'' ' '"' '''' '* v ''''' ''' *' ** * " "'' . ** L £ t jw 1 PLANT No. I—Capacity 10,000 tires a day—concentrated on large tire, cord* 8 : jfe Jy®®®®®®®® ,pj>Tv' . -f I n<l truck tires. Manufacturers technical college* uc it, at an example 1 jj' ~~ '' ; ®nL 0 B!. M. r^^^^STONETARK I^,,^!^Xpr^l '?} Vy : P? HOLDERS In the Company. They have a financial IM'<W( mi 31 ? I||£ f PP^tJM 5 fl "I -. eflTt Xi j^M^^r~S^^jaU|,MW T " r TI •**—S -fee. NT 11? **lPll communit y- Firestone men own their own homes. |i ft F-122 interest in every Firestone customer. Better tires Igffjfc V( fi %"T lLp£P ff " .ruHi 1 i ll V Jiu-. id. }.■%&& , ig tev. ? M|g They put more into their work because they are |f | f '"•an more customers. You get the benefit of the Xj ffl ® jMftt ] jCJ' IT||^lf 1 , jljr '•11 | jg getting more out of it. You benefit in extra miles |^ P i* ncw P' ant P' ant No. 1 gives Firestone largest tire capacity in America. Builds g 'rf fw |Bs9 ||M * 11®t1 \—. Ej B | the most nearly perfect 3V£-inch tire constructed and saves from 10% to 30% on | j(j. fM KS3 IU " | j i", • ) ■,! J flj|j|w g | BRANCH HOUSES in j FIRESTONE CLUBHOUSE-Another ? 3 \ * | EIRESTONE PARK BANK-Eire.tone f^ 523^' i .I.p in the Firestone buildinu of an | .ng 42.000 F'"* 4 ""; ) • ? a_-g make, saving easy and alluring. And | S organisation that can do things better S dealers, and wlde dls- I Firestone ha. established a Free In.ur- 9 j thon others. Firestone advantage. P. tnbut.on economically V - ___ ance Fund. Men with assured future. 5 | attract and hold the best men. j 7 // l 3 Y ° U S ISte a m Fu-estone Tiroa. . \ / / I r^,.r-e.-c^Yt'<tlWTV^^ V ♦ ' / ® \ FABRIC MILL—To insure the mmoßmm*r jfegy g MS EtfcjM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers