16 Yttir Farni gted Room id Will Be Good News to Seme People-Use tic ckssifie^ 2)eatbs KXCK—On Monday morning. Sep tember 29. 1919, Crayton H. Enck. aged 51 years, 2 months and 2 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon at, 2 o'clock from his late residence, to , N. ltth St. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further i notice IN MEMORIAM In sad but loving remembrance of our dear soldier boy who died just one year ago to-day. October 1, on battlefield of France. Sergeant Ed ward R Murray. Oh. Edward, tell us not in mourn ful numbers, you are gone from us forever. It is hard to forget the day | you matched away with a cheerful, good-by. you would return when war would end, you never came. Oh, how, we did wait for your return. We w ill wait and wait in vain, you will never come, you are gone but not forgotten, we will always remember ,hee FATHER AND MOTHER. BROTHER AND SISTER. LOST AND FOUND LOST—A diamond ring; owner I would appreciate its return on tc-i count of friendship. Reward. Call Bell phone 202 W. Steelton. LOST—Masonic pin in circle of pearls. Reward if returned 1465 Mar ket St., or Bell phone SI7SR. LOST—Fur neckpiece on Tuesday afternoon in 25 Cent Store. Reward if returned to 2030 N. Fifth St. 1 LOST—Two blank books Saturday ; evening on Linglestown car. Please | notify or return to 2010 Green St. LOST —Will the party who found, saw or knows of any one finding a smf'.l blaekbound book containing recounts of bread route, on road be-1 tween Marysville and Puncannon. please notify W. H. Neumyer. care i Standard Baking Co., Hamsburg, Pa. Book is valuable to owner. LOST —Orlando Baglioni lost his j discharge papers September 19. in; Harrisburg. Finder will please re turn to the Home Service Section o! the Red Cross, 114 Walnut St. ; LOST—Bunch of keys, finder please return Bob Buyer, 24 S. Dewberry St. Suitable reward. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Arithme tic, etc. DAT AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL TEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125 Dial 4019. BECK LEV'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED—MALE Wanted , i • At 2000 -to 6000 a year and up Accountants Bank Examiners Traffic Managers Capable applicants are wanted to take training at once without inter ference with present duties for im portant positions with large indus tries and C. P. A. firms. Full infor mation without obligation. Address, La Salle Extension University Harrisburg Office. Bell 4940R P. O. Box 3, Hill Station I ■i WANTED Two strong men to help de liver siovcs and furniture. Apply at once. GATELY & FITZGERALD SUPPLY CO., 31 South Second Street. SALESMAN —Active reliable man ' wanted in Central Pennsylvania to I follow up trade and solicit new busi ness: full time or part time; open I air work, permanent employment at good wages to men who can make | good: no experience necessary;; knowledge of farming helpful; state! age, previous occupation. Reference! or security required. Hoopes. Bro. &, Thomas Co.. Stephen Girard Building, Philadelphia. Pa. 600 acres in nurser ies.' Established over 66 years. WANTED—AII lathers in Harris burg and vicinity are invited to at tend a meeting Friday evening. Octo ber 3 at Union Hall. 221-223 Market street, at S p. in. sharp. Edw. P. Mur phey. organizer. WANTED —Piece workers and lab- | oris, steady work and high wages ps id to men who mean business and ahk to earn big pay. Apply Lemoynel Quarry Co.. Front and Market Sts.. [ Harrisburg. RAILROAD traffic inspectors want ed 5110 a month and expenses to start; short hours; travel; three mi nths' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask for booklet N-2T3. Standard Busi ness Training Inst., Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Experienced window j trimmer and card writer in men's clothing and furnishing store, Penn- ! eylvania city of 120,000. Good oppor- j tunity for right man; must be steady and reliable, slate reference and sal ary. L.-BCIB care Telegraph. WANTED—Canvasser on a puie food li' duct; good opportunity for live wir> Applj "Porter," care Tele-: graph ! WANTED Practical watchmaker and clockniaker at once. Permanent and good position io right man. Jacob; Ts usig's Sons. 420 Market St. , ; MEN—(2S required); accustomed to work on tin rooting, gutter, skylight, cornice and general sheet metal work, steady work is guaranteed any man desiring to move to Philadelphia to rak> this job. good pay. This is a large corporation and guarantees work all year around. Write or ap- . ply ir. person. Any man proving satis- : factory will have transportation re funded aller two weeks' work. Thom as S. Gassner Co.. 4545 Wayne Ave.. Philadelphia. (Continued In Next Column j 7~° ; s FOR SALE Two Desirable Houses on Sixth Street No. 2526—3-story brick; 9 £ looms and batn; first liuor has oak s Hours; steam heat: elect, lc light; front and hack porches; lot. 16.2 x 11)5 ft., to Lexington street in rear. No. 2408 3-story brick, one of a pair; s rooms and bath; electric Ugh-- steam heat; lot, 20x 130 ft., with 2U-ft. alley in rear; possession oil days. x.sLier brothers & Co. Lvr.\*r:- ixstiu.ui: } MH I Vl' V.M> C O HIT STS. 9 SIHLiY iiO.NUS c tuber* iCcul IlmUUc Hoard j I . . WEDNESDAY h-VtsiNllNU, HELP WANTED—MALE | CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS PATTERN MAKERS PIPEFITTERS HIGH RATES; STEADY WORK ! ASSURED; BONUS PAID ON SEC OND AND THIRD SHIFTS APPLY I FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE j i j THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER ; COMPANY ! AKRON, OHIO ,! ! I OPPORTUNITIES | I FOR A large number of Inexperi enced men, ages IS to 45. Must be In good physical con dition; good living wage paid w-hile learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communl- i cate at once with Factory Employment dffice. THE GOODYEAR TIKE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. ' WANTED AT ONCE SEVERAL YOUNG MEN FOR OUR CUTTING ROOM. PLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO. FULTON STREET. WM. STROUSE & CO. REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF SEVERAL TAILORS; EX CELLENT WORKING CON DITIONS; GOOD WAGES. APPLY WM. STROUSE & CO.. 310 MARKET ST. I ; WANTED—Several neat appearing experienced house to house men to represent Cromell Publishing Co. Ex clusive offer. Six orders per day pays $26 per week. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. I MECHANICS —(25 required); accus tomed to work on tin roofing, gutter. I skylight, cornice and general sheet | metal work; steady work is guar- I anteed any man desiring to move to! ! Philadelphia to take this job. good | ! pay. This is a large corporation and ! guarantees work all year around. , Write or apply in person. Any man ' proving satisfactory will have trans ! portation refunded after two weeks' work. Thomas S. Gassner Co.. 4545 j I Wayne Ave., Philadelphia. I TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT THE NEW BUSINESS PROFESSION Become an expert traffic manager; under guidance of the largest con- j cern of its kind in the world; will not j Interfere with present employment; salaries range from $3,000 to $lO,OOO iar.d upward yearly; state phone num-: I ber and day and hour you can call.: Address Warner, Austin & Warner, j I Harrisburg. Pa. I i WANTED —First class woodwork ling bench hands or cabinet makers. ! Steady employment. The W. O. Hickok i Mfg. Co. | W UNTED —A good reliable watch man: also hoisting engine man. Ap ply Williams & Freednian, Tenth and i Mulberry streets. ! WANTED —Guards with police, mil- I itarv or watchman experience; of ! good appearance, fair education, be ! tween the age of 28 and jn. Only re liable men will be considered, whose I references will stand the most rigid investigation. Local concern. State ace experience, with references in ; own hand writing and where em ployed at present. Address H-1606, care Telegraph. i GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer Wo teach you between your working hours to become an expert and for only seven dollars a week ! Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero-: plane Mechanical School. Office 25 N. Cameron st.. Harrisburg. Training Quarters and Aeroplane Field. 14th and Sycamore Sts. j WANTED —Experienced auto repairman. Apply FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 1807-09 N. Seventh St. WANTED —Piece workers and lab orers;" steady work and high wages ' paid to men who mean business and i able to learn big trade. Apply la moyne Quarry Co., Front and Market Sts!. Harrisburg. WANTED —Laborers at once; good wages; steady work and chance for advancement." Apply Employment Bu reau Central Iron r.nd Steel Co. WANTED —Four good stone ma -1 sons. See E. B. I'/.est at Grace M. E. Church. State St. or evening 1920 ;Park St I PAPERHANGERS —Four first class mechanics; steady work." H. A. 80.1-■ ■ mer, 826 N. Third St- WANTED—Hoisting engineer to fire toilers and run elevator engine, building operation at Boyertown. Pa. Address Hummelstown Brownstone Co.. Huipmolstown. Pu. WANTED—Two men for loeal sales organization of lodge. New Yolk concern, satisfied witli $2" per ween while Horning. Call 4Hi Patrt.ut Bldg. . (Continued In Next Coluw.) .ioi.iii iiiiiiniiniii i.aiiiisi:iiiiiaiiuii:,iiiuiiii.i ;i:'iumii:i;tnimii.;i:iiiiiiii;'iii|[iii:i:>ii im:iui hi | HELP WANTED—MALE , MEN wanted for detective work, j Write J. Ganor, former govt, detee | tive. Danville. Ills. WANTED—A man; must be a good } hustler, over thirty years of age. Ap ply Grand Union Tea Co., 2tis North Second St. i WANTED—Laborers and contrac tors at the Paxtang quarries. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Paxtang. Pa. HELP WAX TED—EE MALE WANTED: Our business is steadily in creasing und we ncea experi enced stitching room opera tors. also girls to learn, if you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and j and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our lactory and we art- making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or i conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO.. ! 1408 Vernon Street. I i I I We can use a few more ex perienced knitters and loop era. Apply NEW IDEA HOSIERY CO., 14th and Howard Sts. ' - j [ W ANTED—GirI for general house work; small private family; good i wages. Apply 266 Herr St. j W ANTED—A girl or woman for general housework; three in family; six-room, new house; one block fr.i'ru .ferry car line. Apply 730 S. 27th St. W ANTED—A reliable white woman | ti r geneiut housework in family of two; no washing. Apply 1609 N. From Street. j WANTED—White nurse girl and • helpei around house in very good home; must stay nights; no washing. Apply at once. 25 N. l'Jth St. WANTED—A girl for general housework; good wages. Apply lSc'J N. Second St- STENOGRAPHER and general of-1 flee assistant, must have executive j ability and possess initiative. Excep- ] tional opportunity for advancement, i Reply in own handwriting, stating! experience and salary. All replies j treated in strict confidence. Address Opportunity, care Telegraph. WE NEED TWO EXPERI ENCED MILLINERY SALES LADIES. APPLY AT ASTRICH'S. 308 MARKET STREET, SECOND FLOOR. HOUSEKEEPER —Reliable woman wanted in small family to go South for winter. Apply immediately, 25 S. Front St.. Steelton. or Bell 109. WANTED —Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; good pay. Appiy Shearer's Mfg. Co., j 308 Hamilton St. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guar antce all operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in the city on our work and also 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you i earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisbuig Apparel Co.. Sixth and Herr Sts., City Star Laundry Bldg.. Third Floor. . J WANTED Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We ore also employing inexperi enced operators who are paid while learning. A bonus is paid every puy j day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Keily and Fulton Streets WANTED Weavers and learners. Appiy HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second und North Streets WANTED—Lady, over 21 preferred, pleasing appearance and personality for clerical and stenographic position. ' central location. Must have year or more experience in stenography and i office work. References; salary ex pected. Address Box R-8052 care Tele graph. '— i WANTED Reliable woman for general I hcusework. Address Box CSbSS care Telegraph. ' ! _____ ! WANTED Women lor laundry • v ork; $9 for five days. Sanitary Fam ily Washington Co., 16th and Elm ; WANTED —Girl for office work, one - vlio can operate typewriter. Address • L-5257 care Telegraph. I; GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on the ■ fast easily learned Auto Knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance inr • materia! Positively no canvassing. • , vain supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. • Dept. 146 c. Auto Knitter Co., Buf -1 j lalo. N. Y. ' j WANTED —Colored forelady, cap ' able of taking charge of sewing ' room; state past experience. Wash ington Ave. Factory, cor. 12th St., ' Tyrone. Pa. WANTED—Waitress; must be ex perienced; good wages. Apply Alva ' Hotel. 19 S. Fourth St. : —_— WANTED—Young woman experi ' enced or to learn shampooing, man -1 louring and facial massage; reference ; lequirtd. Address Mrs. Mary E. Plill •ilippy. 209 Kroninberg Bldg., Carlis.e. (Continued in Next Column) HAKRISBURG TELEGRAPH THE CLASSIFIED ADS serve the man who is in need of a capable worker. They get him in touch with those who believe that they can meet his requirements, and who are anxious to try. Sometimes this service is of vital importance to both parties con cerned. Hjjf • Higi * gllg HELP WANTED-FEMALE | WANTED Forelady capable of taking charge of sewing in factory; must have experience. Tauber, Lip ton & Co., W. Herald. St., Tyrone. 2 ! | HELP WANTED—MaIe anil Female I THOUSAND, men, women, IS or ! i over now wanted. Government posi tions. Hallway mail clerks, city cai riers, census clerks, $llOO-$l6OO year. | vacation; common education sull'i jcient; big chance Tor soldiers, sailors.! List positions free. Write immediate- ] ly; urgent. Franklin Institute. Dept.! 413-S. Rochester, N. V. W'ANTKD —A day cook. Apply at once Camp Curtin Restaurant. 623 > ilaclay. CENSUS CLERKS (men, women). 4.000 needed. $95 month. Age 18-50. - Experience unnecessary. Kxamin.i -1 lions, Harrisburg, October IS. For free particulars, write Raymond Terry- (former government examiner) 1 51S Continental Bldg. Washington. ANY intelligent person, either sex, may earn 1100 and upwards monthly corresponding for newspapers; $l5 to, s3o weekly in spare time, experience j I unnecessary; no canvassing. Send for j i particulars. Northern Press Syndicate, Luckport, N. Y. BOOKKEEPERS for Uncle Sam—' i Thousands are needed. Examinations j everywhere every Tuesday. Open toi men and women. We can prepare you I quickly. Write. Civil Service Drillery, I 101:'. 15th St.. N. W.. Washington. L>. c. SALESMEN WANTED , SALESMEN —Write for list ol 1 openings and full particulars. Eatul $3,000 to $lO,OOO yearly. Rig demand for men. Inexperienced or experi-1 enccd. City or traveling. Nat l. Sales- j mens Tr. Assn., Dept. 003. Chicago. - SALESMEN —Write for list of open- I ings and full particulars. Earn $3,000 I to $lO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. . ! Inexperienced or experienced. City or 1 j traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 603. Chicago. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED —Position by experienced barber. Address Harvey Fritz, 101 Middle St.. Waynesboro, Pa. ! COLORED school boy wishes posi 'tion in afternoons; age 19. Address: E-5358 care Telegraph. MANAGER Executive familiar! with office management, machine I operation and cost accounting. Cap- | able of organizing and directing a; large force. Salary to be governed by ( 'ability. Address Box C-Sosii care Tel- j | egraph. j ; SITUATIONS WAN TED—FEMALE i YOUNG girl desires position as > stenographer; has had experience;; can turnish reference. Address Box; I S-SOS9 care Telegraph. i . —J ! WANTED —Work by the day by. colored woman, inquire at 1431 Mu -| i ion St. can furnish reference. i —— —— -i S A young colored girl. 17 years of; age, would like work for Saturday. 1 W) ite or call at 353 South Cameron ; : Street. I ' YOUNG woman desires position as stenographer or typist. 611 Caider. j I WOMAN wishes any kind of day's; I work. Apply H3u North Front Street,' i rear. | WOMAN —Wants day's work. Call '1705 N. Seventh. ! WANTED —Housework by the week; or ciay's work, by white woman. In- 1 . quire 1701 James St. ! COLORED girt desires a position us second girl or dishwasher or child's nurse. Can give reference. Call or write to 1110 South Uth St., Harris burg. — . ROOMS FOR RENT . j ' FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms on second floor with balcony, use of bath and phone; possession at once; only people with reference need apply, Call Bell 1019 W. FOR RENT—One or two nicely fur . nished rooms with private bath, 1 beautiful residential section; all mod . urn conveniences; use of phone. In " j iiuii e 815 N. 17th St. • ■ ! TWO nicely furnished rooms; use ■'of bath and phone; rent reasonable. ;Call Bell phone 3468. j FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms on third floor for light housekeeping, use of phone and bath; no children. ' Apply 1606 N. Third St. FOR RENT —Large front, third floor room, furnished. Use of bath, i electric light, both phones, reasonable I rates, gentlemen preferred. 1549 State | St.. cor. 16th St. Belt 4162 R. FOR RENT —Large well furnished .' bed room, with board, gentlemen pre - !ferred. Inquire 3709 N. Sixth St. j 1523 Wallace St., two furnished • ] rooms on third floor for light house* -'keeping; all conveniences. Apply at 3 ! above address. '• NICELY lurnished, clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 3 | south Third street. FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished . 5 rooms on Crescent St., all conveni ences, use of phone; only gentlemen - \ need appiy. Call 4672 J. FOR RENT —Two neatly Airnished -'rooms, all ventilated and heated; use ' of bath and phone; suitable for man - and wife or business people. Inquire . j 210 S *l3th St. ■! FOR RENT' —1646 Market St., third - floor apartment, consisting of two i turnished rooms. bright and sun shiny; all conveniences; private -I family. -! FOR RENT —Two second floor fur a i nished communicating rooms for -iliglit housekeeping; all conveniences; i. no children. Apply 1549 Walnut St. i (Continued In Next Coiuin.i> BOOMS FOR RENT ROOMS I- OR MEN THREE congenial men can secure a comfortable and pleasant home in good neighborhood, centrally located. Ptivatc suite, second lloor, bed rooms, library and bath. Also third lloor front room, well furnished for a gentleman. Apply to Housing Bureau. Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce. Room 205. Dauphin Building. ROOMS W ANTED WANTED—Furnished front room, two or three miles from center of city, north or west, iu private family. Must be quiet street and neighbor hood; modern finish and furnishing; probably permanent. D. L. 279, care Telegraph. WANTED—Two or three office icoms, centrally located, tirst or so ( nd lloor. Communicate at once with P. O. Box 688. V ANTED—To rent two rooms to be used as doctor's offices, located be tweon State and Walnut. Third and Front. Will consider the purchase of property. Address D-SOBl care Tele graph. WANTED—Three rooms with bath; centraliy located; furnished or unfur nished. Addres'b Box E-5216 earn Telegru ph. HEAL ESTATE FOR SA 1.11 HOUSES FOR SALE • NUM. 113 and 145 Mohn St., swatara township, known as Steelton. A double frame dw tiling in tirst class con dition. Tills property is pay ing lo per cent, oil its in vestment and is a mighty good proposition for one who is willing to invest. SALINGER &• MILLER. 4 4 Union Trust Building. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 2769 Near 23d and Deny Sts., new 2- story bk., all imp., price $3BOO 1600 block Deny St.. 3-story bk., all imp., price $7OOO 1731 Park St.. 2Vi-story bk., all imp $3500 1700 block, state St., 3-story bk., garage, all imp $5200 400 block Woodbine St., 3-story bk.. all imp $3500 400 block Muench. 3-story bk., no imp $2200 2700 block. 6th St., 3-story bk., all imp $4200 227 X. 15th St.. 3-story bk., drive alley, tl! -imp $5200 Near Fenbrook, 8 room bk.. new. large lot 83500 Double frame house, one acre land, fruit, barn, pig sty. chicken house, lots of fruit, one block from trolley. bargain $4BOO , Double frame house, large lot. greenhouse $4OOO 32 S. 2Sth St.. Penbrook. 7 room, frame house $2530 228 and 230 S. 29th St., 7 room frames, all imp., each $2350 CHAS. DAVIES. Real Estate. Rents Collected 1549 State St. Hell 4162 R. Dial 493' HOUSE for sale, new two-story brick. G rooms and bath, all modern 1 conveniences. Melrose St., near 23d and Deny. Call Bell 2062 R. FOR SALE—S3I Maclay St.—Vacant —:V- -story frame. Lot 20x150, with double brick garage rear. Attractive price. C. O. Backenstoss, Bell 701. , Bell 3077 J. FOb SALE—Three-story brick, cor ; l.er property, on good street in up i town section, porches, room for gar age. This house will not wait for a buyer; possession April 1. Apply A. W." Swengel. 2131 N. Second Street. Bell 2575 J. FOR SALE—A nine roomed house ! in Market street, good water, a stable and lot 50x150 feet; line fruit trees. Inquire of Mrs. N. F. Reed, Fifth and 1 Marker Sts.. New Cumberland. Pa. THREE mercantile buildings, well located in growing business sections. ! Prices right and terms to suit. D. A. ' Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. HOMES for colored families— Twu three-story bricks on Reily St. witn all improvements. 254-story frame on Peffer St. 3-story brick with front porch on Penn St. 2 V4-story frame on I Wallace St., good location. 2'/4-story frame on Calder St. Send for list and discription to j LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 N. Seventh St. ; ONE pair of fire proof brick houses I located in northern part of city, suit able foi live flat apartment, or will sell sing*;. These houses are th:ee i years old, finished in hardwood and | oak floors; steam heat; brick garage: electric, lights and gas; front and rear | porches; three story; mansard roof; | lot joins street in front as well as in the rear. For further information call Bell 4775 M or Dial 4681. If vou are interested in a well located, BRICK MODERN DETACHED HOME, with 9 rooms and GARAGE, lot 46 or 86x110 feet, consult ROHRER & SQN, 211 Bergner Building. Real F.state and General nsuranct FOR SALE—2%-story frame house all improvements, lot 60x100 feet • awnings and screens to all windows land doors; paved street; chicker i house in rear, 12%x55 feet; must b< ; seen to be appreciated. Inquire ol I Ervtn Johnson. 2111 Swatara St. Bel j 1897 J. ! 321 Herr St.. 8 roomed house; all | improvements; a bargain to quicb buyer. Rents for $25. Apply 324 Reily St. {Continued In Next Column! HEAL ESTATE I'Ult BALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" NEW; VACANT; 9 rpoms and bath; all large cheery rooms; a good loca tion for a rooming house; steam heat; gas; electric; cement cellar; very cheap; $5OO down; balance same as rent. SIX BRAND NEW, VACANT HOUSES, in one of liarrisburg's lead ing suburbs; built in pairs; 6 rooms and batii; steam heat; hardwood tloor, cement CI bur; gas and electric; right up-to-minute; snuill amount down, balance same as rent. A REAL BARGAIN—3-story brieli; S rooms and bath; all improvements; nice front porch; shade trees; nice Lack yard; small amount down, bal ance same as rent. DERBY ST.. 2145— 3-story brick. 9 rooms and bath, gas and electricity, all modern Improvements; nice troni and buck porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought witli $5OO cash. ' RIGHT PRICE TO QUICK BUYER- S'story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all I improvements; drive alley in rear; small amount down, balance same us 1 1 cnt. WKST FAIRVIEW Two-story frame, VACANT; ' roms: electric light; hot air heat; nice front and back porches; very large >ard; can be bought with a | small amount down, balance same as : 1 rent, D. ASA SANDERLIN, Koom 1, Security Trust Building . 36 NORTH THIRD ST. ! Bell 1390. Dial 35.1, i : j One lranie building, situated at 428 Mohn St., Swutara i I township, known as Steelton. This is a business property, J paying 14 per cent, en the in- \ vestment, which is offered for I sale at a reasonable price, j For particulars, apply SALINGER & Ml HI.MR, 41 Union Trust Building. Harrisburg, Ha. Beli phone 3769 i i ! I I i BRICK HOUSE—Logan St.. below I j Peffer Street; $ rooms and bath. Bos-, , session fifteen days. $3O down, $35 j I per month. W OODBINE STREET—B rooms and I (bath; electric light; papered and I painted new. $5O down; $35 peri month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J ' I i '316, 316. 330, 322 Lewis; 6 rooms and ' I bath. electric light. It'll Susquehanna; 8 rooms and, bath. 3044 Susquehanna; S rooms and' bath. 2632 N 6th St., 9 rooms and bath. j i 1933 N. 3d St.. 11 rooms and bath. I 6SO Schuylkill St., 6 rooms and bath. ' 308 I*ewis St., 7 rooms and bath. 3200 N. 3d St., 9 rooms and bath. : : i D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance. J i A double frame dwelling at 420 and 422 Mohn Street. Swatara township, known as Steelton. This property is sit uated in the business section and is paying 12 per cent, on ;t investment at the present i time. For price and particu lars, apply SALINGER & MILLER. 44 Union Trust Building. Harrisburg. Pa. Bel! phone 2769 FOR SALE—I64O Catherine Street; 1 i Vacant 6 room, modern brick house. I Price $3,000. Terms. ' FOR SALE—3I4 South Second St.. j I 3-story brick house; good cellar; large lot; price $5700. 11. C. Ferber. 107 Chestnut near Front. SUBURBAN home, 6 room house, rlate roof, electricity and gas. two , chicken houses, one fare from city. 1 107 Chestnut St., near Front St. HOUSES for sale in Highspire at a .bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.,; | Highspire. 9801. I FOR SALE—Pair of frame dwell- i j ings located on corner of two streets. | ; Lemoj ne. Pa., containing 5 rooms each- equipped with electric lights , and water. Immediate possession. Price $2,500. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents, Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE—Suburban, 2373 Can by St., Penbrook, corner property; single £Vi-story on lot 30x200 feet; numerous fruit trees and good gar -1 den. garage and chicken house, ce ment walks. Apply 1929 Park St. ; Bell 527 R. $3200 WILL PURCHASE a frame house with eight rooms, electric light furnace; lot 60x150, with chicken house and work shop. Bell Realty Co.. Bergnei Bldg. ~ " " ' j FOURTH ST.—Two houses for sale in the 3200 block; brick construction each 7 rooms and bath; other fm- I provements; lot, 40x100. Price. $4505 , each. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. PRICE ON 1866 SWATARA ST.. ReJ DUCFX—B rooms and bath; gas; fur nace; lot 15x100; former price $2550. ! Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. i BAKER shop for sale with house I store and garage, lot 87x205, located in Shiremanstown, trolley passes Iby every half hour. Price $4500. H i[C. Ferber, 107 Chestnut SL LINCOLN REALTY CO. Reily St. 3-story brick with all mod ern improvements. . Buy a home on Boyd street, terms • are easy and the price Is right. Don't pay rent when you can buy i on easy terms. , 1129 N. 7th Street. •I FOR SALE—Or will exchange for I improved city property, the Elicker j Hotel property at Marietta, Pa.; large •'lot. 40x200; 12 room house; 90-foot I I depth; barn or garage, 30x35 feet. ; new. A good business location. Chas. ' Davies 1549 State St. Bell 4162 R. Dial j 4930. {Continued In Next Column! OCTOBER 1, 1919. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE i NEW LISTINGS !' POSSESSION SOON Ii 109 S. 14th St.. 3-story brick dwell-1" ing. 9 rooms and bath. Price reascii-| able. 812 S. 17tli St.. 2-story tile and j: stucco dwelling, 6 rooms and bath. I j steam heat, gas and electricity, gar age in lear. Price right. 2907 Derry St., 3-story brick dwell-| ing. 8 rooms and bath, cemented cel lar. gas and electricity, steam heat, room for garage. Price reasonable. j SUBURBAN 225 Columbia Road. Enola. Pa., fine' 'home. 254-story frame, slate and tin roof. 8 rooms and bath, cemented eel-: lar. electricity, plot 62%x280, room; for garage. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., (liarrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. ! ; "" | ' HOUSES on easy terms; possession l at onee, N. 6th St.. S rooms, elect, and gas, front porch, side ent., large yard, hay windows. Possession 30 days. 2-story brick.! | (corner). 6 rooms, all imp., on the J ll ill. fiont porch (terms). j Possession at once, 2-story brick, i porch front, bay window, side ent., drive alley. $3OO down. 1 Possession at once, large single | pressed brick. N. 2d St.. yard entirely I around the house. i Large single brick house, N. 3d St.. < large yard, shade, etc. i Large single homes on the Hill. 1 Apartment houses on Hill and up-j | town. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. ; BUY YOUR HOME on the rental ! ! payment plan. Small cash or Liberty ! Bond ttrst payment required, balanca as rent. We have houses In every | part of the city and suburbs. Apply 1 A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street j Real Estate For Sale—Suburban I FOR SALE —Will sell my beautiful J suburban home, eight rooms and j bath. If interested, address Box I J-82 18 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT i FOR RENT—Modern 9 room house,! I inquire 1936 Green St. FOR KENT—Cottage at Ferdix from September 1; furnished up-to-date,' [only lellable people need apply to' | Louis, 414 N. Third St j | FOR RENT—Five room house, sit uated at 107 Ann ave. Apply at 513 : Walnut St., City. ; REAL ESTATE WANTED ' WANTED Suburban home, two! .acres of ground or more; will buy at once if terms are suitable. Address , Box Li-8081 care Telegraph. READY buyers, list your farm and: houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate j and Insurance, Steelton. Dial. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop-' erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es- j [tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third i i Street. WANTED TO RENT i I i i | WANTED TO RENT I i An executive with small fam ily wishes to rent a house as centrally located as Is pos- I Bible. Best of reference fur- ' nished. Address for appoint ment Box u-8251 care Tele graph. FARMS ! 96-ncre farm. 10 miles N. E. Hbg., ■ ievel, good bldgs., fruit, creek water. Will sell stock and tools. 75-aere farm, -'/ a miles N. Hbg., 8 room brick house, all city imp., in Leautiful lawn, large barn. 30-acrc farm. 5 miles N. Hbg., 8- | room house, stable, etc., 6-acre wood ; land, 100 fruit trees, will sell or trade ; on city property, one mile to trolley, j U. R. and State road. 1 IC-acre farm. 2"A miles N. Hbg., i creek water. 16-acre farm. 216-miles N. Hbg.. [good bldgs. 5-acre farm near West Fairview, : steam beat and electricity. 45-tcre farm, 8 miles S. Hbg., good j buildings. 150-acre farm, IV4 miles S. Lewis berry, very cheap. 75-acre farm, one mile to New Cum- i i berlana. ,| C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560 J. . ! FOR SALE—Farm containing 97 acres, located in Cumberland county. |on State Highway, level lime stone 'soil, tine stream of water through the | farm, improved by large bank barn,! i large frame house, all necessary out ,'buildings. Price $14,500. I For Sale —Farm containing 44 acres 'located IV4 miles east of Dauphin, im proved by 2V4-story frame dwelling,i containing 6 rooms, bath and attic, first class condition, house equipped ' with gas plant for lighting and cooking, frame bank barn, good con ,! dition. all necessary out buildings, | small stream of water through farm. ! Price $6,800. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. ! 'I FOULTRY farm for sale, located iln small town five miles from Harris , I burg. This farm contains two acres j improved by the following buildings: !|2V4-story frame house, small barn, i ! main poultry building size 16x72; two [ '/--story laying pens size 16x30; one I brooder house, 16x80 feet, with out ' side pens having a capacity of 2,000 ,i chicks every three weeks. The poul . trv buildings are equipped with the . new Town system. This system alone costing $3,600. The owner is retiring on account of his age and will give . possession immediately. Price to a quick buyer, $5,500. One-half or more j of the purchase price can remain in , the property if the purchaser comes well recommended. Ira B. Reider, 204 ' Caider. Bell 4377. i ' SEVERAL SMALL FARMS 1 Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER. 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. FOR SALE—IOO-acre farm, also stock If desired. Possession November 1; 3 miles northeast of Harrlsburg. 1 Further Information apply 1700 N. Second St. I ' Continued In Next Column) inn FARMS FOR SALE—I2B-acre farm; good soil; 20 miles from Harrisburg on William Penn Road; good size house, summer house, wagon shed, large hay stable, kitchen house, running spring water, orchard and other fruit trees. Apply 327 South Front St. 1649 J. i FOR SALE—9S-acro farm; 75 acres clear, land in good state of cultiva tion, good buildings, all the best kind lof implements, all crops, 40 tons of i hay, wheot. corn and potatoes, stock 12 head of cattle. 2 horses, 2 mules, hogs and poultry. Price $7,200. 107 Chestnut j St. near Front St. 1 DAIRY farm for sale. Apply to William Schultz, Pine Grove, Schuyl kill County, Pa. I FARMS WANTED WANTED—To buy a good farm, cither in Dauphin. Cumberland, York or Perry county. State full particulars land bottom price. Box X-7599 care Telegraph. ——. —, ROOFING | DON'T BLOW YOUR MONEY | EXPERIMENTING. Have YOUR ROOFS PAINTED with ' KITE'S ELASTIC" that GOOD ROOF COATING that Stops I,eaks. Prevents Rust, Checks Decay and adds years of life i to any old leaky roof. [AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875 J. , FOR SALE—MISCFLLA N EOUS MOTORS FOR SALE [ FOR SALE —Motors, one alternating current motor; Robbins & Myeis ! single; Phase 110 volts; 60 cycles, 11750 rev. ; THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. ! Printing —Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping— | Plate Printing. Harrisburg, Pa. I ! . i FOR SALE—Second-hand baby car- I riage, in good condition. Apply 429 jS. 17 th St. — ! FOR SALE—Reed baby coach, nur i scry chair, mission table and mission [arm chair. 2228 Penn St. 1 FOR SALE—Cheap 650 ft. steam i heat boiler, in good condition. Call at lirst lioor, 2020 Fifth street, between | b and 8 p. m. ! CENTRAL Furniture Store, 321 I Roily St.. on account of building our ) warehouse, we close out our 75 | ranges, cook stoves and heaters, at a i low price; also furniture and floe [covering at reduced price. A trinl 'will convince you, 1061 M. ELEVATOR Welchan's electric, for four-story building, motor attach- I ed. Inquire Lee G. Wilt, Steelton, Pa. I FOR SALE —American walnut bed ! room suite, one library table, two : tiber chairs, one large Victrola. Call ! between 9 and 4, at 1124 Montgomery j Street. i FOR SALE—Four wooden standards. [consisting of 16 round porch posft 'and other miscellaneous lumber. Pull. ' lie at 8 p. m., October 2, Linglestown j Square. I FOR SALE —Eclipse gas stove, four burners, good condition, pipe fitting included; Hasting kitchen cabinet; ' ice box. in good condition. 1631 Apri- I cot St. i ' I CENTRAL FURNISHING CO., 324 REILY ST. I On account of rebuilding a waro- I house, wc are going to sell 75 good i ranges, heaters and cook stoves at a i low figure, also a big reduction ill 1 furniture and floor coverings. One ! trial will convince you. Call Bell J phone 1061 M. | FOR SALE —10 H. P. International ' gasoline engine, gasoline hoisting eu i-ine, lathes, planer, shaper, milling I machine, drill presses, hand and pow ler electric motors, various sizes. I large stone crushing plant complete. | F. 11. Laverty. Bell phone 1857. i KOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, ■ shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, [bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. i The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd.. Both phones. Highspire, Pa. i . I FOR SALE—Block of four, six room frame houses, located on Locust St., Mechaniesburg, electric lights, gas. Can be bought separately or as a ! whole. Cheap to a quick buyer. For i particulars address P. O. Box 251, Ms ! clianicsburg. Pa. I APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Grimes' golden, smokehouse, Bald wins, Pound, York Imperial, Ben [ Day Is. Dominee and other varieties, for salt at the orchard in small or large quantities. Sprayed, fertilized land cultivated lruit. IV4 miles soutn lof Leo's Cross Roads. Cumberland ! County, good roads to the orchard. No I shipping. D. E Allen. ! BOOKS Bought and sold; 50.000 new. old. rare. In stock. Aurand s. 925 North Third. Circulars tree. ■ FOR SALE —A reed baby coach in [good order. Inquire Seventh and Mar ket Sts- New Cumberland. y MORRIS SAYS save money buying 'new and second-hand furniture here. Hi"h prices paid for furniture. Morris ; Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR j CASH ALL MAKES -—RENTED . EXCHANGED GEO. P. TTLLU'i'SON, I $O5 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER ; BOTH PHONES ,1 FOR SALE .! One white Iron bed. one good l I mattress, spring, complete [l. $25; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT, 1321 North Sixth Street. , i WANTKD —MISCELLANEOUS WANTED —To buy vulcanizing out •lfit. Call Dial phone 5449. JUNK —We are in the market for • all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974, or [ i write L Cohen & Co.. York street and ,; Ash avenue. 1 [ MAX SMELTZ 1 Second hand furniture bought and I sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Rmeltz 1020 Market street. Will call, city or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J S RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES, 'FURNITUREy BOUGHT AND SOLD _ HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page i =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers