10 U. S. Control of Sugar Is Now Being Urged to Prevent Feared Famine Washington, Oct. I.—A virtual sugar famine, government officials fear. Is inevitable. The price of sugar may go as high as SO cents a pound unless the government as sumes control of distribution. Even then, it is likely to go to 15 cents this winter and for several 2,000 to 3,000 delicate parts They were unnecessary that maze of keys, springs, levers, etc., found on compli cated machines. The Sundstrand has only 10 keys—all at finger tips. You add, multiply, sub tract, divide, with greater ease, speed and accuracy. Any one can mem orize this simple key board in 30 seconds. Ask for practical demonstration in your office on your own work. George P. Tillotson 205. LOCUST ST.. HAURISBUBG Opp. Orphcnm Theater Unth Phone* Sales offices and service stations in principal dtim f ° will print X 4 TheRED SHAWL The .story of a Princess an American and Bolshevism . CONDITION of the Harrisburg Trust Company AT THE CLOSE OF Business September 23, 1919 ASSETS LIABILITIES Loans ...$2,289,081 77 Capital $ 400,000 00 Bonds and stocks ... 626,493 53 Surplus 600,000 00 Real estate 160,200 00 Undivided profits .. 45,738 46 Cash and reserve 658,760 12 Dividend unpaid ... 172 00 Deposits 2,688,624 96 $3,734,535 42 $3,734,535 42 Trust Funds $ 4,660,271 72 Corporate trusts 24,143,400 00 n — fc j . ... BW ——-r=r J WEDNESDAY EVENING, months thereafter. This is the opinion of the sugar bureau of the Department of Jus tice, which is trying to stamp out profiteering in sugar. The department is urging the President to establish government control of distribution, under Which the supply of sugar for the produc tion of candy, soft drinks and other luxuries would be strictly limited, and the price of sugar to the house holder regulated. Then, under the amended food control act, sugar profiteers would be.prosecuted. The Senate committee on agricul ture to-day directed a subcommittee to investigate Senator New's charges that the. President failed to adopt the sugar equalization board's rec ommendations to extend govern ment control to the forthcoming cane and beet sugar crops in order to conserve the supply and restrict prices during the next year. Simultaneous "Lockout" and "Strike" Closes Many Printing Plants New York, Oct. 1. The press rooms of two hundred and fifty new York printing plants, employing 10,- 000 men and publishing nearly alj of the magazines and trade journals in New York, as wpll as a large per centage of the books printed here, were closed to-day by a simpltane ous "lockout" and "strike." The lockout, ordered last night by the printers' league section of the Association of Employing Printers, is supported by the International Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union- of North America, the Amer ican Federation of Labor* body, which is waging a battle for su premacy over alleged "outlaw" lo gal unions. The local unions Involved are Pressmen's Union, No. 51; Franklin Union, No. 23 (feeders); Paper Handlers' Union, No. 1, and Job Press Feeders' Un-ion, No. 1. The men affected by the lockout order assert that they are on strike, beginning this morning, and predict that they will win their demands, which include a 4 4-hour week and a $l4 weekly increase in wages. Pickets were placed before all shops. The employers have issued orders that their press rooms are to remain closed until such time as they can be reopened with forces composed ex clusively of members of the Inter national Union. All other depart ments will be in operation as long as there is work to do. Major George L. Berry, president of the International, issued a state ment last nght declaring that the real issue at stake was "American ism," and that the Jnternational would "give no quarter to the ac knowledged Bolshevists and make no compromise with those that fol low the course of anarchy and in dustrial disruption." Negro Assailant of Woman Is Captured After Night in Swamp Mt~ Holly, N. J., Oct. 1. Along the Rancocas Creek, at the edge of Mount Holly, County Detective Parker, last night, captured James Whiting, the negro wanted for an assault upon Mrs. May Notsey, near Merchantville, yesterday morning. He is now in the county jail here. The news of the capture jvas not spread, the officials taking that much precaution against any mob violence that might develop as an outcome of the highly excited public, attracted here by the sensational develop ments of the case. Parker got Whiting single-handed after an all-day search, following the tracing of the negro to the swamp between Hainesport and Lumberton, last night. He offered no resistance, being so nearly ex hausted that he was apparently glad to be relieved from the terrible or deal he had been under since com mitting the crime. His clothes were soaked as a re sult of his spending last night in the swamps, and he could hardly walk, Parker being required to help him to the auto that took him to the jail. DOWN" COMES HINPEY Berlin, Sept. 30. The great wooden Von Hlndenburg monument, which during the war was studded by the populace with nails, repre senting so much money, will be de molished this week, according to the Vossische Zeitung. BXKRXSBTTRG TELEGR3LFH STATE AWARDS BIG CONTRACT [Continued from First Page.l will make "an enduring memorial" and one that will porpetuate the deeds and sacrifices of Pennsylva nia's sons in the greatest of wars." The papers have already been pre pared for signing, and a bond for 25 per cent, of the contract price will be executed at once and be pre sented with the contract for the sig natures of the Governor, Auditor General and- State Treasurer. Dr. J. E. Greiner and H. E. Perring, of Baltimore, are the engineers in charge, Arnold W. Brunner. of New York, architect of the Capitol im provements being the architect. The bridge will fit in with the compre hensive Brunner plans, and the City of Harrisburg will contribute a share, as well as the Pennsylvania Rail road, when the cost is apportioned. The railroad is making its plans and the State is obtaining options on land needed for approaches so that work on clearing the site will be fa cilitated. Tn all probability the re moval of the old State street bridge will take place this fall and some foundations may be dug. While this is going on borings are made for the foundations for the new Capitol office building, to cost a million and a quarter, which plans -are being completed by Mr. Brunner and on which a contract will be let this year. Work on other Capitol improvements including the terrace, grading and improvement of bound ary street, will start soon. The group prices for the bridge contract represent over 140 items and are roughly divided as follows: Preparation of site. $75,586.16. Bridge proper. $2,841,626.01 Two pylons, $244,647. Royal terrace approach, $38,018.20. North side approach. $61,724.68. Water mains. $132,265.91. The contract for the bridge was let by the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings after considerable dis cussion of the designs, and the gran ite structure was preferred to the reinforced concrete. The pylons will be entirely of granite, with cen tral chambers for the names of sol diers and sailors in the war. The Board also awarded the con tract for the Wapaseening creek bridge to Whitaker & Diehl, Harris burg, at $37,351, and ordered adver tisements for the superstructure of the Laceyville bridge. Fall Pleads For Adoption of His 36 Treaty Amendments Washington, Oct I.—The German Peace Treaty got a three-hour speeding up in the Senate yesterday afternoon, all but thirty minutes of which was an address by Senator Fall, Republican, of New Mexico, at tacking the League of Nations cove nant and leading for adoption of his thirty-six amendments which keep the United States free from repre sentation on foreign commissions, created by the pact. The rest of the Treaty program was an address by Senator Edge, Republican, of New Jersey, in which he urged Republicans and Demo crats alike to hasten its considera tion so that Congress might deviate its time and attention to pressing problems at home. Easier in the session the Treaty and covenant came in for consider able discussion, however, while the Senate was debating, at times with feeling, a resolution requesting the President to transmit a report of the landing of American sailors at Trau after Italian forces had taken pos session of the fort. ! Norman E. Mack Here on Way to Buffalo Home; Visit Merely Incidental Returning from Atlantic City to his home in Buffalo, N. Y., by auto mobile, Norman E. Mack, Democratic !' National committeeman, spent last night at the Penn-Harris. He "checked out" and continued his .homeward journey about nine o'clock this morning. Mr. Mack, a former chairman of the Democratic National Committee and a member of that body for twenty years, was on his way home after attending the meeting of the committee in Atlantic City. His visit to Harrisburg was "merely inci dental and had no connection with local politics," Mr. Mack said. Storage Limit Bill Is Passed by House • Washington, Oct. 1. Additional legislation recommended by Presi dent Wilson as a means of reducing living costs was passed by the House and sent to the Senate. It would limit the time of holding 1 foodstuffs in cold storage to twelve months and require that when re -1 leased such food be plainly marked with the date it was placed In stor age. The vote on the measure was 264 to 4. The regulatory features of the bill will become effective Immedi ately on Its passage, but ninety days for an adjustment of the business affected is allowed before penalties will be applicable. Vast quantities of food now In storage are expected to be released as soon as the measure becomes a law. Cheese is the only commodity exempted, the time Jimit for storage to perfect ageing being extended for a longer period than one year. Persons convicted of violating the law would be fined $l,OOO or im prisoned for one year. May Establish Council to Settle Disputes By Associated Press. Washington, Oct. L—Proposals for the establishment of a council for eettlement of industrial disputes, replacing the recently dissolved War Labor Board, probably will be one of the first subjects brought up for I discussion at the labor and iudus ; trial conference called by President I W'lson to meet here Monday, It was | learned from Department of Labor officials in close touch with the ar- I rangemertts for the meeting. ADOPT PARTY PLANKS By Associated Press. I Tien ton, N. J., Oct. I.—The Re- I publican and Democratic State con | ventions were held In this city yes terday and each adopted a platform I for the campaign in New Jersey. I The Republicans declared that as | the prohibition amendment is part I of the Federal Constitution, it will I not be necessary for New Jersey to ; ratify it and that in fact it is no j longer a political issue. This plank met with the approval of the New Jersey Anti-Saloon League and an announcement was made that the league would not, therefore, put up an independent candidate. The Re publicans also recommended that ' the question of New Jersey's ratifi- I cation of the woman suffrage 1 amendment be put to a referendum of the State. Baby Carriages Used by New York to Help to Move Into Winter Quarters By Associated Ifsss. New York, Oct. 1. —Eight thou sand moving vans, aided by a motley procession of limousines, drays, carts and even baby carriages, to-day at tacked the "peak" of the herculean task of getting greater New York moved into its winter quarters. With an estimated total of 30,000 families to change abode between morning and midnight, the movers faced perhaps the most difficult I task in the history of their profes j sion. The process was somewhat similar to that of trying to shift two heavy suitcases from hand to hand without setting either down, for with virtually every shelter in the city occupied, it was necessary to move one tenant out before another qould be maved on. The tenant about to be moved out, on the other hand, couldn't move until his contemplat ed residence had been vacated. The vanmen, however, collecting $lO to $3O an hour "standing or running" was. reported to be bearing up well under the strain and to be exercising exemplary patience when it was found necessary to "stand." Fast Horses at Lancaster Win in Straight Heats Lancaster, Pa., Oct. I.—-WVIi a fast track and ideal weather the first day's racing card at the Lan caster fair developed some high class trials. The fields were smail owing to the Bloomsburg and Tren ton fairs. The 2.81 trot, was won in straight heats by W. McHen.y's Bedworth Chief. B. S. Bedworth, with Seb Binden, Sarah Hand, Wil bur the Great finishing in the oider named. 2.18 trot, purse $4OO. Bedworth Chief, B. S. Bed worth W. McHenry, Ha gerstown, Md 1 I*l Sib Binden, b. g., Lord Bin den, J. B. Crawford 2 2 4 Sarah H., b. m., Roquefort, A. McDowell, Somerton, Pa. 4 3 2 Wilbur the Great, b. g., Peter the Great, W. McHenry, Hagerstown, Md 3 4 3 Time, 2.16%, 2.15%, 1.15'/*. Second race, 2.25 trot, purse, $4OO. K. J„ b. g., Director Moore's first, John Street, York, Pa 3 1 1 1 Cramer Spier, b. g., Direc tor Spier, H. M. Henry, Hagerstown, Md 1 2 2 2 Joe Patch, b. m., Dan Patch, J. B. Stroup, Wil liamsburg, Pa. ......... 2 3 4 4 Jones Dillon, b. g.. Dr. Ax worthy, G. Gregory, 4782 Parrish street, Phila... 5 5 3 3 Black Eyes, b. g.. Harry Purcell, H. V. Pearce, Co lumbia, Pa 4 4 5 0 Time —2.23%. 2.19%, 2.20%, 2.23. Third race, 2.2 4 pace, purse, $4OO. Liberty Bell. b. m., J. S. G. D. Leary, West Chester, Pa. 11l Clover Belle, Pauley 2 2 2" Bel Bee. c. h., G. Barnet, B. W. H. Scott, Darlington, Md 4 3 3 Sylvester Patch, b. m., Dan Patch, Harry Todd, Lancas ter, Pa 3 4 4 Adella March, b. m., Prince March, Harry Todd, Lan cater, Pa 5 5 5 Time—2.l9%, 2.20, 2.20%. Fourth race, running, one-half mile dash, purse $l5O. Bernice, b. m., Rubicon. R. Mack," Marion. Md. (E. Smith), 116... 1 Marion Walton, ch. f.. Salvation, H. A. Cotton (Saylor), 116 2 Hazlenut, b. h., Mellick, A. Tem pert (Woods), 119 3 Conretta, b. m., Cecran, P. Huff nagle, Qrowaso, Mich (Miller) 116 4 Time—49%. Fifth race, running. 1 mile dash, purse $l5O. Attorney Muir, b. g., Stalwart, A. Tempest (Woods), 119 1 Lucky Peadl, b. g., Todington, J. Baldwin (Saylor), 111 2 Front Royal, b. g , Owens, C. H. Rowe, Columbus, Ga., (Imes), 119 3 Zolzo, b. m., Tempalne, P. Huff, nagle, Orowasa, Mich. (Gordon ville), 116 4 Time—l.44. DE VALERA OFF OX SWING New York, Oct. I.—Eamonn De Valera. president of the Irish re public," left New York for Phila delphia to-day on the first leg of a "swing around the circle" in which he will seek moral and financial sup port for the "republic" which ho heads. The trip which will not be concluded until December 1, when Mr. De Valera Is to return to New York, will take In Pennsylvania and 28 other states to the west and south. CATARRH destroys your Health. Quick Relief By Using The Man-Heil Automatic Inhaler Ask Demonstrator Gorgas' Drug Store 18 North Third Street. €old, Catarrh, Asthma, —Quickly Relieved by n IhfiALd Using a remeay that is auto matically administered as you breathe. And without discom fort or inconvenience. Each breath carriee medication that quickly heals the afflicted parts. THIS NEW DISCOVERY AND INVENTION Is giving relief when all other methods fall. Used with won derful success In treating all diseases of the Nose. Throat and Lungs. Also for Head Noises and Ear Troubles. Relief is guaranteed—or No Pay. Now being introduced and demonstrated to the people of Harrisburg at the Gorges Drug store. 16 North Third street. McCormick Has Enough; Palmer to Be Candidate - For President—Blakeslee Washington, Oct. 1. A ttorney j General Palmer will be a candidate for President if President Wilson does not seek-a third nomination. This statement was made by , Fourth Assistant Postmaster General | Blakeslee, in discussing Pennsylvania ' politics and announcing his candi- ! dacy for National Committeeman \ from Pennsylvania, dependent upon ; President Wilson's attitude toward ' the Presidency. Mr. Blakeslee is quoted by members ! of Congress from Pennsylvania as saying that Mr. Palmer is certain to seek the nomination unless crowded out by the ambition of President ! v\ llson. In the event of the Presi dent declining to be honored again Mr. Blakeslee told the Democratic Congressmen from Pennsylvania that Mr. Palmer would resign as National I Committeeman. In advancing his candidacy, Mr. i ASPIRIN FIRST KNOWN IN 1900 v The Bayer Company Introduced Aspirin to Physicians 18 Years Ago If you want the true, world famous Aspirin, as prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years, you must ask for "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin." The "Bayer Cross" is stamped on each tablet and appears on each package for your protection against imitations. _ In each package of "Bayer Tab lets of Aspirin'-' are safe and proper 1 directions for Colds, Headache, Neu- i ralgia, Toothache, Earache, Rheu matism, Lumbago, Neurities and tor j Pain in general. Handy tin boxes containing 12 j tablets cost but a few cents. Drug gists also sell larger "Bayer" pack ages. Aspirin is the trade' mark of Bayer Mar/ufacture of Monoacetic acidester of Salicylicacid. Court Decides We Have the Rig|ht to Give || WILLARD SERVICE 1 On Storage Batteries Ihe recent case against D. J. Moran for alleged false advertise ment was dismissed promptly by Judge Henry as unjustified and lacking in any evidence to warrant a case. In fact, it wasn't even nec essary to present our witnesses. D. J. Moran proved to the satisfaction of the Court that he had I taken the instruction course at the Willard factory and been duly auth orized by the Willard Company to come to Harrisburg and invest his money in the Willard Service Station, the Court held that Moran was 9k perfectly within hist rights when hi advertised that he gave service on Willard batteries or bought and sold them. We do not try to prevent any one else from giving service on Willard or any other battery, but we do claim that we are perfectly qualified to render the best of service on Willard or any other battery. In fact, we have many satisfied customers who will substantiate the il statement that we have taken their batteries which were condemned § by others and put them into first-class working order. When you have batteries that are condemned consult us before j| throwing them away. We will givi you expert opinion as to its true condition without trying to influence you to buy a new battery unless absolutely necessary. Harrisburg Storage Battery Co. | D. J. Moran Bell Phone., 4225 Dial Phone, 4701 Fourth and Chestnut Streets DEL RIO PETROLEUM CORPORATION Oil Producers Main Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. I CAPITALIZATION Outstanding, including this offering, 600,000 shares, par value, $5.00 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS CHAS. W. GREGG, President H. A. CURRIE, Vice President g W. D. KELLER, Secretary and Treasurer C. H. BLAKEMORE, Roanoke, Va. H. A. CURRIE, New York City, N. Y. Chairman Safety Conuniaalon, Norfolk & Wet- Electrical Engineer, New York Central B* R. ern Railroad. EL R. BISSELL, Cleveland, Ohio. CHAS. W. GREGG, Washington, D. CL Superintendent, N. Y. Central Railroad. Safety Section, U. S. Railroad Administration. W. P. CHASE, New York CMty, N. Y. ALF. T. SMITH, Jeanette, Pa. Bnnkera Supply Company. cashier and Director, Peoples National Bank. ' PHILIP F. SWART, New York City, N. Y. Mercantile Bunk of the Americas. TRANSFER AGENTS, U. S. Corporation Co., New York. REGISTRAR, Security Transfer & Registrar Co., New York. PROPERTIES comprise ownership of leases on approximately 2.340 acres of producing and proven oil land in West Virginia, and 57,000 acres of geologically approved leases in the principal fields of Texas. There are 29 producing wells on the West Virginia properties with 5 additional wells drilling. The wells produce casing-head gas as well as oil. A gasoline plant is now being constructed for the extraction of tho gasoline, which averages 2% gallons df gasoline per 1,000 cubic feet. t EARNINGS! Indicated earnings for. next 12 months equivalent to 20 per cent, on outstanding stock. Clark & Krebs, eminent geologists and engineers, estimate annual earnings from present and potenUal pro duction equivalent to 70 per cent, on outstanding stock. A LIMITED AMOUNT OF SHARES IS OFFERED FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION AT $4.00 A SHARE. Complete Information upon request. ) THOMAS NEVINS & SON Fourth Floor Standard Life Bldg. 115 BROADWAY, Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW YORK CITY / Established Over 30 Years Specialist* In floaneliig, development and operation of oil properties for njearly a llftk of a ooatnry* I / I OCTOBER 1, 1919. Blakeslee promised to unite both wings of the party in Pennsylvania end direct the most furious cam paign that State has had from the Democratic party for years. To one with whom he discussed his possible candidacy Mr. Blakeslee de- Fall Dresses, S u *t s > Coats HH Our selection of the new |k_^lTpj Fall styles is without a doubt lip the finest it has ever been ML _ ilf our privilege to show. \ - ll Most \ i Liberal Credit I I Terms 1 Choose any article you wish J and arrange to pay for it in convenient weekly, bi gyf] I weekly or monthly pay- Asian & Marine Co. 36 North Second Street—Corner Walnut Street clined to listen to the suggestion that Vance McOormlck should be selected by the party in the event there is a vacancy in the National Com mittee. "Mr. McCormlck has had enough," 'Mr. Blakeslee is quoted as having said.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers