NEWS OF S STRIKE IN LOCAL PLANT UNLIKELY Little Probability of Steel Strike in Other Plants Affecting Steelton With a nation-wide steel workers' strike impending no fear is being felt in Steelton and there is a no ticeable lack of any agitation what soever. Officials of the plant think a strike in the Steelton plant high ly improbable. And officials of the local unions seem to feci the same way about it. There are six local branches of the union, all of them organized within the last two years. 1 nion men declare that they include in their membership more than half of the employes of the Steelton plant. I'nion workmen in the plant ap pear not to be greatly concerned about the strike. Officers of the lo <al unions declare that they have i-i-reived absolutely no advice from the American Federation of Eabor for the local unions to take action. Should such advice be received, action favoring a strike, while pos sible. appears doubtful. PITTSBURGH PASTOR TO PREACH IN -MT. ZIOX CHURCH The Rev. W. R. Brown, Pitts burgh. will be the special preacher in Mt. Zion Baptist Church, on Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. The services on Sunday will close the week of special services held in ob serving the twenty-fourth annivers ary of the congregation. lilUs J -__ I Vio,et G,^c ® ri " e 1'!! i!!!!!. for 25c I $1.25 Varnesis 80c M f MF ' A "W* I Castile Soap 3 for 25c 9 Red Bone Marr0w........51.23 m # M M ■ ■ I l IB ■j* M H | Cosmo Buttermilk 3 for 25c H SS~:':=l V ULUME SALIL asta=| $l.OO Lavoris 79c * ® JL JS© .In—df ** iiif I Peroxide Soap 3 for 25c || $1.25 Gude's Pepto Mang 90c __ Elder Flower Soap 3 for 25c 11 gSKftsfcM KENNEDY SELLS IT CHEAPER B CZ.::;::::::S| $1.2.i Russell s Emulsion 98c ~ K n . Kg % Volume means low prices at KENNEDY'S. Our prices are based on volume. 1 HZ ?5 P tavif Help increase our volume of business and you will help to make lower prices. 2S i I HIS ?mTZ'Sn rhr a P cwwtf^H^i We Charge yOU for merchandise with the P rices that you pay for other lines of necessities " E I $l.OO Glyco Thymoline 79c I VoilOeS, Clothing and T ood) Johnson's Foot Soap 2 for 37c I 1 $l.OO Sterns' Wine Cod Liver!!..79c I TT • J • _ Roger & Gallett's Violet 42c H S $l.OO Hood's Sarsapariiia 79c I | p our prices increased in any such proportion as Food and Clothing? Our wholesale prices and taxes have increased Roger & Gallett's Santal 42c §j| HUS d d W d' Ex S^tro e ng in ' "s?c 1 * e ♦ satisfied with even a less percentage of profit than a few years ago. Why? Because our volume of busi- | E I 85c jad's salts !!!!!'.53c | IK,;>s ,s & reater - g Talcum Powders B 50c Phillips' Milk Magnesia 37c "Kennedy Sells It Cheaper" is known in every nook and corner in the State. That is not only say so, but we know. Our Mennen's Borated Talcum 19c I soc st. Jacobs oil 38c g ma ii order business proves this to us. Then again, a great deal of our volume and successful business we attribute to thp fart i Mennen's Violet Talcum 19c 1$ ||| 50c Foley's Honey and Tar 37c 6 that We treat all classes alike. Our prices are the same to all R Johnson's Red Cross Talcum 14c d ft if 7> r .. and Cod Llver if I rru • , 1 , . . S Djer-Kiss Talcum Powder 21c i| 9 50c Reguloi.'.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 43c I i * ric t . class . uy a * ?- e I 3U ™ . uys kls home necessities same as he does his business supplies—at the j Taicoiette Talcum i9 C , 27c |$ M 50c Drake's Croup Remedy 37c owest possible price. That is why he is rich. The middle,class buy at KENNEDY'S because he exercises thrift. The I Babcock's Butterfly Talcum iBc m £2 C California Syrup of Figs . 39c poorer class buys at KENNEDY'S as a matter of economy—they stretch their earnings as far as thev can Our nnVi'nal in. Hudnut's Talcums, in tin 19c I = tartkmwhen we opened this store was to ,11 U 25c Atw(Ss r BitteS g Healer 19° iYT * a £" an ' and we do thmk the Clty of Harrisburg has every reason to point with pardonable pride to § Williams' Talcums V.V.'.V.' ..ifc § M 50c Butter Color ers .!!!!!!!!!!39c organization. | j ady Mary Ta , 39c eg || Ointments I KENNEDY PUTS ELASTICITY IN YOUR DOLLAR" I lOTM !::::::::::::SI Wi Musterole 19c. 39c I A UULLAfV | Trentini Talcum 34c g B| Vick's Vapo-Rub 19c, 39c J Waltz Dream Talcum 19c Eg | MSsterineTlis Ml .. , _ Face Powders _ Cigars and Cigarettes For the Baby jSiZ S i ® Capsoline 19c reemans ace ow er 37c Factory Smokers 50 for $l6B $3 75 Horlick's Malted Milk •9 7n c iU H Park Davis' Analgic 8a1m.... 24c, 49c Carmen Face Powder 36c Thos Willings .6 for 25c; 50 for $2.00 f 315 B " rden .g Malted Mdk Kitty Gordon Talcum 54c | h Resinol Ointment 33c, 75c Sanitol Face Powder 24c General Hartranft 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 *t'~r a 2 - 7 -' —— j| §4 Poslam Ointment 40c, $1.45 I.aßlache Face Powder 43c Even Steven 9 for 50c; 50 for s£s9 S2 * 7:j Denno Food $l9B ~, , g Palmer's Skin Success 19c Mary Garden Face Powder 75c Abilo 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 $ 3 * 75 Eskay's Food $2.69 uenial 1 reparations | Iv. Y. Jelly 19c Floramye Face Powder $1.19 White Statue 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 75c Mead's Dextro Maltas .63c Peliem Tooth Pmle I 9K. Y. Ana'gic Balm ,7T ,49c Waltz Dream Face Powder 79c 5°! d for 50c; 50 for $2.59 $1.25 Imperial Granium 87c Kolynos Dental Cream 19c % $ I orkola 19c. 39c Melbaline Face Powder 21c 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 ? 5c Mellen's Food . 55 SSSStwE^?aste^ ~ !!!.!! 19c, I M T) .|, i T 1, , Petalis Face Powder 49c Counsellor 9 for 50c; oO for $2.59 r „ A ot PvTorlenti Tooth Pn;te 9dt> S I'llls and Tablets fiancee Face Powder 83c Ambftsia 9 for 50c! 50 for $2.59 U " nd J M,Ik ' 3 for ™ S S Whfte Ctal cleara 18c S | Nuxated Iron 69c \en Dome Face Powder 98c New Bachelor 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Nestle's Food 47c, $2.49 PerVecto Paste ?lr i 3 Pape's Diapepsin 32c Woodbury Face Powder 19c Henrietta. 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Castor Oil (Tasteless) 19c, 39c /vlano Tooth Paste 8 I S°? r ' s S?, ney Pi " S 4 H C F,ora Sweet Face Povvder 59c S rard ', 3 for 25c 5 50 for $3 - 95 Br- Hand ' Remedies 19c Forhan's Tooth Paste *.' 23c. 43c I I R lal^ a Pd p..v J' c K'" 10 Face Powder 19c, 39c 5Jd,"" e 3 J or 25c; 50 for $3.95 Fletcher's Castoria 23c Byon's Tooth Paste or Powder... 19c I m Beecham s Pills 16c L Ame Face Powder 21c, 39c Adlon 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 rw w i K*il Phpnn Pnstp nr PnwHpr " ffl | W'^iams'Pink Pills 34c Djer-Kiss Face Powder 53c American Empire 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Ped Cr f®„ Baby J 0 ' 0 "" 1 14e So/odont Tooth Paste 19c I 9 Pierce's Discovery 39c Pussy Willow Face Powder £4c La Afimdad 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 Mennens Borated Talcum 19c Eu j hvmol Pasle or Powder I S P ' erce s 39c, 79c Satin Skin Face Powder 24c „ , Hygeia Bottle, complete 23c p£He Powder it I g Edwards' Olive Tablets 17c _— Fame,s 15c Murad 2for33c Peusodont Tooth Paste It K4 1 IE Toilet Creams , Home Wants swodoiu oyqu 0 yquw a wasii '!!!!!!!!!! i9c B S londs \ anishing /Tream 18c, 33c Saniflush iQf immmb I Razors and Blades Rifcer's Vio!et Cerate 43c A lvrnv TA T Boric Acid ' half pound'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13c |jr • p, fln „ ot ' I $5.00 Gillette Razor $3.75 Mavis Cold Cream 41c U X 10-L Pj" ylf\ I J Fecto Disinfectant 17c Hair Preparations I f Ever-Readv Raw $4 ?9e Gilt EdgeXroxide Cream'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;ioc "LTT?T \f K'in? 3 ? B '. .!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'! $Ll ° Ma yy T - Goldman Hair Re- I $B.OO Gillette Razor ......$6.98 Athene Double Strength * Bicarbonate Soda, pound !.!!!lsc $lOO Health 6^l Assorted Chocolates --j 6 Auto Strop Blades 39c Frosti'la iS Banquet Mints ?"f^ ar Po i ,s h 17 . S4c, 67c si. o o Wild-Root Hair Tonic .... 79c I J. &J. Shading Cream 19c : ; 490 Sulphur and Cream Tartar Tablets, 3 boxes 25c 75 c Damshinskev Dve 67e 9 5 Durtam Duplex Bla<l ..43c gSSZ'wSIS? gf 28C 39c. 75c, $1.45 "SSTrSo^!!! 1I 6 Gem Razor Blades 39c mmr ueoderant 28c Diamond or Dyola Dyes 3 for 25c s o c Harfina Hair Tonic 34c I Williams' Cream 25c I" Ozark Coffee ' Volump Salp" KENNEDY'S "Vnlump Cfllp I They Fall Hi ad Over Heels I 3 pounds $1.29 " UIUIIIC OulG 321 MARKET STREET tUIUIIIu OulU rKIDAY trVTiNING, Negro Attempts Holdup; Frightened by Screams i A burly negro early last even ing entered the store of E. A. Shupp, Enhaut, and demanded the contents of the cash drawer. Mrs. Shupp was in charge of the store at the time, and no one else was about. The negro showed no wea pon and Mrs. Shupp ran from the store and called for help. Several men answered the call but they failed to find the negro. He had fled at the call for aid. The cash drawer was not touched. Congregation to Vote on Pastor's Sermon Subjects Ballots bearing twenty-six possible sermon subjects have been distrib uted to members of the First Metho dist Church by the pastor, the Rev. F. A. Tyson. Members are asked to vote for four of the .twenty-six. The four subjects receiving the largest number of votes will be used by the pastor for his sermons on four Sundays at the evening services. SERVICES FOR WIEIJAM BO WEN HEED YESTERDAY Funeral services for William Bo wen were held yesterday in St. James' Church. William Bowen was a resident of Steelton all his life. A few months ago he was taken to the Hamburg Sanatorium where he died Monday night. He formerly lived with his brother, Charles Bo wen. 52 2 North Second street. Bur ial was in the Mt. Calvary Cemetery. STEEI/TON PERSONALS Miss Ruth Davis, South Front street, has returned from Bethle- hem, where she was the guest of Miss Mary Crow. Miss E. Loraine Winship, Tikilwa, 111., Is the guest of Mr. end Mrs. B. W. Winship, Cottage Hill. S. P. C. A. Hears Lecture on Annual Treatment I William S. Esslck, president of the I local S. P. C. A., presided at the lec- I ture last evening which Richard C. I Craven, organizer of the* Society for !the Prevention of Cruelty to Animais ! gave in Fahnestoek Hall, j Mr. Essick introduced John T. 1 Olmsted, first president of the local organization, who told of some of the i work accomplished here in Harris ihurg. Captain George T. I.umb, of th-> .State Constabulary, was then Intro-i 'duced and told many interesting; stories of his work with horses. Cap-1 tain Lumb told also of the interest i that people have been taking In ani 'mals and the oare which they have | used in ministering to the sick ones. I Mr. Craven explained the work of ! the organization in the larger cities j !of the East and with the aid off (slides showed conditions among ani-; ' mals in these cities and other towns in the West and South. Mr. Craven i 'also showed pictures of animal hos- Ipitals and the equipment used In 'taking care of the sick and Injured j beasts. He declared that more legls ' lation is being passed every year to 'care for the dumb animals and urged, I tliat manv of the methods used be l adopted by the local branch which is ! dcing such good work. Members of Bible Class Picnic at Paxtang Park Fourteen members of the Eadtes' Bible Class of the Grace Methodist ; Episcopal Church taught by Mrs. \ Stillman. enjoyed an outing yester- 1 dav at Paxtang Park. After par- ; I taking of a picnic dinner the ladies | i vied with each other in giving clever ; toasts, Mrs. Joseph Davis and Mrs. 1 : Qtiigley carrying off the honors. Much amusement was caused by two ' of the members trying to obtain j Fome seeds from the flowerbeds just las the caretaker appeared on the scene. All present agreed that the , afternoon was a decided success. HJLRRXSBTTRG TELEGRAPH ANTI-SAI.OON I.GAGUI TO ENTER POI.ITICS By Associated rress. Chicago, Sept. 19.—The Anti-Saloon League of America will enter nation al politics immediately, it was an notinced to-day, to enforce the de mand that the political parties next year nominate candidates for Presi dent who are openly pledged to unre served enforcement of the prohibi tion amendment to the Federal Con stitution. MISSIONARY MKKTIXG Miss Mary I-ile George, Mrs. M. P. Segelbaum and Mrs. Todd were speakers at the September meeting of the Women's Home Missionary Society of Market Square Presby terian Church held this afternoon in the church parlors. The hostesses we're Mrs. Frank It. Oyster and Mrs. Segelbaum. There was an executive meeting of the officers prior to the regular session to plan for the sea son's work. 100% Vitality for Weak, Nervous, Men If you suffer from loss of appetite; can't sleep; if your nerves are Jumpy and you go about depressed by that "all-in feeling," try MAKE-MAN TABLETS THE SAFE IRON TONIC Thounnnds h*Y* been restored to perfect health and rlior br this wonderful strength builder. It will rejuvenate YOU. Contains no In .lurlous drugs. is r MtniCVivtLv AS \3 3a sura you I -VrflfScV >ROW roHi s J our Mono- I t iSiißl - a 1 ***">• *-*- t %r I 'cssun.3Lsr : S !*• th t 1 h- I Price 50c from I Ashland Supply House I 335 h. Madison St.. Chlrago, 111. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Davis Much Entertained Here Mr. and Mrs. W. Walley Davis, of Chicago, former residents wlio were in town for a day or two on the way home from Virginia, were much entertained during their stay. Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Maguire were their hosts at din ner at the Senate, tho other guests j being Mr. and Mrs. Frank Payne, i Mr. and Mrs. Walter H. Gaither, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Rutherford, STOMACH TROUBLES ARE DUE TO ACIDITY Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy Re lief For Acid Indigestion So-called stomach troubles, such las indigestion, gas, sourness, stom jach-ache and inability to retain food iare in probably nine cases out of ten, I simply evidence tiiat excessive se cretion of acid is taking place in the • stomach, causing the foimution of gas j and acid indigestion. ! Gas distends the stomach and causes lhat full, oppressive, burning feel ing sometimes known us heartburn. While the acid irritates and inflames the delicate lining ot the stomach. iTho trouble lies entirely in the ex ! cess development or secretion of acid, i To stop or prevent this souring of the food contents of the stomach and *o neutralize the acid, and make it | bland and harmless, a teaspoonful of bisurated magnesia, a good and effec tive corrector of acid stomach, should bu taken in a quarter of a glass of hot or cold water after eating or whenever gas, sourness or acidity is felt. This sweetens the stomach and neutralizes the acidity in a few mo ments and is a perfectly harmless and inexpensive remedy to use. An antiacid, such as bisurated mag nesia which can he obtained from any druggist in either powder or tablet form enables the stomach to do its work properly without the'aid of ar tificial digestents. Magnesia comes in several forms, so be certain to ask for and take only Bisurated Mag nesia, which is especially prepared for the above purpose. Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willis Davis, Mr. | and Mrs. Robert H. Irons. Mr. and Mrs. Davis loft for homo this after- j noon. WEAK PEOPLE WITH THIII BLOOD UKELY' 10 BE'FLU'VICTIMS Tliln Hlooil hacks White CorpnseleM trailed lighters) That K<*rp Germ ' Discuses Oat of tlie System— i Weak, Hiindotvn People Should [ llegin at Onee to Itevitul- Ime Illood. j People who are weakly, pale, deli- . cate and worn out and with a small ' amount of thin, watery blood will ex perience difficulty In overcoming the "Flu" unless they revitalize and re new their blood. Noted physicians say "Whita oor puscles of the blood aie uu, luoteo.- tors against gorni diseases. Xne thin impoverished blood of thousands of weak, run down people lacks white corpuscles und such people should i strengthen their blood with a good ' blood food to tight oft the influenza 1 germs. Novo San. recommended hi&hly and used by physicians to rebuild and enrich impoverished blood is the lilood food to use. Nova San (meaning new blood) has an eminent feature of quickly adding white corpuscles to ' the blood of delicate people, giving them new force, new blood and strength in as little ns twelve days time in most cases. It's a pure and efficient blood builder that should 1 give you abounding good health Hnd 1 reserve vitality. Just what weak, thin-blooded folks will need when tho "flu" germ conies upon us again. Don't take any chnnce when there is a possibility of prevention. Go to 11. C. Kennedy or Geo. A. Gorgas or any good drug store today and get an Inexpensive package of Novo San ' tablets. You'll surely be glad you did should influenza again ravage the country. Advertisement. SEPTEMBER 19, 1919. STECKLEY'S DISTINCTIVE FOOTWEAR NEW FALL RIP' Assortments That Excel in Magnitude, I Quality and Style workmanship are here in variety of leathers, affording SHOES FOR MEN ML WOMEN—CHILDREN jJ j&s ALL SIZES AND ii ' UNUSUAL VALUES Our tip-town location, away from high rents and big overhead expenses, enables us to offer unusual values—You are sure to bo the gainer in quality and money to the extent of several dollars on your purchase. STECKLEY'S 1220 North Third Street, Near Broad 7
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