STORE CLOSES r| rjr* JID .m-m STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX ■ 11. 1901 *356 UNITED _____ HARRISBURG. M6.\DAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1010. FOUNDED Uffl I Authentic Fashions In N "° Ck """ : a " 4 B "" n By Being IFell 'Dressed i And Mark Tapley would say that there teas -J f , more credit in making oneself good looking than I I 1 I | * | JLNew Undersilks ! We were never better ready than now to help , ==========—————— _______________ v I our customers to good looks, good style, good •>Trc/ 0n(l ctcrytlunp <l>e t,mt IS 00(i map Models of rare beauty admirably express the mode for Fall and Early Winter. These to ch of silk to the skin! produces the combina- The time when possession of the new things COatS embody and anticipate fashions everywhere. Very beautiful indeed, are the un r sal emand Si 1 kUn de "gar me nt S° "tli en "too! is most gratifying to oneself and most impres- more elaborate COatS, with COUlltleSS innovations of sleeve and shoulder lines. Many ]t V s WC !' kn ° wn that the added durability of silk sire to ones friends is JUST A LITTLE BE- - . , . , _ . , . . . J makes these luxurious garments little more expen- FORE EVERYBODY ELSE HAS THEM. are llir tnmm ea with choicest pelts, while others show original designs in em- s,y e th <™ cotton. We have gathered many advance collections broidery. hMnfv IT garments -the new models the new i tt w tl l *l j i i J ! beauty effects—make a fascinating exhibit which all of It ear-1 lungs, to have them ready for people iii pi.i.ii r ■ women will eniov seeino who want to be first, and we are sure you'll en- An st Y les are gathered here, from the simple tailored coats for sports, or practical snk Jersey J. c > ts jn and flegh; piaJn joy seeing them at the earliest opportunity. Service to the SUIIiptUOUS Wrap Suitable for special occasions. I ed and embroidered styles; $2.98 to $6.98. ——————J _ t | Silk bloomers, full cut reinforced in flesh, white, tThe fashionable slender lines are admirably expressed CWw g ra } khaki, navy, sand, black, purple and emerald; in a model of Deer Velour; button trimmed and adorned $3.50 to $6.50. with very large Hudson Seal collar, $75.00. to*ss9B un * on su ' ts ' ' n es h an d white; $3.98 A particular charming model of Peachbloom in a var- Pettibockers in a large variety of colors; flesh, iety of colorings is made on straight lines with pleats down toby \| white khaki, sand, beetroot, purple, brown, black back and front; narrow belt and large collar, $89.50 kf/j /. and gray; $8.98 and $9.98 6 ¥/'/ I Jersey camisoles in flesh; tailored models; A Brown Frostglow on flare lines is handsomely fin- W / / ill $1.98. ished by a large beaver collar and buttons, $165.00. JJJ BOWMAN s—second Floor. All the glorious new Autumnal colorings are fea- jn AhUßill A IP7JDPKt StvlPS in tured and the materials are luxuriously mindful of Hi " ' winter, comprising: V-S ' ■ D J SmifC Caledonia Bokhara Frost Glow Peachbloom 1 1 ! /t. j /-. T7 r> j II I' .HH Chameleon Cypress Evora Cascade 17 j a B|gif The continued growth of Tinsel Tone Silvertone J elour Bolivia I u BvH —jj—x our shoe business we believe Polo Sparklecloth Art Seal Lambtex i | \ j s f that we In Colors of:— \ |jm| C keep our old friends, while Ruby PompeinTitian Beaver Navy i W in the authenticity and 6 The Morocco Deer Brown Oxford "-AjJr lj|T Ift |[ j| f I newness of our styles at- Anzac Sable Pekin Black pyS T\ COCTZjOD traCt * "lj k While Dragon Fly louse /; j U IHSII 17 we are to be.depended upon Sizes 16 to 48; $75.00 to $250.00 \ F Pumps \flll be more pop- BOWMAN-s— Third Floor. hf ular this fall than last.They give the foot a trim, dressy ' / * - 1 appearance and when colder days come you a<itl 1 -*T 7" i i TT" • Crx IT t j I for comfort and service. Brusnco VVoOI Knittccj kJ ra yibnameiea Pumps in brown and black calfskin with leather — Ware military heels; $8.50. or Sncriallv Prirpd Black Kidskin opera pumps; S9.(XX Scarfs ! rnCcu Patent Colt opera pumps; $9.50. I at ( y h I ( ) All with hand turned soles and Louis XV heels. _ . ! ' i \ (7ti V / Newest Fall Shades in Spats; $3.50 and $4.00. i It s a new fashion—these p >. j -j&EFfm, BOYYMAN-S— Main Floor. brushed wool and knitted ! ' > I wj&i XMp Georgette Blouses iCfUL the sports suit and the larger llf UHI I belted models may serve well iIH jfAjjPi (, IM IbB m| I and fashionably as a substi- II /£: Mf-, Smart, new models with pleated frills, round necks, \ tute tor t^ie sweater - here- a^so Tuxedo collars. Some with embroidery, braid j iSlEfe i ever -* OU New fork's llllnix. i n g s i ace e dging—in fact, almost every desirable I j Fifth Avenue and where id) i ijfl I i u\VUp*P style in all preferred shades. Also dark and light j smart dressers assemble you yj (/ with self and contrasting collars -11 see 'hese scarfs. I Compare them, if you wish, with any you see and e ,iave t kem in solid colors . SWT Ii 3 I you will admit that they are very special value at str 'P es > a l so t he different This means a big i 'j $4,79. shades of leather, Oxfords, Navy, saving on each piece. J BOWMAN-s -Third Floor. WmNimr blacks, beaver and natural alpaca, i There is only a variety Modeled to Fit 1 fflnK i n 75 W to h sn n 7? and priced from ' bowman's Third Floor. a large, useful piece To take their place as part of the cooler season's and is all-perfect and costume of heavier fabrics the new hand bags appear an exceptional value g iLJI A >n velvet. Unusual and attractive are the new shapes. -jj rni t ~k r t at | B Some with velvet covered or metal frames with tassels /J If / hat IS N(AZ2J Til w^se American & M. m MBM -i ii M j n a variety of shapes. All are beautifully silk lined deceived—the time is Many charming designs, $3.50, $5.25, $7.50, $8.50 Trimtntnrrc past when the house- FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN t0515.98. JL/l A 1 keeper can long be ( •——— A new arrival in hand bags is the Aviation Bag. g persuaded that sec- i ( No it does not fly, but it goes rapidly when you once . . .... on< T third or fourth- The lines of ATHENA Under- • see it. The beauty of these bags appeal to every one Ihe ti imming section is doing a tremendous busi- grade enamel ware, wear are the lines of the woman's who sees them. They can be carried in the hand or ness these days, pa. tly because lashion says fringe aluminum ware and I J figure as naturally modeled as S k suspended from, or across shoulder. The handle safe must play an lmpoi tant part on the newest frocks and galvanized ware are ■ m the lines of the form itself ■ I guards the accidental opening of the bag. We have blouses, and largely because the greatest care is ex- to all practical pur- B H B I wo styles in black; the square and oblong. These ercised m the selection of the most desirable. Fringe poses as good as the p B Tsjrjf-p t-U,, crrikino- mnf-rucr IB bags are fitted with coin purse and mirror, in all varying widths, dainty lace, tassels and braids. best. This lot consists & B ATUSTA contrast DC- ■ B Come in and see them. All these new goods are of Bowman's usual standard of tween AI HEN A and ordinary BOWMANS— Main Floor quality. 14-qt. Dish Pans H H underwear, as shown in the illus- B B Plain fringe in different widths, 18 and 27 inches; Cooking Ket- trationsof Women S Underwear. j Silk StOCklflffS sl*3s black fringe used as a tunic; $7.50 and $10.95 yd. es . Cascade fringe in different widths; 69c to $1.39 yd. tle 4 s " q with 00 lon| haT """""" Are" HeJc 'rZT'U" Da™' Fine assortment of women's first quality silk stock- A big assortment of tassels in silk and chenille in a J ings of medium weight with lisle top and foot. An great variety of shades; 8c to $1.25 each. 8-qt. Pre se r ving unusual value in high grade silk stockings in black, Dead tassels and drops and pendants; 20c to $1.25 Kpttles \ rffSFlli white and colors; $1.35 pair. pnrb y" BOWMAN'S—Main Floor each - Double Rice \ Tailor braids in navy, brown, taupe and beaver; or Cereal Boilers 20 ni yd i. •> k -j• uu m on . t q l' w a . K p"? Z±m Children's Stockings 55c Black tailor braid in assorted widths; 10c to 89c yd. 8-qt. Water Pails BB Q Soutache braid of excellent quality in every desir- 3-qt. Strainer Sauce Medium heavy ribbed children's stockings, double able shade; 12 yd. pieces; 35c piece. Paris, with dome knee and reinforced heel and toe. This is our leader MC_V. . :over. ... in children's stockings. Black only; 55c pair. BOW MAX S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Basement ~ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor 11 BOWMAN'S—MaIa Floor MONDAY!" EVENING, BXRRIBBURG TETJEGR^JPH SEPTEMBER 15, 1919. 1 3
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