16 EiiiaiM^ _Jf Yon WiM Find Work Yea Mist Ask Far It-Use tic aasslei Mills' I • .. lS; amninJft 2)eatbs UrHAVES—Died September 16. 1919 Charles Jehu DeHaven. at Hornell N. V. The body will be brought Harrisburg tor burial. Notice ol funeral later. GIT ST WHITE—Died September lo 1919. Elizabeth Guistwhite. at hci late residence, No. 119U Bailey St. Funeral services will be held at the above address on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friend! are invited to attend. Burial Pax tang cemetery. RHOADS—Died. September 15. 1919 Joseph E. Rhoads at his late resi dence. 1201 North Second St. Funeial services will be held at the above address on Thursday after noon at 3.30 o'cloc. Relatives and friends invited to attend w-ithoul further notice. Interment private in Pax tang cemetery. YOUNG—Mrs. William H. Young, died Wednesday. September 17. 1919, at 10 o'clock, aged 47 years. 11 months and 17 days, at her late home. New- Cumberland. Funeral services will be held Fri day at 2 p. m. from her late home. Burial in Penbrook cemetery. Rela tives and friends invited to attend without further notice. IN MKMORIAM In loving remembrance of our little sister, Mary Elizabeth Gable, who de parted from us one year ago to-day. A place is vacant in our home which never can be filled. Father. Mother, Sisters and Brothers. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Minnie Yingst and children wish to thank their friends and neighbors for the kindness shown them during the death of their son and brother. John C. Yingst. Also for the beautiful floral tributes. Mr. James H. Sharp and family wish to extend their most sincere thanks to the friends and neighbors for their kindness and assistance dur ing the sickness and death of the wife and niQther. Nancy Jane Sharp and son. Albert Robert Sharp. Also for the beautiful flowers. LOST AND FOUND LOST—Dark blue suit coat from automobile between Maclay and Woodbine St., Green or Third St.. with two small pins on sleeve. Reward if returned 2126 Green St. Bell 2119 W. LOST—GoId bracelet with blue stone, on Saturday evening, on Mar ket Street. 4th and 6th Street car. Re ward if returned, 1806 North Fifth St. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAH. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 4016. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St Chas. R. Beckley. HELP W ANTED —MALE PATTERN MAKERS WANTED Steady'work, thoroughly up to-date plant, 68c per hour to first class wood pattern mak ers. Immediate opportunity for two more men. In business 16 years, never a minute's la bor trouble. Employ both union and non-union men. Will pay transportation one wav for interview, and if en gaged will pay transportation both ways after 30 days' em ployment. Boarding and liv ing conditions good. PANGBORN "CORPORATION. H.agerstown, Md. MACHINISTS First class lathe, milling machine, dril; press hands, etc. Only thoroughly competent men experienced on close and at curate work need apply, l'irst class open shop on an 8-hour basts; now working ten hours with time and one-half for (\vertime. Rates up to Vsc. Apply by letter to the Employ ment Manager. Crown Crok and heal Co.. 1511 Guilford ave.. Baltimore. Md. • WANTED—A first class sawyer foi mv sawmill near Rockvllle, Pa.: good wages and steady work. Address, Kumue Wittenmyer. Harrisburg. WANTED —Rov must be over 16 years. Apply F. W. Woolworth. 404 Market St. WANTED —Horseshoer and general blacksmith. Apply 2012 Wood ave. GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and dhauf fer. Wc teach you between your working hours to become an expert nnd for only seven dollars a week. I.earn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School. Office 25 N. Cameron t . Harrisburg. Training Quarters S Front St. Steelton WANTED —Two energetic men foi housew. rk ann '. acuum cleaning. Ap ply Petin-Harris Hotel. Housekeeper. RAILROAD i■ alio inspectors want ed; sllll a month and expenses to start; short nours; travel; three mtnths' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ask foi- booklet N-273. Standard Busi ness Training Inr.t . Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED —One first class Job com pnsltor one ad man. one good stone man end one makeup man. one mono type ci rreetor for shop in Washing ton. 1- C. Union shop: no labor trou ble. $36 is our lowest pay. Call to see Mr. Nicholson at the Eochiel Hotel this afternoon and evening and to morrow htnrning. WANTED—Errand boy. one \yhr can ride a bicycle. Apply Capital Optical Co.. 315 Chestnut St. ! Com finical in N-xt Column > For $1,600 You Can Own a Home On Balm Street We are instructed to sell the 2 '/i -story frame dive ling. No. 50, Balm street, for $1,600. This dwelling contains 6 rooms and attic —the lot is 16x73 ft. It rents for sls per month. This is certainly an opportunity and will not be on the market many days. Miller Brothers & Co. HE Al. ESTATE INSURANCE too ST AND COCItT STS. SURETY BONDS .Member. Him. Ileal Estate Honrd * WEDNESDAY EVENING, HULf WANTED—.MALE , BOY over 17 to work in grocery store in Steelton and deliver, one with tome experience preferred. Address B-SSOS care Telegraph. I MEN Jevoral men to take training for important commercial, banking and selling positions; i good salaries when qualified. Address B-5507 care Tele graph. WANTED 50 able bodied laborers, long job, chance for overtime, good working conditions. Apply to Geo. T. Pitzel, Moorhead Knit ting Bldg., Cameron and Wal nut St. | . WANTED A COLLECTOR I I Must have good record. Fidelity bond required. Apply At Once BOWMAN & CO.. Employment Office i 1 —> i • - ORTUNITIL" - FOR A large number of inexperi enced men, ages IS to 45. Must be in good physical con dition; good living wage paid while learning; steady work assured. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. 1 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Experienced and widely-known railroad men and traffic experts will train you during your spare hours at home to become a Traffic Manager. These men will give you a practical working knowledge of everything of importance in the shipping field, in cluding rates, classifications, tariffs, bills of lading, maritime shipping, ex port regulations, interstate com merce laws, frc. You will be under the personal direction of big, prac tical traffic men at every step. You may obtain this training while holding your present position and thus prepare for a REAL position. Address Bell 4940-R or Box 3, Hill Station, City. WANTED—Machinist for shoe fac tory fitting room. Only one familiar with Singer and Union special ma chines need apply. Greenberg-Miller Co., Inc., Palmyra, Pa. INSURANCE BROKER—We want to get in touch with live brokers to act as our correspondents. We have a good proposition for men now writ ing factory fire insurance. P. O. Box 6549. Philadelphia. WANTED Experienced window trimmer and card writer in men's clothing and furnishing store, Penn sylvania city of 120,000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be steady and reliable; state reference and sal ary. L-SCIB care Telegraph. YOUNG MEN, 18-35, for railway mail clerks and mail carriers. Il.lut'- 1,500. For free paiticulars of examina tions write R. Terry (former Civil service Examiner) 518 Continental Bldg., Washington. CRANEMAN, ladle, pit, stripper or charging machine man; large steel mill out of city; exceptional salary to start and advancement to thoroughly capable man. Give details as to ex perience and age in own handwrit ing. C-SOBI. WANTED Car repairmen at P. K. R. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Lucknow and Enoia. PARTNER wanted by owner of 135 acres of good poultry, truck and fruit larm to help grow and serve whole some, well cooked food, fresh from oui own gardens to our own table every morning in a house with 14 large light, well ventilated rooms, enclosed in four walls thick enough to keel out heat or cold; nicely and centrally located on the Lincoln high way at county seat; good roads, etc; or will sell as a whole or in small larms. Ca'l on or address owner, I*. M. Mishler. 46 and 4S Main St., Get tysburg. Pa. WANTED Stone cutters; good camp accommodations and good wages paid, with the use of pneumatic tools, a business that is easily learned and beginners paid while learning. Apply at the mill stone quarries of the American Abrasives Co., Whitethorne, Virginia. WANTED —Laborers and contrac tors at the Paxtang quarries. Afiply I'axtang Quarries, Paxtang. Pa. WANTED—Boys over 16 years to bale mattresses. United States Matt j ress Co.. 12th and Herr Sts. WANTED —Good reliable sheet met al worker; none but good man need apply. E. S. Y'eatts, Lemoyne, or I phone 5132-M any time from 7 to j 9 p. m 4Continued lu >exl Column) HELP WANTED—MALE PATENT window sash lock to lock window, open or close, cannot be moved or lowered from outsiae. must be operated from inside, when window is open lock cannot be released with wire or stick from outside, locking both upper and lower sash at same time at any desired height. This adv. is for partner to get patent on mar ket or will sell patentright entirely. Address S-S2OS care Telegraph. WANTED—Two young men to learn salesmanship and make S2O per week while learning. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. TV ANTED—A first class watchmak er. Permanent position to an A 1 rapid mechanic to work on watches only. No waiting on trade. Reading's larg est jewelry store. Established 25 years. Salary S4O per week. Also a second watchmaker. Competent and willing to do clock work. Salary $35 per week. Apply at once. Cohen Bros., 528 Penn Square, Reading. Pa. CARPENTERS wanted at once; good pay; long Job. Apply on Job. 21st and Market or H. T. Uayles, General Contractor and Builder. 258 North St. HELP WAN TED—FEMALE WANTED Woman for general housework, reference required. Apply 212 Pine St. Phone 956 R. \V ANTED—GirI or woman for sec ond work and help to care for two year-old child. Apply 28 North 19th St Bell 2TI9R. WANTED Operators on plain sewing ma chines. Learners taken. We will guar antee all operators a certain wage each week. We pay the best prices in ihe city on our work and also 15 per cent, to 20 per cent, on what you earn. \\ e work 50 hours per week and [>ay every Saturday. Apply Harrisbuig Appurel Co., Sixth and Herr Sts., City star 1 .laundry Bldg.. Third Floor. \\ ANTED—Experienced colored girl ror general housework in small fam • - no washing; good home and wages for capable girl. Apply at once, i 029R tneCa St ° r ° aU Be " P hone WANTED Reliable woman for general hcusework. Address Box CSsSS care Telegraph. WOMAN wanted to do plain cook ing, reference necessary, good wages will be paid. Apply Mrs. L M. Bricker, 225 Hummel Ave., Lemoyne. \\ ANTED— Girls over 16 vears of age' to work In candy factory. Apply . Bacon Co., 341 S. Cameron St. \Y ANTED—Louise Berey to act :,s ompamon for several months. An -wer immediately. Florence Lewis. K-SO3l care Telegraph. \A ANTED—Colored girl for general hoiisewt-i k; two in family: wuges 57, reference required. Apply 214 State St. WANTED—Experienced waitress; s hours; $lO per week; also a kitchen woman. Restaurant Sheets & Roche, Tuniata St., Enola. WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets WANTED AT ONCE FOLDERS GOOD WAGES AND BONUS BLOUGH MFG. CO.. REILI AND FULTON STREETS WANTED—White girl for general housework and experienced in cook ing. Apply 1613 N. Front St. WANTED! Our business Is steadily in creasing and we need experi enced stitching room opera tors, also girls to learn. If yoti are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't a better place to work in Har risburg than our factory and" we are making it better every day. Don't uiiswer this adver tisement if you cannot be de pended on to work steady or conscientiously. HARRISBURG SHOE M'F'G. CO. 1418 Vernon Street. WANTED—Young woman about ,10 years foi inspecting. Apply Universal Film Exchange. 5 South 4th St. WANTED —Competent sales girl ot good appearance, who is thoroughly experienced in the fitting of women's foolwcat and is capable of handling pati onage of the first class. Apply any time Thursday, September 18 to Mr. Crawford at C. B. Rodney's. 34 North Third St. A young or middle aged woman for general housework; no washing or ironing: good wages; good living con ditions; good home for right party Appl. 2129 N. Second St. Bell phone 1137 J WANTED Reliable woman for general housework —only two in fam ily. Reply care Telegraph or ring Bell phone 62. WANTED —Middle aged housekeep er wanted for widower. Apply H. M Biioker. Shlremanstown, Pa. WANTED—Experienced sewers and learners. Apply evenings, 133 Walnut Street WANTED —A girl over 18 tor stenography and office work. Apply Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Sec ond St. WANTED —Maid for general houg wnrk; three in family; no washing call Bell 1581R or 1723 Forster St. WANTED —Experienced short orde cook; good wages. Apply Alva Hotel, 19 South Fourth St. 'Continued la Next Column) HJLRJUSBtTFtG TELEGRAPH ' - I. it UMWIINUW ""nim I'll! WIUIW •■IIIUIIIUIIIII. ——mmmmmmmmmmMmmm-mmmmmmmmmmwmrmnMrwm— HI ■ m CLASSIFIED ADS find desirable boarders. If you are prepared to keep boarders it is imporant that you should know how and when to use the classified ads—for they afford you the means for making the business PAY. :^||| : ~ Zr ~ • m tsT; s8 HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Experienced sewing machine oper ators. Regular and pleasant work and good wages. We are also employing inexperi enced operators who are paid whie> learning. A bonus is paid every puv day to all operators. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. Reily and Fulton Streets SALESLADY—First class saleslady j for coats, suits and furs. Experienc >d ! preferred; excellent wages to right party. Apply Goodman's, 410 Market Street. I WANTED—GirI to act as cashier' and to keep books in restaurant. Waitress also wanted. Call at t:!7 Market. Dial 4504. WANTED—Housekeeper for widow er with two children, aged 7 and 4 i years; good home to right party; no i outside work. Address John I. Try.' R. D. I. Beaver Springs. Pa. WANTED Experienced operators on power sewing machines, beginners paid while learning. Our business is steuu ily increasing and plenty of raw ma terial guarantees steady work. Id.al work—under ideal conditions, in ideal plant. JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2012 N. Fourth St. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply ISI9 North .Second St. Bell 1652 J. WANTED —Girl over 16 years to j work in office seven hours y day, sixi days a week. Apply In own handwrit ing. Address Box R-8029 care Tele graph. i| WANTED Experienced knitters; ' good pay; steady work. Apply. HARRIS HOSIERTJ CO., Calder and Marion Street. # i HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female | THOUSAND, men, women. 18 or | over now wanted. Government posi tions. Railway mail clerks, city car riers, census clerks. $llOO-SI6OO year; vacation: common education suffi cient; big chance for soldiers, sailors. List positions free. Write immediate ly; urgent. Franklin Institute, Dept. 413-S. Rochester, N. Y. ANY intelligent person, either sex.j may earn SIOO and upwards monthly' cci responding for newspapers; sls to j S2O weekly in spare time; experience! unnecessary; no canvassing. Send foi l particulars. Northern Press Syndicate, Lockport. N. Y. WANTED—Man and wife to live) with an elderly lady as companion; j all privileges; must furnish own! board. Appty 927 Grand St. WANTED —Canvassers. If you want to make $25 to $35 per week, call 410 Putriot Bldg. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Experinced salesmen every community to place shares of clean Northwest Burkburnett Texas! Oil Company. Eight leases—three near! largest wells. Interview. Address Broker, care Telegraph. SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn S2.DUO to JIO.COC yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced. City or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. Dept. 603, Chicago. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS, salesmen, a new Ford car free or S4OO in cash for selling only tifty automobile tires. Dauphin Agency. 274 Pine. Millersburg, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED—By colored man. posi tion as janitor. Inquire J. W. Whiting, 654 Piimrose St. ACCOUNTANT desires evening work; handling small set of books; installing systems; preparing state ments or auditing. Address Box No. L-8506 care Telegraph. WANTED —Porter or butler or bell : boy <an furnish references. Address Box L-8214 care Telegraph. j SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WOMAN wishes day's work of any kind. Apply 21 S. 13th St. 1 WANTED —By country girl 16 years l 0( age. general housework in small re liable family. Apply 1022 Paxton St. — i SCHOOL girl would like light house work; can furnish good reference. I Call Bell 908 J. •} WHITE woman wants housework;' no ccoklng; sleep home. Address j ; W-237 care Telegraph. i WANTED —General housework i>y| j the day or week by colored woman. Inquire 1223 Monroe St. WANTED —General housework by colored woman. Apply 405 Lincoln St., Steelton. Pa. WANTED Middle aged white woman with child wishes to keep house for widower, Inquire 254 Myers j St . Steelton. ! YOUNG colored girl wishes light Ihousewoik and to help with children. I Can furnish reference. Address 662 | Calder St. 4Contlnucd In Next Column) ] SITUATIONS WAN TED—FEMALE ' WANTED Reliable school girl wants light housework after school, !no objection to helping care with ehil- Idren. can furnish good references, ln ) quire C-62 Calder St. • ROOMS FOR RENT . j KOR lIIONT —Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveni 'enoes. Apply 500 Market St. I- , ' KOR RENT Two unfurnished | rooms for light housekeeping; use of J bath and phone. Call Bell 15U4M. j FOR RENT—Three rooms, electric land gas. use of bath. Inquire 421 ] Forster St. or Bell phor.e 3224 R. I ! FOR RENT —Furnished front room, all conveniences, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Inquire 268 Cumber lla nd St. FOR RENT —Two desirable unfur nished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, centrally located, heat, gas and bath. Apply after 5 p. m. 1 1207 '/. Dorry St. * j FOR RENT Three unfurnished | rooms for light housekeeping, ail con veniences. newly papered and painted, second floor, light and heat furnished, rent reasonable. Inquire 1401 Eiberty Street. FOR RENT Furnished room on second floor; all conveniences. In quire 714 Capital St. NICER V furnished. clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 South Third street. HOI'SEKEKPING rooms with com municating kitchenette, large airy | outside; strickly private; stoves fur bished free; laundry, phone and bath 1 room privileges; weekly payments; j daily inspection invited. 429 Broad St. j WANTED—Three rooms with bath; 'centrally located; furnished or unfur i nished. Address Box E-8216 care Telegraph. THREE congenial men can secure a comfortable and pleasaiv homo 1 good neighborhood, centrallv located Pi ivate suite, second floor, bed rooms | library and bath. Also third floor ! front room, well furnished for a .gentleman. Apply to Housing Bureau iHarrisburg Chamber of Commerce j Room 205, Dauphin Building. ] FOR RENT—Second floor front 1 room, furnished, all conveniences, in cluding bath and use of telephone. Call Bell phone 337 R. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room; all conveniences and good lo cation; gentlemen only. Apply 324 N. Second St. FOR RENT—One or two nicely fur nished bed rooms with private bath; jail modern conveniences; use of j phone. Inquire 815 North 17th St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with hot and cold water; all conveniences. Inquire 200 S. Front St., Steelton or Dial 9459. ! FURNISHED bachelor apartment ; front; suitable for two gentlemen' 'separate beds; steam heat; electric 'lights; tath; use of phone; rent rea sonable. Dial 4990 or Dayton Cycle Co 912 N. Third St. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Second storv apart ment October 1; 5 rooms, bath, city steam heat; hot water; for adults only. Inquire at 127 Pine St., first | floor. 1 FOR RENT—Two new apartments 1 for cclored people; hot and cold ; water. Inquire D. J. Horwitz, 1201 Monroe St. Bell 4748 R. APARTMENT'S WANTED WANTED—To rent unfurnished housekeeping apartment or several rooms and private bath in refined surroundings. Bell 1581R or 1723 Foi'ster St. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I On Saturday, the 20th day of Sep- Iteinher. 1919, the undersigned will sell ;her farm, known as the Bonner Farm, 'situated in township. Adams County, Pa., along the public road Heading from Stambaugh's Mill to Deardorff's Mill and about two miles 'northeast of York Springs, adjoining lands of Joseph Lerew, Harry Brough 'and George Kinter. containing about I 240 acres, improved with two-story I large brick house with slate roof. ] large bank barn in good condition . with three barn floors, wagon shed, | corn cribs, hog pen and other necee- I sary out buildings, with running water' in the barnyard and a stream of water flowing through the land. About 40 acres of this farm is In , chestnut and oak timber, the balance 01' the farm is tillable land in fine fertile condition. About one-half of the tillable land of the farm is chestnut flint and well I adapted to the production of fruit; the balance of it Is known as red land and Is fertile and productive. Sale to be held on the premises at 1.30 o'clock p. m. when attendance will be given and terms made known J by Delilah Myers. | CORNER property for sale; now vacant: 16th and State Sta.; all im provements; brick garage on lot. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses In every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street.. THREE mercantile bulldlnga. well located In growing business sections. Prices right and terms to suit. D. A. Caley. 702 Kunkel Bldg. Bell 689. (Continued In Next Column! ( REAL ESTATE IXJK SALE | . i "IF IT'S RLAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" MOVE AT ONCE ' STATE ST.. 1131—NEW: VACANT: 3-story stucco, nine rooms and bath, steam heat: gas and electricity; front, and rear porches; balcony and roof garden; cement cellar; the best of lo cation for a rooming house; SSOO cash; , balance in monthly payments. 17TH AND PAXTON STS.—NEW; i VACANT; 214-story; six rooms and bnth; hardwood floors; steam heat; gas ami electricity; front and rear porches; side entrance, with a nice bis yard; can be bought with a small amount down; balance same as rent. j SWATARA ST.. 1856—VACANT; six ! rooms and bath; all improvements; [newly painted and papered; In A 1 con dition; nice front and back porches; ,good size yard back to a 20-foot drive iway; $l5O cash; balance same as rent. | DERRY ST.. 2143—3-story brick; |0 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; all modern improvements; nice front land back porches; cement cellar; a I ; very nice home; can be bought with > SSOO cash. D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Building . I 36 NORTH THIRD ST. I Bell 1290. Dial 3513 i ; ; FOR SALE—2S State Road. North i Uiverton. 214-story frame dwelling ■containing 6 rooms and bath, cemeni :ed cellar, water, gas and electric 'lights. Lot 1714x150. stable and work shop. Price S2BOO. i For Sale—lßoß Derry St., 2 44-story frame dwelling. 11 rooms and bath, ail modern improvements, including steam heat, front and side porch. Lot 30x130. For Sale —311 and 343 Brook St.. Harrisburg. Pa.. 3-story frame, 8 ! rooms and bath, water and range. | Frice for pair S3OOO. 1 I For Sale —214-story frame, single dwelling located on Market St., Camp i Hill, containing 9 rooms, bath and pantry, all modern improvements, lot ! 60x173. shrubbery and fruit trees, large garage, immediate possession. Price $7500. For Sale—At Camp Hill, 2 44-story frame, single dwelling, containing 6 rooms, bath, all modern improve ments. lot 50x185. garage and chicken house. Price S3BOO. ; For Sale—At Camp Hill, 2 44-story brick, single dwelling, containing 8 rooms and bath, cemented cellar, fin ished in chestnut, all modern Im ptcvemcnts. including steam heat, hardwood floors down stairs, posses sion slicrt notice. Price $6500, BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Sts. j_ i ATTENTION. BFILDERS We have several plots of land at I i I'axtang. suitable for building opera i tions. Prices right. I i Locations none better. Purchasers, I for homes plentiful. ROHRER & SON, 211 Bergner Building. Real Estate and General Insurance. FOR SALE Possession 30 days: 3-story blick, all imp. 700 block State St. drive alley. 3-story brick, all improve ments, drive alley, 200 block, N. 15th St. 32 S. 2Sth St. Penbrook, 2 1 4- story frame, large lot, gar age. chicken house, possession ; at once. Price $2,550, SI,OOO cash. South 29th St.. Penbrook, 2 44- story frame, all imp., lot 18x 190. Price $2,350. SSOO cash, balance 6 per cent. 2505 Camby St., Penbrook, all improvements. Price $2,500. 8-room brick, new, near Pen brook, large lot, chicken and hog house. Price $3,500. 3-st.ory brick, all imp.. Wood bine St., $3,300. 3-story brick, all imp.. Mc- Clay St. $4,500. 2-story brick, all imp., Sylcan Terrace, $4,000. CHARLES DAVIES, Real Estate. Rents Collected 1549 State cor. 16t'n Dial 4930 Bell 4162R FOR SALE Possession at once. A beautiful home located on White Hall street, scenic view, facing Reservoir Park. ' near golf links and tennis grounds. I Trolley service at the door. Corner lot ! 83x129 ft. House, 12 rooms, brown- i stone and brick construction, three I stories, porches, hedge fences and I shrubbery* Concrete walks and cellar, ! hot water heat, hardwood finish | throughout, built 1912. Would cost to build tc-day $25,000 to $30,000. Will sell for less than original cost of building. Two-thirds can remain at 544 Per cent. If interested will gladly show you this property. CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State Street, Bell 147CW. Dial 4930 | I • FOR SALE—A fine 3-story brlclc | housn with improvements; electric ] light; porches and side entrance in ' good uptown district. Fine brick house on good street up town with 4 rooms on second and third floors; porches and side en trance; good rooming house; posses sion soon. A. W. Swengel, 2131 North Second St. Bell 2575 J. SIXTH ST. —172(h—We are offering this dwelling at a reduced figure, 10- rooms and tile bath room, lot- 16x108, drive alley on rear, gas and electric, laundry with set tubs in cellar, hard wood floors, finished in oak through out. hot water heat, possession Oct. 1. Must be seen to be appreciated. Apply LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN, Patriot Building. FOR SALE—3O6 and 308 Lewis St., New houses, will be completed by October 1. 244-story brick, slate roof, front and back porches, balcony, 7 rooms, bath, first floor finished in hardwood, steam heat, splendid view to river, fruit trees in bearing, hedge fence price reasonable. Will sell on terms if desired. D. E. Lewis Real Es state and Insurance 303 Lewis St. FOR SALE—B-room house, all im provements; A 1 condition; 10-fo-it drive alley. Bargain to quick buytr if sold before October 1. Bell 1061 M. WHITEHALL ST.. 1811—For sale; brick residence; eleven rooms and bath; steam heat; all other improve ments; hardwood floors. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. rioFFER ST.. 2307— F0r sale; brick and stucco bungalow; seven rooms and bath; hot water heat; other Im provements. Bell Realty Co., Bergiier Building. ■Cssfisurd In Neat Column) SEPTEMBER 17, 1919. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—Two lots on 32d Street near Brisban, Paxtang, 20x120 feet each; line location; price reasonable if sold within thirty days. Address Box L-5217 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—3-story frame house; 8 rooms and bath; steam heat; on rear of lot 2-story brick house with conveniences. Will sell these two for I $1,600. Apply Samuel Plough, 256 : Crescent St. FOR SALE 1911 Susquehanna; 3-story brick; S rooms; bath; front and back porches. 2011 Susquehanna; 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; front and back porches; possession soon after thereof. 220" Logan St., 214-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, front and back porches. • I 3024 N. Third St.; 2H-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; gas and electric lights; front and back porches. 306-308 Lewis St.t 2%-story brick; I new house; 8 rooms and bath; posses sion October 1. D. E. LUCAS, j Real Estate and Ins. 303 Lewis St. |. FOR SALE—62S, 627 and 633 Gea:y I street. Three-story brick dwellings. ;; all improvements, porch fronts. Will Ibe sold separately or as a group, i Small payment and mortgage can be ; arranged for balance. Will be sold ■ cheap to quick purchasers. Unusually ! attractive proposition as an invest j I went or for those seeking a comfor . 1 table home in desirable section. Ad -1 ; dress for further particulars. J. P. Mo [ Icullough, care Telegraph. Harrisburg. FOR SALE Three-story brick ' warehouse; 11-incli walls; elevator ! size building and lot, 33x85 feet; cur iner property; built in 1911; located in ' louO block, near Sixth St. Price only I $4,300. Charles Da vies, 1519 State at Bell 1476 W. Dial 4930. For Sale—Camp Hill, S. Main St i pair of modern 2 V4-story frame dwell . ings, including electricity. Lots 20x140 feet. May be had at a bargain. Cash offer wanted. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Mar . j ket St. !! For Sale—Derry St.—No. 1817—Do j tached frame cottage house; steam heat; electric light and hardwood •'doors; lot 35x150 feet. An ideal home ■| J. K. Gipple. 1251 Market St. j For Sale—N. 17th St.—No. 82, 8- I room brick house with all improve iiments. In very good repair. Price ■ j $3,800. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market St. FOR SALE NOW VACANT 1194 Bailey Street; 3-sßory trick; 8 rooms and bath; all improvements; cemented cel lar. Price $2,500 • C. O. BACKENSTOSS, Owner. Bell ' Bell 701 3077J FOR SALE 1118 N. Second Street, brick dwell | ing, nine rooms and bath. J 823 S. Front Street, frame dwelling. I 1614 N. Fifth Street, three-story 1 frame dwelling, with improvements, I ten looms and bath. I IWest Fairview property, located on Third street, two and one-half frame dwelling. I ■ Inquire of HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, ! 16 South Second St., Hariisburg, Pa. I CAMP HILL, cor. Lincoln and Lo | cust Sts., semi-bungalow, 7 rooms and bath, lot 59x156, gas and electric, va por vacuum heat, fruit trees, porches front and side. An extra lot 59x156 is included in the sale, all for one price. An extraibig bargain. Apply, LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN, ' Patriot Building. HOMES for colored families. 244- story frame with gas, electric lights, bath, front and back porch; good: chicken house; lot 22x115; house newly papered and painted, will ac ! cept monthly payments. Send for our llist. Lincoln Realty Co., 1129 North; 7th Street. | FOR SALE—One of the finest homes iri Highspire, right in the business 'section, 15 rooms, brick, solid walnut sash, French plate glass, suitable for bank or other business. Rent $lO per month. Will sell for almost half of what it would cost to build or will ex change for a good farm. Inquire W. J. Reeves. 224 Market St., Highspire, Pa Dial 9fol. FOR SALE—Vacant 10 room, single brick house, 1600 block Derry St • I good location for a store. Dial 6236." ! for SALE or rent, house and ba-n I lon two acres of ground, 2% miles' ! northeast of Harrisburg. east of Wild-i 'wood Park near Schultz's Mill; also, !l7 acre, field and mountain land north jof Linglestown. Apply M. K. Seifert 213 Broad-St. FOR SALE NOW VACANT; MOVE IN 1509 Green street to-morrow; 3- storv brick, improvements; 8 rooms land bath, front and rear porches, easy j terms; no dealers. Address M. E. M., j care Te'egraph. FOR SALE—Any person wishing a 'corner plot' 40x100 feet in Cloverly I Heights at a pre-war price, call at 125 North 15th St. APARTMENT HOUSE, Fc-rster St. between Second and Third Sts. Garage in rear. Bargain if sold by December 1. 1919. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 N. Second St. Room 10. Bell phone 3057J GREEN STREET. 1500 BLOCK 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; all Improvements; now vacant; immediate possession. LOUIS B. COHEN, 31 N. Second St. Room 10. Bell phone 3057J FOR SALE —Possession at once, Co lumbia Road near Y. M. C. A. bldg., I Enola. 3-story frame house, stearn heat, bath, electric light. S4OO cash, balance easy terms. Charles Davies. 1549 State St., Harrisburg. Bell 1476 W. Dial 4930. BELLEVUE ROAD. 1950. 2-story brick, all improvements, cosy home, owner leaving city; chance for quick buyer. Geo. W. Jacobs. 17 N. Third St. Bell 1539. FOR SALE—Desirable Paxtang cor ner property; 9 rooms and bath; gas; electric light; furnace; corner Bris ban and Swan streets; possession within thirty days; also other Pax tang property. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Bldg. 4Continued la Next Columnl REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j : < r> FOR SALE—Elegant suburban prop* erty, 8 rooms, brick and stucco dwells j ing, all modern improvements, hard ; wood floors, large porches, tiled batts • ; room, high elevation, view of the. e ' | river, city and mountains. Lot 155x1 .1265; 56 bearing fruit trees, garaga| . ; abundance of shrubbery. , 1 BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Agents. Second and Walnut Sts. *• 1 4 i, NORTH Sixteenth; 9 room brick*, i gas; electricity; hot water; steaml : heat; brick garage on premises;: streets paved front and rear; school I nearby. E. T. Selig, 920 North Stx-i l teenth. VACANT House For Sale—734 South! 26th St near Derry, stucco over brick construction, all improvements, including steam heat. Bell Realty Co J Bergner Bldg. ' 1*""* Real Estate For Sale—Suburban f r l a^ R c^en h hTu e se; ,s?£ . i 97V C h a^[ a n r reu e t 8 S f t r0 n m ea I ?Tr^ UrK — -*< FOR SALE ; 04U 1 properties, possession soon., 246 Pine Street. cor. 4th. 9-rooni frame, all improvements, room fun tfeVms. 6 sl '° oo cash " balance easy * 1244I 244 P'ne St.. 9-room frame, posses-, ' ixen h°i 1 ranKe * ss> and elect., I SBU> cash, balance can stand at 6 per* • cent. w 1 CHARLES DAVIES. Agt., "I 1549 State St j I Bell 4162R ' Dialm(> | REAIi ESTATE FOR RENT •i O F . OR RENT—Cottage at Perdlx from ■ i September 1; furnished up-to-date 'l ? y s rt '' ab ' e P eo Ple need apply to i ! l.ouis. 411 N. Third St ,J REAL ESTATE WANTED > I I n.I.MiAeJ 1° rent a hou "e in good neighborhood or I will buy if terms are satisfactory. Must be in' good c™- - jo"'on. Bell 1581R o r 1723 Forster St ,V •j, READY buyers, list your farm ami , I houses with me. M. Zoll, Real Estate and Insurance, Steelton. Dial. J HAVE BUYERS— List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler Real Es Street 1 " 1 Insurance * 1002 North Third FARMS _ I s*? FARMS AND LAND FOR . 12-acre truck farm with buildincs ss°ooo R a^ enbr ° e ok ' ,t - 000 cash - Pr * $5,090. Balance 6 per cent, mortgage ■I, 18j acres with buildings. 7 miles from Hbg $4,000 cash. Price SMOO i Balance % per cent, mortgage. I 110-aere farm, close to West Fair -1- , w * srood buildings. $5,000 cash I 6 ""per cent. 00 ' Balance first mortgage llJ"„ aac r e , f -^ m ' close to Steelton. good' , bldgs. sl,ooo cash. Price $3,800. I Also 17-acre truck farm, very pro ductive. 6 room fiouse, good spring i Va -r?rt' W0 m ". es west ot Enola. Prico, M j s_..>('o. Possession soon. ■ 4 ~£ cr Z fa V ms * running water, close to Penbrook. fine home sitesl, I truck and fruit soil. $1,400 each ; CHARLES DAVIES, | Farms and City Homes 4 ■ u,i 1549 Pta te Street j Ee " 4126R Dial 1930 j 96-acrd farm, 10 miles N. E. Hb(T I level, good bldgs., fruit, creek water' Will sell stock and toois. 1 ' ' I 75-acre farm, 2V4 miles N. Hbg., 8 '•room brick house, all city imp., in .beautiful lawn, large barn P 30-acrc farm. 5 miles N. Hbg 8- | room house, stable, etc., 6-acre wood : land, 100 fruit trees, will sell or trade on city property, one mile to trollev R. R. and State road. y ' IC-acrc farm, 2t4 miles N. Hbg. creek water. 16-acro farm, 2%-miles N. Hbg, good bldgs. 5-acre farm near West Fairview 4 steam heat and electricity. I 45-acre farm, 8 miles S. Hbg., good : buildings. j 150-acre farm, Ift miles S. Lewis , berry, very cheap. ■| 75-acre farm, one mile to New Cum ; berlr.na. 1 C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green SL Bell phone, 560 J. I SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three 'to ten miles from city Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER. ' jd 3722 GREEN STREET. ™ Bell 660-J. i FOR SALE—9S-acre farm; 75 acres ' j clear, 9 in good state of cultivation I good buildings, all the best kind of implements, all crops. 4 tons of hay, | wheat, corn and potatoes, stock 12 ihtad of cattle, 2 horses, 2 mules, hogs jand poultry. Price $7,200. 107 Chestnut iSt. near Front St. FOR SALE—7S-acre farm. Price j $4,500. Rich sandy quality. Inquire of H. M. Hartz, Real Estate Broker, Pal : myra, Pa. .FARM—96 acres of level limestone land; fine producer. Brick house; bank barn. Well of never falling water. Lo cated ten miles from Harrisburg in Cumberland county. For further de scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of •* the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es tate. at 13 N. Fourth street Harris- ™ burg. Pa. FOR SALE —100-acre farm, also stock if desired. Possession November 1; 3 miles northeast of Harrisburg Further Information apply 1700 N Second st. 42-acre farm; 10 room house and good bank barn; very good eoll; one half cash; price $3,100. 107 Chestnut near Front St. DAIRY farm for sale. Apply to William Schultz. Pine Grove, Schuyl kill county, Pa. 7 ~ FARMS WANTED i WANTED —To buy good farm not too far from city; state lowest price | and terms in first letter. Address H-8244 care Telegraph. Offices and Store Rooms for Rent FOR RENT Third floor. No. 302 Market- Street, above Claster's Jew elry Store, has been used by Kellberg as studio for the past ten years; desirable en- trance; easy stairs. "W-, Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers