18 Eight Perfect Scores Are Feature in Rifle Shoot Caldwell, N. J., August 8. — The second stage of the national rifle match was held here yesterday on the ,900-yard target range, eight of the 350 contestants making perfect scores of 35. Weather conditions were more satisfactory, although, owing to a slight breeze, windage was neces sary throughout the day. W. H. Richards, of the Winchester / A Ulll |A£ELft_UUmFLfY WI LlaiTTTiifCl n I TODAY ONLY SESSUEHAYAKAWA "The Man Beneath" As a Hindu scientist lie at tempts to rescue a pretty girl from a secret society. WILK^iCINTS Have you heard the COLUMBIA SIX A big-time act, direct from the Palace Theater. New York. It's an instrumental offering with plenty of 'jazz.' a—OTHER KEITH ACTS—A * Everyone a Hcadlincr REGENT Next Week IN MARY PICKFORD WEEK "America's Sweetheart" lii n different plot lire dully Mondn> Helieoen id Sunnybrook Fnrm Tuesday—Kngle'* Mate M ednedny— Nl'LlMK ThurNdny—lliildn from llollnnd Friday—Hurts Vdrlft Saturday—'The Dimn of u Tomor row Added Fentnre* AN'ill Include tlie Sennett Comedy Among TlioMe Present You ennnot afford to IUIMN II aliigle one! Tliey are the picture* tliat nade Mary I'iekford hold a p/noe in jour heart. Iteineniher themf Then you'll want to *ec these famous picture* again! You don't remember themf Lira clou*! What you've liilssed! ■ i Hl' II til I I ■■WIHINIH—■ IIBIIIM > 111 11l T _ a -w The Coolest place to spend n aum * COIA)I4L r;L^; rn u\x I Vjvyuvl'i TfirXiJ IlMk Jollr neighbor, who has. Tomorrow Only | "Fairbanks Day" S^aouG f the kind you never tire of 'THE LAMB' Bsmmm r~j He do=, m o re *. in IBF i' *" cture * or t^ie sa^e °* a f W p ' girl than in any other pic- ture you have ever seen. i h/IPTfiD I A TODAYAND SV 1 v 1 U I\ IH TOMORROW Tlio story of it beautiful girl wlio was raised in tlie Paris under world by Pierre, an Apache. She was trained to become a piek poclcct. Then her daddy returned from America, It's one of the year's cleverest productions. A great picture and a great star whose beauty is irresistible. ANOTHKK FEATURE AiTTRACTION CHARLIE CHAPLIN (America's greatest eomedinn) in his funniest picture "SHANGHAIED" When that boat starts rocking and Charlie becomes seasick the entire audience goes into one hilarious uproar. It's a picture that will make you hold your sides with lutightcr. FRIDAY EVENING, Arms Company, and Lieutenant Com mander W. A. Lee, U. S. M., who made perfect scores on Wednesday and yes terday, now total 70 points each. Oth ers who scored the possible 35 were Captain G. L. Wotykins, U. S. A.; T. P. Friacruz, Philippine Scouts; E. Philips, U. S. N.; Captain L. A. Prueff ner, lowa civilian team, and J. Wade, Wyoming civilian team. Among those shooting for individ ual honors is Lieutenant Perry O. Scofield, U. S. A., champion bullseye shot of the world, who will seek to break his record of It consecutive bullseyes at 500 yards. BASEBALL GAME WANTED The Speese A. C. is after a game for to-morrow afternoon and would like to arrange one away from home. All communications should be ad dressed to Samuel S. Speese, 200 Chestnut street, or Bell phone 2303. / \ Summerdale Dances Thurftday mid Saturday Evening* STRING ORCHESTRA AflitilsNion -10 c ami IHIv REGENT "THE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN" Extra Double Attraction Today and Tomorrow WM, S. HART lii tlic first appearance here of "Square Deal Sanderson" Also the Para mount-Drew Com edy Featuring MRS. SIDNEY DREW IX "BYNKKHED" , \ - KING KELLY WORLD'S CHAMPION BALLOONIST AND PARACHUTE LEAPER at PAXTAHG PARK—AII This Week Ascensions at -1 and 8:30 P. M. PARK THEATER The Metropolitan Trio Three Entertaining Girls IN MIRTH, MELODY and SONG 4 Other High Class Acts 2 PERFORMANCES NIGHTLY ADMISSION, 15c MATINEES THURS. AND SAT. fTAMUSEgfMENTsfg MAJESTIC High class vaudeville. Dare Brothers, clever acrobatic offering; Hooper and Burkhart, "At tie FOJ Chase" a sketch that's different; Maggie Le Clair and Company present "The Unfair Sex;" Walter! and Walters, clever ventriloquists Columbia Six, instrumental offerinf. pits lots of 'pep' and clean comedy. COLONIAL Today—Positively la<t slowing of Sessue Hnyakawa (in 'The Man Beneath." To-morrow Only—Fairbanks Day— Doug Fairbanks in. "The Lamb." I Monday, Tuesday atd JWednesday I Only—Clara Kimtlall I in "The j Better Wife." r VICTORIA i To-day and To-morjbw .Only—Olive I Thomas, the new screen star in | "Toton," a romanip <f the Paris ' underworld; also CJnrile Chaplin in | "Shanghaied," onc.of his funniest I pictures. REG M|T f j To-day and To-moifov—William S. I Hart in "Square peol Sanderson," | and Mrs. Sidney Prfiv in "Bunk ij ered." | Monday—Mary Pick/orl in "Rebecca I of Sunnybrook FAmi" PAXTANO PARK j Vaudeville—Two slbws every even- I ing. j Have you heard the Columbia Six iat the Majestic Tleater yet? This is | a real big time jAt the Majestic hold liner. It comes lide direct from the Pplace Theater, Ntiv York. It is an • instrumental offorny, with lots of 'jazz' and plenty <ff jomedy furnish j ed by a oimedian who is I an expert saxaphjm player. I This is only ole of the acts in store for the vauipville devotee. The I show is opened byJUre Brothers, two i clever acrobats. Walters and Wal- I tors, pleasing veiir'loquists are also •on the hill. The.v hive an act which | is said to keep oie audience luugli | ing from start til fnish. Another episoifc of "The Tiger | Trail" featuring tilth Roland is also I being shown. I This has surety >een a wonderful I week at the Colojiil Theater. Every .ar's attendance has I At the Colonial bettered all attend ing records. To-day will he the last tine Sessue Hayak iwa will be shotn at this theater in "The Man Beneath" The star as a Hodu scientist jtlempts to rescue a pi'ttty girl froi| i secret organiza tion who hold lifer to obey their whir. The petqre has met with heart'; approval by the crowds that saw it yesterdah . To-irorrow nil le Fairbanks Day. He will be shorn in one of his best pictures, "The lamb." This picture played bifore it-' this theater to enormous crotd\ but it has been brought ba-k by.request, it is the type of picure Mu'll never tire of seeing. Dojg Vcomplishcs more tricks in this-phObplay than in any other lie ever mad; Monday. Tuesda, and Wednesday of next week Clal Kimball Young will be shown in 'ty e Better Wife." a master tilm. • ""ndreds of poo* attended the I initial showing of a <j V e Thomas pie .... ,i . , A!* re J Harrisburg at At tlic A letoria the ctoria Theater i ( . yestqay. This star who is bound to be>me the most popular with Harrisb.g motion pic-- Tib ?°H sh-t - ime fa one of the daintiest flgui, evpr shown on any screen. Ksketl rv,mY, famous artist, hails hi aa thenmst beautiful woman in Arlca ve! h fn P "T y n S t„i.°." day a ' to-morrow jet in loton,' a roi, ncp t h„ Paris underworld. Tot. wa „ by Pierre, an Apache ißan He rais ed her as a boy, and traift j] Pr to be come the cleverest Pknocket fn I aris. Then her daddy oturned to 1- ranee l rom America ai ™ e S boy secured a position her dad's, studio. Than came the vorld war i Truly a wonderful Pictui pr ese nted in an appetizing manner. presentod Coupled with this attrac, n Charlie Chaplin. America's is being shown in "Sha. ha iedk picture that will make yoiinck more with laughter, than the oat doks with Charlie on it. at doea Oreat audienees greeted tyiinm q Hart at the Regent theater 'gterday in his nelfct Art- Hart at Regent craft picturc-gquare Deal Sandr so n " They delighted in the Play., 0 ' cail .; p bill Hart is out in the woo. West again, in a part he plays probfe,. K„,. ter than any other. Bill Hart's picture heads aioxeel knt double attraction. "Squa Deal Sanderson," will be shown to-v and to-morrow, and also the Paraounl- Drew comedy featuring Mrs. jdney Drew in "Bunkered." a golf st v j Next week will he Mary Ptford week at the Regent theater. Frons of the playhouse have been requting return engagements of some of^fj aa Pickford's most popular plays, .pro gram has been arranged of thtq c . turps, which have made Mary c g_ ford "America's Sweetheart." ' erp will he a different picture every av There will he added features ing the latest Mack-Sennett conj v 'Among Those Present." To-morrow ICins Kelly do a few more fancy aeronautic stu s for the crowds at F- Thc Show tans. Kelly says the at I'nxtiins are a scent many da- devil stunts one can ■> in the parachute same if one 1 tit to flirt with the inevitable. The Kil stems to enjoy this sort of fllrtatb and never seems to count on t) chances he takes. He just flsures new feat out and it always seems so through. For to-morrow's special exhlbltio Kelly will use at least two "chutes GAJIh AT PAXTANG folded in such a way as to make theh Swatara will meet the Liberty nine open in a most spectacular and thriiat Paxtang Park this evening. Each ling manner. 'cam has won a game, and tonight's This week's show at the Park will decide the honors, aler with The Metropolitan Trio, as the fenture attraction, is a part of the* park entertainment. A special mat- . inee will be Riven in the Park theater at 3 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. West End Leaders to Play Middletown Champions West End leaders in the big league will play Middletown to-morrow eve ning. The game starts at 5 o'clock. It promises to be a contest full of real baseball fighting. Middletown defeated West End several weeks ago and to-morrow's battle will be for blood. It has been intimated that Maneer the new wonder created In Middle todn will do the twirling for their team, and if this is the case the Enders will have to travel some fast clip to win. The management may spring some surprise in the way of a new twirler. The Middletown team wll have their same line-up that whitewashed the Enders a few weeks ago, and they will be accompanied by a delegation of strong lunged rooters. The West End Management is having every thing put into first class shape to handle one of the largest crowds of the season. Take a Third street car and get oft at Fourth and Seneca streets. SENECA TAKES TWO The Seneca nine of the West End Junior Leaguo Inst night took both games of a double-header from the Eagles, scores 6 to 5 and 12 to 11. In the second game tho score stood at the end of the fourth Inning 11 to 0 against tho winners. However, the Seneca nine rallied and in the eighth Inning had the score tied. In the ninth Hylan doubled and stole third. Smith got a pass, and Hylan stole home, winning the game for Beneca. HJURRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH LIVE SPORTING NEWS PORT ROYAL TO START TOMORROW i jWill Tackle Marysville Satur day Afternoon; Big Game at Newport Standing of the Teams W. L. Pet. | Marysvillg 9 3 .750 | Newport 7 6 .538 I Port Royal 5 6 .455 | Duncannon 3 9 .250 To-morrow's Games Port Royal at Marysville. Duncannon at Newport. Port Royal will make its debut in I the Dauphin-Perry League, replac | ing Millersburg, to-morrow after i noon. The newcomers will line-up I against Marysville on the Seidel Park grounds in the Perry county town. The Juniata countians will present a fast team and a hard game is anticipated by Manager Stees' Marysville proteges. Duncannon will go to Newport to seek revenge for her defeat in the seventeen-inning game at Duncannon last week. Manager Beaver's hurling choice is uncertain, but it is expected that Hertzler, formerly with Duncannon, will be on the mound. However, the choice may fall on either "Jake" Groninger, one time with Newport: Melvin Frankhouse, formerly of Newport and Duncannon, or F. ; Frankhouse. Bailor, formerly with | Halifax, will be behind the bat. The remainder of the line-up is expected jto include H. Groninger on first; i McCord at second, M. Frankhouse at I third, Riden at short, and Hertzler, Sieber and S. Groninger in the out tield. Biever to Pitch Marysville expects to put up a ■ hard fight and practically the same line-up that has been used in pre vious games, will take the field to- ! morrow. Harry Biever will be Man- ' ager Stees' mound seieiction with ' Mower in reserve. Lester Keller, | returned soldier, will don the mask | and protector tfiis week, with Ellen-, berger and Mutch being held in j reserve in case he fails to hold out. j Hippensteel is not eligible until I next Saturday against Newport. I Ellenberger will get the call for right tield. Duncannon and Newport, old rivals, will line-up in Newport to morrow afternoon in efforts to break the deadlock in this season's series. Each tea mhas won two games and one contest has resulted in a tie. which it is expected will be played off later in the season. Strieker in tlic Box Ed Strieker, formerly of Newport, will endeavor to gain revenge with Duncannon on his old team mates j for the two defeats they have ad- I ministered unto him in the two starts | made this year by the team. "Os" ! Waltz will be behind the bat for j Manager Duncan's combination and practically the same line-up as ap peared last week. Newport will use the regular line up to-morrow afternoon. "Dutch" Connors is expected to draw the hurling assignment. Joe Kearns will likely be sent behind the bat, al though Swartz, of the Reading team of the Harrisburg Allison Hill League, may be used. Seniors and Juniors Win in Playground Contests Yesterday's winners in contests at tlie McCormick Island playground camp for boys was as follows: Senior Tether Ball —Won by Paul Wissler; second. Otto Haas. Junior Tether Ball Won by Earnest White; second, Harry Young. Senior Quoits Won by Charles Krause; second Paul Wissler. Junior Quoits —Won by Earnest White; second, William Meek. Junior Tennis Won by Harry- Young; second, V. Grant Forrer, Jr. Senior Camp Pennant Won by John Deshong, 61 points; second, W B. DeCliant, 66 1-2 points. Junior Camp Pennant Won by- Earnest White, 59 1-2 points; second Harry Young, 58 3-4 points. Hummelstown Fire Team Has Big Schedule Ahead Hummelstown Fir e Company team will play York A. A. Saturday after noon, and on Tuesday evening, Aug ust 12, the Harrisburg Giants, a col ored team that has been traveling a fast clip of late. Next Friday eve ning they will try to arrange a game with the Hershey A. C. The proceeds of this game to go for the benefit of the big Labor Day celebration. Hummelstown Fire Company is scheduled to play the Ephrata team and the Parkesburg team, which has lost but two out of 29 games, in the near future. VICTORIA MONDAY TUESDAY aEORGE WALSH THE WINNING STROKE" Another Wonder Picture I KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT & I fPi MBi-SHOEiDBESSI I I ' f For Womens. Childrens,. • ' " 1 't T \ X ■Sifc. and Mens Shoes.' " Liquid and Cakh * nTTI TT"y~y--| \ ■ Tvu 1 r>nL ' LV COarOliAl IQN-, 1 MITED. BurCALO MY. >-J HxMvMMRXMHNxxxxHHMNHMHNWINRNSMiRMHHHBHBHHHHHHHHI Swatara Team Bows to Hygienic League Team Standing of tlic Teams W. L. Pet. East End 27 9 .750 I Swatara 20 18 .526 I Hygienic 12 19 .393 Summit 9 22 .290 Swatara last evening bowed to the Hygienic team, the latter taking the City Junior League game, score 8 to 2. The Swatara team outplayed their opponents in every point, "Micky" Shover gathering in every thing that came his way, nabbing six assists, one put-out with only one error which could be excused owing to the bad rut around second base. McLinn was also a good boy at third. To-night Hygienic will meet the East End leaders. The score: SWATARA All. R. H. O. A. E. Shaefer, lb. If. 3 1 0 3 0 0 Kirby, 2b. cf. .. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Nye, c 3 0 0 4 1 0 Shover, ss 3 0 1 1 6 1 Simmons, cf. ... 3 0 2 0 0 0 McLinn. 3b. ... 2 0 12 10 Ellenb'ger, If. 2b. 3 0 0 1 1 0 Hoover, rf. ... 3 0 0 0 0 0 Lentz, lb. p. .. . 2 1 1 1 1 1 Kurtz, p 2 0 1 0 2 0 Total 27 2 6 18 12 2 HYGIENIC AB. R. H. O. A. E. Sharon, ss 3 1 0 0 2 3 Nickey, If 1 1 0 3 0 0 J. Avery, 3b. .. 4 1 2 5 1 1 C. Hildebr'd, 2b. 4 2 2 2 2 0 Juptanoski, lb. 3 115 0 0 Eshelman, cf. . 3 110 0 0 Metha, rf 2 1 0 0 0 0 H. Hildebrand, c. 3 0 1 6 1 0 J. Avery, p. ... 3 0 0 0 1 0 Total 26 8 7 21 7 4 Swatara 1 0 0 0 0 1 o—2 Hygienic 5 3 0 0 0 0 * —B ENHAUT A. C. TO MEET The Enhaut Athletic Club wil hold a business meeting on Friday eve ning at the Goodwill Engine House. New officers and a football man ager for the coming season will be elected. Enhaut has been inactive in ath letics during the past two years on account of the war, but expects to stage a comeback by putting a good football team in the field this fall. M# are the most refreshing, satisfying cigarette you I I ever smoked! Put all your cigarette desires in a bunch, then / Ijl buy some Camels, give them every taste-test and know for your //f ?*ZtVtlL\°i%lelZ^ T k. own satisfaction that in quality, flavor, smooth-body and in many / //// ages of 30 cigarettes or ten other delightful ways Camels are in a class by themselves! IjII packages <3OO cigarettes) in \ \ ! /l carto" We Z7oZg]y°recom. Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice \ \| mend this carton for the Domestic tobaccos. You'll not only prefer this blend to either f\ \ ZtZnyVu °Zt"ei'" Pply or kind of tobacco smoked straight, but you'll appreciate the remark /\ U \ R - J- Reynold. Tobacco Co a^e full-bodied-mildness and smooth, refreshing flavor it pro [k \ Win.ton-Saiem, N. c. ° vides! Camels are a cigarette revelation! \ \ 10 nrlr Camels win you in so many new ways! They not only permit \ \ CKage y QU srno fc e liberally without tiring your taste but leave \ \ no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! / „ .mi, m, Compare Camels with any cigarette in the \ \ A world at any price! You'll prefer Camel quality to premiums, coupons or gifts! | letters to the editor I Farm Labor Scarce To the Editor of the Telegraph: New Cumberland, Pa., July 25.—1 thing the high cost of produce is caused largely by the scarcity of good farm labor. The average farm is only half supplied with good help, the result is only half the work ia done and muyh of it neglected. A , few years ago nearly every farmer would raise some special crop. TIII3 consisted of berries, potatoes, coin and truck of various kinds. Now the most of the farms are only pro ducing grain. Many small farms that formerly were truck farms the occupants are working in towns and are neglecting their land. The eight hour work day with eight hours so called for pleasure, is the cause of most trouble. The average laborer in'town and country performs less than two-thirds the amount of work that was done ten years ago and wastes more for pleasure and fo" nonessentials than was earned by the average man twenty years ago. 1 have farmed, trucked and attended the Harrisburg markets for twenty live years and sold an average of 100 loads of produce in the city markets a year, now we sell a few eggs and chickens. I believe that any action taken by the city authorities relative to the controlling of the city markets will have a bad effect on the few producers. Many persons have a special line of produce that Is brought into the market and have more than four times the amount they are able to retail, and if they are not permitted to wholesale they will quit coming to market alto gether. If I were to truck and pro duce various articles suitable for market again I would not stand in any of your city markets to be in sulted and have produce stirred and spoiled by some persons who do not ; seem to know what is right. The country is large and there remains many broad acres to be tilled by any one that is willing and wages have increased three hundred per cent, within the last fifteen years. Give us more good workers. A subscriber. W. H. SIX)AT. Typos Get Sunbury Band For Labor Day Parade Typographical Union No. 14, of this city, has secured the Gaskins l band, of Sunbury, for the Labor I Day parade, September 1, it was an- I nounced to-day. This band consist i AUGUST 8, 1919. of thirty-six pieces and includes a singing quartet. It is said to be one of the best musical organizations in the State. It is believed that nearly 20ii members of the union will be in the line of march. In addition the stereotypers, bookbinders and press- Now Is a Good Time to I Drive Out Catarrh j It May Not Be Troubling You i During the Warm Weather, j But It Is Still In Your Blood Catarrh is not only a disgusting disease but is a dangerous one, and yon should never let up in your efforts to get it out of your system until you have done it thoroughly. Get. rid of it, whatever it costs you in trouble and money. Mild weather will aid the treat ment and this is an excellent time to thoroughly cleanse the blood of the germs of Catarrh and be for ever rid of the troublesome sprays and douches that can only relievo you for the time. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable blood remedy, made from roots and herbs direct from the forest, which Vitolyn IS DIFFERENT When Vitolyn, Nature's Tonic | Herbs appeared, it was so radically ■ different in composition and result, [ as to really revolutionize the entire j theory on Herbal Tonics. It differs from others in this way: 1. It acts on the entire system by first toning the liver by removing the excessiveness of bile. 2. It helps the Stomach digest all the food you eat separating the good from the bad, the Good making Red Blood Corpuscles which gives us our Strength and Vitality, the Bad being, eliminated through the bowels. 3. It acts as a Mild Positive Lax- | ative and in a short time will insure | perfect regularity. men will march behind the same "* band. ARE YOU Suffering from CATARRH? For quick relief. The MAN-HEIJj In. lialer. Demonstration at Gorga*' Pharmacy, 16 N. Third St.—Adv. . combat promptly disease germs or impurities in the blood. This great remedy has been used for more than fifty years, with most satis factory results. It has been suc cessfully used by those afflicted with even the severest cases of Catarrh. It relieves catarrh, for it treats the disease at its source. S. S. S. is sold by druggists every where. For the benefit of those afflicted with catarrh, we maintain a medical department in charge of a specialist skilled in these diseases. If you i will write us fully, he will give your i case careful study, and write you just what your own individual case i requires. No charge is made for this I service. Address Swift Specific Co., 262 Swift laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. 4. It purifies the Blood and given j the Strength which puts the "Life" 1 and "Pep" in you that Nature in [ tended. 'Vito' means 'Life.' Start taking Vitolyn today and en joy Everlasting Health. Be sure you got Vitolyn, the Genu ine Tonic of Herbs and avoid sub stitutes. Put up in Tablet Form only, for your convenience, and is | sold by the following druggists: | Kennedy, Gorgas, Golden Seal, For | ney, Keller and all other druggists. 1 Stevens Medicine Co., Inc., 54 8 I Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. | Also Manufacturers of Stevens Ca | tarrh Compound, a sure preventive i of Hay Fever.
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