sale price, ' Bodice top trimmed in fclce with shoulder gr ' straps, bows and other trimming in double- w ' bloomers, reinforced and cut very , ... ... , *. , , * „ . , 1 full. Trimmed with three rows of hemstitch face ribbon, flesh and. light blue. Special • and blue flowercd ri bbon. In orchid and while they last, $9.98. flesh< Special sale price, $7.98. • Christmas Is Here in Twelve IVeeks . JVhat Better Gift For a IVoman t * BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BCOmiSBtTRG TEEEGKXPH OCTOBER 1, 1919. Sale of Bowman's Soap For Hard W^ater $l.OO For a Dozen Cakes This soap has been sold for over twenty years by Phila delphia's leading department store and is considered one of the best soaps for every toilet purpose—shaving, shampooing or the bath. fa We have secured the exclusive right to sell this soan Philadel^hhi"soap?" ** thC " lanufact " r as the If it takes a dozen cakes a year per person, how many J° U r q "' re at this s P ccial P rice for the familv use. Sold there for fifteen cents, here for twelve and one-half cents; special now, twelve cakes for $l. BOWMAN'S—Main FloQr. / V | LININGS For Dress, Suit or Coat The durability and perfect fitting of any garment is largely a matter of attention you pay to the inner '< construction of the garment. A good lining is the trame work upon which it is supported, it holds to gether the very material you want to render the best of service, and represents in finish the worthiness of the goods. 32-inch Venetians. Artistic designs to resemble costly silks, wear extra ordinary; $1.25 yd. . t 36-inch richly designed sateens; 59c, 79c, and 1 85c yd. 36-inch Plain colored sateens; full range of j colors; 45c, 59c, and 79c yd. 36-inch Foundation silks; part cotton; in all the ! wanted shades; 59c, and 79c yd. 36-inch Satin Faced cotton' back satins; guaran teed for two seasons wear; $1.75 yd. j 36-inch Damas&ette; big range of colorings and brocade designs; $2.25 yd. ' 36-inch Levantine Prints on Indian Twill; silk grounds; $2.95 yd. 40-inch Printed Pussy Willow and Morning ] Glory silks; $3.75, and $4.50 yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Beacon Blankets In the National Blanket Week Sale Beacon goods need troduction as every person knows the good wearing qualities and beautiful d©< Crib blankets in single and double, Indian Blankets, etc. Indian blanket, suitable for canoeing, athletic and general purposes; $6.00 to $7.25 each. Crib blankets in single and double in white, pink and blue floral and animal designs, 89c to $4.89. Jacquard comfortable in j beautiful floral designs: $6.00. - Double bed blankets in plaids and floral designs. Kxtra heavy nap and warm i as all wool; beautiful pet terns; $7.50 to $ll.OO per pair. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Novelties in Veils Square meshes and square dots are quite new. But you may still prefer the less severe effects that are equallv correct and shown in a wide variety. There are veilings that provide drap cries for hats that are sparsely trimmed ; but fash ion also favors the more conservative veilings by the yard. \\ hichever is most be coming and most desired by you is here. New veilings by the yard in the new plain and fancy meshes. Chenille dots, scroll borders; and woven / dots; 25c to $1.25 yd. M Farmers' Van Raalte I Waterproof maline in every 1 desirable shade; 59c yd. 1 Ready to wear veils with ' scroll and dotted borders in brown, black, navy, taupe and purple, $l.OO to $3.50. BOWMAN'S—Mtrtn Floor 3
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