16 Lansing Urges Treaty Be Ratified Without Delay Watertown. N. Y., Sept. 22.—"1n the Treaty of Peace there is nothing DIVES, POMEROY & STEWART .. . • „ *£9**s The 41st Anniversary Sale Offers Economies of A Notable Kind for Tomorrow Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs ni i i • • Sewing Rooms Ought to Be Busy With Quality Dress' Goods Low in Price It is only during Anniversary Sale davs that it will be pos sible to buy such worthy piece goods so far below normal prices. • $4.50 mixed coating, 54 inches wide, good styles. Anniver sary price, yard $2.41 $3.00 checked suitings, 54 inches wide, tailor-made suitings. Anniversary price, yard $2.41 French serge; all wool, 42 \nches wide, navy and dark navy. Anniversary price, yard.: $2.41 3.50 grey striped skirting, three colors. Anniversary price, yard '. $2.41 4.50 French serge; 50 inches wide, five good shades, plenty price, yard ..'... $2.41 54-inch navy Panama, good dark shades. Anniversary price, yard $1.41 48-inch broadcloth, all wool, ten good shades. Anniversary price, yard $3.41 $4.50 French serge; 50 inches wide, five good shales, plenty of navy. Anniversary price, yard $3.41 $2.25 black costume, serge, all wool. Anniversary price, yard $1.41 $4.50 black French serge, 54 inches wide. Anniversary price, yard $3.41 $5.50 black broadcloth, 54 inches wide. Anniversary price, yard $4.41 $6.95 navy serge, 56 inches wide. Anniversary price, yard $4.41 $2.00 silk and wool crepe; 40 inches wide, ten shades. An niversary price, yard $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs 10,000 Pieces Babbitt's Laundry Soap In the Sale Tuesday; 7 Cakes 41c 10,000 pieces Babbitt's perfect white Xnphtlia laundry Soap. Anni versary price, 7 cakes 41c 2,300 packages laix Soap Flakes. Anniversary Price, 4 packages, 41c. Sunshine and National ginger snaps. Anniversary Price, 2% lbs., 41c. Reiined table and cooking salt. Anniversary Price, five 4-lb. boxes, 41c Swiss cheese. Anniversary Price, pound, 41c. Pynex soap flake. Anniversary Price, Ave 10c packages 41c Peters' delicious breakfast cocoa, two 25c cans 41c Clover light honey. Anniversary Price, pint jars 41c. Family-ade. Anniversary Price, two 25c packages 41c Vanilla. Anniversary Price, 2-quart bottles $1.41. Hire's 50c instant coffee. Anniversary Price, can, 41c. 1,080 bars good laundry soap. Anniversary Price, 10 bars, 41c. lean and fat streaked bacon. Anniversary Price, lb. 41c Mixed vegetables. Anniversary Price, 4 tall cans 41c. White Dove flour. Anniversary Price, 2—12-pound bags, ... $1.41. White House coffee. Anniversary Price, 2-pound cans $1.41. Pure Olive Oil. Anniversary Price, quart cans, '.. $1.41. Steero beef bouillon cubes. Anniversary Price, 2 dox 41c Vanilla sugar wafers. Anniversary Price, pound 41c. Doxsce little neck clams. Anniversary Price, 3 cans 41c. Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Basement. An Anniversary Offering of Women's "Slip-on" Sweaters at $2.41 Women's $2.95 and $3.50 sleeveless wool "slip-on" sweaters. Anniversary Special $2.41 Boys' Blouse Waists 8c white hemstitched hand sl.oo "Kaynee" and Ball Annivarsary jpa- Brand whita madras blousa ' S|lirts waists, with or without col lar attached, sizes 6to 16. shirt siz a e n s 14 $ to Anniversary special, 2 for nivers ecia , ( ' 2 {or * l4l $1.41 Men's and Boys' Hand- Men ' s Steife l f *st c°l° r kerchiefs a P ron ° vcra lls and coats, sizes in overalls, 36 to 38; 10c khaki handkerchiefs. coats, 36, 38 and 40; union Anniversary special, 6 for made. Anniversary special, 41* $1.41 """ t T • Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Men's Store MONDAY EVENING, t which invades the sovereignty of this Republic or which limits in any way the full exercise of such sov ereignty. The treaty should be rati fied without delay and without change." With these words Secretary of State Lansing in his home city an swered those who claimed he is i opposed to the Treaty of Peace. In the first publio utterance of the Sec retary since he was quoted by Wil liam C. Bullitt before the Foreign Relations Committee of the United States Senate as saying on May 19 that If the American people knew what was In the Treaty they would defeat it, he demanded that the Dinner Sets in Such Fine Grades Cannot Be Duplicated at Th Prices' Every home in Harrisburg , would own one of these splendid sets if it were possible for every yX' housewife to see them, so if your table service is a bit depleted ' rjflj/ y\ Jwfl don't fail to investigate this an- rl 1 JJ J nouncement tomorrow. \ 31-piece dinner sets, with gold ~ border. Anniversary price, ■ ■■■-' $2.41 38-piece dinner sets, with gold border. Anniversary price, $3.41 38-piece dinner set, with pink roses and gold lines. Anni versary price $3.41 42-pie.ce dinner sets, in Cobalt blue and pink roses. Anni versary price $4.41 50-piece dinner sets, with gold lace border. Anniversary price '. $6.41 50-piece dinner sets, in Oriental patterns. Anniversary price. $7.-41 50-piece dinner sets, with gold lace border and pink rosea* Anniversary price $8.41 50-piece dinner sets, with gold border in Wall of Troy de sign. Anniversary price $9.41 Divea, Pomeroy and Stewart, Basement. Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Women's and Children's Fall Stockings of Value: 39c Grades, 2 Pair 41c Women's 39c lisle seamless hose, in black, white and cor dovan. Anniversary price, 2 pairs for 41£ Women's 75c fine mercerized fashioned feet hose, in black and* white. Anniversary price 41£ Women's $2.00 thread silk hose, fashioned feet, in black and colors. Anniversary price $1.41 Children's white cotton fine, ribbed seamless hose. Anni versary price, 2 pairs for 41£ Women's 50c shaped white cotton ribbed seamless vests; sizes 40, 42 and 44. Anniversary price 41^ Women's 75c white cotton ribbed vests and drawers, Dutch neck elbow sleeves and ankle length. Anniversary price, 41£ Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Men's Socks and Union Suits 75c Shirts and Drawers; 2 for 41c Men's 39c black mercerized seamless socks. Anniversary price. 2 pairs for 41^ Men's 65c thread silk seamless socks, in black, grey,, navy and cordovan. Anniversary price 41^ Men's $l.OO white nainsook athletic union suits; sleeveless and knee length. Anniversary price, 2 Suts for $1.41 Men's 75c Egyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers, short sleeves and ankle length. Anniversary price, 2 garments for $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs $l.OO Herringbone Serge at 41c An Anniversary Attraction This is a fine quality of 36-inch Herringbone Serge and there is plenty of Navy, at a yard it is one of the best values of the kind ever offered in the city. Dives, Pomeroy and Btewart, Street Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs ■m Silver Plated Ware II For the Table , if Lowered in Price For Tuesday $1.50 Rogers' silver-plated gravy ladles. Anniver- M sary price $1.41 $1.50 Rogers' silver-plated berry spoons. Anniver /' \ sary price $1.41 \ J Oneida Community Par plate table spoons. Anni versary price y 2 dozen $3.41 Dtvea, Pomeroy.and Stewart, Street Floor, HABJUBBURG iMk TELEOKXPH Senate ratify the Treaty at once and thus answer the prayers of the na tion for the restoration of peace. "It is a narrow-minded statesman ship which would endanger the going into effect of the Treaty by chang ing its provisions and thereby post poning the return of peace," he de i clared. More Survivors of the Bayronto Rescued; Full Complement Safe Tampa, Fla., Sept. 22.—Eleven survivors of the lost British steamer 2 Yards of Colored Cottons Tomorrow ForaTrifleMore Than One Usually Costs 59c woven madras shirtings in good styles, with woven stripes. Anniversary price, yard 41£ 30c colored percales, 36 inches wide; in white grounds. An niversary price, 2 yards for 41£ 30c suitings, in black and white. Anniversary price, 2 yards for 41 c 30c dress ginghams, in checks, stripes and plaids. Anniver sary price, 2 yards 41^ 36-inch Eiderdown, in fancy figure, patterns. Anniversary price, yard 41^ 36-inch silk and cotton muslin, in solid colors. Anniversary price, yard 4l£ 50c silk stripe poplin, in dark grounds for Fall. Anniversary price, yard 41^ 69c colored voiles; in fancy dark patterns. Anniversary price, yard 41^ 59c dress ginghams, 32 inches wide. Anniversary price 41£ K>ives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Galvanized Wash Tubs and Rice Boilers In a Tuesday Sale, Each $1.41 When it is considered that present wholesale prices are as high as our anniversary selling costs, the housewares section is bound to have a busy time of it tomorrow on these items: Heavy galvanized wash tubs, with wood handles and wringer attachments. Anniversary price $1.41 Copper bottom wash boilers. Anniversary price .. $1.41 2-quart aluminum rice boilers. Anniversary price $1.41 Other Items Notably Good 50 feet of white cotton Liberty clothes line rope. Anniver sary price 41^ Two clothes line props and 8 dozen clothes pins. Anniver sary price 41 £ Ash splint clothes baskets; slightly imperfect, regularly 89c. Anniversary price 4l£ $2.50 heavy whole willow clothes basket. Anniversary Pce $1.41 American water motor washing machines. Anniversary P"ce $1*3.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Basement $1.75 Real Leather Black Strap Purses, with overlap ping frame. Anniversary Special $1.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Every Housewife Will Want to Share in These Extraor dinary Specials Tomorrow White cups and saucers. Anniversary price, 3 for 41^ 75c floor sweeping brushes with long handles. Anniversary price 41 £ 5.00 willow baby bassinets. Anniversary price $4.41 Quart bottles liquid wax polish. Anniversary price . ,41f> 75c Utility hand dusters. Anniversary price 41^ No. 7 steel skillets. Anniversary price 41^ 14-qt. Royal granite dish pans. Anniversary price . .$1.41 No. 7 Royal granite tea kettles. Anniversary, price . .$1.41 10-qt. greystone enameled water pails. Anniversary price Cut glass sugar and cream sets. Anniversary price . . 41<* Rayo nickel lamps, complete, with shade and chamney. An niversary price $3.41 9-inch fancy salad bowls with large rose decorations. An niversary price 41£ Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Basement .SEPTEMBER 22, 1919. Bayronto and one survivor of the American steamer Lake Winona were landed here yesterday by the fishing smack Ida. With 19 of the crew of the Bayronto landed at Charleston, S. C., on September 16, and 18 others landed at Havana the same day, this accounts for her full complement. The men were picked up in open boats on September 17 sixty miles off Egmont light. The lone sur vivor of the Lake Winona, a Porto Rican negro, was in a boat full of water eating crabs and sea grass. He had been without other food and drink for seven days and nights. Chief Officer Moody of the Bay- 55 Autumn Suits and Coats Repriced During Sale Days-, $49.41 Every one of the fresh new styles in the Forty-First Anniver ary Sale tells its own story of becomingness. There are up ward of 300 suits and coats from which choice may be made now at a substantial saving. The identical pieces will revert to their former price at the close of the Anniversary Sale Tues day of next week. Instead of $55 —pay $49.41 Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Second Floor, Forty-First Anniversary Lining Specials Black satine, 27 inches wide. Anniversary Special, 2 yards for 41< .59c black satine, 36 inches. Anniversary Special, yard, 41<* $1.75 Farmers' satin. Anniversary Special, yard .... $1.41 Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. Combination Aluminum Cooker Sets Anniversary Special $2.41 These cooker sets can be converted into the following utensils: Pudding Pan Casserole "1 All for Preserving Kettle Baking Dish $2.41 Self-Basting Roaster Berlin Kettle in t h e An- Double Boiler Steamer I niversary Strainer Corn Popper J gale Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. > Forty-First Anniversary Triumphs Women'sssßutton Shoes: $4.41 Small Sizes $2.50 Shoes: $1.41 Women's $5.00 patent colt skin button shoes, on pointed toe lasts, with long vamps; Goodyear welted soles and high leather Louis heels. Anniversary price $4.41 Women's $7.00 brown calf skin 8-inch lace shoes on a walk ing last, with long vamps and stitched wing tips; oak leather welted soles. Ij4-inch military heel. Anniversary price, $6.41 Women's $7.00 grey cloth high top lace shoes on pointed toe lasts with welted soles and covered Louis heels. Anniversary price $5.41 Women's $2.50 black kid skin' and patent colt shoes, in but ton and lace styles; 2]/ 2 , 3, and 4, on A and B widths. An niversary price $1.41 Women's $4.00 gun metal calf shoes, in button and lace styles, on opera toe lasts, with welted and stitched soles and military and Cuban heels. Anniversary price $3.41 Dlvea, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Flvor, Hear,. 76 Sheets of Kent Linen Writing Paper Boxed in the Anniversary Sale 41c The ordinary cost of Kent linen is 65c, so when it is possible to buy it boxed at the saving is of decided interest. 20c envelopes to match the Kent special. Anniversary price, 3 packs for - 41£ Old Hampshire Lawn in Quire Boxes /5c Empress size. A CHOICE 75c Duchess size I 65c Princess size J 41c Fountain Pens and Playing Cards $l.OO Puritan fountain pens. Anniversary price 41^ 75c gold edge playing cards. Anniversary price < Dives, Pomeroy and Stewart, Street Floor. ronto and Wireless Operator Colo, were among: the survivors. Words. "How many words is your stenog rapher good for per minute?" "She can talk at the rate of about if.O, I estimate."—Louisville Courier- Journal.
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