16 f People Haye Money toliy leal Estate—Hcncc Hey Are Reading Real butcAdsl Deaths — UAI.STOX— On August 10, 1910. atj Philadelphia, Charles F. lialston, aged 42 years. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence of his sister. Mrs. G. Herman Smile). 1618)4 North Fifth St. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Interment Puxlang cemetery. SANDERS— -On August 10, 1919, at Elizabethtown, Levi Sanders, Jr., aged 41 years. Funeral on W.ednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sanders. Sr.. 2315 Main street, Penbrook. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. In terment Last Harrisburg cemetery. CARD OF THANKS Sir. and Mrs. -J. L Redman, of 193 1 Evergreen street, and Mrs. James Redman desire to extend their sincere I thanks to all friends who were so j very kind to them in their sad be-, reavement. and for the beautiful floral tributes presented to their son an 1 i husband. . LOST AND FOUND LOST—Some place near Penn- Hairis, seal-grain black poeketbook; keep money; return poeketbook; paper] wanted. Return to C. M. Wilhelin. t care Penn-Harris. LOST—Poeketbook containing SBS ' on Tuesday morning between 1533 X. Fourth street and P. K. R. station. I Reward if returned to 1833 North lib rtieet, Ist floor. LOST or strayed away, black brindle i French bull dog puppy with initial _A on collar. Reward if returned to 25u Hummel street. LOST—A poeketbook containing money and valuable letters on Friday evening between Penn-Harris Hotel and Market st or Market and Front to Civic Club. Reward if returned to this office. INSTRUCTION'S INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand, Typewriting, English. Bookkeeping, penmanship. Arithme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR, lintel at any time.; Bell 125. Dial 4016. BKCKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, j 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley. | FOR instruction in elementary or j advanced mathematics or mechanics, eee Miller, 306 Chestnut St., formerly instructor at U. S. Naval Academy. —— ■ HFLP WANTED—MALE __| WANTED 200 LABORERS FOR STATE ROAD WORK GOOD LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS APPLY STATE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, THIRD AND NORTH STS., HARRISBURG. V ANTED A YOUNG • in with ambition to get r.nsewhere in business life. Must be energetic and one who has orig inality. Opportunity open with large local manu facturing concern for the right man who has ability to write advertising copy and take charge of a de partment in which adver tising plays an important part. , Do not apply for this position unless you know you can All our require ments. Apply by letter giving your references and past experience in li.il. also your reasons for believing you are the the man we want. Box 1.-5273. 'I I WANTED Freight truckers and frelgnt handlers at P. R. R- Division Street Transfer. Harrisburg. Pa Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division streets. ' I WANTED Boy 17 years to learn underwear knitting, good position and assured, advancement to one who is willing and industrious. Apply Belgrade Knit t'ng Mill. 13th and Bridge St., New, Cumberland. 1 FIRST class automobile trimmers j wanted on closed and open wo.-k. Highest wages and steady job. Joseph J. Durham. Rosemont, Pa. j WANTED —Partner for wholesale ! confectionery business; one who nas] bad experience as traveling salesman; m this -itie; sing/e •—j preferred, out; married ones considered. Address C. : L. F., care Telegraph. ; RAILWAY mail clerks. Hundreds : wanted. $l.lOO-11.50U. Age 18-35. E\- perience unnecessary. Examinations everywhere August 23. For free par ticulars write Raymond Terry, rorniur government examiner, 518 Continental Bldg., Washington. > (Continued in Next Column) S FOR SALE Modern Low Priced Brick House No. 2213 Logan Street 2V6-story dwelling; 8 rooms and j bath; furnace heat; gas light; front and back porches; slate i roof; paved street; grass plots; , very desirable. Lot 14x90 ft., I running to a 10-ft. alley. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ; SURETY BONUS Member* libit. Kent Extntc Hoard I V. * i TUESDAY EVENING, , HKLP WANTED—MALE „ OPPORTUNITIES for % A large number of inexperi enced men. Ages 18 to 45. Must be In good physical con dition. Good living wages paid while learning. Steady work assured. No labor trouble. Apply In person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. J THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO.. AKRON. OHIO. j | DEPARTMENT OP THE INFERIOR WASHINGTON 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE IJTER IOR. Aug. 7. 1919. MA.MS lELP WANTED: Saint Elizabet is Hosuit.il. Washington. D. C.. a government hos pital, will give employment to a im ber of men of good character, /ho are interested in caring for patients suffering from mental aud nervous diseases. NATURE AND ADVAN TAGES OF EMPLOYMENT. This hos pital is curing for a large numbei of ; soldiers and sailors from all parts of the country; consequently, a wide and varied experience may be gained. A training school has been established for the employes of the ward service,. and instruction is free to employes. No experience is required for en trance. SALARIES AND PERQUI SITES. All inexperienced help receives s66.ati per month; those having ex perience in similar institutions receive: $2.60 pel month additional for each i Period of six months experience they, , have had up to two years, provided | satisfactory references are furnished. ; making the maximum entrance salary; $70.00 per month. All receive board,; 'lodging, laundry and, in case of ill . ness, medical attention for a reason able length of time. Those who show , an interest in their work and prove themselves efficient are in line for [promotion as vacancies occur, to posi tions paying $107.50 per month and maintenance, as stated above. RE QUIREMENTS; Applicants must be in sound physical condition, should have; 'reached their 18th but not their loth birthday, and be citizens of the United ; States. Application from 1059 may be; obtained from and filed with either, the Superintendent, St. Elizabeths Hospital, of The Secretary. Fourth j I Civil Service District, both at Wasn-; ; ington, D. C. I S. G. HOPKINS, | Assistant Secretary, i We can use six men on a new mag- | azine selling proposition that will pay fifty dollars a week. Many are mak- ; ing more. Clew managers wanted. If you are a producer here is jour op portunity. HARDER'S MAGAZINE AGENCY 49 S. Front St., (2d floor), Steelton, Pa. J WANTED —Experienced salesman: I general line of farm machinery ami equipment for the farm. Heating fu.-- 'naces and plumbing equipment for the ! home. Good permanent position for 'the right man. References required. Address P. O. Box H-1536, Belleville, j HELP WANTED MALE—Solicitors ' for industrial fire insurance, either; full or part time, first class contract 1 and opportunity for advancement to j producers. Apply manager's office, room fi. 29 North Second St., between j 9 and 10 a. m. or 4 and 5 p. m. WANTED Competent child's nurse; (white). Apply with reference to Box H-5326 care Tele graph. WANTED Experienced shoe salesman. Apply 20th Centery Shoe Co., 3 South Market Square. | FIRST CLASS Soda dispenser. Apply W LAYER'S CONFECTIONERY. 29 NORTH SECOND ST. (' VRPEXTKRS wanted; first class ' house 'carpenters; see Grant. PjD'" l "'] OP job; 16lh and Boas sts., or B. 5 an I Dyke. 90S X. 16th st. MAN Hungarian or Italian, exp. on, I lime kiln work, either as a laborer lor mechanic around lime manufac- 1 1uring machinery; must be able to write English; single man preferred I or one ab'e to be away from home ;n --! dtfinite?:/ special work ; steady pos.- t'nn sru'od salarv to man meeting re ' oulrements. State exp. in detail and age Address C-7921 care Telegraph. | j WANTED — Night dish washer. Ap-i 'ply Alva Restaurant. j w ANTED —Man for general mer- j i chandise store in a country town)! must have experience. A-5376 care; ; Telegraph. ! ' FIRST class automobile painters' I wanted ; high wages. Joseph J. Der-1 | ham, Rosemont. Pa. -| ! WANTED —V partner in business,l 'must travel, guarantee $35 a week; in- I Westigat" this men. Lebanon Chemical •Co.. 10 Fifth St., Harrisburg; evening; ! oniy. WANTED —Six-piece workers; three! laborers for stone quarry work; high I class men can make big wages. Ap ply Lemoyne Quarries Co.. Hershey Bldg., Front and Market Sts. YOUNG man as salesman; profitable business; inviting futuie; employment where i vcu live; military service pre ferred. C. C. Meyer, 71 , Broadway. Room 411, New York City. HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED i Young lady to do general of fice work. Must be able to I operate typewriter. Apply by' j letter only. Personal calls and telephone applications will not be considered. UNITED ICE & COAL CO., Forster and Cowden Sts. I | (Continued In Next Column) HELP WANTED—FEMALE | I BELL TELEPHONE OPERATING "An Ideal Occupation for Young Women" $9 I'ER WEEK FOR BEGINNERS ' Salary increased after four weeks' j trulning period. Yovng women between 18 and 25 will find telephone operating very fas cinating. clean work, with unusual opportunity for advancement in sal ary and position. In addition to a good salary our operators have a comfortable rest room, and a lunch room where food is served at cost. Apply to Miss Kline. Operators' Employment Department. Second Floor. 208 Walnut Street. We can use six neat appearing young ladies on a new magazine sell ing proposition that will pay fifty dol lais a week. Many arc making more.. Experience not necessary. J HARDER'S MAGAZINE AGENCY, 49 S. Front St. (2d floor). Steelton, Pa. I WANTED —White girl for general , housework; no small children; three' j In family. Apply 2212 N. Second St. < WANTED—GiII wanted for laundry | office to keep records and attend 'phone; state experience and salary.: I Apple D-5221 care Telegraph. ■ —: WANTED —Woman or girl for gen eral housework in family of three In suburb mar Rockville; trolley; tele- 1 Phone 278-R3 or write 23 R. D. No. 2, j Harrisburg. . AVANTED —Two or three good rag sorters. Apply Keystone Iron and Metal Co., Broad and Wallace St. WANTED —Waitress for boarding- i 'house, must be willing; no objection; u color; good wages to right party.; Apply 1246 Market. j WANTED —One waitress (white), for IK lei at seashore. Address P. O. Bex 523, Harrisburg. HOSIERY looper wanted; full fash jioned; excellent opportunity for first 1 class, steady female operator: high icst wages paid. Give full particulars, including age, in own handwriting. Address A-79?l care Telegraph. WANTED —Housekeeper and second girl to assist with 2-year-old baby. Apply 28 X. 19th St. , WANTED Weavers and learners. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets ; J OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL I Felling and Sleeving Machines. j I JENNING- MANUFACTURING CO.. 2012 N. Fourth Street. | • HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female , j WANTED—A man to do janitor and ' i labor work or man and wife, woman to do da>''s work in an apartment; | also a man and boy for day laborer in country near city. Apply 1700 N. Sec ond street. SALESMEN WANTED SPECIALTY salesman, Harrisburg' ; and vicinity. Paying opportunity, long i engagement. Big business buys. also, many others. Tell us about yourself, i Work immediately. No big cash terms. ' Write American Business Company. Liverpool. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Salesmen i for well established wholesale confec- | i tionery business. Salary and commis sion. Only experienced salesmen need! [apply. D-7971. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE j > i NURSE wishes position taking care lot invalid or practical nursing; can' ; give reference. Address Box G-5275 j care Telegraph. ! I MIDDLE aged woman wishes posi ; tion at day's work in refined family. | Call Bell 337-B. j • WOMAN wants to assist with j {housework. Can furnish reference. 1 Apply 823 S. luth St. ! 1 WOMAN wishes to assist with ! housework or help with children. Ap | ply 823 S. loth St. ! WANTED —Day's work by two' women; can give good reference. Ap-I plv 305 Daisy St. ! UOOMS FOII KENT FOR RENT Furnished room on second floor; all conveniences. Call at 807 North Second St. „— , FOR RENT —Two nicely furnished rooms on the third floor, suitable for 'light housekeeping; hot and cold water; electric lights; use of bath; I fine location. Inquire 22 N. 18th st. ] FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with ; 'running water; centrally located; ap ply 9 N. Front street. ROOMS for rent in desirable loca-' ticn; immediate possession. Apply atj I 266 Briggs St. | 1 FOP. RENT Three unfurnished 1 !i corns at $2 each per week. 332 South I j Cameron St. I FOR RENT —Nicely furnished room j with running water and all convenl ' ences including phone. Gentlemen' I only. 324 N. 2d St. I FOR RENT —A large nicely fur nished second floor front room, suit | able for two; also one unfurnished I ; room; all conveniences. Apply at 111, j Evergreen st. Bell 4900-R. Three-room flat; all conveniences; ' also two rooms on third floor for light! housekeping; rent very reasonable. I leuli afternoon or evening 1002 N. 6th I Ist. i, ' | THREE furnished rooms for light' housekeeping, second floor front; all ] i conveniences; located at 1531 Green street; also one single front room. In-' quire 261 Cumberland st. FOR RENT —Nicely furnished sec ond-story front room, near Capitol;: all modern conveniences; use of both: phones; bath; permanent tenant de sired. Apply 721 North Sixth street. NICELY' furnished. clean. cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 1431 South Third street. ' 1 NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM—i for gentlemen only. Dial 4990 or 912 j North Third street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED —To rent by September 15. three unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, must be cen-: Itrally located; state price per month.! Address H-8271. YOUNG married couple; no children. | want three unfurnished rooms and l bstli or four room apartment by Octo- 1 ■!b*r 1. Address X. Y. Z„ care Tele-] ' graph. HAJTRJSBTTRG TELEGRAPH THAT EXTRA DESK in your of fice is MARKETABLE. A classified m r°A ■ ad will sell it for its cash value. Good kia desks are high priced just now. Used v |w| jnes, if in good condition, readily find via yjJ buyers at good prices. The same U3 Up • thing applies to any extra office furni- I'-Vj) yf4 ture or appliances which \ ■ u have, m Market them. m 1 a 1 I APARTMENTS FOR RENT j FOR RENT—Apartment of two llarge unfurnished. communicating! {rooms, one front with three windows; i large liall; line location; no children. Call at 1506 State st. Bell phone 2761 W. j A PAR'I'.MEN Th W ANTED DWELLING or apartment, six or more rooms in city or suburbs before i 'September 15 by desirable family. No' 'small children. Box R-8272 care Tele-j gey ph. I ] REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | | I "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLINY ! i STATE ST.. 1131—NEW; VACANT; I three-story stucco; 9 rooms and bath;, steam heat; gas and electricity; front! and rear porches; balcony and roof, garden; cement cellar; the best of lo- i cation for a rooming house; SSOO cash; ; balance in monthly payments. GREEN ST.. 1017 Three-stor.v| ]brick; lo rooms and bath; the best of; location for a rooming house; can be j 'converted into three apartments at a] 'very small expense; A 1 investment. ! PlkhY ST., 2341—NEW; VACANT; | Two-and-a-half story brick; 6 rooms;] bath and attic; hardwood floors; ce-1 ;meut cellar; steam heat; gas and | electricity; front and rear porches; 3o feet between this and the next prop- | lerty; best of location; a very modern, jhoim-; can be bought with SSOO cash. I DERBY ST.. 2143 Three-story 'brick: 9 rooms and bath; gas and electricity; all modern improvements, nice frcnt and back porches; cement .celiai; a very nice home; can be j bought v/ith SSOO cash. ' 17TH AND PAXTON STS.—NEW;! {VACANT; Two-and-a-half story; six j 'rooms and bath; steam heat; gas and electricity; front and rear porches;! side entrance with a nice big yard; will be finished in a few days; can lb* bcoeht with SSOO cash. j FULTON ST.. 1834—Three-story Iframe; 8 rooms; some improvements; all nice large rooms; very reasonable; no money down; $25 per month. ' LEMOYNE. Herman Ave.. 289 —One- half of a two-and-a-half story double frame; some improvements; nice front ! and rear porches; lot 150 feet deep dack to a driveway; right price to quick buyer; or small amount down land the balance same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room 1, Security Trust Building. , 36 NORTH THIRD ST. Bell 1390 Dial 3573 I' ' FOR SALE IMMEDIATE POSSESSION ! several prospective buyers hate 'said that the plot to the Bixler prop erty is too large, we are now going to cut the plot in two and reduce the .price. This property is located on the 'northeast corner of Dickinson and •Pdinceton avenue, Earlingtun. Camp ] Hill I-'a.. two blocks from car line; 'single car fare from Harrisburg; 2)4- I story frame detached dwelling; size] 131x31' stone foundation; shingle roof; cemented cellar under entire house; | ! a n improvements; three large rooms, 'and reception liall on first tloor( large, ] kitchen and extra large pantry) ; open j stairwav; four rooms and bath on 'second floor; unfinished attic; good; ivellow pine flooring; cypress finish;; Ih a t water heating system; front porch | Ox'il itar porch enclosed. Plot of ground 6VX120; granolithic walks;; Shade trees; chicken house which will accommodate 250 chickens; 17 fruit, trees (13 bearing the finest kind of j iruit)' variety of grapes, strawberry Plants good reason for selling. In-I ineotion liv appointment only. PRICE VERY REASONABLE AT *4500 | C - °- B^EN^ STOSS - Be'l I upii AurtiW 1} 0*2.1 700 HARRISBURG, PA. 3077-J | j pine residence. North st $20,000 ' Brick property. Camp Hill .... 12.U00 j Paxtang residence 17.000 19121 N 6th. brick 6,000 1912 N. Sixth St., brick 4,50u : 1631 Swatara, frame 2,400 11943 N. 4th. brick 3.000 j Brick building, garage 15,000 D. A. CALEY. : Bell 589. 707 Kunkel Bldg. j I I BUY YOUR HOME on the rental | payment plan. Small cash or Liberty I ' Bond first payment required, balance las rent. We have houses in every] part of the city and suburbs. Apply I !A. 1 Do run z, 1225 North Sixth street. | FOR SALE —Immediate possession,; ' centrally located. 7-room modern i I bouse; bath; front and back porches; iyard; desirable neighborhood; $2,600;] monthly payments. Apply owner. 212 Arcade building. Phone 2191. I ! hTEELTON PROPERTIES ' I FOR SALE —3-acre truck farm, 'mile east of Steelton, 10 minutes' walk i ; from trolley; scenic location; 6-roomi ! frame house, fine well water; 3001 ibcuilng fruit trees, all kinds; best ot i I soil, possession this fall. Bargain' j price $3,800. ' Also a 7-room frame house, good I I condition; lot 116 by 120; good gar iden; well water, two squares from l Itiolley; Dlinkle's Hill, Steelton. Pos session at once. Price. SI,BOO. I Also a double frame house. 8 rooms and bath; all conveniences, corner Fourth and Pine St.. Steelton. Price $5 000. Easj' terms. ' ' CHARLES DAVIES, i Agent, Real State, 1549 State St., | Harrisburg, Ta. Bell 1476-W I I'OR SALE —On easy terms. 2012 to 2ulß Susquehanna street. Apply A. jp. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth. (Continued In Next Column) ItKAL ESTATE l'Oll SALE ! T~ | BUSINESS LOCATION I West Fairview—2%-story brick, in heart of town with small out building. | suitable for business of any kind. V cry cheap. Enola Homes—All Imp.; corner I house; Leinoyne homes, all imp.; sin gle corner; New Cumberland, hut. (home; al imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; I lurge lots. | City homes of all kinds; easy terms. I pay as rent; some for cash. I j Farms—6. 10. 16, 30. 4C. 75. 96, 125 I anJ 17e-cre farms, from 3 to 12 i miles of Harrisburg. borne of these I farms with crops, stock and luols in ieluded. Possession at once. 1 Market Street—Three-story brick. ] (store room front, on Hill. j Apartment Houses—One or two cf the finest in the city. j Building lots at Camp Hill, Worni jleysburg, Enola, Riverside, Paxtang, I Progress, Belvue, uptown and sev- : (eral good factory sues. I I Investments Several rows ot j houses paying big interest. C. H. CORD ICR, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 660-J. I VACANT coiner, centrally lo cated; 9 rooms; all improve ments; electric lights; front, side and back porch; side yard; ten minutes walk to market Square. Several more I houses in all parts of city. Single corner in city; 2V4- stories; 8 rooms; all improve ments; side yard; fruit trees; stable 40x20 feet on rear of lot; electric lights; fine place for contractor or builder. Price $3,500. SSOO down. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 660-J. FENBROOK PROPERTIES FOR SALE —8-room brick house; lot 181x170; porches; large garden; chicken and hog house. Price $3,500. I Eight-room frame house; lot tSx 180; garage and barn; lots of fruit; 28th street. Price $2,500. Two 7-room houses on 29th street; all improvements; concrete walks; lots 20x190 feet; chicken house. Price $2,350 each. Also 2Su5 Canby street; i-room frame, all improvements, Also i 28th and Canby; 9-roorn frame house; i corner property; lot 65xlo0; all im ! provements. Price $5,200. I 17-aere farm; S-room house; large ! barn and chicken house; running I water; No. 1 truck soil; main road. Price $4,800. I Also 20 acres; scenic location; oest !of soil one-half mile from trolley; 2% i miles from Harrisburg; will sell one I acre U J> HAR , Ef( nAV iRS. AGT., 1549 State Street, Bell 1476-W. Harrisburg j WFST FAIRVIEW AND ENOLA PROPERTIES i For Sale —Grocery and market busi ness with store room. cor. property; hot 100x150 with garage and barn 2ux •to- no better business stand in West ! Fairview? Price building and lot, !*"also 12-room 2 V6 -story house; lot 156X160 on State street, West Fairview; electric light; gas range, porches, artesian well; large garden and fruit, chicken house. Price $4.j00. Also 5-room frame house; all im provements; lot 27x150; good garden land fruit, on Columbia Road, knola. I ''''uan's-niom frame house; all imp., ! Ooßimbla Road! Price $2,800. Easy i tCrm "" CHARLES DAVIES. 1549 State Street, ! Bell 147-w. Harrisburg ' VERY DESIRABLE corner property for sale on State street, large brick house With all most modern Im nroveincnts; brick garage on prop j erty Bell Realty Co.. Be. gner. Bldg. i CORNER property at Paxtang for liale- eight rooms and bath; gas; elec tric light - furnace; lot J0xlo, corner of Brlsban and Kelso streets. Bell j Realty Co., Bcrgnei ______ i CONFECTIONERY business for sale iin prosperous condition; good[ oppor tunity for a live man. Bell Realty Co.. | Bc-rgner Bldg. 1 y \CANT house for sale, 627 Relly street; 9 rooms and bath; gas; steam heat. Bell Realty Co., Beigner Bldg. VACANT house on corner of Six- I tcenth and State streets for sale; ten I rooms; l ath; all other improvements. (Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Blag. I for SALE —357 S. ISth street; 'brick house; eight rooms and bath; I gas - electric lights; steam heat. Call 1275-J Bell phone. Possession Sept. 1. FOR SALE—On Maclay street, west of Sixth st. a good 3-story brick house with all improvements for $3 GOO; possession soon. A. W. Swen ge'l, 2131 N. Second st. Bell 2575-J. IF YOU want a bargain In real es tate, see W. J. Reeves. 224 Market St.. Highsplre. Pa. Dial 9801. HOUSE for sale, 1612 Catherine st.; SIOO down, the rest same as rent. (Continued In Next Column, 1 r?EAL ESTATE FOR SALE | HAHRISBURG'S I REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. | BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. i For Sale—2-story frame dwelling. ! laoated at Camp Hill, containing 6 i rooms, batli. water, electric light, I front and rear porch and range, lot | 20x152. Price $1,650. i For Sale—l 237 Cameron St., 2-story brick, containing 6 rooms, bath, ce mented cellar, all modern improve i Intents. Price $2,300. i For Sale—l4lß Hunter st„ 3-story j brick, S rooms, bath, cemented cellar, water, gas. range and furnace, front land rear porches. Price $2,800. For Sale—Double 2%-story frame dwelling located Bosler ave., Le moyne, containing 5 rooms, bath each, electric lights and water; lot 40x150; price $2,5u0. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents, Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE —$150 cash or Liberty Bonds, balance same as rent, you buy a 2!-story frame house, bath, furnace heat and other improvements; paved street. 20-foot drive alley in rear, Hill section of Harrisburg. Now vacant. Move right in at bargain price. Apply I I 37 South Front street, Steelton or Dial ; 0107. j FOR SALE—A two-story cottage along Riverside drive, Rockville; elee itric lights and bath; front porch. lOx 125 feet deep lot; tine garden; fruit; | garage. Apply to A. \V. Swengel. 2131 N. Second st. Bell 2575-J. I. I FOR SALE—House 1955 Rudy St.; i large yard to drive alley; possession 'can be had by Oct. 1; also house on I Fulton at.; improvements. Inquire at j 2134 Green St. or Dial phone 3276. I FOR SALE Three-story brick [house with 0 rooms and bath in Ham ilton st. near Second, end house with ( live windows, open view; immediate I possession; moderate in price. A. W. | Swengel, 2131 North Second st. Bell j 2575-J. I FOR SALE—Bungalow; 5-rooms; 'water in kitchen; in lirst class eondi jtion; view of river and mountain; ! good location; lot 68x120; price $1,559. Located at 501 Bessemer st., Steelton. Cull or write John Anient, 213 Crescent St., City. FOR SALE—2O9 Calder street, now vacant, 3-story brick dwelling house; 8 rooms and bath; furnace heat; range: hot and cold water. 227 Boas street. 3-story brick dwell ing house; S rooms, bath, hot and [cold water, furnace heat. Can be seen I by appointment. | M. A. FOUGHT. 272 North Street. i 1 Real Estate For Sale or Exchange j VACANT —3-story brick corner, on I Hill; elect, lights; front and side ] porches; side yard; cheap to quick | buyer. j VACANT —3-story frame on Hill; j porches; nice yard. VACANT—2 H-story brick on Hill; all improvements; electric lights; porches; large yard to drive alley. VACANT —3-story brick on Broad st.; all imp. VACANT—North Sixth St., 8 rooms; : all imp.; side yard; porches; bay win dows, 7 years old. I VACANT —New brick on Hill; 6 rooms; all imp.; porch; newly papered. I FINE large brick house on Derry street. Several large homes uptown and on Hill. Some of these homes can be bought with two or three hundred ' dollars down, balance as rent. Will [take light touring car in exchange on ' some of the above homes. | C.H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 560-J REAL ESTATE FOR KENT | FOR RENT —Furnished at Perdix, 5- ; j room cottage, splendid location, fac ' . ing State Road near Rest Moor cub i in; possession August 18, reduction < for remainder of season; responsible i I parties only; cottage can be inspected any time by appointment. Apply to A. C. Young, 34 N. Second St. Bell 767. Dial 5439. FOR RENT —Small house; all im -1 provements; rent reasonable. Call 346 1 [ Muench St. REAL ESTATE WANTEI) 1 HAVE BUYERS —List your prop ' ertlcs with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es ! tato and Insurance, 1002 North Third ;! Street. Oflices and Store Rooms for Rent [ FOR RENT—Storeroom on South . [l3th street, sls per month, water in room. Apply 101 Evergreen st. FARMS FOR RENT FARMS FOR RENT I want three capable and respon ! sible renters for three of my farms. • i Each renter is to receive one-half the 1 i crops My farms are well located, i close together and each is very rich, productive land. Possession can be j had late this fall. 1 will enter into ! several years' contract with right men. I Each renter should have some live I stock, implements or some money 1 with which to buy them. 1 will give [some i'.nancial assistance to each man. I lit writing me state age, farming ex perience, from whom you have reni :' ed, amount of livestock, size and age lof family, implements you own and jvour financial condition. Give full par ticulars in letter. As my three farms ! are different sizes, state about bow ! many acres you want to farm. Also ' you might mention names of some I other good, substantial renters to iwhoni 1 might rent my other two [farms. Address C-8274 care Telegraph. FARMS 1 Farms for sale; easy terms, with or without stock and crops. "Ha. near Annvllle, SBOO. 16 a. 6 mi. to Hershey. $2400. ] 24 a. near Harper's Tavern, S2IOO. 30 a. near Hershey, S4BOO. * I 31 a. 18 ml. to Hbg., S2OOO. 37 a. 16 ml. to Hbg., SI6OO. 'i 40 a. near Grantsville, $4500. 68 a. 5 mi. to Hbg., "6500. 77 a. near Harper's Tavern, s4ooo. ' 94 a. 16 mi. to Hbg., $4500. 110 a. Cumberland Co. SSOOO. 120 a. near Hershey. SBSOO. , 160 a. Cumberland Co.. S6OOO. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut St. t ~ SEVERAL SMALL FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. (Continued In Next Column) AUGUST 12, 1919. I FARMS I i — ; j FOR SALE—Farm of 94 acres; 7 I miles from Harrisburg; 2 miles from Paxtonia; good buildings; level ground, fruit trees and good water. Apply Anthony Acrl, R. F. D., Har- 1 rlsburg. | FARM—9S acres of level limestone ! land; line producer. Brick house; bank barn. Well of never tailing water. Lo- I cuted ten miles from Harrisburg in | Cumberland county. For further do- | scrlption. call on E. W. Yohn, one of the administrators of H. W. Yohn Es tate, at 13 N. Fourth street. Harris- i ' burg. Fa. j j FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors we | • are offering for sale. We guarantee I . these motors to be in llrst-elass con- I . dltion and can make immediate de- ] livery. One H H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 360 it. P. M. One V H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. [ One >,i H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One V H. P. 22C V. 370 R. p. M. One % H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One M H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. . THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing : Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Hair filled mattress, value $35, selling price s2s>; Brussels ■ rug, 9x12. value SSO. sale I price $39. I • FORNWALT'S. 1321 N. SIXTH STREET. I I ' | FOR SALE I Dismantelling Harrisburg Reduc tion plant, Cameron near Maclay St. ! | For sale, boilers, engines, tanks, con • j veyers, pipe, shafting, pulleys hang ers, etc., etc. Inquire on premises. j LEBANON ENGINEERING AND SUPPLY COMPANY. 1 ATTENTION BUILDERS [ The slate roof, foundation stones L lnnd ornamental stone front of the j Board of Trade Building are for sale. ' I Look them over and make me an of : I fer. ■ I H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler, i 302 Market St. ■ j FOR SALE —Chickens, pigeons and tialso household goods. Apply 74 North 117 th street. l i FOR SALE —Toledo scale, A 1 con ' i dltion; for sale or will exchange for I'cash register. Apply 1529 North Third ■ 1 street. • [ FOR SALE —Steam heat boiler, 675 Isq ft. capacity; good as new. 1948 'lGreer, street. 1 FOR SALE —Brunswick-Balke gut ter pool table, A 1 condition. Price right. Address H. B. Fox. Middletown. 1 FOR SALE—AII kinds of building 1 material, including beams, channels, i rails, pipe, one hoisting engine and | motors. Apply Williams & Freedman. 'Sixth, below Hoffman's Woods. , I MORRIS SAYS save money buying 'inew and second-hand furniture here ■' High prices paid for furniture. Morris Sehmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. FOR SALE —Double flat top oak desk, 42x55; also Hurvord range No. ; i 32; both good as new. A. S. Miller, 118 th and State sts. I ' i BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 ! Inew, old. rare. In stock. Aurand s, 11925I 1 925 North Third. Circulars free. . I TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ' i CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCH ANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, i 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER ! BOTH PHONES J j FOR SALE—Lumber, tubes, tanks, {shafting, hangers, pulleys, belting, '| bolts, pipe, etc., dismantling plant. I { The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire. Pa. | FOR SALE—Two fumed oak mis sion chairs, one rocker; one station " ary arm chair, leather back and seat; good reason for selling. Call evenings after 6 o'clock or Saturday afternoon II at 1300 Swatara St. No dealers need I j apply- j! FOR SALE—One Smalley ensilage , cutter, ir. good order; can be bought J', cheap. Thirty-forty quart milk cans, . some good as new. A bargain for buy ler. John H. Pichter, Duncannon. • j . I FOR SALE —One-quarter horsepow ier alternating current coffee mill; T first class condition. H. Prouser. 524 J j Maclay St. FOR SALE —Coal range; six plates; waterback; large oven; with stove pipe complete; in good condition; price $25. Also one light oak full size ! bed with woven wire spring. Apply jil23 Pine St. Bell phone 2107. ! FOR SALE—Natural reed baby "'coach in first class condition. Inquire lat 1913 N. 4th St. i' FOR SALE —Entire household fur i niture; every thing In good condition; I house can be rented; location best in i citv For further particulars address ' Box J-8325 care Telegraph. WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS MAX SMELTZ ; I Second hand furniture bought and •old. Highest cash prices paid. Call ' Bell 1071R, or drop a postal to Max ' Smeltz. 1020 Market street. Will call. { city or country. Bell pnone 3239-Rl. JUNK —We are In the market for " all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974, or {i write L. Cohen 42 Co.. York street and *1 Ash avenue. ■ WANTED Storage for boxed "'pianos; first floor; must be dry. Yohn {I Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. - ~~ BELL PHONE 3370-J t 8. RIFKXN. ' CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE. > BOUGHT AND SOLD i HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. ) <O7 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA BUSINESS PERSONALS CUT your automobile bill in half by having your repairing done in your " own garage; all work guaranteed to Prove satisfactory. Write P. O. Box r 990 or can at 1024 Market St. A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. CXY- ACETYLENE WELDING -- Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygon. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First class work. Chilcoat Bros., 333 Harris street. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping G. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE PHOsPHO-QUININE will stave it off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED— Single edge, 25c dot., double edge, 35c doz.. razors, 25c. Gorges Drug Store. FURNITURE, china packing and re - pairing, carefully done bv R. J. Roy 'eter. 815 West St. Bell 81S-R. ] BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES STORE and news ugency in Me- < chamcsburg. Best location in town. * Owner moving to another state and will sell at bargain price. Address ,X-BSOI eare Telegraph. I GENTLEMAN wishing to retire will i sell shoe repairing factory paying s7s*- iup weekly for $950. Auto Salesman |Horst. Linglestown, Pa. ! FOR SALE—S2,7SO will buy the ! Flicker House with license, house and stable and lot 40x200 feet at Marietta Lancaster county. Inquire 2134 Green street, Harrisburg. Dial phone 3276 I FOR SALE—Very cheap, soda foun ; tain, eoflee urn. electric sign "Soda- '< Lunch;" stools. Address J. H„ Kaael j Gettysburg, Fa. | LIVE business lor a live man >n I nearoy town. Restaurant, confectioa i ery. cigars. Doing business of $42,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Dorauz. 1225 North Sixth st. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDs! LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GKEENAWALT, JR.. 130 Walnut Street. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 518-J MONEY TO LOAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES The entire cost of S2O for four months is $1.76 S4O for four months is $3.50 S6O lor four months is $5.26 SBO for four months Is $7.00 SIOO for four months is $8.76 Based on four equal monthly payments one month apart. Longer time If desired at lit the extra cost. Shorter time at less cost. Other amounts in proportion. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut Street. Under State Supervision. WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 4, 1919, to indivldu -1 als in need of ready cash, small loans a specially, business confidential, pa. - ( ments t suit borrower's convenience, .positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan . Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." ROOFING MR. PROPERTY OWNER:— A COAL FAMINE IS PREDICTED, A COLD WINTER IS PROMISED. ! YOU SHOULD HAVE YOUR DOOR : AND WINDOW FRAMES CALKED i NOW. i MAXWELL'S CALKING COMPOUND | KEEPS OUT COLD AIR, DUST, SOOT, i E"C. AND SAVES COAL COST. SPECIAL PRICES THIS MONTH. AUCTIONEER HITE. Bell 1875-J. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS THIS WEEK. S6O Universal mahogany phono graph: almost new; plays all rec ords. Price S4O SIOO Kimberly mahogany, phono graph: cabinet size; like new; plays all records SBO sllO Cheney; fumed oak; phono graph: like new; plays all rec ords. Price SBO Two Empire olden oak phono graphs; used about four months; cabinet size. Price each SBS $125 Cheney, mahogany phono- I graph: used very little: plays all records; price SIOO I $125 Columbia, mahogany, like new; cabinet size; price SIOO ! Easv payments may be arrang ed on any of the above instru ments. AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. TROUP BUILDING, • i 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. i! ; i . YOU have made the visit to music . houses, for a special Columbia record. . you have not found it. We have it Ppanglor Music House, 2112 North ' ' Sixth street "j TALKING MACHINES promptly and . ! carefully repaired by an expert only. [ ; OYLER'S 14 South Fourth Street. 'I HORSES AND CARRIAGES ! A horse for sale. 4 years old; also | buggy and spring wagon; one set of | harness; can he seen at 7 a. m. and ill p. m. Ernest Ogden, 24th and Noble J |Drive, Edgemont. FOR SALE —One Jenny Lind. good las new. ballbearing. Saylor make, Annvllle, one top buggy, rubber tires, •'electric lights attached, good as new, ■ I two sets of buggy harness, one new. [ijohn G-orge & Bros.. Linglestown, jPa., P. O. Box 16. I I FOR SALE—High grade horse: I guaranteed sound: safe to ride or drive anywhere: also runabout: har ' ness. saddle and light wagon. Inquire 1 B Dickinson. 505 N. 13th st Bell | phone 4773R: Dial 4201. HAULING AND MOVING Day and Night Auto Transfer WALTER C. CONRAD, Manager 341 Kelker St., Harrisburg, Pa. , Bell Phone 623-W. Dial Phone 35J8 -I HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped ■ for lurnllure, freight and piano mov-. ' ing No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. • 1 E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin -lAungst, Manager, Hershey. Pa. Bell • j phone 15R6. i j MANHATTAN. TRANSFER CO. ! Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a -I specialty. General hauling. Fifth and . Reiiy. Dial 6268. • • WE Move Anything. Anywhere. Any time. Price reasonable. Dial ' 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North > Third street. ' HICKS Local and long-distance f hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. - | ——— ; Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers