■ ' Steelton News SECURES CAR OF ARMY FOODSTUFF Car Due to Arrive in Stcclton Some Time Next Week Through the efforts of one of the members of the committee appointed by the Burgess a car of Army food stuffs has been secured for distribu tion in Stcelton. The car will con tain corn, peas, bacon, ham, canned cherries, canned pineapp.les, canned asparagus, breakfast cocoa and can ned sweet potatoes. The prices are liable to be slightty higher than the prices on the last car, due to the higher freight rates. This car will be shipped from Baltimore, while the last came from Marsh Run. The goods will be distributed on the same plan as the other car. Ample notice will be given in the newspa pers of the date of sale and prices. The goods will be sold through the tire companies. The cash and carry system will be followed, and positive ly no goods will be sold to dealers. Seventy-Five Attend Party Given in Honor of Rev. George N. Lauffer Seventy-five men, most of them members of St. John's Lutheran Church, attended a party given last evening in Hershey Park, in honor of the Rev. George N. Lauffer, pas tor of St. John's for the past four years. The Rev. Mr. Lauffer leaves on the first of September to take charge of the Second Lutheran Church, Altoona. Those in attendance last evening included: The Rev. G. X. Lauffer, F. B. Wickersham, J. Dress Papnell, H. R. Rupp, H. S. Hart man. George Dress, <>. J. Rook, Charles Brunhousc, Charles Young, W. H. Xell, Ralph Lau, C. L. Mumma, John P. ("roll, J. 1.. Groome, M. X. liocker. S. J. • •rdorf, X. C. Yerby, R. Hirseh, L. 11. Roth, W. S. Bellows, Edward Stoudt, R. X. Darr, J. L. Werich, L. Werich. J. L. Porr, F. Dengler, John Conrad, R. Firiech, George Rupp, W, Zerby, A. H. Green, J. Heckerd, M. R. Alleman, William Ulrich, C. M. Pannell, H. W. Folkor. S. Fulker, S Rover, A. Metzger, John Hepler, E. O. Linglc, J. R. Plank, J. M. Pax ton, B. Hess, W. Kohlhnss, J. Wa genbach. W. Kurtz, O. 1,. Epplnger, W. H. Nell, J. H. Hoffer, D. Stoudt, L. McXeal, B. Hale, J. Bitnor. W. Keig, E. Thomas, X. Hess. E. Kintz. W. Dehner, J. Grove, J. Watson, H. Baughman, H. I. Keim. J. Wlinch ter, A. Lampke, H. O. Kritehler, Paul Shadow, W. Harlacher, J. Dress, J. Atticks. Community Sing With Concert This Evening The band concert to be given this evening on the lawn playgrounds, will be marked by several special features. The selections by the band will be Interspersed by selections for community singing. The singing will be under the direction of Elmer H. Ley. There will be several selections by the Steelton Male Quartet. The program follows: "America;" march, "Pilgrim Commandery," Foss; com munity singing, "Battle Hymn of lie public" and "Smiles"; melodies from "Katinka," Friml; selection, male l quartet; "Reminiseenoes of Verdi" i grand selection), arranged by God frey; community singing, "lloso of X'o Man's laind:" "Rain Drops" In termezzo), Sammell; "Willow Grove" (march), Serrentlne; selection, male quartet; "Scenes Napolltaines;" "The Dance" (Tarentella), Massenet! "Pro cession and the Improvisation" and "The Fete" (public festival); com munity singing, "Long, Long Trail" and 'Keep the Home Fires Burning;" grand medley, 'Superba," Dalbey, Local Red Cross Chapter Most Active in State A splendid tribute was paid to the Steelton Chapter of Red Cross in the latest issue of Red Cross Clippings, a semimonthly publica tion circulating through tho entire nation. Tho article followed a out illustrating one of the nursing class es in action: This chapter Is one of the most energetic In the entire Pennsylvania - Maryland Division, and has thrown itself into the peace program with the same energy that characterized it during its war work. Its whole record is one of which the State might well bo proud. The chairman is Mrs. Frank A .Robbins, Jr., and through her efficient organization and man agement the chapter has made its remarkable record." stkhlto.y iq;ns(t\ti,s A. P. McCleary is spending his va cation in Atlantic (kty. Gertrude Weston, Philadelphia, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry- It. Shaw. Myers street. Miss Nora Schnffer, 176 Conestoga street, has returned from a week's trip to Atlantic City. George Groff, Locust street, Is tho guest of his grandmother in Phil adelphta. Miss Zora Roof, Geary Roof, Jr., Lincoln street, and Miss Alma Couf fer. North Front street, are spending a week In Huntingdon as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jeffries. CtILEBH.ITRS liiTH BIRTHDAY Rosie Vuna yesterday eelebruted her twelfth birthday with a party at her home at 629 South Frant street, between 9 and 4. Games were played and refreshments served. The center piece was a beautiful cluster of as ters. Miss Vuna received many beau tiful gifts. WILL HOLD IMGROAST Members of the Monumental A. M. K. Church will hold a porch party and pigroast on September 24, at the home of Mrs. C. F. Howard, 221 North Second street. The proceeds will be added to the church debt fund. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wright, 325 Bessemer, street, announce the birth of a daughter, Ida Lue, on August 14. DANIEL MADKK TO BE BURIED TOMORROW The funeral of the late Daniel Mader will be held tp-morrow after noon. Services will he held In Coxestown church at 2.30 and will he in charge of the Rev. J. G. Davis. Burial will bo made In East Harris burg cemetery. Mr. Mader was one of the best known farmers In Dauphin county. He was a pioneer trucker and for several years hud one of the best truck farms In Central Pennsylvania, lie- attended the city markets - for FRIDAY EVENING, 1 many years. At the time of his death Mr. Mader was 69 years of ape. Death was due to an attack of acute indigestion. ; The survivors include the follow ing children, Mrs. Harry Wagner, I Mrs. I-ilaine Hassler, Mrs. Roy Hock j or, Laura, Nellie, Walter and Clar ! ence Mader. He was a member of . Coxestown church for 50 years. Important Values For Men, Women, and Children, Saturday Waist Specials: Saturday Waists 95c Waists $4.89 A wonderful assort- i Beautiful Georgette and "lent of pretty \ oile Crepe de Chine Waists, new \\ aists in white and col- Fall colorings, such as taupe, ors, prettily trimmed, gray, brown, navy, bisque, also in tailored models, flesh, white .and black, hand sizes 36 to 46. A most some beaded and embroid remarkable assortment ercd models with and with at the price. lout collar, sizes 36 to 46. U '.'l — - The Prettiest School Dresses Wonderful Assortments: Newest Styles Girls' Dresses $1.45 Vw Girls' Gingham Dresses in several <• JcT pretty styles neatly trimmed—shown in plaids and checks—neat patterns. <m yiK, Girls' School 1 Q C ycjrf Dresses at V X •i/ O yVjfff I ']^n vA. Sisr.es Uto 1-1 Years QjAtsnl Girls' l-'ine Gingham Dresses In plain xgVWjT 1 ' colors, plaids and checks—new pat hij j terns —pretty tailored and trimmed =--- > 3ur fm I styles in a large variety—perfect fit- Hrl I / ffijL Arf ting, full cut. Girls' School Q C rsT§ijlr Dresses at V ( Hr nFfnQ Siy.es 12-1-1-10 Years Mi JT 1 —lmn Dresses for the growing girl inter- Mr, y-I i|l" B TV|fq mediate sizes—made of tine quality I 11- ~IuLJ ramie cloth, in solid colors neatly NJI I ll trimmed, well tailored and perfect flt \\ \ Girls' School <D/1 Q C W* Dr "2L";* 3. V—4—A "• Fine Gingham Dresses intermediate PsS?" ' c sizes—for the growing girl—shown in wonderful range of beautiful plaids—- I ®v3L I \l Y neatly trimmed —perfect fitting—made of genuine Renfrew ginghams. Giiis oct.ooi AEt Little Tots QQ Dresses at v)wo4t) Dresses at I/OC .Sixes 0 • !- Years Beautiful Gingham Dresses—, Sixes 2 to 0 Years made of finest quality materials | Drosses for little tots made of in the season's newest styles—a j ginghams in plaids and checks— very attractive assortment of _ .... , , . plaids, checks and plain shades n " at favored models—included in —tastily trimmed perfectly tail-! the lot are the famous "Betsy 01 ' e - 1 Brown" dresses all full cut Kaufman's—Second feinor Muslin Underwear Nainsook Gowns Women's Muslin QO at * Gowns at J/OC Slip-over styles, lace and em- Slip-over style, made of good broidery trimmed, full cut, well quality material, nicely trimmed made; regular and extra sizes. I with neat embroidery, full cut. Corset Covers 39 C Nain sook Gowns J Made of good quality nain-i o,LCM* " sook, lace and embroidery trim- | ~ itt , stjle - prettily trim med. full cut. nicely finished; j ™ e . d " th ' a „ c . e and embroidery, sizes 36 to 44. ' sood length; all s-.zes. Envelope Chemise QQ Pretty Envelope <£ 1 on at OyC Chemise at... Made of nainsook, trimmed Lace trimmed back and front, with lace and embroidery, shown in a number of styles! pretty styles, full cut, nicely made of fine nainsook; sizes 36 made; sizes 36 to 44. to 44. Kaufman's—Second icinnr- School Hosiery at Savings Children's Ribbed OO Boys' Ribbed A O Stockings, Pair .. LtOQ. Stockings, Pair .. TrOC 3 Pairs for 67c 350 pairs boys' heavy ribbed 300 pairs children's ribbed black black cotton Hose, reinforced sole cotton Hose, reinforced heel and and heel, made of best quality toe, good quality, medium weight, t sizes 5 to 714 "■• ya.n and recommended for wear, sizes 7 to IX. Girls' Ribbed 04 Girls' Fine Ribbed Pa ytockings, Pair .. Stockings, Pair .. 0"C =5. KK."S/'S KB cotton Hose, reinforced heel and toe, in white, black and brown toe. line quality, sizes 8 to 9%. Isizes 7 to BVs. 300 Pairs Women's 1 AC 150 Pairs Women's dj 1 Qg Silk Hose, Pair * Silk Hose, Pair 91.V0 Women's Thread Silk Hose, 150 pairs Women's Black mock seam, fashioned feet, enu- 1 lisle reinforced toe and heel, ' Hose, heavy qual garter tops, first quality, in 'ty> "oil length boot, mock black, cordovan, navy, silver, seam, fashioned feet, silk lisle gray, field mouse. garter top, first quality. Kaufman's—First - Bi|| News For Housekeepers InOur Bargain Basement Thousands of Yards of White Goods at Half Price Saturday White Dimity 27-in. wide 1 ja /r* White Pajama Check 36-in 1 £% 85E7 I W'hitp Checked Flaxon 36-in. .. 1 _ White Voile 36-in. wide Tj SgC White Plaid Klaxons, 36-in I White Garbardine Skirting 36-in. •jrilC White Nainsook 36-in. wide 1 White French Voile 36-in [ White Fine Voiles 36-in /.^ White Pajama Check 36-in. wide j- JL V White Mercerized Flaxon 36-in. I- kmfjf White Pique 36-in. wide [ Mf/ White Corded Dimity 27-in. wide White Mercerized Poplin 27-in. j White Mercerized Nainsook .. White Organdies 36-in. wide .. j White Mercerized Nainsook 36-in j -mi- White Mercerized Batiste .... White Plain klaxon 36-in. wide j J CIA U | i-rjcsli Colored Nainsook 36-in .. J J' dill White Skirtings 36-in J J wA Carpet Sweepers, | Copper J Galvanized Tubs, Chip Clothes Baskets Hot 'Point Blcctrlc iron $2.39 j sl.ys $1.19 SI.Z9 $5.48 Cobbler Sets Table Silver White Baby Crib j Colored Curtain Scrim Glass Water Pitchers i Shoe Making Outfits, Odds and Ends of Silver Plated White Bassinet Crib. Well! Beautiful Bordered Curtain j Good size Glass Water Pitchers, latfts and all tools with one pair Forks and Spoons. Beaded pat- maHp Sneriil J a /?f\ Scrim- ik inches wide in JJ3S 95c r;", Tca . S1 : 00 ""' 4c • *4.69 19c iff 1 ""'™ "■—■l9c O'CedatMoo ! '"™ "" 10c Garden Hose Table Damask Granite Tea Kittles U Cedar Mop . •• ... ... Rubber Moulded and Canvas I Extra good grade Table Da- ... . . . „. n Triangle shape O'Cedar Mop, Table Cloths Covered Garden Hose in lengths j mask; 64 inches wide; new pat- good sises in Gianite lea with handle, Hemstitched Table QQ from Bto 15 feet. 1 9* I terns. Special CO Kettles, with granite tops OC for ~ Cloths for J/OC special, foot ; yard OOC i special a REMOVE BE7LA KEN f Vienna, Wednesday, Aug. 20. 1 The Austrian government because . of the protests of the peasantry, has removed Bela Kun, Dr. Landler and . Herr Hohr, Hungarian Commun ists from the old mill in the Thaya \ Valley where they have befen im ■ prisoned, to a new prison the where abouts of which is not disclosed. HAURISBURG TELEGRAPH MISS HITH X. McCORMICK Miss Ruth Naomi McCormick, a I graduate of Central High, class of• 1917 died at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McCormick, 331 Hamilton street last night. . The Rev. W. E. Daughorty, pastor of the First United Brethren Church offei ating. Burial' will be made in Pax tang Cemetery. Miss McCormick who was employed Buy Your Pall Suit Early Introductory Prices are Most Attractive Choicest Models of the Season $25,529.50,539.50,545pt0 $65 ML More than 500 Suits to Choose From |^\ V ALULS like these cannot be fount] elsewhere because we specialize in \ suits at these popular prices. Despite the rising cost of manufacturing sfr \ l we are able to offer these suits at substantial savings. The materials are if ' \ \ N ei '' one ' Velour, Tinseltone, Tricotine, Men's Wear Serge, Mixtures and II I W AH Mool Poplins. In the colors there arc navy, black, reindeer, taune, V ffe&ab, burgundy, dark brown, Pekir.- and henna. These suits are beautifully tail- / 1,1 mS?"' ored and are lined with heavy#Venetian, Peau d'eygne. Satin and line / 6 W fancy silk. Fur, button and braid trimmed. Some are plain tailored. V^'4tt\ New Fall Dresses sls, S2O, rffblk $25, $35 and up to SSO ' myA Men's Wear Serge, Tricotine, Paulette and / U 1 Jersey. Models for every figure that typit'v \ 1 1 the slender lines which are in- demand. The b OsL--sW-P ) I KggjSJh colors are bluck, navy, rose, taupe, Morocco, I | J ( dark brown, reindeer, Copenhagen. I M Voile Dresses That Sold —J _l t JP to SIO.OO \mW Y° ur Choice at .. nr ! -jai jßjjJjjgr These are the prettiest ~ M rj JjjmgP styles shown this season ' T W " fT\ IK R an(l represent our best | W | / - . Bt values, but/ we want to ; \ T b \J r..e *Sv close them out quickly, 1 'jij hence this ridiculously | E \ 4 . / low price for Saturday. I f \ T / A 7 Two Big Lots tf Wash Skirts: Saturday ill 7 'ssi" 4KS rir sjs- 50 QQ Al\ /f IVlarle of Gabardine, 1 Garbardina Wash M C f \ HI Tricotine and Whip- & Skirts, sold through- H w rtVL 'I cord. All sizes from W out the season at JAtj 24 to 36 waist mens- r m $2.50. Styles will be W. i ure - but only a few ■Bis good and vou mav JSt L I above 30 waist meas- have to pay higher yf ure. prices ■ Kaufman's, 2d Fl. Children's School Shoes Now Ready Popular Prices For the Best Kinds Now is the time to buy, for school is only a short time away and it is bet ter to avoid the rush and hurry by supplying your children's school needs here to-morrow. Special purchase of Children's np| Shoes from the Harrisburg Shoe ':jF j t I Mfg. Co. ' /''W CHILDREN'S SHOES $9 rn f Sizes BV2 to 1 1, * Black Kid and Gun Metal Calf, lace and buttor on the nature toe last, with a little heel, same as illus trated. y— 'J CHILDREN'S SHOES r> Q p Sizes BV2 to 11, qj&etfO i'l *\Brown- Kid lace, 0:1 the, nature toe last, with little he jf MISSES' SHOES r> Q ® Sizes I 11/2 to 2, O Black Kid and Gun Metal Dull Calf lace, on the natur 1 last. Same as illustrated. RED GOOSE SHOES FOR CHILDREN For Children, sizes 7 to 11% $2.05 to SIXS Kor Youths, sizes 11 to 2 $4.50 to $5.50 For Misses, sizes 12 to 2 $4.85 to $7.00 For Growing Girls, sizes 2% to 7,..55.50 to $7.85 *° r °>' B - sizes 2 Hto 6 so.oo to $6.50 as a stenographer in the offices of j the American Express Company, is i survived by her parents, sisters, Mrs. Walter Carper, Akron, 0., Grace, Sarah and Rachel of this city and I brothers, Ralph McCormick, of Phil adelphia and Harry and Harold of this city. STRICKEN' OX ROAD Mocliaiiicsbui-g, Pa., Aug. 22. John Culk, of Roxbury, near town, [ was taken suddenly ill on Thursday | morning, along Trindle Spring road, i where he was working. When he left home he was in comparatively good health. He was taken in an automobile to his residence. On the way he sustained a stroke of paraly sis. To-day ho is slightly better. AUGUST 22, 1919 ALL MAKES FURNACE* 1 REPAIRS MANUFACTURERS STOVE REPAIR COMPANY i! 0 E. Washington Street, UAUEBOTOWN, MD. Boys' School Suits Wo have the largest boys' olotbing business in tills city a result of years of entering to the boys of this common- L Ity. We know the styles bays like best aiul -e have them. cSJ Boys' Two Pants Suits New fall models In belt- <k n| < /j V I! YWJ^ 1 ed, waist line and double IL Uk / * Sid Sr breasted styles in the sea- (dj n M.t/J / J\ f son's newest and most de- ' wl / V \ siruble materials. Each ■ / / /? rj I \\ suit has two pairs of pants. / / /< I A Sizes 7 to IS years. 11l 111 Boys' Corduroy Suits Mr Sturdy suits in tile waist /J /■* p" TT' k \ ™ line models in sizes 8 to *4. |f| Uk I 1 . 1 IS years. These suits are *l/ oZJ %J I 1 ii A very strong and will stand ' XSk 1 \ x / the wear. They are well M ■ \ \ A. made and are Just the j} v jijA snappy styles hoys like. KjU Little Boys' Suits, $3.95, $4.95 These suits are in blue serges and ML mixtures in sizes 3 to x years. VW\ Manly styles for little fellows. An tpj unusual assortment to choose from. Xf Knee Pants QC. Knee Pants, (t to i line Pants, 6 to to 17 years 17 d> 1 1" <fc 1 QC These are made of years Dl ,017 years, P1,570 Khaki cloth nnd These are made In Made of wool mix- KhuKi ciotn ana nett t mixtures and I tares in a big variety are strong: and will i lined throughout, of patterns. The give good service The seams are taped, seams are taped and for boys who are j And 10 xcept ional they are lined used to rough play. 1 value. throughout. Boys' Blouse Waists, For School at 75c, 89c and 95c Those blouse waists arc made of excellent quality washable material in a big assortment of patterns. Boys' New Fall Hats, SI.OO, $1.29, $1.50 Boys' School Shirts The Largest Assortments—Big Savings Boys' Shirts Boys' Shirts Boys' Shirts For School qc r For School ttf 11C For School d1 AC Special at... SI. 15 Special at Boys' Shirts in Special at Boys' extra fine neat and fancy stripe Boys' madras and Shirts, woven mad percales and madras. percale, neck band ras. beautiful selec also plain blue and or collar attached tion of neat and khaki, neek band or shirts, all new pat- fancy stripes. All collar attached all terns and all sizes, sizes, 12'/i to 14. sizes, 12M to 14. l-'/4 to 14. Soft turn back cuffs. Kniifnnin' First g l""* ~ ~ Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! We are Selling These Fine New Very Fast! Have You Bought Yours? Hurry? There will not be many • .—" =T times when you can buy . L*<iSPSi£S a good suit for as little money as you can right now here at Kaufman's. rm While this assortment T lasts we are willing to sell these suits at $19.95 —but this will be the last lot. / We cannot help the rising """ |K^%X market but you can save Mi. jL if you take advantage of i. A Bafr the opportunity that now \y -\g awaits you here Saturday. / ref 5l- V. Every one or these suits I \ fit, flfral,'liSs2S=^i.'^ is right up to the top I \\V IHIL JVU\M.^ notch of style and the ma- * Jr\ terials and tailoring are X All sizes for men and young men. Buy for now iul HmV and later —you'll SAVE. MA 11111 WwL Extra Special \ / Trouser Sale \MI/ KT Three Lots For jf }%ji < All are good patterns !jjm and well made and are MIWSj greut values. Buy now jjfUjg' sight but maybe higher jSpjjjjlto |Mj ; | $1.95 % ]M' | and blua serge Pants, "5 jj $2.95 & uml in Mixtures and Blue t ?• j-'ftft i \ • 53.95 g in Mixtures and Neat F<—>l 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers