10 URGES C ACTION IN NEW LAWS Packer Representative Warns Senate Agricultural Com mittee at Hearings By Associated. Press. Wasliington, Aug. 26. —"Unless we can be assured of mora, efficient and economical governmental control than was the case with the rail roads the telegraph and telephone companies, neither the producer nor consumer can hope to benefit from such legislation," Everett C. Brown, president of the National Livestock Exchange, which is composed of stockyard brokers, told the Senate Agricultural Committee to-day. The witness appeared in opposition to the Kenyon and Kendrick bills, pro posing license regulation of the packing industry and transfer of refrigerator cars and stockyards. Mr. Brown took exception to tes timony given before the committee by Federal Trade Commissioner Colver, and remarked that "in our great industry it has seemed more : proper to speak of the 'tirade' com- f mission than the trade commission." Refrigerator cor development, Mr. Brown classes, "as a bright spot in the history of the packing indus try," and urged caution in legislat ing upon their use. Against Licenses "The federal control act gave the railroad administration the right to take over these cars, but thev care fully refrained from doing so," he said. "The Interstate Commerce Com mission after careful study con fessed that only inefficiency could result from turning the cars over io the railroads." Ownership of the stockyards b> the packers, Mr. Brown said, was not a cause for objection by ship pers so long as competition was maintained and yard charges were reasonable. "If, in the face of many protests, Congress in its wisdom elects to dis turb this industry." he said, in con cluding. "I respectfully urge that new laws defining what shall con stitute crimes and misdemeanors, and providing punishment therefore would be more effective than the li censing system. "If the licensing system must, i as a last resort, be adopted, the | commission men acting solely as the , direct agent of the producer, should j be exempted. If regulation must come, let it be by a commission not I the present Federal Trade Commis- ' sion. Do not interfere with refrig- ! erator cars unless and until a better | method of distribution is devised." | WEST END JUNIORS WIN j The West End Juniors, of the West End Junior Twilight League, I last evening defeated the Peffer A. | C. in a league match, score to 3. j Watson and Seix were the winning battery, while Hayes and Shaugh bauer performed for the losers. DIZZINESS"! Avoid dizziness dur g ing the hot weather. It is nature's signal that your condition is I~M . not normal. Er'rereWl The daily use of ■.flMlll Munyon's Paw Paw w 'N keep the head clear, the blood cool nnd will remove the accumulation of poisons in the digestive organs, stir np the liver and avoid clogging in the intestines. The cheapest hot weather health Insurance is a 30c bottle of MUNYON'S PAWPAW PILLS e Carry it anywhere Because of small size and light weight—SIiNDSTBAND is a ready helper on any of your figure work —any time. Sundstrand lias only 10 figure keys—all at finger tips. You add, multiply, subtract, divide— easier, quicker, more accurately. Writing always in sight. Handle pull short and snappy. Ask for demonstration in your office. GEORGE P. TTLLOTSON 209 LOCUST ST., UARKISHURG Opp. Orpheum Theater Both I'koutH POt£TICAL_ POLITIC Ah ~ FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER W. A. MORRISON Of Mt. Hully &|ii'lii£s, Pa. Subject, to the decision of the Republican voters at the ! Primary Election, Tuesday, September 16, 1919. i Your vote and influence respectfully solicited. WEDNESDAY EVENING, WILLIAMS GROVE I PICNICPLEASES i Annual Picnic Brings Forth Big Industrial and Auto mobile Exhibit Large crowds are attending the Farmers' and Industrial Exhibition being held tills week at Williams Grove, together with an automobilo show. i The exhibitiou this year is one of the largest in this part of the State and some of the latest Im proved machinery is on display and being demonstrated. Thousands of persons, some of them coming long distances, have witnessed the exhi- ! bitions and still larger crowds are expected before the end of the week. The automobile show includes many of the new model cars, both touring and rounabout types, and the salesmen are demonstrating to many persons. New Models Arrive Two new models of popular cars have arrived and will be on exhibit ion in the summer automobile show the balance of the week. These two new models are the Overland :4. and the Reo light 6. Both of these cars have been awaited with keen interest among automobile owners and presnective owners. They are both new designs from the latest manufacturers of pas senger cars in the country. While no announcement of these models have been made locally, consider able interest has been shown through newspaper announcements, and also through the dealers who j have been expecting them for some time. The new Overland 4 represents what is said to be the ideal light car. It is the result of extensive tests made by the Overland company and is perfected to that point where everything has been eliminated that added extra weight, yet is compact and easily accessible. Only the chassis for show purposes is here but this gives a splendid idea of what the car will be. A new de parture shown on this model is the three point spring suspension. An other inovation of the Overland Is the moving of the transmission from the rear of the propeller shaft up to just in the rear of the clutch, lit fact, the motor, the clutch, the transmission and the universal joint now form one unit in the new model, all being oiled by one system. An . other point shown on the new model is the elimination of a large number |of grease cups. There are a few remaining which are easily access |ihle. A few oil cups are also used. ■ The wheel base of the new model •is 100 inches and the spring sus | pension base is 130 inches. This chassis is now being shown at Wil liams Grove. I The new Reo light 6 is attract ing much interest as the Overland. I Like the Overland, it too is a light j weight car of the six cylinder type, I yet nothing lias been sacrificed that would hurt the splendid record made by previous models of the Reo for durability. In Tact, the new model, made of special test steel, light in weight, yet very endurable is expect ed to even outdo all previous'model* from the point of endurance. The seven passenger model is now a part of history, the new one betag a five passenger model. Tt has the full Stream line body effect and a new radiator design. All the other fea i tures are distinctively Reo. The motor is practically the same de sign., as is also the trnj>gmission and rear construction. Shipments 1 .if these cars are expected daily. The i one now here was driven in from | the factory by 'George MeFarland, | President of the Harrisburg Auto ! mobile Company, so that it can be. .shown at the summer automobile show at Williams Grove. Hunger Strike Started by 90 Hospital Nurses New York, Aug. 27. Between ninety and ninety-five student nurses at the Kings County Hospital, Brook lyn, were on a hunger strike yes terday. refusing to eat the food sup i plied by the city. 1 .u Th^-. nurses ' who are members of ; the Kings County Training School for Nurses, sent an ultimatum to Isabelle Burroughs, head of the tra.ning school, and threatened to walk out if no reply is received by to-morrow. They al ' e ße that the eggs served foi breakfast are unfit to eat, and that the meat tastes as if tainted. | the junior nurses receive $lO a month, and the seniora sl2. Form erly they bought some food from their salaries, but a ban had been this > and they are not per carry in any food from outside, unless it is taken to the cellar of the nurses' home Use McNeil's Cold Tablets.'— Adv. FIVE HELD FOR FIGHTING Five were arrested following a fight over a woman at Cherry and Chestnut streets. Isaiah Washing ton, Mabel Wright and Fannie Brown, colored, three of those ar rested, are out under $25 forfeit r v £ us Brown . colored, and Joseph Cors, a Porto Rican, are in jail awaiting their hearings ONEITOFIj SO ni HERE Half-siek, run-down, nervous men and women are as numerous as leaves on the trees in the summer t:me. Such people, and you may be one of the nine out of ten that are said to be so affected, feel so de pressed and despondent, suffer from headaches, loss of sleep, dizziness poor digestion and haven't enou-h rich red blood In their veins to make them capable or self reliant Are you one of this multitude who are loggy and listless and so nervous that the slightest noise completely upsets you? If you are, you most certainly need something to correct this condit'on and to buiy you up and make you anew. Tanlac, "Mas ter Medicine" of millions in Amer ica, is doing this v. - thing cry day. Tanlac strikes straight at the seat of your troubles and brings you out of the very depths of despair •o s'i-'3hine ani happiness. Tan lac sold here by all leading drug gists. LIVE SPORTING NEWS MAKES CHANGE IN BOXINGPROGRAM Johnny Gill to Meet Frankie McGuire in the Opening Show at Steelton Through the courtesy of Joe Menke, manager of Pat O'Malley, a shift has been made in the feature event of Joe Barret's boxing show for next Wednesday night, at the Olympia gymnasium. Locust and Front streets, Steelton. O'Malley, one of the tough est men in the middleweight class in Philadelphia, was matched to box Johnny Gill, the crack Yorker, who is now making Steelton his home, but Frank McGuire, the local, favor ite, who is in perfect condition after training for the past month, wants the first crack at Gill before he, Ma guire, starts on his western trip. Maguire journeyed from Williams port in an auto with his manager, Jack Gordon, last Saturday' night, woke Barrett out of his slumbers, and insisted on meeting Gill. O'Malley's manager was reached over the long distance phone, and agreed to change. Gill and McGuire have met three times, when Gill weighed in at 142 pounds, and fought ten rounds at the West End Republican club. Army Against Navy Gill went overseas with the Army, while Maguire did his bit in the I Navy, so it will be a battle betwen [ the Army representative in his class, and one from the Navy. This will be Gill's first start since he came home, and several of his old soldier com rades looked him over during his training afternoon at the club's gym. This eVening Walter Kuhnert, the husky machinist, of the steel works, will assist Gill, while George Silar, also of the Twenty-eighth Division, will be on hand to assist and get him self in condition to meet Billy An gelo, the Greek lightweight ' liam pion, who formerly acted as boxing partner to Harry Greb. The balance of the card consists of three six round bouts, as follows: Young Wag ner, of York, with Hall Shay, of Har risburg; Harry Miller, of Glen Rock, and Harrisburg dark horse heavy weight (unknown); "Kicker" Peck, of Carlisle and Danny Fortney, two ban tams, Willi open the show, making 30 rounds of boxing in all. Abe Lincoln Is Winner in Lebanon Fair Race Lebanon, Ang. 27. Thirty-five hundred school children of Leba non and environs, together with re turned soldiers to the number of nearly a thousand, were special guests of the Lebanon Fair Associa tion yesterday on the occasion of the opening of the twenty-third an nual exhibition here. Main Gerner won the 2-year-old trot in the racing program, in a walk, and Escotilla, a Kutztown horse, easily won the contest for 3- year-olds, both of which events were run in two heats. Driving fin ishes were the rule, however, in the intercounty race, in which H. L. Goodhart's Abe Lincoln won in three straight heats. The summaries: 2-YEAR-OLD TROT. PURSE S3OO Main Gerner, s. f 1 1 Phantom Hale. b. g., 2 2 Brown Cap, b. g. ........... 3 3' Toddy Garner, b. f. 4 4 Time, 2.34%, 2.2944. 3-YEAR-OLD TROT. PURSE S3OO. Escotilla, b. g 1 1 Daisy Hale, b. f 2 3 Somma Brook, b. g 4 2 Scottish Chief, b. g 3 4 Time. 2.25%. 2.24%. INTERCOUNTY NOVICE. PURSE S2OO Abe Lincoln, b. g 1 1 1 Prince A., b. g 2 5 2 Ned N.. b. g 5 3 3 Macie C., b. m. . 3 2 5 J. F. K., b. g 4 4 4 Time, 2.22%, 2.24%, 2.22%. Herrmann Calls Meeting to Plan For World's Series Cincinnati, Aug. 27. August Herrmann, president of the, Cincin nati Club and chairman of the Na tional Commission, has called a meeting of the commission to be held at Chicago next Tuesday for the purpose of discussing tentative plans for the coming World Series. The plans will, of course, be based on the assumption that the Reds and White Sox will be the contend ing teams in the series, but as it is still possible for the Giants and Tigers to win. the plans will not be made public until the Cincinnati and Chicago Clubs have clinched their titles. Herrmann has received to date more than 5,000 letters from per sons who desire to see the series and who feel confident that part of it will be played in Cincinnati. Luther League Opens Annual State Meeting Lehighton, Pa., Aug. 27.—The State Luther League convention opened a three-day session in Trin ity Evangelical Lutheran Church here yesterday with delegates and clergymen from all over the stato in attendance. There are about 300 delegates. Interesting sessions will be heid daily and in the evening. A recep tion was given to the visiting dele gates last evening on the lawn of the Trinity Church. The convention adjourned to-day at noon to con tinue its sessions at Flagstaff Park, Mauch Chunk, in connection with the annual rally day of the Luth erans of Carbon county. The officers of the State League are: President, William H. Mengcs, of Menges Mills; vice-president, Karl J. F. Wilhann, of Pittsburgh; treasurer, Roy C. Beaver, of Green ville; secretary, Miss Marlon V. Herzel. of Philadelphia: assistant secretary, Miss Irene Gable, Lan caster, and statistician, Elmer E. Eecker, Perkasie. TO HOLD PICNIC Members of the Junior Endeavor Society of the Sixth Street United Brethren Church will picnic to-mor row at Reservoir Park, leaving the church at 9 o'clock in the morn ing. A program of games and other events have been arranged for the children, who will be in charge of the following committee. Mrs. M. G. Sollenberger, Mrs. J. Motter, Mrs. P. Deibler, Mrs. D. Evans and Mrs. T. B. Strain, superintendent BIBLE CLASS PICNIC New Cumberland, Pa., Aug. 27. To-morrow afternoon the Ever Faithful Bible Class of the Church of God Sunday School, composed of young women, will hold a picnic at Paxtang Park, leaving New Cum berland on the 1.20 trolley car. HXBJEUSBURO TKI TY?H A, pq; Newport Is Easy Winner Over McAlisterville Team Newport, of the Dauphin-Perry League, had little difficulty in win ning from McAlisterville on Marshall Field, Newport, last evening, In a seven-inning game, score 3-0. Mc- Alisterville's defeat was but the sixth In a total of 25 games played. Oren essayed to hurl for the New port contingent and held McAlister ville to 2 hits during the seven in nings of play. Sleber's delivery was hit at opportune times. The lineup: NEWPORT AB. R. H. O. A. E. Gutshall, ss. ... 2 1 1 1 3 0 Wertz, ss 0 0 0 1 1 0 R. Wagner, lb. 2 1 0 0 0 0 Kought, cf. ... 0 0 0 14 0 0 Rush, 3b. ...... 3 0 0 0 2 0 Doner, If. . 3 0 1 0 0 1 Kepner, 2b. ... 3 0 0 1 3 0 Soule, rf 3 0 1 0 0 0 N. Wag'r, cf. lb. 3 1 2 3 0 0 Kearns, c 2 0 0 1 0 0 Oren, p 2 0 1 0 3 0 Total 23 3 6 21 9 1 MCALISTERVILLE AB. R. H. O. A. E. Degen, 2b 3 0 1 2 2 0 Bay, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 W. Sieber, ss. .. 3 0 0 1 2 0 Strong, c 3 0 1 9 0 0 Shellenb'ger, lb. 3 0 0 6 0 0 Knouse, cf. ... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Roush, 3b 3 0 0 0 3 0 F. Sieber, Lf. ... 1 0 0 0 0 0 H. Sieber, p. ... 2 0 0 0 2 0 Total 24 0 2 18 9 0 Milwaukee Girl Wins Golf Match, Defeating Medalist Detroit, Aug. 27.—Two favorites, Mrs. Melvin Jones, Chicago, medal ist and Miss Elizabeth Klotz, Chi cago city champion, fell in the first round matches of the women's west ern golf tournament here yesterday. Mrs. Jones was defeated by Miss Frances Hedfield, the seventeen year- old Milwaukee girl, holder of the Wisconsin title, 3 and 1, while Miss Klotz was eliminated by Miss Dorothy Higbie, of Chicago. Mrs. H. Arnold Jackson twice for mer national champion, advanced another round nearer the final by defeating Mrs. K. Durffield, Mem phis, 3 and 2. Mrs. Jackson's 93 was the best card of the day, a strong wind again played havoc with scores. Mrs. David Gaut, of Memphis, came through by defeating Mrs. T. Ellis, of Chicago. 7 and 6. Mrs. Gaut is the South's only remaining contender. Two Detroit players were placed in the second round—Mrs. W. G. McGiverin, who defeated Mrs. S. Prichard, of Battle Creek, 2 and 1, in a hard match and Mrs. L. P. Jones, who won from Miss Vera Gardiner Chicago, 3 and 2. The hardest-fought match of the day was that between Miss Jennette Kinney, of Cleveland, and Mrs. H. Landauer, of Milwaukee, a former Wisconsin champion. Miss Kinney won on the twentieth green after squaring the match on the eighteen th by winning the last three holes. Miss Madge Miller of Grand Rapids, had to go to the nineteenth green before defeating Mrs. W. G. Deemer. Champions Meet Today in National Tennis Matches JJ}f Associated Press Forest Hill, N. Y., Aug. 27—Vin cent Richards, of New York, national indoor tennis champion and R. Norris Williams, 2nd, of Boston, national champion in 1914 and 1916, were op ponents to-day In the second round of the national lawn tennis cham pionship tournament on the courts of the West Side Tennis Club. R Lindley Murray, >of Niagara Fallsi playing true champion, was opposed by Dean Mathey, of Cranford, N. Y. R. V. Thomas, of the Australian team, all of whom came through the first round safely faced Lylle E. Ma han, of New York. Gerald L. Patter son of Australia, world's champion, who defeated F. B. Alexander in five sets yesterday after losing the first two, had a day of rest and advanced to the third ronud through a "cour tesy" default by his countryman Randolph Lycett. Norman E. Brookes of Australia, met Walter Wesbrook of Detroit. The veterans tournament with about 40 entries started to-day. MAY TRANSFER CARDINALS Malwaukee, Wis., Aug. 27. According to Clarence Rowland former manager of the White Sox and who is now pilot of the Mil waukee Brewers, the National League magnates are considering taking the franchise away from St Louis and switching the Cardinals to this city. They have been a poor invest ment in St. Louis for years and their financial troubles have been a source of constant trouble to the league while Milwaukee is one of the best baseball towns in the country and has always supported minor league ball big. Mondell Pleads For Farm Land For Veterans of War Washington, Aug. 27. Republi can Leader Mondell outlined to the House late yesterday the provisions of his bill embodying.*. Secretary Lane's project for farms for soldiers and sailors. He said the measure had the support of soldier and labor organizations and should be enacted without delay. Opposition that has developed, Mr. Mondell said, has its origin largely in the assumption that legis lation should benefit soldiers of the Spanish and Civil wars as well as those of the great war. "Payment of a paltry bonus to dis charged soldiers is not in keeping with the dignity of this country," said the speaker. "The idea that every valiant young American, rich or poor, is to have the sum of his patriotism coldly calculated and doled out in a way that would be of little permanent value to him is so repugnant to every thinking person, soldier or civilian, that it is not en titled to serious consideration, and yet it has been urged as a substi tute for a sound measure of oppor tunity and development such as we have before us." RTTPONTS TO BID Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 27. The DuPont Chemical Company has expressed its intention of putting in a bid for the purchase of Nitro. W. Va., site of the second largest powder plant in the world, it was an nounced here to-day. The town has housing accommodations for 20,000 persons. Government agents re cently announced that the town will be sold in its entirety to the highest b'dder. Bids are to be placed with the Salvaging Department at Phila delphia early in September. Nitro was built by the Government at a cost of $70,000,000. URGES WOMEN TO STUDY LIVING COST Woman Lawyer Declares Some Bills Before Congress Are Bad New York, Aug. 27.—Declaring that some of the national legis lation aimed at high food prices leads the way to a Czar-like dy nasty in this country, Mies Mary Potter, of New York, pioneer wom an lawyer and suffragist, in an in terview yesterday, urged women voters of America to interest them selves in the whole problem of the high cost of living and to find a practical solution. Mies Potter, who has been a practicing attorney in New York for twenty years, is one of the founders of the Woman's City Club of New York. High prices are one of the greatest menaces this country ! faces at the present time, Miss Pot ter declared. "Many women vote now—all of us will vote soon," she said, "and every one of us can regulate this high cost of living problem through our ballots. As the first intelligent step in this direction, I believe in studying the provisions of the dif ferent billsnow before Congress and then trying to form an intelligent opinion as to the effect of legisla tion on the consumer. Take the Kenyon bill now before Congress as a type of legislation which is aimed, supposedly, at low ering the cost of food. As-a matter of fact, this bill will keep prices as high as they are now and may even ultimately force them higher. Every woman, every housekeeper, should study the provisions of this hill as it effects her directly and the mar ket basket she seeks every day to keep witll filled for her family." Miss Potter believes that women have a great responsibility as voters, a responsibility that women of all the states will soon actively share. "Women voters should work against radical changes such as this, she declared. "We must keep Socialism out of our legislation and must prevent the giving of sweep ing, arbitrary powers to any indi vidual, be he president or cabinet officer. ► * T TyVTTrTTTf?yVTTTTT* : SOUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE j ► • I | Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better | ' ► This Last Half Holiday Sale of August Is By No Means ■! ► the Least Important of the Month : ' These Items in Seasonable Merchandise Offer a New Standard in Value Giving. Prices 4 [ Are Extraordinarily Low. Come Early Tomorrow—The Store Closes at Noon. < ► 50c value Ladies' Corsets, in large and small sizes, special 15c value Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, special Thursday, Thursday ' 15c 7c y 50c value Fancy Ribbon, special Thursday 35c 50c value Children's Parasols, special Thursday 25c ► 10c value Hair Nets, cap shape, special Thursday, 3 for 10c SI.OO value Ladies' Leather Bags, special Thursday . .49c 4 ► 25c value Shadow Lace Flouncing, special Thursday . .10c 50c value Bead Necklaces, special Thursday 35c i y 15c value Stickerei Edges, special Thursday 5c 50c value Bar Pins, special Thursday 35c 4 y 10c value Sheet Music, special Thursday 3c - 19c value Men's Wash Ties, special Thursday 10c 4 $1.25 value 36-inch Printed Shantungs, special Thursday, SI.OO value Men's Percale Shirts, with soft cuffs, sizes i 69c y 75c value 40-inch Fancy Stripe, plaid, figured and check 50c value Boys' Balbriggan Union Suits, sizes 4, 6 and 8 y voiles, special Thursday 39c years, special Thursday 29c 4 ► SI.OO value 32-inch Fine Plaid Dress Ginghams, special • SI.OO value Men's Athletic Union Suits, all sizes, spe- 4 y Thursday 59c cial Thursday 79c < y 59c value 32-inch Fine Pongee, made of fine combed yarn, 29c value Children's Socks, special Thursday 19c 4 y special Thursday 37c 39c value Socks, special Thursday 29c < 50c value 40-inch Figured Dress Voiles, special Thurs- 29c value Ladies' Ribbed Vests, "seconds," special Thurs- day 29c day 15c < y 75c value 40-inch Novelty Voiles and Dress Swisses, spe- 59c value Work Baskets, special Thursday 35c cial Thursday .....39c 15c and 25c value Linen Lace, special Thursday 9c 4 y 59c value Linen Finish Mercerized Pongees, special 49c value Stamped Turkish Back Washers, special Thurs- ► Thursday 39c day 29c 4 ► 50c value Earrings, special Thursday . ..35c 25c value Stamped Linen Pin Cushions, special Thursday, 4 y 98c and $1.25 value Ladies' Pocketbooks, special Thurs- 19c < y day 79c 9-inch Hand Crocheted Doilies, special Thursday 8c , 15c value Lingerie Tape, special Thursday, bolt 9c 39c and 50c value Stamped Made Up Corset Covers, spe -3c value Hooks and Eyes, special Thursday, card ...lc cial Thursday 25c 4 10c value Pearl Buttons, special Thursday, card ....5c 59c Value 36-inch Stamped Center Pieces, special Thurs- 4 y 5c value Shoe Laces, special Thursday, pair 3c day 50c ► 25c value Fancy Combs, special Thursday 15c 45c and 49c value Made Up Cretonne Cushion Slips, spe- 4 ► 25c value Ladies' Collars, slightly soiled, special Thurs- cial Thursday 35c \ y day 5c Children's Stamped Made Up Pique Coats, special Thurs- " ► 29c value Plain Corset Covers, slightly soiled, special day 69c < Thursday 19c Stamped Made Up Rompers, 1 to 3 years sizes, pink, blue 4 39c value Boys' Pants, special Thursday 29c and tan, special Thursday 59c 4 y 39c value Children's Wash Skirts, special Thursday. .25c 59c value 10-quart Galvanized Buckets, special Thursday, ► 39c value Boys' Overalls, special Thursday 25c 35c ► 48c value Bonnets, special Thursday 29c 79c value Galvanized Foot Tubs, special Thursday ...59c i ► 29c value Bonnets, special Thursday 19c $1.98 value Nickel Plated Gas Iron with Hose, special 4 y 50c value Bathing Caps, special Thursday 29c Thursday $1.19 A y 25c value Bathing Caps, special Thursday 15c 30c value Glass Tumblers, special Thursday, y 2 dozen, 23c 4 value Bathting Caps, special Thursday 9c 79c value Mixing Bowl Sets, special Thursday, set of 5, 59c 4 15c value' Bathing Slippers, small sizes, special Thursday, 9g c value Granite. Double Boilers, special Thursday, 69c 4 '■ , t, , c , rp, * o C $1.39 value Large Bread Boxes, special Thursday ..98c 4 ► 10c value Palm Olive Soap, special Thursday 8c Z 6 •, , • • , I ► 10c value Red and Blue" Men's Handkerchiefs, special sl-79. value Casserole, heavy nickel nm, special Thurs- 4 Thursday 7c da V sl-49 4 59c value Ladies' Ribbed Union Suits, sizes 36 and 38, 5c and 10c value Paper Doilies, special Thursday ....3c 4 y special Thursday 45c 10c value Ends of Huck Towels, hemmed, special Thurs- \ y 15c value Infants' Sleeveless Vests, special Thursday, 11c day 5c • :[ LAST CALL FOR SUMMER MILLINERY 1 ■ t . * Ladies', Misses' and Children's Trimmed, Ready-to-Wear Sailor and Untrimmed Hats ' y ** $2.00 to SB.OO values, Special Thursday, Choice £ ► 98c ► —— i < |/Qs,SOUTTER'Si : ff 2t 25 Cent Department Store E " Where Every Day Is Bargain Day ■< 215 Market Street, Opposite Courthouse ;* DOWLING GIVES CHEER TO MANY WAR CRIPPLES He and Qucntin D. Corlcy Are Received by King of England New York, Aug. 27.—King George of England received two of Amer ica's most famous cripples—Michael J. Dowling, of Olivia, Minn., arid Quentin D. Corley, of Dallas, Texas —on July 25 last at a royal garden party, according to a letter from Mrs. Ethel Wood, former secretary of the British Ministry of Pensions, to the Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled men, made public here to-day. Dowling lost both legs, his left arm and several fingers of his right hand as the result of exposure to the cold in a blizzard when he was 14 years old. Corley lost both of his arms in a railroad accident. The British Red Cross Society, through the American Red Cross Insittute, invited them to visit England to cheer and give courage to the thou sands of disabled British soldiers in the reconstruction centers in that country. Twenty-four thousand disabled sol diers, gathered in Central Hall, Westmoreland, were encouraged by the stories Dowling and Corley told of their struggles to overcome their handicaps. Prince Albert also ad dressed the audience. The meeting was presided over by Sir Luming Worthington-Evans, British Minis ter of Pensions. Dowling and Corley plan to leave England soon for France. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Wood. HECKTON WANTS GAMES The Heckton ball team would like to schedule a game away from home for this Saturday. All communica tions should be addressed to Joseph Kennedy, Dauphin, Pa. H Or I ic k's the Original Malted Milk. Avoid Imitations and Substitutes AUGUST 27, 1919 Pimples and Skin Eruptions Danger Signs of Bad Blood Avoid Suffering by Heeding These Warnings Pimples, scaly. Itching skin, rashes and burning sensations denote with unfailing certainty a debilitated, weakened and impure state of the blood. The trouble is in your blood and no matter how you were in fected, you must treat It through the blood. It is a blood disease. You must use S. S'. S., the standard blood tonic, if you expect certain relief. For cleansing the system, nothing is equal to it. The action j j Home Coming Celebration AN INVITATION To the Service Men and Women of Franklin County The Home Coming Celebration Committee extends an in vitation to the soldiers, sailors, marines and nurses to join in one big celebration to be held at Chambersburg and Red Bridge Park on September 1, 1919 Something doing all day and evening. Dance on the Square in the morning, big free dinner at Red Bridge Park at noon, dancing, amusements of all kinds in the afternoon and a grand display of fireworks at night. We want you to join | with us in twelve hours of real pleasure. CLAY HENNINGER of S. S. S. is to cleanse the blood. It soaks through the system direct to, the seat of the trouble—acting as an antidote to neutralize the blood poisons. It revitalizes the red blood corpuscles, Increases the flow so that the blood can properly per form its physical work. The dull slug gish feeling leaves you—the complex ion clears up. Even long standing cases respond promptly. But you must take S. S. S. Drugs and substitutes won't do. Get S. S. S. from your druggist. If yours Is a special case and you need expert advice, write to Medical Adviser, 257 Swift Lab oratory, Atlanta, Ga.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers