14 If I our Rent Is Uncomfortably High, Sublet a Furnished Room and Ease fie Burden tDeatbs EIIRRTS—Died suddenly, September 22. 1019. at the Huriisburg Hos pital. Mr. Seymour S. Eberts. of No. 120 Market Street. Brief funeral services will be held at the home of his sister. Mrs. Ben jamin F. Knipe. So. 326 Hummel Street, after which the body will oe taken to Bethlehem Lutheran Church, at Green and Cumberland Streets, where services will be held at 2 o'clock. Thursday afternoon. September 25. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Burial private in Mechanicsburg cemetery. FlSHER —Arthur John Fisher, died Monday, Sept. 22. 1919. 12.35 a. m.. aged 2 S years, 5 months and il days. , „ Funeral services Thursday. Sep tember 25, 2 p. m. front the home of his father, Samuel Fisher. Mar ket Street. Bellavista. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment Mt. Olivet cemetery. LOST AND FOUND LOST —To-day on Marysville and Duncannon State road, between 11 and 1 c clock. brown fox fur neck piece marked Laiser. Pittsburgh. Re ward if returned to Harrisburg lele gi apii. < LOST —A pearl brooch pin in Mid dletown car or Market Square. Please return to 349 N. Front St.. steelton. Reward. _____ LOST —On trolley car between Har risburg and Mt. Zion cemeterj. Churchtown or in the cemetery, a. came? necklace. So reward if re turned to 20 south ISth St., Hariis burg. LOST—Large amount of money on Sunday evening, either on Shiremana town or Middletown ear. or belvte.n both car lines. Reward if returned to 1156 Perry St. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in GregS Shorthand. Typewriting. English Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125 Dial 4(16. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, lfl Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Boys for work in finishing and bottoming room; must be over 16 years of age. Apply DEVINE & YUNGEL SHOE CO. Sixteenth and State Sts. SALESMAN—Active reliable man wanted in Central Pennsylvania to follow up trade and solicit new busi ness. full time or part time; open air work; permanent employment ..t good wages to men who can make I good; no experience necessary; knowledge of farming helpful; state age. previous occupation. Reference or security required. Hoopes. Bro. <X Thomas Co.. Stephen Girard Building, j Philadelphia. Pa. 600 acres in nurser- ' ies. Established over 66 years. MEN—(2S required!: accustomed to! work on tin footing, gutter, skylight, I cornice and general sheet metal work. I .-tea wcrJt is guaranteed any mar. desiring- to move to Philadelphia to take this job.* good pay. This is a large corporation and guarantees, work ail year around. Write or ap- ' ply IT person. Any man proving satis- j factory will have transportation re- I funded alter two weeks' work. Thorn-1 as S. Gassner Co.. 4545 Wayne Ave., Philadelphia. BOY over 17 to work in grocery j store in Steelton and deliver, one with i some experience preferred. Address | B-85vS care Telegraph. WANTED —Experienced auto repairman. Apply FEDERICK'S GARAGE. ISO 7-09 N. Seventh St. ACCOUNTANCY 1' iST—EXECUTIVE—CERTIFIED Become an expert accountant under ; ildance of national institution of! certified public accountants; no inter- i t -voce Ath present employment; .- aries 82 00 to $6,000 and upwards. Address Box F-5248 care Telegraph. j RAILROAD traffic inspectors want-j en. jliu a month and expenses to start. short hours; travel; three j months' home study under guarantee. I We get jou position. No age limit; j i -k 1• • r-k>t X-273. Standard Busi ness Training- Irst . Buffalo. N. Y. YOUNG MEN. IS-35, for railway' maii clerks and mail carriers. 61.1 v.- i 1.500. Foi free paiticulais of examina tions write R. Terry (former Civil; Service lxamineri 51S Continental; Bldg.. Washington. WANTED—Barber at once, $22 per week end commission. Apply F. i Hoovei. Third and Muench St. WANTED—Tw>. young men to! learn stock and time keeping in ma-1 ch>ne thop. The \v. O. Hickok M "g. j Company. WANTED—A delivery boy over 16 years of use must be bright and c>m> veil to .mmended. Witmer Bail & Winner. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk, l ut-h> t and chauffeur. Ap ply with references to S. S. Pont-; eroy. Market Square Grocer. MACHINISTS First class lathe, milling machine, dril press hands, etc. Only thorougi.lv, comp> lent men experienced on close f.nd accurate work need apply. First! cluss c-pen shop on an 8-hour basis; now w .king ten hours with time and tiH-huli fen OVI rlinie. Rates up to 75c. Apply by ic-tter to the Employ ment Manager. Crown Ctok and Seal Co.. 1511 Guilford ace.. Baltimore. Md. WANTED —Laborers at once: go ,d ' wages, steady work and chance tor cdv. nceinent. Apply Employment Bu-j nan Central Iron and Steel Co. (Continued in .Next Column) FOR SALE Cottage Ridge Hemes Nos. 2115 and 2117 N. 3rd St. By reason of recent changes jn our families these two spiend.d residences are offered for sale- No. 2115 lot is IMX2 do ft., the house eoiituins t> n rooms, also pantry, laundry, balhr om and a ~i> gi attii ■>., louflli floor. No. 2117 lot is 60x200 ft., the house contains 11 rooms, also pun tic, laundry, two bathrooms and a laige at tic. Both have front and back porches; steam heat. The prices are right. Miller Brothers & Co. REAL KBTATK INSI KAN IE LOt'l ST AND CO! KT STS. SURETY BONDS Members Hbg. Real Estate llnnril WEDNESDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED—MALE OPPORTUNITIES FOR A large number of inexperi enced men. ages 18 to 45. Must be in good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. WANTED MEN 21 TO 40 to qualify for positions in interstate commerce and traffic. Excellent op-, portunity for shipping clerks, rail road men and office clerks, whose ambition is real enough to warrant a temporary sacrifice for the sake of success later. In reply give age. ex- : ; pcrience. present position, hours con venient for interview and your tele phone number if possible. Write to Box S-->250 car. Telegraph. PLASTERERS wanted. Apply 317 N. Front St. to G. C. S. WANTED—Two young men to take orders. experience not necessary. ! Earn 5" per day and up. paid daily. ! Call room 410 Patriot Bldg i OU TDOOR work, short hours, good i advancement for same. Call Room 41" ;Patrict Bldg. | WANTED—White boy. 16 years of age or over, for messenger. Oppor tunity for advancement. Call in per son. Room 500. Johnson Bldg., IS S. , Second St. j WANTED Experienced counter and kitchen help for Lancaster dur | ing fair, at Firemen's convention. I Railroad fair and good pay, and jchance for regular position, advance ment to those making good. Apply I Rustic Dairy Lunch. 5-7 South Third ;St.. Harrisburg. , INSURANCE men to solicit for in dustrial fire insurance in Harrisburg Lancaster. York. Steelton. Carlisle ami Middletown. by the largest company in America, either full or part time; first class contract and opportunity for advancement. Apply Manager's of- ; fi.-e. room. 5. 29 North Second St., r ri- j day. 9 to 11 or 4 to 6. I GRASP the opportunity to-day to; become an expert mechanic and chaut- j fer. We teach you between your, working hours to become an expert' and for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero-I ; plane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. : Cameron st.. HarrfsbitfrfcA -Training Quarters, 260 S. Front St. Steelton. j WANTED—Laborers and contrac- ! ; tors at the Paxtang quarries. Apply; Paxtang Quarries. Paxtang. Pa. i WANTED Experienced window' trimmer and card writer in men's clothing and furnishing store. Penn sylvania city of 120.000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be steady ; and reliable, state reference and sal i ary. L-SOlB care Telegrapn. WANTED—Boys over 16 years to bale mattresses. United States Matt-| ) ress Co.. 12th and Herr Sts. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We are also employing inexperi enced operators who are paid while learning. A bonus is paid every pay day 10 all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Reily and Fulton Streets WANTED—A colored woman for general housework; no washing; no Sunday work. Apply 1603 Green St. HOUSEWORK—CapabIe white giil in family of two; small house; good wages. Apply 2137 Green St. WANTED Experienced operators on power sewing machines, beginners paid while learning. Our business is stead ily increasing and plenty of raw ma terial guarantees steady work. Ideai work—under ideal conditions, in ideal plant. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2012 N. Fourth St. WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SiLK MILL Second and North Streets WANTED Reliable woman for general he use work. Address Box CSabS. care Telegraph. ' WANTED P-B-X OPERATOR Must be experienced and com petent. Address Box M-8u47 • are- Telegraph. WANTED —Y'oung woman experi enced or to learn shampooing, man icuring and facial massage; reference lequiitd. Address Mrs. Mary E. Phii lippy, 209 Kroninberg Bldg., Carlis.e. WANTED—A colored cook; must ha\- references. Apply 507 N. Front Siliet. WANTED Experienced colored gill toi general housework in small family; no washing; good home and wage.- for capable girl. Apply at once 22' i Seneca St. or call Bell phone 429R. WANTED —Dining room girl at once; good wages to the right party. Apply 11 "2 N. Third St. WANTED —Girl for general house work. one who is willing to go to the country Apply 1217 North 6th St. (Continued in Next Coluni i> HELP WANTED—FEMALE , WANTED! Our business is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors. also girls to learn, if you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 4S-hour week, wo can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There Isn't a bttier place to work in Har risburg than our iactory and we arc making It belter every day. Don't answer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'Q. CO.. 1408 Vernon Street. WANTED Refined women of middle age. experienced in plain sewing for new department to bi established in our 'ac tory. M ork pleasant and profitable, laid while learning. Apply at once in person to Employment Manager's of fice. M< OR HEAD KNITTING CO.. INC.. Cor. Cameron and Walnut Sts., Harrisburg. Pa. STENOGRAPHER Experienced and with a kncwledge of general office wcrk. I'ermanent and profit able position. Apply by let ter phone or in person to THE MONITOR STOVE COMPANY. (The Monitor Family! *25 Paxton St. Harrisburg. GOOD PEOPLE TO WORK WITH" WANTED —Lady, over 21 perferrod. pleasing appearance and personality for clerical and stenographic position, central location. Must have year or more experience in stenography and office work. References; salary ex pected. Address Box R-5052 care Tele graph. WANTED—MiddIe aged white cr colored woman as cook, with refer ence. Apply 2617 N. Front St. WANTED —Girls in all departments in laundry. Apply Palace Keam Laun dry. 2103 Logan St. WANTED —Experienced girl for ecolting and general housework In f imily of three adults: no washing. Alsi experienced woman for day's work, sleep at home. Call 1006 North Third St. A family of two adults would like to secure the company of a refined lady who can furnish her own bed room end board. Age 40 to 50 years. Comfortable, pleasant home to right party. Address C-SOl2 or phone Bell 543 M. 4555 Dial. SOLICITORS ror Industrial fire ,n -surnnce. experienced canvassers can easily make $5O per week. Apply ; Managers office, room 5. 39 North 2d | St., Friday, 9 to 11 or 4 to 6. H ANTED—GirI or woman for gen eral housework; no washing. Call Bell phone 2316 mornings. WANTED Middle aged white i woman for househeeper in family of [three. Call Bell phone 4". i . WANTED—GirIs at the Modern Textile Co., 1815-1825 Penn St., to work on power machines; light pleas ant employment. Apply immediately. YOUNG woman wanted for general housewoik; small family; good wage.-, no washing. Call 1723 Forster 1 St. Bell 15$ IK. CENSUS CLERKS, (men. women t. 4.000 needed. $95 month. Age 18-ou. Experience unnecessary. Examina tions Harrisburg. Oct. 18. For free particulars write Raymond Terry, (former government examiner), 518 \ Cotuii.e ntal Bldg.. Washington. WANTED—An experienced and rapid stenographer. Gannett, Seelye A Heniy. 204 Locust St. WANTED—Operators and learners, 'and girls to do other kind of woik; good pay. Apply Shearer's Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton St. V. ANTED—A woman for general housework. Apply between 7.30 and 8.20 p ,m. at 1017 North Front St., second floor apartment. WANTED—Dining room girl, and hotel or short order cook. Apply to jC. E. Humer, Hotel Marietta, Mari etta, Pa. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guai antee all operators a certain wage 'each week. We pay the best prices in the city bn our work and also 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you earn. We work 50 hours per week and pay every Saturday. Apply Harrisbuig Apparel Co., Sixth and Herr Sts., City star I>aundry Bldg.. Third Floor. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED—Experienced trucker and wife, one capable of taking charge of medium size farm; must come well recommended; good opportunity for reliable party. Address Box H-8249 i care Telegraph. • BOOKKEEPERS for Uncle Sam— Tnou.-unds are needed. Examinations everywhere every Tuesday. Open to men and women. We can prepare you quickly. Write Civil Service Drillery, 1)13 Kith St., N. W„ Washington, , I>. s3.so'per day paid one man or wom an in etch town to distribute free cir culars Economy Non-Alcoholic flav oring Permanent position. F. E. Barr Company. Chicago. THOUSAND, men, women, 18 or over now wanted. Government posi tions. Railway mall clerks, city car riers, census clerks, $llOO-11600 year; .vacation; common education sufti 'cient; big chance for soldiers, sailors. List positions free. Write immediaie ply; urgent. Franklin Institute, Dept. : 413-S. Rochester. N. Y. (Continued In Next Column) HARRISBURO TELEGRAPH ANY REASONABLY - PRICED house or apartment may be rented through an inexpensive classified ad vertising campaign. Test the matter. The "risk" involved is so small that few people would dignify it by that name. HELP WASTED—MuIe ami Female | WASTED—Companion and care taker for elderly blind man, in good llamily. man or woman, or man and wife looking for place for winter. Ad | dress Box L-2958 care Telegraph, SALESMEN W ANTED SALESMEN—Write for list of open nigs and full particulars. Barn $2,000 to {Io.OOO yearly. Big demand for men. inexperienced or experienced. City or ] traveling. Nat'l Salesmen s Tr. Assn. Dept 6U3, Chicago. SITUATION S WANTED—MALE YOUNG man wants position driv ing Ford delivery car. Call Bell phone : 2691. MAN wants work by the day or to work for a private family. Apply 627 Forster St. WANTED—Position as chauffeur or truck driver, by young man experi enced. Address P. O. Box 491, City. WANTED —By experienced any capable man, position as office mati ng, i or head bookkeeper. Best refer ences. Address L-5043 care Telegraph. 1 WANTED—By colored man. posi tion as janitor. Inquire J. W. Whiting. 654 Pi imrose St. YOUNG girl wishes position in of fice, has had experience doing clerical work; can furnish reference. Address Box Z-8001 care Telegraph. WANTED —By experienced dress maker. sewing to do home. Apple l.cd X Sixth St. WANTED—Day's work by white woman. Can furnish reference. CHI 21 13th St.. between 5 and 9 even ings. DEFINED AND EXPERI ENCED LADY" WOULD LIKE A POSITION WITH i RELIABLE FIRM, SOLICIT | ING BUSINESS WITHIN A RADIUS OF 50 TO 60 MILES OF HARRISBURG. ADDRESS FOR INTERVIEW. P. O. BOX 813, Harrisburg, Pa. ,!_ | DRESSMAKER, experienced, wishes day's work; goo<i fitter: up-to-date style. Address 0-7598 care Telegraph. COLORED cook, middle aged de ! sires position in private family. Can furnish best of reference. Address Brx W-SO5O care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT | FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms |on second floor, bed room and room ; suitable for dining room and kitch enette. Call Bell 486 R. | FOR RENT—Large front, third i floor room, furnished. Use of bath, electric light, both phones, reasonable rates, gentlemen preferred. 1549 State j St., cor. 16th St. Bell 4162 R. FOR RENT—Four unfurnished, nice big rooms; good location. use of lath. Apply 635 Boas St. FOR RENT—Two furnished front rooms, third floor, for light house keeping. all conveniences, water in • icom, light, heat. bath, use of laun dry. Rent very reasonable. Apply 2148 Pcnn St. j FOR RENT—Two large unfurnished rooms, ail conveniences, use of phone. ; Inquire 1238 Walnut St. FOR RENT—First floor apartment, : consisting of four rooms; completely furnished for light housekeeping. I Call Bell 466 R. — FOR RENT Furnished second I floor, lront room; all conveniences, suitable lor gentleman. 215 Briggs jSt. Call between 5 and 7 p. m. FOR RENT—Two or three unfur nished rooms on second floor with privilege of light housekeeping; con veniences; beautiful residential sec tion. Address H-S>4B care Telegraph; FOR RENT —Large well furnished bed room, with board, gentlemen pre ferred. Inquire 2709 N. Sixth St. UNFURNISHED large front room for rent, second floor, for light house keeping steam heat. 1321 North Sth Street. FOR RENT—Second floor room with all conveniences and use of phone; gentleman preferred. Apply 104 Wal- I nut St. FOR RENT—Two very desirable completely furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all improvements; de -1 sirable adults only need apply. Bell | phone 1372 R. 1525 Wallace St.. two furnished rooms on third floor, for light house keeping; all conveniences. Apply at I above address. ! FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms ! tor lighi housekeeping with kitchen ! ette, and one room suitable for man and wife or one gentleman, use of bath and phone. Appljr 926 North ! Third St. I NICELV turnlshed. clean. cool i rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 I South Third street. ROOMS I-OK MEN , | THREE congenial men can secure a comfortable and pleasant home in good neighborhood, centrally located. Piivate suite, second floor, bed rooms, library and bath. Also third floor front room, well furnished for a gentleman. Apply to Housing Bureau. , Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, Room 205, Dauphin Building. FOR RENT—One or two nicely fui ' nished led rooms with private bath; i all modern conveniences; use of phone. Inquire 815 North I7th St. ROOMS WANTED WANTED TO RENT—Three second floi r unfurnished rooms for light i housekeeping; must have all modern conveniences. Address Box R-85I) | care Telegraph. (continued In Next Column I | ROOMS WANTED ! WANTED—A commodious room for exemplary young man of high pro fession. Preferably on first floor with I private family. Rooms. however. ! elsewhere and on other floors con sidered if environment is agreeable. I Address Box 0-8509 care Telegraph. |Or Bell 4854 j, APARTMEN TS \\ ANTED ! WANTED—An apartment of fou". j five or six furnished rooms for light housekeeping; state location and I price to Box X-SO2l care Telegraph. WANTED , Small furnished apartment I cf two or three rooms, first floor front, can furnish best , of references. Call 412 Marker St.. or Bell 1549YV. > APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT—IIOI N. ! Sixth St., all modern convenient****; city steam heat: phone and bath; Ap ply Louis. 414 N. Third St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I FOR SALE POSSESSION 30 DAYS' NOTICE !N..loth St.. 227, 3-story bk., all j 'nip 85209 iSylyai- Terrace. 147. 3-story bk.. all imp. 4000 Park St., 1700 b;ock. 2 til-story br.i k. all imp 3300 Camby St.. 2800. Penbrook,. 2ls - story tr.. ull imp 2553 j.Near Fenbrook, 8-room bk.. large lot. bargain 3500 400 block, Woodbine. 3-story bk.. i all imp 33u1 400 Maclay St.. 3-storv bk.. all imp 4600 ;16uo block. 6th St., 3-story bk.. all imp., garage 6200 l £7OO l-iock, 6th St., 3-storv bk.. all imp 4200 1344 Pine St.. Steelton, imp.. 21£- ! story frame 2300 .1 346 Pine St.. Steelton, corner, all I imp. 2%-story frame 3000 Penbrook. double - green house, | one acre, garage, one block from trolley, a big bars-sin... 529'.' ' Penbrook. two houses, large j frame house and large lot. close tc- trolley. See this prop erty. only 4000 Other improved properties and i farms. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State St.. cor. 16th St. i Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930 | BRICK HOUSE—Logan St., below ! Peffer Street: 8 rooms and bath. Pos session fifteen days. $5O down. $25 ! Per month. ! WOODBINE STREET—B rooms and ■ bath: electric light; papered and : painted new. $5O down; $25 per '• month. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 North Second Street, Bell phone 3037J FOR SALE 1933 North Third Street. 3- story pressed brick; 10 rooms; two baths; steam heat: suit able for apartment. Inquire D E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate and Insurance FOR SALE—3-story brick house, long lot. side entrance, on North 6th St.. possession October 1. Inquire A. W. Swengel. 2131 North Second St. HOUSES for sale in Highspire at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St., Highspire. 9801. FOR SALE 2309 North Thirl Street, cottage. 9 rooms and bath; hardwood noors; hot water neat. Bell phone 1146 M. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Appiv A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE —8-room house, all im provements; A 1 condition; 10-foot drive alley. Bargain to quick buyer If sold before October 1. Bell 106151. HOMES for colored families— Two tlirec-story bricks on Reily St. with all improvements. 2H-story frame on Peffer St. 3-story brick with front porch on Penn St. 2 84-story frame on Wallace St.. good location. 284-story frame on Calder St. Send for list ami discription to LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 N. Seventh St. ATTENTION. BUILDERS [ We have several plots of land at Pax tang, suitable for building opera tions. right. ! locations none better. Purchasers j for homes plentiful. j ROHRER & SON. 211 Bergner Building. Real Estate and General Insurance. FOR SALE—Hunter St., 1510. single 3-story frame. 8 rooms and bath, all improvements, double garage on rear, paved street. Address X. care Tele graph. FOR SALE—IBSO North Street. 7 rooms end bath, all conveniences, double garage on rear, immediate pos session. $3,000. Also Noa. 1404. 1406 State St., $6,000 each. A. S. Miller, Room 216 Commonwealth Trust Bldg. 1 (Continued In Next Column) T REAL ESTATE FOR SALE "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" MOVE AT ONCE STATE ST.. 1131—NEW; VACANT; 3-story stucco, nine rooms and bath, steam heat: gas and electricity; front ana rear porches; balcony and roof garden; cement cellar; the best of lo cation for a looming house; JSOD cash; balance in monthly payments. 17TH AND PAXTON STS.—NEW; VACANT. 254-story; six rooms and bath; hardwood floors; steam heat; gas and electricity; front and rear porches; side entrance, with a nice big yard; can be bought with a small amount down; balance same as rent. Maliantongo St., 618—3-story brick; S rooms and bath; all improvements; ! nice front porch; shade trees; nice |lack yard; small amount down, bal ance same as rent. I DERRY ST., 2143—3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; all modern improvements; nice front and buck porches; cement cellar; a 1 very nice home; can be bought witli IjoOO cash. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1, Security Trust Building . 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390. Dial 3513 FOR SALE—24O3 Derry St.; 2-story brick dwelling. 6 rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat, liard ■ wood floors, drive alley on rear, lot SO leet front. Priee $6,250. $1,200 cash required, or will sell with lot 20 j feet front. For Sale—l SI 1 and 1813 Zarker St..' gcod 2-story brick dwellings with all modern improvements. These proper ties are very attractive at $2,900 each. ! possession of No. 1815 can be had on shcrt notice. ! For Sate—l 937. 1939 and 1941 Swa jtara St.. 2-story brick dwellings. 6 ! rooms and bath" each, all improve ; men is porches, attractive at $2,500 1 each. . ! For Sale—Corner Market St. and | Bowman Ave., Camp Hill, newly pa pered S room single dwelling, steam heat, electric light, hardwood floors, lot 4310};200. garage, possession short notice. For Sale —2020 North Fifth St . apartment building. 3 modern apart ments of five rooms and bath each, elegant condition, first floor apart ment has hardwood floors. I ; For Sale—l7o9 Market St.. 3-story brick dwelling. 9 looms and bath, gas. 'electric light, steam heat, good con dition. porches, lot 34x90. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents. Second and Walnut Sts. A DOUBLE HOUSE AT BRESSLER FOR SALE A modern double frame house of six rooms and attic, in Monroe St., with shade trees, nice long yard, con crete pavement through yard. This property is offered for sale at a much lower price than what it would cost to bui:d it to-day. The price is $1,600 each, and is located at one of the most desirable districts. If you would '.ike to live at Bressler. act at once. SALINGER & MILLER. 4 4 Union Trust Building, Bell phone 2769 Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE 1911 Susquehanna; 3-story brick; 8 rooms; bath; front and back porches. 2044 Susquehanna; 3-story brick; s rooms and bath: front and back porches: possession soon after sale thereof. 308 Lewis St.; 2H-story brick; new house; 8 rooms and bath; posses sion October 1. D. E. LUCAS. Real Estate and Ins. 303 Lewis St. HEREAFTER the properties of J. D. Bentzel Estate will be offered for sale by Bell Realty Co., including 11 houses. Bell phone 439. Dial 4673. Bell 'Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. . IF YOU are seeking a home in city or suburb, we are sure of getting it for you. just state your location, price and terms on which you wish to stip ulate in buying your home. Salinger & Miller. 44 Union Trust Bldg.. Bell phone 2769. f- 21 Herr; 8-room house; all im provements; in A 1 • condition; bar gain if sold before October 1. Apply 524 Reily St. 1 NAUDAIN ST.. 1412 Three-storv brick house for sale at $2,650; 8 rooms and bath, gas, furnace. in spect it. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building- 17TH ST., S.. 542 Three-story brick house with 9 rooms and bath, in good repair; easy terms; price, $3,600. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE—Three-story brick, cor ner property, on good street in up town section, porches, room for gar age. This house will not wait for a buyer; possession April 1. Apply A. \V. Swengel, 2131 N. Second Street. 801 l 2575 J. BELLEVUE ROAD—I9SO. 2-story brick; modern and cozy; built 1915; frcnt and back porches; nice lot; drive alley at rear. Owner leaving city. Price reduced to make quicK sale. Geo. W. Jacobs, 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539. UNCO UN REALTY CO. Reily St. 3-story brick with all mod ern improvements. Buy a home on Boyd street, terms are easy and the price is right. Don't pay rent when you can buy on easy terms. 1129 N. 7th Street. SUBURBAN home. 6 room house, elate roof, electricity and gas. two chicken houses, one fare from city. 107 Chestnut St., near Front St. HOUSE for sale. A new, 2-story brick 6 rooms and bath, all modern conveniences. 23d and Derry. Inquire N H. Downln, 518 A S. 13th. Bell 2062 R. THREE mercantile buildings, well located in growing business sections. Prices right and terms to suit. 1). A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. FOR SALE—I64O Catherine Street; Vacant 6 room, modern brick house Price $3,000. Terms. WEST END OF ClTY—Three-story brick, store and apartment house; steam heated and electric light; practically new; price upon inquiry. Inspection by appointment. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. (Continued In Next Column) 1 SEPTEMBER 24, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . HTH ST., N., 26 Modern 9-room frame house, and two-story frame house in rear, fronting on Brady street; price for both, $4,000. A very good purchase. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. ISTH ST.. N., 83—Brick house, 7 rooms and bath; also other improve ments; desirable location. Bell Healty Co., Bergner Building. HOUSE —$2,200 will purchase a dwelling with 8 rooms and bath, gas, furnace and cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HOUSE —Vacant property, corner Sixteenth and State streets; brick construction; 9 rooms and bath; biick garage. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. DERBY ST., 2919 Three-story brick house with all modern conven iences, including steam heat, for sale; drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—WiII sell my beautiful suburban home, eight rooms and bath. If interested, address Box J-8248 care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdlx from September 1; furnished up-to-date, Ibnly reliable people need apply to | Louis, 414 N. Third St REAL ESTATE WANTED 1 W ANTED—To buy a house between ; North and Cumberland Sts., and west iOf Sixth St. Address Box M-6872 care ! Telegraph. I i WANTED—To buy a home on Alli son Hill north of Market St. Address J-8576 dare Telegraph. READY buyers, list your farm and houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate and Insurance, Steelton. Dial. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance, 10u2 North Third Street. WANTED TO RENT i WANTED TO RENT 1 j An executive with small fam ily wishes to rent a house as centrally located as is pos sible. Best of reference fur nished. Address for appoint ment Box 0-8251 care Tele graph. | FARMS 96-scre farm, 10 miles N. E. Hbg .level, good bldgs., fruit, creek water! Will sell stock and tools. • 75-acro farm, 2V4 miles N. Hbg. 5 room brick house, all city imp., in i beautiful lawn, large barn. I 30-acrc farm, 5 miles N. Hbg., S ! room house, stable, etc., 6-acre wood land, 100 fruit trees, will sell or trade j on city property, one mile to trolley | It. R. and State road. 10-acre farm, 2Vs miles N. Hbg | creek water. 16-acro farm, 2H-miles N. Hbg good bldgs. 5-acre farm near V.'esi Fairvtew steam heat and electricity. ; 45-acre farm, 8 miles S. Hbg., good building::. 150-acre farm, IV4 miles S. Lewis berry, very cheap. 75-acre farm, one mile to New Cum berland. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560 J. FARMS FOR SALE | 71 acres; all good buildings. $2959 i 45 acres near street car; all bullcl | ings $4500 oft acres fat land: building . ~s2soi< I We would like to sell these above ; farms very soon. They are all worth ; a higher price. Look them over. C. B. Care & Son, Care's Grocery, Lingleo- I town, or 409 Market St.. Harrisburg. | FOR SALE —2 acre truck patch in Shiremanstown, one block from trol ley, frame house, two porches, city I water, good barn, hog pen, chicken i house, a dandy place in tine shape, jF. S. Mumma & Son, Mechanicsburg. SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. • FOR SALE—Farm 115 acres, 10 t minutes walk to trolley, 3 miles from Harrisburg. 8 room house, large bank ■ barn, silo, all necessary outbuildings, •| I,oob ft. Conodoguinet creek frontage. | i bungalow sites, well water and spring 1 lots of fruit, the best of soil for . j trucking. Price only $ll5 per acre. . i Look this farm over, it has higher values; reasonable terms. Charles - Davits, 1540 State street. Harrisburg. Bell 4162 R. Dial 4930. I . | FOR SALE—9S-acre farm; 75 acres ;'clear, land in good state of cultiva tion, good buildings, all the best kind .I of implements, ail crops, 40 tons of I hay, wheot, corn and potatoes, stock 13 . head of cattle, 2 horses, 3 mules, hogs and poultry. Price $7,20u. 107 Chestnut St. near Front St. 42-acre farm; 10 room house and good bank barn; very good soil; one • half eush; price $3,100. 107 Chestnut ■ near Front St. FARMS WANTED WANTED—To buy a good farm, i either in Dauphin, Cumberland, York ,lor Perry county. State full particulars ■land bottom price. Box X-7599 care ; ' Telegraph. •j WANTED—To buy good farm not : I too far from city; state lowest price . iand terms in first letter. Addres t H-8244 care Telegraph. | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS CENTRAL FURNISHING CO., ' 324 REILY ST. ' On account of rebuilding a wart , house, we are going to sell 75 good ! ranges, heaters and cook stoves at a low ligure, also a big reduction In "j furniture and floor coverings. One Itrial will convince you. Call Bell ' I phone 1061 M. | FOR SALE—IO H. P. International ■ gasoline engine, gasoline hoisting en gine, lathes, planer, shaper, milling I I machine, drill presses, hand and pow -1 tr, electric motors, various sizes, 1 large stone crushing plant complete. F. R. Ijiverty. Bell phone 1857. FOR SALE—Block of four, six room frame houses, located on. Locust St., Mcchanlcsburg, electric lights, gas. Can be bought separately or as a • v. hole. Cheap to a quick buyer. For ; i particulars address P. O. Box 251, Me chanlcsburg, Pa. MODEL printing press worth $2O. First $5 takes it. 1321 N. 6th St. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and lecond-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4484. (Continued In Next Column) I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS GUNS, GUNS * ' One double barrel, 12 gauge ham mer gun, $12.50. One single barrel, 12 gauge gun, $B. One Colt's automatic revolver, 32- caliber. $l2. All arc in good condition. 1321 N. Sixth St. IRON bed, spring and mattress. ss*, 1321 N. Sixth St. FOR SALE—A singer sewing ma chine with drop head, oak hall chair, mahogany desk with two drawer* and a mahogany divan. 2208 North Third St., Hist floor. FOR SALE \ Natural mahogany Sheraton dining) room suite; mahogany rockers, chairs, table, etc.: small bed, refrigerator; Haviland china dinner set. silverware, etc., rugs of all sizes, Anglo-Persian, . Brussels, cte. Private sale, Thursday, ,f September 25, 2129 Green St. FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanke, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Highsplre Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire, Pa. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 305 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORI'HEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES ( . APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Grimes' golden, smokehouse, Bald ! wins, Pound, York Imperial, Ben , ;l>a\is, Dominee and other varieties. J for sale at the orchard in small or l large quantities. Sprayed, fertilized land cultivated fruit, 1H miles soutn |of Lee's Cross Roads, Cumberland County, good roads to the orchard. No 'shipping. D. L. Allen. I * FOR SALE—Ice chest, good as new; | used two months. Edwin Asure, 1911 l Fulton St. FURS—Lady will sacrifice hand-, some set Hudson seal furs, latest stole and muff; new, never worn; will sell , for $2l. Also latest style seal cape. / 314 H Chestnut SL ,'j BOOKS Bought and sold; .0,000 new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's, 925 North Third. Circulars tree. MOTORS FOR SALE ' We have the following motors wa are offering for sale. We guarantee ' those motors to be in ttrst-class con j ditlon and can make immediate de livery. i One Vi H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. I One U H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. I One U H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One 'i H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One >i H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One U H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One li H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing. Harrisburg. Pa. / FOR SALE One white Iron bed, one good mattress. spring, complete s2o; one 6x9 Crex rug $9.50. FORNWALT. 1321 North Sixth Street. WASTED —MISCELLANEOUS # WANTED—To buy a secondhand wardrobe; state size and price. Ad- ' dress Box S-8246 care Telegraph. WANTED TO BUY AN OLD FASHIONED FLINT LOCK RIFLE. FULL LENGTH, CURLY MA PLE STOCK AND BRASS MOUNTED. A. G. CLYNE. PARAGOULD. ARK. WANTED —Second-hand 150-horse power horizontal return tubular boil er built for 150 pounds working steam pressure. Address P. O. Box j 165, Harrisburg. WANTED —Two horse road scrap per. Call Bell phone 40J. JUNK —We are In the market for all Kinus of junk. Call Bell 4974. or write L Cohen & Co.. York street and Ash avenue. MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell IU7IR, or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 Market street. Will call. City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST., HARRISBURG. PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Unusual opportunity to secure ex clusive rights in Harrisburg and Central Pennsylvania BURNALL FUEL PAVER. Business established in Harrisburg. Saving fifteen per vent, to forty-five per cent., actual experience. Small capital and refer ences required. A. F. HOFFSOMMER, Old Orchard. Harrisburg GARAGE FOR SALE Doing wonderful business, employing from 4 to 5 repair men steady; good reason for selling. Address Box M-6289 care Telegraph. FOR SALE-bßestaurant, candy and cigar store, well stocked, daily busi ness $125; In manufacturing town, short distance from Lebanon. This is an opportunity. Address P. O. Box 133, lx>hanon. FOR PALE —A fully equipped gar age near Harrisburg. located on the "State Highway, between two very , imnortnnt points of interest. A stand that is well patronized. Address Box S-7597 care Telegraph. I want a partner in an established. crowing business; $lOO required. No., f-.ke but a real business. Very low rent.' Address Box G-9043 care Tele graph FOR PALE —Electric rights of Dauphin county; good opportunity o start In business for yourself at once. Address X-8051 care Telegraph. LIVE business for a live man, in . nearby town. Restaurant, confection- \ Srv cigars. Doing business of $42,000 S year "r more. Xpply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth St. FOR SALE 1 An Interest In coal dredging plant. Address P. O. Box 1178. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers