14 peopieliave fEncy to Bay teal lei Estate Mst IDeatbs FKI.KEH— Mrs. Ida A. Felker, died Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock at the home of her son, 1936 Zarker street, aged 58 years. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. LOST AND IX)VXD LOST—Four-stone diamond and emerald ring. vicinity Sixth and Briggs Sts. Honesty rewarded if re; turned. Mrs. J. Edward Sponsier, 607 Briggs St. LOST—Pocketbook containing JSo on Tuesday morning between 1533 N. Fourth street and P. R. R. station. Reward if returned to IS3S North 4th street, Ist floor. LOST or strayed away, black brindle French bull dog puppy with initial A on collar. Reward if returned to -jO Hummel street. INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping, Penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. Bell 125. Dial 41>16. BUCKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckloy. HFI.P WANTED—MALE WANTED 200 LABORERS FOR STATE ROAD WORK GOOD LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS APPLY STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. THIRD AND NORTH STS., HARRIS BURG. WANTED A YOUNG man with ambition to get somewhere in business life. Must be energetic and one who has orig inality. Opportunity open with large local manu facturing concern for the right man who has ability to write advertising Copl and take charge of a de partment in which adver tising plays an important ( part. Do not apply for this position unless you know you can till our require ments. Apply by letter giving your references and past experience in full, also your reasons for believing you are the the man we want. Box L-5273. WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer. Harrisburg. Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth ai"l Division streets. WANTED —PORTER * • filv manager Rainbow Waist •" ■ inc.. 219 Market St. CARPENTERS wanted; first class I house carpenters; see Grant, paymen [ on job; 16th and Boas sts., or B. Van) Dyke. 908 N. 16th st. WANTED —Night dish washer. A.p ply Alva Restaurant. ] FIRST class automobile painters i wanted; high wages. Joseph J. Der-! ham, Kosemont, Pa. WANTED —Two young men to learn salesmanship and make 32a per week While learning. See Mr. Gardner, 410 ; Patriot Rldg. j WANTED —A carpenter for rough work and a man tor day labor to work I in country near city. Apply 1700 N. I Second St. WANTED —Quarryman and helpei i who understands getting out building! stone; will pay good hour rate or j piect work price to the right man; steady work. Apply Lemoyne tjuarries Co., Hershe.v Bldg., Front and Market j streets. j RAILROAD traffic inspectors want- i ed' SI 10 a month and expenses to y art; short hours; travel; three mcnths' home study under guarantee. We get you position. No age limit; ' ask for booklet N-273. Standard Busi-i ness Training Inst.. Buffalo. N. Y. FIRST class automobile trimmers' wanted on closed and open wo.-k. j Highest wages and steady job. Joseph J. Dcrham. Rosemont. Pa. | WANTED —Partner for wholesale ; confectionery business; one who nas < had experience as traveling salesman in this line; single man preferred, out; married ones considered. Address C. L. F., care Telegraph. j RA.ILWAY mail clerks. Hundreds! wanted. 51.100-11.500. Age 18-35. Ex perience unnecessary. Examinations! everywhere August 23. For free par ticulars write Raymond Terry, rormer : government examiner. 518 Continental [ Bldg.. Washington. (Continued In Next Column) j, N FOR SALE Modern Low Priced Brick House No. 2213 Logan Street 2H-story dwelling; 8 rooms and I bath; furnace heat; gas light; ] front and back porches; slate roof; paved street; grass plots; very desirable. Lot 14x90 ft., 1 running to a 10-ft. alley. Miller Brothers & Co. | LOCUST AND CO I* HT STS. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Member* libit. Renl Ewtate Board WEDNESDAY EVENING, | HELP WANTED—MALE 4 t r -• OPPORTUNITIES for 1 A large number of inexperl -1 enced men. Ages 18 to 45. Must be in good physical con -5 dition. ,' Good living wages paid while 1 learning. | Steady work assured. No | labor trouble. . | Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory ? Employment Office. - THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER I CO.. AKRON. OHIO. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WASHINGTON I DEPARTMENT OF THE INTER IOR. Aug. 7.. 1919. MALE HELP ; WANTED: Saint Elizabeths Hospital. Washington. D. C.. a government hos pital. will give employment to a nurn ter of men of good character, who are interested in caring for patients suffering from mental and nervous ; diseases. NATURE AND ADVAN TAGES OF EMPLOYMENT. This hos pital is caring for a large number of i soldiers and sailors from ail parts of the country; consequently, a wide and varied experience may be gained A training school has been established for tlie employes of the ward service, and instruction is free to employes. No experience is required for en trance. SALARIES AND PKRQUt ,! SITES. All inexperienced help receives $60.00 per month; those having ex perience in similar institutions receive [{2.50 per month additional tor each period of six months experience they ! have had up to two years, provided [satisfactory references are furnished, making the maximum entrance salary $70.00 per month. All receive board, l lodging, laundry and, in case of ill [ness. medical attention for a reason able length of time, Those who show an interest in their work and prove j themselves efficient are in line for I promotion as vacancies occur, to posi tions paying $107.50 per month and maintenance, as stated above. RE i QUIREMKNTS: Applicants must be in (sound physical condition, should have reached their ISth but not their lath 'birthday, and be citizens of the United states Application from 1059 maw be obtained from and filed with either the superintendent. St. Eliza b-ths Hospital, of The Secretary. Fourth i Civil Service District, both at Wasn ington, D. C. S. G. HOPKINS. Assistant Secretary. WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R shops. Harrisburg. Inquire .. X' MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg, OR GENERAL FOREMAN'S OFFICE, Lucknow and Enola. INSURANCE opportunities. Desir able territory throughout Pennsylva nia cyen for assignment to men quaii-i tied for present or eventual general i agencies. Liberal contracts to produc ers. Standard, up-to-date, low priced! ,accident and health insurance. Funer al benefit. Write National Accident! Society. 320 Broadway, New York; City. Established 1885. TRY IT! No genius is required to I sell an acknowledged commodity. Per- [ sonal accident and health insurance' belongs in every home. Liberal com-1 missions. Disability bc-netits from s3u ; to $lOO per month. Natural death ben jeflt. Premium $1 a month upward. Na-! tional Accident Society. 320 Broad-, way. New York City. Established 34 ; years. j ! WANTED —A man with some i knowledge of machinery, for foreman! jof a crusher plant. Hummelstown J Brownstone Co.. Waltonviile, Pa. WANTED—Experienced salesman; general line of farm machinery and i equipment for the farm. Heating fu. - Inaces and plumbing equipment for the i home. Good permanent position for! the right man. References required. . Address P. O. Box H-1836, Belleville, j I— 1 WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. Apply 20th Centery Shoe Co., 2 South Market Square. FIRST CLASS Soda dispenser. Apply WEAVER'S CONFECTIONERY, 29 NORTH SECOND ST. — : WANTED —A partner in business, [must travel, guarantee $35 a week; in vestigate this men. Lebanon Chemical j | Co.. lu Fifth St.. Harrisburg; evening! ! only. ! ' HELP WANTED MALE—Solicitors! i for industrial fire insurance, either! full or part time, first class contract i and opportunity for advancement to ! producers. Apply manager's office, | room 29 North Second St., between, ' 9 and 10 a. m. or 4 and 5 p. m. i WANTED —Strong young man for j helping in dyeing and cleaning estab-| lishment; must be over 18. Apply; 'Compton's. 1006 N. Third St. ' WANTED —Experienced newspaper, [and magazine men to represent large New York publishing house. Six or-! ders per day pays $36 per week. See j Mr. Gardner. 410 Patriot Bldg. ; WASTED —An experienced book- j .keeper in a central located Harrisburg' business office; good wages paid. In [applying give age, experience and ref-) erence Address C. B. M., care of P. O. i ; Box 44. Harrisburg. j HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED—A head cook; experi-j enced it: handling help and feeding large numbers, to take general super-1 'vision of diningroom and kitchen and [to assist with the work. Must bring reference as to honesty and depen-! dabil'ty. Take Riverside car. Call at| jthe Harrisburg Academy office. WANTED Woman for general! [housework in small family; short 1 hours. Call Bell 672-M or 1017 North 1 Front st.. second floor apartment. WANTED Waitress; good pay. Apply Aiva Hotel, (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING "An Ideal Occupation for Young Women" $9 PER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS 'Salary increased after four weeks' training period. Young women between 18 and 25 will find telephone operating very fas cinating, clean work, with unusual opportunity for advancement in sal ary and position. In addition to a good salary our operators have a comfortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. Apply to Miss Kline. Operators' Employment Department. Second Floor. 20S Walnut Street. f • WANTED THF RAINBOW WAIST SHOP. INC.. 219 MARKET ST., wishes to procure the serv ices of experienced sales ladies; must come well rec t ommended. Apply on prem ises. j WANTED s ~ i -j Competent child's nurse; f (white). Apply with reference i i 1 to Box H-5326 care Tele l 1 graph. WANTED > Young lady to do general of fice work. Must be able to 1 [ operate typewriter. Apply by , letter only. Personal calls 'j and telephone applications ■i will not be considered. ! UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forstet and Cowden Sts. WANTED Experienced waitress. ' Applv at Penn-Harris Coffee Room. " Strawberry Street entrance. !i WANTED —Reliable girl to assist , with housework. Apply 1 North Har •! l ishurg street. Steelton. i WANTED —White girl for general ■ housework; no small children; three in family. Apply 2212 N. Second St. i WANTED —Gill wanted for laundry office to keep records and attend phone, state experience and salary. Apply D-5221 care Telegraph. • I WANTED—Woman or girl for gen ! eral housework in family of three in suburb near Rockville; trolley; tele phone S7B-R3 or write 23 R. D. No. 2, ! Harrisburg. i EXTRA salesladies wanted for Sat urdays only. Apply S. W. YVoolworth | Co.. 404 Market Street. WANTED —Two or three good rag 1 sorters. Apply Keystone Iron and j Metal Co., Broad and Wallace St. j WANTED—Waitress for boarding- i house, must be willing; no objection | tc color: good wages to right party. Apply 1246 Market. , WANTED —One waitress (whi~e), for hotel at seashore. Address P. O. j Box 823. Harrisburg. j WANTED —Housekeeper and second I girl to assist with 2-year-old baby. ! Apply 28 N. 19th St. I WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets 1 OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL Felling and Sleeving Machines. JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO., 2012 N. Fourth Street. I HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female THOUSAND, men. women, 18 or | over now wanted. Government posi -1 tions. Railway mail clerks, city car riers, census clerks, $llOO-sl6ou year; vacation: common education sufti jcient; big chance for soldiers, sailors.; ! List positions free. Write immediate- : ly; urgent. Franklin Institute. Dept. 413-S. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED—Responsible men and' women to handle our accident and : health insurance policies. Liberal i ' commissions. Disability benefits range j I from $2O to $lOO per month. Premium) ' $1 a month upward. All occupations. ] Also limited policies at $5 and $lO a year. National Accident Society, 320) I Broadway. New York City. Establish-, Jed 3 4 years. SITUATION'S WANTED—MALE YOUNG man desires work of any j i kind, prefers work in store or office, ! has had previous office work. Ad dress W-S27S care Telegraph. WANTED —Dicharged army officer desires employment. E-5222 care Tele ; graph. > | WANTED —Position as chauffeur; 1 five years experience on Packard, Cadillac and Pierce Arrow machine;) 'best of references and recommenda-l ! tions. Address B-5223 care Telegraph. | SITUATION'S WANTED—FEMA'LE l \ second-year High school girl! • want'ng a home; seeks interviews! ! with those desiring her services. Ad-, dress communication to P. O. Box 617. ; WOMAN wishes position as .house-: ; keeper for widower. Address Box jC-8276 care Telegraph. NURSE wishes position taking care) ! of* invalid or practical nursing; can I ! give reference. Address Box G-8275 | care Telegraph. I MIDDLE aged woman wishes posl ' tlon at day's work in refined family. [Call Bell 337-R. ' WOMAN wants to assist with [ housework. Can furnish reference. Apply $23 S. 10th St. I WOMAN wishes to assist with 'housework or help with children. Ap , ply 823 S. 10th St. j WANTED —Day's work by two ' women; can give good reference. Ap ' ply 305 Daisy St. ~ BOOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT—A large nicely fur-1 : nishtd second floor front room, suit- ! ' Lhln for two; also one unfurnished [ room' all conveniences. Apply at 111! ' l°v"ergrcen St. Bell 4900-R. i N'TCI.LY-FURNISHED BEDROOM—i 1 for gentlemen only. Die! 4990 or 912 North Third street. NICELY" furnished. clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 14.3 South Third street. (Continued In Nest Column) HAJRRISBURG TELEGRAPH J | 1 3 THAT EXTRA DESK in your of ] m fice is MARKETABLE. A classified jfj ad will sell it for its cash value. Good r m desks are high priced just now. Used bd t Ifa ones, if in good condition, readily find 1 iy buyers at good prices. The same thing applies to any extra office furni ture or appliances which you have. t;fg| Market them. ' Mfj I i 1 s J iff ROOMS FOR BENT FOR RENT Furnished room; all conveni ences with privilege of light housekeeping. Apply 714 Cap- < ital Street. FOR RENT Furnished room on second floor; all conveniences. Call at 807 North Second St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; all I conveniences; centrally located. Dial 4416. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished ' rooms on the third floor, suitabie for light housekeeping; hot and cold [water; electric lights; use of bath -1 fine location. Inquire 22 N. ISth st. ' ' j FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with l running water; centrally located- ao ply 9 N. Front street. I . i ROOMS for rent in desirable loca- 1 tion; immediate possession. .APDIV at ) j 266 Briggs St. I FOR RENT Three unfurnished' looms at $2 each per week. 332 South ■ Cameron St. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room . with running water and all conveni ences including phone. Gentlemen !only. 324 N. 2d St. [I Three-room flat: all conveniences; . also two rooms on third floor for light housekeping; rent very reasonable , Call afternoon or evening 1002 N 6th St. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished sec jond-story front room, near Capitol; [all modern conveniences; use of both I phones; bath; permanent tenant de ,l sired. Apply 721 North Sixth street. BOOMS WANTED WANTED —To rent by September 15. three unfurnished rooms, suitable [for light housekeeping, must be cen ;trally located; state price per month. I Address H-8271. | APARTMENTS FOB RENT | UNFURNISHHED apartment for rent; six rooms and bath; modern im provements. 321 Walnut St. FOR RENT—Apartment of two ) large unfurnished, communicating rooms, one front with three windows; ,! large hall; fine location; no children. Call at 1506 State st. Bell phone : 2761 W. APARTMENTS WANTED DWELLING or apartment, six or more rooms in city or suburbs before September 13 by desirable family. No small children. Box R-8272 care Tele g'uph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -IF IT - S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLINV STATE ST.. 1131—NEW; VACANT; 'three-story stucco; 3 rooms and bath; steam heat; gas and electricity; front [and rear porches; balcony and roof | garden; cement cellar; the best of lo cation for a rooming house; $5OO cash; [balance in monthly payments. GREEN ST., 1017 Three-story! brick; 10 rooms and bath; the best of' location for a rooming house; can be | [converted into three apartments at a) I very small expense; A 1 investment. i DIBhY ST., 2341—NEW; VACANT;! Two-and-a-half story brick; 6 rooms;; [bath and attic; hardwood floors; ce- i ment cellar; steam heat; gas and) electricity; front and rear porches; 3u ; feet between this and the next prop- I lerty; best of location; a very modern! [home; can be bought with $5OO cash. I DERRY ST., 2143 Three-story I brick; 9 rooms and bath; gas and ) electricity; all modern improvements.) nice frcnt and back porches; cement cellar; a very nice home; can be bought v.ith $5OO cash. 17TH AND PAXTON STS.—NEW; ! VACANT; Two-and-a-half story; six rooms and bath; steam heat; gas and j electric It > ; front and rear porches; i side entrance with a nice big yard; [ will be linished in a few days; can be bcught with $5OO cash. ! FULTON ST.. 1834—Three-story frame; 8 rooms; some improvements; All nice large rooms; very reasonable; ni money down; $25 per month. i LEMOYNE. Herman Ave.. 2S9—One- ' 'hail of a two-and-a-half story double | frame, some Improvements; nice front [and rear porches; lot 150 feet deep idack to a driveway; right price to Iquick buyer; or small amount down and the balance same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building, 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390 D 'a' 3573 STEELTON PROPERTIES FOR SALE —3-acre truck farm, U. mile east of Steelton. 10 minutes' walk from trolley; scenic location; 6-rooin frame house; fine well water; 390 bearing fruit trees, all kinds; best of | soil, possession this fall. Bargain price $3,800. Also a 7-room frame house, good' condition; lot 116 by 120; good gar den; well water; two squares from trolley ; Dunkle s Hill, Steelton. Pos ! session at oncc. Price. $l,BOO. I Also a double frame house. 8 rooms land bath, all conveniences, corner Fourth and Pine St.. Steelton. Price ! 15 000. Easy terms. ! CHARLES DAVIES, Agent, Real State. 1549 State st., Harrisburg. Pa. Bell 1476-W IF YOU want a bargain In real es tate, see W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St.. Hlghspire. Pa. Dial 9801. (Continued In Next Column) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BUSINESS LOCATION West Fairview—2)6 -story brick, in . v?* town with small out building, suitable for business of any kiud very cheap. Enola Homes—All Imp.; corner nouse; Lemoyne homes, all imp.; sin igie corner; New Cumberland, hue home; a! imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; | Urge lots. i City homes of all kinds; easy terms. 1 pay as rent; some for cash. ■| Farms—6, 10. 16, 30, 40, 75. 96, 125. | and 17t-acre farms, from 3 to 12 j miles ot Harrisburg. Some of these i farms_ with crops, stock and tools m • eluded. Possession at once. | Market Street—Three-story brick, [store room front, on Hill. 1 . | Apartment Houses—One or two cf 1 the finest In the city. Building lots at Camp Hill, Worm [ leysburg, Enola, Riverside. Paxtang. Progress, Beivue, uptown and sev eral good factory sites. Investments Several rows of houses paying big interest. C. H. CORDER, , 1722 Green Street, Bell phone 560-J. VACANT corner, centrally lo cated; 9 rooms; all improve ments; electric lights; front, side and back porch; side yard; ten minutes walk to market Square. Several more houses In all parts of city. Single corner In city; 2V4- stories; 8 rooms; all improve ments; side yard; fruit trees; stable 40x20 feet on rear of lot; electric lights; fine place for contractor or builder. Price $3,500. $5OO down. C. H. CORDER, 1722-GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. PENBROOK PROPERTIES FOR SALE—S-room brick house: lot 184x170; porches; Urge garden; chicken and hog house. Price $3,500. Eight-room frame house; lot tSx ISO; garage and barn; lots of fruit; 28th street. Price $2,500. Two 7-room houses on 29th street; j all improvements; concrete walks; lots 20x190 feet; chicken house. Price $2,350 each. Also 2Su5 Canby street; 7-rooin frame, all improvements. $2,500. Also I 28th and Canby; 9-room frame house; , corner property; lot 65x150; all im provements. Price $5,200. 17-acre farm; 8-rbom house; large barn and chicken house; running, water: No. 1 truck soil; main road.! I Price $4,800. ! Also 26' acres; scenic location; oest )of soil one-half mile from trolley; 2lt 1 miles from Harrisburg; will sell one [ ! acre up. CHARLES DAVIES. ACT., 1549 State Street. I Bell 1476-W. Harrisburg YVEST FAIRVIEW AND ENOLA I j PROPERTIES j For Sale—Grocery and market busi- I ness with store room. cor. property;! lot 100x150 with garage and barn 2ox | 30; no better business stand in West | Fairview. Price building and lot. ' $2,500. I Also 12-room 2H-story house; lot! 56x160 on State street. West Fairview; j electric light; gas range; porches; artesian well; Urge garden and fruit; | chicken house. Price $4,500. Also 3-room frame house; all irn-[ provements; lot 27x150; good garden! and fruit, on Columbia Road, Enola. [ Price $2,000. Also S-room frame house; all imp., Columbia Road. Price $2,500. Easy te,mB- CHARLES DAVIES, 1549 State Street, Bell 1476-W. Harrisburg | VERY DESIRABLE corner property ' for sale, on State street, large brick •house, with all most modern im-1 provements; brick gaiage on prop- j arty. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner. Bldg. , CORNER property at Paxtang for! tale- eight rooms und bath; gas; elec-! trie light; furnace; lot 90x125; corner! ot Brisban and Kelso streets. Bell! Realty Co.. Bergner bldg. CONFECTIONERY business for sale | in prosperous condition; good oppor-) tunity for a live man. Bell Realty Jo., Bc-rgner Bldg. ' 1 VACANT house for sale. 627 Reily j street; a rooms and bath; gas; steam heat. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. VACANT house on corner of Six teenth and State streets for sale; ten 'rooms; hath; all other improvements. ' Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Bldg. ! FOR SALE —357 S. 18th street? ! brick house; eight rooms and bath; gas; electric lights; steam heat. Call 1275-J Bell phone. Possession Sept. 1. FOR SALE —On Maclay street, west of Sixth st, a good 3-story brick houso with all Improvements for $8,500; possession soon. A. W. Swen gel. 2131 N. Second st. Bell 2575-J, FOR SALE Three-story brick house with 9 rooms and bath In Ham ilton st. near Second, end house with live windows, open view; immediate possession; moderate in price. A. W. Swengel. 2131 North Second St. Bell : 2575-J. (Continued In Next Column) 1 KEAL ESTATE FOR SALE I FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION J As several prospective buyers hate [j said that the plot to the Bixler prop- J erty is too large, we are now going | to cut the plot in two and reduce the J price. This property is located on '.lie j northeast corner of Dickinson and t Pdinceton avenue, Earlington. Camp! j; Hill, Ph., two blocks from car line;) s single car fare from Harrisburg; 2)6- J story frame detached dwelling; size I S 31x31; stone foundation'; shingle root';) j cemented cellar under entire house;) 4 all impiovements; three large rooms) i and reception hall on first lloor( large 3 kitchen and extra large pantry); open) J stairway; four rooms and bath on 1 i second floor; unfinished attic; good ' yellow pine flooring: cypress finish;! 1 hat water heating system; front porch ij , 9x31, itar porch enclosed. Plot oi l ground 60x120; granolithic walks; > shade trees; chicken house which will J accommodate 250 chickens; 17 fruit s trees (13 bearing the finest kind of J . fruit); variety of grapes, strawberry \ plants, good reason for selling. ln j spection by appointment only. ) PRICE VERY REASONABLE AT $4500 I ) ! C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bell AGENT. Bell J 700 HARRISBURG. PA. 3077-J 1 ' I FOR SALE | Houses on 4th. sth, 6th. Woodbine, j Emerald and Seneca Sts. ' Houses on State, Market, Derry. i ; Regina, Howard and 17th Sts.. ami i II sylvan Terrace. ■i Greenhill plot. 8-room house with 1 [large stable; Rockville car line. ' LIK know, 8-room house along! ' Rockville car line. : I ' | Building plots. j ROUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE. ' | 307 Kunltel Building. iPell 3902 Dial 4500 i [ FOR SALE !i Three-story frame, all imp.; hot .•water; heat; electric and gas; 9 1 [rooms; drive alley: store room on rear; also on corner suitable for busi ness of any kind on Hill; centrally " located In 1500 block near Market St. i * C. H. CORDER. ' | 1722 Green St. Bell 560-J. EMERALD ST., near 4th street; two • 'modern 6-room houses; built in pairs. • at leasonable prices. Phone 48S-J. I FOR SALE —On easy terms. 2012 j 1 to 201S Susquehanna street. Apply A. • P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. ! FOR SALE—SISO cash or Liberty Bonds, balance same as rent, you buy la 2)6-story frame house, bath, furnace [heat and other improvements; paved 'street. 2P-foot drive alley in rear, Hill' | section of Harrisburg. Now vacant. ) Move right in at bargain price. Apply 37 South Front street. Steelton or Dial I 9167. ! FOR SALE—A two-story cottage! [along Riverside drive, Rockville; elec tric lights and bath; front porch, lOx 25 feet deep lot; fine garden; fruit; garage. Apply to A. XV. Swengel, 2131 N. Second st. Bell 2575-J. FOR SALE —House 1955 Rudy St.; large yard to drive alley; possession can be had by Oct. 1: also house on Fulton st.; improvements. Inquire at 2134 Green St. or Dial phone 3276. FOR SALE—Bungalow; 5-rooms; water in kitchen; in first class condi tion; view of river and mountain; I good location; lot 6Sxl2u; price $1,559. : Located at 501 Bessemer st., Steelton. Cull or write John Anient, 213 Crescent St.. City. FOR SALE—2O9 Calder street, now i vacant. 3-story brick dwelling house;! $ room? and bath; furnace heat; range; hot and cold water. 227 Boas street. 3-story brick dwell ing house; S rooms, bath, hot and! cold water, furnace heat. Can be seen bv appointment. M. A. FOUGHT. 272 North Street. [Fine residence, North st $20,000 (Erick property. Camp Hill .... 12,000 • Paxtang residence 17,000 2-121 N 6th, brick 6,000! j 1912' N. Sixth St.. brick 4,500 | j 1631 Swatara, frame 2,4001 ! 1943 N. 4th, brick 3 000 [ Brick building, garage 15,000! D. A. CALEY. Bell 589. 707 Kunkel Bldg. i BUY YOUR HOME on the rental 1 payment plan. Small cash or Liberty [Bond first payment required, balance :as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. I Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. Real Estate For Sale or Exchange I i VACANT—3-story brick corner, on [ [Kill; elect, lights; front and side porches; side yard; cheap to quick 1 buyer. VACANT —3-story frame on Hill; | porches; nice yard. ! VACANT —2)6-Btory brick on Hill; [all improvements; electric lights:) ! porches; large yard to drive alley. VACANT —3-story brick on Broad' Ist.; all imp. | VACANT —North Sixth St.. 8 rooms;' i all imp.; side yard; porches; bay win-j jdows; 7 years old. VACANT—New brick on Hill; 6! rooms: all imp.; porch; newly papered. \ I FINE large brick house on Derry j street. Several large homes uptown); land on Hill. Some of these homes can ; ibe bought with two or three hundred - [dollars down, balance as rent. Willi, take light touring car in exchange on j, 'some of the above homes. C.H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J I, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT j' 1 FOR RENT —Furnished at Perdix, 5-1* ! room cottage, splendid location, fac-1 ing State Road near Rest Moor cab-; 1 in; possession August 18, reduction ) [for remainder of season; responsible I • [parties only; cottage can be inspected I" [any time by appointment. Apply to A.) C. Y'oung, 34 N. Second St. Bell 767.'' (Dial 5439. i ' REAL ESTATE WANTED j( WILL purchase five or six-room! house somewhere in Harrisburg or!< 'suburbs Must have possession in five j 1 or six weeks. Address Mr. Bakeman, • ! Carlton Hotel. |_ 1 ! 1 HAVE BUYERS—List your prop- 1 ertlcs with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es- < tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third 1 Street. Offices and Store Rooms for Rent FOR RENT—Store room centrally) located; business section of Harris-!< burg; suitable for up-to-date confec- 1 tlonery or drug store. Dial 4376. i — ( FOR RENT—Store room. 311 Wal- ■ nut street, second door from Penn- Harrls Hotel. Apply Superintendent ' Bowman & Co. 1 FARMS FOR SALE—Farm of 94 acres; 7 ' miles from Harrisburg; 2 miles from . Paxtonla; good buildings; level ! ground, fruit trees and good water. 1 Apply Anthony Acrl. R. F. D„ Har- < rlsburg. : (Continued In Next Column) jl AUGUST 13, 1919. FARMS j Farms for sale: easy terms, with or without stock and crops. a. near Annville, $BOO. 16 a. 6 mi. to Hershey, $2400. 24 a. near Harper's Tavern. $2lOO. | 50 a. near Hershey. S4SOO. 51 a. 18 mi. to Hbg., $2OOO. I ST a. 16 mi. to Hbg.. $l6OO. 1 40 a. near Grantsville, $4500. 6S a. 5 ml. to Hbg.. "6500. I 77 a. near Harper's Tavern. $4500. I 94 a. 16 mi. to Hbg.. $4500. 110 a. Cumberland Co. $5OOO. I 120 a. near Hershey. $B5OO. j 160 a. Cumberland Co., $6OOO. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut St. SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER. 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. FARM —95 acres of level limestone ' land; line producer. Brick house; bank barn. M el! of never failing water. Lo- j 1 cated ten miles from Harrisburg in j Cumberland county. For further do-| j scription, call on E. W. Yohn, one of, the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es-j tate, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris- j I burg. Fa. I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ■ MOTORS FOR SALE | We have tile following motors we ! are offering for sale. We guarantee I | these motors to be in ilrst-class con- > dltion and can make immediate de- | livery. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 380 It. P. M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 800 It. P. M. i One H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. Ono % H. P. 230 V. 370 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One 14 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO Printing Binding Designing ; Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $35 i selling price s2o; Brussels I j rug, 9x12, value $5O. sale price $39. FORNWALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. ! FOR SALE Dismantelling Harrisburg Reduc-' ! tion plant. Cameron near Maclay St. For sale, boilers, engines, tanks, con-i | veyers, pipe, shafting, pulleys hang ers. etc., etc. Inquire on premises, i LEBANON ENGINEERING AND j SUPPLY COMPANY. ; ATTENTION BUILDERS The slate roof, foundation stones | i and ornamental stone front of the; | Board of Trade Building are for sale. 1 Look them over and make me an of- ; fer. H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, 302 Market St. FOR SALE—One 15-horse power up right boiler; in A 1 condition. Inquire Ccmpton's, 1006 N. Third street. WANTED—A typewriter desk; ma- I hogany top; linished preferred. Ap- 1 ply 200 Calder Bldg. | FOR SALE—Chickens, pigeons and also household goods. Apply 74 North \ 117 th street. FOR SALE—Toledo scale, A 1 con dition; for sale or will exchange for leash register. Apply 1529 North Third street. ( FOR SALE —Steam heat boiler, 675! sq ft. capacity; good as new. 194S Green street. FOR SALE—Brunswick-Balke gut ter pool table, A 1 condition. Price | right. Address H. B. Fox, Middletown. i FOR SALE —All kinds of building I material, including beams, channels, I talis, pipe, one hoisting engine and motors. Apply Williams & Freedman, Sixth, below Hoffman's Woods. MORRIS SAYS save money buying ! new and second-hand furniture here. | High prices paid tor furniture. Morris I Sehmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. | FOR SALE —Double Hat top oak ! desk. 42x55; also Harvord range No. 32; Doth good as new. A. S. Miller, | j 18th and State sts. j BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20.000 ; new, old, rare, in itock. Aurand s, I ! 925 North Third. Circulars free. I I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 1205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER j BOTH PHONES | FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, j shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting,; j bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. ' i 1 The Hignspue Distillery Co., Ltd.. | Both phones. Highspire, Pa. j I FOR SALE —Two fumed oak mis- I sion chairs, one rocker; one station-I ary arm chair, leather back and seat;! good reason for selling. Call evenings! after 6 o'clock or Saturday afternoon i lat 1300 Swalara St. No dealers need I apply. | FOR SALE—One Smalley ensilage ! cutter, in good order; can De bought I cheap. Thirty-forty quart milk cans, some good as new. A bargain for buy er. John H. Pichter, Duncannon. j FOR SALE—One-quarter horsepow er alternating current coffee mill; first class condition. H. Prouser, 524 Maclay St. FOR SALE —Coal range; six plates; waterback; large oven; with stove pipe complete; in good condition; ' price $25. Also one light oak full size bed with woven wire spring. Apply 123 Pine St. Bell phone 21U7. FOR SALE —Natural reed babv coach in first class condition. Inquire at 1913 N. 4th St. FOR SALE—Entire household fur niture; every thing in good condition; house can be rented; location best in! citv. Foi further particulars address Box J-5325 care Telegraph. ] WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and J •old. Highest cash prices paid. Call , Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Max Smeltz. 1020 Market street. Will call. : City or country. Bell pnone 3239-Rl. JUNK—We are in the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974. or ' write L. Cohen & Co.. York street and . Ash avenue. WANTED Storage for boxed 1 pianos; first floor; must be dry, Yohn Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. BliU. PHONE 3370-J S. KIKKIN. CTfYTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE.! BOUGHT AND SOLD j HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST., HARRISBURG, PA j | UUSIX ESS OPPORTUNITIES , TIRE STOCKS vestnr V K,°' k Curl J are booming; in-* I before o, brought at Initial prices irmh i,,V * tCH ' ks were placed on I infer made enormous profits on In M nce f : wnte for particulars ifiloe r i P eof vef y attractive issue of going company now consider ing curb operations. Address C-827751 | care Telegraph. I „ , SAL,] ; —Small drugstore in ; Bainbridge, Lancaster coupcr thickly settled community; no' com petition; selling because of death of' proprietor; formerly "The Hacken berger Drug Store." Address Mrs. Martha E. Snyder, administratrix,; Bainbridge, Lancaster county, Pa. - — STORE and news agency in Me-, chamcsburg. Best location in town. I Owner moving to another state an<W will sell at bargain price. AddresaT , X-BSCI care Telegraph. ' GENTLEMAN wishing to retire will] sell shoe repairing factory paying 2751 up weekly for $950. Auto Salesman Horst. Linglestown, Pa. I FOR SALE—S2,7SO will buy theJ Elicker House with license, house and.) 'stable and lot 10x200 feet at Marietta. [Lancaster county. Inquire 2134 Green' street, Harrisburg. Dial phone 3276. | FOR SALE—Very "heap, soda foun-i I tain, coffee urn. electric sign "Soda-1 I Lunch;" stools. Address J. H. Kauel Gettysburg, Pa. i LIVE business tor a live man in' (nearby town. Restaurant, confection- t i ery. cigars. Doing business of $42 000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz. I j 1225 North Sixth st. * 1 • —. | BUSINESS PERSONALS I STEAM feather renovating; all ticks | emptied and new ticks furnished; B. J. Campbell. 1000 Paxton St. ! CUT your automobile bill in half be having your repairing done in voun own garage: all work guaranteed to' | prove satisfactory. Write P. o. Box 990 or call at 1024 Market St. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture < bought and sold. Highest prices paid, i" 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. i GXY-ACETYLENE WELDING —'J w | Any metal welded. Work guarau- 1 , I teed. Carbon removed by oxygen, j Capitol City Welding Co., 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. I DIAMONDS bought for cash—p. H. 'CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. ' PAPERHANGINO AND PAINTING! First class work. Chilcoat Bros.. (333 Harris street. ! FURNITURE CRATED for shipping! G. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. j i QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this | changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE | PHusf'MO-QUININE will stave it off \ if taken in time. Gross Drug Store. 119 Market street. i RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c doz.. double edge, 35c doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE, china packing and re pairing, carefully done bv R. J. Roy-i ster, 815 West St. Bell SlB-R. j FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. 1 LOCAL SECURITIES A ! SPECIALTY. J IC. GREENAWALT, JR.. V 1 130 Walnut Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 618-J MONEY TO LOAN i MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES * The entire cost of $2O for four months is $1.76 $46 for four months is $3.50 $6O lor four months is $5.26 $BO for four months is $7.00 j $lOO for four months is $8.76 Based on four equal monthly - payments one month apart. Longer time if desired at lit the extra cost. Shorter time at less cost. Other amounts in proportion. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut Street. Under State Supervision. j | WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a spociully, business confidential, pa.f -1 ments te suit borrower's convenience. ' i positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan ! Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg.. Third and Market streets. "Licensed ( and Bonded by the State." MUSICAL ! : O | AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, 15 S. Market Square : PIANO BARGAINS THIS WEEK ($325 Livingston, mahogany $l5O ; 325 Huntington, maboguny 210 350 Weser Bros., mahogany .... 225' k j 350 Weser Bros., mahogany 250 | 350 Kimball, walnut 250 I 350 Stieff, mahogany 250 t 500 Player, BS-note 375 ( 650 l'luyer, 88-note 485 i Any of the above bargains on easy terms of payment. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, Troup Building, 15 S. Market Square YOU have made the visit to muslo houses, for a special Columbia record, vou have not found It. We have it. ! Spangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES , , " A hcrse for sale, 4 years old; also buggy and spring wagon; one set of harness; can be seen at 7 a. m. and 4 p. m. Ernest Ogden, 24th and Noble Drive, Edgemont. FOR SALE—One Jenny Lind, good as new, ballbearing, Saylor make, Annville, one top buggy, rubber tires, electric lights attached, good as new, two sets of buggy harness, one new, John George & Bros., Linglestown, Pa., P. O. Box 16. FOR SALE—High grades horse; '*•' guaranteed sound; safe to ride or drive anywhere; also runabout; har ness, raddle and light wagon. Inquire I. B. Dickinson. 505 N. 13th st Bell phene 4773R: Dial 4201. — ——e Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers