STORE CLOSES - if_"J f rTJit 9 3 STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX wtyJwl* WTSATURDAYS AT SIX MEI.I, 111111— , .'35 UNITED HARIIISBURO. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1010. FOUNDED 18T1 This Store Will Be Open All Day Tomorrow Thursday, September 4th This is in accordance with our announcement ilast week and conforms to the cards placed in all store windows at the beginning of the sum mer vacation season by the Retail Merchants' | Bureau of the Chamber of Commerce. Newest of Blouses Fashion weaves a charm of difference into these charming Georgette Crepe blouses, which have just arrived. More charming than any yet seen. Pit'- , ferent models, especially delightful for the Fall sea son, in flesh, white, coral, bisque, all the dark suit shades; dainty frills, net trimmings and tucks, with all styles of collars and also collarless; $6.95, $7.95 and $8.95. Another superb blouse of taffeta and satin, of tai lored and semi-tailored models, in plaids and novelty stripes in an assortment of shades. High or low col lar and the Tuxedo style; $5.50 and $6.50. Washable pongee blouses, high or low neck; tai lored models, button trimmed; $2.25. A new line of wool Jersey middies, regulation lines with white braid on collar and smart pocket, black 'satin tie; just the thing for the college girl or high school girl, $7.95. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. National Gingham Week Sept. 2 to 8 The Spring gingham week was fso successful and the demand for all grades, from the apron variety i to the finest dress grades, so great that the manufacturers have co-operated with the stores throughout the country for the event this Fall, which is now in progress. Over 2,oYards 32-inch foreign and domestic __ gingham Zephyrs, some English, some Scotch, and numerous ma^es American ging- Very Special 59 c Yard 32 and 36-inch fine count ging ham Madras, light and medium colors for dresses, men's and boys' shirts. Very special, 59c yd. 32-inch Kiddie Cloth, good range of stripes, checks and plain colors, 45c yd. 32-inch Ginghamette, a very fine count cloth for dresses of service and quality, 59c yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Now Is the Time For Making Sauerkraut [ And we are well supplied with cabbage cutters. Cabbage cutters with one knife, board 16JZ inches long, 35c. Cabbage cutter with one knife, of good quality steel, 60c. Cabbage cutter, 18 inches long, with two knives of best steel, 85c. Cabbage cutter, 9x24 inches, with two knives and cabbage box, $1.75. Cabbage cutter, 9x24 inches, with three knives and cabbage box, $2.00. BOWMAN'S—Basement. I J _____ _ J'. ' • s f WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRXSBtJRO rf&fa TEIEGKXPH SEPTEMBER 3, 1919. ' 18l at ' s t^ie Thing! 1 —"Modeled fine and chiseled neat ' i—- — I From gracious head to dainty feet. . HHH How to clothe her with success ' Is just a skillful happiness! Flowing lines of clever cut iVrfe® Are all signs of Fashion, BUT I Like a Bubble playing up From its slender pleasure cup,— Reigns her hat —a vibrant crown 1 That crouds all other Beauty down!" Announcing the ■ Millinery Opening jj Thursday, September 4th and H Friday, September sth || Formal presentation tomorrow of the authentic new style creations —the most jf*o|| fascinating display of millinery we have ever made. The hats are different in many respects from any you have seen heretofore. The season starts off with a wide variety of rich dark colors—shades of nut JwjA] brown, mahogany, flame, and many others. Shapes were never so becoming— - . over the ear hats, of the loose hats —brimless hats that depend entirely upon a novel .r i. di aping—large, small hats —all with that touch of softness that make them so I ; becoming. AWa Fully a thousand styles to select from. We will welcome your inspection of M & " these new modes for autumn as interpreted by fashions foremost creators. bqwmans ~ Third Fio ° r ' m Fall Suggests More Fall Undergarments Cheerful Interior of Home For Baby You have been out among the beautiful foliage and xhey must be ready for any ear , y changc jn tem . flowers during the summer months and soon these perature, likely to come any day now. beauties of nature will give way to the more barren First, they must be comfortable in shape, so rea effects of winter. The colorful cretonnes, the filmy sonable to expect —so important to the baby's health, lice curtains and the rich materials for portieres are and yet so rare to find. Our new stocks have been like foliage and beautiful flowers and vines to the specially selected for this necessary merit, home. We have a splendid assortment of attractive Then the textures must be fine and soft, to soothe materials in the new designs that will enhance the a " d ney Y vex the , te , nder s Y n ]> no rid S e ' or rou S h beautv of home edges. Buttons and button-holes must be right and '. . _ ' , r . . . . they are in these garments. Flam lerry Cloth for portieres; 36 inches wide in rv 1111 . , j u j . . J , , ' . Open wrappers, double-breasted and band wrap rose, blue, green, brown and mulberry; 89c yd. p Crs j n co tton; merino and silk mixtures. A wonderful assortment of new cretonnes in beau- Wrapper buttoned down front; 35c, 45c, 59c, 65c, tiful new colors and designs; cretonnes for every 75c, SI.OO to $1.50. purpose; 45c to $1.50 yd. Double breasted shirts; 50c, 59c, 65c, 75c, 85c to New curtain materials in Marquisette, voile, scrim $1.85. and lace nets in plain barred and figured patterns in Infants' white stockings; cotton, wool and cotton, white, ivory and ecru; 29c to $3.00 yd. cashmere, and silk and wool; 29c, 50c, 59c, 75c, 85c. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. The New Separate Skirts I 'MM Tor Street, Sport or_ DressylVear JYY I \iSSmD Simplicity is evident in every line of these new models. They \\ liSm™ are fashioned along slender straight lines and new pockets and JBBtg VV 1§ xj IjV Their distinctive lines are formed with serge, poplins, fanta- ffifJSip U .jg* I B'U ||l sette, and last, but not least the popular plaids and velour I iI In checks. A plaid skirt may go box or side pleated with equal HrcSßßll flip effectiveness if the plaids are of glowing colors subduing the bold J IP Ull designs into a smart ensemble. Ilsl^ II MP Plaids, $15.00 to $29.50 I M ' ' Others, $8.95 to $22.50 ] m >1 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. V §3 Women's Union Suits A light weight fine ribbed cotton garment suitable for Early Fall wear; low neck, band top, sleeveless; tight knee. A good garment of qual ity ; 69c and 79c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. I GLOVES More Important Than Ever This is the dictum of fashion. Such a tremendous advance in the character and style of Gloves has been made that they mean more than ever as a finishing touch to the outfit —to give that well dressed look. A large and splendid assortment of Imported and Domestic Kid gloves in every leading shade of tan, brown, gray, champagne, black self and black with white, white self and white contrast, in pique, over seam, Paris point and embroidery back; every size, 5y 2 to 8; $2.50 to $4.95 pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Lisle Stockings 79c For women, made of fine quality yarns into the "New fashioned" stockings which gives the wearer service and perfect fitting. These stock ings are attractive in colors and black, 79c pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Laces Were Never More Important They have come into their own again. Dainty laces, for frocks, blouses and lingerie, and the richer and heavier laces for Fall Gowns, for Afternoon and Evening wear. Our collections were made with fullest knowledge of fashion's requirements, and they are not only the most artistic, but the absolutely style-correct va rieties, in every kind and grade. Chantilly lace flouncing in white and back; 12 to 40 inches wide; 59c to $4.50 yd. Oriental laces in white and cream with Venise edge; very popular for the new bertha collars; 25c to 75c yd. Venise laces in the new popular widths; 4 and 5 inches; 59c to $1.75 yd. Real Filet laces from the narrow picot" edge to 5 inches wide; 39c to SB.OO yd. Oriental lace flouncing; 27 and 40 inches wide in white only; This flouncing makes a lovely gowr. or dress of lace; $1.50 to $2.25 yd. 72-inch Silk Tulle in a large line of shades f or evening wear; $2.50 vd. • BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Excellent Values in L Women's Fall Shoes m Jin selecting our shoes ■ we are most particular H about the leather mate- ■ rials, high standard V workmanship and latest ■ styles. Interest in the j "newness" of our styles " attracts newcomers as Iwell as our old friends and customers. Every effort is made to gi. e the ,shoes that are right. ! Among our early Fall assortment is an artistic lace shoe for dress in Genuine Kidskin, either in brown or gray, with turned soles and covered Louis XV heels; SIO.OO. <■ BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Children's Stockings Children's fine ribbed lisle stockings made of selected yarns; full length with double knee and double heel and toe; in black, white and cordo van; 55c and 65c pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. — IV ■ M -4 1 -■■■■■' : / ' 1 3
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