16 Answer fie Classified Ads Tlaf interest f 01—For in That fay Lies Opportunity :' B& • : V:T:" f 1,. .11-:''' ' •!wl, * ;! .1 ! ,:: W : ;i;lt mMES iilErt'illi lE' Hi' "■ ■££' iISM, an W, ""liliMFHH■ i/IJi?iF.'!: i"l,;i!'.:„., £■ MMI • \ CTMRIPTIR? Br, MMW BgMiaJ.: 1,.**.& geatbs K A WEl—Died September 25, 1919. Mrs. Mollie Clowman Kawel. in her Ith veur at Polyclinic Hospital. Funeral services from Ottcrbein j U B. Church. Fourth and Reily i Sts.. on Monday afternoon at o'clock. Relatives and friends arc I invited to attend. Burial btivate in, Bast Harrisburg cemetery. Bods■ can be viewed on Sunday evening from | 7 to 9 at funeral parlors of Haw - kins Estate. 11107 North Third ft- | IN MKMORIAM In loving remembrance of ray d^ a, 'j husband. H. Edward Ripper, who d - . parted this life. September 191b. . HiS W ' fC ' MRS. RESTA B. RIPPER. j LOST AND FOUND Lost —White poodle dog, on Fri day evening near fourth and Walnut j St.-. Reward if returned to a. .North j Fifth SB BUST—PaiI- of boys' shoes and Piece of Star soap between \ alley Railways car shop and Market street bridge. F.nder please return Lately r itz-: gerald Supply Co. _____ BOST —Masonic charm with name on \\ H. Witta. Reward if returned j to Telegraph office. LOST— Wednesday afternoon, long narrow seal fur neck piece in Harris burg on State road to Carlisle. if or return to 265 S. Hanover street. Carlisle, Pa. BOST—Boston lufll V'l'-iei' brindP with white markings. Hewan4 U ie turned to R. W. MiUor abbove Worm icysburg* Dial phone oQuS or • IN STK L'CTION S INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Aritjimc tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALB YEAR. Enter at any time. }l?i! 125 Dial 4C16. NECK LEY'S M'SINBSS COLLEGE. 121 Market ft Chas. R. pecklcy. HELP W ANTED—MALE ! SALESMAN—Active reliable man | wanted in Central Pennsylvania to, i ,11*v/ u i li ade r.nil sodcit new busi- j lie.-s; lull time or part time; opeui ir work; pel mam nr employment at -. od wage's to men who can tnast j :.„uo no experience necessary; knowledge of farming helpful; state go. prtt.ous occupation. Reference or security required. Hoopes. Bro. & , Tenia.- to.. Stephen Girard Building, Philadelphia. Pa. 600 acres in nurser ies. Established over 66 years. i WANTED Car repairmen at P. K. R. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE, Harrisburg. OK GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE, Bucknow and Enota. - x WANTED Several good men for per manent work. NEW CUMBERLAND BRICK CO.. New Cumberland. Pa. WANTED—Men for general labor a 1 i'i ;arm work. Apply 17UU North second si. ait, r 7 p. nt. M N wanted for detective work. H • uc J. Gunor. former govt, detec l.te. Dgnvillu. Ills. MEN" Age 17 to 55. Experience un lit ccsscry. Travel, make secret inves- I gallon*, reports. Salaries, expenses. Aine'-iean Foreign Detective Agency. ,25. St. Louis. WANTED —Baker's helpers at once. A pply Tlioi ley Baking Co., Second and Delaware sts. \\ ANTED—A competent man to t ike t lu.rge 01 the Prospect Hill ceni etety. li is required to dig the gravo, Keep n g, n.-s ut and walk in good condition and is expected to live in th house at the cemetery, which >s ■ urm.-l;ed b> the cemoteiy company. lor particulars inquire of Miller Bros. A Co.. Locust and Court Sts. SALESMEN—We are looking for ung man between 21 and 26 years of agt to til: a high grade sales posi tion not -tucks. bonds, insurance or M ul • -tiiif ; but an opportunity for tho man wh" ,pialitles to earn big money. State itliM-. employed. Phone num -1 er and full particulars. Confidential. Addles- Box Y- • 6 • 1 care Telegraph. MAN'AG'EIC Executive familiar with office management. machine op, ctioi) and cost accounting. Cap -1100 of organising antl directing a lai g< fol e. Salary to be governed by ability Address Box R-So*3 care Tel • graph \\ ANTED—lnsurance men experi enced soliciting; district manager and r.acntv superintendent: salary or t onitnission. Address Box E-5256 care Telegraph. MEN—(2S required); accustomed to work on tin rooting, gutter, skylight, col no and general sheet metal work, steady work is guaranteed any man desiring to inov, to Phi.adelphia to take this Job. good pay. This is a large corporation and guarantees work ail teal around. Write or ap ply ir. person. Any man ptoving satis factory will have transportation re * funded after two weeks' work. Thom as S. Gassner Co.. 4515 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia. BOY over 17 to work in grocery store in Steelton and deliver, one with same experience preferred." Address H-Sst>x can Telegraph. "WANTED—Exp. rlenced nulo repairman. Apply . FKDERK'K'S GARAGE. ISO7-U9 N. Seventh St. (Continued in Next lullimiit $4550 " Will Buy a New Hill House Thin two-fcior;. brick house has just boon, *o/iiplcl <1 six rooms and bath; stoum heal; pas range and hot watei heater; front and back porches; first Moor hardwood. It Is an attractive house. Tho lot is .'ox9o feet, and adjoins a ten nis court and playgrounds which is Ut common by the resi dents T the houses surrounding . The I* rice IN flight Miiler Brothers & Co. REAL ESTATE IVMIHM E LUC I' ST AMI COl KT sis. >1 KBIT BONUS Member* libit. Ueiil tkott 110-rtl v a SATURDAY EVENING, J.:i ...-in: !.! ' I . . t HH P \VAXTi:i)—MAL.I-: CARPENTERS SHEET METAL WORKERS ELECTRICIANS TATTERN MAKERS TIPEFITTERS HIGH RATES; STEADT WORK ASSURED; BONUS PAID ON SEC OND AND THIRD SHIFTS APPLY FACTORY EMPLOYMENT OFFICE THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO FOR A large number of inexperi enced men, ages 18 to 45. Must be in good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. WANTED AT ONCE SEVERAL YOUNG MEN FOR OUR CUTTING ROOM. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO, FULTON STREET. WANTED Male stenographer. 25 to 30 years of age; several ma chine assemblers and one stock clerk. Apply ELLIOTT-FISHER COMANY, South Cameron St. ! WANTED —A good reliable watch- I man; also hoisting engine man. Ap | ply Williams & Frcedman, Tenth and I Mulberry streets. SALESMAN—Active reliable man wanted in Central Pennsylvania to follow up trade and solicit new busi ness; full time or part time, open air work; permanent employment at good wages to men who can make good; no experience necessary; knowledge of farming helpful; state ] as", previous occupation.. Reference or security required. Hoopes, Bro. Ac I Tl-.omas Co.. Stephen Girard Building. | Philadelphia. Pa. 600 acres in nurser ies. Established over 68 years. I WANTED—Guards with police, mil jtarj or watchman experience;, of ! good appearance, fair education, be tween the age of 2S and 13. Only re liable meh will be considered, whose references will stand the most rigid investigation. Local concern. State age. experience, with references in own hand writing and where _em ployed at present. Address H-7606, care Telegraph. GRASP the opportunity to-day to I become an expert mechanic and cliauf- I fer. Wo teach you between your ! working hours to become, an expert ! and for only tseven dollars a week. ! Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. Cameron St.. Harrisbuig. Training ! Quarters and Aeroplane Field, 14th land Sycamore Sts. j MAN to work this city reflnishing I chandeliers, brass beds, automobiles, bv new method. slo daily without capital or experience. Write Gun j metal Co., 334. Elm. Decatur. 111. ; PLASTERERS wanted. Apply 317 N. Front St. to G. C. S. WANTED —Good all around ma- Ichinists and toolmakers; good loca tion and pay. Address X-5022 ca;e Telegraph. WANTED —An experienced stock I clerk, a battery repairman and a >.jung man. Apply 206 North Second • Street. WANTED —Riverters, holders on, heal- r. volter ups. Apply State Em ployment Bureau, Tlnia and North Streets or meet agent at Hoffman j hops'- >elween 6 and 7.30 p. m. WANTED —Laborers at once; good I wages; steady work and chance for 'advancement. Apply Employment Bu reau Central Iron and Steel Co. ! WANTED — Laborers and contrac tors at the Baxtang quarries. Apply ■ Baxtang Quarries, Baxtang, Ba. WANTED Experienced window trimmer and card writer in iqeu's clothing and furnishing store, Penn sylvania city of 120.000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be sieadj and reliable; state reference and sal ary. l-8018 care Telegraph. LADY—Wanted immediately foi 'Cleaning and ginnai help. Apply Stouffer's Restaurant. 4 North Court Street. WANTED— Lady, over 21 preferred, pleasing appearance and personality for clerical and stenographic position, c ntral location. Must have year or more experience in stenography and office work. References; salary ex pected. Address Box R-5052 care Te.e grapl.. WANTED —Young wpinan experi enced or to learn shampooing, mini - icuiir.g and facial massage; reference J lectuircd. Address Mrs. .Mary E. Phil. | lippx- 209 Kroqinberg Bldg., Carlisle 1 I (Continued In Next Colum i) ww IIKLI* WANTED—It.MAI.K WANTED! Our business .is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors. also girla to learn. If you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a •18-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay, or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a belter placo to work in Har risburg than our laciory and we arc making it better every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRJSBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO.. 1408 Vernon Street. WANTED Refined women of middle age . experienced in plain sewing for new department to be established in our fac tory. Work pleasant and profitable, l aid while learning. Apply at once in person to Employment Manager's of fice. MOORHEAD KNITTING CO., INC., Cor. Cameron and Walnut Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on the fast, easily learned auto knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance im material. Postively no canvassing. Tarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp Dept. 146-C, Auto Knitter Co.. Bui falo, N. Y. WANTED —Soda dispenser, dish washer and girl for candy counter. Apply Sweetland Confectionery Store, 331 Slarket St. , HOL'sEWORK —Capable white giil in family of two; small' house; good wages. Apply 2137 Green St. Bell 260 9M. HOUSEKEEPER —Reliable woman wanted in small family to go South for winter. Apply immediately. 2o S. Front St., Steelton, or Bell 109. WANTED —Operators and learners, and girls to do other kind of work; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton St. WANTED —An experienced milliner at once; high salary.^Apply to Miss Nelle Hepford. N. Second. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. l.tarners taken. We will guar antee all operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in the city on our work and also 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisbuig Apparel Co., Sixth and Herr Sts., City Star 'Kaundry Bldg., Third Floor. WANTED Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We are also employing Inexperi enced operators who are paid while learning. A bonus is paid every pay day to all operators. BDOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Reily and Fulton Streets WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators, also girls over 16 years of age. Apply * DEVINE & VL'NGEL. SHOE MANUFACTURING CO.. 16th and State Streets. GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK We need you to make socks on the fast ca.-ily learned Auto Knitter. Ex perience unnecessary. Distance im material Positively no canvassing. Yarn supplied. Particulars 2c stamp. Dept. !46e. Auto Knitter Co.. Buf falo, N. Y'. ANYBODY, can increase income $2O weekl>. Spare time growing mush rooms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Free illustrated borrk'et. Hiram Barton. 2:>2A Wist 48th St., New Y'orlt. WANTED Five bright, capable ladies to trr.vel. demonstrate and sell deal ers. 825 to $5O per week. Railroad fart paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co.. Dept. 858, Omaha. Neb. WANTED Weavers and#learriers Apply HARRISBURG SIDE MILL. Second and North Streets WANTED Reliable woman for general ht use work. Address Box CSsSS> care Telegraph HOUSEKEEPER —Middle aged, to care for house and three girls, aged 4 6 and 9 years. House has all mod ern conveniences. Would not object tu man and wife or woman and daughter. An excellent home for suit aide party. Address C. B. Withauer, tip Quiney St.. N. \V. Washington, D. C. WANTED Experienced colored girl 101 genital housework in small family; no washing, good home and wages for cupable girl. Apply at once 226 Stneca St. or call Bel! phone 4029 R. HIJIJ' WANTED —Male aiul IVinalc MEN—Women raise Belgian hares for us. We pay $7 to $lO for all you raise. Free illustrated booklet. United Food end Eur Association. 329 West I-tit St.. Dept. C. New York. WANTED —Experienced trucker and wife, one capable of taking charge of medium size farm; must come well recommended; good opportunity for reliable party. Address Box H-S24'J care Telegraph. ttontlnucd la Next Column) HAJUEUSBTTRG TEI^GRATII " - | 1 ' HI YOU MAY BE CAPABLE AND EFFICIENT in some line ot" work, and fitted for responsibilities. But you must get some intimation of tbese facts to businessmen if you would find your best opening for em ployment. Make your classified ad p vertisement clear, definite, convincing. R S K y- iz.zzz tM HELP WANTED— MoIe and Female | AGENTS WANTED WANTED—A day cook. Apply at ...... ..... on.-e Camp Curtln Restaurant. 622 .. AND M OMEN to represent us Mac lay. i 114 Fenntiylvanla; no competition; e\- - J elusive territory. Write at once for ANY intelligent person, either sex ' , terri tory and particulars. E. i.. & may earn 1100 and upwards monthly Sales Co.. Box 5D6 Johnstown. Pa. corresponding for newspapers; $l5 to! ' s2ti weekly in spare time; experience AGENTS—SIO to $25 a (lav sure, unnecessary; no canvassing. Send fori "America's part in the World War" particulars. Northern Press Syndicate,]—introduction by General Pershing. Lockport, N. Y. [Only authentic story. Profusely ii- —— i lustrated Greatest success ever ANYBODY can Increase income $2O known. Inexperienced salesmen niak vveekly spare time growing musn- ing $lOO a week and more. Men or looms in cellars, sheds, boxes. Free il-, women. Whole or spare time. Spe lustrated booklet. Hiram Barton, cial terms. Freight paid. Credit 332-A 7\ est 48th St.. New York. j given. Outfit free. I'niversa 1 House, BOOKKEEPERS for Uncie Sam-i 'hcre "every 6 T^esdajx ° Open °" o , AGENTS-Hit of season, new rub men and women. We can prepare you I ber '" d gingham apron; attractive; quickly. Write. Civil Service Drillery ' wateipiouf, selling like w ildtire. Par -1,1:13th St.. N.W.. Washington. D. e! ' j',™'™ AJ.ee. box 510. WANTED —Companion and care- 1 , „ , . taker for elderly blind man, in good I AGEVTt—Quick seller, big; profits, family. man or woman, or man and L Flow lV bead . s £ oi £ ,n S nl °ney for hust wife looking for place for winter. Ad- ; lers. New stuff. Tremendous demand, dress Box E-2958 care Telegraph. 9 a , a ? , e ' Mission Bead Co.. 1$ i j Irola. Eos Angeles. Cal. SALESMEX WANTED | AGENTS—One cent invested in a . postal card brings you $75-$lOO per SALESMAN who has his own horse | eek c thr ? e 7"; l< V, l L re P eater , bro's?.si and buggy or auto, to sell Avalon j ji-FP'xxoL M, 63 <-0.. Dir. 1 -■. Farms HuK-Tone and their other vet- ' erinary specifics direct to farmers I $ - 00 por month selling a new pat for retailors. This opportunity offers' CT itcd fuel vaporizer guaranteed to big returns and permanent employ- I save up to 50 per cent, in gasoline; 40 iner.t. Cur line is established in tire rnilcs per gallon made with Ford car. territory, is backed by a national ad-I gold on money-back guarantee, tine vertising campaign and is the great- sample free, Mtransky Vaporizer Co.. est selling proposition on the market. Pukwana. S. Dak. Assures big money right from the start. Can start you at once. Stat * I AGENTS —$5" to 1.5 week repre full particulars as to age and past Renting our splendid line of men's occupation in first letter. Experience | guaranteed tailored neckwear: Par unnoccssarv. Address W. J. Llthall. | ticulars free. E. E. Keiser Co.. Pal- Sales Manager. A. F. Co.. 331 W. Ohio, mer bldg., Detroit. Mich. St.. Chicago, ill. ; —; —: , AGENTS—One cent invested in a postal card brings you $75-$ 100 per DO YOU KNOW i week three-in-four repeater proposi- Of a man with some selling experi- i tion. Specialty Mfg. Co., Div. S4O, Mad ence who would like to increase his ] ison, W is. earnirgs? The Kemper-Thomas Com- "T - ; 77 77 panv of Cincinnati. Ohio, makers of AGENTS—Make big moneyjjrith our the "best all vear selling line of ex- new fall and holiday specialties. elusive calendars and en ,® < L v ertising m'e''necea sary. tafen active safesman freo Co.. Jackson & Campbell. vania. This territory has been cover-' mirage. Ed for years and the goods_are fay- AGENTS —$3 to $5 an hour during orabiy known to the trade. OnK men g re ti me. ilen and women to take of reliability who can furnish first- ordw .„ for übe rty Raincoats. Every class references are wanted. Reply by coat s( ,i d under guarantee. McCann letter, giving full particulars, which made j GOI , , n 2 1 days working live will be kept confidential. Address . bo urs daily. Georgia man SBi first Sales Manager. The Kemper-Thomas j wee j t p p a rc time only. Thousands of Company, Cincinnati. Ohio. orders ir. your home town. Big cotn ■ '| missions in advance. We deliver and DISTRICT manager; high powered | col | Pct complete outfit free. Write stock salesmen, with successful rec-: lo . day q<|, e Eiberty Raincoat Com ord can make $5OO to slooo weekly | panv Dept. E-121. bayton. Ohio. selling Texas Oil leases by applying immediately for available choice tcr- AGENTS making $2OO weekly! rltory. Only producers can qualify. J. j j,- vri -vone wants it. Formula for 200 S. Arthur, 1079, Scollard Bldg.. Dal- ]i, om emad< beverages, book form. Send las. Texas. 'st for copy and territory proposition. —— ' Buyers Export Agency. Inc.. 445 Men wanted to sell groceries selling i R ru oir.e St.. New York. expriencc not necessary. One of;- ' world's largest grocers, (capital over I AGENTS —Ideal steak tenderer; the $1,000,000). wants ambitious men in'greatest money-maker on the market; your locality to sell direct to con- makes tough steak tender as porter sumer nationally known brands of house; housekeepers buy on sight; an extensive line ot groceries, paints, over 200,000 in use; sample free. Tyler roofings, lubricating oils, stock foods!! Mfg. Co., Dept. 13-7, Muncie, lnd. etc. Big line, easy sales. Valufcs beat] any competition. Earn s big money. No] LARGE MANUFACTURER wants experience or capital required. Com-j representatives to sell shirts, under plete sample outfit and free selling wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, instructions start you. Long estab- direct to homes. Write for free lished reliable house. Write to-day. j samples. Madison Mills, 503 Broad- John Sexton & Co.. 352 W. Illinois [ way, New York City. St.. Chicago, 111. I —— " SAEESMEN-New carburetor fori SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE Ford cars. Simple not a moving part.! 777777! —7! ; T installed in thirty minutes, guaran-i ACCOUNTANT — len jenrs expen teed to double your mileage and start! ence ir. higher accounting and exceu in zero weather without heating or[tive work. Can take complete charge priming Fifteen-day free trial. Our'und assume all responsibility. Sober, St. Louis man sold 3000 in 11 months; I intelligent, intlustiious and abso- Salt Lake City man made $l2OO in one ' luttly dependable. Good i cason for de week. Write U. & J. Carburetor C 0.,! siring to make change. Address Box 505 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. ; H-8080 care Telegraph. i YOUNG man wants position driv- DANDY SIDE LINE inc Ford dcliveiv car. Call Bell phone FREE SAMPLES PROVE IT I LfiOl They are winners and m*kc money i ~ for many salesmen more money tlc.ni j ajaN wants work by the day or to their regular line does. We nianu- wor g for a private family. Apply 627 faeture the snappist. fastest selling v orB ter St. variety of metal specialties oil Hi'- market. Big trade stimulators for WANTED —Position as chauffeur or every manufacturer, wholesaler, rc-1 truck driver, by young man experi tailer. banks, factories, etc. Every line! ~n ce d Address P. O. Box 491. City. evetywhere buys them in large quail-. titles. No seasons. Side line salesmen ..... ATIONS WANTED—FEMALE earn sjo a week; sljo to $2OO loi Bllt.ii' whole time. Get uusy. Write quick for] outfit, l'ull commissions paid prompt- ... V |,.- . NtJ EXPERI- ' ly. C. E. Erickson Co., Inc.. aU L 1,;'.!.,' i at.Y womii l lrickson Bldg.. Ues Moines. wa - E U a POSITION W WYTH SALESMEN wanted. Several sales-j WITHIN^A men for Pennsylvania and New iork L.nnis OP B0 TO 60 MILES to sell h nationally udvertised line of }}e tIeBRISBURQ ADDRESS agricultural implements. Must call on Ot HARRISBURG. ADDRLss dealer and farmer. Company is one 1-OK INT LR\ li.u. UUA of the most progressive in its line, j 813, Hairisourg. Give full details of present employ- j . exVected?'etc.? ,^lrfet?e°r" C Pe?^i! w^ ' wo jßies Vle ?trictly be con=fa d i-. WrS | s with Equipment Co.. Keyset' Bldg.. Balti-; room 1,-808.. taie leleginph. mere Md. ,! WANTED —By colored woman day's VV ANTED one live hustler in liar work of any kind or washing. Ca . risluirg to handle our line of sales, or write Ii 0; Maln.t and e.thei books. demand. Llli- : WANTED —A woman would lik-' era! commission. Mirth Sales Book I lt!ou companion or mother's Co., Chicago. ! helper; refined Christian home more 7 | AO be considered |.han salary; best of Oil. base salesmen wanted; ex- re f er ences given. Address Box M-8255 ecptior.ully good contract to sales- care Telegraph. nun in eaeli community. Our plan o'! sellinc oil leases makes lease selling; DRESSMAKER, experienced, wishes tasv Warren & Blackshear. Corsi- day's uork; good fitter; up-to-date "na, Tt"as style. Address Q-7598 care Telegraph. 4L/ESMEN \— Experienced drug:: WANTED— -By experienced dre.ss trade visiting drugKists. physicians. • maker, ® ev Y in f t0 do home - Apply KoUin'a aspirin, tablets, pharmaoeu- Jl3OO N. Sixth St. tii-als extracts, chemicals, etc. liberal T7TZ Z 7~Z ~T T commission, pocket samples. Berthel j TYPIST— Young lady wishes posi- Corrmanv 142 Lincoln ave.. New York | tion as typist or clerical work, lias i-iiV had experience; can lurnish reference. "• ' ! Address Box L-7601 care Telegraph. -IAI ESMEN—Write for list of open- —— 7 inas and full particulars. Earn $2,000 YOUNG girl wishes position in of o 810 000 y earl v. Big demand for men. flee has had experience doing clerical to >e svnerlmced Citv or work; can furnish reference. Addresa trave*'ng Nat'? sVlcamen's Tr. A* pox Z-8001 care Telegraph. Dept 603. Chicago. ROOMS FOR RENT AGENTS WANTED UNFURNISHED housekeeping AGENTS —Big pay and free auto- rooms with communicating klteh mobile" introducing wonderful newjenctle luige airy outside; strictly gasoline saver, puncture proof, live- private; stoves furnished free vear spark plugs HIKI other economic- laundry, phone and bath room privi jp auto necessities. Outfit free. L Ball- leges; weekly payments; dully inspec- Vey, Dept. 632. Louisville, Ky. tion invited. 429 Broad St. (Continued in Next Column) (Continued in Next Column) ROOMS tun REST • FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms on third door for light housekeeping,! use of phone and bath; no children, i Apply 1606 N. Third St. FOR RENT— Furnished rooms for! light housekeeping; heat; gas and use I of bath: tirst floor. Inquire 327 South Front St. FOR RENT Two unfurnished! rooms foi light housekeeping; use of lath and phone. Inquire 3147 Penn Street. . ! FOIt RENT—Two nicely furnished j sleeping rooms, all conveniences, in quiet part of city, breakfast if desir ed, ladies preferred, only right parties need apply. Call Bell phone 2952 J. VERY desirable rooms for rent, newlj lurnished, gentlemen preferred, centrally located within ten minutes' walk to center of city. Address Box 11-4973 care Telegraph. FOR RENT—barge front, third lloor room, furnished. Use of bath, electric light, both phones, reasonable rates, gentlemen preferred. 1519 Stale St., cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 R. FOR RENT—barge well furnished bed room, with board, gentlemen pre ferred. inquire 2709 N. Sixth St. 1523 Wallace St., two lurnished rooms oi. third door for light house keeping: all conveniences. Apply at above address. NICEbY lurnished, clean, cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 south Third street. ROOMS I' Oil MEN' THREE congenial men can secure a comfortable and pleasant home in good neighborhood, eentruily located. I'iivate suite, second lloor, bed rooms, library and bath. Also third lloor front room, well furnished for a gentleman. Apply to Housing Bureau. 1-larrisburg Chamber of Commerce, Room 2Us, Dauphin Building. ROOMS WANTED Wanted —To rent two rooms to be used as doctor's otficcs, located be tween State and Walnut. Third and Fret t. Will consider the purchase ol piopiitj. Address D-8081 care lele graph. THREE unfurnished rooms with private bath, suitable for light house keiping. uesired by young couple. 11111 pre.eirid Keferenecs. s b-i6u2 care Telegraph. WANTED —Furnished front room, two oi three miles from center of citv. north or west, in private tamiiy. Must be quiet street and neighbor hood; modern linish and furnishing, probablv permanent. D. 1* 27 9, iare Tclegi aph. WANTED —Three rooms with bath, centrally located; furnished or unfur nished. Address Box E-8216 care Telegraph. • W ANTED TO RENT—Three second ttoi r "unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; must have all modern conveniences. Address Box R-sulJ cal'e Tck graph. W ANTED —Two of three nicely fur nished rooms on tirst lloor, centrally located. Address Box H-5253 cure Tel egraph. Al* ART MKTS WANT ED WANTED —Nicely furnished first or second lloor; down town section. Ad dress Box J-82D4 care Telegraph. WANTED —An apartment of four, tive or six furnished rooms for light housekeeping; stale location and price to Box X-8021 care Telegraph. REAE ESTATE FOR SALE NEW bl STINGS POSSESSION SOON 109 S. 11th St.. 3-story brick dwell ing 9 rooms and bath. Price reason able. M 2 S. 17 th St.. 2-story tile and stucco dwelling, 6 rooms and bath steam heat, gas and electricity, gar age in tear. Price right. 2907 Derry St.. 3-story brick dwell ing'. 8 rooms and hath, cemented cel lar. gas and electricity, steam heat room for garage. Price reasonable. SUBURBAN 225 Columbia Road. Enola. Pa., finf home, 2%-story frame, slate and tir roof, 8 looms and bath, cemented cel lar. electricity, plot 62>4x280, roorr for garage. BAOKENSTOSS REAbTY CO., (Harrisburg's Real Estate Bureau) 331 Market Street. If vou interested in a well located. BRICK MODERN DETACHED HOME, with 9 rooms and GARAGE, lot 46 or 86x110 feet, consult ROHRER & SON. 211 Bcrgncr Building. Real Estate and General nsuranc-i FOR sAbb—Very desirable business property on Hn alley in the heart ol business district, size of lot 26x1 u( feet lias erected thereon a 3-storv brlek dwelling with large store roorr on first floor: price is right; for par ticulars. Miller Bros. & Co.. bocusl and Court St. FOR SAbE —2>4-story frame house all improvements, lot 60x100 feet avitiiigs end screens to all windowi and doors; paved street; thicker house in rear. 12%x55 feet: must bi seen to be appreciated. Inquire ol E'.'Vln Johnson, 2111 Swatara St. Bel 1837 J. FOR SAbE —Uptown in desirabli location, pair brick ant stucco dwellings, ■ rooms, outkltcher ami bath, combination coal and gai tunge first floor has hardwood; gai and elqtti !c light; very good condi tion: inspection by appointment; on< nf them: possession at once: the othei Si to 60 days. Apply Miller Bros & Co. LINCOLN REAbTY CO. Relly St. 3-tory brick with a!! mod ern improvement*. Buy a home on Boyd street, term: are easy and the price Is right. Don't pay rent when you can buj on easy terms. 1129 N. 7th Street. WEST END OF ClTY—Three-atorj brick, store and apartment house steam heated and electric light practically new; price upon inquiry Inspection by appointment. J. r Gipple, 1251 Market street 17TH ST., S.. 542 Threc-storj brick houße with 9 rooms and hath in good repair; i asy terms; prtc s3,6oo. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Markc street. (Caatlaaed la Next Cslaas) ' SEPTEMBER 27, 1919. |#v<i!l. il Hi J!.' - .: ..J:. !hi!M.life!l..il! ! !.! ill.. .1 ■ i-ll 1 .; .. RBAJti ESTATE TOR bAIJa FOR SALE POSSESSION 30 DAYS' NOTICE N. 16th St.. 227, 3-story bk.. all imp . 63200 Sylvan Terrace. 117. 3-story bk.. all imp 4000 Parii St.. 1731 block 2 14 -story brick, all imp 3uou Camby St.. 2t>os. Pcnbrook. 2}4- . story fr., all imp 2aa3 Near Penbrook, 8-room bk.. large lot. bargain 3500 lOu block. Woodbine, 3-story bk.. all imp 3300 400 block. Maclay St.. 3-story bk.. all imp 4600 1600 block, 6th St.. 3-story bk.. all imp., garage 6200 2700 block, 6th St.. 3-story bk.. all imp 42.t 34 1 Pine St., Steellon, imp.. 2Vs story frame 2300 346 Pine St.. Stcelton. corner, all imp.. 214-story frame 3000 Penbrook. double frame house, one acre, garage, one block from trolley, a big bargain... 4300 Penbrook, two houses. large green house and large lot, close to trolley. See this prop erty, only 4000 Other improved properties and farms. CHARLES DAVIES. 1340 State St.. cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930 BRICK HOUSE—Logan St.. below Peffer Street; S rooms and bath. Pos; session fifteen days. $5O down. $25 per month. WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and bath; electric light; papered and painted new. $5O down; $23 per month. LOUIS B. COHEN. 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3057J FOR SALE 1933 North Third Street. 3- story pressed brick: 10 rooms; two baths; steam heat; suit able for apartment. Inquire P E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street, Real Estate and Insurance IF TOU Are seeking a home in city or suburbs, we are sure of getting it for you. just state your location, price and terms • on which you wish to stip ulate in buying your home. SALINGER & MILLER. 44 Union Trust Building Bell phone 2769 FOR SALE —Pair of frame dwell ings located on corner of two streets. Lemoj ne, Pa., containing 5 rooms each. " equipped with electric lights and water. Immediate possession. Price $2,300. RRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents, Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE —314 South Second St.. 3-story brick house; good cellar; large lot; price $5700. H. C. Ferber, 107 Chestnut near Front. FOR SALE —3-story brick house, long lot, side entrance, on North 6th St possession October 1. Inquire A. W. Swengel, 2131 North Second St. FOR SALE 2309 North Third Street, cottage, 9 rooms and bath; hardwood uoors; hot water heat. Bell phono 1146 M. BUV VOLTR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. F. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE— B-room house, all im provements; A 1 condition; lu-fool drive alley. Bargain to quick buyer If sold before October 1. Bell 1061 M. HOMES for colored families— T.vc three-story bricks on Reily St. with al! improvements. 214-story frame on Peffer St. 3-story brick with from porch on Penn St. 2 1 ,5 -story frame on Wallace St.. good location. 2%-story frame on Calder St. Send for list ami discription to LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 N. Seventh St. SUBURBAN home, 6 room house plate roof, electricity and gas, twi. chi#ken houses, one fare from citv, 1(7 Chestnut St.. near Front St. HOUSE for sale. A new, 2-story brick, 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences, 23d and Deny. Inquire N H. Downin. 618 A S. 13th. B-J| 2062 R. THREE mercantile buildings, well located In growing business sections. Prices right and terms to suit. D. A Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. FOR SALE —1640 Catherine Street Vacant 6 room, modern brick house Price $3,000. Terms. HEREAFTER the properties of J, D Bentzel Estate will be offered foi sale by Bell Realty Co.. Including II houses. Bell plione 439. Dial 4673. 801 l Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. $3200 WILL PURCHASE a frame house with eight rooms, electric light, furnace; lot 60x130, with chicken house and work shop. Bell Realty Co. Bergnei B'.dg. FOURTH ST.—Two houses for salt 111 the 3200 block; brick construction each 7 rooms and bath: other im provements; lot, 40x100. Price, S46;K each. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg 26TH ST.. S. 734 (Near Derryi— Vacant house for sale; stucco ovei brick construction; all improvements including steam heat. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Bldg. PRICE ON 1866 SWATARA ST., Re IIUCF.C — g rooms and bath; gas; fur nace; lot 15x100; former price $2553 Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. 14TH ST., N., 26 Modern 9-room frame house and two-story frame house In rear, fronting on Brady street; price for both. $4,000. A very good purchase. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. ?21 Herr; 8-room house; all tin provements: In Al condition; bar gain If sold before October 1. Apply 324 Relly St. FOR SALE —Three-story brick, cor ner property, on good street in up town section, porches, room for gar age. This house will not wuit-for i i i r. possession April 1. Apply A \. .iwengcl. 2131 N. Second .Street Bell 2576 J. tContinued In Next Column} HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLiN" MOVE AT ONCE STATE ST., 1131—NEW; VACANT; 9 rooms and hath; all large cheery rooms; a good location for a rooming house; steam heat; gas; electric; ce ment collar; very chaep; $5OO down; Balance same as rent. SIX BRAND NEW; VACANT HOUSES, in one of Harrisburg's lead ing suburbs; built in pairs; 0 rooms and bath: steam heat; hardwood floor, cement cellar; gas and electric; right up-to-minute; smell amount down, c balance same as rent. Mahantongo St.. 618—3-story brick; S rooms and batli; all improvements; t nice front porch; shade trees; nice tack yard; small amount down, bal ance came as rent. DERRY ST., 2143 —3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; all modern improvements; nice fronc and back porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought witu f 300 cash. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building . 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390. Dial 3i.J^ FOR SALE—24OS Derry St.; 2-story brick dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, hard wood floors, drive alley on rear, tot 60 feet front. Price $6,250. $1,200 cash required, or will sell with lot 20 feet front. For Sale—lSll and 1815 Zarker St., gcod 2-story brick dwellings with all modern improvements. These proper ties are very attractive at $2,900 each, possession of No. 1815 can be had on short notice. For Sale—l 937, 1939 and 1941 Swa lara St., 2-stoiy brick dwellings, 6 rooms and bath each, all improve ments, porches, attractive at $2,500 each. 4 For Sale—Corner Market St. and Bowman Ave., Camp Hill, newly pa pered 8 room single dwelling, steam heat, electric light, hardwood floors, a lot 43%x200, garage, possession short notice. For Sale—2o2o North Fifth St., apartment building. 3 modern apart ments of fi\e rooms and bath each, elegant condition, first floor apart ment has hardwood floors. For Sale—l7o9 Market St., 3-story brick dwelling, 9 rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, good con dition, porches, lot 34x90. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. A DOUBLE HOUSE AT BRESSLER FOR SALE A modern double frame house of six rooms and attic, in Monroe St., with shade trees, nice long yard, con crete pavement through yard. This property is offered for sale at a much lower price than what it would cost to build it to-day. The price is $1,690 each, and is located at one of the most desirable districts. If you would like to live at Bressler, act at once. SALINGER & MILLER, 4 4 Union Trust Building, Bell phone 2769 Harrisburg, Pa. 316, 318, 320, 322 Ixrwis; 6 rooms and bath; electric light. 1911 Susquehanna; 8 rooms and bath. 2041 Susquehanna; S rooms and bath. 2632 N. 6th St.. 9 rooms and bath. 1933 N. 3d St.. 11 rooms and bath. 078 Schuylkill St.. 6 rooms and bath. 398 Lewis St., 7 rooms and bath. 3200 N. 3d St., 9 rooms and bath. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance. FOR SALE 1911 Susquehanna; 3-story brick; S rooms; bath; front and back porches. "044 Susquehanna; 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; front and back porches; possession soon after sale thereof. 308 Lewis St.; 284-story brick; new house; S rooms and bath; posses sion October 1. D. E. LUCAS, Real Estate and Ins. 303 Lewis St. 3115 N. Front St.. large tapeley brick, 1 I rooms. 2 baths, water heat, gas and electricity, garage on rear, possession soon afteb sale thereof. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. ll£al Estate and Insurance. FOR SALE —A nine roomed house in Market street, good water, a stable an,i lo' 5ux150 feet; fine fruit trees, lruulre" of Mrs. N. E. Reed, Fifth and Marker Sts.. New Cumberland, Pa. FOR SALE —Or will exchange ('or improved city property, the Elicker Hotel property at Marietta, Pa.: large lot 40x200; 12 room house; 90-foot depth' 'barn or garnge, 30x35 feet, nn-v A good business location. Chns. Da vies 1549 State St. Bell 4162 R. Dial 1930. — 1 BVKKR shop for sale with house, ftore and garage, lot 87x205, located in shl renin nstown. trolley passes bv evt ry half hour. Price 14500. H, C Berber. 107 Chestnut St. 1 t . i.'Ai ( estate for sale in all parts f the city. Some upon very easy and Immediate possession. Geo. v: Jacobs, 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539. rmtidES tor sale In Highspire at a bargain. V. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.. Ilighspire. 9801. Ileal Estate For Hale—Suburban SUBURBAN PROPERTY FOJt SAI-E An ideal home located Main street. Mechunicsburg. 10 rooms, hardwood floors lire places, furnace, hot water beater and all conveniences; excellent condition; front and side porches, screens, storm sash, fruit trees and shrubbery. Address Box T-7603 care Tc-egiaph. ( FOP SALE—WiII sell my beautiful suburban home, eight rooms and bath. If interested, address Box J-8248 care Telegraph. Additional Classified AdL on Opposite f age " %
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers