53 STATE COUNTIES ORGANIZED FOR WORLD OF INTER-CHURCH WORLD MOVEMENT MUSIC FESTIVAL AT STEVENS M.E. Soldi(frs and Sailors to Be the Guests; Open Foruni to Meet Wednesday A "Welcome Home Musical Fes tival" will be given Sunday evening at 7.30 in the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal church by Professor John W. Phillips and the chorus choir. The committee on en tertainment invites all soldiers and sailors to be their guests. Included on the committee are: Al. K. Thomas, John T. Olmsted. Eli N. Hershey, Dr. C. E. L. Kecne, John Ensminger, Walter S. Schell, John Appleby, J. D. Bogar, George W. Bogar. J. Frank Saussaman, William Hazeltine, W. T. Hoy, F. S. Morrow, C. E. Chamberlin. T. M. Eves, T. M. Sechler, J. Frank Slack. Grant Ramey, Charles A. Hiller, H. Rupp, Walter E. Burns, M. V. Cover, W. S. Barker, Nevin A. Bowers, I. 11. Yohe, Howard Scidel, Fred Beach, Robert Storey, Harold Cobaugh, Warren YanDyke, Charles Storey, Walter Rankin. Following the musical festival Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker will speak on "The Short-Circuiting Business." It is to be the second special address in his business series to men. The Sunday school session will be held at 10 o'clock. At the morning preaching service, at 11 o'clock, the minister will speak on "The Rich Glory of Life's Autumn." In the afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Junior wHl meet in the church par lors. The "Church Forum" will be held Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in the church. Speakers of promi nence have been engaged to discuss "The Relation of the Church to the Child." Plan For Conference When the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist Episco pal church, with more than three hundred preachers attending, con venes in the Stevens Memorial church early in March for a week's session, some notable leaders of Methodism will supply inspiration for the great body of ministers and laymen assembled. There will be some strenuous cam paigning for general conference rec ommendations and delegations that will enliven recess periods. Among the reform measures booked for dis cussion are the election of district superintendents instead of their ap pointment: election of official boards of the church instead of pastoral ap pointment; curtailment of the terms of office of bishops to eight years; the r: JGcation of both church and ministerial conferences to the pro posed amendment to the Methodist Episcopal church constitution ad mitting laymen into the annual con ferences on an equality with the ministers with the exception of vot ing on theological questions. On Wednesday evening at 8.30 o'clock. Dr. Smucker will meet with . the official members of his church to begin the work of entertaining the three hundred and fifty preach ers and more than a thousand lay men from out-of-town. At once the church building is to be thoroughly renovated and placed in readiness for the big gathering. This will be the first timd the Central Pennsyl vania Conference has met in this Church. Big Program Outlined For Tomorrow in Fourth Street Church of God The Fourth Street Church of God is expecting a big day Sunday. In the morning, at 10.30 o'clock, the pastor. Dr. William N. Yates, will preach on "The Greatest Church Problem." In the afternoon, at 1.40 o'clock, the Sunday School will hold its annual Rally Day exercises. Pro fessor McGinness, of Steelton, will address the main school and Mrs. Alice Myers Sigler will sing. In the Men's Bible Class, the Rev. S. N. Good, of Penbrook, and the Rev. C. 11. Helges, of New Cumberland, will speak, and special music by a largo orchestra will be a feature. During the closing exercises of the rally, the Sunday School will burn the mort gage against the parsonage, and tho Fourth Street Church of God will be entirely free from debt. Two wide-awake Christian En deavor meetings will be held at 6.30 p. m. and 7.30 p. m. Demobiliza tion services will be held. Patriotic music will be rendered by tho choir, and Dr. Yates will preach on "De mobilization." At the close of the sermon the service flag will be de mobilized. LI'THER LEAGUE RALLY The Senior Luther League of Me morial Lutheran Church will hold its fall rally Sunday evening, at 6.15 o'clock. This society enjoys the honor of having four of its mem bers preparing for the gospel min istry, and two of the young men are expected home to partake in the rally. The president. Miss Mary Tit zel. will be the leaded, and there will be special music. MISSIONARY PAGEANT A missionary pageant, entitled "A Night in a Chinese Hospital," will be given by the W. M. A. of Le moyne United Brethren Church on Tuesday evening, October 30, at 8 p. m., in the auditorium of St. Paul's United Brethren Church, Worm leysburg. = "The Church With the Chlmr" Brave Soldiers Welcome SOLDIERS' and relatives and friends we sincerely desire to have you worship with us tomorrow. Honor God by spending one hour in His House. Give Him thanks for your safe return. Rev. Paul D. Witman, returned Chaplain, will preach morning and evening about "The Religious Life of Our Boys at Home and Abroad." Sunday School 9.45 A. M. Preaching Services 11 A. M and 7.30 P. M. , \ Zion Lutheran Churph South fourth St.. Opposite P. 11. R. Depot. S. W. Herman, D. D., Pastor. SATURDAY EVENING, NEW SOCIETIES DRIVE, ONE OF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR AIMS Many Socioties Are Entering Contests; Several Thousand Endeavorers Expected to Attend Meets at Cham bersburg and Carlisle Tomorrow The new societies drive is one of the objectives of Christian Endeavor ers throughout the world during j September and especially October. , Marty societies are entering the con test and will organize other socie ties in their districts. C. E. Notes Cumberland County and a Kah! Rah! Rah! Here's Dr. Poling, Ah! Ah! Ah! Carlisle and Chnmbersburg the places to meet, Where Secretary Reichel and others we'll greet Several thousand Endeavorers are expected to attend the three big ral lies at Chambersburg to-morrow aft ernoon and at the Allison Methodist Episcopal and the I'nited Evangeli cal churches at Carlisle on Sunday evening. Dr. D. A. Poling, LL. D., of Boston, will speak on the sub ject, "The Call of the New Cru sades," nnd State Secretary Haines A. Reichel, of Harrisburg, will speak on the subject, "Trained for Serv ice." C. M. Zerby will be the leader and speaker at the Endeavor service to be held nt the St. John's Lutheran church, Steelton, on Sunday evening. Mrs. E. S. Schilling will sing at METHODIST YOUNG PEOPLE TO MEET 300 Will Attend Conference in' Ridge Avenue Church Tomorrow The Christian Activities Confer ence for the young people of the Harrisburg District of the Central Pennsylvania Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, will be held in Ridge Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, Sunday, Septem ber 28. This Conference in the Har risburg District is the fourth of a series of ninety-one similar confer ences to be held throughout the country as a part of the follow-up program of the great Centenary Movement, the financial part of which has just been so successfully completed. The first of these con ferences was held in Altoona, then in Williamsport, and Sunbury, and Harrisburg. Charles W. 8011, Presi dent of the Harrisburg District Ep worth League, is Executive Chair man of this Conference for the Har risburg District, wath the Rev. E. C. Keboch in charge of the arrange ments not only for the Harrisburg District but for the entire Washing ton Area. Registratlena have been coming in far beyond expectations, and the Executive Chairman feels sure that there will he at least three hun dred out of town registrations, which will break all registration records to 'date. The morning session of the Con ference will start at 10.30 o'clock with Chaplain Thompson making the address. The afternoon session will start at 1.45 with an address by Miss Dorothy E. Mead, of Chi cago, on "The Relation of Young People to the Local Church Pro gram," and Chaplain Thompson will also give a short talk on "Materials and Methods of Young People's Work." At four o'clock, there will be five 10-minutc addresses by representative people of the Harris burg District on topics of vital inter-, est W> the youth of the church. The 1 following will make the addresses: Mr. Wm. Ray Chapman, Mr. Charles Baumeister, Miss Miriam Brown, Miss Dorothy Rishel and Miss Edna Hafer, The Fellowship Period will follow these addresses, and at six o'clock dinner will be served in the Social Room of the Ridge Avenue church at sixty-five cents per plate, j" Promptly at seven o'clock Miss Mead, of Chicago, will hold a Young Women's Conference, and Chaplain Thompson will hold a Young Men's Conference, to talk over points of vital interest, fraught with helpful suggestions for their respective lines of work. The closing session of the Con ference will start at 7.30, and at 8 o'clock Chaplain Thompson will give a thirty-minute address on "Ameri canizing America." to bo followed by an address by Dr. Alexander Cor son, considered the outstanding man of Methodism, in the New Jersey Conference, on the topic, "Follow the Gleam." Dr. Edgar R. Heekraan, District Superintendent of the Harrisburg District, will preside at the Confer ence, and detnils of the Conference such as registration, sitting, et cetera, will be handled by the local committees appointed by Dr. Ben der, pastor of Ridge Avcnui Meth odist Episcopal chu-ch. The Epworth League of the Meth odist churches of the city will not hold any service this Sunday, as all the young people are expected to attend the sessions of this Confer ence. the big Poling rally in the United Evangelical church, Carlisle, on Sunday evening. At Westminster Presbyterian En deavor meeting, J. F. Knighton, a hustling worker in Endeavor circles, will conduct service. John H. Lynch, Jr., will put "pep" into the Endeavor service at State Street United Brethren church to-morrow evening. "He will speak on "The Christian Athlete and His Training." At the Zion Evangelical LuUteran Society, Enola, Mrs. Berwick will have an attactive program arranged for to-morrow evening. Fourth Street Church of God En deavorers will hold a big rally day exercise on Sunday, October 5. Jerome Miller will conduct the Keystone League of Christian En deavor service at the Harris Street United Evangelical church on Sun day evening. Penbrook Church of God Endeav orers are taking an active part in the forward movement campaign for new members Many activities have been planned under the lead ership of B. Cassell, presi dent of the society. TO DEMOBILIZE SERVICE FLAG Pine St. Presbyterian Church Had 400 in Military and Naval Service At the Pine Street Presbyterian Church on Sunday the pastor, Dr. Lewis Seymour Sludge, will preach morning and evening. At the morn ing service the subject will be "A Fool of Fools." There is a supreme type of folly, and its nature and remedy will be fully discussed. At the evening service the pastor will preach on "A Soldier's Faith," and with simple ceremony the service tlug of the church, with its nearly 400 stars, each representing a man or woman actually in the Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United States in the war, will be demobi lized. Relatives and friends of thosu represented by sturs On tills flag have been invited to be,present. On Sunday morning, at 9 o'clock. Rally Day exercises will be held at Bethany Chapel. On Monday evening the annual promotion exercises of the intermedi ate and junior departments of the church Sunday School will bo held in the lecture room at 7.45 o'clock Diplomas and certificates will be pre sented to honor students. About 25 children will be promoted from the primary to tho junior department on this evening. On. Wednesday evening a service preparation to the Sacrament of the lord's Supper, which will bo ob served on Sunday, October 5, will be held in tho church. The pastor will preach at this service. On Thursday evening the Mrs. John T,_ Boyd Class of the church Sunday School will hold Its annual outing and meeting at Mrs. Boyd's" country place, "Oakleigh." Thero will be a large attendance of the class. On Friday evening the Boy Scouts will hold their usual meeting for instruction and fun at the Boyd Me morial Building. Fifth Street Methodist Church to Dedicate Big New Pipe Organ Soon Plans are being made by officials of the FiN.h Street Methodist Epis copal church tor the dedication of a "f™ M° ller organ, - which cost $lO,OOO with fltttng exercises. On October 9, at 8 o'clock, Edwin Arthur Kraft, organist and choir master of Trinity Cathedral, Cleve land, Ohio, will preside at'the recital dedicating the organ. On the fol lowing Sunday, October 12, dedica tory exercises, proper, will be held in the church. Mr. Kraft was the only vlsittng organist selected by the committee of the Methodist Centenary to play three recitals on the $50,000 organ built specially for the celebration in Columbus. Harvest Home and Rally Day at Augsburg Church The Annual Harvest Home ser vice -will be held on Sunday morn ing, at the Augsburg Lutheran church. The church will be dec orated with flowers, fruits and vege tables. The Rev. A. M. Stamets, pastor, will preach on "The Heavenly Harvest.'' At the Sunday School exercises at two o'clock, Rally Day programs will be rendered. Tho Rev. R. L. Meisenhelder, paslfor of Trinity Lutheran Church, will address the Kindergarten and the Ist Depart ment. At the 2nd and 3rd Depart ments' programs tho P. R. R. Glee Club will sing. In the evening the choir will ren der the first of a series of musical programs, which will be given the last Sunday evening of each month. The music will be of a patriotic or der, in keeping with the reception being tendered our soldier boys, at this time, and all tho "Boys" of Augsburg will be considered guests of honor at this service. The pro gram follows: Anthem, "Let the Hills- With Songs Resound," Rich ards; male quartet, "The Flag We Love," Martin; contralto solo, "The Americans Come," Mlrs Ethel Henry. Soprano and baritone duet, "Gently Lord, O Gently Lead Us," by Miss Keeney and Mr. Groff. Male quar tet, "When the Boys Come Home," Parks. Anthem, "To Thee, O Coun try," Elchburb. The Rev. A. M. Stamets will speak on tho subject: "Why Our Lips Should Praise." t MEN'S CLASS TO MEET "Jesus Our Saviour and King" is the subject of the lesson, which will be taught by Dr. E. E. Campbell to the Men's Organised Bible class, Zlon Lutheran church, Sunday morning at 9.50 o'clock, In their class room. Vice President W. S. Hake will be In charge of the serv ices. Good music will be a feature. Sunday, October B. the session of i tho class changes from morning to afternoon, at 1.50 o'cock. , SttBRISBURO TELEGRAPH MARKET SQUARE CHURCH RALLY Demobilization of the Service Flag Will Feature Even ing's Service Rally Day will be observed by the Sunday school of Market Square Presbyterian Church to-morrow at 9.4 5. Efforts are being made to have 100 per cent in attendance. Promotions, . organization of new classes and general adjustment for the aggressive work of the autumn, will feature the day. Special music, demobilization ot service flags in at least two departments of thte school, and addresses, will help to make the day a noteworthy one. The evening service at the church will be a special one. The flags which have been displayed In the auditorium 'during the period of the war, will be demobilized. A program of great variety and of intense pat riotic interest has been arranged. Special music, special speeches and special doings, will make it a ser vice of wonderful power. The ad dresses will be made by persons of this congregation who did things, and who will represent the other men and women who did things. Captain Edward J. Stackpole, Jr., will speak for the men in the army; Yeoman John L. L. Kuhn, Jr., will upenk for the men in the navy; Miss Susanne Westbrook for the women who went out with the men, and Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, for the wo men who stayed at home and lab ored. The flags will be lowered by men who lowered the colors to an enemy. They will be taken out by the young men who brought them into the chuch nearly two years ago. Monthly Bible Conference to Open in First Baptist Church Sunday Morning REV. S. B. SITTCUTFE The opening session of the 48th Monthly Bible Conference, In the First Baptist church, will be held Sunday at 3.30 o'clock. They con tinue with two sessions a day on Monday and Tuesday. Rev. B. B. Stutcliffc, of the Chicago Preby tery, associated with the Extension Department of the Moody Bible In stitute, will be the lecturer at these sessions. ' Each afternoon at 3.80, the sub jects will be "The 2nd and 3d Epis tes of St. John." The evening sub jects, at 7.45, will be the "First and Second Psalms." The conference committee is: W. G. Hean, H. L. Carl, Frank H. Greg ory, Dr. J. Nelson Clark. Philip Reed, Harvey Buck, Benjamin F. Eby, Dr. D. J. Hetrick, Fred Kelker. Christ Lutheran Will Entertain Its Soldiers Special features will be included : in the services at Christ Lutheran | church Sunday. The Men's Bible I class will be host to all the soldier boys of the church and Sunday school at 9.45, the regular hour of meeting. All other soldiers are In vited to be present. At the 11 o'clock service Dr. ! Reisch .will deliver a sermon on 1 "The Kingdom Leaven Explained." A series of evening services will I be inaugurated Sunday evening on "The Konws of the Bible." Sun day evening's subject will be: "I Know That My God Liveth." RALLY N'EARS END The month of September has been a rally month in the Riverside Methodist Episcopal Bunday School. The pastor, the Rev. Dr. | Murray Klepfer, has been giving a series of morning sermons on "The i Conservation of Childhood." He will give the last of the series on Sunday morning, the theme being "The Child and the School." "The Work ing Girl" will be the theme of tho evening sermon. It will be the last of the series on "Labor Prob lems" and will deal with the domett | tic, social, moral and industrial ef I fects of the ever-Increasing partlci i patlon of women in the business, I industrial and professional life of | the day. (Other Church News on Page 12.) MISSION IN ST. MARY'S CHURCH One Week's {services to Be Held For Men and One For Women A two weeks' mission will open tn St. Mary's church, Maclay street, beginning to-morrow and continuing until October 12 The first Wreck will be given to the women only and the second to men. Masc will be celebrated every, morning at 6 and *3 o'clock, instruc tions being gtven after both maases. The evening services at 7.80 consist of the sosary, t-ermon, hymn anil benediction of the most blessed sac rament. The mission wi'.t he conducts# hy the augustlnlan lathers of Villa Nova College, Vi'.'.a Nova, Pa. The services in Sr. Mary's to-mor row will be low mass at 8 o'clock, high moss at 10.80 and 7.8,0. Reo ta tton 9 f the Rosar.,- sermon, hymn and benediction of the most bieasel sacrament will be included. The , evening services for women only. WILL PREACH TO SERVICE MEN Dr. Robert Bagnell to Appear in Grace M. E. Pulpit in Overseas Uniform Dr. Robert Bagnell, pastor of | Grace Methodist Episcopal church, j State street near Third, will preach j a sertnon to soldiers, sailors, na rines, nurses, and welfare workers of Harrisburg, and all who were ac tive i:t the service in the World War, at 7.30 o'clock this Sunday in connection with the welcome home celebration which will take place in Harrisburg, September 2 8 and 29. Dr. Bagnell will wear his overseas uniform at this service, and all soldiers, sailors, marines and nurses are requested to wear their uniforms tn attending this most un usual memorial service. In the morning at 1030 o'clock he will preach a sermon on the topic, "The Love of Christ in the Con crete," and at this service the Gruce church quartet will sing the anthem, "O Give Thanks Unto the Lord," by Shelley, ar.d Mrs. Arthur H. Hull will sing the offertory solo, "O Eyes That Are Weary," by Harker. In the evening the quartet will sing the following anthems, "The King of Love My Shepherd Is," by Gounod- Hawley, and "If Ye Love Me, Keep Ye My Commandments," by Nevln. | Sunday school will be held at 12.10, and wilt be the preparatory! service for Promotion Day, which will be celebrated next Sunday, when classes from the various depart ments will be graduated and ad vanced to their respective higher de partments The Rally Day committee of the Sunduy school, led t>y the educa tional director of Grace church, are working out a program for Rally Day to be held Sunday, October 12, and which will take the place of the morning preaching service on that day. Prayer meeting wil start at 7.30 this Wednesday night, instead of 8 o'clock, and will continue at this time throughout the winter months. UNITED EVANGELICAL Enoln—The Rev. H. M. Buck. 10.15, "The Christian Home (Har vest Home Service); 7.30, "Conse cration of Parents and Children"; 9.30, Sunday School; 2.00, Mission Band.• Lemoyne—The Rev. 10. Crumb ling. 10,45. "The Christian Home"; 7.30, "A Father's Family Choice"; 9.30, Sunday School; 6.30, C. H. Harris Street-—The Hev. A. G. Flcxer. 9.30, Sunday School; 10.30, Church Service; 6.40, K. L. C. E. Meeting; 7.30, Church Service. Sixth Street —The Rev. W. E. Pot teigcr. 11.00, sermon by Assistant Pastor, The Rev. W. B. Harris; 10.00 Sunday School. Penbrook—The Rev. W. E. Pot tieger. 10.30, service in charge of F. B- Musser, and W. R. Donmoyer, three minute men of the Forward Campaign movement; 9.30, Sunday School; 6.45, Keystono League; 7.30, sermon hy the Rev. William Llngle, D. D.; 2.00, Junior Keystone League. Park Street —The Rev. A. E. Han gen and Rev. S. A. Miller. 9.30, Sunday School; 10.45, "Family Wor ship"; 5.45, Junior Christian En deavor; 6.30, Senior Christian En deavor; 7.30, "The Essential De mands of Religion." MISCELLANEOUS Bethseda Mission, John Fulton will preach at meeting to-night at 8 o'clock; Martin Stutzman will speak. Open air meeting, Third and Market streets at 7 Sunday; at 8 in Misston H. J. Ueachley will speak "The Sec ond Coming of Christ." Reformed Mennonite at Kin neard's Hall, Rev. John J. Miller, pastor, will preach at 10.30. Christian and Missionary Alliance, P.ev. W. H. Worrall, Sunday School at 9.30, preaching at 10.30; at 7.30 "Night's Deepening Gloom" or "The Apostasy—Has It Begun?" Gospel Hall—lo.3o, "Breaking of Bread"; 2.30 Sunday school; 3.30, Italian Evangelist, Cesare PatrUio, of Bryn Mawr, will conduct meeting for Italians; 7.00, Gospel meeting; 8.00, open-air meeting in River Park at Boas street. REFORMED Second —The Rev. Alfred Nevin Say res, pastor. 10.30, Rally Day ex ercises; 7.80, "The Fixity of Char acter; 9.45, Sunday School; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, pastor. 11 and 7.30; 9.43, Rally Day services in Sunday School. St. John's —The Rev. Clayton 11. Ranck, pastor. 11, "Tho Fellowship of Intercession"; 7.30, "Some Funda mentals in Industrial Difficulties"; 9.45, Sunday School; 6.30, C. E. Fourth —The Rev, Homer Skyles May, pastor. 10.45, holy communion and address; 7.30, holy communion and sermon; 9.30, Sunday School; 6.30; Young People's service. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church—ll.oo and 7.30, "Reality"; 11.00, Sunday School; Wednesday, 8.00, Testimonial Meet ing. Free Reading Room, Kunkel Building, 11.30 to 5 dally. A. M. E. Harris—The Rev. R. L. BriscoA 10.45, "Who Can Be Saved?" 7.45, "Let Them Grow Togeth%r;" 1.30, Sunday school. RALLY DAY AT SECOND CHURCH Combined Service of Church and Sunday School to Be Held at 10.30 a. m. The combined rally day service of the Second Reformed church and Sunday school will be h,eld at 10.10 o'clock Sunday morning. The Sun day school will convene at 9.45 a. m., the usual hour, for a short ses sion, at the close of which they will unite with the congregation In the 10.80 rally service. The service will be featured by special music by the congregational choir and choruses from the several departments of the Sunday sqhool. Efforts ahe being made by officers and teachers to hgve large returns to the fall work of the school of those who have been out of the city during the summer. In ths evening the past*-, the Rev. Alfred Nevln Sayres, will preach the ser mon In his series on "Character," the subject being "The Flxitjr of i Character." CHURCH DIRECTORY] LUTHERAN Trinity, Camp Hill —The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle. 10.45, "Walking No ; More With Jesus;" 7.30. "The Meas- ' urc oLa h'|.n;" 9.30, Sunday .school; 6.30, Luther League. Redeemer—The Rev. M. E. Shafer. 10, Rally Day service; 8, Harvest Home. Zion —The Rev. S. Winfleld Her man. 11 and 7.30, the Rev. Paul D. Witman, former chaplain, will preach; 9.45, Sunday school. Trinity—The Rev. R.L. Melsen hclder. 11.16, "A Stirring Call;" 7.30, "What Does'the Lord Expect of Us on His Day?" 10, Sunday school. Calvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar. 11. "Our HeavenlyV Father;" 7.30, "Moses in the School of Trial;" 10, Sunday school. Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Sta mets. 10.30, "The Heavenly liar vest" (Harvest Home); 7.30, "Why Our Lips Should Praise;" 2, Sunday school and Rally Day; 6.30, fhter niediate and Senior Christian En deavor. Holy Communion—The Rev. John Henry Miller. 10.45, "The Master? .Jfiimmon? Which?" 7.30, "Christian Liberty;" 9.30, Sunday school. Christ TTie Rev. Dr. Thomas Relsch. -4 1, "The Kingdom Leaven Explained;" 7.30, "1 Know That My God Liveth;" 9.15, JSunday school. St. Mark's. Mechaniesburg—The Rev. H. N. Fegley, D. D. 9, Bible school; 10.30, divine services. Holy Communion, morning and evening, "Keeping in Memory the Gospel of Christ g Dying and a Risen Saviour;" 6.45, Luther League; 7.30, vespers. Memorial—ll and 7.30, preaching by the Rev. J. A. Singmaster, D. D., of Gettysburg; 10, Men's prayer , meeting; 5.30, Junior Luther Lcugue; 6.15, Senior Luther league. Bethlehe jn -—ll and 7.45, Dr. Luther Kuhtman, of York, in charge; 9.4 5, Sunday school. Messiah-—The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson. 10.30, "World Redemp tion;" 2, Sunday school; 7.30, wel come homo service, sermon by pas tor on "Foundations Under the High Cost of Living." St. Paul's, Riverside —2, Sunday School; 7, C. E. Society. St. Matthew's—The Rev. E. E. Snyder will preach at 11 and 7.30; Sunday School, 9.45; C. E. Society at 6.30. UNITED BRETHREN Sixth Street—The Rev. J. Owen Jones. 10:30, "Our Source in Gofl." 7:30. "Redemption." C. E., 6:20 P. M. Praise Service, 9:45. Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. 11:00, Communion Service. 7:30, "The King's Business." Sun day School, 9:45. C. E., 6:30. First—The Rev. W E. Daugherty, D. D. 11:00, Communoin Service. 7:30, Communion Service. Sunday School, 10. C. E., 6:45. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter, D D. 11:00, Holy Commun ion. 7:30, Iloly Communion. Sun day School, 9:50. Neidtg Memorial, Oberlin The Hon. A. S. Kreider will speak. 10:00 Rally Dny and Demobilization of Service Flag. 7:30, "Soma lessons from Late War." Sunday School, 10:00. Jr. C. E„ 6:00. Sr. C. E. Rally, 6:30. Chaplain P. N. Holdc man will apeak to Sr. C. E. and also at regular evening service. Trinity, New Cumberland The Rev. A. R. Ayres. 10:30, "The Of ficial Duties of the Levites." 7:30, "Evangelism-" Installation of church officials at morning service. State Street The Rev. H. F. I Rhoad. 10:45, Review of the Year's Work. 7:30, "Three Things Required of the Christian." Sunday School, 9:30. Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30. Grace, West Fatrview Sunday School, 9:30. The Rev. J. S. Glen, of Enola. Sr. Y. P. S. C. E„ 6:45. "De mobilization Service," 7:30. Rev. M. R. Fleming, Ph.D., of Red Lion, Pa., "America's Challenge to Chris tian Manhood." Church of the Brethren—The Rev. William K. Conner. 11, "Persecut ing Jesus"; 7.30, "The Glory of Jesus"; 10, Sunday 8chool; 6.45, C. W. S. Dr. F. J. Wampler. M. D., missionary from China, will give an illustrated lecture Monday, Septem ber 29, 7.45 p. rn,, subject, "The Bubonic Plague." BAPTIST Tabernacle —9.45, Rally Day serv ices in Sunday school. 11.00, Rev. T. Carson llanna, of Pottsvillo, "Translating Our Dreams"; 7.30, "Saviour and King"; 6.30, B. Y. P. U. First—The Rev. William J. Lock hart. 10.30, The Rev. B. B. Sut. cliffe, of Chicago; 7.80, Rev. Mr. Sutcliffe; 11.45, Sunday School. Second—The Rev. Albdrt Josiah Greene. 10.30; 7.30; 12.00, Sunday School; 6.30, P. U. P. U Market Street— s The Rev. W. S. Dunlop. 10.30, "The Christian Test"; 7.30, "The Way of Salva tion"; 11.30, Sunday School. St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther Cunningham. 10.30, "The Lifo- Savlng Question; 7.30, "Rays From the Sun of Righteousness; 12.30, Sunday School; 6.30, B. Y. P. U.; 3.00, Missionary Mass Meeting. All Pennsylvania Baptist State Conven tion Churches and Pastors will par ticipate, Mrs. Sarah Payne In charge. First, Steelton —The Rev. J. Jack son Bellamy. 10-46, "Glorying in the Cross"; 7.45, "Indlclslon"; 2.30, Sunday School will give special pro gram and will present churcji wttk pipe organ. Mt. Olivet —Tlje Rev. Moses J. Btrge. The Rev. R. L. Briscoe, of Harrlsburi, will preach at 10.30. 12.30, Sunday School; 6.30, B. Y. P. U.: The Rev. J. B. Baldwin will preach at 8.00. CHURCH OF GOD Linglestown—The Rev. James M- Waggoner. 7.30, "Seeking the King dom of God; 6.30, Junior C. E.; 7, Senior C. E. Fourth Street —The Rev. William N. Yates. 10.30, 'The Greatest Church Problem: 7.30, "Demobiliza tion": 1.40, Sunday School; 6.30, Christian Endeavor. Penbrook—The Rev. P. H. Her ahey. 9.30, an overseas man will makn the address at the annual Rally Day service: 7.30, the Rev. S. N. Good, pastor, will preach on "God's Method of Helping Us"; 6.40, C. E. Progress—The Rev. James M. Waggoner. 10.30, "The Duties of Elders and Deacons; 9.30, Sunday School; 6, Jr. C. E.; 6.80, Sr. C. E. . Mac'ay Street —The Rev. Dr. Wil liam S.- Houck, pastor. 11, "Our' Sins Behind His Back"; 7.30, the Rev. Ira Boyd Wenger, pastor of First Christian Church, will preach in exchange with the pastor: 9.45. Sunday School; 6, Jr. C. E.; 6.46, Sr. C. E. Green Street—The Rev. H. 6. Her shey. 10.30. "The Little Flock En couraged": 7.30, "A Gracious Qitee llon"; 3. Sunday School. At Nagle street. Rev. Elmer B KaufTlhan. pastor will preach at 11 A. M., suhteet 'The Source of the Chrlst'an Strength" and ut 7.80 P. M.. subject "Everlasting Life. Sun day school 10. Other services. Jun ior C. E. at 6.00, Senior at 4.4 L SEPTEMBER 27, 1919. METHODIST Camp Curtin Memorial —The Rev. John H Mortimer. 16.30, "The Soul's Aggression;" 7.30, "Tho Wiley Blockade Runner;" 2, Sunday school; 6.30, Epworth League. Riverside—The Rev. George Mur ray Klepfcr. 10.30, "The Child and the School," last of series on "Con servation of Childhood;" 8, "The Working Girl;" 2, Sunday school. St. Paul's - The Rev William Moses. Services at 10.30 and 7.30; 9.45, Sunduy school; 7.30, Epworth League. Grace—The Rev. Dr. Robert Bag nell. 10.30, "The Love of Christ In the Concrete;" 7.30, "The Shout ing and_ tho Tears;" 12.10, Sunday school. Fifth Street-—The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles. 10.50, "Benefits of Church Membership;" 7.30, "The Offense of I the Gross;" 10, Sunday school. Dauphin The Rev. Oeorge L. Seliuffcr. 7.30, preaching; 2, Sun day school, l'r.euching at Hockton at 10.30; Sunday school at 2. Camp Hill—The Rev. J. Merrill Williams. 9.45, Sunday school; 11, "Making the Most of Our Opportu nities;" 6.45, Epworth League; 7.30, public worship. Ridge Avenue—The Rev. R. R. Bender. An all-day Christian activi ties conference; morning, following Sunday school, address by Chaplain Thompson from France. Afternoon at 2.15, addresses by, visiting delj gates, and second address by Chap luin Thompsoia Evening, address, "Follow ths Gleam," by the Rev. Alexander Corson, D., New Jersey. At Epworth, Rev. Homer C. Knox, pastor, will preach at 7.30, subject "Life"; Sunday school; other ser vices; special announcements, De partmental Graduation Services, 10 to 12; at evening service Miss Hilda Famous will sing "He Shall Give His Angels Charge". PRESBYTERIAN Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, D. D., the Rev. H. N. Baldwin. Sunday services. 10:30, "The Fool of Fools." 7:30, "A Sol dier's Faith." 6:45, Senior Chris tian Endeavor. Division Street —The Rev. H. H. Baldwin. 7:45, "The Oath of Al legiance." Bethany—The Rev. John Martin .Warden, pastor, will preach at 7:30. Subject, "Seeking After God." Sun day School, Rally Day, 9:00. C. E., 6.30. Westminster—Tho Rev. Henry W. Miller, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "A Great Man's Death and A Man's Great Birth." 7:30, "The House of Itimmrou." Sunday School, 1:45. Market Square—The Rev. George Edward Hawes, D. D., The Rev. Howard Rodgors, assistant. 11:00, "Getting Acquainted With Jesus Christ." 7:30, Flag Demobilization. Calvary—The Rev. J. L. German, pastor, will preach at 10:15, "The Poor In Spirit," and at 7:30, "God's Sign Posts." Sunday School, 9:00. Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett Hallman. 10:00, "Advanced Posi tions." 11:15, Rally Day Services. Senior C. E., 6:30. 7:30, "Despis ing God's Goodness." Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer will jireach at 10:30. "The Every Day Inspiration of the Invisible," and at 10:30, "An Ancient Preacher of Righteousness.' Sunday School, 2:00. Rally Day with address by Wm. H. Earnest. Capital Street—The Rev. B. U. Ward, D. D. 10:45, "God Our Por tion." 7:30, "Obey God Rather Than Man." Sunday School, 12:15. C. E. at 6:45. Camp Hill—The Rev. R. C. Ketch ledge. 11, "God's Knowledge of Our Needs": 8, "The Mastery of Self"; 9.45, Sunday School. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL Church of the Holy Cross—The Rev. Willoughby M. Parchment, rec tor 11, matins and sermon; 8, evensong and sermon. St. Paul's —8, communion service; 11, service and sermon, nationwide campaign; 8, popular service. St. Michael's, Middletown —4.30, the Rev. Dr. Appleton, of Harris burg, will preach; Monday, at 8, St. Michael's Day services; Steelton choir will sing. St. Stephen's—The Rev. RpUin' A. Sawyer. 8, holy communion; 10, Bunday School; 11, morning prayer and sermon, "Real Religion"; 8, pa triotic service and address by Bishop Darlington. CHURCH OF CHRIST At First church, Rev. Ira Boyd Wenger, pastor, will preach at 11 A. M., subject "Regard For the Per sonal Christ" and at 7.30 other ser vices. Lemoyne-—The Rev. Ira P. Har baugh. 9.30, Bible School; 10.30, "The Imperative Claims of Christ Upon His Followers"; 7.30, "Heaven ward, Via the Tower or the Ladder of Faith." |jj | Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor | r "THE FOOL OF FOOLS" 7,30 P.M. j ; H "A SOLDIER'S FAITH" t DEMOBILIZATION OP SERVICE FTAG o This Inspiring Serrlce All Relatives and Friends of 5 ' >ur Hoys Are Ilereby Especially Invited (C ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. Rollin Alger Sawyer, Rector SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 11 A. M.—Morning Prayer nnd Sermotr on "Real Religion." BP. M.—PATRIOTIC SERVICES. Address by Bishop Dar lington. Everybody Welcome. Patrlotlo Hymns and Anthems vrlll be sutw. , J) ORGANIZE 53 OF STATE'S COUNTIES Intensive Campaign Planned to Push Intcr-Church World Movem'ent Fifty-three of Pennsylvania's sixty-seven counties have been or ganized for the active prosecution of the Interchurch World Move ment in North America, according to an announcement made to-day by Irvin A. Deer, secretary in Penn sylvania. Mr. Deer has Just re turned from conferences in New- York City and Cleveland, where plans were considered. It is hoped soon to organize Penn- { sylvania thoroughly and to conduct the campaign In an aggresetve man ner. The Rev. H. H. Rupp, of Steelton, is in charge of the work in Dauphin county. Astonishing revelations of how the 140 or more Protestant Evan gelical denominations of the United States have overlooked vital reli gious needs in this country came to light at a National Conference of religious leaders at Wallace Dodge. Yonkers, N. Y., which has ,lust ended. Mr. Deer told it was dis covered that, while each denomina tion had been working intensively in its own fields, because of a lack of co-operation in methods and pur poses among them many fields had been overlooked entirely. The Interchurch World Movemept of North America which has un dertaken a comprehensive census and survey of religious conditions throughout the world. It was eom ; posed of tho men appointed to su j peryise the rural survey in each I slate. Although the men came from a great number of denomina tions. it was remarked as an in stance of the spirit of the Inter church Movement that nobody thought at the time to find out which particular churches wpre rep resented. Each delegate was asked to make a brief preliminary statement of present conditions in his own commonwealth. Practically without exception they reported whole com munities, counties and even larger districts in which Christian work is at a standstill and in which there were 110 living churches or active ministers. Not infrequently these would he surrounded by communi ties so full of churches that they i got in one another's way, but strug gled along ineffectively without any well developed sense of community I usefulness. The discussions resulted in agreement as to all the details of . the survey to be made in each rural county in the country. Scientific standards were revised [ for a statistical investigation of the , existing environment of every American family with relation to all the religious nnd social angencies ' of tho country. When the census is complete, the | facts will bo analyzed and tabu lated. They will then be available . for every denomination. The Inter , church World Movement, it was agreed, exists for the strengthening . of every denomination and not for the weakening of a single one of them. It was hoped that the as certained facts would afford bases for local, state-wide and national co-operative efforts that would en able Protestantism to see lt tasks as a whole and undertake them in a sane and business-like way. Interdenominational advisory councils were reported as complete in 29 states and in process of for mation in the others. More than 200 county councils have been formed. Surveys are complete in 2fi counties and half or three-quar ters complete in more than 160. Dr. Edmund de S. Brunner, of the Moravian church, an expert on rural church work and head of the rural survey department of the Jn tercliurch World Movement, pre-* sided. Special Services to Mark the Opening oi Coxestown M. E. Church Coxest.own Methodist Episcopal church will hold special services to morrow morning at 10.30 and in the evening at 7.30, to mark the reopen ing of the church, following the com pletion of interior improvements. The pastor, the Rev. John 6. Davis, and the Rev. S. C. Swallow, D. D., will have charge. Tbe services will include the observance of Holy Com munion and a love feast. George Hepford, president of the official board, a member of the church for over a liaif century, and for many years a class leader, will assist In ■conducting the love feast.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers