12 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA NEWS\ MILLERSTOWN Mill erstovv El , Pa.. Aug. 30. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Markley, of Charabersburg, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crawford and baby, Charles, of Har risburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eshleman and daughters, Florence and Charlene, of Canton, Ohio, were recent visitors at the home of D. M. Rickabaugh.—Herbert Hopple of Mifflin visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hopple.—Mr. and Mrs. Mervln Cook of Harrisburg visited their sister Miss Ella Tyson.—Mrs. D. H. Snyder who had been visiting her son, Mr. William Snyder, in Harrisburg, for several weeks, has returned home.—Miss Goldie Hop ple, of Mifflin, is visiting her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hop ple.—Miss Jessie Kipp, who had spent her vacation at her home at this place, left Saturday for Altoona. where she will resume teaching in the Altoona schools.—William F. Rounsley and family of Penbrook, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rounsley.— Thomas Baldwin, of Washington, D. C., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rinehart over the week end. Miss Margaret Bollinger visited friends at Loysville this week. —Miss Bessie Bennett, of Harrisburg. was the guest of Mrs. Laura Carter. —Mrs. Henry Bitting, of Newport, and Mr. and Mrs. John Slatterback, of Lewistown, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shiffer. —Miss Maud Miller, of Penna Furnace, is the guest of her friend. Mrs. Vernon Tabb. —Frank Wagner, of Lemoyne, spent the week-end with his family at this place.—Mrs. Edith Snyder and daughter, Evelyn, visited in New York. Philadelphia, Atlantic City and Harrisburg the past week. —Mr. and Mrs. J. B Par son spent Friday with William Moore and family. Mrs. Robert Cochran, of Carlisle, was the guest of D. M. Rickabaugh and family.— Mrs. Mary Allen and Mrs. William Coffold were visitors at Newport Tuesday.—Mrs. Grant Patton, of Harrisburg. and Mrs. John Brtnton, of Camp Hill, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kipp. several days tljls week.—Mrs. C. E. Page and Miss Daisy Walker were recent visitors in Harrisburg.—Prof. J. Otis Charles, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Samuel Rounsley, re turned to Emaus. Friday.—Mr. and Mrs. Emory Fry. Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Hopp'e, Miss Bertha Myers and Mrs. Fred Fry automobiled to Har risburg Tuesday.—Mrs. Wm. Walker and daughter. Miss Daisy Walker, were visitors at Mifflin Wednesday. Rev. Charles Himes. of Newton Hamilton, visited friends in town Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Warren Zeiders and children, of Steelton, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Harris, this week.—The Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Berkheimer. who had spent their vacation at Mechanics burg and Carlisle, have returned home. German Immigrants Arrive in Mexico Mexico City. Aug. 30.—Two hun dred and forty German immigrants arrived on a Spanish steamship at Vera Cruz on August 10. the desti nation being. agricultural lands in Chiapas, according to reports from the Vera Cruz correspondents of the Mexico p.ity papers. fUY YOUR AUTO SUPPLIES HERE We Can Supply You ***" , With Anything You Want %Lens, Mirrors, Spotlights, Tires, Tubes, Jacks, Tools, Patches, Bumpers, Grease in fact, anything in Accessories—Gasoline f Supplies Keystone Sales Co. 108 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. ntttittntitiiitinxtiituttttmtMittttxtttxitt g | For Rare Bargains | H * ♦♦ I ™Look oereB I n - ♦♦ ♦ ♦♦ STORAGE BATTERIES 11114 Stutx roadster, newly %% 0-12-24 volts painted. g At greatly reduced prices I!U7 Eager Twin Six. tourings X% Junt an gooil iin new fine Mlinpc. XX ° $lO.OO 1014 Overland, model 70s juat ♦♦ vol In IS. 00 overhauled. XX 24 VOUm 30 *°° 1018 Reo touring, fine running ♦♦ carry every kind of used car, ait it hurKitin price. ♦♦ tt for e * cr l k,n ' ' er - 1017 Chandler. Club Rondater, XX TT Sec us fir.t for renl bargain.. • juM overhauled; bargain. ♦♦ lOl7 Reo touring; n bargain. XX 1017 Ford touring, #33.*. ♦♦ ♦♦ 1016 Bnlrk Big Six, tourings Ihc n, ' ovt " ~ill appeal to if exlrss tires. the average' buyer in the mar- 44 ?,+ 1015 Uuick one-ton truck; ket for u K*od uned ear. <?♦ *ru tires. Demon.trntlou given. XZ tl ♦♦ IX 44 H Chelsea Auto Co. | XX A. SCHIFFMAN, Mgr. ♦* || 24—26—28 N. Cameron St. Harrisburg, Pa. H SATURDAY EVENING. TYRONE Tyrone, Aug. 29. Drunkenness is on the increase here. The coun try now being in a state of Prohibi tion, one question is asked: "Where do they get it?" On one evening in Tyrone there were at least ten in dividuals under the influence of li quor, and while this is not so many, it is remarkable on account of many days that have passed with not one inebriate seen. Tyrone shuts up tight on Labor Day this year. Here tofore only a half-holiday was ob served, but the big picnic and pa rade being held by the Labor Unions here this year has overshadowed everything, and the decree went forth that every place of business was to close on this day.—The joy of school children is now short iived, and the task of school going approaches fast, as on September 2nd, next Tuesday, the school bells will ring calling- the kiddies to the houses of learning. Mrs. George Bonsall, of Akron, 0., is spending several weeks in a visit with her sis ter, Mrs. Charles Wolfgang. Miss Mary Dickson is enjoying her vaca tion camping with a party at Vine yard, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cow den, of Clearfield, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis. —Miss Hannah Sttmer departed this week for Akron, Ohio, where she expects to make her future home.—Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Troutwine and two chil dren, are visiting with relatives in York Haven, Pa. Miss Vera Dar one, of Philadelphia. Pa., is visit ing Miss Helen Plummer, on the Plummer homestead farm, just east of Tyrone.—Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Na son, and three children departed this week for an extended journey through the western part of the State with stops at Titusville and Meadeville. John R. Stanley, who left Tyrone just 27 years ago, to go west, arrived in Tyrone this week from Chicago, 111., where he holds a responsible position.—George D. Wands, after an absence of over two years in France, with the army, has returned to his home and resumed his position as chief clerk at the P. R. R. freight station.—Miss Mar garet Rver. of this p'ace ts in Lewis town, Pa., for the week, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sprankle. —Miss Flo Glunt. of Buffalo. N. Y.. who spent her school years in Ty rone is a visitor for a period with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parks, of this place.—Miss Vanetta Browand, of Lewistown. Pa., is visiting her friend Miss Mabelle Gilman. —The Rev. Lu ther H. Waring, who is in the Gov ernment service at Washington, D C., accompanied by his family, is spending his vacation period in Ty rone and vicinity.—G. Clarence B'ack has returned from a trip to Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. Blanche Hamer and granddaughter. Betty, are the guests this week of Airs. Martha Crowl, at Rose Mont. N. J. —Miss Helen Smith, of Shippens hurg. Pa., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stewart. WOMAN HURT IN FALL Meoliantoshurg, Pa.. Aug. 30. While going to visit her son yester day afternoon. Mrs. William Stahl tripped on some projecting hricks in a pavement, in West Green street, and sustained a broken left shoulder blade. The arm was torn from the socket. [Other State News on Page 10.] MANCHESTER Manchester, Pa.. Aug. 30.- —The following were entertained at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Finki on Sunday: Mrs. Claude Jones and | children, Irene and Floyd, Buckeys town, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fahs. York; Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Bowers and children, David, Frank and Lil lian, North York; Mrs. Elizabeth Bowen, North York; and S. B. Hoover and daughter, Annie, Man chester.—Mr. and Mrs. Schriver and daughter, Louise and son, John, and Mr. Edw. Forry motored to Lancas ter, Sunday.—Dr. and Mrs. Edw. Wogan and son, Guy, Carlisle, and Mrs. J. J. Hanna and sons, James and Gross, were the guests of Dr. |H. V. Gress. Sunday.—Misses Kath arine and Bessie Fink returned home after spending some time at Strinestown, where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Smith. —Misses Lucile Lau and Elaine Lau, Spring Grove, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Welsh, Sunday. —Mrs. Jacob Schroll is confined to her home by illness.—Edward Gross returned home after spending a ten days' vacation at Niagara Falls, the guest of his son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Foames.— Dr. D. S. Quickel and Miss Eliza beth Ginter, Harrisburg, are visit ing relatives and friends here. —Mrs. William King, Wilkes-Bar re, and Mrs. Anna Partridge a'nd daughter, Esther, Kingston, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. May, Monday. —Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cockley and sons. Neal and Donald, York, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Cockley.—Mr. and Mrs. Sam uel Gross spent Sunday at Strines town. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gross, Allentown, returned home after spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gross.—Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Kunkel spent Sun day at York, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kunkel.—Miss Laura Hartman, Urbana, Ohio, Miss Fanny Bare, York, and Miss Flor ence King, Mt. Wolf, were the guests of Mrs. Anna Kauffman, Sat urday.—Dr. H. V. Gross. Mrs. D. V. Ness and Mrs. J. J. Hanna and sons, James and Gress, motored to Columbia Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John King and children, Amelia, Esther and Earl, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Kauffman and son, William, motored to Hershey Saturday.—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hake, of St. Louis, Mo., spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. (J. Kunkel.—Miss Blanche Myers, of York, is spending several days at the home of Mrs. Anna Kauffman. LINGLESTOWN I.inglestown, Pa., Aug. 30. —On Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Carrie Feeser the following young folks were entertained by Miss Mable Feeser and Miss Anne Feeser: Miss Evelyn Waidley, Miss Esther Taylor. Miss Esther Stauf fer, Roy Shelley. Russel Beyman. Meade Shaffner and Walter Stauf fer, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bals baugh. The evening was spent pleasantly with music and dancing. —Miss Sara Felty and Miss Katie Felty spent Sunday with Miss Paul ine Reilly.—C. Ross Cruni and Miss Sara Zimmerman are spending some time at Atlantic City.—Miss Mable Mumma spent the weekend at her home in Fishingcreek Val ley.—Private Earl Farling visited friends at this place on Tuesday.— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Getz and Miss Helen Getz of Mt. Joy, and Miss Salome Feeser of Harrisburg. motored to the home of Mr. and .Mrs. M. R. Bolton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Ijteller of Har risburg. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Koons on Sunday.— Regular church services will be held in the United Brethren Church on Sunday morning, by the Rev. L. D. Gottschall, and in the eve ning in the Church of God, by the Rev. James Waggoner. Harpel Zarker of Providence, R. ' 1., is spending his vacation with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis H. Zark er.—Mr. and Mrs. Amos Koons, of Union Deposit, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brehm.—Miss Wagner and Miss Rowe of Sun bury. are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wagner.—Mrs. Carrie Feeser and Mrs. Mary E. Feeser spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Rudy, at Penbrook.— Miss Esther Miller of Penbrook, is spending a few days with Miss Ruth Felty.—Miss Elizabeth Arva of Progress spent the weekend as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Arva.—Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bals baugh of Harrisburg, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Carrie Feeser and family. Miss Anna Sehaner is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shuey, at Enola. LIVERPOOL Liverpool, Aug. 30.—Miss Elea nor Hand, of Wayne, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Iteifsnyder.—Misses Ruth an,d Mar garet Eslinger of Berwick, visited here with Mr. and Mrs. John Hamil ton.—Mrs. Ellen Jobson of Sha niokin, visited here with Mrs. EUem Lijfekicher.—Mrs. Margaret Eyerley. who spent the summer here with her sisters, Mrs. E. C. Dunkerley and Dr. Elizabeth Reifsnyder, has returned to Berwick. —Miss Mary Morris, R. N., of Baltimore, is visit ing her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Morris.—Mrs. Dan Fisher and son Daniel, of Marysvillo, are visit ing here with relatives. —Miss Julia Albright and aunt, Mrs. J. Warren Stailey, visited in Harrisburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ulsh, Mrs. Ellen Wenner, and the Rev. H. B. Ritter. attended the Ulsh reunion at Lewis town on Thursday.—Mrs. Charles Goodling and son Royal, and daugh ter Kathryn. are visiting with rela tives in Harrisburg. Bancroft Reifsnyder of East Orange, N. J., visited with Mrs. E. C. Dunkerley and Dr. Elizabeth Reifsnyder.—Mrs. Barton and daughter, of Philadel phia, are visiting here with Mrs. Snllie Wallis.—Miss Jennie Shuler, of Philadelphia, is visiting her par ents. A. M. Shuler and wife.—H. A. S. Shuler. wife and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, are visiting in Atlantic City and Philadelphia.—Mrs. J. D. Miller. Mrs. Gary Tharp, Mrs. Land is Ebberts, Mrs. Dan Fisher and son Daniel. Albert Millaer and D. O. Miller attended a house party this week, at Mr. and Mrs. Lincolen Haines, in Millersburg.—Tra Wert of Harrisburg, spent the week here with his family.—Eldon Snyder has gone to Renovo, where he has his old position back on the railroad which he held at the time of his enlistment.—Mrs. Ira Fry of Har risburg. visited Miss Clara William son.—Miss Elevyen Snyder of Har risburg. is visiting her aunt. Mrs. P. O. Owens.- ITJCRRISBURG Q9S@S$ TELEGRAPH NEWVILLE i XewYllJc, Pa., Aug. 30.—A miscel-®; lnneous shower was held at the 1 home .of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heokendorn in Fairfield street, on l Wednesday evening, In honor of| their daughter, Mrs. William B. | Graham. Refreshments were I served. Twenty-six soldiers from | the Government Hospital at Carlisle were entertained at the United Presbyterian picnic, in the church : grove.—About fifteen members of I tie young ladies' missionary society of the Church of God, were en-J tertained at the home of Mrs. Fred i ilichardson, near Center, on Friday | evening. A social evening was Ip) Reduce the H. C. of L® in a logical way SHIP By TRUCK biggest factors in the high cost of living in T X looks as though a great part of the solution of Amer- America is our transportation system. Between pro- A ica's foremost problem to-day, the H. C. of L., lies with ucer and consumer lias the distributor, the motor truck. When the farmer has . atlstlc s show that, besides enormous the opportunity to ship by truck all his osses of perishable goods due to un- / . produce to some nearby city, the distri a\oidable delays, our present railway i\ \ §\r\ bution cost will be reduced. The farm system of transportation is too expen- \ r*f ers products will be in the city in so si\e. This is especially true of food J J s h° rt a time there can be no possible products, which usually have compara- l° ss as there has been in the past, of tively short hauls and a great deal of from forty to sixty per cent, of perish spoilage. Bureau ot Foods and Markets of New York able goods. All goods will be safely and quickly delivered fL- j ~r es at ie ultimate consumer gives two-thirds at a minimum cost. Economy in transportation of all com ot his dollar to the system of distribution. In other words, modities is a sure means to lower prices. This can be it costs sixty-five cents to handle thirty-five cents' worth effected only by the use of the motor truck as a means of of food ' transportation. "HEK&f' TRUCK ROUTE I Your Inquiry by Phone SCHEDULE mation Called For or Letter ' Below Tf , . for further information regarding truck schedules, refer to the If you are a shipper we want you Firestone "Ship by Truck Bureau," 210 North Second street, Har- SHIPPERS: Manufacturers, mer to get acquainted with the facts we risburg, Pa. Phones, Bell 2356; Dial 2357 chants and farmers are invited to tnentS tC> Ouf of - to " cl 1 I,ire . st " ne menib out 01 tne citj , or into the mediate points covered. Ship by i ruck Bureau for infor city. \\ e are collecting new data Route No. 2—Harrisburg to New York City. mation regarding motor express every day. Route No. ;i—Harrisburg to Mount Holly Springs via Mechanics- routes and lines covering their re- Whatever your product or its des- „ burs and Carlisle ; quirements. Let us know what you tination in the surrounding terri- "'eraburg.' Hal ' risburg to Chambersburg via Carlisle and Ship- have to ship, in what volume, with tory, find out whether trucks can Routc no. s—Chambersburg to McConneiisburg. v .' hat frequency, to what destina carrj it and whether or not they can Route No. 6—Chambersburg to Upper Strassburg. tion, etc. carry it faster, more conveniently Route No. 7—Chambersburg to Carlisle, Shippensburg and Har- MOTOR EXPRESS OPERA and more surely. Please your cus- risburg. TORS: Send to The Firestone tomers by prompt, unfailing deliv- Route No. B—Greencastle to Hagerstown and intermediate points. "Ship by Truck Bureau" all infor ery. The Firestone "Ship by Truck Route No. u Greencastle to Mercersburg. mation of interest to shippers, such Bureau" will tell vou how. No Route Xo ' Greencastle to Waynesboro. as the route or routes u coye charge for this service. Rou | c Xo ' "-Harrisburg to Bedford Springs. tonnage capacity of trucks, sched- Route No. 12—New York City to Harrisburg. ..i„„ . . i i • i • v-l. c t rr v, . . t tiles under which you operate, etc. - _ Route No. 13—lork, Pa., to Harrisburg and return via Dillsburg. r Irtirh I rnrisnnrtnhnn All intermediate points covered. II (ILK i rUltoJJUTiailOn Routc No# u_ Yo rk, Pa., to Dillsburg and return. Tmrh 7V/lfl COfl rfntinn Companies Operating RoUt s 0 te Xo ' 15 — York ' Pa " t0 Philadelphia via Columbia and Lan- lULK 11 UlldfJU I LULIUH of Harrisburp Route No. 10—York, Pa., to Baltimore via Hanover and Stewarts- CofUpfl/IIW Operating R. H. Detres, Route No. 17—York, Pa., to New York City via Lancaster, Phtla- Out of Hamshurg Wavnoaboro, Pa. delphia and Trenton. N. J. Dally? N °' 21_ Route X °- 18 —Philadelphia to Lancaster and Harrisburg. A ' o Xi & S °"' Went Shore Express Co., Route No. 19—Lancaster to Harrisburg and Philadelphia. Harrlaburjr, Pn. R™tA C vH b M l " nd ' Pn " Route No. 20—Waynesboro to Smithburg, Md.; Cavetown, Md.; R( Daflv N ° B ' *' 18 ' I, Dany-LemojTe. Chewsville, Md.. and Hagerstown. Md. Route No.-2- New Cumberland. Route No. 21—Wayr.-esboro to Leitersburg, Md., and Hagerstown. „ Every Monday. H. R. Miller, Md Route No. 12— 2028 Lennox St., „ Every Tuesday . Harrisburg, Pu. Route No. 22—Harrisburg to Steelton, Highspire and Middletown. Neff's Express man^' 0 ' 24 ~ Route No. 23—Harrisburg to Lemoyne and New Cumberland. 5t. D Honr'SpHnV*. Pa- ' Anyvrhere Anytime Route No. 21—Harrisburg to Palmyra via Hummelstown, Swatara Route No. 3 J ' J? ""*'' „. , , Station, Union Deposit, Hockersville and Hershey. w D ? " 17th and Chestnut Sta. "• •" Forney, Harrisburg, Pa. Chambersburg, Pn. A. A B. Express, ■^h^Route No. 4, 7-*- 1001 North 4th St., Dally. Harrisburg, Pa. E- M. Helone, W. H. Dare, Harrlsbuiv, Pa. 14-13 Vernon St., .—————Route No. 11— Harrisburg, Pa. ——— —_________— Every Monday. Blue I.lne Transfer Co., ~— —— ——————— ——— Sheeps Auto I-lne, 017 Capital St., ns ■ - , Chambersburg, Pa. Harrisburg, Pn. # a_ A. __ X _ _ Route No. 5 A. Harris, J /)P TCtCZ I. 1 ?""" Daily. 1320 North 4th St., m. m. Tlinmon'a Auto Line, Harrisburg, Pu. Upper Strassburg, Pa. Conrad Bros., 1 1 4* 1 1 Route No. 6 s E u VEE?i Q yer half the truck tonnage f - d £Ht u 011! W'lotinlfico St., • Route No. 13— IlurriMburfr, I'a. £ 4 • • • • 1 Every Monday. 530 \orth Front St., •ot America is carried on II I Every Thursday Steelton, Route No. 15— E. K. /.eitera, -ataaDaily. 1033 Ilerry St.. J Route No. 16. 17— Harrisburg, Pa. M Upon request. L. It. Hunter, A A A|K A. F. Ebersole, 181 l North Oth St., W Bl KW Hlglisplre. Pn. Harrisburg, Pn. H OQ B IB BT H Route No. 22 D. It. Jones, ■■ KQS mSw ASP H Wf 9 H Daily—Steelton. Shnmokln, Pn. Highspire, Middle- McExven Dray Line, town. AVllliamsport, Pn. Oaks Auto Line, I„ c Huelimnn, Ms,on ■ ■ Greeneustle, Pu. • l''-l.iirg, Pa. I I|J O Route No. 8. 9 3. E. Wolf, I I fx r Dally. Lemoyne, Pa. A JLA X I Nieary's Auto Line, G. W. Grove, Greeneustle, Pu. 11XO S. Cameron St., ~~— ———————— ——Route No. 10— Harrisburg, Pa. Daily. D. A. Sleber. —— —____—___—____ ___ E. V. Hull, 1307 Hunter St., . Waynesboro, Pu. Harrisburg, Pa. Route No. 20— __ Daily-Except Sunday. f 5 L 6 L The Firestone Ship By Truck Bureau" dial # Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. 2357 210 N. Second Street Harrisburg, Pa. Other Firestone "Ship by Truck Bureaus" at f J~*r\ \ NEW YORK, 1871-5 Broadway. NEWARK, 1012 Broad St. VflLto) M, I BROOKLYN, 1476 Bedford Ave. PHILADELPHIA, 312 Broad St. \ W mCPT'J BALTIMORE, 1213-15 St. Paul St. WASHINGTON, 824 14th St., N. W. Home OlTlcc and Factory Firestone Park, Akron, Ohio. Branches and Dealers Everywhere. N / spent. Miss Nettie Coleman and niece have returned to their home at Harvey, 111., after visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. It. H. Sollen berger and other relatives. —Misses iSara and Barbara McCrea spent several days with friends at Al- I toona. Mrs. Hugh Mclllienny and | son returned to their home at St. ' Paul, Minn., after a six weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. John R. Brandt. —Mrs. Sarah Abrams and daugh ter, Miss Henrietta, visited her son, j Samuel and family at Altoona, for ! a week. TO PREACH LABOR SERMON ! Mceliaiilcsburg, Pa., Aug. 30. "The Rights of Labor and How to | Obtain Them" is the theme of the sermon, the Rev. C. D. Rockel will deliver to-morrow in St. Paul's Re formed Church at a special Labor Day service. At the close of the service there will be an open forum. MOUNT UNION Mount Union, Pa., Aug. 30. Labor Day is to be celebrated here as a holiday for the first time In years. The observance will be in charge of the Fire Company and the firemen promise to make it a ban ner day. The committee in charge has announced that there will bo music, parade, foot racing, horse 1 racing and as a banner feature a AUGUST 30, 1919. county championship baseball game|l between Mount Union, Harbison. ! Walker Brick Company team and 1 Huntingdon. It is the fifth game of a series of nine for the county championship. The local schools will open September 2, with several new faces on the High School teach ing force. W. P. Harley returned Tuesday after spending two weeks at the home of his parents, at Royersford, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Herman B!nkeslee spent a week with Mrs. Margaret Hollenbaugh. —Miss Vella Wltheral and mother are visiting friends in Virginia. Misses Olive Lukens and Resale Bennett are spending some time at Atlantic City. L. J. Myers and family are spending the week at the ■ I I, - home of a son at Shamokin. —Bojr Scouts are camping along the Rays town branch. Washington Heights Washington Heights. Aug. 30. -< Miss Maud Peffer, of Washlngtoi Heights, spent Sunday at Washing! ton, D. C.—Miss Evelyn Otto has ro turned from a visit with friends ;U Carlisle and Churchtown.—Miss Edltl 1 Nelson, of Harrlsburg and W. H Young, of Philadelphia, were thl guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Rishe s on Wednesday.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers