■ READING TO PLAY MIDDLETOWN-ST. LOUIS CARDINALS PLAY KLEIN TEAM HERE TOMORROW OLD-TIME SCORE BOOK IS STILL DOING GOOD SERVICE A Baseball in Harrisburg dates back * many years. There are still a num ber of fans who can tell many in teresting tales about the early game. Some have played baseball. One of these veterans is W. M. Mailey, "•who is a member of the Harris burg Light and Power Company forces. He writes the follow'ng in teresting story about an old score book which he has in his possession, and still doing service: The Harrisburg Light and Power' Baseball Club is using a score book that was in service nearly forty years ago. The book, all those years has been in i>oasession of the club's manager, who in 1882, played lirst base on the old National team and in 1884 was manager of the Clippers. This article will no doubt be read with a great deal of inter est by First and Second warders, since it will bring back in memory the rivalry that existed between the old Atlantics and Pacifies, when the games were played on "Tippett's Lot" now the site of McCreath Brothel's coalyard and on the grounds where the Central Iron & Steel Company mill now stands. No Gloves or Masks - "Tippet's Lot" was the mecca for baseball players from all over the clly at that time, and many battles were fought in big league style. Masks and gloves were not used very extensively for these games and broken fingers resulted; along with black eyes and bruised cheeks, relieved with raw beefsteak secured from Hamcr's and Keel's butcher shops. Among the names on the old book are those of many who are still liv ing, and will recall some of the t antes in which they played. Among them arc: Police Sergeant Amos A. Drnbeiistadt, who was quite a slug ger In his younger days; Alderman George A. Hoverter, who could catch flie3 in center and left, with the best of them. John A. Snyder, letter carrier and William Berry, the former a pitcher and the latter any old place except pitcher; Jake Tippott, second base; George Keil, pitcher; Otto Bowers, catcher; Willard Elder, shortstop; George Kennedy, truant officer, second base; Charles Sourbeer, pitcher; Frank Keffer, pitcher; Riley Copcland, first base; William Lehr, pitcher and one of the first curve line pitchers; Jacob Whiteman, Penn sylvania Railroad trainmaster, who FIRE BOYS WIN EXCITING GAME Hummelstown With a Fast Team Trims Crack York Athletic Champs Hummelstown Fire Company de feated York A. A. at Hummelstown Saturday, score 8 to 6. The game was exciting and full of pep from start to finish. Madden played a * wonderful game at first, accepting nineteen chances without an error, and had two runs and one hit to his credit. His work was of high caliber and very sensational. Keller had a perfect day at sec ond base and had eight chances without an error. Stewart was back in old form and scooped up eight all around short without mishap. Weaver had a good day at the bat, out of three times up he had two hits and one run. The one hit went far out in deep left and Weaver romped the whole way around with out much speed. Alcorn in Form ) Alcorn pitched a good game with the exception of one bad inning, the fifth, when York scored three runs on a base on balls coupled with two hits and two errors by Weaver. The fire company baseball team will be back with some real old sport again for two weeks when they will have their former twirler, "Mule" Watson, to help out in the Parksburg, Kphrata and Columbia P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. games. Owing to Hummelstown picnic to-morrow the game with the Harrisburg Giants will be played Wednesday evening. August 13 at 6.15. The i score: HUMMELSTOWN AB. R. H. O. A. E. Etter. if 3 1 0 0 0 0 ,V llordner, rf .. . 2 1 0 0 0 0 Madden, lb .. . 4 2 1 18 1 0 Brown, cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 Weaver, 3b .. . 3 2 2 1 2 2 Stewart, ss .. . . 4 0 1 0 8 0 Keller, 2b ... . 4 0 0 3 5 0 Hippenstecl, c . 3 1 0 5 0 0 Alcorn, p 4 0 1 0 4 0 Hassler, rf.... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 8 6 27 27 3 YORK A. A. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Young, If 5 2 2 1 0 0 Hildebrand, cf . 3 0 2 1 0 0 Freeman, 3b .. . 4 0 1 2 5 1 Klindinst, ss . . 4 1 0 2 1 0 Flohr, c 4 0 0 7 1 0 Price, p 4 1 0 0 1 0 Wiest, p 4 1 1 1 0 2 Dabler, lb 4 0 0 10 1 0 Corty, rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 36 5 6 24 9 4 Hummelstown ... 20400002 x—B York A. A 01003010 o—s Waynesboro Is After Two Famous Baseball Stars Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 11.—A lo cal industry, member of the Waynes boro Industrial League, is negotiat- ing for the services of Jack Hurley and Charley Dysert, to play with their club. Hurley was manager 4 and first baseman for Hagerstown , *in 1917. Waynesboro is paying well for the services of its men, over a hundred a month, in addition to their pay at the shops. One pitcher, who was a former Blue Ridger, made $l5O. Hicks Win Close Game From Army Reserve Team a In a close contest Saturday the ' Hick-A-Thrifts won over the Army Reserve Depot team, score 7 to 6. It was a nip and tuck battle from start to finish. The Hicks hit the ball hard in the sixth, and the Army boys came back strong in the sev enth and ninth. The score by in nings. Hick-A-Thrifts — R. H. E. 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 1 o—7 13 4 Army Reserves— -00100030 2—6 8 2 Batteries lrwin und Mell; *Uck and Bowen. MONDAY EVENING, played with the Fairhill, on grounds near Fourteenth and Regina streets; George Stucker, left field; Charles Stucker, third base; Martin Deisroth, left field. Those Who Hied Some of those who have since died are: Dr. John A. Fritchey, who was quite a pitcher at that time; Edwin K. Meyers, brother of At torney William K. Meyers, who kept amateur baseball going in the city after the professional game had taken a decided slump; Fred Erb, first base; John House, third base; Charles Dubbs, catcher; Tom Prim rose, pitcher; W. Tolbert, first base; William H. McCrone, umpire; Ver non Minnis, Tommy Reese, pitchers; "Bcenie" Watkins, catcher; A 1 Hocker, catcher; Albert Hamer, scorer and "Jake" Drauthy, who af terward got into faster company, be ! gan with these boys; James Y. Kirk, catcher. The catcher then took the pitched ball on the first bound until a man got on base or the batter had two strikes. Kirk was one of the first catchers who | stood behind the bat during the en tire game, in a game played at Seventeenth and Derry streets, when the Greenawalt Tannery stood there, the fence of which was the backstop and which was too close to allow the ball to bounce. Few of the Scores A few of the scores may be of interest to those who took part: National, 13; Fairhill, 4. Capital, 23; National, 2. Clipper, 14; Cap ital, 12. Atlantics, 14; Clipper, 8. Clipper, 7; Atlantics, 4. Pacific, 12; Atlantic, 11. After 37 years the old book has the following games recorded in it: Harrisburg Light & Power, 17; First Baptist Church, 11; Harrisburg Light & Power, 4; Pennsylvania Railroad Electricians, 2; Harrisburg Light & Power, 12; Evangelical Publishing Company, 5. A coincidence occurs in the book in that in 1882, A 1 Hocker played in the National vs. Clipper game, and in 1919, his son, A 1 Hocker played in the Harrisburg Light & Power vs. First Baptist Church game. The father playing in a win ning game and the son in a losing game. The old book will be in the dis play window of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company olfice, 22 North Second streeet., and can be seen by those who care to look through it and see their old records. HILL CHAMPIONS HAVE HARD GAME Heading Starts Post-Season Series This Evening With Middletown Mayor Daniel L. Kcister will pre sent Manager Charles F. Pressler, of the Reading Railways team, a beautiful trophy to-night, for his team, winners of the Allison Hill pennant. The cup is given through Shenk & Tittle, the sporting goods firm of this city. The presentation will be made during the progress of tho contest between Reading Rail ways and Middletown A. C. To-night's game is scheduled to bpgin at 6.15 and will be the first of a post-season series to be played by Reading. This team has won the right to play the winner of the West End league for the city champion ship. In order to keep the team in condition until the pennant has been settled, Reading will play games every evening. To-morrow evening Hershey will come to Seventeenth and Chestnut streets for a game. Wednesday night the Allison Hill All-Stars will oppose them. The attraction Thurs day night will be the East End, with Speece A. C. Friday night. The schedule for next week will be an nounced later. Middletown Team Strong Manager Wharton will bring his strongest lineup to the city to-night. Either Stickell, the former Leb anon Valley tossers, or "Bud" Menear will be the pitcher. Menear brought victory for Reading Friday night. Manager Pressler will introduce Bruce Mellinger to Hill fans to night. The lad is a brother to the famous Clyde Mellinger of the Kline team. Either Mellinger or "Lefty" Levan will bo in the box for the railroaders with George Swartz re ceiving. Keating at second base is another Lebanon Valley player. He made an "L" in football at quarterback; at forward in basketball, and as an inficlder in baseball. He is an all around star. Baumbach is also playing the best game of his career at third base. This boy is remem bered for his playing on the famous basketball quintet at Middletown High School several years ago when the team won 28 out of 31 con tests, taking the State championship. A large crowd is expected on hand to see this first post-series contest, with "Dick" Nebinger as the official. The Middletown lineup will be Stickell or Menear, pitcher; Dill, catcher; Aderholt, first base; Keat ing, second base; I'falin, shortstop; Baumbach, third base; Moore, left field; Schiefer, right field; Lockard, center field and Conklin, substitute. Harrisburg Giants Lose in Game With Terre Hill Terre Hill nosed out a victory Sat urday over the Harrisburg Giants, score sto 4. Lynch held the Giants to four hits, most of which came in the seventh inning. The Giants put up a fast fielding game, weakening in the eighth, just long enough to lose the game. The score by innings: Giants — R. H. E. 00000040 o—4 4 2 Terre Hill — 10000004 •—5 9 1 Batteries Gordon and C. Wil liams; Lynch and Stettler. Perry Loses Golf Match to Charles Zimmerman Charles Zimmerman, brother of H. E. Zimmreman, who was the winner of last year's city golf tournament, on Saturday afternoon defeated "Skip" Perry for this year's title. I'erry was beaten out at the thirty sixth hole, and the match was very tight throughout. It was played on the Reservoir Park links. It was announced last night that all tournament matches not played off before the end of this week will be defaulted. SNODLES By Hungerford RIVAL FORCES READY TO FIGHT Mays' Suspension in Court Tomorrow; Tris Speaker Has New Protest New York, Aug. 11. The rival forces In the American League fight occasioned by President Ban John son's suspension of Pitcher Carl Mays engaged in preliminary skirm ishing to-day preparatory to the hearing in the Supremo Court to morrow on the injunction to re strain Johnson from interfering with Mays' playing with the Yankees. The New York, Chicago and Bos ton clubs had representatives here for the meeting, called by tho New York owners to discuss the Mays case. Johnson arrived in New York yesterday from Chicago. One of the employes of tho New York American League Club was waiting on the station platform, and as soon as Johnson appeared he was served with papers in the injunction pro ceedings. Another Protest The announcement by Tris Speaker, manager of the Cleveland club, that he would protest the Yankees' victory at the Polo Grounds yesterday on the ground that a field rule had been violated, provided a new angle to the al ready bitter controversy. Speaker holds that the ground rule was vio lated in the first inning when Pipp went from first base to third on a hit to left field, when Grancy, tho Indian outfielder, threw the ball over Steve O'Neill's head into tho Yan kee dugout in an effort to catch I* rank Baker at the plate. Speaker contends that as the ball rolled into the players' bench, Pipp should have been allowed to go only to second, and that Baker should have stopped at third. Important Games Are on West End Schedule Weather permitting, there will be something doing every evening in West End series. Games this week will be of special importance because of the recent close battles. To-night there will be a bitter fight between the Enginemen and Firemen and Motive Power. The captain of each team has given notice that the fans may expect some surprises. It has been- real baseball in this league for a long time. To-morrow evening the Common wealth team will meet the West Und leaders. This contest also promises to be of unusual interest and full of ginger. On Saturday West End had little trouble in getting away from the Middletown team, winning by a score of 6 to 4. Winters pitched and allowed his opponents but six hits. Conklin was batted hard by the pacemakers 'of the West End. The score by in nings follow: R.H.H. Middletown 20001000 I—4 6 3 West End ..12101001 x—6 11 3 Batteries: Conklin and Dill; Winters and Knight. SPORTS IN GENERAL York and vicinity will send a big crowd of rooters to see the Klein- St. Louis game to-morrow. Francis Ouimet, golf champion, is ill at New London, Conn. Red Lion defeated the Hershey team Saturday, score 13 to 2. Williamstown on Saturday shut out Lykens, score 6 to 0. Messner was hit hard. Big game at Fourth and Seneca streets to-night. Joe Ritchie, of Lancaster, shaded Frankie Maguire, of Williamsport, in a fast six-round bout. Pal Moore and Nate Lewis arc re turning to New York on board tho Mauretania, leaving on the 23d inst. to meet Herman. They are going to Paris where Lewis may arrange a couple of contests for Moore before going home. William T. Tilden, 2d, of Phila delphia, won tho Newport invitation tennis tournament Saturday by de feating William M. Johnston, of California, two times a national champion, in the final match for the Casino trophy. Manager Gavvy Cravatli, of tho Phillies, has announced the trade of George Whitted to the Pittsburgh Pirates yesterday for Casey Stengel also an outfielder. Whitted has been captain of the Phils since he joined the team at Charleston, during the spring training trip. Local Boxers on Big Bill at Lancaster Next Week Several of the local boxers are to participate in the boxing carnival to be given at Lancaster next week for the benefit of the Seventh Ward Me morial Fund. Among them will be Sammie Schiff, has readily given of his services on occasions of this nature. He is to box an exhibition bout with his sparring partner. In connection with this the War Camp Community Service will iold a Community Sing at intervals dur ing the evening, and this as announc ed by Mr. Winston of the War Camp Community Service will be very novel in effect and perhaps the first com munity sing conducted under such an occasion. It is expected that upwards of twenty-eight hundred people will be ! present. I HAitrasßtma 555& TELEGKXPH NEW TEAM WINS IN FIRST GAME Port Royal Downs Leaders in D.-P. League; Newport Is Loser Dauphin-Perry Standing W. L. Pot. Marysville 9 4 .692 Newport 7 7 .500 Port Royal 6 6 .500 Duncannon 4 9 .308 Saturday's Scores Port Royal, 5; Marysville, 4. Duncannon, 6; Newport, 2. The Dauphin-Perry League race was tightened somewhat on Satur day when the two leaders, Marys ville and Newport lost to Port Royal and Duncannon, respectively. Port Royal was playing in its first game in the Dauphin-Perry League since it was awarded the Millersburg franchise. In both instances, the losing teams were playing at home. Port Royal got off to an early start, scoring two runs in the first inning and after that was never headed. Marysville made things look interesting in the last half, after two were out, when two runs were scored on a hit batsman and two singles. Troutman, hurling for Port Royal, was equal to the occas ion, however, and fanned Rutter, leaving Gerdes stranded on second. Mover Easy Picking Endeavoring to hurl his fourth game of the week, forty-one-year-old Harry Biever was easy picking for Port Royal, a total of seven hits being collected off his delivery in the live innings in which lie worked. Not a single hit was made by Port Royal in the initial frame, when the two runs were scored, but Biever was partly responsible. After Frank house had flied to left, Bailor was hit and H. Groninger was safe on Butter's error. Riden fanned by "Ike" McCord was walked and both Bailor and H. Groninger scored when Mutch dropped Hertzler's easy fly to right. Mowrer made his initial appear ance on the mound for Marysville and hurled a good game after he replaced Biever in the sixth. Two runs were scored off him in the eighth when three hits were made. Keller Is Star Keller was behind the bat for Marysville and caught a good game in liis initial appearance, although he showed the lack of experience. Hippensteel will be back of the bat in future games and Keller will likely be used in the outfield. Homeruns played an important part in Duncannon's victory over Newport, two of the five hits of the steel town lads being circuit drives. Ford and Dcarolf were the men who drove the hocsehide over the fence. Both Strickr and Conners were in good form, Strieker fanning eleven and Conners ten. Newport made bad errors at critical times, while the Duncannon hits came at oppor tune moments. The lineups and summaries: MARYSVILLE AB. R. H. O. A. E. Gerdes, ss 4 1 1 2 0 0 Rutter. 3b 4 112 12 Moore. 2b 4 0 0 1 2 0 Herman, lb ~. 4 0 0 10 2 0 Lightner, cf ... 3 0 1 2 1 0 Keller, c 3 0 0 7 2 1 Biever, p, rf ... 4 0 0 0 2 1 Mutch, rf 0 0 0 0 0 1 Mowrer, rf, p . 4 1 2 0 2 0 Stecs, If 2 1 0 3 0 0 Totals 32 4 5 27 12 4 PORT ROYAL AB. R. 11. O. A. E. Frankhouse. 3b, 5 0 3 2 6 0 Bailor, c 4 1 2 2 0 0 H. Groninger, 1b5111321 Riden, ss 4 0 0 3 4 1 McCord, 2b ... 4 0 1 4 4 1 Hertzler, rf ... 5 0 1 0 0 0 Sieber. cf 5 1 1 3 0 1 S. Groninger, If 4 0 1 0 0 0 Troutman, p.. 4 2 2 0 1 0 Totals 40 5 12 27 17 4 Port Royal ..02210002 o—s Marysville ..00200000 2—4 Two-base hit, J. Lightner. Sacri fice hits, Stees, Riden. Double plays, McCord to Riden to H. Gronninger. Struck out, by Troutman, 2; Biever, 6; Mowrer, 2. Base on balls, off Biever, 1; Troutman, 1. Left on ! base, Marysville, 7; Port Royal. 11. Hit by pitcher, Troutman, 2: Biever, I. Stolen bases, Gerdes, Bailor, Sci ber. Passed ball, Keller. Innings pitched, Biever, 5; Mowrer, 4. Time, 1.40. Umpire, Nebinger. NEWPORT AB. R. H. O. A. E. Gutshall, ss ... 3 1 2 3 2 1 R. Wagner, lb . 4 0 1 10 1 0 Shrefiler, rf ... 3 0 0 1 1 1 H. Wagner, rf . 4 0 1 0 0 0 Rush, 3b 4 0 0 1 0 0 Connors, p.... 3 0 0 0 4 0 Kepner, 2b .... 4 1 2 2 2 0 N. Wagner, cf . 3 0 0 0 0 0 Kearns. c 4 0 210 2 1 Totals 32 2 8 27 12 2 DUNCANNON AB. R. H. O. A. E. Waltz, c 3 1 0 7 3 0 DeHaven, If ... 3 0 0 1 0 0 I Hunter, 2b ... . 4 1 0 1 1 0 I Garverlch, cf .. 4 110 0 0 ! Ford, 3b 4 2 3 4 1 1 Dearolf, lb .... 4 1 1 1 9 0 I Barton, rf.... 3 0 0 1 0 0 Orris, ss 3 0 0 2 1 0 Strickler, p . ... 3 0 0 2 3 0 Totals 31 6 5 27 9 1 Duncannon.. 00010020 3—6 Newport ...10000010 o—2 Two-base hits, Gutshall, Kearns. Home runs, Ford, Dearolf. Sacri i lice hits, Gutshall, DeHaven, Barton. Double plays, Strieker to Ford, i Shreffler to Kepner. Struck out, | by Connors, 11; Strieker, 10. Base on halls, off Strieker, 2. Hit by pitcher, Connors, 1; Strieker, 1. Stolen bases, Shreffler, Gutshall, Strieker. Passed ball, Waltz, Kearns, 2. Wild pitches, Strieker, Connors. Time 1.30. Umpire, White. Wheat Tractor Runs 85 Miles in 6 1-4 Hours A Wheat tractor equipped with Firestone solid tires and drawing a two and a half ton tractor made the run from this city to Bloomsburg, Ta., last Wednesday August 6th, a dis tance of 85 miles, in six hours and 15 minutes. The next day it took part in a demonstration at Columbia Park, near Bloomsburg competition with other tractors. , This demonstration was in plowing and hauling traitors of stone. The next day it took part in the big parade that was held in j Bloomsburg to celebrate Old Home Week. i It left Bloomsburg Sunday on its return trip to Harrisburg, where it will take part in the big Pennsylva nia State Tractor demonstration at the Bennymead Farms to-morrow. This tractor with rts road wheel equipment creates much interest in tractor circles. It is the first tractor to be equipped with a road and held wheel equipment. With this combi nation equipment it greatly facili tates both farm and towing work. The change from the one equipment to the other takes but a few minutes. The plows used by the Wheat Tract or are the well known Oliver Chill plows. It will use these plows in the big demonstration to-morrow and Wednesday. 8,000 Union Men Expected to Join in Big Patrade Plans for securing a new labor hall, either by building at some suitable location, or buying a building, were discussed yesterday at a meeting of the Central Labor Union, at which 65 delegates representing 40 organiza tions, were present. The next meet ing will be held August 24, at 10 o'clock in the morning. Arrangements for the Labor Day parade were announced. Forty labor unions of the city, with about 8,000 men in line, will participate. Efforts will be made to have G. S. Eliot, member of Parliament, ad dross the Central Labor Union when he tours the United States. Mr. Eliot is active in labor affairs in England. Arthur Henderson a former member of the British War Cabinet, and also active in labor work in England, will speak in Harrisburg when he tours this country. The union committee will urge the food committee to purchase and offer for sale these commodities. The or ganization also went on record yes terday commending Council for put ting into effect the forestalling ordi nance. Lays First Stone For New Marne Bridge Chateau Thierry, France, Aug. 11. Major General Robert L. Howze yesterday laid the first stone of the new bridge which is to be construct ed over the Marne river, funds for which were raised by the American Society for the Relief of Devastated France. The old bridge was blown up by the American Third Division the night of May 31—June 1, 1918, to 'stop the German thrust toward Paris. The laying of the stone was the occasion for an Impressive cere- I mony, which was attended by Brig adier General F. W. Sladen of the Fifth Division, and many other American officers. General Maigne let of the French army, local no tabilities and the entire population of Chateau Thierry. Train Hits Auto and Kills Five Persons Clcmcntou, N. J., Aug. 11. —Five persons, all residents of Stratford, N. J., were killed yesterday when their automobile was struck by a passenger train on the Reading Railroad at a crossing near here. Four of the victims were members of one family. The dead are Morris Selezer and his 4-year-old daughter, Thelma; Simon Freedman, father-in-law of j Seltzer, his granddaughter, Sarah Freedman, and James Burkhardt, 8 years old. The motor car was struck with such force that it became tightly wedged on the front of the engine and was carried more than half a mile before the train could be brought to a stop. All of the bodies were badly mangled. Newspaper Man Will Visit Every Country Vancouver, B. C.. Aug. 11. —Charles W. Wood, a New York newspaper man, is scheduled to sail on the Em press of Russia on one of the most re- Imarkable assignments since Jason net •out to find the Golden Fleece. "Visit every country on earh and find out what the people want." This commission was given Wood by the centenary committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church. It may take him twenty years. It probably will. Wood's first stop on his trip will be at Shanghai, China. From there he will go up the Yang Tse Kiang river to interior China. His mission is not merely to "write up the mis sions," but to intrepret the needs of each country as expressed by its lead ers in every walk of life. ST. LOUIS TEAM TO PLAY KLEIN Cardinals to Be Attraction at Island Park Tomorrow Afternoon Those Klein Chocolate Company boys on Saturday hung up their thirty-fourth victory. They defeated Ephrata, score 3 to 2. Only six games have been lost by this bunch. Melling er pitched and had everything neces sary to win the game. To-morrow afternoon at H. A. C. field Island Park the Klein team will meet the St. Louis Nationals. The game starts at 3.45, in all probabil ity Manager John Brackenridge of the Klein team will have Mellinger in the box, with Walter Harned ready to go in at anytime. There have been num erous requests by local fans to see Mellinger work, and also want to see how Harned will show against the Cardinals. Harned Good Winner Harned has shown his calibre in two games, winnings from the Ath letics and Baltimore Dry Dock team. In the game with the latter he start ed bad, but proved that he has the goods and knows now to use his head, and had the batters chopping at the windup. Mellinger is a local boy. It is not certain who will start the game. In St. Louis lineup will bethe stare, including Heathcote the Glen Rock boy who jumped into fast company with very little preliminary work in league battles. Ilis work has heen of a high order and his hitting is keep ing him at the top of the batting list. It is probable that Fertile Schupp will do the twirling. The teams will line up as follows: St. Louis. Klein Co Heathcote, c.f. Hunter, c.f. J. Smith, r.f. Cranston, 2b. Stock, 2b. Wrightstone, 3b. Horns by, 3b. Kay, r.f. McHenry, l.f. Brannon, s.s. Dilhoefer, c. Kaufman, lb. Leslie c. Thompson, .f. Lavan, s.s. Trout, c. Schupp, p. Harned, p. Doak, p. Mellinger, p. Local Tennis Stars Are Winners Again Saturday Play in the Greater Harrisburg Tennis tournament was resumed this afternoon at Reservoir Park. On Saturday the Harrisburg Park Ten nis Association team won over the Schuylkill llaven, score 7 to 2. Local stars captured four out of six in the single matches; and all of the doubles. Next Saturday the locals will meet the Lancaster Country Club on the Colonial Country Club courts. The Reservoir courts will be occupied by players ir. the Greater Harrisburg tournament. Saturday's results follow: Singles Shreiner, Harrisburg. defeated Humphries, Schuylkill Haven, 4-6, 6-4, and 6-3. Blakely Schuylkill Haven, defeat ed Beard, Harrisburg, 4-6, 6-4, and 6-3. Yahn, Harrisburg, defeated Bur gon, Schulylktll Haven, 6-2, 6-1. Pollock, Harrisburg, defeated Cold ren, Schuylkill Haven, 6-1, 6-1. Black, Harrisburg, defeated Barn ford, Schuylkill Haven. 6-0, 4-6, 6-3. Snayberger, Schuylkill Haven de i feated Handshaw, Harrisburg, 6-2, and 6-2. Doubles Black and Koons, Harrisburg. de feated Bamford and Blakely, Schuyl kill Haven, 3-6, 6-3, 6-0. Beard and Shreiner, Harrisburg, de feated Humphries and Divers, Schuyl kill Haven, 6-4, 10-8. Handshaw and Pollock, Harrisburg, defeated Burgon and Snayberger. Schuylkill Haven. 6-4, 6-2. Prohibition Law Raises Hotel Rates, Say Liquor Meit By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 11.—Increases in the prices of hotel accommodations ranging from $1 to $7 a day have been put into effect throughout the country since July 1 as a direct re sult of the prohibition law, accord ing to a statement issued here last night by the Association Opposed to National Prohibition. The statement, detailing results of an investigation places the total figure necessary to cover the hotels' loss of liquor revenues at $500,000,- 000 a year. Many projected hotel plans have been abandoned because of the law, tt was stated. Imperator Brings Home Allied Game Winners By Associated Press. New York, Aug. 11.—Returning to the United States on the trans port Imperator, which docked here yesterday, were the officers and men who won all the prizes for America at the inter-allied games in Pershing stadium, outside Paris. With them was Colonel Joseph E. Thompson, athletic officer in charge of the games. Besides 5,602 troops, the Im perator brought home 205 nurses, 384 welfare workers, fifty general prisoners including a lieutenant j charged with cowardice, 78 soldiers' I : wives and fifteen soldiers' children. I AUGUST 11, 19m Rutherford Y. M. C. A. Wins With Magill in Fine Form Rutherford Y. M. C. A. had the best of the Bridge and Construction team of the Bethlehem Steel Inter department League,, winning Satur day by a score of 4 to 1. After pass ing the first man, Magill, pitcher for the Rutherford boys, struck out seven batters in order. He fanned fourteen men in nine innings. Two double plays with much speed were another feature of the game. The score: RUTHERFORD Y. M. C. A. AB. R. H. O. A- E. Wingard, 2b .. 4 110 10 Bell, ss 4 1 1 2 1 1 Geary, 3b 4 0 1 1 3 0 Peters, cf 3 0 2 0 0 0 Shaffer, if 3 0 0 1 0 0 Cochlin, c 3 0 115 1 1 Bender, lb .... 4 0 1 8 1 0 Jacoby, rf .... 4 1 1 0 0 0 Magill, p 3 1 1 0 4 0 Totals 33 4 9 27 11 2 STEELTON AB. R. H. O. A. E. Zerance, 3b .. . 3 0 0 2 2 1 Diffend'fer, 2b. 3 1 1 3 1 0 Whittle, lb ... 4 0 1 11 0 0 J. Sostar, c .. . 3 0 1 5 1 0 Cunningham, ss 3 0 0 0 7 0 Hoffman, cf .. . 3 0 0 2 0 0 Bulger, If 3 0 1 0 0 0 Snoke, rf 3 0 0 0 0 C M. Soster, p... 3 0 0 0 4 0 Totals '8 1 4 24 15 1 B. and C 00000010 o—l Rutherford 00000040 x—4 Two-base hits—Wingard, Bell, Bender. Sacrifice hits—Shaeffer, Cunningham. Double plays—M. Sos tar to Zerance to Whittle; Wingard to Bell, to Bender; Magill to Bender to Magill to Cochlin. Struck out— M. Sostar, 4; Magill, 14. Base on balls—M. Sostar, 1; Magill, 3. Left on base—Steelton, 4; Y. M. C. A.. 6. Stolen bases—Zerance, Whittle, Bui ger. Passed balls—Cochlin, J. Sos tar. Wild pitches—Magill. Time — 1.20. Umpire—Curran. Baseball Summary of Big League Battles AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York, 11; Cleveland, 4. Chicago, 1; Washington, 0. Only two games scheduled. Saturday's Results Detroit, 5; Athletics, 4. RESORTS AT ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. THE WILTSHIRE Virginia ave. and Beach. Ocean view. Capacity 350. Private baths, running water in rooms, elevator, etc. Amer. plan, special weekly rates. Booklet. SAMUEL ELLLS. CHESTER HOUSE, 15 & 17 s. Georgia Ave., nr. Beach. Two kQ9. from Reading Sta. $2.50 dly. sl2 up weekly. Mra. T. Dickerson. HOTEL BOSCOBEL Kentucky Ave., near beach. Baths, elevator, fine table, bathing privileges. American plan. Always open. Capacity 350. Booklet. A. E. MARION. AT ASUIJHY HARK, N. J. THE HOTEL THAI MADE SHORE DINNERS FAMOUS Plaza Hotel and GriJl On Ocean Front Asbury Park, New Jersey Headquarters For Auto Tourists European Plan Garage in Connection j Say KING OSCAR to your dealer a,nd pass him 7c, and then he will give you your money's worth of real smoke corufort. John C.Herman & Co. Harrisburg. Pa. Try One To-day Washington, 11; Chicago, 6. St. Louis, 5; Boston, 3 (Ist game), Boston, 4; St. Louis, 3, (2d game). Cleveland, 6; New York, 4. Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet, Chicago 61 38 .616 Detroit 55 41 .579 New York 53 42 .557 Cleveland 54 43 .556 St. Louis 41 44 .537 Boston 44 51 .463 Washington 40 59 .404 ' Athletics 27 67 .287 Schedule For To-day Chicago at Washington. Detroit at Philadelphia. Cleveland at New York. St. Louis at Boston. NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Cincinnati. 3; Philadelphia, 2 Chicago, 2; New York, 0. Pittsburgh, 5; Brooklyn, 3. Boston, 5: St. Louis, 1. Saturday's Results Cincinnati, 10; Philadelphia, 1 Boston, 5; St. Louis, 3. Brooklyn, 2; Pittsburgh, 0. Chicago, 3; New York, 1. Standing of the Clubs W. 1,. Pet Cincinnati 66 30 .68/ New York 58 33 .637 Chicago 52 42 .553 Brooklyn 46 48 .489 Pittsburgh 45 50 .461 Boston 37 45 .406 Philadelphia 34 35 .3 82 St. Louis 33 59 .358 Schedule For To-day Philadelphia at Pittsburgh. Only one game scheduled. MOUNT WOLF WILL WELCOME Mount Wolf, Pa., Aug. 11. The citizens of Mount Wolf are plan ning a welcome home reception and celebration for the borough's war heroes, the demonstration to be held immediately upon the return of the last local soldier. j Sunday Excursion TO Willow Grove August 17 SPECIAL EXCURSION TRAIN From Fare Lv.A.M. Harrisburg .... $2.50 6.00 Hummelstown . 2.50 6.18 Swatara ...... 2.50 6.24 Hershey ...... 2.50 6.27 Palmyra 2.50 6.35 Annville ...... 2.50 6.45 Lebanon 2.50 6.57 Willow Grove, ar. 10.15 (War Tax 8 I'cr Cent. Additional) RETURNING Special train will leave Willow Grove 9.00 P. M. for above stations. Tickets good only on date of excursion 011 above Special Train in each direction. Children be tween 5 and 12 years of age half fare. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad 13
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