18 \T Tell tic leaders of tie leal Estate lis Hint flat Property of f mrs |* Deaths WQHItAM (nee Rontl—On Septem ber 2. 1919, Katherine Cochran, wife o'V Herbert Cochran. Funeral on l-'riday afternoon at 3 o'clock from the residence of her sister, Mrs. William Colestock, 23. Boas street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. Burial liast Har risburg cemetery. I IMS*—On September 2. 1919. James T. B. Hess, aged 59 years. Funeral on Saturday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock from his late residence. 1144 Market Street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial Bald win cemetery, Steelton. MINIUM—On Tuesday. September 2. 1919. at 6.15 p. m., Catharine, wife of John Minium, aged 61 years, 1 month and 1 day. Funeral on Friday evening, Sep tember 5. at 8 p. m. from the home of her daughter. Mrs. F. H. Hoffman. 3100 N. Third street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Remains will be taken to Milton, Pa.. Saturday at 7.55 a m. Further services at Alr.- zeppa Union Church. Union county. Pa. Interment cemetery adjoining church. PEARSON—On September 1. . ISUII ' Margaret Pearson, widow of the Inn- I.cwis Pearson ag d 39 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence of net brother. Elmer Evans. 22-'.' North Sixth street The. relatives and friends are invited to attend wi.li mit further notice. Further ser\ ic> s and burial at Franklin Church. York county. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Kost. the erand parents of Harry Fl. Gates, wish to thank the neighbors and friendsi b their kindness and sympathy in then recent bereavement, also for the beau tiful floral tributes. We wish to ex tend our speeial gratitude to the Lol lowing. the boy in Mr. Fisher s cigar store, the Brotherhood ot Railroad Trainmen No. 127; Loyal , Order oi Moose No. lu7 and V. F. l ost - the employes of the Rutherford vaias. and the employes of the Harrisburg Foundry and Machine M orks. LOST AND FOUND LOST—GoId cameo brooch at Her shey Park or on River Front. Mon day. Reward if returned to lib . Berryhill street or Security Trust; Compans. LOST—Man's black pocketbook on Maclay near Ross St. containing SIOB, owner's name and address. Reward it returned to E. A. Engle. 182 4 Penn St. — LOST—Black and tan hound dog. 16 or 18 inches high, about 10 months old. strayed from warehouse ol Ainer- . ican Railway Express Co., Fourth and 1 Chestnut Sts. Reward if returned to above address. WILL the woman who picked up grold card care on the corner of Sixth and Harris streets on Tuesday morn ing, kindly return to 1527 North Sixth St. and receive reward. LOST—Cameo ring with a long pink setting. Reward if returned to 90- N. 18 th St. j LOST—Pair of glasses in case, on ; Market street. Reward if returned to 639 Muench St. or call Bell 3al. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English, y Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Antnmo tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bill 125 Dial 4CI. BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St Chas. R. Beckley. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED AT ONCE Men's clothing salesmen, men's fur nishings salesmen, man tailor. Per manent positions. Experienced per sons preferred. Apply KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE MEN—Ambitious, desirous of train ing for constructive work in the held of industrial accounting, cost account ing and public practice without inter ference with present position. Book keeping expei j. ace not necessary it v. iliiug to lealn. State age. present 1 position and phone if anj. Each ap- j pticant will leeeive a personal inter view. Bell 4940-K. Warner. Austin and 1 Warner, public accountants, P. O. i Box 3. Hill Station. City. j SHOES —Top stitchers, tip stitchers! and vainpel's wanted. Steady work. ! light, any workroom; highest pay. j James A. Banister Co., 570 Orange St.. ; Newark. N. J. WANTED—Men to work on salary or commission, who.e or part time, to: do soliciting and collecting. Pleasant! and p. billable v.ork. Short hours. For particulars, call or address Manager,! 4t9 Market St., Harrisburg. I'a., 3d j floor. J CEN.-l s CLERKS —4,000 needed; $92 month; age. is upward; examinations everywhere scon, experience unneces- | snrv. For free particulars, write Ray-1 niund Terry (former government ex amine!). 518 Continental Bldg.. Wasli-I ir.gtcn j WANTED—Canvassers, can make! $1 to $2 per hour, steady work. Ca.i . 41C Patriot K dg. WANTED —Young man to work i around soda tountain. Apply Weaver's! Confectionery Store. 29 N. 2d St. WANTED Experienced grocery :lerk and Butcher. One who can till both positions preferred. Address Box H-S3U4 care Telegraph. WANTED —Boy over 16 years who j has some experience in the baking! business or one who is willing to j It arn. Apply 923 N. Sixth St. tCoiitiiaut**! in .\c.\t Column/ r~~ a For Sale UPTOWN PROPERTIES No. 1826 Penn St., 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; furnace; gas. #2*<M> No. 1726 N. 3d St. 3-story frame; 'J rooms and bath; steam heat #3IOO Nos. 627 and 629 Maclay St. pair 214-story frames: 7 rooms, bath and pantry each; gas. fur nace; lots 20x135 feet each; gar ages; porches #3200 t-tt. No. 2221 Jefferson St. 2- story brick; 7 rooms and bath; gas; furnace; porches; lot 14.3x100 ft.; garage #3.->oo No. 644 Camp St. 214-story brick; 7 rooms and bath; gas; lur nace; porches; room for garage on lot #2050 No. 1601 Green St. 3-story buff brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas. furnace #SOOO No. 235 Boas St. 3-story brick; 8 rooms and bath; gas and elec tricity #5004) Miller Brothers & Co. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOCUST AND COURT STS. SURETY BONDS Members Hbg. Hcul Estate Uourd V_ THURSDAY EVENING, Sulrrisbtirg TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 4, 1919. HELP WANTED—.MALE DRAFTSMEN 1 , One competent layout man, j with several years general mechanical experience;* two ' detuilers preferably with some knowledge of perspective; permanent positions, with op portunities of advancement; state fully age, experience l and references. I PANG BORN CORPORATION, Hagerstown, Md. L ' ' WANTED I : I ; Car repairmen at P. K. R. shops. Harrisburg. Inquire : MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg. ;OK GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. Lucknow ana Enoiu. WANTED First class collector and solici- I tor; good salary and steady employment Address Box li-5306 care Telegraph. M ANTED—Experienced sorter for rough dry: good wages paid. Apply Royal Laundry, 1354 Howard St. \i ANTED Experienced delivery boy to drive Ford car; prefer one fa miliar with groceries. Apply S. S. ; I'onieroy, Market Square. OPPORTUNITY j WANTED—A few ambitious men who would be willing to study in their j spare time to prepare for positions as city or traveling salesmen: no experi ence necessary to start, but you must I be ambitious to get into tile $2,000 to sic,ooo a year class; special coach -1 ing to prepare you for one of these openings; state age. extent of educa tion. present employer and phone number; confidential. Address Box j L-St 75 care Telegraph. WANTED —Cook and dishwasher. Apply Rustic Dairy Lunch, 7-9 South Third St. I WANTED—Active hoy about 16 to j work in office, will be able to attend 1 school part of time. Apply at once to ' room 51c Telegraph Bldg. WANTED—Boy to deliver paper, j Apply Monarch Wall Paper Co., 9 Aberdeen Ave. WANTED—Laborers. Apply Pax- ] tang Quarries, Paxtang. WANTED —A married man over 3.0 to take up assistant managership. Ap ply Grant Union Tea Co.. 20s North Second St. WANTED—First class plumber. Ap ply R. J. Flowers. 1428 Market St. WANTED—Young man to be gener ally useiul in motor truck establish ment; one who is willing and active; chance for advancement. Apply Swain, Hickman Co. 1133 Mulberry St. WANTED Experienced porter; good wages. Apply Alva Hotel. 19 S. Fourth St. WANTED 100 white laborers; shipment daily; meet representative at State Employment Office, 3d and North Sts.. Harrisburg. RAILROAD traffic inspectors want ed; sllO a month and expenses to start: short hours; travel; three : months' home study under guarantee. .We get you position. No age limit; insk for booklet N-273. Standard Busi- I ne.-s Training Inst., Buffalo. N. Y'. I WANTED—A tinner. See Ensinger, ] 600 Race St. j 1 WANTED Well ariller. Apply' j Paxtang Quarry, Paxtang. Pa. I MEN wanted to distribute Doan's j Directory. 25c per hour. Apply Mr. Ford. Lenox Hotel. 6 to 10 p. m. ! WANTED —Bright, energetic boy. I Apply between 4 and 5 at room 510 I Telegraph. ! WANTED —Boy over 16 years old 1 'to w..rk at soda fountain. Apply; i Sweetland Confectionery. 331 Market | Street. | WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P.* R- R- Division j Street Transfer, Harrisburg. Pa Apply to agent at Seventh | and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division Streets. GRASP the opportunity to-day to 1 become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your working hours to become an expert i , nntl for only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero plane Mechanical School. Office 25 N. Cameron St.. Harrisburg. Training Quarters. 260 S. Front St. Steelton. i WANTED Experienced window ; trimmer and card writer in men's clothing and furnishing store, Penn sylvania city of 120,000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be steady j and reliable; state reference and sal ary. L-8018 care Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE | GIRLS wanted from 16 years up to learn cigar making. Pay $7 per week | while learning. Good opportunity to learn big money after learning. Apply General Cigar Co.. Inc., 500 Race Streel (Conttnucd In Next Column) I HELP WANTED—FEMALE , j WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply | HARRISBURG SILK MILL. Second and North Streets : WANTED!!!! Our business is steadily In creasing and we need experi- j enceti stitching room opera tors. also girls to learn. If i you are a vamper, folder or skiver, and want steady em ployment at good pay for a 48-hour week, we can put you at work at once. If you can operate a power machine and' and want to work shorter hours than at present at your present pay. or more, get in touch with us. We also have excellent openings for learn ers who want to become skill ed shoe operators. There isn't u better place to work in liar- | l'tsburg than our lactory and we ari- making it better every j day. Don't answer this adver , I tisement if you cannot he de- j pentled on to work steady or j conscientiously. ! HARRISBURG SHOE M FG. CO.. | - 1408 Vernon Street. ! BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING ! Young women between 18 and 25 will find telephone operating very fas cinating. clean work, with unusual! opportunity for advancement in sal ary and position. $9 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS i Salary increased after four weeks' training period. In addition to a good salary our operators have a comfortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. t Apply to chief operator, third tloor. 208 Walnut Street. WANTED—GirIs to work in lauro .! dry, also girl to answer'telephone in office. Apply Keystone Laundry. 620 , j Harris St j j WANTED—White girl for nurse ! girl. Apply Mrs. Walter L. Stern, | Apt. B. 7 South Front St. ! STORIES, articles, poems wanted 1 for publication in new magazine. We pay cash on acceptance. Submit MSS. i to Woman's National Magazine. Desk ,'645. Washington, D. C. FOKEEADY for overall factory near phiia&elphia, Pa., to manage and . teach learners. State reference and . salary to start. E. Brubacker & Sons, , ! 1001 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED. September 22. a capable; j white girl for second maid. No wash- I ! ing. All modern conveniences. Maid's i bathroom. Good wages. Reply to Box j A-7587 care Telegraph. j | WANTED—A maid for general, housework; no washing. Apply 415' I Pine St.. Steelton. | WANTED —A woman past thirty,!' ! intelligent, energetic, forceful, ready; i to exchange hard work for a worth-i 1 while, permanent position of trust; j good pay. Address Box 0-SIS7 care]' Telegraphy • YOUNG woman. The Globe requires ; the services of a neat, experienced 1 voung woman of good appearance and figure to assist in women's coat dept. I. Good salary; steady position. Apply to Mr. Deckman. Employment Office. The j Globe, 322-324 Market street. | GIRLS —The Globe requires the i services of three girls over 16 years!) Ito take charge of inspection and ! wrapper desk; also elevator boy. over I li, years. Apply to Mr. Deckman. Em-1 ployment Office. The Globe, 322-324 , Market St. !• WANTED —Girl for cooking and | general housework; no washing or! ironing; small family. Apply 20u3 N.j; Second St.. J WANTED —Operators on plain sew- ' ling maihines; girls on trimming j tables; one experienced girl to get cut, orders and take care of stock. Apply Harrisburg Apparel Co., Sixth and;, j Herr Sts. Fl! E I'LEIIK Young woman with J filing and office experience; state pre-| violin oxl'ieiu'e and wulary. Addrcbs Box C-7386 care Telegraph. ! HOUSEKEEPER wanted at once; small family on tarm near Harris- ; burg. A I ply by letter L. A. Daniel, 1512 North st. 11 OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL U Felling and Sleeving Machines. | J ENN ING* MANUFACTURING CO.. ! 2012 N. Fourth Street. WANTED Maid for general . housework; three in family; no wash-! ling, inquire 1723 Forster St.. or Bell i 1581 R. WANTED A refined trustworthy girl or woman for upstairs work and assist with children. Address Mrs. | HUI. Spencer ave. and Columbia Pike. : : Lancaster. i WANTED ! Young woman for general office w< rk, must be able to operate type-' i wr'.tct. Apply by letter only, giving ag, , salary expected and place where!' | formerly employed. j- UNITED ICE & COAL CO., j< Forster and Cowden Sts. i WANTED —Cook, colored. $S.5u aj jweek; give two references. Apply by!: ! letter or person Thursday. September I 4, 0 to S evening. Mrs. H. H. Bowman, !; j 2030 N. Third street. Harrisburg. j i WANTED Experienced knitters. | borders and menders. Apply Harris Hosiery Co.. Calder and Ma-'on Ms. ! WANTED—White girl for general I housework; no cooking. Appiy 1934: IN. Third st. WANTED ! Experienced sewing machine oper-! ■ alors. Regular and pleasant work and! good wages. . j We are also employing inexperi ' enceti operators who are paid while! •} learning. A bonus is paid every pay | i day to all operators. # ! bLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO.. i Retly and Fulton Streets ;j WANTED —Good plain cook for pri '! vate boarding house. Inyuire 1246 ; I Market Street. j | WANTED —Experienced salesladies I I lor stationery store. Steady employ-! j menl. Address Box C-818S care Te.e --[ graph. • (Continued in Next Column) 1 I P li ffl m 4 ii JJ 1 ■ffl rai |y i'ly j ARE YOU HOLDING A MAKE |Jh SHIFT JOB? Sometimes necessity . forces people to accept unsuitable em ployment and to become simply wage- ipa earners, often without a chance for ad- , jky vancement. If you can do something .Q !Cy WELL, tell about it in a classified ad. ''Jjli I ffl rll ] 1■ - 1 I ■ I 1 ' |i ij|jjg| g _ bbbsbe gjlji | HELP WANTED—:II-iMAKi: j WANTED AT ONCE i Millinery salesladies, millinery) trimmer, millinery makers, salesladies lor knit underwear, shirt waists and i small wear department. Permanent ipositions. Experienced persons prefer- j [red. Apply, [ KAUFMAN-IS UNDERSELLING STORE ; I WANTED—lnspectors and folders;] 'steady work; experience not neces • isaiy. Apply Shearer Mfg. Co., 308 i | Hamilton St. | WANTED Reliable' woman for! general housework, in small family;) 'must sleep at home. Apply 1017 North j Front St. or Dell 672-M. I STENOGRAPHER—With few years'- I experience and good education, who is looking for an opportunity with a' hi go manufacturing concern. State; experience Make application by letter, slating previous experience and sai ntly expected. Address Box C-7585 care' Telegraph. WANTED —A girl for general house work; must sleep at home at night. Apply 1001 N. Second St. or Bell 2521 J. HHi. 1 1 WANTED—MaIe ami Female i THOUSAND, men, women. IS or j over now wanted. Government posi- I tions. Railway mail clerks, city car- ' riers, census clerks, sllou-SI6OC year; vacation: common education suffi cient; big cliance for soldiers, sailors. List positions free. Write immediate ly, urgent. Franklin Institute. DcpL. 113-S, Rochester, N'. V. WANTED—Men and wife, man must tbe curelul chauffeur, locomobile and houseman, wife good, plain cook. Ad dress P. O. Box 514 Lancaster. SALESMEN" WANTED j SALESMEN—Write for list of open ings and full particulars. Earn $2,000 to SIO,OOO yearly. Big demand for men. ) Inexperienced or experienced. City or I traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn. [Dept. 603, Chicago. | SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE YOUNG man recently discharged [from army, desires work of any kind; lias had several years' experience iii ' clerical work. Call or address 1363 i Mayflower St. WANTED—Young man wishes a 1 i position as truck driver, has had six'. , years' experience; can do own nm- ! ichanieal work. Bell phone 2338 J. | j —— | [ SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE j i ' WANT ML > —Washing and ironing to , •do at home. Inquire 324 Clinton ,-t. j V. ANTED by a colored woman. ! I work to do by the day. Apply 1316)' j Cow den St. j WOMAN desires day's work of any ! [kind for Wednesday, Thursday or], Friday. 659 Sayford Ave. j WIDOW, 40, wants position, travel-! ;ing for reliable tirm; practical nursing I or companion; executive ability lor', business; reference exchanged. I'hom i 4973 M for interview. Address 13-3321' I Penn St., Hal risburg. WANTED—Neat girl wishes a posi-1 tion as a chambermaid or dishwasher.' Call or address 658 Calder St. | WANTED —Addressing and public-' ity work. Experienced lady would like work; good reference. Address Box j 11-8186 care Telegraph. | WANTED—Day's work of any kind ! by colored woman. Apply 1407 Currant! j Street. I DAY'S work wanted; write or call. 1512 Wallace St. ' WANTED-—General housework inj i private laniily by colored woman. In quire 415 Lincoln St., Steelton. — j ROOMS FOR RENT FOR KENT—Two furnished rooms ■ for light housekeeping; second floor front; no children preterred; a chris tian home. Inquire 1932 N. 3d St. WANTED—At once two furnished! rooms; suitable for bedroom and liv- i * illß4' loom, in vicinity ol 13th and! Market St. Address Box B-8U79 care i: 1 Tvlcgiuph. i —II I FOR KENT—Furnished room; use < ol library; gentlemen only. Inquire 1 j 1701 N. Second St. i | FOR RENT Three unfurnished j • II corns on second iloor for light house keeping; use of bath and phone; In j private family. Inuirqe 162S N. Third ' Id. oi Dell 878-W. j FOR RENT—Furnished third floor .front room with or without board lor] ie!iued young lady; references; use of; j phone. Address Box D-8076 care Tele-1 graph. | FOR KENT—Comfortably furnished ! front room; all conveniences antl | good location; gentlemen only. Apply j ;;24 No Second St. j FOR RENT—Two completely fur i nished rooms for light housekeeping: i hot and cold running water; use of ! phone; sUickly private. Apply 266 ! lterr St. or Bell phone 4912. j FOR RENT—Entire third floor, con ! sisting of two well furnished rooms, bath; private family; most desirable I residential section; all conveniences, use of phone. Call 815 N. 17tli St. FOR RENT—Bedroom, sitting room and bath lor single gentlelnan. Inquire 800 N. Second St. FURNISHED bachelor apartment front; suitable for two gentlemen; ' separate beds; steam heat; electric' ; lights; tath; use of phone; rent rea | sonuble. Dial 4990 or Dayton Cycle Co., | 912 K. Third St. NICELY furnished, clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. ' (Continued In Neat Column) / I ROOMS FOR RENT i ; | UNFURNISHED three-room apart-j mcnt; newly papered; gas and elec-; l l triclty: garage; water and cabinet m kitchen; small family only; rent rea sonable. Inquire 429 Broad St.. 10.30, A. M. j FOR KENT—Nicely furnished sec-!, j i.nd-stoi y front room, near Capitol; ail modern conveniences; use oi both j j phones; bath; permanent tenant do- 1 sired Apply 721 North Sixtli street. j 'r ! ROOMS WANTED I BUSINESS man and wife desire un-l 1 furnished apartment or rooms for; light housekeeping in private family. ' ; within walking distance of tile Square. ]• Address Box A-75X2 cure Telegraph. : 1 AI'ARTME'I s WANTED ; WANTED—By bin iness woman, two •room apai tment with bath; furnished , jcr iinturnished. Apartment with kitcii- ' enette preferred. Stale terms. Ad [drtss H, care Telegraph. WANTED—By man and wife, unfur- 11 nished apartment on Hill; four or live' rooms and iiath. Address A-160 care Telegraph. [ WANTED—Furnished apartment or suite ol looms, privata bath preterred. I lor light housekeeping, centrally lo- 1 jcati'U, by young married couple. Ad -1 dress N-808U care Telegraph. WANTED —Small furnished apart- ] nient of four or Ave rooms by family of three must be up-to-date and nice ly furnished; will consider small house, either in city or suburbs. Ad-] dress Box 11-9037 cure Telegraph. _ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j I "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANBERLIN" MOVE AT ONCE STATE ST.. 1131—NEW; VACANT. 3-story stucco, nine rooms and liatli. steam heat; gas and electricity, front ; and rear porches; balcony and roc'. • garden; cement cellar; the best of lo cation for a looming house; ssuu cash. I balance in monthly payments. . HARRIS ST.. 630—VACANT; 3-story brick, nine rooms; a'l improvements; small amount down; balance same as' 1 [rent; no questions as to race or tiu- ; 1 j tionality. I 17TH AND PA.XTON STS. —NEW; j | VACANT, 21-;-story; six rooms and" bath; -hardwood floors; steam heat; s : gas and electricity; front and rear ■, porches; side entrance, with a nice big j | yard; can be bought with a small ; I amount down; balance same as rent. i 1 KW ATA It A ST., 1856—VACANT; six 1 rooms and bath; all improvements; i newly painted and papered; in A 1 con- i dition; nice front and back porches, :< good size yard back to a 20-foot drive- ] [way: slso cash; balance same as rent, j. • FIFTH ST., N., 2145—3-story brick; | ; i 9 rooms; gas and electric lights; nice < front and rear porches; side entrance;)] I must be seen to be appreciated; price;; ; i ight to quick buyer. I ; PERRY ST., 2143—3-story brick;!, 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity, 11 all modern improvements; nice front], and buck porches; cement cellar; a). I very nice home; can be bought with, ! SSOO cash. j, D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Building . |J 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1890. Dial 3573 1 15 ; CAMP HILL —215-story brick, slate ' ' roof dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, fac ! Tory south with large porch, line view up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, ! j 1 nice tire place, chicken house and [) garage in rear, with fruit trees in [' hearing, on lot 50x150, or on lot 100 x ' 150. Possession given in two weeks' •' I time. Lawn planted in evergreens j' and flowers, vines covering house. . Located on Logan street, just west of Bowman avenue Can be inspected:! at any time. A. E. Strode, Bell phone j 3180-It. h FOR SALE ; j • For Sale—3-story brownstone and!" | brick house, 12 rooms; all conven-' 1 iences; lot 117x81 feet; hedge fence, : shrubbery; room for garage; steam healing system; house built 1911; J hardwood floors: could not be built to-!" day for $22,000. Possession ut once; 10-|. cation near Reservoir Park, Whitehall]' street, l-rice $15,000. SIO,OOO can remain 1 at 6 pel cent. A tine homo and a Dar-!' gain. |5 State St., 1700 block; 3-story brick;! all improvements; side entrance and 1 •drive alley. Price $5,200. ! Penbrook. S. 2Sth St.. S-room frame'" I house; garage; fruit;, line garden;), 'pot.l-.es; lot 28x180. Bargain. $2,500. ! Penbrook. S. 29th St., 7 rooms and] 1 bath; all improvements; lot 20x190, ' to 30th St.; chicken house. Only $2,350. | fenbrook, 2805 Canby St.. 7 rooms ' and bath; all improvements; lot 18x| 150; drive alley. Price $2,500. j CHARLES DAVIES, I REAL ESTATE. 1549 State St.. cor. 16th. Bell 14"6-' V Well Located • • PAXTANG LOTS For Sale Four lots —a plot 120x120 ft. cor. Kelso and Montour sts. Harry C. Knouse. 234S Derry St. Ueii phone 1720, evenings 4949W | FOR SALE —84 faecon> street. High-! spire, 7-room house, lot 119 feet front! :by 198 feet deep; fine location. Will ! sell at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 i Market St., Hlghspire. Dial 9801. FOR SALE Two large corner! houses; 20 rooms; 3 baths; electric and gas; live large bay windows; ttne 10-; cation tor apartment. Address Box I N2987 care Telegraph. j (Continued In Next Column) j I.' ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE \ HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. HOUSES AND LOTS In all sections of city and suburbs, some very attractive propositions. ROHRER & SON. BERGNER BUILDING. Real Estate. General Insurance [ _ Two family apartment for $4,200. Small cash payment necessary. Rent I from either tenant will pay carrying I charges and other rent can be applied) to purchase price of property. Apart ment of live rooms and bath, available tor occupancy now.-This is a splendid chance tor a family of small means to a void high rents and at the same time save money. Property located on Sus- • : quf I'l.nna street, between Hamilton and ICelker. I Don't let this chance go by. W A R I!EN VAND 8' K E. [Bell phono 231 9 N. Market Sq. | WEST FAIRVIEW—For sale, single ■ , IH.III e ill West Fairview; 6 rooms; : electricity and gas; large lot; s2.mm. 1107 Chest nut street, near Front. i ! . OUR MOST RECENT LISTINGS j i FOR SALE—Derr.v St.. Nos. 1147,! 1149, 1151. 1153, 1 155. 1157 and 1150.; • Fine 2-story pressed bricks. 6 rooms land bath, gas and electricity: front I porches (concrete). Refined neighbor-) lined, within four blocks from Fourth and Market Sts. Around the $3,305 ! 1 mark. i FOR SALE—Christian St. Nos. 1188,! [ 1190 and 1192. Attractive 2-story bricks. 0 rooms and bath; cement! porches, within 5 minut's walk to) Fourth and Market Sts. Around ti152,500 $2,500 mark. FOR SALE—Zurker St. No. 1423.' Nice 2%-story frame with front porch; and iear driveway. Around tlie $2.0u0 , mark. FOR SALE—Violet St. Nos. 533, 531,1 535 and 536. Around $6,000 for all. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO.. (Mai t isburg's Real Estate Bureau) I : Bel! 4526 331 Market St. Dial 543u ; j- : I FOR SALE—NOW VACANT | 531 Maclay Street; 3-story frame dwelling; 8 looms and bath: gas; combination range; j lot 20x150 with double brick garage in rear on Violet st. Price reasonable. C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Owner, i p.ell 112 Market St. Bell 7l>o 5077.1 I j FOR SALE 1837 Fulton St $1750; 315 Hummel St $2200 1,21 Hunter St $2809 ,14 Argyle St $2900 ] 2724-26 Poas St. (both) $4230] 14 Prospect St $4400 1 • Several of these properties can oe! i bought with a small cash payment. • I balance on monthly payments. - I 11. G. PHD LOW. 3 South 13th St. F< U SALE —625, 627 and 633 Geary ! street. Three-story brick dwellings.) all improvements, porch fronts. Willi be sold separately or as a group.! Small payment and mortgage can be) arranged for balance. Will be soldi iheap to quick purchasers. Unusually! attractive proposition as an invest-1 incut oi for those seeking a comfor- j table home in desirable section. Ad- • • dress for further particulars, Box j ; 11-80S1 care Telegraph. I j FOR SALE—Brick houses; 6 rooms] land bath; all modern conveniences,: on Melrose street near 23d and Derry. I ; Inquire N. H. Downin, 51SA Soutli 13.h! j St. Bell 2062-R. | FOR SALE—I 933 North Third St. A I Ivory line detached 3-story pressed I I brick house; 10 rooms, complete bath-I j room on second and third floors; also! I toilet room on lirst floor. Finished in oak throughout. Rooms are exception iii ;ly large. House has- large windows' [on every side. Steam heat; all other) improvements. Large front porch. This' house eat. be used for an apartment; if desired. Attractive price for a quick j : salt Can be seen by appointment only. I For particulars inquire, D. E. LUCAS. 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate. Insurance ! BUY YOUR HOME on the rental I , payment plan. Small casli or Liberty : Bond lirst payment required, balance; •as rent. We have houses in every ! part of the city and suburbs. Apply [ A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street.) OXFORD ST., 610—For sale; brick [ I house with seven rooms and bath; all | other' improvements. Bell Realty C 0.,; I Uergner Bldg. i. 1 HOFFER ST., 2307—F0r sale; bri ;k | and stucco bungalow; seven rooms: land bath; li6t water heat; other ini- j provemcrrts. Bell Realty Co., Bergner! j Building. j ! $2,650 WILL PURCHASE a dwelling j on South Eighteenth street; i eight j 'rooms rnd butli: all improvements., ! Bell Realty Co., BergneY Bldg. j ' WHITEHALL ST., ISll—For sale; brick residence; elevdn rooms and bath; steam heat; all other improve- Iments; hardwood floors. Bell Realty' ! Co., Bergner Bldg. j HOUSE —$3,000 will purchase a brick j I house on Sixth street; 8 rooms and I bath; other improvements. Bell l Realty [ j Co., Bergner Bldg. j 13TH ST.. S.. 409—Three-story brick I •house for sale; nine rooms and bath;] gas; steam heat. Bell Realty Co.,] Bergner Bldg. ■ldeal building lots in Bclievue Paiflt—Cheapest High class ground in city. GEO. W. JACOBS. I B e u 1539 17 N. Third St.! ! FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2012 i ■to 2olS Susquehanna street. Apply A. I p. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. FOR SALE—A six roomed frame! house; all improvements; possession; soon; corner of Brisban and Park' Driveway. Paxtang. Apply 3307 Bris ban street. Paxtang. NORTH Sixteentn; 9 room brick; gas; electricity; hot water; steam • heat; brick garage on premises; I streets paved front and rear; school • nearby. E. T. Selig. 920 North Sm [ teenth. | FOR SALE—In Hlghspire, if you are i looking for a business that will net • you $5,001- to $5,000 a year at a bar , gain, see me at once; property includ ing residence, store, ice cream paivor. iliiige pool room, only pool room in : town. Reason for selling, retiring! i from business, inquire W. J. Reeves. ,224 Market St., Hlghspire. Dial 9801. I (Continued In Next Column) * It HAL ESTATE FOR SALE . FOR SALE—Good modern tip-town apartment building containing three elegant apartments of live rooms and bath each. One apartment has hard wood lloors. First class condition thioughout. Rental income (low rent) SB9 per month. Price $8,500. For Sale—9l6 S. 21st St.; 3-stoi\v frame dwelling: S rooms and bath;! gas; electric lights; steam heat; ga'- age. Price $3,200. For Sale—lßll Zarker St.; good 6- t'f om brick dwelling with all improve ments. This property is well lo cated and offered at an attractive price. For Sale—34l and 343 Brook St.; 3- slor.v Ira mo dwelling; S rooms and bath each; rental income S3O per month. Price of both 95.000. For Sale—24l acre Dauphin count'' farm; 156 acres good timber land; 105 .Terrs tillable; 2 sets of buildings, all iu good condition; running water; 300 fruit trees. Price $6,500. BRTNTON-PACKER CO.. Agents, Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE—I3I9 North Second St.. I near Proad: 6 rooms and attic; fur- Inace; electric and gas; toilet in yard. | Cull Poll 727-R. i REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I FOR RENT—Furnished house; six- I rooms and hath; middle aged couple i preferred. Bargain if accepted at once. Address H-2971 care Telegraph. i FOR RENT—Cottage at Perdix from September 1; furnished up-to-date; only reliable peopie need apply to I I.ouls. 414 N. Third St. REAL ESTATE.—I'or Sale or Rent 11-room stone house at foot of 15th | St., New Cumberland, along the rail road and river, large parks on three : sides, best of water, all but 8 acres lot good ground, fine home, could sell ; building lots off hulf of it to have bal ance clear, vacant now. Would be an i excellent location for a club home; i five minutes' walk to trolley. Inquire |cf Chas. H. Miller, 1338 State Street. Harrisburg. Also a line bungalow at , Euola for rent or sale. On premises every afternoon. i Real Estate, For Sale or Exchange I For sale or exchange for a farm. , four houses; rent $53 per month. Price 1 $3,200; also 29 lots tor farm or 1111- 'piuvcd suburban properties. Address I M. Zoll, Second und ijocust Sts., Steel : ton. j VACANT —3-story brick comer, on ' Hill; elect, lights; front and side ! porches; side yard; cheap 10 quick : payer. i VACANT —3-story frame on Hill, I porches, nice yard. VACANT —214-story brick on Hill; all improvements; electric lights; porches; large yard to drive alley. ! VACANT—3-story brick 011 Broad m , all imp. j VACANT—North Sixth st., 8 rooms; all imp.; side yard; porches; bay win jjuws, 7 years old. VACANT —New brick on Hill; 6 rooms; all imp.; porch; newly papered. FINE large brick house 011 Derry street. Several large homes uptown I and 011 Hill. Some ot these homes can be bought with two or three hundred dollars down, balance as rent. Will take light touring car in exchange 011 ! some of the above homes. C.H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J REAL ESTATE WANTED i LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTIES We have a large list of prospective : buyers. HOHRER & SON, 211 BERGNER BLDG. ! Real Estate und General insurance i WANTED—In good locality, on or f before October 1 city or suburban i house or apartment of five rooms ami ibaih; adult family. Address Box I A-7588, care Telegraph. ' — I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop j erties with* me. Chas. Adler, Real Ss ! tate arid Insurance, 1002 North Third ! Street. FARMS I— —— FARMS For Sale—Near Penbrook. 12-ocro truck and poultry farm; 8 room frame house and outbuildings; best of ..oil. i Price $5,000. Also lour 4-aere lots; ' running water; fine building sites; j good truck soil- price and terms right. | For Sale —2 acres along trolley, op , posito Colonial Club; lots of fruit; ] line building sites; will cut 18 loi-,. Price right. ; Also 3-ucre truck and fruit farm i east of Steelton; 6-roolil house; porch jest; lots of fruit and outbuildings; 10 minutes walk to Oberlin car line. I Price $3,800. ! 115-acre farm, one mile west West j Fairview. 3 miles from Harrisburg; a ■ loom farm house; bank barn and all ! kinds of outbuildings. This tarm will I increase in value. Price now slls per j acre. See this place. ! ISS-acre stock, grain and fruit ; farm, 8 miles northeast Harrisburg; large bank barn; 8-room stone house, 1135 acres under plow und 53 acres 111 f wood und pasture. A money maker, i Price sl7 per acre. CHARLES DAVIES, REAL ESTATE, 1519 State St.. cor. 16th. Bell 1476-VV 1 SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. . C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. FOR SALE 20-acre fruit and truck farm; 8- hcuse; barn 60x20; chicken and hog house; cold storage cave; 800 bearing fruit trees; running water; located :ti | York county 3 miles west Dillsburg on j Gettysburg Pike; fine home; the fruit 1 income 1918 was $3,000. Price $6,000. i $3,009 can remain at 5V4 per cent. CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State St. * Bell 1476W 48-acre farm, level ground; good I buildings. $2,000; also others, large ! and small. 107 Chestnut near Front ' Street. FARM—3O acres. 18 acres orchard, about 2200 peach trees; 600 apple trees in bcaiing condition; 12 acres suitable for trucking. This farm will pay for itself in two years. Owner in ill health. Price $6,000. 107 Chestnut street, near Front. FARM —95 acres of level limestone land; line producer. Blick house; bank I barn. Well of never falling water. Lo jcated ten miles from Harrisburg in Cumberland county. For further de scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of ! the administrators of H. W. Yqhn lis 1 >'n. at 13 N. Fourth stijpet. Harris (Continued In Next Column) | FA It MS L *P r ? SALE -2"J farms from 2 acres I o i'T s; ."'"estone. black suae, lio-lmrn "i- e I ?. am " 1 rlCes $3,500 to C i i ' A -Mummu & gun, n O . * chanicsburg, Pa. ; r~ FOR SALE, Farm of 30 acres; good land and fruit; buildings joining New port I*air grounds. A desirable place. |C Ychn, li. D. 1, Newport. FARMS WANTED WANTED lo to 30 acres good land In or close to Hurrisburg. Price must bo reasonable. Address particulars to Box A-81S5 care ► Telegraph. — i FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make immediate de- I livery. ; One '/<• H. P. 220 V. 450 it. P. M. > One 1 , 11. P. 220 V. 380 K. P. M. j One U 11- P. 320 V. SOo R. p. 11. One Vi 11. P. U5 V. 800 R. p. m. One H 11. P. 220 V. 370 It. P. M. I One >4 11. P. 120 V. 275 R. I>. M. I One Vi 11. P. 120 V. 100 R. P. M. ' THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. i Printing Binding Designing > Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $33. selling price $25; Brussels rug, 9x12, valuo SSO. sale price $39. FORN WALT'S, 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. I ■ FOR SALE—Five genuine Indian I rugs. Address Box O-SO7B care Telc | graph. KOI! SALE—Antique; private party • | will sell high art low chests of draw -11 ers, ( herry. table, tour post bed, pair |of dining tables, three bureaus, etc; )no deal. rs. Address Box T-8077 cure j Telegraph. '! FOR SALE—Burroughs adding ma | chine, slightly used; good bargain. ; Address Box C-7559 care Telegraph. H FOR SALE—Heater and kitchen j range in good condition; price reason able. Apply 30 N. Fourth St.. Steclton. [ FOR SALE—Rugs, library table, ! kitchen cabinet, piano, Globe Wernicke 'bookcase. Apply Mrs. Rupp. Market jand Cumberland St. Camp Hill. | FOR SALE—A massive round reed * babv carriage. Price very reasonable, i Call IGI6 Catherine St. i FOR SALE—Coach Blocli natural I reed, in A 1 condition. Apply 2312 Hof ; I for St. j HOT air furnace, complete with ;! piping and registers for sale cheap, i Apply 1-108 N. 3d St. 11 FOR SALE—Furnishings of eight I room house, piano, feather bed. da'ven- I port, carpet, brass beds, going South. I must be sold immediately. Call D'.alj 6236. I | PAINTS for every purpose. Order >* new, $2 to $2.70 per gal. Forest City Paint Co., Agency, 315 South Front. ! Salesmen wanted. FOR SALE—Two second hand ve ■ i lour coats. Call Bell 4395 M. * | FOR SALE—Lathes, planer, gaso line engines, gasoline builder's hoist, blacksmith drill, forge, blowers, ,-lec -1 ' trie motors, 1 to 15 11. P. F. R. Lav ertv, 1557 Bell phone. FOR SALE —Lumber, tubes, tanks, shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, bolls, pipe, etc.. dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co.. Ltd., Both phones. Highspire, Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying 1 new and second-hand furniture here. 1 iuh prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmerts, iois Market. Bell 4491. i BOOKS Bought and sold; 20.000 ' new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand's, , | 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALE MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLGTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES WANTED —MIaCKLLAN EOUS I WANTED —12-gauge pump shot i gun. Call at Feaerlck's Garage, iso 7 ; North Seventh. | WANTED—To buy second-hand roll (top desk. Address Box G-7551 euro Telegraph. to | WANTED —12 or 16 gauge shot pump gun; state price and condition. Address Box L-7580 care Telegraph. i JUNK —We are in the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4971, or write L Cohen, & Co.. York street and ( Ash avenue. MAX SMELTZ | Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz, 1020 Market street. Will call, City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. BELI, PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. ' BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. w I 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. - BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CHANCE of a life time, well estab lished oyster business with small soda fountain, syrups, equipment, chairs, tables, large show cases and counter; good reason for selling; bargain. Ad dress Box P-5074 care Telegraph. FOR SALE—OId established modern barber shop with three chairs. Reason Cor selling on account of dcatli of • wife; no n asonable offer refused. Low I rent. Address E. C. Hartzell, Third and Chestnut sts.. Sunbury. ;! FOR SALE " „ ; Fine established milk route for sale i 1 in nearbyy town. Complete modern I equipment, buyer would not need to buy anything else. Address B-SlB3 , care Telegraph. " LIVE business for a live man. In nearby town. Restaurant, confectlon i erv cigars. Doing business of $42,000 it a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz. ,| J225 North .Sixth St. -*N BUSINESS PERSONALS STEAM feather renovating; all ticks emptied and new ticks furnished. B. J. Campbell, XOoO Paxton St. j RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— I Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 35c i doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. t ! FURNITURE CRATED for shipping jG. A. Bishop I •!>■ Logan street Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page L V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers