18 SECRETARY QUITS; LONG IN SERVICE Henry J. Auckcrman, L irst General Secretary on the P. R. R. System sli iii fl "HENRY J. AUCKKRMAN Among the Pennsylvania Railroad veterans who will be retired one month from to-day is Henry J. Auckerman, general secretary of the r. R. R. Y. M. c\ A., at Altoona. lie has been identified with association work for thirty-one years, and work ed for the Pennsy ten years as a shopman. He is known to railroad men all over the United States. In Pennsylvania Railroad circles his friends are an army. He resigned as secretary some time ago. Recently at a meeting of general secretaries at Pittsburgh this vet eran was presented with a purse and other gifts. His work with the "1 was praised. The principal speaker was Frank 11. Gregory, general sec retary of the local railroad associa •tion, and a close friend of General Secretary Auckerman. His Memorable Career Mr. Auckerman was the first gen eral secretary of the Pennsylvania system. The Altoona association was instituted October 10, 1575. Until March. I£B2, all of the work of the association was voluntary and there was no such office as general secre tarv. Mr. Auckerman was trans ferred from the passenger car shops to the newly-inade position in ISS2, by the late general superintendent, Charles F,. Pugh. He had previously spent ten years in the Pennsylva nia Railroad service in the shops. During his long term as general secretary of the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A., Mr. Auckerman has been untiring in his efforts to make his work bring good results, and he has been successful. His retirement comes because of poor health. His succes sor has not been named. Shopmen Hear Official Explain Wage Agreement Shopmen, representing various crafts, filled Chestnut Street Audi torium last night. The meeting was for the purpose of explaining the recent agreement reached with the Federal Railroad Administra tion regarding shopmen's wages and conditions. F. McKenzie represent ing Division No. 2 was the principal speaker. The meeting was for shop men only and they were admitted on presentation of their due book. No information was given out. Regard ing an agreement the Altoona Mir ror says: "A national agreement covering •wages and working conditions has been signed by Director General Hines and representatives of the shop craft, giving an increase of 4 cents an hour in wages, according to advices that have been received from Washington. "The railroad shopmen will be paid on the basis of an 8-hour day similar to members of theh four brotherhoods. The agreement is ef fective October 2 0 and will con tinue until the government relin quishes control of the roads. Union officials regard the uniform contract as one of the most important gains by labor in recent years." Rush Track Repair Work on Harrisburg Division The vast amount of construction •work, repairing and improving the roadbed of the Harrisburg division, Philadelphia and Reading railroad, has necessitated placing an addi tional work train and full comple ment of men at work at Lebanon. A total of four crews are in opera tion. The four trains will have their headquarters in the Lebanon yards. To-day another large force of men were employed to augment the road way force in order to expedite the work as speedily as possible. This is the maximum number of men ever employed on this division. Rotary Club and Ladies to Have Big Time Next Tuesday Harrisburg Rotary Club members md their wives will be guests of Herman P. Miller next Tuesday, af ternoon and of David Witmer. of Witmer, Bair and Witmer, in the evening. ♦ The members and their wives will be taken by automobile to Ballcvue Park, where Mr. Miller will ex plain some new developments and Improvements contemplated for that locality and where supper will be served in the park reservation. S. S. Rutherford to be the caterer. About 7 o'clock the members and their puests will go to the Witmer store In Walnut street, where a special program has been prepared. Mr. Witmer will show on living models the very latest things in women's wear and after the meeting the whole party will go to the T. M. C. A., where refreshments will be served. FLY CAMPAIGN CLOSES The last fly campaign of the year will close Saturday when flies wiil be measured at the Patriot office. Five cents a pint for dead flics is the price the club pays and there will be prizes for the winners WEDNESDAY EVENING. IF UNIONS WIN, MILLS WILL DECAY [Continued front First Page.l trol of the organization. I wish to refute most emphatically the charge of Mr. Gompers that his death was caused by any agent of the United States Steel Corporation. He died one year later of cancer resulting from the wound." "The large majority of our work men were not desirous of engaging in a strike." he said. "They were not members of any labor union, having declined to become such year after year. "Throughout the war, our work men were loyal. While it is true that there is a radical element of foreigners at the present time, it is only doing justice to say that in my opinion, the majority of the for eigners were good citizens." "Do you mean by 'foreigners' those not naturalized?" asked Chair man Konyon. "I include all foreign born." Threats Were Made "The men did not strike of their own volition." continued Gary. "They were taken out by the con j stant effort of union leaders to bring about a strike. Threats had been i made—we have a great deal of I hearsay testimony that families were told their children would be killed. ! their houses burned if the men didn't go out. Large numbers of men remained away from work be cause they were afraid. , "Tf you exclude these, who did not think there was sufficient protec tion. T think it is fair to say that not over twenty-eight per cent, of our employes struck. If you include them the total away from work was about forty per cent." Judge Gary said the men were returning to work. "More returned yesterday than on any day since it started." he said. Hours and Wages Senator McKellar, Democrat. Ten : nessee, said it was contended that I the hours of labor in the steel mills were unusually long. "T want to refer to wages first," said Judge Gary. "The lowest wage rates naid by the corporation to un skilled labor working ten hours a day are 42 cents per hour in our basic eight-hour-day plant; 42 cents per hour for ten hours, and for the hours over eight, time and a-half is paid. That is at a rate of 68 cents an hour, making $4.62 per day. "That is the cheapest pay for men. Some bovs may get IS a day." Highest Pay $.82.50 "The highest earnings, of rollers, is $.22..16 per day. They roll the hot metal into sheets." "The general average wage of all manufacturing plants, not Including executives, administrators and sales ment. on July 1. 1919. was 6.27 per day." lie explained that some men work eight, some ten and some twelve hours a day. Men are per mitted to work only eight hours if they desire, he said, when the labor is unusually hard. "This question of hours is im portant," he observed, "and I desire to go into it fully later." "It has been stated before this committee," said Judge Gary, "that the steel companies have been guilty of ill treatment of their employes. Some statements have been made on misinformation and some abso lutely without foundation. "I wish to state, Mr. Chairman, that there is no basic industry in this country nor in the world, in my opinion, which has paid larger wages DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART Irresistible Modes of Sparkling Gayety Distinguish This Autumn New Chiffon Velvets • • Laces and Trimmings When a woman thinks of beauty in a fabric, it is the . A season of rich dress garnitures, with laces high in favor, weave of silk that comes to her mind. and their beauty justifying their revival. The fine chiffon velvets that grace §ur showing of silken _<tv- t beauty are of such richness and charm that the tread of 7 ™ ctal flou " c ™. net lul, V n evenlo f " hade * ,r,ne< ' r • • , • „ _ , , , gowns; spangled flounces, bursts and ornaments, imagination to them will be more pronounced than ever De- x -Lv Tulle flouncing* with gold or silver bordering*, turnuoi**, buck fore. - ' #sss' 7 . N royal, whte, taupe and navy. Elegant in tumbmatou wun suu This is the finest quality of chiffon velvet woven on a silk \ ] *L - | ya !~ d ;• • ••••••• •• •• §!.*• , . . , . . ._ . , J , . , • • , , u - \)l \ -V v. Plain- tulles In all the popular shades. Yard ||,in stockinet back, is 40 inches wide and is shown in these lead- , \ \ ) Black and gold embroidered tan; all widths, ncluding allow A" \ *> ir( /fftf'' Pine laces used with black satin foi collars, Hole* and ,ufl DARK BROWN PLUM fk'< \lm aA \ 7 Silver and gold laces. Y'ard iI.OO to ft > TATTTDTT TJT APV /Tfl 1 l"iLX\ \ / AH Chantilly laces. Yard Hh Is M.iu InUrr. // / AT nul f]j E V \ w, Fringes for every colored gown, two inches to 12 ire ties in wall Yard $7.50 I I /i *"* l I /Vfn Heavy fringe tassels and rope girdle cord. The New Metal Silks If mv... pome™ *w These gorgeous fabrics are the pride of American looms \l/ J\\F f and show what wonderful strides have been made in this \ *V? V\\ Hf\D/(t\Mllnvt/\ t\ tl 1 1 ft t country in the direction of supplying silk novelties of pre- \y. A, \| I 1 x L/L/t I/l jJJJlldlll l S eminent beauty that formerly had to be imported. £fmfjr \ ,/ \ / /r\\ 7 J S *X. I i .. i • -f M f/i .Alw! v / /IV > // y. /lit ' ' These simple se'entihe devices, which are being deiuonstiai. The patterns are the equal in inspiration and weaving of [■■„ VI i JfFJ. IMul / ( V,// CsFi I" I ,n our Bhoe Section, are worn inside the shoe and bring a rid „t any that come from France —at about one-third the cost of y Mi fwußu ' ' ' / v I f I relief and comfort to those tortured with ai-nom .i, gtitus i t ~ the French fabrics. /yCT* V" vLw IVvBII t/'Z '/ I 'V KW U I Hives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, lit a, The new broches are prominent for smart capes and ''A ttfw ',S \sJ ) Vl uc gowns, particularly for evening wear and come in all the S( 0 i f- f 2 and silver warp Yard Sl™ \ 14,000 lbs. GoVCrHmeUt pitched 36 inches, heavy metal warp. Yard $15.00 _ u>> . T) i i ' son it 36 inches, metal embroidery. Yard *lB.OO ■€ YO©OEHATS aSSSP) BuCOll Sold 111 12 111, . //). ,f.IC Broche Georgettes in dainty silver combinations in deli- CficmdVailorvd / I I Hives. Pomeroy & Stewart Haseuieut cate shades of orchid, pink, blue, rose and black. , p Divei*, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor n) i m p(z or sumptuous I , D ~ „ , Fur Trimmings Kimonos and I4attl X\oOes p ur j B a dominant note as a trimming in wmiet UshitMu Deacon Blanket Robes, to ptald, convcnOonal potter.is and plain /W fcLSnionS, Dut tflC 3tld e r' 3 6 arnyent oy * hat has Its style enhanced ly a colors' coltarless or with round or sailor collar; cord or satin trim- / 2 , , / /*. * touch Ot tur. .ntiiK ul rope girdle: navy ffrey, rose, s## . predominantfOS,fllOHS One inch white Coney. Twu inch bUvS .va. ig.d •lapnnese crepe kimones, hand embroidered; rose, pink light blue /T if „ m/vv i Tal ; d - " ami t'oiM-nhagen. $5OO, $505 and 56.95. \ Of tllQ Sffldrt WOTIO v j° ' * hUe ','*■ Four ittvh bli.S wi -■ Satin camisoles in navy and black, sUp over style trimmed with - Vurd \ -i" U iM,, hemstiehing. satin shoulder straps, $1.95 Onl inch ntVrto Yurd 41 60 i inch MwvS *^,4 Hives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor EXCIUSIVe VOQUe ModdS-g /,5 ff) sss 140 inch Coney |u. in' Wait M W IU brown and grey. Yard, Slt.OU '* invh utwU ta.d s|*M4 , ' • Four inch Coney fur in black. Three inch nuttnai *ye**u.. The Vogue of Veils \ rS b T^r^j.r'OS. ,x- J. I IV; r xsj j -\ brown and grey. Yard, $ll.OO Yard .... a • I-llet niesli veiling, plain and fancy, yard LOc to $2.50 r —v. * l' *ur collars to ftt any coat or cape, ail full etsvs, e*i> Fancy mesli veilings in all shades, yard 2>c to $2.50 I j )\\™J [ / I ur collars ut §|u m~ French dotted veilings in the fancy and popular hexagon meshes, V / Z ( ) lairger collars, same fur . ... ♦<■... .. yard 30c to $1.50 1 1 , Mole collars, ut ~... Slietlniul veiling, plain and fancy, yard 50c to $l.OO g eu | collars, at #l4 OU |.u uu ..a , Draiied veils to Shcland and silk scroll designs, all shades, j. ur animal heads to mutch furs, Cutis) all , „i, .< i v ,t tie 59c '.o $2.00 Heal heaver heads, ut sw. Slip-on veils with designs falling becomingly on each cheek, Hut tor*, imitation seui and molt, each, #4 50c and <sc • Cunt) iur buttons, hlack, browu. grey god Whiig hwsk ##> Hives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor # fnves, Punero|l eltw*il, Oil est i iau) than the United States Steel Corpora tion, and perhaps not as large nor has treated their employes In great er respect and consideration, If as great. No Attacks Ordered "It has been charged that during the pending strike the subsidiary companies have been guilty of at tacking and mistreating employes. "There isn't a vestige of truth in that statement. Photographs were displayed here and it was said a woman was killed. This protograph has been posted all over America, i with a line over it 'Mrs. Fannie Sel lens' body ghoulishly mistreated by the steel trust's fiendish crew.' "She was shot at Breckenridge, Pa. We have no works there, no men there. If she was .killed, it was without even the knowledge of the steel corporation or any of its i employes." "Hasn't your company investigat ed that matter, in view of the j charge?" asked Chairman Kenyon. j Absolved From Killing "The verdict of the coroner's jury." said the witness, "made it certain that no agent of ours had the remotest connection with her death." "I have the certified copy of that verdict," said Senator Phipps, Re publican, Colorado. "I'll file that." Union Chief Says 6,000 Are Out, While Company Claims 1,450 By Associated Press Bothloliem, Pa., Oct. I.—There was little change this morning in the strike situation at the local plant of the Bethlehem Steel Company. The leaders of the strikers who held a big mass meeting at Allentown last night expected big additions to their ranks to-day hut this expec tation was not borne out by the number of employes who went to i work on the two morning shifts. The j company claims that only about 12 j per cent, or 1,4.10 of the men are ' out while David Williams, leader of | the strikers, maintains that 6,000 i are out. The latter's claim is not borne out by the activities at the steel works. The steel company ap pears more handicapped, however, than officials will admit. United States Senator Kenyon was wired a petition from the strikers late last ! night, asking his committee which is j probing the steel strike to extend its inquiry to the Bethlehem Steel Com- ! pany. LEGION HOSTS TO GATHER HERE [Continued from First Page. 1 these meetings, including the elec tion of State officers and delegates ito the National Convention, which is to be held in Minneapolis in No vember. the first session to begin on Armistice Day, November 11. Leaders Arc Ilcrc Members of the State executive committee and of special State com mittees are attending the conven tion as "ex-otficio" delegates. They will not be entitled to a vote in the convention, however, unless they are duly elected delegates of a post. The special committees are as follows; Resolutions, constitution, organization, publicity, care disabled soldiers, employment of discharged J soldiers, and legal and medical aid. The program covering the three- I day activities of the Legion was an nounced this morning as follows: HAHJUBBTTTtG ££& TELEGR3LPH Ttinrwdoy, October 2 Nine a. m., registration, verifica tion of credentials, issue of badges, validation of railroad certificates; 2 p. m., convening of convention, elec tion of chairman and secretary, | adoption of program, selection of | committees; 8 p. m., dance at i Chestnut Street Hall. Friday, October 3 Nine a. m., meeting of executive committee; 9.50 a. m., meeting of i other committees; 2 p. m., conven-1 tion—reports of committees; 8 p. m., performance of "Friendly Enemies" at Orpheum. Saturday, October I Nine a. m., convention—reports of committees. Election of delegates, alternates and delegates-at-large to j national convention. Election of State officers. On Scene Early George F. Tyler, chairman of the j State organization of te Legion, and ! G. Aertson, Jr., secretary, were on the scene early making final ar rangements. Miller Johnson, of Lewisburg, chairman of the conven tion committee, is. finishing up all details connected with the meetings and said this morning that contrary to rumors, there would be sessiorrs in the main hall of the Chestnut Street Auditorium. The world's series baseball scores will be re ceived in the smaller room. Grand Commander Comes Prominent Pennsylvanians who are members of the Joint National | Executive Committee of Thirty-Four and who will in all probability be here for at least one of the various sessions, are William G. Price, Jr., the present commander of the State Guard; Eric Fisher Wood, secretary of the committee, and Franklin D'Olier. First Volleyball Match Takes Place Tonight in Auditorium Next to interest in the big game , at Cincinnati to-day is the volley ! ball match scheduled for to-night at Chestnut Street Auditorium. The match will be between the Zembo Patrol team and the team representing the Noonday Business men's class at the Central T. M. C. 'A. It will start at 8 o'clock. ACter- I ward there will be dancing. The Zembos will line up as follows; Ike I McCord, Dave McConnell, Earl Rex- I roth, Arthur Hull, Harvey Taylor. "Doc" Miller. Eugene Meyer and Ira I Kindler. Students Are Enrolling For Extension Course The final week for registration for the extensio ncourses of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania is now under way. Thomas A. Budd, who is In charge of registration, will be at the rooms of the Chamber of Com merce each evening this wek, ex cept Saturday, to enroll prospective students. Next Monday evening the open ing session will take place at the Technical High School. This evening has been set aside as Alumni night. OBJECT TO COURT RULING J Exceptions have been filed to the I court ruling in the case of the Juniata Public Service Company against Daniel W. Romberger. Harry I Swab and Frederick A. Zeigler. Harrisburg Trust Co. Named to Administer Important Magee Estate j The Harrisburg Trust Company has j been appointed administrator of the estate of the late James Mugee. head iof the important Xlagee Carpet Com ! pany at Bloomsburg, who died sud j denly a few days ago of acute indi gestion He is survived by a widow and two sons. Mr. Magee was well known in Harrisburg and had only returned a tew days before his death front California. On this trip he was ; taken ill .but had practically recov ; ered and his death from indigestion ! was a shock to all who knew him. i The Mngce estate is said to be quite large, as the owner of the great ear pet making plant in the metropolis of Cumberland county. Register of Wills Fisher Celebrates 61st Birthday Register of Wills Ed. H. Fisher to-day celebrated his sixty-first birth day, receiving congratulations from many l'riends at his office in the courthouse. During the morning clerks in the register's and record er's offices sent for a floral gift which was presented to Mr. Fisher shortly before noon. Mr. Fisher has been register of wills since December. 1918, and is the Republican nominee for the of fice this fall. NEW VICTOR RECORI )S for October go on sale to-day— new songs, new dance music, new band records. Hear them all if you can, but, if 7 you can't, be sure to HEAR THIS ONE "Oh! What a Pal Was Mary" 18606—Henry Burr J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building 1 5 S. Market Sq. Kiwanis Club Plans Project to Be Given to Public at Luncheon | Thirty-live Kiwanis Club members I attended a big meeting of the pub | licity committee at the Central Y. M. |C. A. last evening. A big project. I now under consideration by the club. | received attention last evening, but j officials were not ready t v make any I announcements. The plan will be | further considered at the noon-day I luncheon to-morrow at the I'enn t Harris Hotel at 12.15 o'clock. BRING COUNTER SUITS Because of a disagreement which ended in blows, counter suits alleg ing assault and battery have been brought by R. It. Kefter, Green street, and Victor Braddoek, an at j torney. Keffer brought suit against the lawyer before Alderman Herbert while Itraddock sued Keffer before Alderman Murray. Both cases will be returned to court. VOTE NEARLY COUNTED The official count of the primary | election returns may be completed ' late this afternoon or to-morrow by | the return board. MARRIAGE LICENSES I John Pahney and Sarina Siardina. Steelton. Wilbur L. James and Ellen Hardy, Tyrone. OCTOBER 1, 1919. Rotary Club Will Go to Rolling Green Park The Harrieburg Rotary ('tub will Bo to Holllnß Green Park, nenr Sun- j bury, to-niorrow to attend the an-j nual picnic of Rotary Clubs of Con-) tral Pennsylvania, IncludlnK the 1 clubs of Scranton, Wllkes-ltarre, i Sunbury, Berwick, Willinmeport and Marrlsburß- Those who will make j the trip will meet in front of the IY. M. C. A. building at 9.4r> o'clock j J and will BO by automobile. The J automobile committee will have plenty of cars on hand for those 'who do not have their own. The j j return will be made in the early | evening. In case of threatening Qt==^Bt^=3Ql^^3Q[^^3Q^[^Slßl^SC^^Bnt==^n(====ini**^ I STATEMENT j I SEPTEMBER 23, 1919 ASSETS Cash 79.067 53 Due from banks 494,599 56 | Loans and investments 2,913,884 72 United States bonds 535,094 65 Bank building and fixtures . 78,218 96 Overdrafts 16 23 $4,100,881 65 LIABILITIEi Capital . $ 300,000 00 3 Surplus 300,000 00 Undivided profits 80,828 46 II Due to banks 3,286 16 DEPOSITS 3.416.767 03 a $4,100,881 65 Trust funds $712,236 72 | ThisfC„ O | MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM MMb. ffl -J' 'Q' >ni ——rinr-^^iriP==inf=^nr=in,-=3ciar^Mii —w-f. weather the member* IMfl *••< *• planned hut Will *n ht tMitl the xxHhirn JflH FBABY POWDER nciitwi wtfn
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers