16 | One of Toflay's Classified las lay• Carry lews of Real Merest to Yon j A:. I Fit I ESTER Died August 27, !!'! •, George W. Armprlester in his ioili year, at his late home, 602 i- iiH'ial services will be held at the . bow address on Saturday a.t 3.30 to which relatives and friends are invited. Interment private in Last . mrrtsburg cemetery. .'ottstown papers please copy. —Susan Minerva Reed, widow el the late John Reed, died August >. iul9. Funeral Friday. August 29, at 2 ~'elock from the residence of her oi.-in-law, Albert Millard, 1503 Liberty st. Relatives and friends are . eiiucsted to attend without further notice. Rurial at Shoop's cemetery. CARD OF THANKS Air. and Mrs. Jacob McCormlck. 234 :.arris street, desire to thank their ghlmij and friends for their kind :. cMcnded to them during their | ii.i.c In rcavement and also those who | r. ril Moral tributes. i The laniily of the late Daniel Mader, , Ooxestown. desire to extend their thanks to those who so kindiy assist-, •<) them in their recent bereavjllnent, ml alno those? who sent Moral tributes, j LOST AND FOUND LOST—Three skeleton keys on yej .ow chuin. citln i on V.'alnu., -Market. Third or Fourtli . treets. Iteiurn to Red t I'OSK headquarters. FOUND—Auto tire August 24, pn ; Carlisle i'ike near f'amp Hill lnquue M. S. litter, .Sillreinanstown. i'a. ; INSTRUCTION'S INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg . Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Rookkecping. Penmanship. Arithme tic. etc. DAY AND NIGHT ,-CHOJL OP UN ALL I GAR. Kilter at any time. ; U. I! 12.'. Dial 40I. MKCkLEY'S BUSINESS COLLKOK. 121 Market St Chas. It. Beekio). | HELP W ANTED—MALI. _ SEVERAL experienced news- i paper canvassers foi out-of- ; town campaign. Salary and ! < xpuises. Apply l AIR. J. C. YOUNG. 1116 North Sixth Street. Between li and 7 P. M. I WANTED Car repairmen at P. K. R shops. Harriijburg. inquire MASTKIt MECHANIC'S OFFICE, Harrisburg. OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE. | i.ucknow and Enoia. RAILWAY mail clerks. Hundreds! wanted. $llOO-SISOO. Age. 18-35; ex-1 perienee unnecessary. For free par ticulais of examinations, write It. Terry, (former government examin er). 51S Continental Bldg.. Washing ton. • FOREMAN for open hearth steel ; fcundrv, one who thoroughly under- i stands making ol' general castings, both dry sand and green sand. Must be able to handle men and get pro duction fro'fn them. Must be thorough), ly sober and industrious. State-experi ence und salary. Address Box 14-6050 care Telegraph. BRICKMASONS Excellent opportunity for long time job; good wages and hue living oonditions. Ask for Mr. Shattuck. Room 528 Penn- Harris Hotel, between h mrs 9-10.30 a. m., 7-8.30 p. in. WANTED —A competent salesman and solicitor who will work in Harris burg and vicinity. He nmsl la- able to operate an automobile und if lie can j furnish ills own automobile it is pre ferred The pay can'be a fixed salary or commission, as may be agreed upon. Address C, Salesman care of tele graph office, Harrisburg. , "WANTED —Men if you want to learn i the right way to sell and hold a nigh j grade sales position, statu? age. wlicie employed, phone number and full par ticularr; confidential. C-7572 care Tele graph. TWO men over 21 to learn sales manship in sparetime; positions guar anteed to those qualifying. Address P. O. Box 3. llill Station, City. DRUG clerk wanted. Address A-817S care Telegraph. YOUNG man to work at soda foiin- j tain. Address H-8174 care Telegraph, j WANTED —Drug clerk. Thorley's Drug Store, 404 Broad St. WANTED FIRST CLASS PATTERN MAKERS IN A NEW AND UP TO-DATE SHOP. NO LABOR TROUBLE. 'FIRST CLASS UP-TO OATE HOUSES CAN BE HAD AT NORMAL RENT WITHIN TEN MINUTES WALK OF THE PLANT. APPLY OR WRITE THE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.. ERIE. FKNN \ (Continued In Next Column) ' —, For Sale No. 934 Norwood St. Detached, 244-story frame house, having 8 rooms, liath and pantry; front, side und back porches; gas and elAtetrlcity; furnace; lawn und garden with shade und fruit trees, lot 40x90 ft., with 20-ft. side und rear alleys. Miller Brother? & Co HEAL J< NTAT:; . .. A.. U : I . ~Ut't - . _ Me.-il.i, i. ...... . THURSDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE CENSUS CLERKS—4,OOO needed; $92 month; age, 18 upward; examinations everywhere soon; experience unneces sary'. For free particulars, write Ray mond Terry (former government ex aminer), 518 Continental Bldg., Wash ington. WANTED—Stair workers, cabinet makers; yard foreman; lumber inspec tor; steady work. Address, stating wages, experience, age and reference. Comer, Lumber Co., Atlantic City, N. J. * High School boy -wanted, must be 16 years old or over. Apply The Photo Art Shop, Thirteenth and Market Sts. ' WANTED—Two young men to learn ) salesmanship and make S2O per week while learning. Call 410 Patriot Bldg. | A MAN and boy for day labor in | country near city. Apply 1700 North ' Second St.. after 7 p. m. I WANTED—Second-hand bre&d and lake baker. Barklow Bakery, No. 35 [Ann Street, Middletovvn, Pa. • WANTED—Baker, second hand or iassistant to baker; single man pre ferred ; wages S6O per month, room, lion I'd and laundry. Apply to Oscar E. , Thomson. supt.. State Institution. '< Spring City, Pa. , CARPENTERS wanted. Apply at 220 ; Seneca St., City. C. E. Shelter. Bell , , phone 4X47J. I WANTED Freight truckers and freight I handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg, ( Pa Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take i j Big Four or Rockville car ! to Sixth and Division Streets. I GUARDS with police or watchman j experience for guard duty at a large i I industrial planl out of town, only j ! steadv and reliable men well be con-1 'sidered; 121iour shift; good salary; 'transportation paid; $3 per day. allow- | led rooi.i and board; state age and ret- i lerence; liooze artists, bums and bench | waimers need not apply. Address Box j |r Si 74 care Telegraph. TYPIST —Young man between 18 and ; ' i'l who can operate Hemingtn nia 'chine, for general office work with j 'large concern; good chance for ad- I vancoment; state age, experience, I [wages expected. Address Box 1 Slial care Telegraph. I 1 IV ANTED—Two neat appearing men I to work the following towns, Me clianicsburg. Middletown. Highspire, Hummel.-town. Dauphin. Mlllersburg,! Elizabethville and Lykens, selling ex-| perienee preferred but not essential; references required. This is a proposi-; tion of real merit on an entirely new j basis' it von are a hustler and want; to make money. Apply or write S. K.; Denris. manager. 114 South beconci st. j WOODWORKERS Machine andl bench on cedar chests; also men to| spiuy varnish. Federal Equipment Co., I Carlisle, Pa. MEN WANTED —Woodsmen, team sters and saw mill hands at my saw mills neai Rockville; good wages and steady work. Address Samuel Witten myer, Harrisburg. I GRASP the opportunity to-day to become an expert mechanic and chauf fer. We teach you between your working hours to become an expert and lor only seven dollars a week. Learn a practical trade. Make appli cation at once. Automobile and Aero -1 lane Mechanical School, Office 25 N. Cameron st., Harrisburg. Training Quarters. 260 S. Front St. Steelton. | WANTED Experienced window trimmer and card writer in men's clothing and furnishing store, Penn sylvania city of 120,000. Good oppor tunity for right man; must be steady land reliable: state reference and sai lary. L-SOIB care Telegraph. | — : WANTED—Two first class meat cutters and countermen. Apply at once Ruehlei* Bros.. 432 Market St. WANTED —Experienced newspaper and magazine men to represent large! N'i w York publishing house. Six orders per day pays $36 per week. Cull 411 Patriot Bldg. WANTED—Young man experienced! with electricity for a position with; Pcnn-Harris Hotel. See chief engineer. | WANTED Boy over 16 years of age to work in lumber office. Ap ply to UNITED ICE & COALs CO.. Forster and CoWden Sts. WANTCCD—Bench and machine men to work,in planing mill at Lemoyne, Apply E'.K. Frazer & Son, Lemoyne. i WANTED—Technical High school j boy to work in photo shop out of j s< h< ol hours. Address, Kepple, Room 110. 29 N. Second St. WANTED Girl for general office work, must he a stenographer. Ap ply Kuhn, Pavord, Wilks Shoe Company, 46 North Cameron Street. MOULDER, thorough all around me chanic. accustomed to both largo and small work; gray iron and steel; ex cellent permanent position; fir.4t class working conditions in modern, well lighted shop, out of city; high wages to man meeting requirements. Give complete details of experience and age. Address H-8808 care Telegraph. | WANTED—2S Sheet metal workers, Itir. roofers, skylight workers and I steel sash glaziers; highest rate of I wages; transportation and board paid. . Apply Mr. Weckesser, General Deliv ! ery, Milton. Pa. I HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Two strong girls to cook and do general housework in country till fall; no washing; refer 'ence required. SSO per month each. Ad |dress Box T-7574 care Telegraph. WANTED Competent tjhild's nurse; while) Apply with reference ' HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—GirIs to work 4n laun dry. $8 per week to start. Apply Sani tary Washing Co., Sixteenth and Elm Streets. I GIRLS wanted from 16 years up to learn cigar making. Pay $7 per week while learning. Good opportunity to earn big money after learning. Apply General Cigar Co.. Inc., 500 Race Street. WANTED Five or ten experienced rag sorters. Apply KEYSTONE IRON & METAL CO., Broad and Wallace Streets. WANTED—MiddIe aged housekeep er for family of two: out of city. Call at 2206 N. Sixth St. or 2818R Bell. WANTED lmmediately young woman for waitress. Apply Stouffer'a Restaurant, 4 North Court St. SHOES experienced vampers, tippers and operators, good, steady job. Smaltz Goodwin Co., 315 N. 12th St., Philadelphia. ATTENDANTS wanted, State Insti tution for the Keeble-Minded, Penn iiurst, Chester County, Pa. Apply Wil liam J Steward, chief physician. LIVE young woman for oudoor edu cational work; substantial salary and bonus. Box 103, Camp Hill. WANTED Experienced knitters j and menders. Apply Harris Hosiery Co., Calder and Marion Sts. WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets WANTED Experienced markers and sorters on rough dry; good wages paid. Apply Royal Laundry, 1351 Howard St. WANTED Woman for laundry work. $8 to start. Apply Sanitary Washing Co., 16th and Elm Sts. WANTED—GirIs for work in fold ing and other departments of the mill. B'.' per eek paid to beginners. Bel grade Knitting Mill, New Cumberland. WANTED —Girl or woman for cook and general housewor.lc in family m three on River Drive above city. Beii phone 378R-3, or write P. O. Box lixi. I Harrisburg. | OPERATORS tvanted at Harrisburg 1 Apparel Co.. <<ne experienced on over- I lock work; bonus paid every week, i Apply Third iloor City Star Laundry I Building. Sixth and Herr Streets. I WANTED —Probationers for train 'lug school, two years' high school for 'entrance. Affiliated with the New t'oik Hospital. N. Y. Apply Supetin -1 teiidi-nt White Plains Hospital. While j Plains. I OPERATORS ON UNION cr-LGIAL Foiling and tileeving .vlacni.ies. JLNMNiI- MANUFACTURING CO.. 2012 N. Fourth Street. HELP W ANTED—-Male Olal Female MALE AND FEMALE HELP j Experienced cooks, husband and ' wife without children who have hud ■ experience in cooking for large nun ! bers. Will provide comfortable modern 'living quarters and pay good wages. [Call at Harrisburg Academy and bring good references. | WHITE man and wife to cook at ! fraternity house at State College, gnpd pay; good living conditions. Call phone 2645W or address Box G-8299 care Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED SIUU per month and expenses and bonus to represent the Globe Refining Co.. of Cleveland, Ohio. Call at I'J2 Faxtang Ave., Paxtang, Pa., 29th from 1-5 p. ni. and 3uth from s-12 a. m. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE PAINTER —Years' of practical ex perience: steady reliable worker. Ad dress Box s-8182 care Telegraph. ACCOUNTANT, AUDITOR, OFFICE MANAGER; long and varied- experi ence,. desires connection with firm or corporation; active, capable, trust worthy'. Highest New York City ref erences. Address H-S2M4 care Tele graph. ! PRINTER Ali around country priiUei M-ants work evenings after 6 1 o'clock and Saturdays. State hourly i rate paid to Box PSSOI care Telegraph. i YOUNG man desires position as 'shipping, receiving und slock clerk, has five years' experience, can furnish references. Address Box G-8172 care Telegraph. EXPERIENCED accountant employ ed, wishes extra work evenings, Sat urday afternoons or Sundays, as book keeper for a small business, can also audit and open new set of books. Ad dress K-5498 care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—Night work, boarding house or hotel, first class help. Call lU3O Cumberland Street. I COLORED woman wants day's work '; of any kind. Call 1410 N. 7th St. YOUNG girl desires position as stenographer. Can furnish best of ref erences. Address 11-8181 care Tele graphy EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires seu'ing by the day. Apply Anna Moz ingo, 1622 Penn St. Bell 1179-A. % WANTED —Day's work of any kind by colored woman. Inquire 1223 Mon roe St. IVANTED —Day's work for Monday, ' Wednesday and Friday. Apply 1816 J j Wood St. '! EXPERIENCED cashier desires po ' i sition. Will consider night work. Has I i knowledge of typewriting and book i! keeping. Address H-8&01 care Telo j graph. I WANTED —A reliable middle aged ' | woman wishes position as housekeep . er in a widower's home. Address II A-8300 care Telegraph. [ j COLORED woman wishes day's ■ work. Apply 1717 N. 7th St. WOMAN wishes day's work of any kind. Apply 1729 N. 7th St. WOMAN desires any kind of em > I ployment at once. Day's work or work i! in laundry. 1229 Monroe St. -1 ' ' ROOMS FOR RENT \ 1 FOR RENT —Three unfurnished rooms: .all conveniences. 2120 Green I Street. FGli RENT—Nicely furnished sec ond-stol v front room, near Capitol; al modern conveniences; use of both nhoicH' hath; peimanent tenant de rircd Apply I-'l North Sixth Street. i :or ,<-nl; all conveniences. > " 1 lion 4, HARTUISBTXFtG TELEGRAPH I"""" 1 """"""" ' |; 1 ' ffl ,r r I gj FINDING A POSITION is some- fT| * times a most disheartening task. Just < ff| 1 |jm to rely upon lriends, or upon going 1 about and making personal applica- ppi ( lip tions, often lead to utter discourage- Lid . ffl nient. The quick road to a position is LJ [ !|jd through the classified. Sometimes this |V| i irfj road requires more than one day to 'w travel —but it leads inevitably to the desired goal if followed. j 1 | 1 I' ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—BI9 North Third St. to married couple without children, pleasant furnished rooms for house keeping; heat; electric light and use of bath. j FOR RENT —Three rooms, furnish ed or unlurnished, for light house | keeping, on second floor; all conveni ences; use of phone. Inquire 421 Hum mel St. or Bell phone 3644 J. 1 .FOR RENT—Rooms; all conveni-1 [ences; use of phone. Inquire 1,128 j !Market St. ' FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms I lor light .housekeeping; heat; lights' and use d'f bath; no children. Apply 1 15 i Walnut St. | i FOR RENT —Two unfurnished rooms ion third iloor for light housekeeping;] running hot and cold water; use of l bath; light and heat: references re- j •quired. Inquire 1414 Market St. I FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms! for light housekeeping, second iloor, 'iront no children preferred; a christian l.i.me. Inquire 1932 N. 3d St. At 1511 North Sixtli street, one large second floor, front room; all conveni ences, Bell phone 3671-W. NICELY turnlshed, clean. cool 'rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 142 -until Third street. — FOR RENT Furnished front (rooms; all conveniences; men prefer-' ji ed; 1549 State street, col. 10th St. | Bell 1476-W. ROOMS WANTED ROOMS WANTED—-Business man, ljust locating in city, desires well fur ] nished loom with private family. Fiv jfi rs central or Hill location. Adaiess ] Box S-8073 care Telegraph. j I APARTMENTS FOR KENT I APARTMENT—With 3 rooms, kitch iennette. bath, stationary wash tubs, I electric lights, gas und city steam. Third St. not far from the Capitol. Ad j dress Box A-7575 care Telegraph. i FOUR well furnished rooms, second | floor, corner house; bay windows; hot I water heat; gas; electricity; bath; laundry: reference exchanged, no [children 342 S. 1 Ctli Street. ' FURNISHED apartment, four looms [and bath, modern, pleasant; references required and rent in advance. Keister ! Apartments, Fifth and Market, second | flight. Mr. Morrell. FOR RENT—IBI4 State St., second i floor apartment newly furnished; com plete lor housekeeping; living room, two lied rooms; tile bath; dining room land kitchen; large enclosed porch. Ail I rooms large, cheerful; time bay win dows: steam heat; electric lights; gas j range; lent s6o per monthifßell 2323. A FART M KTS \Y A N TFI) WANTED Three unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping | for two elderly women. Address APc. 13, 711 N. Second St. ! FURNISHED apartment or flat or (suite of rooms with private bath, for light housekeeping; references ex- I changed. Write particulars. Address j Box 11-8177 care Telegraph. I TWO young married eouples( no children), desire furnished upart- I men! of two bed rooms, living room lor kitchenette and bath. Address Box j G-8176 eare Telegraph. 'j WANTED —An unfurnished apart ' I ment of five rooms und bath; three ' adults; must have all conveniences, ! centrally located. Address Box A-S2Ol care Telegraph. • WANTED—SmaII furnished apart . ment of four or five rooms by family , of three must be up-to-date and niee .l ly furnished; will consider small house, either in city or suburbs. Ad . dress Box H-9037 care Telegraph. ROOMERS AND BOARDERS 1 ' WANTED —Roomers and boarders; * all conveniences. Inquire 2916 Boas St.. ' j Penbrook. ' ' BOARDERS wanted; a widow, with ' ]out children, is desirous of adding a '[few boarders. Apply 2141 Atlas aveiT j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j FOR SALE For Sale—3-story .brownstone and . brick house, 12 rooms; all conven iences; lot 117x81 feet; hedge fence, j shrubbery; room for garage; steam heating system; house built 1914; . hardwood floors: could not be built to day for $22,000. Possession at once; lo ]'cation near Reservoir Park, Whitehall !'street. Price $15,000. SIO,OOO can remain " at 6 pel cent. A fine home and a bar gain. J State St., 1700 block; 3-story brick; all improvements; side entrance and j drive alley. Price $5,200. Penbrook, S. 28th St.. S-room frame j house; garage; fruit; fine garden; por.ies; lot 28x180. Bargain, $2,500. r Penbrook, S. 29th St.. 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; lot 20x190, - to 30th St.; chicken house. Only $2,350. i Penbrook, 2805 Canby St.. 7 rooms and bath; all improvements; lot 18x ' 150; drive alley. Price $2,500. CHARLES DAVIES, REAL ESTATE. 1 1549 State St., cor. 16th. Bell 1476-W 1 - FOR SALE—On Green street be ; tween fielly and Harris, a 3-story i brick house; Improvements; 8 rooms - and bath, one front and t*wo rear I porches; cemented cellar; lot 16^x80 - lo 3-foot alley: Al condition; posses sion September 1: newly painted. Ad . dr< s Box W-5240 care Telegraph. I Continued In Next Column) ESTATE FOR s\I,E ' BUSINESS LOCATION Wesjt Falrview—2V4-story brick, iu heart of town with small out building, suitable tor business of any kind. Very cheap. Enoia Homes—All Imp.; corner ! house; Lemoyne homes, all imp.; sin gle corner; New Cumberlaml, line < home; al Imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; i large lots. i City homes of all kinds; easy terms, i pay us lent; some for cash. > Faims—6, 10, 16. 30. 40, 75, 96, 125. i and 170-acre iarins, from 2 to 12 • miles of Harrisburg. borne of these farms with,crops, stock and tools in cluded. Pussessiou ul once. Market Street—Three-story brick. . store room front, on Hill. Apartment Houses—One or two cf the finest in the city. Building iots at Camp Hill, Worni leysburg. Enoia, Riverside. Paxtang, Progress, Buivue. uptown and sev eral good tuctory sites. Investments Several rows ol houses paying big interest. C. H. CORDEU, 1722 Green Street, Bell phone 560-J. Sl'l* - I,\l. PRICE ON STATE STREET RESIDENCE IE SOLD BEFORE I s SEPTEMBER IST. 1321 Slate St. is a substantially ' built ;<-story brick house—ohe of a pair—with solid brick party wull Side! entrance, nice buck yard enclosed with neat iron fence. i First lioor: large living room, dining t room, kitchen', pantry, cupboard. Second floor: Four bedrooms, mod-' ern bath, large cupboards and linen ! closet Third tioor: Tu , line bedrooms, i Cement cellar, hot and cold water In I I same, splendid steam heat plant, large front and buck porches, front and Lack stall's, gas, os'ctri.*, combinul'on ; coal an i gas rang., cabinet lnante 1 . Inis is one of tlie most desirable' res a i-ncfs on State -m et —the b-s --! lcsidnitial street on the "II ill"—md a ; bargain at the special ..rice now asked ! for it. This property will bring . i : sidcrably more mo'ne. in tlu nt n ! future, for it will benclit. u'.ong with! [all property on State street, from the! I building of the new bridge, park-i ing. etc. ; Get our list of properties before . buying. HOUGH, BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. I I FOR SALE —Beautiful home; good' | location at 245 S. 13th street, city. Pos-' I session at once. Inquire of Mrs. Anna; M. Alknmn, 215 S. I3th St. Phone 1 11231.1 ! 52200 will purchase a dwelling with | eight rooms and bath, gas, furnace ' . cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co., Berg-! I nei Bldg. | | | l< OR BALE—I9IB Chestnut street I I brick dwelling with S rooms and bath'! lull modern improvements • including! ! steam heat, screens and shades go (with the property. Bell Realty Co ' j Hergr.er Bldg. I — .; | DESIRABLE corner residence in! | Paxtang. having 8 rooms and all im-1 prcvements. Lot 90x125; price reason-! ! able. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. FOR SALE 2405 Derry St., 2-story brick; six rooms and bath; steam heat; electric! light; liardwood lloors; drive alley! on rear. Hummel Ave., Lemoyne; double framo dwelling; corner; all improve ments; price very attractive; will sell separate. 401 Kelker St.; corner Fourth St.; apartments and store room; rental income S7O per month; price $7,000. Retail coal and feed business; well located in a good growing community. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Streets. LOOK 83-85 WAGNER ROAD—Double Fr. Rented sl4. S9OO cash. 1817 GEORGE ST.—2-story fr. Rent ed $lO. $950. Easy terms. 319 KELKER ST.—3-story cor.; Si rooms and bath; hot air and gas. A cozy home. $3,100. 2427 N. SIXTH ST.—Bk.; 9 rooms and liath; steam heat; modern in every respect. $6,000. Desirable properties in other parts of tlie city and in Steelton. dEO. W. JACOBS, "Real Estate and Insurance, 17 N. ThiiM St. Bell phone 1539 • I FOR SALE —A six roomed frame! house; all improvements; possession; soon; corner of Brisban and Park Driveway, Paxtang. Apply 3307 Bris-j ban street, Paxtang. i Well Located PAXTANG LOTS For Sale Four lots —a plot 120x120 ft. cor. Kelso and Montour sts. Harry C. Knouse, 2348 Derry St. Bell phone 1720. evenings 4949W HOUSES AND LOTS In all sections of city and suburbs, some very attractive propositions. ROHRER & SON. BERGNER BUILDING. Real Estate. General Insurance {Continued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | BUILDING lots for sale on 6th, 6th, 4th, 3d, Green, 2d and Front streets, < for sale separate or in plots as large as two acres. For particulars see D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street, Real Estate and insurance , FOII SALE —Corner Third and Lew is streets 10-room and Uulli, detached; house, lot 53x100 feet; first Iloor fin-' isheil in haruivood niap.e floors; steam heat; excellent location; splendid view: to river. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street. Real Estate. Insurance j CAMP HILL —2V* story brick, slate j roof dwelling, 8 rooms and bath, lac-; ing south with large porch, tine view t up Cumberland Valley, hot air heat, j nice fire place, chicken house and gar- ' age ii rear, with fruit trees in bear ing, on lot 50x150, or on lot 100x150.; Possession given in two weeks time, j Lawn planted in evergreens and flow ers, vines covering house. Located on i Logan street, just west of Bowman I avenue. Can be inspected at any time. A. E. Strode. Bell phone 3180-R. Fine residence, North st $20,000 ;Brick property, Camp Hill .... 12,000 ] Paxtang residence 17,u0e i 12431 N 6th. brick 6,000 I 1912 N. Sixth St., brick 4,500: II6SI Swalara, frame 2.100 11943 N. 4th, brick 3.000; j Brick building, garage lo.oou : D. A. CALEY. I Bell 589. 707 Kunkel Bldg. j ! Two family apartment for $4,200. Small cash paymont necessary. Rent: | from either tenant will pay carrying ' charges and other rent can be applied to purchase price of property. Apart i ment of five rooms and bath, available for occupancy now. This is a splendid chance tor a family of small means lo avoid'high rents and at the same time save money. Property located on Sus quehanna street, ""between Hamilton and Kelker. Don't let this chance go by. WARREN VANDYKE, Bell phone 231 9 N. Market Sq. HARRISBURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331' MA RK ET ST R E ET. FOR SALE On easy terms, 2912 to 2ulß Susquehanna street. Apply A. | P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. | FOR SALE—B4 Second street. High i spire, 7-ruom house, lot 119 feet front jby 1S feet deep; fine location. Will l-r.p at a bargain. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St., Highspire. Dial USUI. FOR -SALE—Cor. Third and Lewis ; Sts., Ili looms and bath; detachable I frame house; lot 53x100 ft. First floor i finished in hardwood; maple floors; | steam heat; all other conveniences; j excellent location; splendid view to river 1920 Penn St., 9-room brick house; liaih: gas; furnace heat; cemented cellar; large box porch; possession ; soon after sale thereof. ; 261 i Agate St., fine brick house; 6 1 rooms and bath; electric light; gas; furnace heat; cemented cellar; front and back porch; owner will vacate September 1 if sold within a few days. D. E. LUCAS, 303 Lewis Street, Real Estate and Insurance | FOR SALE—TSI7 Derry street, a very Ues-iiab'c house; all hardwood I floors except kitchen which is all cov ; ureit with linoleum; hardwood in one ' room i r second floor; all conveni ences; awnings to porches and storm (coirs to at) coms. back porch en closed for winter, doors and windows ali have window shades and screens; (new heating 1 lanl and up-to-darj ; sewage installed last fall; lot 35x15) font; inquire on rremises. I "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE SEE SANDERLIN" [ STATE ST.. 1131—NEW; VACANT; 13-stoi) stucco, nine rooms and hath, steam heat; gas and electricity; front ! and rear porches; balcony and root garden; cement cellar: the best of lo- | cation for a looming house; SSOO cash; ! balance in monthly payments. I HARRIS ST.. 630—VACANT; 3-story | brick; nine rooms: all improvements: xmali amount down; balance same as rent; no questions as to race or na tionality. FIFTH ST., N.. 2148—3-story brick; 9 rooms; gas and electric lights; nice | front and rear porches; aiide entrance; must be seen to be appreciated; price right to quick buyer. GREEN ST., 1017—3-story brick; 10 rooms and bath; the best of location for a rooming house; can be convert ed into three apartments at a very small expense; Al investment. DERRY' ST., 2143—3-story brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; all modern improvements; nice front and back porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought witli ;SSOO cash. 17TH AND PAXTON STS.—NEW: VACANT; 244-story; six rooms and bath; steam heat; gas and electricity; front and rear porches; side entrance with a nice big yard; will be finished ir. a few days; can be bought with ssoo cash. FULTON ST., 1832 —3-story frame; eight rooms; some improvements; all nice large rooms; very reasonable; no money down; $25 per month. ( D. ASA SANDERLIN. Room 1. Security Trust Building . 36 NORTH THIRD ST. I Bell 1290. Dial 3513 BUY YOUR HOME on the rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply | A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. I FOR SALE —Two lots on Market Street Camp Hill. 50x200 feet. A bar gain. Price SBOO. 107 Chestnut St. near i Front • FOR SALE —On Market street near 13th .a large 3-story brick house; tine for business or apart.; reasonaole price. A. W. Swengel, 2131 N. Second st Bell 2575-J. r NORTH Sixteentn; 9 room brick; gas; electricity; hat water; steam heat; brick garage on prein/ses; streets paved front and rear; school nearby. E. T. Selig, 920 North Six teenth. FOR SALE Three-story brick house; 8 rooms and bath; all improve ments. Inquire 1921 North Fifth St. $2500 will purchase a two-story brick dwelling on Crescent stu-i-,. • having uil modern improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. rL'Sl iviv. I HEAL ESTATE FOU REXT , | FURNJSHLD cottage for rent at | | Perdix: 20 minutes from Hari isburg; I rent leasonable for remainder of sea-| ' son. Maynard M. Fulton, Heal Estate land Insurance, 14 S. Market Sq. Bell i 026 J. . ; I FOB RENT—House with 8 rooms j land bath: ail conveniences; also store- | , room for rent at 630 Boas street; Ini- • |mediate possession given; only reli able people need apply. Keystone Iron I land Metal Co.. Broad and Wallace sts. I ! FOII RENT—Cottage at Perdix from j September 1; furnished up-to-date; 1 lonly it liable people need apply to i Louis. 414 N. Third St. : REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent FOlt SALE oit RENT | My lumber yard. cor. Briggs and i iCowden Sts.. one square from Capitol | Park. My ground is about 116x177 ft. 1 j with frame waiehouse und shedding! |or four sides and in center; also two! , wagons for sale. This is a rare up- J portunity to secure a plot like this in j center of city. F. 11. Hantzinan, 660 | Briggs St. or 613 Forster St. 11-room stone house at foot of 15th I St., New Cumberland, along the rail-1 road and river, large parks on three; sides, best of water, all but 8 acres j of good ground, tine home, could sell I building lots off half of it to have bal- , lance clear, vacant now. Would be an excellent location for a.club home; i live minutes' walk to trolley. Inquire jof Chas. H. Miller. 1338 State Street. : | Harrisburg. Also a tine bungalow at I Knola for rent or sale. On premises | every afternoon. | i i Real Estate For Sale or Exchange I VACANT —3-story brick corner, on i Hill; elect, lights; front and side | porches; side yard; cheap to quick buyer. | VACANT —3-story frame on Hill; I porches; nice yard. VACANT —2%-story brick on Hill: all improvements; electric lights; 'porches; large yard to drive alley. I VACANT —3-story brick on Broad st.; all Imp. * VACANT—North Sixth St., 8 rooms; 'all imp.; side yard; porches; bay wia jdows; 7 years old. ! VACANT —New brick on Rill; 6 irooms; all imp.; porch; newly papered. I FINE large brick house on Derry street. Several large .homes uptown and on Hill. Some of these homes can be bought with two or three hundred dollars down, balance as rent. Will take light touring car in exchange on some of the above homes. C.H. CORDKR, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J Real Estutc For Sulo—Suburban FOR SALE—STELLTON . ! Double frame houses, corner Fourth (and Pine Streets, 344-346 Pine Street. 346. the corner house, has all improve imcnts: 8 rooms and bath; 314 lias innge. hath, gas and electric. Will sell either side or both. Can be seen on .application. Possession soon. Price I right. Easy terms. CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State Street, . Bell 1476 W. Harrisburg. Pa. Rent Estate For Rent—Suburban I FOIt RENT—White Hill duck farm. I Mrs. George Smith, 3208 N. Fourtli St. REAL ESTATE WANTED . I WANTED to buy up-to-date fur : i nished or unfurnished cottage, at . | Cove Station or nearby Susquehanna river; give lowest cash price. Address | M. A. C.. care Telegraph. j WANTED—To buy for cash, a home on Second above Maclay or Woodbine, i | Emerald or Seneca, between Second II and Third. Address HOME, care Tele fiaplu | ■I FOII RENT —Moderate size stoie -11 rooms or buildings suitable for store ■ pui poses in Harrisburg and surround i ing towns. Address giving particulars. ; Miller Bros, ii Co., Harrisburg, Pa. .) s '! I LET US SELL YOUR PROPERTIES j \\*e have a large list of prospect! /e j buyers. ROHRER & SON. 211 BERGNEIt BLDG. Real Estate and General Insurance : I I HAVE BUYERS —List your prop ierties with ine. Chas. Adler, Real Es • j tate arid Insurance, luu2 North Third ' i btreet. OKites nnd Store Rooms for Rent i! j FOR RENT—TWO vacant office rooms, in modern business building. |one on second, one on third lioor; ; | elevator service. Apply Miller Bros. & ' | Co., Court and Locust. FARMS 11 Farms for sale; easy terms, with or without slock and crops. 7V4 a. near Annville. *BOO. ' 16 a. 6 mi. to Hershey, $2400. t 24 a. near Harper's Tavern. *2IOO. i 40 a. near urantsvllle, *ISOO. l 68 a. 5 ml. to Hbg., C6SOU. 77 a. near Harper s Tavern, s4soi). 34 a. 16 ml. to libg., *4500. ; 110 a. Cumberland Co. *SOOO. i 120 a. near Hershey. *BSOO. ; 160 a. Cumberland Co.. *6uoo. I 107 Chestnut St. l FARM —95 acres of level limestone 1 land; line producer. Brick house; bank 1 barn. Well of never failing water. Lo ! cated ten miles from' llayisburg in | Cumberland county. For further de • scription, call on E. W. Yolin, one of ! the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es , | tate, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris ! j Pa. • 6-Bere farm near New Cum , boi'lend; 444 miles to Harria , burg, near Sate road; land , level and very productive; spring' and well water; two houses, one with 6 rooms and other 4 rooms; small bank : bain; all necessary outbuild ings; 50 large fruit trees; crops, tools, one horse single leader, chickens, etc. Posses sion at once; price and terms i iglyt. Must be sold this month or will be called off. ; C. H. CORDER, 1 1722 Green St. Bell phone 560J i 100 ACRE FARM 17 miles from Harrisburg. wi'h or without stock and crop; all fmple flments; 4 horses; 7,heud of cattle; 6 . jhogs: 200 chickens; 2u-ton hay: 19 'acres of wheal and rye; 16 acres oats, -10 acres colli. Farm must be sold a* f once. Price $5,800. lu7 Chestnut St. i • r Front. i , (Continued In Next Column) t I FARMS FARMS For Sale—Near Penbrook. 12-acr< 1 truck and poultry farm; s . win frame j house and outbuildings, best of -oil Price J5.00U. Also four 4-acre lots running water; line building sites, good ti uck soil* price und terms right For Sale—2 acres along trolley, op. i posite Colonial Club; lots of fruit; j line building sites; will cut IS lots Price light. Also 3-acre truck and fruit fanr least of Steelton; 6-toom house; porch est; lots of fruit and outbuildings; 1C j minutes walk to Oberlin car line ' Price *2.Suo. ! 115-acre farm, one mile west West Fairview. 3 miles from Harrisburg; 8- loom farm house; bank barn and all ! kinds of outbuildings. This farm will j increase in value. Price now *li;, pel acre. Sec this pluce. [ ISS-acre stock, grain and fruit | farm, s miles northeast llarrisliiiig ilarge bank barn; s-rooin stone house 135 acres under plow and 53 acres in ! wood and pasture. A money maker Price *47 per acre. CHARLES DAVIES. REAL ESTATE, j 1549 State St.. cor. 16th. Bell 1476-W i I FARM FOR SALE I 71 acres. 5u aero fields. 21 acre! wood land; 7-room good house; sum mer house; good bank barn; oinci I buildings; 0 miles northeast Lliigics [town, one mile north l'iketown. the Joseph Hoenshelt farm; pure running [water at burn; great running spring !at house. Price *2950. The building! are in good condition. Will sell eiof and stock and give Immediate posses isicn. C. B. Care & Son. 409 Market , i St.. Harrisburg. Care's Grocery I Linglestown. j • SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city j Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. FOII SALE 20-acro fruit and truck farm; 8- house; barn 60x20; chicken and hog house; cold storage cave; SOU beating fruit trees; running water; located ir York county 2 miles west Dillsburg or Gettysburg Pike; line home: the fruit income 1918 was $2,000. Price $6,00u $2,00u can remain at 5Vi per cent. CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State. St. Bell 1476W FARM for sale. 165 acres, 70 acre* under cultivation; 95 acres timberlaud Don't miss this big opportunity; musl Ibe sold to settle estate. Price $1,600 Three miles northwest of Duncannon Inquire 2132 North Fourth Street. City | Cumberland County Farm Sevet 'milts from Harrisburg near Lisburn 111 acres farming land in good stut of cultivation; all necessary building! lin tirct class condition. Apply J. g i Lefever, Lisburn. Pa. Bell phone 912-5 |. - • FOR SALE—MISC ELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE I We have the following motors w I are offering for sale. We guarantei I these motors to be in tirst-class com ■ dition and can make immediate de | livery. One Ya H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 380 R. P. M. One V* H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One U 11. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One 11. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One U H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One U H. P. 120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO.. ' ! Printing Binding Designing ! Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $35. selling price $25; Brussels rug, 9x12, valuo SSO, salt ,* price $39. FORN WALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. ! - | FOR SALE —T.arge white reed c< ieh | in perfect condition. Apply 214 Fot ;tei ! Street. | FOR SALE—An oak roll top d< sk lin first class condition. Address Mrs jC. G. Marschner, Highspire, Pa. ! FOR SALE—Baby coach; good ai j new. Call at 944 Paxtoij St. ! FOR SALE—Dining table, chairs I buffet, china closet, serving table ; book cases: ladles' desk, rugs, mil | runners and other household goods ' All in lirst class condition. Call Bel i 1849 R. i CARLETON canoe for sale: In Hni condition; newly painted; only twi ! years old; used very little; reason foi selling, owner has two canoes. Ad dress Box F-8072 care Telegraph. ! FOR SALE —A baby stroller; gooc jas new. Apply 1737 N. Fourth St. j FOR SALE Statue of Liberty ! wired and medallions of Pershing and | Sims, suitable for iloat or window dis- Iplay. Half price. W. 11. Kissinger tS I Co.. Wiconisco. Pa. : ! FOR SALE—Complete hot air fur in ace with piping and one coal range i Inquire between 6 and 8 p. m., 1601 Market St. j FOR SALE—One soda fountain; oni large show cause in first class condi tion: ten tables, white tops; one cash register; other restaurant fixtures ■Apply 802 CoVden St. •PAINTS, all kinds. Order to-day, I save $t to $1.50 per gal. No war price I Agency Forest City Paint Co., 313 S j Front St. i FOR SALE —Gasoline engine. 2 and ]3 H. P.: gasoline builders' hoist lathes, pluner, drill press, electric mo tors, 1 to 15 11. P. F. R. Laverty, Bel! phone 1557. ; f'OR SALE —Lumber, tubes, tanks j shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting i bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire, Pa. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here High prices paid for furniture. Morrii jschmcrtz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. BOOKS Bought and sold; -U.OOf new old. rare, in stock. Aurand's i 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES - RENTED - EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHKUM THEATER BOTH PHONES WANTED- —MISCELLANEOUS ; WANTED —To buy 6or 8-foot coun-t i ler show case, must be French plate 'top in A! condition. Call Compton'a 1006 N. Third St. Both phones.- Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers