that's what Dealers BECAUSE —it's the first of the new standard oversize cords —so ||| Mif 1 get a lot more tire, which means much more mileage. The cross-section is 1I § §g|| |ff j||| || .,i wider, the air capacity is greater, there is much more material —rubber and cord, ml^j And all these extras don't appear in the price. See why below. ® liPPPI^IIPJF | The new extra heavy non-skid tread is another feature that makes this tire "sell on • ''' sight.'' Vou can see and feel the extra volume of choice rubber. And if you are .• ••••• something of an engineer you can tell on sight that the tread angles will prevent skid, slide or spin. Whether you are an engineer or not, you will know as soon as you drive these tires that they have real traction, that they do hold the road. ,t $ * s || ill A "d f is inside as Firestone the I B BECAUSE —Firestone is building more Thousands own their homes; Firestone mileage per tires than other Park is the "fireside" of Akron. The 16,000 Firestone workers are doing in the great Firestone factories at Akron 8j more per man than the workers in any or the men in the field serving you IB other organization, so far as we can de- through your dealer, you can count on Ws&a t^Fl^^ ne^ H lo^ 6 i^ t0 that they are giving car-owners most B TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBCRG TEILEGRAFH AUGUST 12, 1919.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers