Additional Classified Ads ; * on Opposite Page I\)R SALE—MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS Bought and sold; 20.000 new. old, rare. In stock. Aurand's., 925 North Third. Circulars free. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED 1 EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 4 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER , BOTH PHONES WANTED—.MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—To buy 6 or 8-foot coun ter show case, must be French plate, top in A 1 condition. Call Compton's, 1006 N. Third St. Both phones. WANTED Cheap second-handed i top buggy or Jenny Lind or two-seat- J ed surry; state price. Address E, care! Telegraph. i WANTED—To buy a canoe; must be In At condition. Apply B C. Ettlnger. > Bell 296-R or 122 Calder St. JUNK —We are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974, or * write I. Cohen A Co., York street and Ash avenue. | MAX SMELTZ I Second hand furniture bought and | sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call , Bell 1071R, of drop a postal to Max i Smeltz. 1020 Market street. Will call. City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. | BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE, BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL dispose of coal lease and ' equipment on Mahnnov creek at Dorn sife. If interested address Box 35. Milton. Pa. PATENT right for sale—A hydro newmatic paper baler; inventor unable to furnish cash. Apply 107 Chestnut: Street near Front. TWO-STORY' frame building, first floor containing store room fully equipped. Admirably suited for barber shop and restaurant combined. For particulars apply to T. S. Wagner, Union Deposit, Pa. FOR SALE —Grocery stock and fix tures, good location. G. R. Hurd. trus tee. 317 Chestnut street. . LIVE business for a live man. in nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery, cigars. Doing business of $42,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth St. * BUSINESS PERSONALS STEAM feather renovating; all ticks emptied and new ticks furnished; B. J. Campbell, 1000 Paxton St. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge. 25c doz.. double edge. 35c doz.. razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING Any metu! welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. W Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING • First class work. Chllcoat Bros., 333 Harris street. QUININE—Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to eatch vou this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE I'HOSPHO-QUININE will stave .it off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street. FURNITURF: CRATED for Shipping G. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. 1 FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR. 130 Walnut Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J. MONEY TO LOAN BUY COAL NOW " With our money and Insure your comfort next winter. Pay us back in convenient month ly payments. Charges reason able—only three and one-half per cent, per month on bal ances. No other charges of any kind. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. MONEY' LOANED—Employes' Loan Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." WE LEND MONEY' in compliance with Act of June 4. 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay *' ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., 132 Walnut Street. $$ MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 S. Market Square PIANO BARGAINS THIS YVEEK $325 Livingston, mahogany ....$l5O 325 Huntington, mahogany 210 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 225! 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 250 350 Kimball, walnut 250 350 Stieff, mahogany 250 | 500 Player, 88-note 375 i 650 Player, SS-note 485 Any of the above bargains on . easy terms of payment. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square. Y'OU have made the visit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it. Spungier Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE—AI bay horse, 6 years; weight 1S50; well broken and cheap to .. quick buyer. Inquire 1843 Derry St.. I Kast End Bakery. , ROOFING DON'T RIP UP THAT OLD ROOF. j COVER IT WITH • HITE'S ELASTIC CEMENT." IT WILL GIVE YOU BETTER BERVIC!• THAN A NEW ROOF AT LESS MONEY. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. HITE, THE AUCTIONEER. Bell IS7SJ. | —.i ' HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer j WALTER C. CONRAD. Manager. 341 Keiker S;„ Harrisburg, Pa. j Hell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 3518 ; HICKS Local and long-distance hauii.lg und storage. 124 Kelly. Both 1 phones. (Continued in Next Column) ( WEDNESDAY EVENING, ; HAULING AND MOVING ! PAUL BECK general haulLng, local ! and long distance, making a specialty ! of furniture, piano and safe moving. Cull at 1419 Vernon Street, or Bell 2811-J. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful i driver. Rain and dustproof bodv. J. jE. Gruber's Truck Service. la-win Aungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Hell | phone 15R6. ( - - I YVE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, eli Capital street. Both phones. LOCAL ASIW LONG-DISTANCE I HAULING VFurniture Moving. | Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 ' Calder street. Both phones. Bell I 3636-J. Dial 3688. STOHAGK STORAGE Low rates. Highsplre Distillery Co.. Ltd.. ilighspire, Pa. Both phones. j STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private looms at reasonable rates. Also haul ling ot all kinds. D. Cooper & Co, I Both phones. ' STORAGE Private rooms fori I household goods in fireproof ware house. $:; per month and up. Lower I storage rates in non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. I STORAGE —111 brick building, rear 40s Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, p. | G. Diener, 408 Market street. | UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACK LICH, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956 DIAL 2133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Einbalmer. 511 North Second Street. BLLL 252 DIAL 2145 WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. CEMETERY LOTS FPU SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market street, east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way. The prices of lots aie moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS YVe clean old clothes, make them new. All kinds of repairing guaran teed. Goodman's, 1306 hi North Sixth. AUTOMOBILES F'OR SALE —One two-ton Garford truck, good as new, equipped with steel dump body and wood hoist, now working on good job. YVrlte Box CS2OB care Telegraph. FORDS Tourings, roadsters, in first class condition. SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., 117 South Third Street, Harrisburg. FORD Sedan, 1918 model; good run ning order, sti9s. Horst, Linglestown. ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick buyers in good used cars. 1917 Buick eight, six touring, spare tire. 1916 Buick, big six touring, spare tire. 1915 Buiok, one-ton truck. 1914 StQtz roadster, newly painted, reasonable. 1917 Enger, turn six. fine shane. 1917 Vim, light delivery. 1914 Overland, model 79. Just over hauled. Bargain. 1918 Reo touring, fine running or der, at a bargain price. . The above cars will appeal to the average buyer in the market for a good used cur. Demonstrations given. CHELSEA AUTO CO., A. Schiffman, Manager. GRANT, five-passenger; 6 cylinder; four new tires and tubes; good con dition; cheap to quick buyer. Ester brook. 912 North Third Ot. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street. FOR SALE—I9I6 Reo touring car. two extra rims and tires; engine tire pump; electric starter and lights; newly painted; bargain if sold tnis week. All first class condition. Apply 452 Main street, Steelton. Bell 209Y TRUCK F'OR SALE CHEAP Three-ton G. M. C. truck with large body, in first class operative condition, at SBOO. Apply L. Brenner & Co., Leb anon, Pa. F'OR SALE—Overland 5 passengtr touring car; newly painted and over hauled; A 1 condition; must be sold. Cull at 220 S. 15th St. F'ORD—Touring car; also Ford body; 1914. Can be seen at Riverside liarage, at rear 1417 North Front St. F'OR SALE—Maxwell car, 1915 mod el; 5 passenger; cheap; 48 Balm St. F'OR SALE—Empire, 1916 model; 5- passenger; A 1 condition. 35 N. 12th St. Bell 659-J. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, in ally. condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Schiffman, 22, 24, 26 North Cameron Street. Bell 3633. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New live and seven-passenger cars tor business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 236" DIAL 4914 GRANT touring car; A 1 condition. Call Bell 4904; will demonstrate. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash prices. No junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 Nortli Third Street. Dial 4990. SAXON roadster, 1916; price $250. Overland touring, 1916, $525; Comet Six, $llOO, 1918 model. Salesman Horst. Linglestown, Pa. FORD touring, 17 model; electric lights; runs and pulls like new. Price $125 cash. Dial 36-C. S. It. Horst, Linglestown, near Harrisburg. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds .e --i quired by specialist. Also fenders, j lamps, etc. best service in town, llar | risburg Auto Radiator \\ orks, BUS North Third street. WM. PENN GARAGE 224-6 Muench street, limousines for funeral parties and balio; careful | drivers; open day and uiglit. bell ! 4564. | BARGAlNS—lnternational one-ton I truck, used ten months, cheap; ln ) ternational two-ton truck, used nine months, cneap; F'orU delivery, panel body, in line condition. Ford 1-ton ! unit, brand new. Cadillac delivery, closed body. Denby Power dump body, in line condition; Denby 2',2-ion, with stake body, like new; I Acme 3 Va-ton, with Woods steel dump I uody, used six months; Denby 3-ton ! with Woods steel dump body. Denby j Sales Corporation, 120 a Capital street. MAGNETOS —All types, 4 and 6 j Uoscn high tension, 161 sin an, Dixie, 1 aplitdort, Mea. Remy and different makes ot eons, caruuretors, etc. I sell Hi man, 22--'4-jo North Cameron .iicet. Bell 3633. i (Continued In Next Column) AUTOMOBILES FOK SALE —Ford ton truck, 1918; worm drive, in good condition; price leasonable. inquire 24U3 Jellerson at. Dial phone 3042. FOKD touring, 17; demountable wheels; new ilres; tire carrier; shock absorbers; speedometer; spot light; tool box and cut out; good cur tains with winter rods; price S4OO. Square Leal Horst. Linglestown. 1913 llud roadster. $400; 1918 Grant six touring'. $560; 1915 Hudson tour ing. $550; 1916 Ford delivery with eao, $100; 1917 Olds 8 louring, $80(1; 1918 Hurley-Davidson electric equip ped, $275; 1918 I'aige touring, siuuu; 1915 Chalmer six, Just painted, s4u: 1915 Chalincr 6 touring, $200; Regal roadster, electric equipped. $300; lan Buick touring, new top, $30; three 2- ton Seldon trucks; one 2-ton Iteo truck. These trucks can be bought on easy terms. Inquire Seluen Truck Distributors, 1025 Market st. FOK SALE—Buick car. 1918 model; first class condition. $1250 cash. Cap tain Kimble, Array Iteserve Depot, New Cumberland. TRY economy tires 5000 miles guar i antee or new tire free of charge; I all sizes; straight side clinches, | plain or non-skid, all same price. ! write for price list. Economy Agency, 274 Pine. Millershurg, Pu. FOR SALE—Chalmer's Sedan. 1917;' new unhnlstering; Chandler, 1919, ■%- passenger, sport model: wire wheels; bumper, spot light, 5 new tires; Over land, 1915, 90 delivery car. Inquire fenn-Harris Taxicab office, care Penn-Harria Hotel. FOR SALE—Buick live-passenger D-45. 1917, In line condition. Call 90CU between 1(1 and 11a. m.. ask for Mr. Hendrlekson. FOR SALE—Velie six. 7-passenger, 1917 model, very reasonable; good rea sons for selling. Call 1934R Hell. Garages, Accessories ana Repairs GARAGE for rent at Sassafrass St., $4 per month. Apply 201 Herr St. RAYFIELD carburetors are recog nized as ilie most reliable by all dis criminating car owners; more power, more speed and 25 to 50 per cent, sav ing of gasoline, are some of the rea sons you should have one; a speclnl type Bayfield for every make of car. Agency, Fcderlcks - Garage, 1807 N. Seventh Street. Harley Davidson, electric and side car $250 Indian. 1916, 3 spe- 1 135 Indian, 2 speed electric 125 Harley-Davidson, one speed .... 75 Thor, one speed 65 Big bargains to quick buyers. DAYTON' CYCLE CO., Dial 4990 912 N. Third St. CLEAN UP SALE OF USED CARS 1 Dodge touring, painted, new pana aote top and curtains to match, a real bargain. 2 Buick light six. painted and In first class condition. 3 Overland roadster, three new cord tires and in excellent condition. 4 Reo roadster in line shape, a bar gain. 5 1918 Velie, in first class condition, guaranteed. REX GARAGE & SUPPLY CO. IF Y'OU need a tire or any part of any make of secondhand cars, we have it- t\t also buy secondhand junk cars. Highest cash price paid. Selden Truck Distributors, 1017-1025 Alarket street. SNYDER & McGUIRE. Automobile repairing and general machine shop. All work guaranteed. 939 South 19th Street. Bell phone 3717-R. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES FOR SALE—Harley-Davidson mo torcycle; electrically equipped; side car; good condition; price $225 cash. Apply H. B. Kirk. 1902 North St. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHAKER WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD STREET 1919 Harley-Davidson with side car and gas lights, in perfect condi tion. guaranteed. $375 cash; also two bicycles at S2O and $25 each. Apply second floor rear Hess building. 13th and Market Sts. Ask for Mr. Rupp. PUBLIC SALE PUBLIC SALE 200 ACRE FARM On the Premises Saturday, August 30, at 2 p. m., valuable 200-acre farm located In Spring township. Perry County, Pa., one mile west of Gibson's Rock on road leading from Carlisle to Landlsburg. Will be sold at public sale to highest bidder. THOMAS H. GARBER. LEGAL NOTICES Office of Superintendent o{ Public Grounds and Buildings, of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals, accompanied by a check on a solvent bank or trust company, duly certified by a proper officer thereof, in the sum of twenty five thousand ($25,000.1 dollars, a s a proposal guaranty, will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg, Pa., until lu a. m. on Tuesday. September 23, 1919 for the construction of the Soldiers' and Sail ers' Memorial Bridge along Capitol Park Extension and State street, Har risburg, Pa. Specifications, plans, proposal and contract forms are on file and can be seen in the office of the superinten dent. at Harrisburg. the office of the chief engineer in Baltimore, and the office of tho architect In New York, and contractors may obtain sets of the same by depositing SIOO.OO for each set. with the superintendent. This deposit will be refunded upon re turn of the sets without marking, dis figurement or othe - damage within ten days after the award of the con tract. The right is reserved to reject any or all proposals or parts thereof. By order of the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. U. W. Mitchell Secretary. T. W. Templeton, Sugerintendent. | Arnold W. Brunner, Architect, 101 Park ave., New Tork City. J. E Greiner & Co., Engineer!*. Fidelity Bldg.. Baltimore, Md. To the Creditors of H. L. Brown Ccmpauy: You are hereby notified that an ac tion has been brought for tho use of the undersigned in the District Court of the United States for the Middle District of Pennsylvania as No. 1111, October Term. 1919, on the bond given by said 11. I- Brown Company, as principal, and the American Fidelity Company and the Casualty Company of America, as sureties, to secure among other things payment to all persons supplying labor or materials under tho contract for the extension, remodeling, etc., of the post office at Harilsburg. Penna. You are hereby notified that you may file your claims In said action, and be made party thereto, within one year from the completion of tho Work under said contract, and not later. SARGENT & COMPANY. Charles L. Bailey. Jr., Attorney, 16 North Second Street. Harrisburg, Pa. (Continued In Next Column) BULKfUSBtraa SrfSSftj TELEGKXPH SHERIFF'S SALES By virtue of certain writs of fieri facias, levari facias, liberarl facias, venditlonal exponas and alsias vendi tioni exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas and Orphans' Court of Dauphin County. Pa., and to me directed, 1 will expose at Public Sale or Outcry, at the Court House. In the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa. on Thursday. .September 18th, I.FGAL NOTICE NOTlCE—Letters testamentary on the estate of Dr. Melanchthon M. Ritchie, late of the City of Harrls burg, Dauphin Countv, Penna., de ceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all person* indebted io said estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to LEROY H. HAGERLINO, Executor. Or JOHN A. HERMAN, Atty., 333 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTlCE—Letters testamentary on the estate of Theodore G. Caldor, late of City of Harrisburg, Dauphin Coun ty. Pa., deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned residing In said city, all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to inuke Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. MARY K. CALDKII MAINS COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Executors. NOTlCE—Letters of administration on the estate of Charles .V. Bush, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, l'a., deceased, having been granted to tho undersigned residing In Harrlsburg. Pa., all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to WILLIAM T. BUSH, Administrator. Or W. K. MEYERS, Attorney. EXECUTOR S NOTICE Letters testamontury on the estate of Joseph Mathcs, late of Enhaut. Pa i deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to I said estate are requested to make! payment and those having claims will make known the same without delav GEORGE W. MATHBS, Executor, Or Enhaut, Pa i James a. Hatz, Atty., llariisburg, Pa. PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE ! In the. estate of Edward E. Seifert. I late of Susquehanna township, Dau-i I'll in county, Pa., deceased. v Pursuant to an order of the Orphans Court of Dauphin County, of August! 25. 1919. the undersigned, administra-| tor of the estate of Edward E. Seifert. deceased, will offer at public sale on the premises, at 2 o'clock p. m.. Thurs day afternoon. September 18, 1919, the; following real estate: All that certain tract of land sit uate In Susquehanna township, in the 1 County of Dauphin and State of Penn- i sylvania. known as the "Meckley" I farm. Being a farm with stone farm house and other outbuildings, containing cighty-flve acres and one hundred and fifteen perches, said farm being sit uate on the road leading from Har risburg to Linglestown. byway of Shutt's Mill, and which said farm 1s the land near to or adjoining Shutt's Mill, cast of. Wildwood Park. Ten per cent, of the purchase price to be paid on the day of sale; fifteen per cent, additional upon the confirma tion of the sale by the court, October 7. 1919, and the balance on or before the first day of December, 1919. ALFRED A. SEIFERT. Administrator of Edward E. Seifert, deceased. I. P. BOWMAN, GEORGE L. REED Attorneys. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ex rel William I. Schaffer, Attorney General vs. The Park Bank. No. 4 Commonwealth Docket, 1919, Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin Coun ty, Pennsylvania. To the creditors, stockholders and persons otherwise interested in the Park Bank: Notice Is hereby given that at 10 o'clock ,A. M., on the 22d day of Sep tember, 1919, there will be presented to the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at Harrisburg. Pa., the petition of O. H. Getty, receiver of The Park Bank, asking for authorization to sell to John E. Born, of Pittsburgh, Pa., the real estate hereinafter described, on the following terms: For the sum or price of $16,000.00: $500.00 of which has already been paid to receiver as hand money; $2,500 cash on delivery of deed and the assumption by the purchaser of a mortgage of thirteen thousand ($13,000.00) dollars, to which the property Is now subject. The said property is all that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the Eleventh ward of the City of Pitts burgh. County of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania. Beginning at the southeast corner of lteatty street and Stanton avenue, extending thenee southeasterly along the southerly line of Stanton avenue, a distance of fifty-five (66) feet to a pin; thence southwesterly on a line parallel with Beatty street a distance of one hundred twenty and fifty-eight hundredths (120.58) feet to line of land now or late of Laura B. Rarbour; thence northwesterly along said line |a distance of fifty-five (55) feet to the 'east lino of Beatty street, and thene 'northeasterly along snld line of Beatty street, one hundred twenty and fifty-eight hundredths (120.58) feet to the place of beginning. Having erect ed thereon a brick houso and garage numbered and known as GOO Stanton avenue. G. H. GETTY, Receiver of The Park Bank. EDMUND K. TRENT, Attorney for Receiver, 200 Bukewell Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. NOTICE Is hereby given that ap plication has been made to The Public Public Service Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, un der the provisions of the Public Serv iee Company Law, by The Harrisburg Light and Power Company for a certi ficate of public convenience evidenc ing the Commission's requisite ap proval of a contract between the Hai rishurg Light and Power Company and the Borough of Dauphin, for lighting the streets of tile said bor ough in the County of Dauphin and the State of Pennsylvania. A public hearing upon this applica tion will be held Ih the rooms of the Commission ot Harrisburg on the third day of September, 1919, at 9.30 o'clock, when and where all persons In Intel est rnoy appear and be heard, if they so desire. J. E. B. CUNNINGHAM, CHARLES l(. BERGNER, Solicitors Uarrisbqrg Eight and Power Company. Proclamation in Divorce Dauphin County, Ki ln the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County. Pa., No. 421 Januarv Terin, 1919. Eibel in divorce—a vinculo matrimonii Tony C'lobnn vs. Mary Gioban. The subpoena and alias sub' poena in the above-stated ease have been returned "non est inventus." You, Mary Cioban, are therefore directed to appeal in the court at Harrisbuig, Pa., on the fourth Monday of Septem ber, A. D., 1919. to answer the com plaint therein filed. W. W. CAEDWEEE, Sheriff. Harrisburg. Pa.. August 26. 1919. NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that letters of administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of John F. Eawrence. late of the City of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Penna deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of the said dece dent are requested to make known the same and all persons Indebted to said decedent are requested to make payment to said administratrix with out delay* ANNIE W. EAWRENCE, 1627 Penn Street. Harrisburg SPENCER GIEBERT NAUMAN, Attorney. 1919, 2 o'clock P. M., tho following real estate, to wit: (PATTERSON. ATTORNEY.) No. 1. —All that lot or piece of. land In Martisbui'tt. Pa., bounded and des cribed as follows: BEGINNING at the South-eastern corner of Wallace and Cumberland Street; thence Southwardly 28 feet, more or less, to land now or late of Mary Fogcrty: thence Eastwardly 68 feet, more or less, to a private alley; thence Northwardly 28 feet, more or less, to Cumberland Stroet; thence Westward!)- along Cumberland Street 68 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon being houses Nos. 1133 and 1135 Wallace Street. Sold as the property of Annie Welner and Jacob Weincr, her hus band defendants. (NRIFFKR & SAUSSAMAN. ATTYS.) No 2—All those two certain con tiguous lota of ground situate In Wtconlsco (Elmtown), beginning at a point on the north side of Oak streot, (sometimes called Elm street); thence by said street, lots being forty feet front each, and running back one hundred and forty feet to a sixteen feet wide alley; bounded on the east by lot No. 24 and on the west by lot No. 19. said lots being Nos. 20 and £2 on the general plan of Elmtown. Hav ing thereon erected a two-story frame dwelling house and necessary outbuildings. ten— I For tttle see deed of Ellen l inn, widow, to Chester Yabczynskl. but in correctly spelled In said deed as Jahozynskl. dated the 2nd day of Anrll A. H. 1910. and recorded in the I office'for the recording of deeds, etc. In and for Dauphin County.-at Ilar rlsburg. in Deed Book B , \ 01. 14, Pa Sold 31 as the property of Chester Yubcaynskl. deceased. (PATTERSON, ATTORNEY) N -o 3 All that certain lot of ground in Harrlsburg. Pa., bounded and described us follows. Beginning at a corner of an alley called James Alley; thence along said alley .1 feet six inches to the coiner of lot No. 5, thence along the line of the same 131 feet to a point on Elder now Capital S?rVt? thence along said street 18 fo*t klx lnchfttt to ft point on lot No. thence along the, line of said lot lil feet to James Alley, the place of t>e fh n er t eon erected a three-story frame dwelling house, No. 818 Lapi tii i Sold as the property of Frances WrI,r (PATTERSON. ATTORNEY) No. 4—All that land in Harrisburg. Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at the North western corner of Seventh and Wood bine Streets; thence Northwardly along the Western line ot Street 95 feet, more or less, to an al ley 13 feet, mote or less, wide; theneq Westwardfy along the Southern line of said alley 23 feet and 2 Inches, more or less, to a point on land of Patrick H. K'aughn: thence South wardly nlong the line of said land 95 feet, more or less, to said Woodbine St thence eastwnrdly ftloni? til® northern line of naid W oodblne Streot, 14 feot and four Inches, more or less to the place of beginning- Thereon house No. OC4 Woodbine St Sold as the property of William H. My a"p. BOWMAN, ATTORNEY.) No. 6.—A1l the ,-ollowln? four tracts of land situate in the city of Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: , A. Beginning at a point on the southern line of Derrv street, one hundred feet eastwardly from 21st street, at line of land now or late of F. J. Douden; thence southwardly along said line 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide alley; thence eastwardly along sftid alley 16 feet to line of property No. 2115 Perry street; thence northwardly along said Hue through the center of a partition wall 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thence westwardly along Derry street 16 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a three-story brick dwelling house No. 2113 Derry street. B. Beginning on the southern line of Derry street 116 feet east wardly from 21st street, at line of property No. 2113 Derry street; thence southwardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide thence eastwardly along said alley 16 feet to line of property No. 2117 Derrv street; thence northwardly olong said line 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thenqe westwardly along the southern line of Derry street 16 feet to the place of begin ning. Thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house No. 2115 Derry street. C. Beginning on the southern line of Derry street 132 feet eastwardly from 21st street; at line of property No 2115 Derry street; thence south wardly along said line through the center of a partition wall 87 feet to a 4 feet wide alley; thence eastwardly along said alley 16 feet to an alley way; thence northwardly along snld alley-way 87 feet 9 inches to Derry street; thence westwardly along Derry street 16 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a three story brick dwelling house No. 2117 Derrv street. D." Beginning on the southern line of Derry street 170 feet east wardly from 21st street: thence southwardly through the center of a partition wall of a pair of brick houses 87 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide alley; thence westwardly along said alley 22 feet to line of property No. 2117 Derry street: thence north wardly along said line 87 feet 9 Inches to DerrV street; thence east wardlv along Derry street 22 feet to the place of beginning. Thereon erected a thiee-story briek dwelling house No. 2119 Deiry street. Said four houses to have the use of the 4 foot alley in the rear and the-alley way between houses Nos. 2117 and 2119 Derry street, in common. For title see Deed Books A. 15, 319, and X. 10, 173. Sold as the properties of I'eter Vanderloo, defendant. (ROSENBERG A- ROSENBERG ATTORNEYS.) Morris Stlne, et ux et al, to Eouis Swimmer, September 12, 1916, Deed- Book N. Vol. 16, page 323, etc. No. 1. Beginning at a point on the Western line of Cowden Street thirty two (32) feet and six (.6) inches South of the Southern line of York Street; thence Southwardly along Cowden Street sixteen feet to a point; thence Westwardly parullel with York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet six (6) inches, more or lass, to Ash Street; and thence North wardly along the Eastern Elne of Ash Street sixteen (16) feet to a point; thence Eastwardly parallel with York Street one hundred twenty six (126) feet and six (6) inches, more or less, to the place of begin ning. Thereon being house No. 906 Cowden Street. No. 2. Beginning at a point on the Western line of Cowden Street six teen (16) feet and six ineheß South of the Southern line of York Streot; thence Southwardly along Cowden Street sixteen feet to a point: thence Westwardly parallel with York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet and six Inches, more or lesiv to Ash street; thence Northwardly along the Eastern lino of Ash Street six teen feet to a point; thence East wardly parallel with York Street one hundred twenty-six (126) feet and live inches, more or less, to the place of beginning. Having thereon erected house No. 908 Cowden Street. Sold as the property of Louis Swimmer, defendant. (STROH. McCARRELL, ATTYS.) No. 7. —All that certain lot of land, with the buildings thereon erected, situated In the city of Harrisburg aforesaid (formerly in the Township of Susquehanna.) 'bounded and des cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the western line of North Sixth street one hundred and forty (140) feet fronv the 'northwestern corner of said North Sixth and Mac-lay streets, at the line of property now or formerly of B. H. Engle being the centre of the partition wall; thence northwardly along said line of said street seventeen (17) feet to a point at property now or formerly of B. H. Engle; thence westwardly along the line of said property and at right angles to said North Sixth street ninety-six (96) feet to the eastern line of a seventeen (17) feet wide alley; thence southwardly along said line of sold alley sixteen and thirty two hundredths (16.32) feet to the line of the aforesaid property of B. 11. Engle; thence eastwardly along the line yf said property at right angles to said North Sixth street and through the center of the partition wall ninety-six (96) feel to the place (?f beginning: having thereon erected a three (3) story briclt dwelling house, known as No. 2116 North Sixth street, Harrlsburg, I'ennsy ivaiua. And beir.g the same premises which Sarah A. Decker, by her deed dated October 17th, A. D. 1900, und recorded In the Recorder's Office at Harrls burg, aforesaid In Deed Book 'R,"J KIWANIS CLUB TO HOLD GREAT OUTDOOR RALLY Picnic Tomorrow at Hershey Purk to Be Big Event Hundreds of Kiwanis Club mem bers and their families and friends,will be in attendance at the big inter-city picnic of the nlnetoen clubs of Penn sylvania, which will be held to-mor row at Hershey Park. Out-of-town persons have already Btarted to ar rive In this city for the event and the greater part of them are expected to arrive here to-day to be ready to proceed early to-morrow to Hershey. Extensive arrangements have been made for the big event by a commit tee of the local club, headed by Charles Schmidt, the florist. A large number of stunts have been scheduled for the day, a total of 40 prize events having boen arranged. Baseball, swimming and dancing promises likewise to furnish enter tainment for a large number of the -persons. A concert will be given to-morrow morning at 9.45 o'clock by the Mu nicipal Band, and 15 minutes later a procession of 100 automobiles will start toward the park with the great er number of picnickers. After leav ing the hotel, a short parade will he held through the elty, headed by the Municipal Band. The procession will move out Walnut stroet to Second, to Market Square, to Market, to the Mul berry street bridge, to Hershey. Oth er members will go by railroad. Appetites of the Klwanlans and their friends will be amply provided for. A buffet luncheon has been pro vided for noon and at 6 o'clock a chicken dinner will be provided. Roe Etlkerson, editor of the "Kiwanis Torch." will make an address at tho latter meal. To-day's noonday luncheon of the Harrisburg Kiwanis Club was held in the Penn-Harris Hotel, and was largely attended by local and visiting Kiwanians. Baron Neefe, president, presided. Al. K. Thomas, well disguised as a Frenchman and representing himself as Monsieur Fleurcheri, had members of the club guessing for u consider able period. He was scheduled to make an address, and it was not until he had gotten a good start in his talk, that members discovered the hoax. Various expedients to ex act revenge, were tried, bui mem bers had to acknowledge that "the laugh was on them." CSE OF SILOS GAINS ON AMERICAN FARMS The silo is rapidly becoming recog nized as a necessary part of the Min nesota farm without a silo, at least in the corn area, is no longer up to date. The rapid adoption of the silo is accounted for by recognition of its advantages. These advant ages are summarized by A. D. Wil son, extension director of the Min nesota College of Agriculture, as follows: If corn is cut at the proper stage and put into a good silo, the whole corn plant is eaten. Silage is more convenient to feed than is any other rough feed com monly used on the farm. Silage is both palatable and suc culent. The addition of a succulent feed to a ration increases the digestibility of the dry feed eaten. With a silo it is possible to save corn that might otherwise, owing to immaturity, be largely wasted. The silo not only provides ex cellent feed for winter time but furnishes a means of keeping more for summer use feed of high qual ity. The silo furnishes almost a sure supply of feed, as there is no surer crop in Minnesota than corn. Vol. 10, page 207, sold and conveyed to Charles K. Mcllvain and Minnie B. Mcllvain, defendants herein. And being also the saino premises which Edwin S. Herman and his wife by their deed dated Feb/uary 2, A. D. 1906, and recorded in tne aforesaid Recorder's Office in Deed Book "L" V' 1 12, page 261, sold ana conveyed to Charles K. Mcllvain and Minnie B. Mcllvain, defendants her- in. Sc.ld as the property of Charles K. Mcllvain and Minnie B. Mcllvain, defendants. (N'EIFKER & SAUSSAMAN. ATTYS.) No. S.—All that certain half or piece of ground situate on the east ern side of Bine street in the Bor ough of Lykens, County of Dauphin and State ol' Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Be ing twenty-live (23) feet in width, fronting on the east side of I'inc street an i extending eastward the. same width one hundred and forty il4(t) feet to a sixteen and one-half (!6'(,) feet wide alley and being the northern half of lot No. 321 as marked on the plan of the Town (now Bor ough) of Lykens, laid out by Daniel Hoffman, in the year A. 1)., 1848, said half lot bounded on the north by lot No. 322. on the east by a sixteen and one-half 115%) feet wide alley; on the south by southern half of lot No. 321 and on the west by Pine street. Sold as the propel ty of Noah A. Swanger, deceased. For title see Deed Book "M," Vol. 13, page 105. (CASTER. ATTORNEY) No. 9.—A1l that certain lot or tract of land situated in Washington Township. Dauphin County, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a stone in the center of Public Road leading from Ben ysburg Road west to Middle ltoad from Curtin to Elizabethville, Pa.; thence south 37% degrees east 887 feet by land of Henry R. Hart man to a stone; thence by land of Allen Swab Estate south 85% de grees west 1465 feet to a stone by land of Edward Speeht: thence by same north 21% degrees east 132 feet to a stone in the middle of suid des cribed Public Road and land of Dan iel Shaffer: thence in the middle of said described Public Road, north 75 degrees east 730 feet In tho mid dle of same ltoad to a stone; thence in the middle of said road north 63 degrees east 571 feet to a stone also In the middle of said Public Road; thence in the middle of same north 62% degrees east 728 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 20 Acres and 136 Perches strict measure. Sec Deed Book P, Vol. 15, page 459. Sold as the property of Edwin \V. Specht, defendant. Seized and taken into execution and to be sold by W. W. CALDWELL. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrisburg, August 27, 1919. TIIE HIGHEST AND BEST BIDDER SHALL BE THE BUYER TERMS: The purchaser will be required to pay FIFTY DOLLARS OF (lie amount of his hid when the prop erty shall have been knocked off to him. if under $500: above that amount, 10 per cent, of the purchase money; and the residue of the pur chase money before the confirmation of the sale by the Court. And if eoipplied with, a deed will be ten dered by the Sheriff, at the next ''oiirt of Common Pleas for Dauphin County, conveying to the purchaser all the right, title, interest and claim which the said defendant has in and to the said property at the time of levying the same. If the above conditions he not com plied with on the part of Ihe pur chaser, and the said property be on that account again offered for sale by 'he Sheriff, the said purchaser will be held liable for the deficiencies and additional cost of such sale. [Market Quotations on l'age 18.] AUGUST 27, 1919 "No Red of His Own" Is Wife's Reply to Husband Stmbury, Pa., Aug. 27.—Mrs. Wil liam a. Craver, of Montundon, had a dispute with her husband last week and they agreed to disagree. Graver then caused an advertise ment to be published, In which he declared she had left his "bed and board" and that lie would not pay any b'lls contracted by his wife. Disagreeing with his statement that he had furnished her a bed she caused the following advertise ment to be printed: "The notice printed in the paper of Mrs. Craver leaving W. C. Gra ver's bed and board is incorrect. He never had any bod of his own, but slept in the one 1 furnished. And no person will ever suffer of dyspep sia duo to the bourd he furnished Lykens Visitors Home From New England by Auto bykens. Aug. 27. — Mr. and Mrs. William O. Wallace left two weeks ago for Athol, Mass., and when ready to return they were brought by Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wallace, of that place, to Dock Haven, by an automobile. They took the Mo hawk trail through New England. At Lock Haven they were accompa nied by Mrs. John Kissinger and sons, Ilean and Herbert, and start ed for Lykens, reaching here Sun day. All returned to their home except Dean Kissinger, who will spend a week with ohl home friends. Strong Interests ' Now Control Markets Indications are that speculative holdings now are centered in strong financial quarters. Our latest Weekly Market Digest gives opinion on present market situation of the OIL, COPPER, STEEL, MOTOR TIRE AND MINING Issues, l.atest reliable data on the following: Commonneulth Petro. ltay Hercules Inter, font. Rubber Slneluftr Gulf Tonopah 111 vide United Eye-tilns* Suit Creek lleelu Mining Car l lKlitlnu. tilenrnek Tunopuh Extension U. S. Steamship Miirluiiil Oil Ronton A Montana Chnlmrrn Motor* General Asphalt treason Gold United \ erde Araer. .slilp <£ torn. usden X Company Mpisslng Indian l'neklng Sinclair Conn. Divide Extension I Sweet* Company Island Oil Kerr Lake No. Ainer. I'ulp \ roper Huston A Wyoming Tonop.ih Helmont Wrlgbt-Miirlln federal Oil C'ona. Copper Mine* llupp Motor* Omar till Standard Oil Seeurltlea Perfection 'l'tre Allied Pucker* Complete report on HOWE SOUND <'py of Abovf, Almo Text Hook of Wall Street Free l T pon Hetfiacxt • HbhssbiARIEBTCE LWESTMKNT SECURITIES 212 N. Third Street Hurrlabur* Direct Private Wlrea Connecting New York Phlludelpliln —a———iMa——a—m—aMMaaM—a—a——aaa j D. B. KIEFFER & CO.'S ] PUBLIC SALES J OF I Head of Accli-f mated and Western > ' Wfly? Horses, Colts & Mules I On Friday, August 29,1919\ I At 1 O'clock, P. M. | MIDDLETOWN, PA. I We will sell 1 carload of extra good Fresh Shipped Western Horses and Colts, shipped by W. M. Grove, who orders us that he is ship ping a load of the real old fashioned kind (the best that grows) with jg plenty of size, shape, bone and weight that belongs to o/ real draft A horse. They consist of the good lowdown chunk. Rugged feeders, ■ farm chunks and all purpose Western Horses and Colts. Ranging in r age from 2 to 5 years and have them weighing from 1100 to 1400 J each. Eighty head of acclimated horses and mules, consisting of 10 0 head of extra good young gaited saddle horses that ride and drive. % Fifty head of Home Bought Horses of all kinds from a plug to a f bang-up good draft, Business or pleasure Horses. Also a lot of A high dollar and Commission Horses and Mules. Twenty head of X good big mules. ' X D. B. KIEFFER & CO. ,< 1 NEW ISSUE $750,000 Newsprint Reclaiming Corporation Ten Year First Mortgage 7% Gold Bonds Dated Any. 1. 1019 Due Aug. 1, 10211 Coupons Payable Feb. & Aug. Ist Krgisterablr a* to principal only Redeemable nt 110 and Interest Denominations SSOO and SIOOO Prlnrlpul und Interest Payable nt <l®e of the Trantee In Xevr York These Bonds are a direct obligation and the first moragage on all property, rights, franchises and patents of the company, now owned or hereafter to be acquired. I,and, $125,009 Buildings, {350,009 Machinery, ssoo,ooi> Working Capital, $200,000 . Making a total inventory of property and cash of $1,175,000 ex clusive of the patents owned by the corporation values at $6,000,000. TRUSTEE REGISTRAR I.incoln Trust Company, N. Y. United States Corporation Co., N. Y. Free of Xormnl Federul Income Tinx Pennsylvania State Tax Refunded Company will pay any normal Federal Income Tax, which it may lawfully pay at the source not exceeding the present rate of two per cent. Price Par and Interest A bonus of 50 per cent, in Common Stock of the Newsprint Re claiming Corporation is now being given to subscribers to these Bonds. This arrangement, however, is subject to change without notice. All legal matters pertaining to this issue passed upon and approved by Messrs. Benton. Ferguson & Moore, New York. WV Recommend These Bonds for Inve*tment. Descriptive Circular on Request. WEBER & COMPANY Investment Ranker* Stock Exchange Building PHILADELPHIA All Statements Contained In This Circular Are Rased Upon Information Which We Consider Reliable and Upon Wlik'li Wo Acted In the Purchase of These Securities Wi lli: MARRIED IIERE Hagerstoivii, Md.. AUK. 27. —An* nouncement is made here of th wedding of Miss Marie A. Hartle, ol Chewsville, and Oscar Hartsook in Tlarrisburg on July 26. The couple, with the Kev. J. O. Koser, of Letters burg, and a few friends, motored to Tiarrlsburg and the ceremony was performed there. The couple kepi their marriage a secret until this time. * NOTICE Office will close from Sept. 11 Until Sept. 29 DR. J. B. LAWRENCE, 204 Market Street i 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers