Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page HAULING AND MOVING AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Lane Transfer, all Capital street. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Keily. Both phones. Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager, 341 Kelker St., Harrisburg, Fa. Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 351S HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for turnlture, treight and piano mov ing No distance too lar. Curefu, driver. Ram and dustprqot body. J. E Grubei s Truck Service. Irwin. Auugst. Manager. Hershey, la. Bell phone 15H6. WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4991). Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Ytiird street. PAUL BECK general hauling, local ftnd I 011& distance, iiukins a specialty j ©I furniture, piano and safe moving. . Call at 1419 Veruou Street, or Bell 2811-J. __ LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbiu. 600 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 36SS. UN DH UTAH i.HS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Deiry* St. BH.LL 1956 DIAL 2133 RUDOLPH K. SPICKR, Funeral Director and Euibalmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2140 WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. CEMETERY LOTS IX) K SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, cast of iweiuy -aixtn, and on the north and east faces the new park way. Tbe prices of lots aie moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS We clean old clothes, make them new. All krnos of repairing guaran teed. Goodman's, lauuij North Sixth. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE—One two-ton GarforJ truck, good as new, equipiied with steel dump body and wood lioist. now working on good job. Write Box CS2OS care Telegraph. AUTOMOBILES OVERLAND USED CAR DEPARTMENT These three cars have just been padded to our stock and are now in the paint shop receiving finishing touches. They are offered for advance pur ■chase, subject to demonstration when 'completed. As they are popular mod liels, we would advise that you lose no lime in securing one. Oakland roadster splndid fire Equipment. A handsome two-passenger scar. Overland, model 90 roadster, light, economical, powerful. The easiest rid ing small car on the market. Good tires, fine mechanical condition, cn-i usual storage space. An ideal car for •commercial man. Overland 5-passenger touring, thor oughly overhauled and refinished. Opening evenings. Time payments THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. Tfoth phones. 212 N. Second St. SPECIAL SALE 1. Dodge, repainted and new top. 2. Buick light six. repainted, big bai gain. 3. Reo roadster, in fine shape. 4. overland loadster, guaranteed. 5. sun car, in tine shape. 6. Velie, 1919. a real bargain. REX GARAGE SUPPLIES. 1917 North Third St. FOR SALE A Willys Six Club roadster, 191b model, car in excellent condition. Apply 229 S. 13th St. Bell 4447-J. FOR SALE—Chevrolet touring car, completely equipped and in tip-top condition, driien only by owner and has had excellent care. A mighty good car tor a reasonable price. Call 3U99W Bell phone, after 7 p. m. FOE SALE FORD TON TRUCK. 1917 TOURING CARS. 1917 ROADSTER. CONVENIENT TERMS. OPEN EVE. SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., 117 South Third Street. AUTO car, equipped with express body, in good mechanical condition, will sacrince to quick buyer. H. D. Lynn, 802 N. Sixth St. FORD—I9I" roadster, good tires and top, in A 1 condition, with demount able wheels. Inquire 322 Blackberry Avenue. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY UARAUE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360 DIAL 4914 KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto lops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked o. oldtimers, iu any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffman, 22, 24. 26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE WILLYS-KNIGHT 7 passenger, mod el 85-47 Excellent condition through out, just out of paint shop with first class job. Sleeve vaive motor con stantly improves. Call Steelton 152-J. MAXWELL touring 1915; first class condition, good tires; very reasonable. Liberty Uaiage. 16th and Walnut sts. MAGNETOS All types. 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eisman, Dixie, bplitdort. Mea, Reniy and different I makes of coiis. curouretors, etc. A Bchiff man, 22-24-26 Norm Cameron street, llel! 3633. FOR SALE —Overland. 1916 model; Continental motor; 7-pussenger; new ly painted; new top: new Goodyear cord tires: good reason lor selling. Ad dress C-slbu car*; Telegraph. (Continued iu Next Column) • ( WEDNESDAY EVENING, - Hjlriusbtjro TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 3, 1919. AUTOMOBIIJKS FORD Sedan. 1918 model; good run ! ning order. >t>Ks. Horst, Llnglestown. j " ! ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick i buyers in good used cars. 1917 BulcU eight, six touring..spare tire. 1916 Buick, big six touring, spare tire. 1915 Buick, one-ton truck. 1911 Stutz roadster, newly painted.] reasonable. 1917 linger, turn six. line shaoe. 1917 Vim, light delivery. I 1914 Overland, model <9, just over hauled. Bargain. 1919 Reo touring, nne running or-1 der, at a bargain price. The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market lor a, good used car. Demonstrations giwen., CHELSEA AUTO CO., A. Schiltman, Manager. H'BD touring car. electric lights, in good mechanical condition; can be I >een al Riverside Garage, rear 1417 A. Front Street. GRANT, five-passenger; 6 cylinder; four new tires and luoes; good con dition; cheap to quick buyer. Estcn brook. 912 Xo*h Third SL WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. tVe pay nignost casn prices. l\o junk. n. Esterormjk, Ivortu Thiru sireeu Dial 4990. SAXON roadster, 1910; price $260. Ovenaiid louring. 191b, soc, Comet Six, 1100, lsis model. Salesman Hoist, langlesiown, fa. - FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights; runs ana puns nke new. Price >i,'i cash. Dial Jti-C. S. R. Hurst, Linglestuwn, near nanisuurg. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quited by specialist. Also lenders, lamps, etc. Best service in lawn, iiar risbUig Auto Rauia.or v\ orks, soa hoitu Third street. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Mueiich s .reel, limousines for lunerai parties auu banc, caretui duvets; upeu day and uigiii. Ben 4964. BARGAlNS—lnternational one-ton trues, used ten months, cheap; In tel national two-ton truck, used nine mourns, clteap, r'uru ujuveiy, panel bouy, in nne conuinon. Ford r-ion pull, bianu new. Cadillac delivery, closed bouy. Denby 11,-tOli. Power uump body, in nne condition, pieuuy ifj-toii, witli staae boa,, use new; Ac die %-luu, Wltu \Y oous steel uump oouy, used six montns, Deiioy o-ton wlut Woods.steel uump bouy. Denoy saits Colpcialion, leva Capital street. FOR SALE —Ford ton truck. 1919; worm drive, in good condition, price icasouaoie. Inquire 24v2 JeUersou si. Dial pnoue 2012, FORD touring, 17; demountable wheels; new tires, tire carrier; shock absoroers. speedometer; spot light; tooi box and cut out; good cur tains wun winter rods; puce >4uo. square Deal Hoist. Eingleslu veil. FOR SALE —Roadster in good con dition. Inquire 2J4 Vale si. or Bell phone 1449 H. 1912 11 up roadster, y4oi>.- ljy Grant six tcuring, 6uo; 1916 iiuttaon tour ing, $5oo; 19 IU Foru delivery wun tau, 4uo; lli Oius S touring, 5jo; lsla iiariey-iJaviUson electric equip ped. >2<o; 1919 Paige touring, yiooo; 191 a Clianner six, just painted, ,ev. 19la c'naliner u louring, 4100; Regal roadster, electric equipped, 420O; lan BUICK touting, new lop. 4200, three 2- ton Seidon trucks, one 2-ton Reo tiuck. inese tiucks can be oougnt on easy terms, inquire aelcten Truck 1 Distributors, 102 a Market at FOR SALE—Chalmer s Sedan, 1917; new upnoisiering; Chandler. 1919, -1- passeuger, sport model; wire wheels; bump--., spot light, 0 new tires, over land, 191s, 90 uent'ery car. inquire 1 enn-Harris i'axicao olfice, care Fenn-Harns Hotel. AUTC'.iIOBILES WANTED Ford cars in any condition for cash. Box 1099 City. MU'l'OltC \ C'l.l.S AND El CYCLES BICYCLE Bargains. Bike from $8 | up. Guaranteed repairing. Cut Rate Lycle Co.. 1221 North sixth street. I Dial phone Siol. FOR SALE—Harley-Davidson mo torcycle; electrically equipped; siae I car; good coiiuuiun, price 4222 casn. i Apply H. £. Kirk, 1902 North St. BICYCLE REPAIRING ' BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED 1 DORY SHANKR WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET j Garages, Accessories ana Repairs RAY'FIELD carburetors are recog nized as tile most reliable by ail dis criminating car owners; more power more speeu and 25 to 5u per cent, sav ing ol gasoline, are some of the rea sons you shouid have one; a special type Raylield lor every make of car. Agency, Federicks' Garage, 1807 N. Seventh Street. Harley Davidson, electric and side car $250 Indian. 1916, 2 speel 135 Indian, 2 speed electric 125 Harley-Davidson, one speed .... 75 Thor, one speed 65 Big bargaius to quick buyers. DAYTON CY'CLE CO„ Dial 4990 912 N. Xnird SL IF Y'OU need a tire or any part of any make of secondhand cars, we have it. Wo also buy secondhand Junk cars. Highest cash price paid. Selden Truck Distributors, 1017-1025 Market street. SNYDER & McGUIRE. Automobile repairing \ and general machine shop. All work guaranteed. 939 South 19th Street. Bell phone 3717-H. • L'EBLIC SALES BANKRUPTCY SALE GROCERY STORE. STOCK AND F IXTURK S, ELECTRICAL SCALES, COFFEE GRINDER, CASH REGISTER, REFRIGERA TOR, ETC. WILL BE SOLD TO HIGHEST BIDDER ON PREM ISES. 1524 DERRY STREET, ON FRIDAY P. M.. SEPT 5, AT 4 P. 11. LEGAL NOTICES NOTlCE—Letters testamentary on the estate of Dr. Melanchthon U Ritchie, late of the City of Harris burg, Dauphin County, Penna., de ceased. having been granted to the undersigned, ail persona Indebted 10 said estate are lequestcd to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them tor settle ment to LEROY 11. HAGERLING, Executor! Or JOHN A. HERMAN. Atty., 332 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin Ccunty No. 106. Commonwealth Docket. 1917. All poisons, corporations and so forth, having claims against the Guaranty Mutual Fire Insurance Coin puny (dissolved) formerly of Allen town. Pa., ale notified to prove tlio ante before the undersigned on or be fore September 20. 1919, or be there after barred lroni proving. THOMAS R. DONALDSON. Ins. Com'r., Harrisburg, Pa. 1 LEGAL NOTICES To the Creditors of U. L. Brown Company: You are nereby notified that an ac tion bus been brougnt for the use of the undersigned In the District Court of the United States for the Middle District ot Pennsylvania as No. nil, October Term. 1919. on tne bond given by said H. L. Brown Company, as 1 principal, ana the American Fidelity company and the Casualty Company ot America, as sureties, to secure among ether things payment to ail persons supplying labor or materials under the contract for the extension, remodeling, etc.. of tne post oitice at Harrisburg, Penna. You are hereby notified that you may file your claims 111 said action ana be made party, thereto, within one year from the completion of the work under said contract, and not later SARGENT & COMPANY Chhrles L. Baliey, Jr., Attorney. 16 North Second Street. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of Charles V. Bush, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg. Ta.. all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to WILLIAM T. BUSH, Administrator. Or W. K. MEYERS. Attorney. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of John F. Lawrence, late of the city- of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Penna., deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said dece dent are requested to make known the same and aif persons indebted to said decedent are requested to make payment to said administratrix with out delay. ANNIE W. LAWRENCE. 1627 Penn Street, Harrisburg. SPENCER GILBERT NAUMAN", Attorney. Office of Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Fa. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals, accompanied by a check on a solvefit bank or trust company, duly certified by a,proper officer thereof, in the sum of twenty five thousand (s2o,Ul>o) dollars, as a proposal guaranty, will be received at the office ot the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings of tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg. Fa., until lo a. m. on Tuesday. September 22, 1919 for tile construction of the Soldiers' and Saii crs' Memorial Bridge along Capitol park Extension and State stieet, Har risburg, -Pa. Specifications, plans, proposal and contract torms are on rile and can be seen in the office ot tbe superinten dent. at Harrisburg. i:.e oilice 01 the clilef engineer in Baltimore, anu the office ot the architect 111 New York ami contractors may ootaiu sets ot the same by depositing sU'o.oo for each set. with the superintended,.. This deposit will be refunded upon re turn ol the sets without marking, dis figurement or other damage wubin ten day* after the award ot the con tract. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or parts tnereof. By order ot the Boaia of Commis sioners of Public Grounds anu Buila, Common wealth ot Pennsylvania. ! L. W. Mitchell Secretary. T. VY . Tempieton, Superintendent. Arnold W. Brunner, Architect, 101 Park uve.. New York City. I J. E Greiner Co., Engineers. Fidelity Bldg., Baltimore Md. BIDS SEPT. 17. Additions 1 to Heating Plant Buildiuar, Construction of Additional Heating Plant Building. Construction of Laundry Building and Heating. Plumbing and Electric Wiring for | the Latter. Sealed proposals for above work at State Sanatorium. Mont Alto, Franklin County. Pa. will be received by Edward Martin, Commissioner of Health. Harrisburg. Pa., until 2 I'. M , Wednesday, September 17. 1919. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of Engineering Divi sion State Health Department, 22 South Third stieet. Harrisburg, and may oe obtained after September i, at "that! address upon depositing $25.u0 for leach contract set. Deposits will re turned upon receipt of sets in good condition. Sets will be issued to gen eral contractors only. Application by mail for sets should specifically state which of the follow ing are desired and sufficient deposit should accompany application. 1. Additions to Heating l'lant Build ling at Main Camp. 2. Constructing Heating Plant Build ing at Hospital. 3. Cc-nsti uctlng Laundry Building, (no laundry machinery). 3a Heating. Laundry Building. 3b. Plumbing. Laundry Building. 3c. Electric Wiring, Laundry Build ing. Each proposal must be accompanied 1 by* certified cheque for SSOO. The suc cessful contractors must file a surety bond for full amount of their bid on each contract. Contracts will be awarded separately. The right is re served to reject any or all bids. EDWARD MARTIN, Commissioner of Health. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING BRIDGE Office of Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings State Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, at his office in the Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Fa., until 12 o'clock noon. Tuesday, September 23. 1919, for furnishing all labor and materials to build bridge over the Wapaseening Creek, on Pennsylvania c>tate Highway, Route No. 15, two miles from Nichols. New York, in Windham Township, Brad ford County, Pennsylvania, as indi cated fufly in the plans and specifi cations prepared by* George H. Dun ham, of Harrisburg, Pa., Consulting; Engineer, for the Board of Coinmis-' 1 sioners of Public Grounds and Build- I ings of the Commonwealth of Penn- ] sylvania. Plans, saecifications and bidding j blanks will be furnished prospective | bidders by applying to the Superin tendent of Public Grounds and Build ings, Capitpl Building, Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals must be marked "Pro posal Wapaseening Creek Bridge" on outside cover. T. W. TEMPLETON, Superintendent. L. W. MITCHELL, Secretary. CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Govern or of Pennsylvania. September 12, 1919, under the act of assembly en titled, "An Act to provide for the in coiporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29. 187 4, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation, to be called the Locust Street Realty Company, the character and object of which is the purchase, holding, leas ing and selling of real estate, and tor these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits snd privileges of said act of assembly ana the supplements thereto. FOX & GEYER, Solicitors. NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of t.lO Commonwealth Trust Company will be held at the principal olfice of the company, Harrisburg. Pa., on the 7th day ot November, 1919. at II o'clock, A M.. for the purpose of voting for or aguinst a proposed increase in the capital stock of said company front $250,000 to $500,001). W. H. METZGER, Secretary, Commonwealth Trust Co. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annua! meeting of the stock holders of the Union Trust Company ot Pennsylvania, will be held at the office ot the company in the city* of Hi rrisbuig, Pa. on Tuesday. Septem ber 16. 1919, at 12 o'clock noon E. S. NISSLEY, Secretary. LEGAL NO—CES PUBLIC SALE OF REAL. ESTATE In the estate of Edward K. Seifert. lato of Susquehanna township. Dau phin county. Pa., deceased. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans Court of Dauphin County, of August 25. 1919. the undersigned, administra tor of the estate of Edward K. Seifert. deceased, will offer at public sale on the premises, at 2 o'clock p. m.. Thurs day afternoon, September IS, 1919, the following real estate: All that certain tract of land sit uute in Susquehanna township, in the County of Dauphin and State of Penn sylvania. known as the "Meckley" farm. Reing a farm with stone l'atm house and other outbuildings, containing eighty-live acres and one hundred and fifteen perches, said farm being sit uate on the road leading, from Har risburg to Linglestown, Byway of Shutt's Mill, and which said farm Is the land near to or adjoining Shutt's Mill, fast of Wildwood Park. Ten per cent, of the purchase price to be paid on the day of sale; fifteen per cent, additional upon the confirma tion of the sale by the court. October T. 1919. and the balance on or before the first day of December, 1919. ALFRED A. SKIEERT. Administrator of Edward E. Seifert, deceased. 1. I'. BOWMAN, GEO RUE L REED Attorneys. NOTlCE—la'tters testamentary ott the estate of Theodore ti. Calder, lato of City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Coun ty. i'a.. deceased, having been grant led to the undersigned residing in said | city, all persons indebted to said es jtate are requested to make immediate i payment, and those having claims will piesent theni for settlement. MARX K. CADDER MAINS COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Executors. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation has been made to The Public Service Commission of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, under the provisions of the Public Service Coin- I puny Law, by the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings for a certificate of public convenience evidencing the commission's requisite approval of the consiruction of the Soldiers and Sail ors' Memorial Bridge trom a point on what is now State street in the Capitol Park, in the City of Harrisburg. fol lowing the line of State street across the tracks of the Pennsylvania rail road and the Philadelphia and Read ing railway to a point at or near Thirteenth street in said city. A public hearing upon this applica tion will be held in the rooms of the Commission at Harrisburg on the eleventh day of September, 1919, at 9.30 a. m., when and where all per sons in interest may appear and be hoard, if they so desire. Plans and specifications are on file in the offices of The Public Service Commission and the Public Grounds and Buildings, in the Capitol at Har risburg. Arnold \V. Brunner, architect, 101 Park avenuoe New York City, und .1. F. Greiner & Company, engineers, Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md. THOS. W. TEMPLETON, Superintendent of Public Grounds anu Buildings. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, ss. In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa.. No. 375 June Term. 1919. Libel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Catharine M. Davis vs. Amos E. Davis. The subpoena and alias subpoena in tilabove-stated case have been returned "non est inventus." You Amos E. Davis, are therefore directed to appear in the court at Harrisburg, Pa., on the fourth Monday of Septem ber. A. I>. 1919, to answer the com plaint therein tiled. W. W. CALDWELL, Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. August 26, 1919. SHERIFF'S SALES By virtue of certain writs of fieri facias, levari facias, liberari facias, conditional exponas and alias vendi tioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of Dauphin County. Pa., and to me directed. I will expose at Public Sate or Outcry, at the Court House, in the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., on Thursday, September lsth, 1919, 2 o'clock P. M., the following real estate, to wit: (PATTERSON. ATTORNEY.) No. I.—All that lot or piece of land in Harrisburg, Pa., bounded and des cribed as follows: BEGINNING at the South-eastern corner of Wallace and Cumberland Street: thence Southwardly 28 feet, more or less, to land now or late of Marv Fogerty; thence Eastwardly 68 feet." more or less, to a private alley; thence Northwardly 28 feet, more or less, to Cumberland Street; thence Westwardly along Cumberland Street 68 feet to the plage of beginning. Thereon being houses Nos. 1133 and 15 35 Wallace Street. Sold as the property of Annie Weiner and Jacob Weiner, her hus band defendants. (NEIFFER & SAUSSAMAN, ATTYS.) No 2.—A1l those two certain con tiguous lots of ground situate in Wiconlsco (Klmtown). beginning at a point on the north side of Oak street, (cmetimes called Elm street); thence by said street, lots being forty feet front each, and running back one hundred and forty feet to a sixteen feet wide alley; bounded on the east bv lot No 24 and on the west by lot No. 19, said lots being Nos. 20 and 22 on the general plan of Elmtown. Hav ing thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and necessary outbuildings. . , , _ w ,__ For titie see deed of Ellen elnn, widow, to Chester Yabczynski. but in correctly spelled in said deed as Jabczynskl. dated the 2nd day of inril A D. 1910. and recorded in the ortiee for the recording of deeds, etc. in and for Dauphin County, at Har !r?sburg. o tn Deed Book "B". Vol. 14. Pa Sold l as the property of Chester YuhC (r"vTTF d nSON. e ATTORNEY) x-o 3 —All that certain lot of ground in Harrisburg. Pa., bounded and described as follows: Beginning • V = corner of an alley called James Alley; thence along said alley 21 feet Li* inches to the corner of lot No. o; thence along the line of the same 131 felt to a point on Elder now Capital street; thence along said street 18 f.p* ai* inches to ft point on ot No. p thence along the line of said lot 131 feet to James Atley. the place of be f hereon erected a . three-story frame dwelling house, No. 818 Capl taSoSldrtas the property of Frances Wenr ( PATT F.RSON. ATTORNEY) No 4. —AH that land In Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, bounded and described L fotfows? Beginning at the North western corner of Seventh and Wood bine Streets; thence Northwardly along Ihe Western line of Seventh Street 95 feet, more or less to an al lev 13 feet more or less, wide; thence Westwardly along the Southern line of said alley 23 b feet and 2 inches more or less, to a point on land of Patrick H. Vaughn; thence South; wardly along the line of said land 9o feet more or less, to said Woodbine Street thence eastwardly along the northern line of said Woodbine Street. 14 feet and four Inches, more or less to the place of beginning. Thereon house No. bt>4 \V ooablne as the property of William H. M> (7 B 'P. BOWMAN. ATTORNEY.) No 5. —All the lollowlng four tracts of land situate in the city of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Penn sylvania. bounded and described as follows, te wit: , A Beginning at a point on the southern line of De>ry street, one hundred feet eastwardly from 21st street at line of land now or late of F J. Douden; thence southwardly along said line 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide alley; thence eastwardly along said alley 18 feet to line of property N*o. 2115 Derry street; thence northwardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 feet 9 Inches to Derry street; thence westwardly along Derry street 16 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house No. 2113 Derry street. B. Beginning on the southern line of Derry street 116 feet east wardly frotp 21st street, at line of property No. 2113 Derry street; thence southwardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 INSPECTS GASOLINE PtMPS George B. Neblnger, city inspector of weights and measures, is 'complet ing his semi-annual tests of gasoline pumps in Harrisburg. About 70 per cent, of the pumps in the city have been tested already, and all but one of these furnished the standard amount of gasoline. The defective pump was condemned until repairs were made, after which It was again tested and sealed. LEGAL NOTICE feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide thence eastwardly along said nlley 16 feet to lino t>f property No. 2117 Derry street; thence northwardly along said line 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; tlienee westwardly along the southern line of Derry street 16 feet to the place ot begin ning. Thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house No. 2115 Derry street. C. Beginning on the southern line of Derrv street 132 feet eastwardly from 21st street; at line of property No. 2115 Derry street; thence south wardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 feet to a 4 feet wide alley; thence eastwardly along' said alley 16 feet to an alley wav; thence northwardly along said alley-way 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thence westivardly along Derrv street 16 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house No. 2117 Derry street. D.' Beginning on the southern line of Derry street 170 feel east wardly from 21st street; thence southwardly through the center 01" a partition wall of a pair of brick houses 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide alley: thenee westward I y along said alley ; 2 feet to line of properly No. 2117 Derry street: thence north wardly along said line 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thence east wardly along Derry street 22 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a tliiee-story brick dwelling house No. 2119 Deiry street. Said four houses to have the use of the 4 foot alley in the reur and the alley way between houses Nos. 2117 and 2119 Derry street, in common. For title see Deed Books A. 15. 319. and X. 10, 173. Sold as the properties of Peter Vntiderloo. defendant. (ROSENBERG ROSENBERG ATTORNEYS.) Morris Stine, et ux el al. to Louis Swimmer, September 12. 1916. Deed- Book N. Vol. 16. page 323. etc. No. 1. Beginning at a point on the Western line of Oowden Street thirty tWO (32) feet and six (6) inches South of the Southern line of York Street; thence Southwardly along Cowden Street sixteen feet to a point; thence Westwardly parallel with York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet six (6) inches, more or less, to Ash Street; and thence North wardly along the Eastern Line of Asli Street sixteen (16) feet to a point; thence Eastwardly para.lei with Y'o.-k Street one hundred twenty six (126) feet and six (6) inches, more or less, to the place of begin ning. Thereon being house No. 906 Cowden Street. No. 2. Beginning at a point on the Western line of Cowden Street six teen (16) feet and six inches South of ihe Southern line of Y'ork Stieet; thence Southwardly along Cowden Street sixteen feet lo a point; the ice Westwardly parallel ivith York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet and six incites, more or less, to Ash atreet; thence Northwardly along the Eastern line of Ash Street six teen feet to a point; thence East wardly parullel with York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet and five inches, more or less, to'the place of beginning. Having thereon erected house No. 96 8 Cowden Street. Sold as the property of Louis Swimmer, defendant iSTROH. McCARRELL. ATTYS.) No. 7.—A1l thai certain lot of land, with the buildings' thereon erected, situated in the city of Harrisb rg aforesaid (formerly in the Township of Susquehanna,) bounded and des cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of North Sixth stP-el one nundred and forty il4b) feet from the northwestern corner of said Nortli Sixth and Maclay streets, at the line of property now or former!) of B. H. Kngle being the centre of the partition wall; tnence northwardly along said line of said street seventeen (17) feet to a point at property now or formerly of B. H. Engle; thei\ce westwardly along the line of said property and at right aniles lo said North Sixtn street ninety-six (96) leet to the eastern line of a seventeen (17) feet wide alley; thence southwardly along said line of said alley sixteen and tnlrty two hundredths (16.32) feet to the line of the aforesaid property of B. H. Engle; thence eastwardly along the line if said property at right angles to said North Sixth street and througli the center of tile partition wall ninety-six (96) feet to tne place of beginning: having thereon erected ,11 three (3) story brick dwelling house, known as No. 2116 North Sixth street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. And being the same premises which Sarah A. Decker, by her deed dated October 17th, A. D. 19C0, and recorded in the Recorder's Office at Harris burg, afoiesnid in Deed Book 'R." Vol. 10, page 207, sold and conveyed to Charles K. Mclivain and Minnie B. Mclivain, defendants herein. And being also the same premises which Edwin S. Herman and his wife by their fluid dated Feb/uary 2. A. D. 1906, and recorded in iiie aforesaid Recorders office in Deed Book "L" V'l 12, page 261, sold anu conveyed to Charles K. Mclivain and Minnie B. Mclivain, defendants heroin. Sold as the property of Charles K. Mclivain and Minnie B. Mclivain, defendants. (NEIFFEK & SAUSSAMAN, ATTYS.) No. 8. —All that certain half or piece of ground situate 011 the east ern side of Pine street in the Bor ough of Lykens, County of Dauphin anu State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ing twenty-live (25) feet in width, Hunting on the east side of Pine street an 1 extending eastward the same width one Hundred and forty (140) feet to a sixteen and one-half (16 44) feet wide alley and being the northern half of lot No. 321 as murked on Hie plan 01 tne Town (now Bor ough) of Lykens. laid out by Daniel Hoffman, in the yeur A. D., 1843, said naif lot bounded on the north by lot No. 322, on the east by it sixteen and one-half iI3V4) feet wide alley; on the south by southern half of lot No. 321 and on the west by Pine street. Sold as the propel ty of Noah A. Swanger, deceased. For title see Deed Book "M," Vol. 13, page 105. (CARTER. ATTORNEY) No. 9. —All that certain lot or tract of land situated In Washington Township, Dauphin County, Pa bounded and described a's follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone in the center of Public Road leading from Berrysburg Road west to Middle Road from Curtin to Elizubethville, Pa.; thence south 37% degrees east 387 feet by land of Henry R. Hart man to a stone; thence by land of Allen Swab Estate south 85% de grees west 1465 feet to a stone by land of Edward Specht; thence by same north 2144 degrees east 132 feet to a stone in the middle ot said des cribed Public Road and land of Dan iel Shaffer; thence in the middle of said described Public Road, north 75 degrees east 730 feet in the mid dle ot same Road to a stone; thence in the middle of said road north 63 degrees east 571 feet to a stone also in the middle of said Public Road; thence in the middle of same north 62 44 degrees east 728 feet to the place ot beginning. Containing 20 Acres and 136 Perches strict measure. See Deed Book P, Vol. 15, page 459. Sold as the property of Edwin W. Specht, defendant. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold by W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, Angus'; 27, 1919. THE HIGHEST AND BEST BIDDER SHALL BE THE BUYER TERMS: The purchaser will be required to pay FIFTY' DOLLARS OF the amount of his bid when the prop erty shall have been knocked off to him, if under $500; above that amount, 10 per cgnt. of the purchase money; and the residue of the pur chase money before the confirmation of the sale by the Court. And if complied with, a deed will be ten dered by the Sheriff, at the next 1 oort 01 Common t'leus for Dauphin County, conveying to the purchaser all the right, title. Interest and claim which the said defendant has vin and to the said property at the time of levying the same. If the übove conditions be not com plied with on the part of the pur chaser, and the said property be on that account again offered for sale by the Sheriff, the said purchaser will be held liable for the uelicieiiuies and additional cost of such sale. MARKETS I . ! NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New* York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square. Harrisburg: 1338 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations: Open Close Am. T. and T .102 1 * 10044 tills Chalmers 41 4845 j Am-r. Beet Sugar . 87 T S7 *-i . American Can 56 \ 56 4j( Am. Car and Fndry C0...184 ; 5i 136 I Amer. Loco 91 97 4 | Amor. Smelting 78 78', American Sugar ISO 129 Am. Woolens 121 122 Anaconda 6 7 * 70-* Atchison 92 91 Baldwin Locomotive ....114 129", Baltimore and Ohio 42 4* 13' Si Bethlehem Steel B 39 96 s * Butte Copper 2S' 27 44 California Pet 48 47-Q Canadian Pacific 152 4s 152'*, Central Leather 97*1* 97 7 Chesapeake and Ohio ... 58', 57 7 * Chi., Mil. and St. Paul .. 43 a , 44 4* Chi. it. !. and Pacific 25% 26^ Chino Con. Copper 4 4', 44'4 Col. Fuel and Iron 46 46% Corn Products 84• 89 T 4 Crucible Sl< el ISO I'M"* United Food 81U SI 7 * Erie 16', 16% General Motors 249 21419 Goodrich, B. F 77 44 "7% Great North, pfd 89', 884- j Great North. Ore. subs... 4 4 45 4* Hide and Leather 34 1* 34', Hideand Leather, pfd ..125 1 , 12544 inspiration Copper 62', 62 7 * Intel-national Paper .. { . 58 1 , 58 Kenneeott 37 4* 37% Kansas City Southern ... 19 13 Lackawanna Bteel 8i si% Lehigh \ alley 49 44 4944 | Maxwell Motor 53 5044 Merc. War Ctfs 08 58 Merc. War. Ctfs. pfd.... 118 7 list* Mex. Petroleum 192193', Miami Copper 28'* 28'* Midvale Steel 52', 53% 1 Mo. Pacific 2919 29'1 1 Mo. Kafis.. T 14% 13% N. Y.. N. H. and H 33 44 33 3 * Norfolk and Western ...100% 100% Northern Pacific 88% 88 l'enna. R R 434* 43 44 Pittsburgh Coal 66% 68 Railway Steel Spg 95% 100% Ray Con. Copper 24% 24% Reading 80 44 80 44 Republic Iron and St.-cl . . 90% 95 Southern Pacific 10144 19244 Southern Ry 26% 26 rtudebuker 113 ! Union Pacific 123 4* 123°, IT. S. 1. Alcohol .„..127- 128% 11'. S. Rubber 126 <3 126 IT, S. Steel 105% 107% U. S. St-el. pfd 115"* IK* 7 , Utah Copper . 86 87% Vlr.-Caro. Chem 84 83% White Motors 63 62% Westinghouse Mf..g 5u% 56% | Willys-Overland 34% 34 44' i Western Maryland 12 124* NEW YORK (I RB STOCKS I Following quotations furnished by Howard A. Riley and Company. 212 North Third street. Harrisburg, Pa.: | Land Title Building, Pliila., Pa.; 20 Broad street. New* York City: INDUSTRIALS Last Sale Aetna 10% Hupp Mo 12% United Profit. 2% Am. Marconi 5% Gen'l Asphalt 8144 Inter. Coo. Rub 21% No. Am. Pulp 4% Submarine 15 U. S. Ship 2% MINING Last Sale Cosden 10 44 I Federal 2% 'lnter. Pet 31% j Met. Pet 2 % Northwest E5 | Boston and Wyo 71 Glenrcclt 5% | Island 7% i Merritt 25 "mar 66 ! Sapulpa 7% I Sinclair G '.. 58 INDEPENDENT OILS Last Sale ! Big Ledge 9-16 1 Cressnn 2% Cal and Jerome 5-16 | How a 4 % ! Mother Lode 49 | Nipissing 10% Rescue 1') Tonopah Min 2% I Tonopah Ex 244 | White Caps is I Boston and Montana 79 |Caledonia 45 j Cash Boy 644 Icon. Arizona 1% j Hi clu 5% Jumbo Ex 1" Ray Hercules 2% Tonopah Bel 3% West End 144 PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Sept. 3.—Stocks closed strong Baldwin 121 j General Asphalt 8(1 44 General Asphalt, pfd. 120 ! Lake Superior 214, '.Lehigh Nav 68 I Lehigh Val 49% P. 11. K 434* Phi la. Electric 24 44 il'hiio. Company 35 I'hila Co., pfd 29 l'hila. Rapid Transit 25% Reading 8044 Storage Battery 96% X'nion Traction 38 V. G. 1 68% U. S. Steel 106 9, Y'ork Railways 944 Y'ork Railways, pfd 30 PHILADELPHIA PnODI'CK Philadelphia. Sept. 3.—Corn—Lower, yellow a* to grade and locaiton $1.98 @2.02. Oats —Lower; No. 1 white. 82@83c; No. 3 white. 81®82c; No. 3, white, 80 ® 81c. Hay—Lower: timothy hay. No. 1. $36 @3; per ton 7 No. 2. $33 @34; No. 3, cloved mixed hay. light I Guaranteed First Mortgages A few of these absolutely safe in vestment securi ties may be had, if appTi cation is made to us at once. Commonwealth Trust Company |j 222 Market Street [ ! a mixed. $3354: No. 1 mixed. s3l® 3.'. Butter—Higher; western creamery, extra, 59c; nearby prints, fancy, fit IU 66c. Eggs—Higher; nearby firsts, sl6 20 ; per case; current, receipts, $ 15.00 western extra firsts. $16.20: western lirsts, $15©15.60; fancy selected pack ed (il ©63 c per dozen. I.ivo Poultry—bower; fowls. 321© 31c; broiling; chickens, not leghorns, 5©34c: ht oiling chickens, legnorns. 28©31 c; ducks. Pekin, 87©28 c; Indian runner, 25®2"c; spring ducks, 2Sc. I ressed Poultry—Firm, fowls, frosli killed, choice to fancy, 40®41 tic; | small sizes, 32©39; roosters, 27c; | spring ducks. Long Island, 32@S5c;| i broilers, nearby choice. 38© 10c; broil ers. western choice, 35®S7c. Cheese—Steady; New York and Wis consin. full milk 31 ® 32 tie. Potatoes—Higher; eastern shore. No. I. $3.75® 4.50; No. 2. $2.50®3; Jersey No. 1. per basket. $1#1.25; lower grade 60®90e; white potatoes in 150 pound! sacks, $2.70 © 4.50. flour—Dull, winter straight west ern new slo.lo© 10.40: winter straight nearby, new $10©10.25; Kansas straight, new sll ©11.25; Kansas short put en t new. $11.50 ©11.75; spring short patent, old SL34W 13.50; new, $U..5©12; patent old. $12.60® 13.50; patent new, $7.50 © 11.75; spring, tlrst clear old. $9.254010; new. $5.76©9.50. Tallow- —Quiet; prime city loose, 15He: No. 2, 35©36 c; No. 3. 31®38c; clover mixed hay, light mixed. 35© 36c. lower grades. 30®31c. Bran —Quiet and steady: soft winter bran, city mills In 100 pound socks, ssl; soft winter bran western. s4B® 49; spring bran, sl7® IS. ( 111 l tOn CATTI.E MARKET Chicago, Sept. 3. —Hogs—Receipts 13 OOu steady with yesterday's close. ' Heavy. $17.50® 19.50: medium. slS© 20; light. sl9® 20.25; light lights, $18.50® 19.50: heavy packing sows, smooth. $16.25® 17.25; packing sow#, rough, $15.0® 16.25: pigs. $16.60® 18.76. Cattle—Receipts. 11,000: firm. Beef | steers, medium and heavy weight, j(hoice and prime, sl6® 18; medium and good. $11.50®'16; common, $9.50© II.50; light weight, good and choice, $13.13© 17.75; common and medium. $9.25 ® 13.50; butcher cuttle heifers, $66.75® 14.50; cowa, $6.65® 13: canners 'and cutters. $5.65®6.65; veal calves. $19.25© 20.50: feeder steers, $7.25® 12.75; stocker steers. $6.75® 10.25; I western range, beef steers, $9@15.75: cows, and heifers. $6.75® 12.75. j Sheep—Receipts 32,000; firm. lambs St pound: down. $ 12.26© 15.25; culls land common. $7.75®>1t.75: yearling wethers, slo® 11: ewes, medium, good 'and choice. $7.25©5.50; culls and com mon. $2.50® 6.50. CHICAGO HO 4lt I) OF TR tDK I fhlcnge, Sept. 3. Board of Trade closing. Corn—Sept. 167: Dec. 131'4. Oats—Sept. 69: Dec. 72. ) Pork—Sept. 42: Oct. 37.25. ! I^rd—Sept. 27.10; Oct. 26.70. Ribs—Sept. 21.60; Oct. 21.47. MARRIAGE I.ICENSKS Simon Pickaluagc and Alice But ner. Wllliamatown. Daniel Harrison and Minnie Davis, ifarrisburg. John A. R LaOurg, Cleve, Va„ and Mabel C. Jolinson. Harrisburg. Harry K. Martin, Steelton, and Blanche J. Hummel, Progress. Homer \V. Miller, Wormleysburg, rnd Elizabeth W. Smaling, New Cum rerland. John E. Peters and Margaret L. Musselman, Hurrisburg. RE: NEWSPRINT NEWSPAPERS AT 3 CTS. would not be unlikely were it not for the Invention of a pro cess of making new newsprint from old newspapers. The Newsprint Reclaiming Corporation Owns the new process—invented by THOMAS JESPERSEN, chemist. W'rte or phone for informa tion to Weber & Company Investment Bonkers Stock Exchange Building, Philadelphia Sprnce 426 M NEW ISSUE $750,000 Newsprint Reclaiming Corporation Ten Year First Mortgage 7% Gold Bonds Bated AUK. 1. Jttlß Due Aug. 1, i2 Coupons Payable Feb. & Aug. Ist §1 Ileglntcrable aa to principal only Redeemable at 110 and Intereat Denominations SSOO and SIOOO rnaelpal and Intereat Payable at OlHee of the Trnstee la New York Theae Bonds are a direct obligation and first mortgage on all property, rights, franchises and patents of the company, now own ed or hereafter to be acquired. Land, $125,000 Buildings, $350,000 1 Machinery, $500,000 Working Capital, $200,000 Making a total inventory of property and cash of $1,176,000 ex clusive of file patents owned by tile corporation valued at $6,000,000, TRUSTEE REGISTRAR Lincoln Trust Company, N. Y. United States Corporation Co., N. *. Free ef Normal Federal lucerne Tax I'cnaa. State Tax Refunded Company will pay any normal Federal Income Tax, which it may lawfully pay at the source not exceeding the present rate ot two per cent. Price Par aad Intercut A bonus of 50 per cent. In Common Stock of the Newsprint Re claiming Corporation is how being given to subscribers to these Bond*. This arrangement, however. Is subject to change without notice. All legal matters pertaining to this issue passed upon and ap proved by Messrs. Bunton. Ferguson & Moore, of-New York. We Recommend Tbese-Bonds For Investment, Descriptive Circular I oa Request. WEBER & COMPANY Investment Hunkers Stock Exchange Building Philadelphia All Statements Contained in This Circular Are Based Upon Infor mation Which We Consider Ileliablu and Upon Which We Acted in the Purchase of These Securities MANY (IRT MCKNNKS Since the opening of the hunting season this year County Treasurer Mark Munima has issued 1181 licenses to date, us compared with 582 dining tho same time in 1818. f \ Corner Property No. 1522 State Street Owner Leaving Town Very Desirable Location Modernly Equipped Brick Garage on Premises Early Possession Price Right BELL REALTY CO. BERGNER BUILDING i | I Some Attractive Preferred Stocks Of interesting character, ; both as to immediate in j vestment and future pos- j ' sibilities, are discussed ( j briefly in the current num- j j ber of our Market Review: j American Beet Sugar Preferred Allis-Chalmers 1 | 7 °/c Cumulative Preferred American Steel Foundries i 7 °/o Cumulative Preferred ! ' Americ'n Sumatra Tobacco 7% Cumulative Preferred j Sent on Hcqncat for H. T.-12H ; HUGHES & DIER I'cnn-Ilnrrla KMcl, Harrlabnrv* 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers