"Always Reliable" RICHS Today and Tomorrow tt SA.\uE Big Semi-Annual X aost satisfactory and successful sale we have - r - ru - rjn - r " j " j-u-u- j-u-* diandise and low prices, to keep this sale running smoothly I 1 & remarkable semi-annual MARK-DOWN SALE as never before— 2 V f JL r other clothing store in Pennsylvania. We have reached the highest I p g f *T* f- ( fft Mr I' fffflll tiffi lers who came here for the first time to buy at our exceptionally low f CLIVLT'CLCL\} /V* W§ J®** Lr |m]V |||L. jyers steadily coming and going every hour since we began this great- r ✓ O I Hjl HKi aeimer & Society Brand Clothes se twice a year and dispose of every All $1.50 B. V. D. Union 5uit5....... $1.19 v\ 'hen you come here you have the entire stock from . AO 25c Brighton Garters -1 Q r un view of the customer —Whatever you select is sold to you * W ... Ami 111 1 11! HO WPWw W'i Jr' "be b ° ÜBht Wholesale - Some ° f All 50cSuspenders 3Qr Underwear, Sweaters & Trousers Marked Down renditions that have yet confronted us— All $2.00 Boys' Wash Suits.... $ l .59 will be compelled to ask because of labor shortage les- All $2.50 Boys' Wash Suits <f!l .89 KbhLk\^B —But, fortunately for us, we bought very large quantities in All CA R >Wk Q*f HHT >t prices which we are passing on to our customers, thus enabling All qj.jU tSoys Wasn SUItS .. . V/\\v\B in't afford to leave this opportunity go by without getting your yyj J4 # (|Q Boys' Wash Suits 8? q|f pf wit | ers For ] > iody Boys' Suits J : —[ ish for sweat- | I { Mens ' I rhe cool evenings 5 The Boys' Department has broken all records J f • ( take'off the f —We have been compelled to add more salespeople to the regu- | 5 thTtocks are all the ) Ur staff to keep up to the growth of the Boys' Department—School time is * The Shirt Section haS Certainly ! ten, women and chil- > fal approaching; vacation season is fading away-Boy. clothes will cost ) . . ... m . volum - of t hig alinovers ) more in a very few days—Don t you mothers and fathers who have boys to 1 C Kepi pace wiin ine great volume 01 Business inis i J /.necks or shawl col- 1 I tremendous amount of Manhattans and Manchester, Ar- i { All 110-00 Boy.'Suit. ,7 SO AU 116.50 Boy.'Suit, .. . .*ll 7S ! 1 j ASjS ' 5139 ) All 112.00Boy,'Suit. SR.7S All 118.00 Boy, 1 Suit, ,1 3.7.1 .' j SiS^fS^'SCoJSr""" ~ 5 AU $20.00 Boys' Suite .... jls7* | J All $1.50 Shirts $1.19 { L 54*39 C All $15.00 Boys Suits —& 10.75 All $22.00 Boys' Suits .•• $1 fi.7fj I All $2.00 Shirts $1.59 , ' $6.89 i All s2.soShirts ...$1.89 | All $5.00 Shirts $3.89 i 411 $2.00 Munsing and Black Mixed Union Suits $1.59 : All $6.85 Silk Shirts $5.89 1 I 1 AU $7.85 Silk Shirts $6.89 ' -wear ' | SweetOrr, Headlight Overalls $2.29 | All SIO.OO Silk Shirts $8.89 | | Q 1 " | a^eon X • . FRIDAY EVENING. HAKRISBDRG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 22, 1919
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