Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 18, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Photo by Roshon
At the final session of -the Grand
Council of the Royal Arcanum of
Pennsylvania, held in the ballroom of
the Penn-Hnrrls at 9 o'clock this
morning, officers were elected for the
next two years. After the announce
ment of the elections had been made,
the new officers were installed by
Past Supreme Kogont A. S. Robinson,
of St. Louis, who is at present Su
preme Treasurer. The following of
ficers were elected:
Grand regent, J. A. Langford, Jr.;
grand vice-regent, W. J. Stoklnger:
grand order, W. S. Bevan; grand sec
retary, Webster C. Weiss; grand
treasuier, J. Wiener; grand chaplain.
K W. Sheffield; grand guide, E. E.
Kestettcr; grand warden, W. H.
Jones; grand sentry, C. S. Smith;
With False Teeth?
Dr. Wernet's
j It ••pi them firm. Prevents sore fama.
White. Flavored. Antiseptic.
tf your dental plate is loose and
drops, get instant relief, use Dr.
Wernet's Powder for false teeth.
Vou can eat, laugh, talk with ease.
Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co.,
116 Beekman St., N. Y. 25c, 50c, & SI.OO.
At Drug and Department Stores. Refuse
all others. This is the original povjdar.
Just one trial convinces yon .Sloan's
Liniment helps drive away
rheumatic Twinges
WHY endure pain when you
know Sloan's Liniment will te
lieve it promptly? It couldn't
remain the World's Liniment for 3 8
years if it wasn't highly beneficial
in relieving rheumatic aches, stiff
joints, sore muscles, lumbago, neu
ralgia, strains, bruises, exposure to
weather results.
Penetrates without rubbing, leav- j
ing no stained skin, clogged pores,
mussiness. A pain and ache lini
ment that stands alone in doing
what it is meant to do. Get a bottle
to-day and keep it handy. All drug
■:ists. Throe .sizes—35c, 70c, $1.40.
Al" Walker, 1335 Reno street,
Philadelphia, for many years a star
acrobat in Barnum & Bailey's cir
cus, tells of a recent discovery which i
brought him happiness.
"For some time," he began, "I
had been feeling mighty miserable.
Didn't have an ounce of energy. ,
Even light foods upset my stomach. '
Gas would form after eating, eaus- !
ing pain and distress. I tried sev
eral so-called tonics but continued
to feel rocky until I hit upon Tanlac.
Tan lac was just what my poor run
down system needed. My appetite
has increased, the heaviest meal
digests perfectly and I am gaining
weight every day. Tanlac sure puts
the old 'pep' back in a fellow. I'm
mighty glad I found it." Tanlac is
sold here by all leading druggists.
* >
Hay Fever
—Quickly Relieved by
|l k Automatic y 17
Using a remedy that is auto
matically administered as you
breathe. And without discom
fort or inconvenience. Each
breath carries medication that
quickly heals the afflicted
is giving relief where all other
methods have failed. Used
with wonderful success in
treating all diseases of the
Nose, Throat and Lungs. Also
for Head Noises and Ear
Trouble. Now being Intro
duced in Harrisburg at George
A. Gorgas' Drug Store. 10
North Third street.
8 1 ———■—— x
trustees. E. W. Hammon, E. G. Kos
tenbader, W. L. Young; representa
tives to the supreme council, J. L.
Norton, B. B. Wolf, J. S. Blackburn,
George Sprntt, A. B. Eaton and W. T.
Wallace; alternate representatives to
the supreme council, J. H. Morton,
Charles Rust, J. H. Campbell. A. R.
Robinson, H. L. Hartzell and G. t.\
It was decided to hold the next
Grand Council in Harrisburg in 1921.
The members of the council expressed
themselves as delighted with the way
in which they had been received
Turks Are Resuming
Attacks on Rumania;
U. S. Aid Is Asked
New York. Sept. 18.—The Turks
have resumed their attack upon the
Armenians and the very existance of
the nation is in danger, according to
a cable messags received by the
American Committee for the Inde
pendence of Armenia from the Paris
representative of the Armenian re
public, transmitting information re
cieved from his government.
Forces of Turks, Tartars and Kurds
are surrounding Armenia, the mes
sage says, and the Armenian soldiers
have been forced to surrender one
province after a hard struggle, over
whelmed by numbers and short of
munitions. An urgent appeal is made
for 10,0000 American soldiers and
equipment for 30,000 Armenian
Couple Married Last
Evening to Live on Farm
Dauphin, Sept. 18. Miss Sue
Long, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.
L. Long, of Erie street, was mar
ried last evening at 9 o'clock to Isaac
Arms, of this place. The Rev. J. j
K. Raub, of Mechanicsburg, pastor
of the Dauphin Lutheran church,
performed the ceremony, which
took place at the home of the bride's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Arms will
reside on a farm near here.
Representatives of boys' work in
the Y. M. C. A. of eastern Pennsyl
vania, met yesterday at the Central
Y. M. C. A. to discuss plans for the
year and exchange ideas on the sub
ject. Many of the secretaries had
been to Silver Bay to attend the con
ferences there and there was a re
sume of the work yesterday.
Arch H. Dinsmore, the local secre
tary in charge of boys' work, was
elected president of the organiza
tion which will be called the Y. M.
C. A. Boys' Work of Eastern Penn
sylvania. L. E. Goodwin, the State
secretary for this work, presided at
the conference and offered some
U/L pn your head feels like
rr a basket c f broken
bottles —you need
Stomach or bowel dis- j
order poisons the blood I
and thus irritates the j
rest of the body.
Larsnt Sale of Any Medicine in the World, i
Sold everywhere. In boxea, 10c., 25c. I
Two discoveries have added greatly
to human welfare.
In 1835 Newton originated the vac
uum process for condensing milk with
cane sugar to a semi-liquid form.
In 1883 Horlick at Racine,Wis., dis
covered how to reduce milk to a dry
powder form with extract of malted
grains, t eithovt cane sugar.
This product HORLICK named
Malted Milk. (Name since copied
by others.) Its nutritive value,
digestibility and case of preparation
(by simply stirring in water) and the
fact that it keeps in any climate,
has proved of much value to mankind
as an ideal food-drink from infancy
to old age.
Ask for HORLICK'S— Avoid Imitations
Try This If You
Have Dandruff
There is one sure way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely,
and that is to dissolve it. This de
stroys it entirely. To do this, just
get about four ounces of plain, ordi
nary liquid arvon; apply It at night
when retiring; use enough to moist
en the scalp and rub it In gently
with the finger tips.
By morning, most, If not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and three
or four more applications will com
pletely dissolve and entirely destroy
every single sign and trace of It, no
matter how much dandruff you may
have. ,
You will find, too, that all Itching
and digg ng of the scalp will stop
Instantly, and your hair will be
j fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and
I soft, and look and feel a hundred
I times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive, and
four ounces Is all you will need.
This simple remedy has never been
knowrr to fall.
Voice Culture anil Interpretation
Pupil of Manuel Giircla, London,
Eng., null of Charles I.mm. Lon
don, Eng.) author of "Expreaalon
In Singing."
Lessons rexiimed on Wedncxdny,
September "4
Studio—lolo North Second Street.
Restoration of Broadway Lim
ited Wise Move; Heavy
The United States Railroad Ad
ministration Bulletin for September
carries a story in which it is stated
that the Broadway Limited, since
its restoration In May, is greatly ap
preciated by passengers all along the
line, but particularly to Philadelphia.
The article says:
"The demand for the Broadway
Limited, the Pennsylvania's twenty
hour train between New York and
Chicago, has been abundantly dem
onstrated since its restoration on
May 25. Records show that the west
bound train has averaged 101 pas
sengers, and the eastbound train 98,
passing Altoona.
Is Popular Train
"The Broadway's restoration has
especially appealed to the people of
Philadelphia and vicinity. During
the war, New York.still retained its
twenty-hour train via the New York
Central, but the Broadway, the only
twenty-hour train serving- Philadel
phia, WES withdrawn to open up the
railroad for the quick movement of
Government supplies to the war in
dustries so thickly located around
Philadelphia. Philadelphians now
leave at 4.40 p. m. and arrive in Chi
cago at 9.55 next morning.
Baltimore and Washington also
have benefited by the Broadway's
restoration, as passengers leave
Washington at 3.10 p. m. and Balti
more at 4.20 p. m., arriving In Chi
cago at 9.55 a. m. The eastbound
service is equally convenient, leav
ing Chicago at 12.40 p. m. and ar
riving in Baltimore at 8.18 a. m.
Washington at 9.28, North Philadel
phia at 7.54, and New York at 9.40."
Railroad Notes
Captain Paul L. Barclay, head of
the Pennsy Police Department at
Buffalo, New York, formerly of Har
risburg was here to arrange for the
moving of his family to that place
next month.
Retired veteran Pennsylvania
Railroad employes will attend the
monthly meeting at Philadelphia to
morrow. It will be the opening fall
session. Many Harrisburgers will
The Pennsylvania Railroad will
run an excursion to New York city
on Sunday. The last excursion to
Niagara Kails will be run to-morrow.
These new directors are announced
at the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. Altoona:
Noel W. Smith, general superintend
ent of the Pennsy eastern lines; J.
J. Johnson, superintendent of the
Pennsy Middle division; A. D.
Houck, business manager of the Al
toona Tribune; Lynn Moses, treas
urer of the Mountain City Trust
Company; 11. L. Johnston, managing
editor of the Altoona Mirror, and
George L. Seal, manager of the G.
R. Kinney Company.
Philadelphia and Reading Railway
accountants from Philadelphia are
making the quarterly round to audit
the accounts.
The Pittsburgh. Westmoreland
and Somerset Railroad, operating
between Somerset and Ligonier,
twenty-eight miles, has been sold at
public sale to a syndicate of Pitts
burgh men for $15,000.
An official of the Reading Railway
stated that work on the improve
ments, which was held up some
months ago by the railway adminis
tiatior; on the Lebanon Valley and
East Penn, is likely to be re
sumed before next spring.
-The shipments of bituminous from
1 ne West A irginia mines have never
been as heavy. Solid trains are
passing through Reading every day
hauling from 4,000 to 4,500 tons.
The coal is intended for the large
industrial establishments and for ex
port. Great quantities are now go
ing to foreign countries.
Women Doing War Work
During the war women were |
called into almost every vocation in I
life, and right well did they assume
the responsibilities and fill such po
sitions. In many instances, how-'
ever, their strength has been over- i
taxed, and such ailments as are pe
culiar to their sex have fastened
themselves upon them. Such wom
en should remember there is a tried
and true remedy for their troubles
in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablei
Compound, which for. more than
three generations has been relieving i
the women of America from some i
of the worst forms of female ills.
We find you can bring out the
beauty of your hair to its very best
advantage by washing It with can
throx. It makes a very simple, in
expensive shampoo, which cleanses
the hair and scalp thoroughly of
all the dandruff, dirt and excess
oil, leaving a wonderfully clean,
wholesome feeling. After its use,
you will find that th 6 hair dries
quickly and evenly, is never streaked
;i. appearance and is always bright,
soft and fluffy; so Unify, in fact,
that it looks more aoundar.t than
It is. and so soft that arranging it
becomes a pleasure. Just use a tea
spoonful of canthrox, which you can
ret from any good druggist, dissolve
it in a cup of hot water; tills makes
a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough
; so it is easy to apply it to aU the
i hidr instead of lust the top of the
| head.
H*RRBffIURO telegkapb:
Request Trainmen to
Study Airbrake Facts
A bulletin posted yesterday by I*
L. Banks, passenger trainmaster of
the Middle Division, calls the atten
tion of trainmen to the fact that
they are required to thoroughlj
understand the use of airbrake ap
pliances. The bulletin is as fol
"Attention is called to Paragraph
8 of airbrake examination book No.
129-B-l, which reads as follows:
"Trainmen when first employed
will be required at the earliest pos
sible date to visit the Motive Power
Instructor, preferably at the instruc
tion car or room, to witness and
take part in the Instructions given
to a class of conductors and train
men. They must also continue the
practice of visiting the motive pow
er Instruction car or room to be
come well informed on airbrake
appliances as found in train serv
"Attention is also called to the
next paragraph relative to examina
tions. It is very important that pas
senger brakemen shall become well
informed on airbrake appliances as
promptly as possible after entering
the service.
Signed, L. L. BANKS,
Passenger Trainmaster.
Preparing Passes For Many
Penna. Railroad Employes
Railroad officials are now arrang
ing for the issuance of the annual
passes to those employes who art,
entitled to them for 'the ensuing
year. The following notice to Mid
dle Division trainmen has been is
sued by Assistant Freight Trainmas
ter W. G. Louder:
"If you desire your annual passes
for the year 1920 good over any
division other than that which U
covered by your present annual
pass, it will be necessary for you
to notify this office in writing to
that effect within the next week or
ten days."
Report Efficiency Tests
on Juniata Division
Tabulation of efficiency tests made
and observation of obedience to
rules on the Juniata Division of the
Pennsy for the month of August
show that out of a total of 1,14 8
tests, a percentage of ninety-nine
was made. There were but three
One rear brakeman wont to sleep
on duty and was dismissed from the
service for the offense. A passenget
conductor and engineer were repri
manded for running at excessivo
Standing of the Crews
Phllndclpliln Division. The 110
crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 114,
129, 130, 113, 105, 125, 122, 123.
Engineers for 125, 110.
Firemen for 113, 114, 122, 123.
Conductors for 29.
Flagmen for 110, 112, 129, 130.
Brakemen for 110, 114, 122, 123.
Engineers up: Shuey, Mohn, Coble,
Houseal, Shlpe, Tholan, Koeneman,
A. K. Stcffy, Gunderman, McCurdy,
Greenwalt, Brown.
Firemen up: W. W. Rider, Clark,
Northcutt, Wllhide, Markle, Folk,
Moffitt, Thomas, Stall], Copp, Heltshc,
Ressler, Famous, Hilmer, Dickovcr,
Myers, Plank, Smith, Carroll, Leonard,
Kimmich, Cushing.
Brakemen up: Kennedy, Books, Poflf,
Ambrose, Etzwller, Rcigel, Schufflcr,
Cooper. Kuhlwind, Murphy, Hoffman,
Neidinger, Killian, Walker, Harmon,
Hoyer, Weiber, Coulter.
Middle Division. —The 16 crew to
go first after 2 o'clock: 16, 26.
Firemen for 16.
Conductors for 26.
Flagmen for 26.
Brakemen for 26.
Engineers up: Sweeger, 13. R. Sny
der, Earley, Kreps, Hawk, Rowe, Tit
ler, Beverlin, Crammer, Dunkle, Mc-
Alicker, Swlgart.
Firemen up: Wright, ITlsh, Hains,
Furtenbach, Acker, Barton, Clingor,
G. M. Bowers, Gilbert, Reescr, Woo
mer, Rudy, W. B. Bowers, Naylor,
Conductors up: Dotrow. Lower,
Crimmel, Wagner.
Brakemen up: C. L. Leonard, Lelt
houser, Forbes, Manning, Lake, Nich
olas, Rumfierger, Shadcr, Dcssingcr,
Alter, McNalght, Clouser, Anders,
Steininger, Hollanbach, Dennis, Hawk,
McKurtz, Dare.
Yard Hard. —Engineers wanted for
27C, 28C, 30C.
Firemen for 1, 7C, 2, 7C, 11C, 23C,
Engineers up: Ney, H. R. Myers,
Boyle, Shipley, Crow, Gibbons, Cless,
Swing, Ylnger, Starner, Morrison.
Firemen up: Sharer, Shopp, Swab,
Hoover, Holtzman, Rice, Roberts,
Burns, Whiehello, Dearoff, Stlne, Paul,
Ross, Cocklin, Sourbeer, E. Kruger.
Philadelphia Division. The 208
crew to go first after 17T5 o'clock, 22,
247, 223, 201, 253, 224, 244, 218, 238,
226, 237, 214.
Engineers for 201.
Firemen for 208, 218, 221, 224, 240,
243, 247, 253. '
Conductors for 226.
Flagmen for 226.
Brakemen for (2) 208, 221. 247, 201,
12) 263, 224 (2) 226.
Conductors lip: Gcodman.
Brakemen up: Staqffer, Millet, Me-
Conley Skllcs, Sclilessler, Uraybold,
Flowers, Kline.
Middle Division. —The 25 crew to
go first after 1.30 o'clock: 104, 108, 173,
121, 117, 107, 119, 116, 111, 124, 120,
Engineers for 26, 126.
Firemen for 121, 107, 115. 126.
Conductors for 121, 115. 124.
Flagmen for 25, 108, 116.
Brakemen Mr 104, 108, 123, 121, 126.
Yard Board. —Engineers for 137,
140, 2nd 102, 2nd 104.
Firemen for 137, 2nd 102. 2nd 126.
J 3rd 126, 136.
Engineers up: E. K. Hinkte. Hol
land, J. Winkle, Shaffer, Kipp, Fur
tcnbaugli. McNolley, Harris, Shuey.
Lutz, R. H. Furtenbaugh, Fagley,
Firemen up: Ktpp, Campbell, Metz,
P. M. Martz, Balnbridgc, Hall, Cram
mer, W. G. Martz, Shuey, Redy, Metz,
Wallers, Yeagy, Martin, Weaver.
Middle Division. Engineers up:
!G. W. Lenig, S. H. Alexander, T. B.
! Heftner, F. F. Schreck, H. E. Cook,
; W. C. Black, H. M. Euhn, J. K. Arndt.
iW. G. Jamison, W. E. Turbett, J. It.
Turbett, J. H. Ditmer, H J. Johnson, J.
W. Burd, J. W. Smith.
Engineers wanted for P-81, 33, 31
and 11.
Firemen up: A. M. Zeiders, R. F.
Mohler, B. F. Gunderman, H. W.
Fletcher, J. A. Kohr, S. H. Wright. E.
J. Sheesley, J. I. Beisel, R. Simmons,
A. L. Reeder, J. M. Stephens, P. E.
Gross, S. H. Zeiders, R. A. Arnold, R.
D. Porter, H. C. Bender, A. H. Kuntz,
H. W. Snyder.
Firemen wanted for 25, GGS, 47, 19,
35, 11, 15.
Philadelphia Division. Engineers
up: C. H. Seltz, R. B. Welsh, J. C. Da
vis, M. Pleam, E. C. Snow.
Engineers wanted for none.
Firemen up: E. D. McNeal, M. G.
Shaffner, F. L. Floyd, J. S. Len'g, B.
W. Johnson, F. H. Young, W. F. Kear
ney, J. M. Piatt.
Firemen wanted for 44, M-22. 20.
[Continued from First Page.]
cated, and the celebration will be
one of the most spontaneous public
, fetes ever arranged in Harrisburg.
The affair to be a complete suc
cess, however, must be substanti
ated with a personal invitation to
every Harrisburg man who served
during the World War ,and to every
nurse and welfare worker who saw
service during the war. The latter
have been requested to send their
names to the Chamber of Commerce
offices, and a list of the former is
being compiled through the post of
fice department. Householders have
been urged again to return the cards
with the names and records of their
service men, to the mail men, or to
the Chamber of Commerce.
The men will be told *ln the invi
tations to wear their uniforms. Pos-
will be enclosed on which the
veterans are to signify their inten
tion of participating in the exci
cises Sunday afternoon, the parade
Monday afternoon, and the open
air supper along River Front Park
Monday evening. Another card will
be enclosed wnich will be redeomcd
at the exercises Sunday, with a
bronze honor medal, to be distrib
upted by a Red Cross committee.
The exercises will begin Sunday at
3 o'clock, in the Court of Honor,
which will extend from Front to
Second, in Market, when the boys
will march to the Island, accom
panied by three bands. At the
Island, Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley
will have charge of community sing
ing. A speech by a national cele
brity, the presentation of the medals
and the citation of serveral service
men by the War Department, will
feature the afternoon service of
The celebration will start off at 2
o'clock with a parade of the serv
ice men, G. A. R. veterans and oth
ers. Charles E. Covert Is chairman
of the parade committee and has an
nounced a tentative route from the
Court of Honor to Third, to Broad
or Reily, to Front, to the Court of
Honor, to Market Square and to the
Island, where V. Grant Forrer will
have charge of athletic stunts and
games. At 6 o'clock the boys will
fall in for mess, which will be
served in River Front Park under
the direction of Mrs. William Jen
Four dances will feature the
evening's entertainment. One, for
the colored soldiers, will be in the
armory, one will be In Winterdalo
Hall, and another in Chestnut Street
Auditorium, for the remainder of
the soldiers, and- a street dance for
civilians will be held in the Court'
of Honor. To the three other dances
only soldiers in uniform will be ad
mitted. "They may bring their own
girls," the committee announced.
Frank C. Sites is chairman of the
committee on decorations.
David P. Dobbs, Paxtang. and
Kathryn E. Sipe, Mechanicsburg.
Earl N. Kirk and Blanche M. Niss
ley, Harrisburg.
Harold D. Hller and Elsie E. Bauch
man, Steelton.
John C. Stewart and Mary A. Boltz,
Chauncey C. Baldwin, Perth Am
boy, and Matilda W. Hiester, Harris
Engle E. Hershey and Julia E.
Washburn, Harrisburg.
Charles J. Fox and Irene E. Hoern
er. Penbrook.
William 11. Crider and Mary G. Hol
ler. Camp Hill.
Funeral services for William F,
Wayne, who died last evening at
the residence of his mother, Mrs.
Annie M. Wayne. 39 North Thirty
ninth street, will be held Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. Dr.
Pa Says the Pass
word to my lodge
is -Pass the
!"■ iqru'i Mi
Miller, of Penbrook, officiating. Bur
ial will be made in the East Har-
£8 m 30*32 North Third
1 Unusual Dresses |
| ■ For ill (tosiMis Jgx I
The beauty about a Schleisner Dress
is its appropriateness. Whilst the J|| A
mode is adapted to a particular occa- U
sion, it is at the same time practical, rcwwj /fll \ M
thereby assuring you of much more // f / <JS^
H service than the average frock. i jyT#
| Street Bresses \ 111 |
| Afternoon Bresses * 1
| Party Bresses |
| $29.50 <o $l5O 1
Extension School of
Accounts and Finance
What the Extension Evening Courses of
The University of Pennsylvania Offer
To Men and Women of
Each week the heads of different This is your opportunity to receive
departments of the Wharton School valuable business training. Develop your
of the University of Pennsylvania latent powers this year by enrolling in the
come to your city to lecture on sub- Freshman Class, Extension School, Uni
jects of vital interest to every business yersity of Pennsylvania,
man and woman. Coursel offere< j in _
The teaching staff is composed Accounting Money and Banking
of expert, m accountmg, manufac- C(iminerctal Law J„du,tri.l
turing, selling, transportation, busi- Management
ness law, finance, insurance and other ® sta * e Insurance
business subjects. Advertising and Government
m . , . . ~ . , . ~ Selling Regulation
The training obtained immedi
ately increases the business capability ££?**£ *£??• 7 " 9
of, j 1 -L1 0 cloc *- Seselone be fin October 6. Enroll now.
or the student, makes possible in-*
creased earning capacity and gives in- F ' R information wrtu T ,AON.
sight into the processes and principle* 1 THOMAS A. BUDD
which control modern business policy* CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
205 Dauphin Building
SEPTEMBER 18, 1919.
risburg Cemetery. Mr. Wayne ie
j survived by his mother and two sis
Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Accounting,,
English, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Spelling, Etc.
Strictly Individual Promotion
Register Now, Day and Night
Sessions Open Now—Enter Any Time
Bell 125; Dial 4016
Two Separate Night Schools—One cn Mon., Wed,
Fri. The other Tues., Thurs.—7.3o to 9.30
121 Market St. (Opp. Senate.) Catalog Free.
"Harrisburg's Greatest Commercial School"
ters, Mrs. .Mable Smith and Mn*
Carrie Martz.