THE "GET TOGETHER" SPIRIT IS ALL THAT IS NEEDED BETWEEN U. S. AND JAPAN Japanese Ambassador to Mexico Declares Friendly Rela tions Between Two Countries Would Then Be Certain to Remain Honolulu, T. H„ Aug. 27. The "get together" spirit, an interna tional application of the methods of chambers of commerce and boards of trade, is all that is re quired to insure friendly relations between the United States and Japan, according to Baron Jujitori Otori, Japanese Ambassador to Mexico, who is on his way home for a visit. "To promote and insure a better understanding between the peoples of the United States and Japan, and to further neutralize harmful propa ganda endangering friendly rela,- tions," said the Baron, "it is essen tial that henceforth honest and courageous efforts be made by all concerned to meet in open discus- An Endless Chain Here is the endless chain of rec ommendations for Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. There is hardly a town or village in* the United States from which women have not written letters telling of health restored by Lydia. E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. If you are suffering from some female trouble, ask your neighbor if she has ever used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In many cases you will find that she has re gained health by its use and will recommend It to you. Grief can be expressed best by a monu ment of fitting design and letter ing. We make monuments fitted both to the size of your plot and the length of your purse. It's for you to say what kind of memorial you prefer. Cemetery Lettering I. B. Dickinson Granite, Marble Tile and Bronze, 505-13 X. THIRTEENTH ST., Harrisliurg, Pa. THE GLOBE "KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE CLOCK" THE GLOBE Saturday, Aug*. 30 IS THE LAST DAY OF THE GLOBE'S Jpigtth ONE THOUSAND SUIT CAMPAIGN IMJ^ Today the Clock Says 1263 fj Stout Men's Week 1 I We're after the big fellows this J [j J week. We study and plan to j take care of the generously j built men—and we have the ' clothes to fit them, too. iWt jm/ Just because you happen to re- // 111 quire a size 38 to 50 does not make I lug/A you a life member of the "Hard-to- jj Tall stout men—medium-sized fflP stout men—short stout men— -we have your size and guarantee to hit you perfectly—suits with youthful lines that seemingly reduce your size, but are as com fortable as any suit can be. If you have any other idea about it you had better hurry to THE GLOBE- and let us convince you. These Suits won't be with us long. Yes indeed, we have Serges, Silk Mixed Worsteds and Cheviots for you —and at these GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. S3O Suits at $24.50 $45 Suits at $37.50 $35 Suite at $28.50 SSO Suits at $40.50 S4O Suits at $32.50 S6O Suits at $48.50 THE GLOBE WEDNESDAY EVENING, sion of the political, economical and social problems facing the two Na tions. "A barrier of ignorance, race hatred and jealousy has unfor tunately substituted the innocent isolation which formerly precluded intercourse between Japan and the United States. "With the universal acceptance of democracy and liberal thought in international relations, it is time there should bo a closer and better understanding,between the two Na tions. Let us have a real get to gether movement; let us rub elbows and get acquainted. "To facilitate the early realiza tion of such a movement, I wish to make these suggestions: "That the diplomatic, consular and other official representatives of Japan and America be selected from men willing to give hearty co-opera tion toward cementing cordial rela tions. "That scholarships be established in the leading American and Jap -1 aneso universities devoted to the history and literature of both coun t tries. "That Japanese university gradu ates, thoroughly familiar with Eng lish, he allowed to matriculate in American universities for post graduate work without any qualify ing examination. "That trade and other commis sions, composed of leading citizens, exchange visits for the purpose of obtaining first hand information on public questions. "That the agency of the motion picture be employed in both coun tries to diffuse knowledge of geog raphy, customs, dress and social mannerisms." Pottsville Woman Dies, Grieving Over Her Mother Pottsville..Pa., Aug. 27.—After an illness of only a few' hours. Lillie Lienthal, daughter of Joseph Lien thai, a well known business man, died yesterday, grieving over the loss of her mother, who died a month ago. She was active in phi lanthropic work and plans for the betterment of her home city. Quick, Painless Way To Remove Hairy Growths (Helps to Beauty) Here is a simple, unfailing way to rid the skin of objectionable hairs: With some powdered delatone and water make enough paste to cover the hairy surface, apply and in about 2 minutes rub off, wash the skin and every trace of hair has vanished. This is quite harmless, but to avoid disappointment be sure to get the delatone in an original package. SIGNS ARE TO BE TAKEN DOWN Highway Commissioner Sad ler Orders Removal of Advertisements missioner Lewis yV\\\ '"sued orders to I 8 u P c rintendents I througout Penn i move advertising State highway on ground that such displays within the legal limits of a State road route are against the law. The superintendents are to commence forthwith to remove the numerous signs, some of which are declared by rrien who have been in specting the highways to overhang roads in some instances and to be placed on poles and fences which are owned by the State. Cards of candidates for office and hotel signs are included in many of those which will have to be taken down. A statement issued by the Depart ment says: "Particular attention is called by the State Highway Department to the erection in eastern Pennsyl vania of advertising cards in imi tation of the Department's detour signs. Complaints have been re ceived by the State Highway De partment to the effect that travelers at night finding these imitation de tour signs at cross-roads have been mislead. "In many parts of Pennsylvania candidates for office have been so busy in posting their cards that in numerous instances the entire whitewashed surface of the pole, extending six feet from the ground, has been hidden. Hotels have plac ed elaborate signs on poles within the highway limits. One case is reported where a hotel in a large city in an adjoining state placed enameled metal signs bearing the word "Danger" in places where no danger at all existed. The erection of these and similar misleading signs tends to make the traveler careless, so that eventually he dis regards real danger signs. "On one State Highway route an enterprising proprietor of a rabbit farm decorated highway poles for several miles on both sides of his establishment with signs calling the attention of travelers to the location of his "rabbitry." For Flood Control —A series of suggestions for prevention of floods at Reading prepared at the request of the mayor of Reading was made nublie to-day by the State Water Supply Commission, suggesting changes in the Schuylkill and other streams and along banks which would cost from $500,000 to sl,- 000.000. Control by dams and re tarding basins is dismissed as im practicable by the Commission which states that some of the best sites are occupied by railroads. The Tulpehocken, which enters the Schuylkill at Reading is stated to be well adapted for dams, but its drainage area is not extensive and it would be more valuable for water storage for industrial purposes. Bahjusburc telegraph , "PAINTED ROCKS" TO BE SUBMITTED TO EXPERTS Symbols on Bunks of the Columbia River, Washington State, Will Be Studied Spokane, Wash., Aug. 27. Whether painted symbols on the rocky banks of the Columbia River, in Klickitat county, Washington, are Indian symbols or whether they are the records of early Teutonic explorers is to be submitted to ex perts of the bureau of Indian af fairs at Washington, I). C., for their verdict. That the pictures are fragments of early history of the tribesmen of the Pacific northwest Is the belief of W. S. Lewis, of this city, secretary of the Eastern Washington Histori cal Society. He believes they are 258 years old. Straightening of the river below Reading would also be expensive. The methods of flood control which appear feasible are given in the re port as enlargement of the river channel by excavation, construction of a concrete wall along the east bank of the river, construction of a levee along the east bank and a combination of the three methods. To Avoid Fly—The State Depart ment of Agriculture has issued a warning to the farmers of the State to avoid the Hessian fly in the 1920 wheat crop, by sowing the crop in the fly free period as given by the State farm advisors and by not sowing wheat on stubble. The statement is made that community action in measures is essential to success in combatting the fly. No Action Taken—The State In surance authorities have not taken any action as yet in regard to the differential in favor of the State Insurance Fund. A meeting is to be held shortly to consider recom mendations. Bridges Approved The State Water Supply Commission yesterday approved plans for bridges in Buf falo and Pepn townships, Perry county; Hughesville. Lycoming county; Fawn and East Hopewell townships, York county; Tamaqua and Holmesville, Schuylkill county; near Lamont, Center county; Bloom field township, Bedford county; at Martic Forge, over Peaqua creek, between Conestoga and Maryoc townships, Lancaster county; Mil ton and Lewis townships, North umberland county. The Mahanoy Coal Dredging company was given permission to dredge in Big Maha noy creek in Jackson township. Northumberland county and the Penn Central Power and Transmis sion company to build a dam on the Frankstown branch of the Juniata, near Williamsburg. Commission Adjourns—The Pub lic Service Commission adjourned its executive session last night with out announcing any decisions. The next executive session will be held Tuesday. To Recommend Mergers The approval of charters for the mer gers of Carbon and Lehigh electric companies will be recommended by Commissioner Samuel M. Clement, Jr. To Hold 'Hearing—Public Service Commissioners Samuel M. Clement. Jr., and James S. Bonn, following a preliminary investigation con ducted upon the Commission's own motion, have been assigned to con duct a hearing on Friday, in Room 496, City Hall, Philadelphia, in the matter of the alleged unlawful operation of automobiles and auto busses in common carriage, in the City of Philadelphia and vicinity. The Commissioners' investigations thus far indicate that there are about 135 persons operating auto mobiles as common carriers of pas sengers in Philadelphia who have not obtained the approval of the Commission evidenced by its certifi cate of public convenience. Sherwood Finds He Is Candidate After All Paul J. Sherwood, Wilkes-Barre lawyer, who withdrew as a candi date for judge of the Luzerne com mon pleas court against Judge John M. Carman, on August 15, yester day found that his action was void and that he was still a candidate. Mr. Sherwood, who had filed a peti tion some time before the close of the period for such papers to be entered with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, also developed an ! ambition to be a candidate for Dis trict Attorney and in the middle of ' tho month filed a withdrawal as candidate for judge. The State Department accepted the withdraw al under the act of July 9, 1919, which allows candidates to with draw to within fifty days of an election. Since then Mr. Sherwood has decided to be a candidate for judge and came here with George H. Harris, of Wilkes-Barre. and with William K. Myers, of this city, as counsel, went to the State De partment and asked to withdraw the withdrawal, claiming that it should have been filed at another time. The State Department officials referred the matter to First Deputy Attorney General R. S. Gawtlirop who held that Sherwood should have withdrawn under the non partisan election act amendment of 1919, which made August 8, the last day and that as he filed the with- | drawal on August 15 it was of no value. The State Department immedi ately sent word to Wilkes-Barre to tho Luzerne commissioners to print Sherwood's name on the ballot. No formal opinion was Issued. Free Service Centers For Ex-Soldiers The National War Work Council is establishing free service centers for honorably discharged soldiers in every town and city in Pennsyl vania. of 500 and greater popula tion. This county has representa tives, who are provided with in formation on matters pertaining to compensation for wounded men, allotments, travel pay, Liberty Bonds, insurance rates, reinstate ment and conversion, S6O bonus and everything relating to the securing of the coveted Victory Button. This is the official button to which all men are entitled. The following persons in this county are author ized representatives for serving re turned soldiers with Information and giving assistance: Ellzabethville, W. L. Stevenson; Gratz. Harry Smith; Hlghspire, Iv an L. Hoffmctster; Hummelst'own, the Rev. Arthur R. King; Halifax, Dr. Marshall; Lykens, Fred Kniley; MUlersburg, S. S. Pidk; Oberlin, Wm. Horner; Pillow, Elmer w! Dockey; Rutherford. Riley Kram er; Steelton. Mrs. Kate Hess; Wis ronisco, C. H. Kissinger: Williams town, William J. Durbln; Penbrook, H. A. Loser; Mlddletown, Davis l! | Garver; Harrisburg, H. W. Ewig, central Y. M. C. A. _ _ § The theory that they are the writings of European travelers of many hundreds of years ago is held by Oluf Opsjon, a student of arch eology. who resides at Dishman, near this city. The same symbols also discovered by Mr. Opsjon, he says, on a big stone on the seashore of Boston, Mass. The "painted rocks" are on the west side of the Columbia River, two miles north of Vantage Ferry. Among the "pictures" are those of two goats described by Mr. Opsjon as part of an astronomical symbol. He believes they were intended to indicate the equinoxes. Torpedo Wrecks Found in the Sea Havre, France, Aug. 27.—Twenty six wrecks have been located at the bottom of the sea off Havre, six of which were due to torpedoes, eleven destroyed by mines, and nine the result of ordinary disasters of the sea. Two French vessels are locating wrecks all along the coast. ATTEND STATE CONVENTION Lykoiis, Aug. 2 7. H. E. Buffing ton is a delegate to the P. O. S. of A. convention at Bethlehem and to day lie and Hadyn Stuppy, Charles Zerby and Walter Fennell left for o^ a nn' ty ' Thursday they expect 20,000 members in the parade. ™ D , AXIKL| T. OTT DIES Cliambersburg, Pa., Aug. 27. Failing to respond to treatment for tumor of the brain, at the Cham bersburg Hospital, Daniel T Ott of McConnellsburg, Fulton county,' died in the institution, in his 3 sth year. CALI.USE.s (iUKtiAS bKUC STORES I | Bought During This Week—The Last | | Week of Our August Furniture Sale § j. Means Bij| Savings To You j People who buy GOLDSMITH FURNITURE neiver regret it—instead they are H the proud possessors of admirable, handsomely designed and exsuisitely finished fur- S, niture that lasts a lifetime. ,5 Make-shift furniture will never satisfy. GOLDSMITH FURNITURE will har- j j g monize with any surroundings and add to the attractiveness and pleasure of any home. s]; g Buy it NOW during our Sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. | ! I' ' ~™ o j living Room Furniture j " j| ; f 3-piece Tapestry Living Mahogany Italian Ren- 1 $45.00 100% Sanitary \ | Pure Silk Floss Mat- $325.00 ikY.r"" juMM 1 Curled Hair Mattress; | tresses; full size; roll j Mjho,.., R u„e | roll edge; best tick- 1 edge; best ticking, [ .suite $300.00 2"?!" $90.00 j ing, Si, 1 • Mahogany Hepplewhite Tapestry Fireside 1 7 1 I $24.95 i 5r".572.50 s': $55.00 j cio sn 1 ♦ ' l Mahogany Louis XVI I Mahogany Spinet J M' 7 L i Table'?.... $26.30 ! £ eßk . $60.00 1 .j j { 1 Dining Room Furniture f ' ""J j ; $25.00 50-lb. Cotton . 9 .p lece Mahogany Co- j Mahogany Tea Wagon I $37.50 White Enamel J = ? Felt Mattress; full J loniai r)in-ooe nn with remov-o7 en f i i I size- roll ettee- - f, —O I J . .P. ' .P ? 9-piece Mahogany Queen Wicker Tea Wagon; very . 7 £ S 1 grade art ticking; lim- J Anne Di "-$225 00 t"e ac " $19.50 | • wart; celebrated t == j hed Stock. ; 9-piece Mahogany Queen Maiioguny, Enamel and i Bloch make, j = | §4 i T Anrzo Din-ffcO'jfe 00 ° ak Hißh $2 98 up I | B , I | $16.95 | $2 9 8.00 | $29.50 ||: |, _ Bed Room Furniture _ | > J : "1 4-piece Mahogany Queen 4-piecc Gray Ena ...I Bed " *"*' *' *'T Goldsmith's High r siut" ° 1J 5225°00 s " lte ••• ; SB.OO Asbestos Table ! = A at * 3-plece Mahogany Adam T =■' ' § Grade $35.00 Box j 4-piece Mahogany Colonial I Koom $l()0 00 t MatS J needed for * W' I I Bed KoomtflQC nn Suite... 7 fe l . L o . t T Suite ... ' UU 3-picce Mahogany Shera- ... I Hj Springs, oest ticKing, j 4-piece walnut Sheraton ton lied Room every dining table, S. Boon 'slßs.oo $150.00 [! Vlk /g t I 4-piece Mahogany Louis 4-piece Mahogany Queen til! 1 = L 21 kJJ md JT • k-J *J XVI Bed Room Anne Bed Room kJj tJ m fj I fk- [ I ~~ J 5T..... $350.00 r...... $290.00 1 - } 11 | Central Penna.'s Best Furniture Store • , | NORTH MARKET SQUARE I GET MARRIAGE LICENSES llagorstovvii, Md.. Aurr. 27.—Mar riage licenses were issued hero to these couples from Pennsylvania. John H. Tcshel, Falmouth, and Mary Wertz, York Haven; Herbert W. Belles, Alderton, and Grace D. Boot, Noxen; Bruce Dorr, Gettys burg, and Lovelle Welkert. Balti more; George B. Clark, Orlsonia, and Pearl S. Gifford, Neelyton; Philip N. Morosie and Fannie B. Schultz, both of Gettysburg. TRAIN KILLS COWS A"". ?7 —Two thorough bred cows owned by Jacob Schall ..... uo„.. U nu kuied by a Pennsylvania passenger train here shortly before midnight on Monday. The cows, valued at S3OO, had broke through the fence and ventured on the track in a deep cut. IB CS3SI □E=SSE| E==3 □ C==l B □£====] □ E==3 e===] n 1 r===l n i REBUILT I HUDSON FOR SALE || 11! c Hudson Super-Six, 7 Passenger touring car. Detroit 1J jll Sedan top and summer top and windshield. New jj Goodyear tires; paint like new, jlj I $ 1,450 I I |]| Gomery-Schwartz Motor Car Co. [j 11 1 116 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 11 | ?'- :L = : = Jl3 '== Jai^=]aE ii==jcn^=]Dr==u3[^=Eic r —n-u—-—irii^^.'irir===in[===inF= AUGUST 27, 1919 SHIPBUILDER DIES Dillsburg, Pa., Aug. 27. —Alexan- i dcr Harboid, formerly employed at ] tile Sun Shipbuilding yard, at Canir i den, N. J., died yesterday at 6 a. m. He was 60 years old. He is survived by his mother, Mrs. William Har boid, at whose home death occurred; three brothers, Robert, in the army; Edward", Baltimore; Alfred, Seattle, Wash.; two sisters, Mrs. Grace Freeburn, Harrisburg, and Cora, married to an officer in the army. CHAUTAUQUA OPENS Carlisle, Pa.. Aug. 2 7.—The Car lisle Chautauqua opened to-day and general interest centered in the events of the five days. The pre liminary support this year seems to promise a successful season, and 13 there was a heavy advanced sale of season tickets. A. L. Roberts, the new chairman of Chautauqua, open ed the season this afternoon, wthen he introduced the platform leader for the event. CONSTIPATION and PILES Cured I With Dr. Young's Rectal Dilators mm tm - a Nod run or Open- TV Hit 11 IS II IB by thiesimple harm || ,IH II in lom, soientific treat* SB ill IB JUn ment. Used by an j. V Iv m fS on ©- Valuable book V w fV Free. Complete Set * Tr 53.7. r . Leading drug* gluts or nailed oa raeolpt of price. Guaranteed eatisfactory. f E. VOifKQ & CO., Cnod Croulnr Chicago, 111.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers