STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX 1..1.1. i'lju—2Bß I'MTED ill ; A Y Fashionable Fall Hats of Bowman Quality You know the reputation of this store for selling millinery that is new in style and of highest quality. Hence, when the season is here for buying the new Fall hats, you may rest assured that the assortment here is up to the usual Bowman standard. We endeavor to select only such hats as come from makers whose reputation is unquestioned as style authorities and whose workmanship shows the finishing touches that characterize the better hats from those of the cheap-looking imitations. You will enjoy making a selection front the hun dreds of pretty hats which we are showing for early Fall wear. Year by year shows an increasing num ber of women who come here for the hats which are known to be correct in every detail. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. A Special in Children's Hosiery, 39c Children's light weight, medium weight and heavy weight stockings in black, white and brown. These stockings are seconds, but are exceptionally good ones, which make the imper fections hard to detect. Our salesladies will cheerfully show them to you. if you'll ask them. Specially priced, 39c pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Tomorrow Is the Final Day of the August Sale of Fine Furniture Yes, to-morrow the curtain goes down on the Nineteen Nineteen Furniture Sale—the most success ful of any held by this store. The gratifying response of the public is attributed to the excellent values we have given from year to year. The confidence of our customers thus gained has brought their repeat orders and the patronage of their neighbors and friends. This store closes to-morrow evening at six. There is a splendid assortment of fine furniture to choose from at special August Sale Prices. Motor truck delivery or freight prepaid to distant points. The Bowman Club Plan permits convenient payments, if desired. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. Women's Silk Stockings Special at $1.39 Women's pure thread silk stockings; medium weight with lisle tops and soles. These stock- • ings are full fashioned, insuring perfect fit; in black and white; specially priced; $1.39. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. An Unusual Skewing of Stunning New Blouses F . . J Il6Se 3re the VCry SamC StyleS Which haVC been attractin g so much atten - f l ue > and white. These are tailored blouses of the practical type, attrac \ 1 tion the P3geS ° f thC leading fashion magazines all along. Variously de- tively priced at $5.95 to $45.00. veloped in all the popular materials. Some richly embroidered and beaded with . . . . J; all the delicate color blends of a peacock feather and yet within the bounds of , bI ° USC ° f f° d hand mad f Flat Ve ? ise lace ' Daint >' tucks on co,lar I good taste that appeal to discriminating dressers. Other neatly designed and " s > s l uare an enettan nee s, $11.95. trimmed models that serve the wearers with distinction. And then there are the A full line of extra size blouses in dainty voiles for the large women in sizes x more modest priced ones, serviceable for every day wear. For whatever purpose, 42 to 54; small collars that are always becoming to the large woman and the / J * wki/y\ le fl° wm an assortment of blouses is unsurpassed for beauty of designs and smart collarless type; $2.25 and up. \A( ;• J y y^\ JmWl-- imm PriCe i d " ',° W " ,hey Can be boUght for an >' where in li section of State, and Crepe de chine blouses in dressy types and tailored. Soft and youthful • U\<*V J iSm , aVat 7 aS l SUrancethat,he > rhavebeenselec,edtomeasureu P toth,!Bownla shades, fashioned with all the daintiness and charm of many higher priced fj (GO V Msmm stan dard of style, workmanship and quality. blouses $3 95 ,JK " IJ \ SUlt bI ° USeS With " Cb C ° lor contrast ' introduced in effective braiding, em- For the girl preparing for school or college, a smart tailored Satin Blouse, I A & br ° ldery and frin g es ' as well as the charm of originality, which are a source of with roll collar and large button which fastens it in the front; turn-back cuffs; I \\ \\fjJ|U A 'N inspiration to all those who see these blouses materials in dainty shades of Bis- also high neck, buttoned from the throat; $6.95, $7.95, $10.95 and $11.95. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. " T ' "*'■ FRIDAY EVENING, Special iY A New Lof c>f Fall DRESSES COATS Desirable dresses, especially suitable for small Just the sort of coats that appeal to the miss women and misses, in jersey and serge. These or Mrs. looking for an early Fall or Winter wrap, dresses are very neatly and modishly trimmed These coats are strictly tailored for the woman in silk braid, embroidery or buttons; the blouse, who wishes to wear her own furs or handsome the long silhouette or slightly raised waist-line ly fur trimmed ' Straight-line, semi-belted or cr . n i i?i • T-ii tvt rr, completely belted. The coats are all-wool diag effect. Colors are Flennns,, Elk, Nut, Taupe ii> i m • tr, o-, ™ . onal 1 010, Cheviotte, Velour, Silvertone, Chin and Navy. S.zes 14 to 16 and 15. 17 and 19. ( . hilla , Silvertip, Bolivia, Tinseltone, Evora and These dresses are very special values at $19.75. Peachbloom. All the wanted shades. Sizes Many others at $22.50 and $25.00. 14 to 48; $29.50 to $95.00. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Style and Economy in School Shoes For Children Smart-looking footwear of npality is the keynote of good taste, both for dress and school. You can have the best footwear without sacrificing economy, for at this store, we have moderate priced shoes for the school girl and growing girl. Ihese shoes speak for comfort and good service, and have satisfied the wearers, as they always seem satisfied with our brand of shoes. We try to make our stocks comprehensive enough to suit the most exacting buyers in both model and fit. Our salesforce takes pleasure in showing these shoes to you. Sizes to 1 Growing Girls, Sizes 2*/ 2 to 7 Brown Calfskin, lace; $8.50. *jj These are all High Grade Children's shoes, made to stand the hard usage of school days. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. RARRISBDRG T&J&H TELEGHXPH IIAItIUSnUHG. FRIDAY, AUG VST 20. 11)10 AUGUST 29, 1919- STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Saturday Specials in Dress Materials Silks IVool Dress Goods IVash Goods No Samples, No Mail Orders, No Phone Orders JVill Be Filled, As These Are For Saturday Only 36 and 40-inch Figured Foulards and Crepe de Chine; dark and medium grounds; very spe cial, yard, $1.89. 36-inch Fancy Silks; Satin and Cwiffon Taf feta with Satin Overstripes or Plaids, $1.69 yard. 32-inch Foreign and Domestic Ginghams in an endless variety of plaids, checks and stripes; 59c yard. 36-inch Silk Overfigures and Checks on fine Mull grounds : full line of colors for dress, waist and fine underclothes; 69c yard. 54-inch Navy Men's Wear Serge. A good, substantial weight; $3.25 yard. 48-inch Navy Tricotine; the season's big fav orite; $4.50 yard. 42-inch Collingsworth Flaids; strictly all wool and the richest combinations; $2.25 yard- BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. The Moderately Priced Henderson Corsets f Fashion, comfort and service art combined with the low prices in these time-tried corsets. Henderson Corsets are fashionably correct, their outlines carefully de signed to display the new apparel that define their figure. Henderson Corsets are high in quality, made with the utmost scien tific care and selected materials us ually found in corsets of high cost. These are guaranteed by their mak ers, so we can safely guarantee them to you. I A We have a variety of models in this // / make, for stout, medium and slender J J kA figures; priced from $1.50 to $6.00. * BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Cando Silver Polish This polish is the highest quality silver polish known to us. It is specially prepared for the fin est gold, silver plated, cut glass and Chinavvare- It will not injure the most delicate surfaces, al ways safe and reliable. Saturday Special, 19c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Fancy Turkish Towels In Jacquard effects; plaids and stripes; colors of blue, pink and yellow. These towels are sub ject to mill imperfections, / but are unusually good values at the undernoted prices: 45c, 50c, 69c and 75c each BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 3 COIXDEU 1W
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