Pulpit to Voice Welcome to Returned Soldier' Boys New Cumberland, Sept. s.—Serv ices at Trinity United Brethren Church on Sunday will be in keep ing with the Home Coming week. The Rev. A. R. Ayres, the pastor, will preach on appropriate subjects Saturday Will be a Busy Day Here Selling Fall Merchandise P Children's New Fall Sweaters ~ 11 W k UFMA fel | Women's Flannelette Gowns II 98c to $4.95 Ini Just in time for these cool mornings and evenings shown in a number of MS tfli ■■ ■■ MIM—II n>™ III.IJIIIJ .MI _LJ L B Women's Flannelette Gowns, with or without collars, in plain white and neat pretty styles. —in solid colors and combinations sizes'for children of 2to years. Ip ■ I [l7 8 cj tf 11 111 P* Fllfffl. Ti ftf *1 jj ami" b ii^ ! T tr ' Pe<i paUe ' ns ~ a " fu " cut ' perfect| y Hntalled Sarments—in regular And Now For the Fall Garments Hundreds of the most stunning fall suits, dresses and coats for women and misses at Underselling Prices on Saturday. ' Our preparations for this fall are on the largest scale we have ever made. It is well to select your new fall garments early. /f ~ /}' \\c chose our tall lines at the earliest possible moment, thereby assuring us of delivery and at the same time providing for you (( the biggest assortment of fall garments at popular prices you wil 1 find in Harrisburg. ' The New Fall Suits Are Charming jßm) { *• "" 1W" tM on- women's aiM misses' suits et poplar priees. Wo do not be- B^/0 / i .. y °" anywhere in Harrisburg suits of this character for so little monev. Not only do S ' W6 ° these extremely fine values, but we have plenty of variety from which to choose, thus making Wk /MmmWtenim \ > ; our purchase here satisfactory from every angle. The materials in these suits are American Woolen V M-\ W V l iH any ' 8 P °r >ll ! 1 ' Woo > Serge, Men's Wear Serge, Siivertone, Tineeltone, Velour, Tricotine and Mixtures. W/ E&7 new shades are represented with plenty of navy blue and black. ) P?** |M UuK fAllurini Styles in New Fail Dresses uMM i 1 J ls' ##s l9' sos 2s' ooand It t A \u,° previoUß ~ aß ° n ,mve we shown so many styles in Dresses are going to be verv ,l> popular this season. The materials among this showing are Serge. Tricotine Satin Charmeuse BHUBMp V ' Uaalette and Tricolette. The season's most attraClve shades arerepresentedwithr.ien tvf Z mmmtL ,o r s - ThC anrt ? aneial liai * of these dresses are away above Uie average' tnd represent W MSml $ BBwlslr va 'ues unapproachable anywhere else at these prices. represent MHHH Ir of New Fall Coats ~ " 18 a , easy matter for you to select your new fall We have hundreds of coats IB in the seasons best materials such us Velour. Siivertone. Silvertlp, Bolivia, Tinseltone. Frostglow V f pet, I 010 and Kersey Cloth. In every new model that is worth having. ' p f New Fall Millinery Ready at Popular Prices tliv^ng^h^Wggcs't Sli.HTv'lalues'lftown l"dF* Wh ,° f wish to ct ) ncw 1 ha . ts with . th ,7 lvits to sell -it popular prices nuiimcry \aiucs in town we have had trimmed for us two hundred remarkable $3.98, $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 Beautiful New Fall Waists Hundreds of tlic choicest styles shown this season will he ready on Saturday at the most attractive prices. For quality, style, workmanship and assortments you will find no better values in waists in all of I larrisburg. Make your selections on Saturday. New Georgette Waists $£.95 All the new fall shades, such as Navy, Gray, Bisque, " Black, White and Flesh, in l,ace, Embroidery and Beaded Models, with or with collars, in round, square and V-necks, all sizes, :i to 4f>. f Pretty Voile $1.45 Waists l = White and colored novelties, in a wonderful assortment of styles, plain tailored and trimmed models —all perfect fitting and full cut. Crepe de Chine & $0.95 Georgine Waists White and flesh colors, plain and embroidery trimmed, shown in sev eral pretty styles, full cut, well made, sizes 36 to 46, New Fall Hosiery Ready Big Assortments for Women and Children 350 Pairs Women's Cot- IQ. Children's ltihlied OO ton Hose, Pair A7C Stockings, Pair Women's Black Cotton Seam- 3 Pairs for 070 less Hose, double sole and heel, | 300 pairs children's ribbed garter top, first quality. black cotton Hose, reinforced 350 Pairs Women's Silk CO. heel and toe, good quality, med- Hose, Pair j um W eight, sizes 5 to 7>^. Women's Fiber Silk Hose, Girls' Kibbcd _ seamless, fashioned feet, double Stockings, Pair Ot'C sole and heel, garter tops, lirst 3 Pairs for SI.OO quality, in white, champagne, 250 pairs girls' ribbed black gray and taupe. cotton Hose, reinforced heel 300 Pairs Women's (51 At? and toe, line quality, sizes Bto Silk Hose, Pair 1 3 %. Women's Thread Silk Hose, Boys' Ribbed A q mock seam, fashioned feet, lisle Stockings, Pair IOC reinforced toe and heel, garter- 350 pairs boys' heavy ribbed tops, lirst quality, in black, cor- black cotton Hose, reinforced dovan, navy, silver gray, field sole and heel, made of best mouse. quality yarn and recommended 150 Pairs Women's tbl QC for wear, sizes 7to 11. Silk Hose, Pair .. " Girls' Fine Ribbed cq 150 pairs Women's Black Stockings, Pair OI7C Thread Silk Hose, heavy qual- 200 pairs girls' fine ribbed ity, full length boot, mock Silk Lisle Hose, reinforced heel seam, fashioned feet, silk lisle and toe, in wihte, black ami garter top, first quality. brown, sizes 7 to 8V&. " ZZKimfmnn'M- Klrwt FRIDAY EVENING, at 10.30 and 7.30. The vacation season is over and the Junior and Senior Endeavor Societies will meet at the regular time on Sunday. Rally Day and Harvest Home ser vices will be held Sunday, Sept. 21. SUES HARKISBUKG DEALER Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 5.—M. J. Moh ler, of Mechanicsburg, has tiled an ac tion here against George Grant, a Har risbtirg Junk dealer. Mohler claims that on July 18, that Grant was operating his truck without proper display of license tags and also that lie ran reck lessly, a collision occurring on the read near Mechanicsburg in which both ma chines were damaged. I ATLANTA CLINCHES TITLE Now Orleans, La., Sept. s.—Atlan ta, by defeating New Orleans, vir- "Warners" Rust Proof Corsets Every Corset Guaran teed—all are made to give perfect satisfaction. We have models for every figure—from the school girl, slender figure, aver age, full and stout figure —in topless, low, medium and high bust models— these garments are made of finest batiste, coutils and novelties broches in white or pink. Sizes range from 19 to 36. Price range from $5.00 down to $1.50 | Buy Red Goose Shoes For Boys and Girls J 'j sjyj We are the only store in Harrisburg who sells Red Goose Shoes Saiß I'or boys and girls. We have selected this line of footwear be cause it is high grade in every way. Shoes should be bought T with care, especially now when high prices prevail. It is real (jwiiSt \l economy to buy Red Goose Shoes because they not only look good UM [lll WX Kfl lin<l 1110 comfortable, but they wear well. You get extreme value \ <yj in Red Goose Shoes. ® >rices That Are Right For All Leather Footwear k. For Children, sizes sto l\y 2 $2.95 to $4.98 j \tj \ or Misses, sizes 12 to 2 $4.85 to $7.00 flf iJCIVOOI\A For Growing Girls, sizes 2y 2 to 7 $5.50 to $7.85 Cf* 1 lL.\ J For Youths, sizes 11 to 2 $4.50 to $5.50 JpL 3IYOCSFor Boys, sizes 2y 2 to 5y $5.50 to $6.50 iiffHWi.wittSSEmi Sold Only at Kaufman's in Harrisburg IHARRISBURG TELEGRAPTI t tally wen the Southern Association championship. The Atlanta club, by a score of f> to 0, took the second straight game of the series with New Oi-ieuns, winch club, by reason of the splitting o' yesterday's double-- | header between Little Rock and Chattanooga, went into third place. The Southern Association season closes Sunday and Atlanta now leads by seven and a half games. Girls' Dresses For Fall Kaufman a show the most extensive lines of girls* dresses in Harrisburg. Our prices are extremely low smallest margin of profit. it will not pay any woman to make dresses for her daughters, because she could not begin to buy ma terials and put in the labor necessary to make dresses as pretty as these for the price we ask for them. 0 J,y Girls' Dresses at $1.29 " \ Girls Fine Gingham Dresses, in pretty N{A S, plaids, striped and checked patterns, also solid Y> 4 -7 colors; nicely trinuncd; full cut; well tailored: s shown in ten styles; wonderful values, and just —J 'n time for school wear; sizes fi to 14 years. v Girls' Dresses at $1.95 / Girls' Dresses, made of genuine Amoskeag j ) W . wginghams, in beautiful plaids and checks; a num -1 1 ,)cr of ve *y Pretty, well made, full cut, perfect | iitting; sizes U to 14 years. L Girls' Dresses at $2.95 —Trl Wonderful Dresses for Gil ls, made of the 'Yf] J \ l\ finest quality ginghams .and chambrays in plaids J > I /\\ and solid colors; very attractive models in a / large variety; full cut; perfect litting nnd made; ( f \ l\\ I sizes 6 to 14 years. "AT": i, " ksbes $3.9s "ss&ssrsr s2-45 School Dresses for the Grow- Dresses for Little Tots, of ing Girl—Made of finest quality which every mother would be ginghams in plaids, good styles; proud; made of finest quality well made, perfect litting; sizes chambray and ginghams in neat 11 tc i6V& plaids and solid colors; a won- I derful assortment of styles; in LITTLK TOTS' QO„ | sizes :> to 6 years. DRESSES AT VOC LITTLE TOTS' 1 AC Dresses for the Little. Tots— DRESSES AT X .'-tUJ Pretty tailored and trimmed Little Tots' Dresses—Made of styles, in plaids, checks and fine quality ginghams, in plaids solid color ginghams; all well and solid colors; full cut, beau made and full cut; sizes 2 to 8 tifully tailored and finished in years. sizes 2 to 0 years. - If l.'loOf. - Wei! Drillers Strike Vein of Glass Sand Lewi.stown. Pa.. Sept. 5. Snyder and Young, who are drilling a well at the Murtiff Dairy products build ing in this place, drided through a 14-foot vein of pretty white glass sand. There are quite a number of white glass sand mines in the upper end of the county, but it was not thought there was such a heavy vein of the sand running under Lewistown at this point. The sand is of the finest quality. LO, I COME, SAITH THE LOH1) Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for 10, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord. —Zacliariah 11, 10. Final Wind-Up Sale Those Men's Suits at Saturday will be the last day to secure one of these handsome S3O $35 Suits I p at $19.95. L M ™. y 't^r~ This has been a wonderful opportunity for men and [ / young men to buy suits for an old time price. It isn't j L hard to understand that $19.95 is a ridiculously low price / /nil when you consider that clothing has advanced nearly 100 J \ per cent, in price. V \ These suits are in the newest waist seam and double \ \\ breasted models. There are three button conservative f|J models for the quiet dresser. Worsted, Cassimeres and Cheviots in neat stripes and checks and plain grays. Some are silk lined, others are lined with mohair, satin or Ve netian. Every suit will be sold with the usual Kaufman guarantee of satisfaction. Special Announcement to Every Man We are the sole representative in Harrisburg for the famous Monroe Clothes Monroe clothes are all that Fifth Avenue, New York, demands in style and tailoring. We have installed this line of clothing because it represents the utmost in clothing values at popular prices. The peculiar circumstances attending the manufacturer of Monroe clothing and the new program of selling them throughout the United States brings these famous clothes to you at 1500 Pairs of Men's Pants Special Saturday There are three great lots in this sale. Buy two or three pairs at these prices, later you will be compelled to pay more. Men's Khaki 195 j Men's Odd <£O QT | Men's Odd fif* OQE Pants Pants Pants ... *** 32 to 4 2 waist. 32 to 42 waist. 32 to 42 waist. j The materials are Worsteds, Still time to wear out a pair The materials are Worsteds, Velours and Cheviots, every or two of these good, sturdy Cassimeres and Cheviots, j pair strongly made and perfect Pants. ! strongly made neat patterns. titling. Men's Hats $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 The new fall styles arc ready. The very best shapes and the newest shades arc shown. Soft hats and Derby hats. At our prices you will save $1 on each hat. Boys' New Fall Two Pants Suits Parents will be glad to buy these two pants suits because they are the most economical for boys. EveVy boy wears out his punts before he wears out the coat. With two pair of pants the suit gives double wear. Wo have the largest us iortment of hoys' clothing ir.' Harrisburg and in vite comparison with what you will tlnd in other s ores. Comparison will prove to you Kaufman's values cannot he matched. f Splendid Two Pants Suits C? QC l-'or Hoys—Sizes to 17 Years *T M' New Norfolk Waist-seam Model Suits, Pants, lined ® throughout. The materials of good quality mixed | Boys' Two Pants Suits QC 7to 17 Years. T4B O New waist-seam, belted coat. Two pairs of Pants. JTB full lined. The materials of neat mixtures, stripes Wr and checks. Boys' Two Pants Suits $ 11 4 Sizes 8 to 18 Years, * B 1 Newest belted waist-seam model coats. Two pairs m of Pants, cut full and lined. The materials of Cassi- jL meres and Cheviots. Handsomely made and trimmed. Boys' Two Pants Suits ™ Ar 8 to 18 Years. *TH M UK Handsome new single and double-breasted waist- t ffl #0 * seam model coats. Two pairs of Pants. Lined and (8 cut full, protected hip pockets. The materials of JjiL Jig. Serges, Worsteds and Cussimeres. A Saturday Sale of Boys' Odd Pants Boys' Odd Boys' Odd $9 Boys' Odd G to 17 Years. 6 to 17 years. 6to 17 Years. ! The pants are lined, scams The pants arc made doubly Materials of strong Cheviot! taped, made double, strong, atror.vg. they are lined through seams taped and double I The materials are Corduroy, out, the seams are taped. A stitched. I Cheviots and Cassimeres. real pants bargain. Boys', Master and Little One Boys' New Fall Hats and KlnilQPC | anc 89c and 95c n.25 and $1.50 , , , „ Hats $1.25 and $1.50 The new tapelcss models, deep collar, some XT ou , T _ T <T • neat links, dark and light shades. XMeW otiades New Stripes SEPTEMBER 5, 1919. POSSESSING REMARKABLE BEAUTIFYING PROPER- , 1 NL<*F JBHOWS YJVYA TIES VET ABSOLUTELY HARMLESS. ALL SHADES. A J F/JM \\ WL RCNRS DETECTION WHY HOT RETAIN YOU* YOUTHFUL J I ['• PF JV VIHT ' 1 APPEARANCE! ASK YOUH FAVORITE DEALER FO* 5
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