Eighteen Airplanes are Safely B^ck in Roosevelt Field Mineola, X. T., Aug. 29.—Eigh- ! teen of the airplanes, which left I Roosevelt Held in the New York- "The Live Store 1 "Always Reliable" " Open Saturday Night—Closed All Day " ©And There's always a big rush at the closing days of this "Live Store's" f All \ Mid-Summer Clearance Sale. Vacation days are well over —Many of our customers have [ Q*f j i been away enjoying a few weeks' rest and pleasure. Now they're homeward bound. New wearing apparel will \ DllltS I be needed and we are pleased to invite these friends to join the big crowds who are coming to our Semi-Annual \ J / $27.75 / Where Everything Is Marked Down (Except Arrow Collars and Interwoven Hose) f All $1.50 \ Save money—There are very few days left—you can't afford to wait, you can jf All 50c \ ( R V n 9 \ make your money go a great deal farther if you spend it wisely and carefully. It seems foolish on our part // \ \ O. V • LJ, S jto urge you to buy now when we know in a few days we could sell you merchandise at higher prices, but we need your friendship I! IVlOnitO \ J and co-operation. We know you are going to appreciate the big savings that are waiting for you, and when you come here you V\ - _ // \ $1.19 / will have an opportunity to invest in good clothes and save money. Think of it, you can buy at Mid-Summer Clearance Prices \ ITOSO, 39 C J 'llHHi -j Mtfjl h a! "t Schaffner & Marx, Kuppenheimer & ' iNlft Societ y Srand Clothes I I All Shirts, Monito Hosiery, Underwear, Pajamas, Night \ v i u ?■ Shirts, Trousers, Overalls, Gloves, Neckwear, Sweaters and all Boys' Clothing \ [1 awid Furnishings at extremely low mark-down prices. We need the room for Fall merchan- S jPM&j 3 -/% dise. This is the most successful sale we have ever held—but remember, it's nearing an t U etter act uickl y y° u would enjoy getting more for your money than you All 525.00 Suits ill 8.75 All $40.00 Suits ■ All $30.00 Suits $2:1.75 An $50.00 Suits ffiQQ A " s3s "°° sUitS 7 - 7r> A " S6oo ° Suits $48175 B°y s School Ooms~] lMi\ 1 All slo.ooSuits $7.89 All $15.00 Suits $10.75 I lMßmk\ , All $12.00 Suits $8.75 All $16.50 Suits $11.75 I '■ iff 1 1 1 M $13 ' 50 Suit# 59.75 All SIB.OO Suits $13.75 I SI- 50 ' 304 Marke t Street Harri.burg, Pa. FRIDAY EVENING, Toronto derby, had completed the round trip and were safely back at Roosevelt field last night. It is ex pected that four or five more pilots i will have finished the race to-dg.v | in time to be officially "weighed in" j before midnight. The rules of the contest require that a round trip shall have been [ completed before midnight. Any j machines en route, either to Roose- j velt field or to the exhibition 1 grounds in Toronto, after that hour i will be disqualified. Seven pilots finished their trips yesterday, one of them. Lieutenant F. C. Honsigner, flying over from Farmingdale. XLAJRRISBURG *JTE3JEGR^VPH Germans Arrest Three Members of English Mission ! Copenhagen. Aug. 29. Three j members of the British mission to Lithuania were' arrfsted by German soldiers and taken to Mitau, accord ing to Riga dispatches to the Lettish press bureau. The British mission to Riga subsequently secured the re j lease of the men. HONORS SOLDIER BOY West Falrvlew, Aug. 29. Mrs. C. C. Britten, of Panama Heights, West I Fairvtew, gave a dlnrier' in honor of | John H. Lynch, Jr.. who recently re- | , turned from France. The following | were present: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lynch, Sr.. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond . Zimmerman. Mr. find Mrs. Paul Au kerbrandt, Mrs. C. C. Britten, Miss Winifred Fegan, Miss Grace Lynch, I AUGUST 29, 1919- , | John H. Lynch, Jr., Miss Evelyn Au j kerbrandt, Miss Dorothy Zimmerman, I Miss Margaret Zimmerman. TWO DIE SUDDENLY i .Marietta, Aug. 29. Mrs. John j I Carnathan, of Eden township, 82 years j t "Id, and Mrs. Horace Gladfeiter, 78 I years old, of near Marietta, died sud ! denly to-day from apoplexy. Both I were In good health. I Horlick'ft the Original | Malted Milk—Avoid | Imitations & Substitutes 15
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