MEN IN FRANCE RECEIVE THANKS Rear (iilard Treated Much as Were First of "Pershing's j Crusaders" Herbert Adams Gibbons writing t the Philadelphia Press, says: The A. . E. F. is closing up rapidly in France.: and American uniforms are disappear- I ing as quickly as they began to ap- | pear in the trying davs of last spring. The M. C. A.. K. of C. and Jewish ! Welfare Board are going out of bus- ! iness. The American Red Cross is' giving up its palatial headquarters j at the Regina Hotel and moving over i to a little building in the Montpar- : nasse quarter. The change has been most sudden | in Paris. For the large number of i officers at the Sorbonne and connect- I ed with the central offices and the ] l'eace Conference kept up the illusion ] of a large American army remaining ' in France. Ana then, every officer! on his way to the Army of Occupation | or on his way home came via Paris ! and contrived to stop here at least j a day. But after the Sorbonne closed : and President Wilson went home and j Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. sAf I? UjJJ With your linger! You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn be tween the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. A tir.-y bottle of "Freezone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few i drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly it stops hurting, then shortly I >ou lift that bothersome corn or! callus right off. root and all, with- ; out one bit of pain or soreness. ! Truly! No humbug! | M MAGNESIA FOR! dTOMAGH TROUbLE li .Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre vents Food Fermentation, Sour. Gassy Stomach and Acid ludigestiou. Doubtless if you are a sufferer from indigestion, you have already trie* pepsin, bismuth, soda, cua.vo- „. ,s and various digestive aids -.... jou know these things will liol yodr trouble—in some cases do not even : give relief. But before giving up hope anu de ciding you are a chronic dyspeptic i just try uie effect ot a utile u.-arat- ! cd magnesia—not the ordinary com mercial caroonate, citrate oxide or i milk, but the pure bisurated mag- i nesiu which you can obtain from ' practically any druggist in either powdered oi tablet form. Take a teaspoon. oi the powder j or two compresses tablets with a little water attei yojr next meal, and see what a difference this makes, i It will instantly neutralize the dan gerous, harmtui aciu in the stomach which now cause.- your food to fer- ! incut and sour, making gas, wind, Xiatulence, heartburn and the bloat ed or heavy lump;, leeung that seems to follow .osi everything you eat. j You vv ii mid tuat provided you | take a utile insula.ed magnesia im- i mediately after a meal, you can eat almost any thing and enjoy it with out any danger of pain or discom fort to follow and moreover, the con tinued use of the bisurated magnesia cannot injure the stomach in any way so long as there are any symptoms | of acid indigestion. t STERN S STERN'S ! I ! Stem's Slioe Ikirgain List for -L.-- 1 Saturday, Aug. :?Oth. Buy now chitdrrn'-, J *- - —Tho price Is right and the .J* 1 *' 1 ' ,k jr k . lH&> Ckhls are right. "TX ,£?" 0| J Mttle Boy** Ma- Children'* Tan '*hVke Cut' 6 uff* • ' r\ •' * fe. hoirany Tun Knit- Sruffer Shoe*. Size* to S jpar VB| liwli Shoe-s. I .ace and Button. $1.93. Size* Jv v Bargain Price, Size* to 8. liar- tn ' 11 ••". iV Jj* <'v' ft® $3.33 Cain Price, $1.98 Men's Black Kid Bin- Boy*' Hoary Tan Slipper*. -® ar * aln chcr Shoaa. Klknkln School Shoe* m ™ c *' *'- 0 t.oodye*r \\ eltod. liar- Price, m " gain Price, $4.93 Bargain Price, $2.93 $1.49 j&SjL I*di' Rich Ma- " Scout Shoes"ukV S"sL' tfe : "fW hrP Make Good rail/will Uw'Bwta! xir- \Vvlii > S J Kit her Ft lack or \\'s"*lrain Price. $3.50 \l *:-%#!, s'fcill fj T.inChrome Klk Ysis ifrvAvV *1 Ui V. / j *>'• Thepr.ce xS!S- fi£ V.lfc^l J for the little fl V* her Heel*. f,ac* /4 S' It rofl ' felloir* up to T' f■ ' ®*, v Bargain /V* u e j Bl* Hoys- Sizes, Khf^Jail- 1 ' " ; VERY NATTY HIGH LACE ROOTS /* K)H LADIES (Style Like Cut) /* ~ >jiX&S&Tt ► Made of fine black glazed k!d- / j skin. Notice tlie height of this tbb / ' Ixxit, tlie shape of the heel, the ' HA ; long, narrow vamp. These are jdSffir?'.' ' */ ir mr { t features you lock for In $lO JBJ I fe-y I boots. OCR I'RICE TODAY J FOR THF.SK HAND- (J ' Uf\ sf . SOME SHOES IS. ... 9VvV&fgr m L —_fl i-ta u ... ■■ > TfffHii FRTDAY EVENING. Treaty of Versailles was signed, and the two reviews of the Fourth and the Fourteenth were over, American uni forms began to thin out. Now they are practically all gone—and within a few weeks! Except at the demobilization cen ters and the ports of embarkation, there are no American soldiers in France. Lines of communication have disappeared also, as the Army of Oc cupation is being fed through Hol land. ! There has been a distinct strength -1 aing and increase of the feeling and manifestation of the feeling of cor , diality on the part of the French now ! that we are going home. That is j quite natural. We were too numerous. I The A. E. F. had too much money to i spend and was too assertive. It was i pretty hard for French civilians to tind the Americans swarming every where, causing prices to be raised, i filling the trains and hotels and res i tafarants. Wherever Americans were numer j ous in France tand that was almost everywhere) they insisted on having ' the best of everything and paid for I it so lavishly that the French could ! not compete. Tours is an example. The French suddenly found their ; markets depleted, foodstuffs scarce, no chance of getting tickets for the i theater or cinema, all the tables in | their favorite restaurants and cafes i always occupied by American officers 1 and soldiers. | How would we feel under similar I circumstances? It is all well and ' good to exclaim that the Frenchman is an ungrateful cuss who begrudges the American anything—the American who came across the ocean and risk ed his skin and gave up his comfort i to help the French. But that doesn't help a natural and inevitable impa tience, which grows to resentment, when you find your benefactors in possession of everything in your own | country. Things are getting better again. I Now that Mr. Yank is not so numer- j ous he is immensely popular. All the ! feeling of gratitude for our role in ' the war has come to the surface, and the stragglers of the A. E. F. are real izing how warm-hearted and really' appreciative the French are. Loose Methods of Some Mutuals Are Scored /?!/ Associated Press. Gettysburg, Fa.. Aug. 29.—Loose methods followed by some mutual Are i Insurance companies in the State were pointed out and plans for bringing all the lire underwriters under State control, was outlined by Insurance I Commissioner Thomas B. Donaldson, at the annual convention here of trie 1 representatives of Pennsylvania lead ' ing mutual fire insurance companies. Tie insurance commissioner said that I ho wanted to state frank'v that , tion to state supervision was sheer 'stupidity because mutuals would never 1 be able to do the business they should : until the weak companies were clean led out and until there was a standard jlorrn of policy that was intelligible. j WELFARE 111 HEM ROATRIDE The Harrisburg Welfare Bureau ' will give a boat ride for the mothers and children enrolled at the welfare centers Thursday. September 4. at 2 o'clock. The boat will leave the South street landing and the after noon will be spent on the river. Re freshments will be served. HI NT FOR YOI'TH Harrisburg police are aiding in the renewed search being made for John Fezel. a 14-vear-o!d Hungarian-Am erlcan boy. of Lackawanna. N. Y., who disappeared from his home in October of last year. The youth is believed i to have come in this direction. How Fat Folks May Become Thin ' If you are suddenly becoming stout, : or if you have been putting on flesh for years., the cause is generally the i same—lack of oxygen carrying power jof the blood. This trouble occurs i mostly in men and women over thirty. ! but it may be easily treated and with- I out any of the privations most fat i people imagine necessary to reduce ! their weight. Simply go to your drug ; gist and get a box of Phynola. Take i rive grains after each meal and at bedtime. Wonderful results should be quickly accomplished by this simple treatment. Be sure however you get the genu ine Phynola. It is put up in original sealed packages, is pleasant to take and gives prompt results. Oorgas. the druggist, stores, 10 N. Third St., Third and Walnut Sts.. and Penna. K. R. j Station. George's drug store and C. Keller's drug store can supply you. BOYS HAVE BIG TIME; GUESTS OF ROTARY CLUB Playground Lads at Beaufort Farms, Where E. B. Mitchell (lives Fine Entertainment Sixty-eight boys of the city play- ; grounds were entertained by the Harrisburg ltotary Club at Beau fort Farms yesterday through the kindness of Ehrman B. Mitchell, the owner, who is chairn\pn of tne boys' work committee and one of the most active members of the or ganization. It was a great day. Ask any boy, old or young, fortunate enough to be present, about it. Next year it's going to be bigger, but it would be difficult to make it better. The boys assembled at the play grounds under their supervisors, having been chosen for good be havior during the season or for the reason that they excelled in seme form of playground activity. J. K. Staples, playground superintendent was heartily congratulated on the tine, upstanding lads he and his as- . sistants have developed in the city's i recrea/an fields, ltotarians in au- j tomobiles picked them up and took them to the farms, where they were met by Mr. Mitchell who entertained them With a tractor demonstration, showing the visitors how he plows an acre an hour, handling the bulk of the work of plowing, harrowing, cultivating, hauling and machine op eration on his 4 00-acres of farm lands with this one gasoline driven piece of motor apparatus. Apples by the Bushel from the fields the boys were es- j eorted by the ltotarians to "The Lodge," the Mitchell home, a hand- , some structure occupying a com manding position on a knoll not far from the Ilockville mountains, where the host had placed a half dozen bushel baskets of apples. The lads were invited to "go to them" and tliey did, like a swarm of bees about a sugar barrel, coming out of the melee with pockets, jackets and blouses loaded with enough fruit to keep an average family supplied for several ditys. The picnic was held in the woods and fields back of the Mitchell resi dence, where Mr. Mitchell and his fellow members of the boys' work committee had rigged up a shooting gallery, shotgun range, baseball dia mond, volleyball court and a dress ing room for those who desired to use the beautiful swimming pool which- is one of the attractions of the estate. The pool Is surrounded by trees and is from three to nine feet in depth, surrounded on all sides by tall trees, and is supplied by a pure, clear mountain spring. John S. Musser, in a brand new sport suit, gave the boys instruction in shotgun practice, whanging away for an hour or two at clay pigeons which members of the club fired from a hand trap and was ably as sisted by "Dick" Robinson, while Arch. G. Knisely, Jr., put the boys through their paces at the rifle range. About a million cartridges, more or less, were fired and there is lend enough in the hillside to-day to stock a fair-sized mine. Meanwhile the boys on one side the ltotarians on the other had got ten into a baseball game, of which Frank Consylman, was umpire, the men being beaten to a dizzy frazzle, despite the decisions of thg "ump" i which the boys pronounced, "very, i very rotten." But the real sport of the day was i the volleyball match between six i K ataiians on one side and the cham- J pion Sycamore street team on the \ other. The boys challenged the men i and they went to It "for blood," the j boys winning the contest three games | out of five. After a dip in the pool i to cool off all went to the woods at j the base of the mountain, where I S S. Rutherford, assisted by "Ed" : Weaver, had prepared a bountiful i supper. The hot dishes were brought I out in tireless cookers and the water ! melon for dessert in huge ice cream j freezers that kept it cold as ice. The ! boys were served by the Rotarians j who acted as waiters and after the | supper lollypops were distributed j while "Uncle Bill" Essiek, a former | president of the club, gave a brief I talk. Others who spoke were Wil ' liain H. German and Mr. Mitchell, who told the boys the history of Beaufort Farms from the period of j early settlement down to the present day. The president, G. M. Steinmetz, taught the boys the "Little Prairie Flower Song," which the assemblage then sang amid much hilarity. Af | terward the boys' playground chorus I got together and sang for the Ro tarians. receiving much applause for j their efforts. Charles W. 801 l led j the lads in "The Star Spangled Ban ner," after which the evening came to a close with a marshmallow toast around a big cumpfire. PERSHING WILLBE QUIZZED FOR BURNING [Continued from First Page.] included material and machines of value. To Examine Sale of Goods The committee will, spend several days examining in detail the bulk sale to the French government of i American goods, comprising $135,- I 000,000 worth of food and $137,- | 000,000 worth of clothing. Inquiry ' by the committee has disclosed some I confusion in the powers of the li quidation commission headed by j Edward B. Parker, of Houston, 1 Texas, and the mission headed by C. W. Hare, director of sales. The latter, however, although accom panied by a large staff of experts, appears to have no authority to sell any part of American Expedi tionary Force stocks in Europe. The contract with the French government for the sale of Army i stocks in France, which was closed jon Wednesday, provides for pay ment in five per cent, bonds matur ! ing in ten years and payable either in gold or francs at the option of the United States. Delivery of the goods sold must be made on or before August 31. The French | press comments favorably on the ! deal and at the office of the United j Secretary for Liquidation, it is con j sidered a very good one for France. ! Important quantities of foodstuffs I comprised in the transaction will be distributed in such'a way as to give consumers the utmost possible bene i flt - CASE HARDENED | "Papa," said a small boy to his par j ent the other day. "are not sailors very, very small men?" | "No. my dear." answered the father. ' Pray, what leads you to suppose that ; they are so small?" "Because." replied the young idea. "I read the other day of a German lallor go'ng to sleep on his watch."— Minneapolis News. WARN AGAINST SPEED TRAPS The Harrisburg Motor Club i., warning its members against an alleged speed trap at Mt. Holly. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPTI WILSON TO BE ON TOUR ALL MONTH Will Visit Thirty Cities in In terest of Peace Treaty; Itinerary Announced Washington, Aug. 2 9.—President Wilson will visit thirty eities during his tour of the country In the in terest of the Peace Treaty and wi'l be absent from Washington until September 30. He will leave here next Wednesday night and will make his first address Thursday at Columbus, o. The itinerary was announced to day at the White House. The sec ond address will be delivered at In dianapolis Thursday evening and other addresses will be as follows. September 5, St. L>ouis: Septem ber 6, Kansas City, Mo.; September 6 and 7, Des Moines, with address night of September 6; September 8. morning address in Omaha, Neb., and evening address in Sioux Kalis, S. D.; September 9, St. Paul and Minneapolis; September 10, Bio marelc, N. D.; September 11, fore noon address in Hillings, and even ing address, in Helena, Mont.; Sep tember 12, forenoon uddress in Coeur d'alene, Idaho, and afternoon address in Spokane; September 13 and If, Tacoma, with evening ad dress in Seattle, September 14; September 15, Portland, Ore.; Sep tember 17 and 18. San Francisco; September 19, afternoon and night in San Diego; September 20 and 21. Los Angeles: September 22. Reno, Xev.; September 23, Salt Lake City: September 24, late afternoon ad dress in Cheyenne, Wyo., spending the night in Denver; September 25. forenoon address in Denver, and afternoon address in Pueblo, Col.; September 26, forenoon address in Wichita, Kas., evening address m Oklahoma City, Okla.; September 27, midafternoon address in Little Rock, Ark., and night address in Memphis; September 28 and 29, Louisville. P. 0. S. of A. Delegates Have Returned Home Local delegates to the P. O. S. of A. convention at Bethlehem have returned to their homes in this city. Harrisburg men took a prominent part in the organization of a "mys terious" organization, whose by laws provide "no member will be allowed to go to bed before 4 a. m during state conventions, as all its important happenings will take place while others rest." Officers i include; President, J. L. Porter, j Dauphin: secretary, Frank Lindsey, Harrisburg. Other members in clude: H. E. Buffington, Lykens; [ Ed. V. Weigle, Harrisburg: D. L T . j Bowers. Harrisburg: W. H. Best, i Harrisburg; R. C. Bowers, Harris | burg; J. R. C. Gramm, Harrisburg; Elmer Duncan, Highspire. "Harrisburg's Dependable Store" YOUR FALL CLOTHING NEEDS THVERY man is interested primarily in a suit—a suit that meets X_J his requirements and ideas. But with this suit a man ex- / \ Mm\ pects DEPENDABILITY and SERVICE. He demands that / \ yiSp® . be exactl y as represented—and that the merchant that / 'C % \ ' ? A' '* sells him the garment make good any defect that should cause it / \ 11*/ /; I | > VaHII to be unsatisfactory—we feel that by the number of new custo- w //i'\ J v/A / / jsi 'il\w mers that are brought to our store by the old customers that .\A ]h x \Mj Ji[i ; AM WM. STROUSE HAS THAT KIND of a STORE. 9 j ifraifflPw) Suit Prices Are $35 to SSO W-J/j| W''" QHIRTS of beauty and quality are what the younger men and rajj .4j/y men of today look for —Every well dressed man wants snap ]flk mF and gentility in his shirts—Metric Shirts represent America's Hi t\l\ Y foremost manufacturers and that's why they're fo md in "Har- 1 j : \ ,~r >, risburg's Dependable Store"—Madras—Russian Cords—Fibres / 1 1\ * a nd Silks. 1 Prices Range From $2.50 to sl2 TpALL Underwear is a matter for consideration—Buy only the iilfflP' P k es^ — the most DEPENDABLE store you can—For ' iml in no line is there need for confidence as there is in under fill wear. We carry only the very best obtainable and at prices that are the lowest possible. Knitted garments of the lighter weight jEgPi are what the average man requires at the present time —for the W*%fs¥ j' air contains that tinge of autumn that makes it feel just right. Tj\ \ \ jßSgpi Lewis and Vassar are among the nation's leading light weight i,jl underwear manufacturers and they are found here. I'l jk NECKWEAR that is bound to appeal to every man—The new- ./' i est weaves and designs—They're reasonably priced, too, so \ W that you get 100 cents plus for every dollar you spend— i Ask to see the new shapes. Priced $1 to $3.50 ' 7 / PJERVICE and Reliability in a store mean everything—a store • lO i s °nly as great as its policy—lts effort to do the RIGHT THING —That has always been the aim of Wm. Strouse and i| always will be—More people come to this store daily because we /m f|| DO without TALKING rather than TALK without DOING — r^SHSI 9 Us There's a difference in stores just as there is in individuals and UHHI s'l ! mSt) Hi MS it's U P to t^ie buying public to distinguish between genuine truth- \PPa,.'^. ||®y E9 SI!M fulness and veneered profiteering—and most people are DOING xfer MW VI THIS FALL-ARE YOU GOING TO USE YOUR GOOD JUDG- xV £\ V MENT WISELY? 310 Market Street Pa. LOWER RATES WOULD FOLLOW ROADS' RETURN Executive Says Private Opera tion Will Increase the Traffic By Associated Press. Washington, Aug. 29.—After the return of the railroads to private | operation, the rate question will be | one of reduction rather than in- ] crease, Charles Elmquist. president of the National Association of Rail way and Utility Commissioners, told the House Interstate Commerce Committee hearing on railroad re organization. Mr. Elmquist said the question would not be one of increasing the rates, but of reducing them so as to permit the greatest flow of traf fic He added that the carriers would be returned to private management under the highest level of rates ever known and that they would not bo ! in any danger of bankruptcy with ' out aid from the government. I Views of the State Commissioners j on the railroad problem were pre- I sented to the committee by Mr. I j Elmquist. ' The committee also heard yes-| I terday the protest of Great Lakes | shipowners and their representatives ; against proposed railroad reorgani | zation legislation directing the In- | i terstate Commerce Commission io j take jurisdiction over port to port J or tramp boats. Harvey D. Goulder. of Cleveland, I : appearing for owners of tramp j boats, opposed control of such ves- : sels. Manufacturers of iron and steel, : Mr. Goulder said, depended on ore j transportation of low rates, a de j mand which he said was filled by i the tramp vessels. Shippers and re- I eeivers of ore, he said, had dectarea that regulation of the tramp boats | would be disastrous and unfortunate. I Chambers of commerce in the lakes j region, he added, were unanimously | opposed to changing existing cond.- | t.ons relating to water traffic. i JOHNSON HEARING POSTPONED By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 29.—Upon agree | inent of counsel the hearing on the ■ j application of the American League | j Baseball Club of New York, to make I ' permanent a temporary injunction i , against Ban Johnson, president of the j ; league, restraining him from prevent- j j ing Carl Mays Pitcher, from Play- j | ing with the local club, was postponed 1 in gthe Supreme Court to-day until j September 5. AWARDED CONTRACT i G. W. Ensign, inc., of this city, have ] j been awarded the contract for the j 1 State Highway bridge in Pittsfield i township. Warren county. Two Codicils Added to Will of Carnegie There are many interesting items in the will of Andrew Carnegie, the | more important of which were printed in the Telegraph yesterday, j Following are additional extracts of , an extremely interesting document: "Having years ago made previa- I sion for my wife beyond her desires j and ample to enable her to provide ! for our heloved daughter Margaret: j and being unable to judge at present I what provision for our daughter will I best promote her happiness, I leave j to her mother the duty of providing ; for her as her mother deems best, j A mother's love will be the best I guide. j "To George Irvine, our butler, who j has Just resigned after twenty-five years' faithful service, a pension equal to one-half his salary. "To Housekeeper Mrs. Nicol, who still remains with us in her twenty seventh year of service, there shall > be paid a similar pension for life, : likewise to Nannie Lockerbie, our nurse nnd to Maggie Anderson, our oldest servant—each one-half of her present earnings. These four are as members of the family. "To all household servants who | have been with us for four years there shall be paid S6OO. "Eight years or more $1,200. "Fifteen years or more $2,000. "A,sum equal to two years' rent shall be remitted to each.crofter as I rent accrues who is in good stand ing among his neighbors. "We are blessed with fine people . upon Skibo Estate, and our factor I is directed to grant a third year's rent to the crofters provided it is spent upon their homes to their im provement to the satisfaction of I the factor." j Two codicils were added to the Ambition Pills For Nervous People The great nerve tonic the fam ous Wendell's Ambition Pills that will pflt vigor, vim and vitality into i nervous tired out, all in, despondent j people in a few days in many in ! stances. I Anyone can buy a box for only 50 cents, and your druggist is au thorized by the maker to refund the | purchase priee if anyone is dissatis | tied with the first box purchased. Thousands praise them for gen era! debility, nervous prostration, j mental depression and uustrung j nerves caused ay cter-indulgenee In j alcohol, tobacco or overwork of any j kind. For any affliction of the nervous j system, Wendell's Ambition Pills are unsurpassed, while for hysteria. ! trembling and neuralgia they are I simply splendid. Fifty cents at | your druggist and dealers every ' . 1 AUGUST 29, 1919- wilt which was executed in Febru ary, 1912. The first codicil was written the same day as the original • document and the second March 31. ! 191.1. • Memorial Bridge Costs to Be Apportioned j Problems attending tile distribu tion of costs of construction of the new State memorial bridge in Capitol | Park will be presented before the I Public Service Commission on Sep tember 11 when the r.oard of Public i Urounds and Buildings asks for a cer jtiticate of convenience to build the (Viaduct. The State and city shares will be stated and It is probable that •the Pennsylvania and Heading Rail roads, the Harrisburg Railways, the 1 Children Need Food Often j ' Give Them Jersey Corn Flakes fj ANY time of the day that the children get hungry, a dish of xi- Jersey Corn Flakes is the ideal food to serve them. They ' love the crisp, golden brown flakes and the food is so nourishing too—just what the children need to keep them strong and healthy. The grown-ups enjoy them just as much as the children. The pleasing natural flavor of the corn is brought out by our superior toasting process, and their flakey, brown crispncss is retained after being served in milk. They never get soggy. ;i 3. s The Jersey Cereal Food Company, Cereal, Pa. Learn the Jersey Difference Ask Your Grocer for | Com Flakes i | The Original Thick. Com Flakes '■ ■V -in.aa ae ■■ —w. agg ■ *.t county of Dauphin and others who may he interested will be mentioned. Under the Public Service Company net the commission lias authority to determine in certain cases. , • - The State will ask bids to be open ed on September 9 for the borings for the foundation dT the new south of | lice building in Capitol Park. This | will be erected on the line of the pres ent. State Library, but east of Fourth street. Borings were made last spring for the foundation of the memorial bridge. THE REAL TEST "Suppose .lob bad had some ot our modern afflictions." "Yes. and suppose Solomon had to I give Judgment as umpire in a baseball game."—Boston Transcript.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers