14 New World's Record in Races on Lexington Track Lexington, Ky., Oct. 1. The fea ture of the second day's racing at the meeting of the Kentucky Trot ting Horse Breeders' Association was the Kentucky futurity for 3- year-olds, the result being in doubt until the fifth and final heat. In the first mile Periscope, the favorite, after leading into the stretch, broke and BrusilofT won easily. The second heat was a close finish between Periscope and Brusil ofT, the last named winning by a narrow margin. The filly won the next three heats with ease and the time of the race constitutes a world's record for five heats for trotters of that age. The winner is trained, driven and owned by J. L. Dodge, of Lexington, who bought her from her breeder. John E. Madden, for $lO,- 000, when the filly was beginning her two-year-old racing career. Early Dreams made the 3 fastest heats of the season in his winning race, the 2.06 class for trotters, aver aging 2.03 1-2. Sanardo won the 2.05 class pacing and gained a record in the first heat of 2.00 1-2. "CARRY ON"! If Constipated, Bilious | or Headachy, take "Cascarets" Feel grand! Be efficient! Don t stay sick, bilious, headachy, consti pated. Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and your stomach sour. Why "not get a small box of Casca rets and en-joy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experi enced? Cascarets never gripe, sick en or inconvenience tine like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh pills. Casca rets bring sunshine to cloudy minds and half-sick bodies. They work while you sleep. "" l| Memorial Temple or Simple Stone. can be ordered here with assur ance that the work will be execu ted with consummate skill. Me employ none but experts and they are as fully competent to _ carry out the most ornate conception as they are to produce the finest ef fects. We shall be glad to con sult with all who cohtemplat-' placing a memorial in memory of those who have passed beyond. Cemetery Lettering. I. B. Dickinson Granite, Marble, Tile and Bronze 505-13 >. Thirteenth Street | Harris burg. I'n. The Genuine Economy of 'Blue Ribbon' Coal The coal we sell you comes from the best anthracite veins in Pennsylvania. It gives the utmost of heat units and burns down to a clean white ash. It's real coal —"Blue Ribbon" coal. * * You get more heat per ton and more heat value for your dollar. This Winter, of all Winters, all waste should be reduced to the barest minimum, and our "Blue Ribbon" coal wil 1 help you economize in the consump tion of fuel as never before. H. M. Kelley & Co. 1 N. 3rd St. 10th & State Sts. When you puff up on a King Oscar Cigar II * You're getting a darn good smoke for the money. Care, brains, experience and the de sire to do the right thing takes care of that. 7c at All Dialers John C. Herman & Co. Harrisburg, Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Yale Has Young Boxer Who Has Won Over Bob Martin New Haven, Conn., Oct. I.—Yale j has a boxer, according to the Yale Daily News, who has repeatedly j beaten Sergeant Bob Martin, heavy- I weight champion of the American Expeditionary Forces. He is Ed- I ward P. Eagan. and if he is ever | matched with Martin he will make it unnecessary for Jack Dempsey to 1 meet the army champ, according to the J>>*ews. Eagan is now on the ! Yale varsity football squad. He won ' the middleweight boxing champion ship in the Interallied games and would have entered the heavyweight class but was refused permission, j While in Europe young Eagan boxed Augie Ratner, Jeff Clark and other I good boxers, "and always held his ' own," according to the Yale stu j dent newspaper. Hughie McGeehan to Lead Villanova College Eleven Yillanova. Pa.. Oct. I—Hughie Mc ' Geehan. star halfback of the 1917 team, will captain the Villanova football team, it was announced yes terday. MeGeehan was to have been captain last year, but because of be ing in the service did not return to college until the spring. Coaeli Reap gave his squad one of the stift'est workouts of the season Mon day when he had them running the ball for two solid hours, and it is a foregone conclusion they will be in good condition for the Eebanon Valley game Saturday. The veteran halfbacks, McGeehan and Cronin, seem to have a firm hold on their places, but Dolan and Blnnchfield are being alternated at quartet in practice. E. R. Gault Leads in Sales oi War Stamps E. U. Gault, of tiie Main Postoffiee, still leads the list of carriers in ;he ! War Savings Stamp sale contest. ! Gault has sold stamps to the value |of $3,307.40. John A. Gelger, of the Hill station is still higher with a total of $6,586.02. The leaders fol low: Main Office—E. Ft. Gault. $3307.40; K. K. Fortna, $2,313.50; 'George 1.. Ehler, $1,573.37; G. A. Hollinger, I $1,822.56; J. A. Haas. $1,487.16; H. H. Weaver, $1,292.05; William B. 1 Berry, $1,255.35; H. C. Jordan, $1,072.26: W. E. Swiler, $1,006.94; : C. W. Cless, $1,005.37. Mill Station—John A. Geiger. $6,586.02; George L. Ebersole, ; $2,318.74: C. 13. Buffington $1,804.16; 'William W. Dunn, $1,616.93; Charles ' A. Fortna. $1,429.69: Walter R. Man ! ley, $1,429.60. Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Makoths livsr act ire. bowels regular. without pain or griping. relieve eick heauieche and that bloated feeling 1 after eating, purify the blood and el ear the completion Urge t>oi enough to lait ■ month. Wc. UNITED MKDiOINE CO.. Philadelphia, Pa a fGWP MAY RETURN Doctors say influenza may come back. If it does, be ready to fight off the germs by taking Father John's Medicine now to build new resist ing power. Remember, this pnre food Medi cine Is guaranteed free from alcohol and dangerous drugs and lias been successfully used for 60 years for i colds, coughs and as a body builder. NEWSY JOTTINGS OF THEATER AND SCREEN >1 SCENE FROM "FRIENDI Y ENEMIESI COMING TO ORPHEUM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ilk' —WI • ... . is&fM II M Since the memorable night in ' length and breadth of the United March, 1918. when President Wilson States and the British Isles to audi rose in his box at the National the- | entes that literally cheered in the ater, Washington, and publicly en- I enthusiasm of their approv'al. dorsed "Friendly Enemies." that play "Friendly Enemies." will be presented has been establishing itself as one of at the Orpheum on Friday evening the greatest popular successes of all and Saturday, matinee and night, with times. It has been playing continu- a notable company and a splendid ouslv for two years throughout the ! production. ORPHEUM To-night only. Lee Shubert presents I Hodge in "The Guest of Honor." To-morrow night only. David Relasco i presents Frances Starr in "Tiger! | Tiger!" Friday night and Saturday matinee, and night. October 3 and 4. A. H.! Wocds offers "Friendly Enemies." I Monday night only, Oct. 6, Yiddish' Company. Tuesday night only. October 7. Joseph ' Gaits presents Kitty Gordon in "Love For Sale." Wednesday, matinee and night, Octo-I ber 8, Lee and J. J. Shubert offer "A I Little Journey." MAJESTIC High class vaudeville. A 1 Rieards, clever ventriloquist: Tom Brown's! musical revue, and three other Keith acts. Also first episode of "The Fatal Fortune," featuring daring Helen Holmes. New show starts to-morrow, featuring "The Beauty Vendor." Other Keith acts. VICTORIA To-day positively last showing Wil liam Farnum in "Wolves of the Night." Thursday. Friday and Sat urday, Theda Bgra in "La Belle Russe" and Fatty Arbuckla in "Fatty's Busy Day. ' COLONIAL To-day and all this week, "The Fall | of Babylon," D. W. Griffith's latest colossal masterpiece adapted from the Babylonian episode of "Intel prance," also Kyra. the famous dan cing marvel appearing in person in conjunction wjth the showing of j the picture. REGENT „ I To-dav. Charlie Chaplin in "Work. | and Jack Dempsey in motion pic-| ture. To-day and to-morrow. Dor- j othy Gish in "Nugget Nell." To-, morrow, motion pictures of Mon-1 day's Welcome Home Celebration.) To-morrow, Friday and Saturday. "Fattv" Arbuckie in "Back Stage.' | Friday and Saturday. Charles Ray] in "Hay Foot, Straw Foot." Kyra, the sensational terpslchorean marvel who Is appearing at the Colon ial theater all this At the Colonial week in conjunction with the showings of David Wark Griffith's latest master piece. "The Fall of Babylon" an en larged and revised edition of the. mammoth Babylonian episode of "In tolerance," has won the approval of many of Harrisburg's dancing ex- work Is sensational from the viewpoint of grace and suppleness. Her hands shoot out In various direc tions as gracefully as a swallow soars in large circles without fluttering its of people have seen "The Fall of Babylon" so far and the crowds are increasing dally. The Colonial management has slightly changed its policy during the run of this picture as only three shows are staged. Matinee at 2.30 and the night shows at 7 and 9.15. To-day Is the last opportunity Har rlsburgers have of seeing popular William Farnum in At the Victoria his latest photoplay entitled "Wolve3 of the Night," at the Victoria theater. This picture has played to capacity audiences both Monday and yester day. To-morrow and, the rest of this week the Victoria management pre sents a .double bill. Theda Bara will be shown in her latest release "La Belle Russe," a play adapted from the famous American stage success of the same name and Fatty (Roseoe) Arbuckie. the fat comedian, will be seen in "Fatty's Busy Day." a laugh rollicking farce. Nearly everyone In Harrisburg has; been praising the show now playing at the Majestic the- A the Majestic ater as it is designed, to furnish 100 per. cent, entertainment throughout. AJ Shayne. the Yiddish comedian. has I been scoring a tremendous laughing hit. Tom Brown's Musical Revue has pleased thousands, in fact every act has made good and the people of i Harrisburg appreciate this fact. j The first episode of "The Fatal For tune," featuring daring Helen Holmes I is also being shown. Starting to-morrow, the "Beauty! Vendor." a lively farce, will be shown I together with four other high class I Keith acts. There will be a triple attraction at the Regent theater to-day. Under the program, it happens At the Regent that Charlie Chaplin) appears for the last! time In his great success "Work."i Jack Dernpsey, champion heavyweight I boxer of the world, will appear to day in fight scenes and Dorothy Gish arrives in her newest Paramount pic ture "Nugget Nell." The Dernpsey film will be shown to day only, while Dorothy Gish will be here to-day and to-morrow. "Nugget Nell" is a satirical comedy of the wild and tnovie West. Miss Gish is a com edienne whose chic, vivacity and bril liancy place her on a pedestal far above most screen players of the younger school. She has a delightful \ehicle in "Nugget Nell." Eaglesmere Boosters Are to Hold Meeting The Eaglesmere Booster Club of! Harrisburg, will hold an important j meeting at Stevens Memorial Church j to-morrow evening at 7.45, all of the j folks who attended the conference | this year as well as old Boosters; have been urged to attend. The; officers for the coming year will be! aUntAfl. HA-RJRISBURG TELEGRXPB Wolf A. A. Eleven Wins Game With Large Score The Wolf A. A. eleven of Steel ton, so popular on the local junior gridiron in its schedule, last even ing ran up a 14 to 0 score on the River A. C. in a game played at Nineteenth and Greenwood streets. The Wolf team has won five straight games and has not been scored on yet, and has run up a total of 167 points. The summary: RIVER A. C. WOLF A. A. ' Dewees, I.e. Hain, I.e. Quay, l.t. Wolf, l.t. ! Stecker, l.g. Davis, l.g. Ford, c. R. Hummel, c. Brandon, r.g. McDonald, r.g. Books, r.t. Bentley, r.t. Brooks, r.e. Meade, r.e. McAdams, q.b. Blair, q.b. Follman, l.h.b. C. Hummel, l.h.b. Britton, r.h.b. Eisenhart, r.h.b. Richards, f.b. Eerrol, f.b. Houchdowns—Eerrol, 1; Haln, 1. Goals from touchdowns—Blair, 2_ Substitutes—Reidy for Wolf, Baker for Dewees. Referee, Jones. Head linesman Ruthburt. Linemen, King and Wertz. ACCURATE WORK is very difficult when one works un der constant eye-strain. Many peo ple find it difficult to concentrate on their work, due in many cases to either defective eye-sight, or to im properly fitted glasses. If you need glasses, consult P. J. Baumgardner, with £ H. Caplan Co.. 206 Market street. Good glasses including ex amination for as little as two dol lars and fifty cents. —Adv. Cecil Fanning American Baritone Praised By All Critics Everywhere Initial Harrisburg Recital Chestnut Street Auditorium Tuesday, Oct. 7th Tickets .. $l.OO, $1.50 Sigler's Music House REGENT THEATER today only last times today today and tomorrow JACK DEMPSEY CHARLIE CHAPLIN DOROTHY GISH WORLD'S CHAMPION BOXER IN HIS GREATEST SUCCESS In Her Now Paramount Play IN FIGHT SCENES " WORK " " NUGGET NELL " THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY YOURSELF IN 'FATTY' ARBUCKLE MOTION PICTURES By special arrangement scenes of all "ilvll l 3 1 i&ljL parts of Monday s Victory Celebration The first of his new comedies under were taken and will be shown only at his recently signed contract with Para the Regent Theater. See yourself in mount Artcraft. Called his best pic photoplay! ture. Saturday CHARLES RAY in " HAY FOOT, STRAW FOOT" ALL NEXT WEEK DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in his first United Artists Production The most expensive photoplay in which he ever appeared. "HIS MAJESTY, THE AMERICAN" KITTY GORDON IN I "LOVE FOR SALE" Kitty Gordon, the international beauty has returned to her first love, the musical comedy stage, under the direction of her former manager, Jos. M. Gaites, who annually adds to the gaieties of the nation with musical 1 offerings, and will be seen in a mod- | ern romance with music at the Or pheum theater, Tuesday evening, j October 7. The new play was especial- I ly written foif her by Will B. John- 1 stone, author of last season's musical comedy success, "Take It From Me." and Jrck Wilson and is reported to have exclusive novelties in both theme ; and manner of presentation which should make its premiere here an event of unusual local interest. The lyrtcs and music are by Thomas Johnstone and Harry Auracher. Toe production will be lavish in every detail and in keeping with the notable | achievements of Mr. Gaites. in the past. The cast of principals Including I Jack Wilson in the leading comedy role, with distinctive personalities. I which make the characters inimieable land a chorus of the type that sel i dom ventures from Broadway offer Ipiosperts of an exceptionally lively and worth while evening's entertain ment. Miller Takes Up New Work at "Y" Gym Eugene "Shorty" Miller, local ath lete, is assistant physical director at the Central Y. M. C. A. and with Physical Director C. W. Miller will direct the gymnastic and other ath letic activities at the institution dur ing the winter months. • "Shorty" Miller at present is also engaged as physical director at the Edison Junior High school. During the past summer Miller figured in baseball as a niembe of the Harlan Shipbuilding team, in the Shipyard League, and led the league in batt ; ing. ■WILKS®OTnf Today Last Showings AL SHAYNE the Yiddish Comedian in comedy and song 4—Other Keith Acts —4 Last Half of Week THE BEAUTY VENDOR a real hoadliner Our orchestra, under the direc tion of Walter E, Stanzcl, re ceives on an average of 100 com pliments n day I WILK3NTS~ ■ TONIGHT LEE SHUBEBT PRESENTS —WILLIAM— HODGE IX HIS NEW PI.AY THE GUEST OF HONOR SEATS 50c to $2.00 I Friday and APT Q A Saturday Utl. PO S\T.: at 25C to $l.OO A. H. WOODS OFFERS FRIENDLY ENEMIES The American Legion from all parts of Pennsylvania will attend I Friday night's, performance. NIGHTS, 25£ to $1.50 OPENING OF The Most Beautifully Decorated Hall in the City "DANCELAND" SECOND AM) FORSTER STIIEETS WEDSESDAA EVENING, OCT. 1, nn<l Every Wednesday Thereafter MIIHIC by 10-pieee Riiiijo-Siixo Orelieatra Flotvera Free to All GENTS oO —ADMISSION— I.ADIES 35c 8.30 to 11.30 | WII.UA >1 IIOIXiK IV "THE GUEST OK HONOH" ' The appearance of William Hodge 1 I in a new play is always considered 1 lone of the happy events of the local i | dramatic season. Such an event oc curs at the Orpheum theater to-night. I i when Lee Shubert will present this I gieat favorite comedian in his new | play "The Guest of Honor." In this [brilliant comedy, written in three acts I and described as a comedy romance of New York life. Mr. Hodge is said [ to have a vehicle which promises to I afford him the greatest success j achieved since his sensational tri umph in "The Man From Home." sev ; eral years ago. Always keenly inter , esti d in presenting new plays and be- I j lieving that it is due to his loyal I ! following to allow them to see him | ;in as many different characterizations] as possible, Mr. Hodge discards a i pronounced success at the height of its financial prosperity, at a time : when most star acts would be set- j | ting back to enjoy an uninterrupted j j run of several seasons in an estab lished success. Good Work of Decorator Calls Forth Much Praise, J. J. Seltzer. 1535 State street has i been the recipient of many con-1 ' gratulations for his excellent work in designing an dassisting in build-j ing the huge Arch of Victory which ! "' and \ thejascinatLon \ of supreme ! m iHtfffilED LANTERN DivectedbyAlberfCapellani. 1 Distributed by METRO 1 COLONIAL ALL NEXTWEEK OCTOBER T, 1919. spans Market street at the Square. Mr. Seltzer who has been deco rator in chief for the Dives, Pome roy and Stewart store in this city for ntkioteen years, was selected by the committee only a week before the co'ebration. With his fellow J workers be labored day and night to get the big arch in readiness. The congratulations and admiration of J the crowd have been proof of the ' success of his work. I I TOMORROW NIGHT Significant Engagement DAVID BELASCO PRESENTS FRANCES STARR TIGER! TIGER! By EDWARD KXOBT.OCK NOTF • r,,rta '" will rise promptly at I'NC/ 8:10 and Mr. Belasco requests thea ter goers to be in their seats lieforc that tlnn. SEATS to $2.00 NEW YORK'S VERDICT UNANIMOUS /BRUTALLY\ F BEAUTIFUL* 1/KYRA\ /•WONDERFUL \\ Globe /7 AMAIINGLY \ I CHARM" 1 "/ I SINUOUS J \ ] Herald J VDANCERy /RICH AND\ TR,UMp WHAN THEATRE (VIVID BEAUTY] ANOTHER MARVEL OF ART'DFAOT I SPECTACLE* 1 7 THE FALL9F v vBABYLON/ 'mwraaX (ASTONISHMENT ( HUMAN SNAKE") 1 JJ .* / lncontpardbleKYßA POR \ _ - I \P&kJ V J V Qlmt X :J Screen dj3.Stajt.S ; ' /'ANOTHER \ J* /SURWSSESX I TRIUMPH" I f \ I ANYTHING" 1 \ Tetedranv JJ MARVELOUS \ V 'Eve Mail* J X^ 7 \Y\ ACHIEVEMENT V Tribune J iisiiiiiiiiii wmmmmmmmmmmmm COLONIAL mars?. i WKM Admission—soc IzTa. m .VICTORIA Last Times ; to 11 P. M. VIC 1 ÜBiA Today | See a real man square his out-standing debts WILLIAM FARNUM "WOLVES OF THE NIGHT" Beginning Tomorrow and Playing Friday and Saturday lIIED A Bi BA R A Wm J TMCOA I FOX FILMt I In licr crowning screen epoch, wherein she Is not a vainp "LA BELLE RUSSE" From the Famous American Stage Success SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION "FATTY" ARBUCKLE in "FATTY'S BUSY DAY" SEE THE World Series Games IN HARRISBURG Cincinnati vs. Chicago -ox- LEW RITTER'S FAMOUS Electric Player Board I —AT— CHESTNUT ST. AUDITORIUM Tou see everything, except the "sasslng" of the umpires. Every play is realistically shown. It's as excltlffg as a real H 1 game and you can't help but cheer If you're a real baseball fan. Games each day until one club has won five. SERIES STARTS WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 Games at 3 O'clock. Admission ...33c (Includes war tax) Get Rid of That Persistent Co&gf | Stop that weakening, persistent oougl or cold, threatening throat or lun affections, with Eckman's AlteratWfV the tonic and upbullder of 20 yean ' i successful use. 60c and (I.N bottle I from druggists, or front I ECKMAN LABORATORY. Phlladelohl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers