16 EASY TO SOLVE COMPENSATION U. S. Commission of Labor . Statistics Addresses Conference Toronto, Sept. 23.— American and Canadian officials dealing with work men's compensation and Industrial problems met here to-day in the sixth annual convention of the Inter national Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions. George A. Kingston, commissioner of the Ontario Compensation Board, presided as chairman and a score of American officials were among the speakers for the day. Discussing the desirability of uni formity of compensation acts, Royal Meeker, United States Com missioner of Labor Satlstics, in an address, declared it would be an easy matter to draft an act to cover all states and the Canadian prov inces in a better way than is ac complished by any existing state act. Differences in wages, hours, work ing conditions- in various industries offer no obstacle to uniformity, he said, provided the economic effects are taken account of. in the United States, he added, only the California compensation acts makes such pro vision. Mr. Meeker outlined in de tail the provisions he believed any Ideal compensation act should con tain. Opposes Uniform Act Charles A. Andrus, chairman of the Illinois Industrial Commission, declared he had reached the con clusion that a uniform act was neither possible no desirable. If such an act should be adopted by all states, he said, it would soon be so amended as to be unrecognizable. It was highly desirable, however, he said, that the association should agree on the essential features of such laws, drawn from common ex perience, and seek incorporation of these features when popular senti ment in each state or province per mitted the enactment of adequate compensation measures. Jeremiah F. Connor, special com missioner appointed to investigate the New York State Industrial Com mission, spoke of the administrative difficulties with compensation acts. "Overformal procedure" in making awards tended, he said, to cause too great delays, but he added that he had found the great majority of the people who had any connection with carrying out such acts to become im bued with wide sympathy for the injured men and their dependents. Sextuple Launching, New World Record, Planned For Oct. 11 Oakland, Calif., Sept. 23.—Sex tuple launching, setting a new world's record, is planned by the Moore Shipbuilding Company of Oakland for October 11 when three big tankers and a like number of freighters are to be shunted into the waters of Oakland's inner harbor across the bay from San Francisco. The vessels have an aggregate tonnage of 64,200, the tankers, City of Reno, Saliira and Sapulpa, being of 12,000 tons each and the freight ers, Jalapa, Moselle and Jaelow, of 9,400 tons each. Two of the ships will be started In their way to the sea by President Wilson and Secretary of War Baker, who, according to plans, will press electric buttons in Washington, starting the launchings here. King Albert Printed on Belgian Stamps From Post Office London, Sept. 23.—King Albert, as military leader of the Belgians, is Immortalized in the' new Belgian postage stamps which have jusl been received in London. The series portrays the King in active service kit, wearing the familiar steel casque of the Belgian army. A new issue of Abyssian stamps also have reached here. There are fifteen of them, each one showing the possibilities of the country for big game hunting, with elephants, tigers, lions and other wild animals handsomely printed in two colors. Jamaica's victory stamp is an other newcomer. It is an oblong label, prnted in dark green, show ing troops on board a transport above the inscription "Troops De parting." Bolshevik Agents Being Scattered by Detectives London, Sept. 23.—The interna tional agents who are watching the Bolshevik leaders believe they have now so isolated them from the world that they are no longer efficient in the spread of their dangerous prop aganda. Direct communication between the Bolsheviki and their agents abroad is being rendered increasingly diffi cult. Four months have elapsed since the last direct communication from the Bolshevik leaders in Rus sia reached their fellows here. A Swede brought $30,000 here re cently for Bolshevik purposes. Five minutes after he delivered the money to an agent in London he was in custody. A Scotland Yard man was close to him during the whole of his journey to England. Italy Asks Aid in Expelling D'Annunzio From Fiume, Report London, Sept. 23.—The Italian government has appealed to the Al lied powers to send an Allied force, exclusive of Italians, to drive D'An nunzio out of Fiume, according to a report here, which is considered re liable. Completes Portraits For War Department Paris- Sept. 23.—An important col lectfon of portraits of allied war leaders has just been completed here by Dana Pond, the American artist, and will be sent shortly to Wash ington for presentation to the War Department as the joint gift of Mr. Pond and the American Red Cross. The collection includes individual portraits of General Pershing, Gen eral Bliss, Colonel House, Admiral Benson and Marshal Petaln, together with a group painting of the Su preme War Council, showing General Bliss, General Di Robliant, General Belin and General Sackville-West. The big group painting represents the allied military chiefs in the con ference room at Versailles, analyz ing the Intricate military situation at the time the Germans were driven back at all points along the West err front Just before the armistice. TUESDAY EVENING, DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART I " . Everybody Seems to Be Talking About the Values in the 41st Anniversary Sale ' One Hundred New Trimmed Hats in the Millinery Sale .w r,, That Challenge Comparison at $5.41 These new autumn hats, fashioned of fine silk velvet, are re & u^ar $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 models, which were made specially for our Anniversary Sale by a maker who supplies us regularly with millinery. / '^ ats are * n a variet y styles, featuring the new " y. est shapes, many being trimmed with ostrich. There i T "T *j/ln are black, blue, navy, brown and other favored shades. J Y The lot is limited to one hundred hats which should WY.A g Q ou t quickly at the attractive Anniversary Special AP rice of $5.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front Forty-First Anniversary Specials $5.00 Corsets $2.41 This attractive Anniversary Special is a Madame Lyra Corset, model No. 2468, in pink or white coutil for the medium figure, medium bust, long skirt with elastic gore over hip; sizes 25 to 31. Regular $5.00 value. Anniver sary Special $2.41 Forty-First Anniversary Specials Children's $5.95 Corduroy Coats, $3.41 Infants' Silk Caps Children's $5.95 Corduroy Coats in 2, 3, 4 and Regular 75c White Silk Caps, neatly trim 5-year sizes, in green, brown and black. med with hand briar stitching, rosettes and Self-colored collar and belt. Anniversary lace. Anniversary Special 41£ Special $3.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Second Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Specials The Upholstery Section Offers Many Interesting Values Wednesday $4.00 Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers in mixed colorings, hemmed edges. An niversary Special $3.41 $1.50 Heavy Bobbinet Door Panels in ecru only, Renaissance and Marie An toinette worked centers, 36x54 inches. Anniversary Special $1.41 $3.00 Tapestry Piano Runners, 12 inches wide, 65 inches long. Anniversary Special $2.41 $3.00 White.and Ecru Curtains, lace trimmed edge, in marquisette and new goods. Anniversary Special, pair $2.41 50c Fancy Satine for draperies and comfortables, 36 inches. Anniversary Spe cial, yard 41^ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. Women's Gloves Specially Priced in the Anniversary Sale Women's Washable Cape Gloves in pique sewed, tan, grey, pearl and putty. Anniversary Special $2.41 Women's Chamoisette Gloves. Anniversary Special, 2 pair for $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Specials Attractive Values in Rugs $50.00 Brussels, Velvet and Axminster Rugs in floral and oriental patterns. Anniversary Special $41.00 $3.00 Chenille Filled Bedroom Rugs, 30x60 inches. Anniversary Special, $2.41 $lO.OO Willow Grass Rugs, 9x12 feet.Anniversary Special $7.41 $30.00 and $32.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet. Anniversary Special, $27.41 $1.75 Hassocks. Anniversary Special $1.41 75c Hassocks. Anniversary Special 41^ 27-Inch Fibre Runners, 50c value. Anniversary Special, yd ' 41^ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. 41st Anniversary Specials Women's House Dresses Reduced The Anniversary Sale offers some of the season's best values in House Dresses for women. A complete range of sizes from $6 to 44 is to be found in good-looking practical styles of per cale and lawn. Regular $2.98 Dresses; 41st Regular $3.75 Dresses; 41st Anniversary Price . $2.41 Anniversary Price ..$3.41 Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, Second Floor. $7.50 Corsets at $4.41 Madame Lyra Corsets, model No. 3687. pink or white coutil, for the medium tall figure, heavily boned across back, low bust, sizes 23 to 31. Regular $7.50 value. Anniversary Spe cial $4.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Second Floor. Boys' and Child ren's 50c & 59c Underwear In the Anniversary Sale: 41c Boys' 59c White Nainsook Athletic Union Suits; sleeveless and knee length. Anniversary Price .. Children's 25c White Cotton Ribbed Drawers; knee length. Anniversary Price, 2 pair for 41£ Children's 50c White Cotton Ribbed Union Suits; sleeveless and knee length. Anniversary Price . .41^ Four Pair of Child rens' 50c hose; $1.41 Children's 50c Fine Ribbed Mercerized Seamless Hose; in black, white and cordovan. Anniversary Price, 4 pair for . .$1.41 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, •i_. .. Street Floor. _ " u fiJLELRJSBTTRG ifiSSl TELEGroCPH Men's Socks Regularly 39c a Pair AWednesday Special 2 pr. 41c In the Anniversary Sale if Men's 39c Black Mercerized Seamless J Y Socks. Anniversary Price, 2 pair for p I Men's*6sc Thread Silk Seamless Socks, ' n anc * colors. Anniversary f Men's Underwear Lowered in Price ll Men's $2.00 White Madras Athletic \'' I Union Suits; sleeveless and knee 1' \ !§&. rJjSSVv length. Anniversary Price ..,$1.41 ' TV Men's $2.00 Egyptian Cotton Ribbed iUvw Union Suits; short sleeves and ankle \\ y\ length. Anniversary Price ....$1.41 A V Men's 75c and $l.OO Egyptian Balbrig \ ymm' ' 1 gan Shirts and Drawers; shirts with \V\JP short sleeves. Anniversary Price. 2 \V. \ Dives, fomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Anniversary Sale Silk Petticoats $5.00 Value $3.41 Made of a good quality Taffeta in plaited or tailored flounce styles, in plain col ors, two-tone patterns and black. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Handkerchiefs For Men and Boys Boys' 15c White Hem stitched Handkerchiefs. Anniversary Price, 4 for 41< Men's White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, seconds of 12/4 c grade. Anniversary Price, 5 for 41£ Men's Blue Chabray Shirts with two separate collars. Anniversary Price, $1.41 Divas, Pomeroy ft Stewart, . Men's Store, . . ,-U Forty-First Anniversary Specials Unusual Silk Values Reward Shop pers Who Attend This Big Event The exceptional values are the rsult of planning for the sale months ago, and the recor.. breaking sales prove that the values are back ed by quality and good styles. 1 $2.00 Tub Silks in black and white satin stripes, 32 inches. Anniversary Special, yd., $1.41 $2.25 Crepe de Chine in street shades of brown, grey, myrtle, old rose and pekin blue, 40 inches. Anniversary Special, yd $1.41 $2.50 Brocade Satin Lining, 32 inches, fine color combinations and -white brocades. Anniver-. sary Special, yd $1.41 $3.00 Satin Invincible, 40 inches, street shades. Anniversary Special, yd $2.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Specials Men Will Profit By These Shoe V alues Shoes are from regular stock and are marked in conformity with the Special Anniversary pricing. Men's $4.00 gun metal calf button and $3.4 J Children's $1.75 black kid Bkln button shoes with lace shoes. Anniversary Special * patent leather tips, sizes 6 to 8. Anniver- (1 d 1 Special Men's $2.75 black oil dressed leather shoes, blucher lace style, for mill workers. (O 4 1 Infants' $1.75 patent leather button shoes, dull Anniversary Special 96.11 kid tops, sizes Ito 5. Anniversary $1.41 Special * Boys' $2.75 gun metal calf blucher lace shoes. Infants' $1.75 black kidskin button shoes, patent broad toe last, sizes 9to 13%. $2.41 leather tips, sizes 4to 8. Anniversary $1.41 Anniversary Special Special Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor, Rear. Women's $2.00 Thread Silk Fashioned Feet Hose, with high spliced heels; in black and colors. "Anniversary Price $1.41 Women's 75c Fine Mercerized Fashioned Feet Hose, in black and white. An niversary Price 41£ Women's 39c Lisle Seamless Hose in black and cordovan. Anniversary Price, 2 pair for 41£ Anniversary Specials in Women's Underwear Featuring Rare Values at 41c and $1.41 Women's $2.00 White Cotton Ribbed Union Suits of medium weight in low neck, sleeveless, ankle length style; regular and extra sizes. Anniversary Price $1.41 Women's 25c White Cotton Ribbed Sleeveless Vests. Anniversary Price, 2 for 4l£ Women's 50c and 59c Union Suits, sleeveless and knee length. Anniversary Price 41£ Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Houseware Specials in the Sale of Interest to Every Home 59c Tin Dish Pans. Anni versary Price 41^ $6.25 New Perfection Oil Heaters. Anniversary Btrice $4.41 50c Slaw Cutters. Anniver sary Price 41£ $3.25 Gas Heaters. Anni versary Price $2.41 Quart Bottles Liquid Wax Polish. Anniversary- Price 41^ Crystal Table. Tumblers in Colonial pattern. Anni versary Price, doz., 41£ Nu-Cut Pressed Glass Sugar and Cream Sets. Anni versary Price, set . .41^ 83c Matting Traveling Bags. Anniversary Price . .4l£ Dive*, Pomeroy ft Stewart. BMemeat, SEPTEMBER 23,1919. $41.00 For Men's and Young Men's Suits From Our Regular $45 Stocks The handsomest Autumn patterns we've ever shown in Suits for men and young men are included in the special at tractions in the Anniversar Sale at $41 —a snug saving of $4.00. Men's anil Young Men's $3.50 to $3.95 Trousers. An- <fcO 4.1 Men's $7.50 Trousers, CA 1 niversary Special Anniversary Special .. Boys' School Suits $18.95 Waist Line and Belted Suits, in grey and brown O 4.1 mixtures. Anniversary Special i ® ' Boys' Tommy Tucker Oorduroy Suits; sizes 3 to 8. fcC 41 Anniversary Specail Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. Forty-First Anniversary News for Women Hosiery and, Underwear of Exceptional Value I Children's Fine White Dresses i Anniversary Specials For Tomorrow Materials are fine white nainsook, lawn, batiste and longcloth, and the styles are exceptionally pretty; sizes 6 to 14 years. $3.75 and $3.50 Dresses. Anniversary Price, $2.41 $4.95 Drosses. Anniversary Price, $4.41 $6.50 and $7.50 Dresses. Anniversary Price $5.41 $8.50 and $9.50 Dresses $6.41' $lO.OO and $18.50 Dresses sB.4l|*w . .. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor.
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