STORE CLOSES STORE CLOSES HKI.I, mm— 23g UNITED HAMtisnuno. WKDXESDAY, AUGUST 27, luiu. FOUNDED ISTI" \ '^ 6^S rQi y l t^C " 77 7~j ~ Favored I ; through this department, at a small cost. Mondays ~ Kenlet Rubberized aprons, useful for the *~\ \ T (~\ X 9 f—C t 1 s t p | kitchen, laundry or nursery; /9c each, v , , ~ • , •„ , ,1 , 1 d\V /1 L.LI Ol \ 1v So Plaiters; these teach vou to do your own plait .Next week this store will be open all day | ing; B>4 inches wide; $1.89 each Thursday and every 1 hursday of each week ' There is a certain atmosphere of refinement and elegance in BOW M AN-S-M.I„ N.O, throughout the fall and winter months. the wearing of furs, that cannot be attained with other clothes; ————————— _______________________ the luxuriousness, becomingness, the softening of the lines of the face and ———————— figure. These, together with the increased incomes, explain an unusual TnQf A rri\/P>rl ! 3HO PotV demand for furs. Every woman expresses her heart's desire for the gra- JUJI iUIIVCU. OUU 1 ail ciouS charm that furs confer - -They can be worn in whatever way and at '^lk, 'jk >" ship, the beauty of peltry which makes our assortment distinctly above the average. © / J rr Ibe \ alue-seeking customer will find her interest "keyed to the highest pitch I py / > JES when she compares piece for piece and price for price. 1 * Icr 1 lllf jP' Tft 1 P> 'S 'M ■ ' We are showing a beautiful selection of Fur Coats, including Mink, Marmot Hud- - 1 T , .. ' P -Etjffpi/A Wei/ lm.l son Seal, Nutria and Sealion; some trimmed with beaver collars and cufifs, others with w J C n „ s are made of £ ood selected Cedar llllHlHfli/ M rrt' LffiftiiSii ' Siberian squirrel; in fact, everv desired combination. Prices range from SdIOOO to I Wood, well turned and finely finished; 15-inch T litiflr ' \ x/L I $575.00. ' | needles in two sizes. Special, 25c pair, pjf/ s> \\ x 0 Sets—separate neckpieces and muff, in Fox, Wolf, Lynx, Mink, Mole, Squir- j BOWMAN'S- second Floor. I'i i- |N\\ JflLi.) 1 • rel, Stone Marten, Opossum, Skunk and Raccoon, from $19.50 up. ' ' ' 1 - C- 1 A &UXnffl "1 i A BOWMAN'S TI.IRD J\ Many Thrifty Buyers Are Coming Here For \v. fK: v ilcJ LJ/> V A 1 /AS —j \| Tjy : Sheets and Pillow Cases 77 Jf Bring Your Car to Be Fitted Beautiful Fall Styles by the dozen and the price we are selling them to you: - ~ - GrmßSSik Attractively Priced oX^ITL \ \ Win 'winuh ! I 63x90—520.65 63x90-$1.72 A\ / i j ' ou can buy. Bow- ' 63x99—522.64 63x99—51.89 \\y 111 Prevents soiling your clothes on dirty auto cushions. Quick j man footwear with the NpWjy' i 72x90—523.05 72x90 $1.92 0 —$25.54 81x90 $2.13 F cleanliness is what makes these cushion slips so popular. I getting the most for f rU.'j j 81x99 $27.93 81x99 $2.33 . m . AF. T n. ■ your money in quality 'li M I : l / PILLOWCASES 11 I'll T*l $2.75 to $5.00 Per Set ! and style. Our prices ■' !(•; I c 1 45x ss ' 9 a TD-11 r 45x36 T , . BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. the finest quality can [ ( © s | ffip J /£' Price of to-day: The Ideal Athletic Underwear For , | be soW.for., jou pay | y 0 . _ | tinction and exclusive- ; 03x99 $1.59 Pillow Cases: Women— Mannish Fabrics, Cut iNeW Suggestions ror r Rll ness which characterizes our models. 72x90—51.69 42x36—39c ; Unusually beautiful styles of Brown Calfskin, : Arrowdale bleached sheets, 81x90 made of good, Simply and Finely Made Draperies and Curtains I f 0^ k n^l"l^kmm kin Wi,h light WeUed i Wave Crt 72x90,"made 'of'good quaUty ' ' 1 muslin, 32-inch top hem, $1.39. he athlet,c woman who •ndulffcs heavily in sports Home FROM , HE CAN AND BUNGALOW BACK T0 ; and likes ease in her movements first adopted athletic the comforts of a real home suggests so many i i " underwear; but other women were quick to recognize little things to brighten the cozy den or other tTlorrc TTr-Nt- SPECIAL SALE OF its merits and have adopted it as an indispensable part room. A visit to the drapery department will JL IciLiO -T Ol | . . of their wardrobe. It is liked for its simplicity which suggest many new ideas that are appealing in WhltC KnUmCl is not only pleasing but practical. their artistic designs or color effects. y < yy . You can obtain Futurist underwear here, exquisite- I a nd^rottonrso'inche^wwfili 5 ' LaDOF Day Parade Cooking Utensils ly made and soft fitttng for under the corset; in a wtde ; b Id and Mu|be $1 50 ~d 8:1 = range o. materials and various shades. ; A nevv lot of cretonne suitable for draperies. CTl| -We are prepared to supply Triple Coated IF are hole* $1 75 '' l '' S 1 ioc ,ce °fi or arm " cushions, and upholstery in the heavy quality. , organizations with flags for At Very Special Trices White and flesh checked marquisette, bodice top or Elegant new patterns;/oc, 85c and 95c yd. / jSmm'h parade purposes. 03a High Milk Kettle: armhole; $2.00 and $2.25. 1 A ntce lot of lighter weight cretonnes for ff >5230888' 1 12x18 inch flairs on 48-inch 4 quart, 89^ White checked voile- bodice top or armhole- $2 50 draperies and covers in good desirable patterns; J . , X ' B n , Ch ' f BB f American Cooking UIUKIU Wine, oociKt nip nr aimnoie, 36 inches wide; 45c and 59c vd. i W sticks with gilt spears—lac A very pretty flesh silk Mull bodice top with rib- A bi? assortment of whitP mrl ppnt mom,,; i W^SSk||M il u cmo \ / un linn <tr4 nr mrl i Dig assortment ot white and ecru marqui- M each or $lB per gross. \ / handles: bon straps or armhole, $3.20 and $3./5. set t e and voile curtain materials; 36 to 50 ,V- AS • , R, • , \ / 4 ouart 79d Flesh Jap silk, bodice top and hemstitched shoulder inches wide in plain neat figures and bars; 29c, K 16x24 inch flags on 48-inch \ / 6 quart 98? strap; $5.98. 39c, 49c, 69c, 75c and 79c yd. I \ sticks with gilt spears —20c \ I 10 quart! $1.69 l ; lesh and blue crepe de chine with hemstitched top; BOWMAN-S- Fourth Floor. ; IJ/V each or $24 per gross. 12 quart! $1.89 $6.98. ———————————| BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor. _ , i r. • i Deep Dish Pan: These suits are in sizes, 34 to 46. Double Rice or Cereal 17 quart, $1.25 BOWMAN'S- —second Floor. BCBt Y8 x Cooker. 25 High Water Pitcher: ~ b 2% quart', $1.45 4 98^ Fabrics For Making | I Special Sale of | i onß h.^" 1 an ' — O j m m Z 3 sjy 10 quart> I<l9 Children's Clothing | Rouge and Compound Powders 1 icsfe m £l ffl American Cooking Lipped Coffee Pot: The days preceding the opening are CfJ Kettle, with bail handle: \y 2 q Uar t ( 59^ busy ones for mother and the bigger sisters do- |§ 1 A T3 m Z quart ' 3 quart, $1.39 ing home sewing for the girls' school dresses and ffi I*| C A Ij( ) \ „ quart, 98ip shirts or waists for. boys. Permit us to suggest: H m in qUar li'oo 32-inch Finest Foreign and Domestic ging- If ' f§ 17 Q hams; 50c, 75c and 85c yd. 1 | pp- The sunshine, the surf, the summer breeze, and all ath- % Large Preserving 32-inch Kiddie Kloth; 45c yd. g f r ; '%9H letic sports are wonderfully healthful and stimulating; but fi Kettle, with lip and bail 32-inch Doronstive cloth; 59c yd. || 1 I t^ie y P^ a y havoc with the complexion, skin and hair, if the 1! handles: Madras; fine qualities; 59c, 69c and i|| I Ha ' Toilet Accessories are not provided and used with faithful p quart capacity, j . 36-inch Silk and Cotton MulU; 59c. 69c and 83 Rouge and compact powders of well known makes are B ■ 36-inch Serges of all colors; 9>c yd. 5 " 1 this special price. . Rouge in medium and dark; D Two and One-Half More Days of 42-inch All Wool Plaids; $2.50 yd. * v _.„. _ , , . potvdei in flesh and white.. Every woman who knows the W BoWllian's Sale of ■ 44-inch Cotton and Wool plaids; 89c yd. | of a box of g° od ro R e " r com P a<:t P o^- the worth of th.s ofifer. Very Special, 14c i 5 U1 „ 36-inch White Silk Habutai; SI.OO to $2.25 yd. ffi BOW M OR. FFI Fine FumitUre BOWMAN'S —Main Floor, jJO M WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRESBURG TELEOIUPB 3
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