4 HUMORIST WILL ADDRESS C. OF C. Women to Be Permitted to At tend Next Luncheon of Chamber What's in a name?" asks the Har- Tlsburg Chamber of Commerce in its notice to the members regarding the luncheon meeting to be held in the Penn-Harris ball room next Friday at noon, When Douglas Malloch, of Chicago, noted press humorist, author, editor and poet, will make an address on "The Poetry of Business." The Chamber proceeds to. answer its ques tion in the following manner: "Well, some one said there's noth ing in a name, and a thousand peo ple have said the same thing since. But Chamber of Commerce members know better. For instance, those who took in the Junj Joy Jaunt know that the name 'Douglas Malloch' means humor, homely philosophy, a lecture worth hearing, poetry that 'aorta pulls at the heart-strings," Jokes that make you forget your toothache, good common sense re marks that survive in your memory for months, and anecdotes that make you 'nearly die laughing.' " The meeting will be for the special benefit of the wives, mothers, sisters, and sweethearts of the Chamber members. "To hear Malloch is a treat. Give the ladies a treat Friday, September 5." urges the bulletin which the mem bers received to-day. Several lunch con meetings have been held to which the members were Invited to bring their wives, and they have been high ly successful, according to Chamber officials. Malloch spoke on the occasion of the June Joy Jaunt at the Colonial Country club two months ago, and made a great hit with the four hun dred Chamber members who were there. Because of the large crowd which his reputation is expected to bring out, Chamber members were urged to make special efforts to re serve places at the luncheon as early as possible. Reservations for Cham ber luncheons must be made before 9 o'clock of the day of the meeting. Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations j If It lias to do with Flowers or anything that Ji "grows," consult us— THE BERRYHILL j Locust Street at Second I; NOTICE Office will close from Sept. 11 Until Sept. 29 DR. J. B. LAWRENCE, 204 Market Street ~~ ~! Percy Vinton Ritter Instructions in water color painting Classes Now Forming Studio, 1835 N. Sixth St. The Kindergarten Taught By Miss Violet Stauffer Mill Reopen Tuesday, September 2 Fifteenth and Kcglna Sts. DR. G. A. ZIMMERMAN, having returned from the Army, announces the reopen ing of his offices at 1409 Market St. ARE YOU GOING TO "BECKLEY'S" IN SEPTEMBER? "IT'S THE BEST SCHOOL" SEE AD PAGE TWO Grade A Milk is the safe Milk for baby, especially in the Summer time. Pasteurized and tested for cleanliness and nutriment. The Name on Cap for Purity CHARLES A. HOAK Penbrook, Pa. Both Phones SATURDAY EVENING, SOCIALISTS ARE TORN BY STRIFE AT CONVENTION Left Wing of Party Thrown Out Before Order Is Obtained Chicago, Aug. 30.—Strife developed in the ranks of the Socialist party, which presaged a split, before Adoiph Germer, national secretary was able to call to order the opening session of the national convention here to day. Delegates of the so-called left wing of the party were forcibly put out of the hall by policemen because Secretary Germer said they were try ing to pack the convention by seating delegates who had no credentials. A fist fight between two delegates threatened to become a free for all affair, but the police were able to stop it before more irate left wing delegates could take part. Newspapermen Ilarrcd Immediately after their expulsion from the convention hall left wing supporters led by John H. Reed, of New York, held a meeting to decide on a course of action. Newspaper men were barred from this meeting, and the main convention. "We are revolutionary Socialists, and we don't want to talk to any re porters or members of the capitalistic press," Reed declared. Members of the left wing who did not heed the advice of Mr. Reed, said that if they were not recognized in the convention they would organize a new branch of the party. Favor Proletariat Although many delegates were not clear as to the difference between the left and right wings of the party, the principal difference appeared to be that the left wing want virtually a proletariat dictatorship and some even go so far as to suggest an abolition of political action. It was explained that the breach in the party has been widening for some time and the trou ble to-day was the result. Some said the left wing side wanted to adopt a program modeled after the Russian Socialists. A convention is scheduled to last a week. Secretary Germer said a na tional platform would be adopted, but that probably no presidential can didates would be named. Approximately 250 delegates attend ed the opening session and represen tation of a majority of states. STIXiL SEARCH FOR FLIERS San Diego, Aug. 30. Anxiety over the fate of Lieutenants Frederick Waterhouse and Cecil H. Connelly, army aviators missing somewhere in Lower California since August 30 is at high pitch. Reports that they had been found have been denied. RUSSIA TO BE INVADED BY NEW GERMAN ARMY [Continued from First Page.] their base at Shavli, where they also have established a generat staff. Their line of occupation from | north to south is Vilkovishki at the j mouth of the Dubissa river; thence Ito Radvilshkis and on to Janishkis. I They are under the ostensible lead ership of the Russian General Berg man, but their real commander, M. Steibiko declared, is the German general, Von Der Goltz. Thev con trol the railway lines in all the oc cupied territory. They number 37,- 000 Germans and 3,000 Russians, all wearing German uniforms. The Germans serving in this army called themselves volunteers, said the engineer, and claimed allegiance to the all-Russian government, thus pretending to be exempt from ci ders issued by Marshal Foch or the Inter-allied Council. Numerous Russian prisoners, he declared, were being sent from Germany to join the army at Shavli, while in the way of equipment for the army Ihc Germans had brought 380 airplaric-o. 100 automobiles and one armored train into the territory. Although the Lithuanian govern ment at Kovno had sent many notes to the Germans demanding their withdrawal and the Allied of ficials had ordered them out they had paid no attention to the de mands, he added. Dinner Saturday Eve., Aug. 30 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 N. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50£ Clilekcn Noodle Soup Calf Liver In Ilncun—Cold Tonjfue Chieken PrleuMNee—ltoiiMt fleet Mantled or Potato Salad Stewed Pens—Butter Bcann Entree Ice Cream—Pie or Padding Coffee—Tea or Cocou INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS MAKES APPEAL FOR BITS OFSILK Head Aid at Carlisle Hospital Asks For Donation of Odds and Ends Florence G. Hicks, Head Aid at the U. S. Army General Hospital, No. 31, Carlisle, has made an ap peal to the people of this city to send scraps of cretonnes, silks and ribbons, such as could be used in finishing or lining woven bags; pieces of velvet that could be used for bits of stenciling, or scraps of brocade with which to line leather purses, to the Educational Department of the hospital, through the local branch of the Red Cross. Bits of mercerized cotton, that could be used for weaving, and odd skeins or spools of knitting silk, are also de sired. These materials arc used by the aids who have been uppointed by the Surgeon General to teach the wounded men handcrafts of all kinds, the theory being that the men will improve more rapidly both mentally and physically if they have something to occupy their time. It is essential that plenty of the above mentioned supplies be received in the near future. Nearly every house hold has many things of the kind tucked away and it is hoped that the owners will place them at the dis posal of the boys by taking them to the basement of the Public Library at an early date. Miss Pearl Wilson Is Honor Guest at Party A delightful party was given on Thursday evening in compliment to Miss Pearl Wilson, at her home, 413 Maclay street, by the members of the Sunday school class of the Ot terbein United Brethren Church taught by Mrs. J. B. Fortenbaugh. Miss Wilson, who recently returned to this city after six months service with the American Red Cross in France, will leave for Scranton in the near future to resume her duties in a hospital there. Games and music were features of the evening's entertainment. The guests follow: Mrs. J. B. Fortenbaugh, Mrs. lias singer, Mrs. H. G. Oben and daugh ter Arba, 51 rs. C. I. Wilson and son Richard, Mrs. F. C. Hopple, Mrs. Elmer E. Garrison, Mrs. Howard Martin, Mrs. M. C. McKee, Mrs. Mil ton Murray, Mrs. Charles Loper, Mrs. John Berrier, Mrs. W. B. Sel lers, Mrs. W. Kuhn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, Miss Pearl W. Wil son, Miss Edith Wilson, Miss Anna Ayle, Miss Mildred Seidle and Miss Daisy Seidle. Local Merchant Weds East Liberty Girl The marriage of Miss Gladys E. Swift, of East Liberty, and Lewis H. Gause, of this city, was solemnized on Tuesday at "Hallensen Place," Ebens burg, the P,ev. Mr. Peterson, of Johns town, officiating. Miss Ruth Arm strong, of East Liberty, was maid of honor and James B. Koontz, of Bed ford, was best man. Following a luncheon where the color scheme was of yellow and white, Mr. and Mrs. Gause left on an extended wedding trip. They will be "at home" after September 8. in this city, where Mr. Gause is manager of the AVool worth store. Quiet Morning Bridal Solemnized in Manse A quiet wedding was solemnized this morning at 10.30 o'clock when Miss Kuth Pensyl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Prgia Pensyl, of 2433 Keel street and Clark Homer Yerger were united in marriage by the Rev. Ilarvey Klaer, in the manse of the Covenant Presby terian Church. The bride, who was unattended, wore a charming frock of dark blue taffeta, with a large velvet hat to harmonize. Mr. Yerger, who is a native of Mid dleburg ,is a local employe of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company. After a visit with Mr. Yerger's par ents the young couple will reside at 2433 Reel street. Mrs. Frederick W. Green left Thurs day for New York City to meet Mr. Greene, who has been located at Hart ford, Conn., for some time. They are registered at the McAlpin. lAttle Miss Sarah Jane Wells is spending a few days with her grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dod son, of York. Joseph Sauder, of Waynesboro, was i the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Towsen, 616 North Second street. Mrs. William Ford and daughter. Hazel, of 2021 Kensington street, have returned from a week's trij> to Rolling Green. Sunbury and Northumberland. Miss Elizabeth Howard, of 2008 North Third street, is the weekend guest of Miss Josephine Mack at Mount Gretna. Mtes Mary E. Gotta, 1332 North Third street, has returned to her home after a month's visit at Ocean Grove. Mrs. Charles Polack, of York, is the guest of Miss Mary MacDowell, 230 North Third street. Miss Mollie Lingle and Miss June Beard, of the Division of Public Rec ords. are spending some time at Atlantic City. Mrs. Kathryn Raymond and daught er, Miss Augusta Raymond, 1608 North Third street, have returned- to the city after a two weeks' visit at New York City and Elizabeth, N. J. Miss Mabel Givler, of West Fair view, accompanied by the Misses Bet ty and Gertrude Maybee, of Philadel phia, are spending ten days at the St. Charles Hotel, Atlantic City. Secretary E. L. McDonald, of the Knights of Columbus, will spend sev eral days in New York City. Dr. Charles H. Duncan, of New York City, is the week-end guest of Dr. George E. Bill, 819 North Third street. Mrs. Thomas Lawrence Dickinson, of Brooklyn, is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. M. MacDowell, 230 North Third street. Clarence Mahony, a local Knights of Columbus secretary, will leave for Carlisle- to assume the duties of the secretary there who has been trans ferred to Washington. .Mr. and Mrs. James B. Armour and daughters Jane and Betty, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Halfpenny and daughter Ethel, are on a motor trip to Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koenig, of the Maple Grove, left this morning on a two weeks' trip to Atlantic City. They will stop at the Chalfont. Miss Frances Brown, 1932 North street, will return Monday after a two weeks' visit at New York City and Wilbraham, Mass., where she is the guest of Miss Marjorie E. Bolles. Mrs. J. W. Gross, of the Acqueduct, spent several days here with her sis ter. Mrs. Albert lCoenig. HARRISBURG TELEGRXPH Steelton Man to Wed Baltimore Girl in Fall * MISS SAUI MYERS The engagement of Miss Sari Myers, of Baltimore, to M. A. Wolf, a promi nent young businessman of Steelton, was recently announced. The wedding will be nn event of the early autumn. Mr. Wolf has just returned from over seas where he served for a year with the Medical Detachment of the Sixtieth (Pioneer) Infantry. Labor Day Houseparties to Be Held at Ht. Gretna Among the many houseparties to be held at Mount. Gretna over Labor Day are two of local interest. One, at the Bacon cottage, includes Miss Kathryn Eveler, Miss Anna Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sullings, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall, Mr. and Mrs Roy Shreiner, of Lancaster; Richard Heagy and Edward Moore. They will l>e, joined op Sunday by Miss Beatrice Bacon und Miss Katheryn Kaupp, of Williainsport. In the second party, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Leland J. Wells, 608 North Second street, are Miss Ruth Beat.ty, Miss Florence McKay, Miss Ruth Towsen, Miss Marion Towsen, Miss Margaret Smith, Miss Adeline Paul, Miss Florence Kinkenbach, Lieut. J. Wilbur Towsen, Arthur P, Miller, Robert Klepfer, Kenneth Riley Stark, John S. Lloyd. George Long Stark and Rees Morrow Lloyd. Ninth Annual Reunion of the Hocker Family The ninth annual reunion of the Hocker family was held Thursday at Reservoir Park. The popularity of these gatnerings is increasing each year, and at the latest one people from several states were present. An excellent dinner, served at noon, preceded the annual business meet ing. After the opening hymn and invocation, Russell Rupp made an ad dress of welcome. A short talk was given by J. E. Hocker, historian, fol lowed by several short addresses by members of the family. Miss Eliza beth Ebersole, secretary, read the minutes, H. B. Holtzman gave the treasurer's report. The election of officers resulted in the following: George E. Hocker, who for nine years has served as presi dent of the organization, was re elected to that office; George L. Hook er, first vice-president; George H. Smith, second vice-president; Miss Elizabeth Ebersolo, secretary; H. B. Holtzman, treasurer and J. E. Hock er, historian. Game 3 and contests preceded an early supper, served out of doors in real picnic fashion. Gives Farewell Party For Miss Bessie Bennett Miss Margaret Shoaff wsa hostess last evening at her home, 210 Kelker street, at a farewell party given in compliment to Miss Bess Bennett of 2313 Jefferson street, who will leave next ((Tuesday to make her future home in Wilmington, Del. The table was artistically decorated, a color scheme of pink and white prevailing. Covers were laid for 12. Miss Bennett, who has been em ployed as teacher in the Camp Cur tain Public School of this city, has accepted the position as assistant to the liev. Dr. Sumwalt, pastor of the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church, of W tlmington. She has long been prom inent in church circles, being a mem ber of the Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church and holding the of fice of Fourth vice-president of the Harrisburg district Epworth League! R. A. B. Club Members Enjoy Evening Hike The R. A. B. Club enjoyed a jolly party last evening when they hiked to Oyster's Point. Around a huge bonfire the merrymakers roasted corn and wieners and toasted marshmal lows. Music, singing and dancing made the evening one to be pleasant ly remembered. The following were present: Miss Serena Kline, Miss Esther Naugle, Miss Julia Steinheiser, Miss Mabel Bretz, Miss Miriam Mac- Donald, Miss Katherine Kline, Miss Martha Yeutcli, Miss Marion Kline Miss Fannie Lehman and Miss Helen Yeuteh. William Struck, Samuel Kline, Francis Wenrlch, John Middleton, Maurice Abramson. George Smith, Lawrence Mcßride, William Jamerson and Percy McGovern. DAJK'E FUll SOLDIERS There will be a dance at the Knights of Columbus Hall, this even ing, for the men stationed at the United States Army General Hospital, No. 31, Carlisle. About 30 of the sol diers will be present and refresh ments will bo served. Secretary E. L. McDonald is in charge of the ar rangements. COMMUNITY SING An orchestra concert and commun ity sing will be held to-morrow after noon at 2.30 o'clock, at Hershey Park, with Mrs. Florence Ley, director for the War Camp Community Service leading the singing, and Elmer H. Ley, soloist. The feature solo will be Kipling's "Road to Mandalay." TO TEACH IN JERSEY Miss Ruth Martin, 2136 Green street, left to-day for Bridgeton, N. J., where she has accepted a position as teach er in the public schools. Miss Mar tin' was a member of this year's graduating class at Wilson College. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Martz, who spent the past week in Mount Gretna have Returned to their home, 2311 North Third street. Barn Party and Dance For Miss Carrie Martin Miss Ruth AUcman and Harry Alle man entertained Thursday evening at a barn party and dance at their home "Spring Willow Farm" near Oakdale, in honor of their house guest, Miss Carrie Martin, of Christiana. Among those invited to meet Miss Martin were; Misa Gertrude and Miss Cas | sandra Musser, Miss Elsie and Miss Mildred Beck. Miss Mary Nebinger, Miss Katherina Scheele, Miss Helen Schaub, Miss M. Fraelich, Miss Esther Rlcker, Miss Helen Rixen, of Phila delphia, Miss Mary and Miss Ruth Brlghtbill, Miss Elizabeth Gauze, Miss Susan and Miss Wilhamina Stoner, Miss Katherine Walmer, Miss Ethel Alleman, Miss Marguerite Hoke, MisS Tressa Kocevar, Miss Bessie and Miss Thelma Alleman, Miss Mary Sig ler. Miss Ruth Noye, Miss Miriam Stoner, and- Miss Grace Cummings. Carl Beck. Paul Good, Dr. Slater, John Hoak, Irvin Pletz, Ralph Rhoades, Paul Winning, Ross Ricker, Samuel Hartraan, Charles Ring, Lerue Schaub, Rooert Schaub, Edwin Shaff ner, Robert Young and Theodore Young, Rodger Alleman, Nelson Alle man, Dr. Kocevar, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Mehring, Mr. and Mrs. Stoner, Mr. and Mrs Brightbill, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Herman, Airs. Ella Beck, Mrs. E. M. Alleman and son Junior, Mr and Mrs. Harry Davis, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Alleman. GET MARRIAGE LICENSE Among tlje marriage licenses is sued at Elkton, Md., yesterday was one for Harvard D. Greenawalt and Josephine M. Zug, of Harrisburg. Negroes Protest Riots and Lynchings to Wilson New York, Aug. 30. —The Na tional Association For the Advance ment of Colored People, in a tele gram sent yesterday to President Wilson, protested against recent anti-negro riots and, more particu larly, against the assault upon John R. Shillady, secretary of the associa tion-, last week in Austin, Texas. The telegram is signed by Mary White Ovington, chairman of the association. "In the name of twelve million negroes of the United States," says the telegram, "the National Asso ciation For the Advancement of Col ored People respectfully inquires how long the Federal Government under your administration intends to tolerate anarchy in the United States ? ( "On August 22, John R. Shillady, secretary of the association, while on a legal and peaceful errand, was brutally beaten in Austin, Texas, the Governor of the State approving of the assault, participated in by coun ty officials of Texas. "On August 28 the State of Geor gia tolerated the eighth mob murder in that State sirrce the beginning of the year. On this occasion and one other white mobs burned negro schools and churches. "Sinc-e, January of this year thir ty-eight persons have been brutally done to death by mobs in this coun try, of whom six were publicly burned. Thirty-six of the victims were colored, two were white. "Therefor^J 1 the National Associa tion For the Advancement of Col ored People asks the immediate ap pointment of a responsible commis sion to investigate the failure of the States to protect United States citi zens, and urges you to go before Congress in the interest of the law and civilization, so gravely menaced in this country." Schumann-Heink Comes Back Without Grandchildren The Hague, Aug. 30.—Mme. Schu mann-Heink, who sailed for New York on the Rotterdam, was obliged to return to America without hay ing accomplished the errand oh which she came to Holland, name ly, to take her grandchildren, who are now in Germany, back to Amer ica to educate and make American citizens of them. The children's father, who was German, was killed in the war, and the mother's mind was affected by grief. Mme. Schu mann-Hetnk's idea was to make Americans of her grandchildren, but the American passport regulations proved an insurmountable obstacle. FEAR MONARCHY AGAIN By Associated Press. Vienna, Thursday, Aug. 28.—News dispatches from Budapest and edi torial comment in Hungarian news papers very generally express the belief that events in Hungary presage a return to the monarch ical form of government, it being declared the Christian Nationalist, party are thinly veiled monarchists. There are indications that there is a closer censorship of dispatches from Budapest. TO ATTEND CONVENTION Harrisburg will be represented at the National Association of Letter Carriers' Convention in Philadelphia next week. The delegates from this city will include: George P. Satchell, Thomas Carpenter and Rudy K. Fortna. There will be a big parade on Labor Day, but Harrisburg will not be represented in the procession. The carriers from Reading and other cities will participate. •Woman wanted to do washing one day a week. Have electric washer. Call at 1738 Market St. ■ If Yoa Need Glasses Consult Us We furnish you High Grade ( Guaranteed Glasses at a Rea sonable Price. CKX <£ohl.ltinkcnbach JcKoust OPTOMETRIST* MoOmeuM| N0.22 N. 4TH Sr. JMuunmo.RA* * "Where Glasses are mnde Right'' FIRST DIVISION ISNEARINGHOME Advance Section Lands; Hard Hitting Unit to Parade, Led by Pershing By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 30.—Nearly 1,800 officers and men of the First di vision, the first members of that outfit to return home after more than two years' service overseas, arrived here from France to-day. Major General Edward F. Mc- Glachin, Jr., commander of the di vision, and his staff and detach ments of the Twenty-eighth Infan try and first engineers were on board the transport Orizaba while nineteen officers and thirty enlist ed men, comprising the "advance section," which is to make arrange ments for the division's reception, returned on the transport Pastores. Detachments of the Twenty-eighth Infantry to return included the field and staff headquarters, ma chine gun battalion, medical detach ment and first battalion complete, a total of forty officers and 1,292 men. The engineering units includ ed the first battalion headquarters, medical, veterinary and ordnance detachments and Companies B and C, a total of thirteen officers and 380 men. Other units of the division are due to arrive within the next ten finys on the transports Suwanee, Liberator, Freedom, Amjihion, Cal lao, Santa Teresa and the Leviathan, which is expected to carry General Pershing and his staff. Members of the division will be sent to camp around New York pending the re turn of the last unit when they will be the guests of the city for several days. Tentative arrangements have been' made for a parade of the division down Fifth avenue on September 10. It is expected that General Pershing will ride at the head of the procession. Eight transports, carrying 6,733 troops, arrived here to-day from Brest. Besides the Orizaba and the Pastores, they were the GrafWalder see, lowan, Peerless, Santa Leonora, Henry R. Maltory and Santa Malta. They brought back casuals and small detachments from the service of supply. Dinner at the Penn-Harris For Out-of-Town Guests Raymond R. Jenkins, of Pittsburgh, will entertain at dinner this evening, in the main dinlngroom of the Penn- Harris, in compliment to his fiancee. Miss Helen Bergy, of Baltimore, and Lester H. Moore, of Pittsburgh, an old State College chum. Mr. Jenkins' other guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baser, Mr. and Mrj. Albert Middle ton, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hershey a '.C Miss Dorothy Jenkins. The wedding will be an early fall event and will probably be solemnized at the home of the bride, in Balti more. GIRL SCOUT NOTICE All the girls of the Golden-rod Troop. No. 3, Girl Scouts, who are taking part in the Kipona. are asked to report at Fifth and Muench streets Monday evening at 6.30 o'clock. Every scout is urged to be there on time. Would Increase Army, Navy and Marine Pay Washington, Aug. 30. Increase of 30 per cent, in the price of ail officers of the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, and 50 per cent, for enlisted men are proposed in a bill drawn by Rear Admiral T. J. Cowie, former paymaster general of the Navy for which congressional sup port is sought. Admiral Cowie, in statement made public to-day said the salaries of all Government employes, civil and military, should be increased immediately. He suggested advances of 100 per cent, in the salaries of the President, the Vice-President and cabinet officers and their as sistants and 50 per cent for members of Congress. A Coffee You'll Like Golden Roast Blend It's saying a great deal to promise you that you will like a coffee before you have tasted it. But it shows the confidence we hold in Golden Roast. It's so carefuljy blended from only the best—and it's so carefully roasted that the result can be only one thing—and that is good. If you have'nt tried Golden Roast you have a treat in store for yourself when you do. Your family will like it, so will your guests. Order a pound air tight package from your grocer to-day. R. H. Lyon C'ofTrc Purveyor to the Prnn llnrrlH, linrriMburg, l'a. SAVE MONEY! EAT AT THE CAFETERIA 3rd. & Walnut Streets OPEN LABOR DAY . . 1 AUGUST 30, 1919. Killed in Same Way His Friend Met Death When Harry R. Gates, 526 For rest street, fell under a draft of cars in the Rutherford Yards yes terday and was killed, he met a death similar to that met by a very close friend several years ago. urn. fenoto mMa GMZ is exceeded. 0M&! TUttitjcrrfc t as a. markeJ- Jot tej<js OANSL pou£Sne. ? . la^®^ Oysters Are Here Again! The wise man of today is the man that makes every dollar count. Oysters are economical and at the same time contain more food value than meat. Here They Are, Fresh From Cape May The first shipment arrived today and as usual we are ahead—consequently we are known for our good and fresh oysters. Ten years of catership in this line enables us to serve you better—make us prove it. MANHATTAN RESTAURANT "The Home of Good Oysters" "Always fresh." "Always open." 317 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. Season Opens, Friday, Sept. 5 The Conservatory of Music Mrs. Edwin J. Decevee, Directress offers a,thorough course to beginners and advanced students in Piano, Violin, Vocal, Violoncello, Theory, Harmony, History, Sight Singing, Eartraining Ensemble Classes Conservatory Chorus 607 N. 2nd St. Bell phone 573-J University of Jljjiit|| Pennsylvania 4 Extension School of Accounts and Finance will resume the pre-war schedule—four nights per week. Registration—September 15, October 3. Sessions Begin October 6. During the coming Academic year the following courses will be offered. Corporation Finance Insurance Money & Banking Accounting Practice & Pro- T ' cedure Business Law I Business Law 111 Accounting I Real Estate For further information write THEODORE J. GRAYSON Director—Extension School Accounts & Finance Logan Hall, University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. This friend, Charles Woff, lived just a few doors from Gates' home in Forrest street. The two men held many Interests in common and their friendship was one of the closest. Woff, at one time a State forester, secured employment on the Philadelphia and Reading rail road as a brakeman, and within sev eral months met his death by fall ing from a car and being run over in the Rutherford yards.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers