12 33STATESNOW ORGANIZED IN SECURITY LEAGUE Great Educational Campaign j Against Un-American Doc trine to Be Prosecuted New York City, August 8. The eetnpletlon of organization In five ad ditional states of the National Se curity. League's great educational campaign to combat the spread of un ! American doctrines by the populari sation of the Constitution of the United States, was announced by the League to-day. This brings the total of states In which detailed organiza ) tion for the promotion of the cam , palgn has been perfected to 33. In •each of these 33 states, a State Direct or has been appointed to supervise 'the popular propaganda interpretive of the Constitution, which is to cul minate in a nation-wide celebration of "Constitution Day" on September 17, the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution. The National Security League has Motorman Not Losing Any Time "I don't think anyone ever suf fered more from stomach trouble and bloating than I have. I had to lay off my run more than half the time and could get no help from prescriptions or medicine. One of my friends advised using Mayr"s ■Wonderful Remedy, which I found to be the greatest remedy ever put on the earth. I have not lost a day since taking it. It is worth its weight in gold." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from the in testinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all ■tomach. liver and intestinal ail ments. including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re funded. GUARANTEED STOMACH REMEDY FOR SOUR ACID STOMACH, NERVOUS INDIGESTION, CONSTIPA TION, HEART PALPITATION, DIZZINESS, HEARTTBURX, BELCH ING, SICK HEADACHE AND ALL STOMACH MISERY. Mag Rhu contains no harmful | 405 Market street: the Kennedy Srugs, no alcohol. Drug Co.. and by all other drug- Prompt results in cases of long gists. If your druggist cannot sup- Standing, when everything else you ply you, write direct to Mag Rhu have tried has failed. One box will Company, and a box of Mag Rhu convince you of its merits. Price of will be sent postpaid upon receipt box refunded if, after a thorough of SI.OO. Address Mag Rhu Corn trial according to directions., you do pany, 207-20S Fitzsimmons Building, Slot get results, Pittsburgh, Pa. State if you want Sold by Croll Keller, the druggist, , Tablets or Powdered form. Mentzer-Romberger Mfg. Co. TRIMMING STONE AND FACE BRICK Removal Notice i; Removed From Eighteenth and Chestnut Streets to their New Plant Eleventh and Forster Sts. i; S. F. MENTZER. jj 432 Market Street Liceue No. 0-35300 I Specials For Saturday, Aug. 9,1919 Morning Specials Until 12 Noon Picnic Hams, any size, lb 28c Sirloin, Pin and Round Steak, lb. . 30c 1 Sliced Bacon, lb 40c I I Veal Chops, lb 25c Choice Chuck Roast, lb. 20c Pork Roast, lb 32c Frankfurters, Smoked or Fresh Sausage, lb 22c Lamb Chops, lb 20c All Day Specials Sliced Liver, 2 lbs. for 15c Top Rib or Fleshy Boil, lb 18c Pickled Pigs' Feet and Tripe, 1b... 10c Butchers' Bologna, lb 22c No. 10 pails Compound, used as lard $3.10 B. B. Special Butterine, 2 lb. rolls, 60c Pound 32c Fresh Sea Trout, 2 lbs. for 25c 2 cans corn All For 2 cans peas fZ 1 can pork and beans Markets in 65 Cities of 14 States Main Office, Chicago Packing Plant, Peoria, 111. ftll Meat Government Tpspoete<l. All Goods Purchased Guaranteed or Money "Vftindcd. FRIDAY EVENING, enliated the active co-operation In this movement of the other leading patriotic societies of the country and of many of the most prominent men and women of America in both public and private life. The Constitutional Celebration Organization Committee, whtch Is the central supervising body, consisting of representatives of the National Security League and affili ated societies, is headed by Dr. David Jayne Hill, historian and diplomat. The Constitutional Colebration Hon orary Committee is composed of lead ing citizens in all parts of the coun try, Including the governors of 21 states and the mayors of over 100 large cities. In llemotest Sections The State Directors in the various I states, assisted in many states by As sistant Directors in each county and in all states by the local members of the Honorary Committee and the lo cal branches of the societies affiliat ed in the Organization Committee, will circulate the National Security League's Constitutional interpretive literature and guarantee the celebra tion of "Constitution Day" in ail sec tions of their respective states. Men of national prominence will make ad dresses at the more important "Con stitution Day" meetings. One of the most notable "Constitu tion Day" gatherings will be that to be held under the auspices of the Na tional Security League in Carnegie Hall, New York City, on the evening of September 17. The League will an nounce the speakers for this meeting in a few days. All the other large cities of the country will have big meetings. The Security League states that it will have the entire country organized under State Directors in all the states in a short while, so that the "Constitution Day" celebration will be participated in by the loyal citizens in the remotest parts of the country. Pennsylvania Plans Frederick Hill, of Pittsburgh. State Director for Pennsylvania, is a lead ing member of the American Legion and will enlist the co-operation of the many Legion posts in this state. James F. Rice, of Pittsburgh, who saw a year's active service overseas, including the battles of Orcuq, Vesle, and Argonne Forest, is Assistant Di rector for Allegheny county. The lo cal branches of the Spanish-American War Veterans, Veterans of Foreign Wars, G. A. R.. Sons of Veterans, and Mothers of Democracy are actively participating in the Pennsylvania compaign. BROTHERHOODS PREPARED FOR RAILROAD STRIKE, RAILWAY AGE DECLARES New York, Aug. 8. That the leaders of the railroad labor brother hoods "are fully -prepared to call a general railroad strike for the purpose of forcing Government ownership and employes' manage ment of the railroads upon the American people," is the opinion expressed by the Railway Age in an editorial in its current issue. "The railroad labor leaders are plainly trying to create a labor sit uation which will convince the public and Congress that a return to private operation on January 1, as announced by the President, is impractical," the Railway Age says, "and it is beyond serious question that they are prepared to take the same steps to force iCongress to adopt the Plumb Plan of Govern ment ownership that they took to force Congress to pass the Adamson Act. Rumors Come True "There have been sinister rumors for several weeks that the leaders of the labor brotherhoods were quietly preparing, first, to prevent the return of the railroads to priv ate operation, and then to force | Government ownership and em | ployes' management. The shop crafts and Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen already have given notice that they will strike unless demands which they have presented to the Railroad Administration are favor ably acted upon, and several serious strikes of shop employes already have occurred. Among the most ominous signs are statements which are being made by the labor leaders. W. G. Lee, president of the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen, said before the Board of Railroad Wages and Working Conditions in Wash ington last week: 'The war is over, but peace is not before us, or I am a poor prophet. We are nearer war to-day, I believe, than when the Kaiser threw down the gauntlet." L. E. Sheppard, acting head of the Order of Railway Conductors, also said: 'They tell us that the railroads are going back in January, but mark HOOVER STOPS RELIEF SUPPLIES 1 TO RUMANIANS No American Troops in Bud apest and None to Go There By Associated, Press. Paris, Aug. B.—Herbert Hoover, head of the Inter-AUied Relief Com mission, has stopped all relief sup plies on their way to. Budapest, tak i ing the position that he would be I | unwarranted in letting supplies J reach Hungary while the Rumanians are now depriving the people of j foodstuffs. Members of the American peace j ! delegation said that there are no , American troops now in Budapest, j and that none will be 6ent there. It j was added that the only Americans i in the Hungarian capital are offi- j cers, and possibly a few soldiers ; engaged in relief work. The Supreme Council has sent a : nqte to the Rumanian authorities begging them to conform to the de- ! cisions of the Entente and not to ; I embarrass by previous decisions the ; work of the Inter-Allied Investigat- j ing Commission sent to Budapest. A dispatch from Vienna byway of ; I Copenhagen to the Exchange Tele- ! ! graph Company says that the United i States has sent an ultimatum to I Rumania demanding withdrawal of t the severe armistice terms present t ed to Hungary, on pain of a cessa- ■ | tion of the shipment of food to Ru- ■ [ mania. Baseball Summary of Big League Games NATIONAL, LEAGUE Yeaterduy's Results I Chicago, 6; Boston, 2. Cincinnati, 13: Brooklyn, 0. Philadelphia, 5; Pittsburgh. 3. ; New Vork, 5; St. Louis, 4. Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet. I ! Cincinnati 63 30 .678 I New York 58 30 .659 ; 1 Chicago 49 42 .538 I 1 Brooklyn 45 46 .494 J Pittsburgh 43 49 .467 | Philadelphia 34 52 .395 j j Boston ............ 34 54 .386 j St. Louis 34 56 .377 ; Schedule For To-dajr Boston at St. Louis. New York at Chicago. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Pittsbugh. AMERICAN" LEAGUE Yesterday's Results I Chicago, 2; Philadelphia. 1 (first j ! game). a | Philadelphia, 3; Chicago, 2 (sec- j j ond game). St. Louis, 6; New York, 3 (first 1 ; game). New York, 8; St. Louis, 2 (sec i ond game). i Detroit, 4; Washington. 3. i Boston, 8: Cleveland, 7. Standing of the Clubs W. L. Pet. ] Chicago 59 36 .621 1 Detroit 54 41 .568 ! New York ......... 53 41 .563 j i Cleveland 52 42 .553 I St. Louis 50 42 .543 I Boston 43 49 .467 j ; Washington 39 58 .402 Athletics 26 65 .285 Schedule For To-day Chicago at Philadelphia, St. Louis at New York. Only two games scheduled. Dr. A. S. Kugler to Speak at Zion Lutheran Church ! Dr. A. S. Kruger who one August | 9, left Guntur, India on furlough, will i speak in Zion Lutheran Church this • evening on her work in India. Dr. Kugler has completed a total of I 35 years of missionary service, com ! prising four terms. Her efforts on 1 behalf of the women of India have i been recognized not only In mission i ary circles, but the Government some ] years ago presented her with the 1 Kaiser-I-Hind Medal, and last year added a silver bar to the medal in i recognition of continued service. Be i sides her hospital duties, which have been very heavy. Dr. Kugler has been | mission treasurer for many years. ; GEN. CROWDER RETURNING Havana, Aug. B.—Major General IE. H. Crowder, Judge Advocate General of the United States Army, ; who has spent many weeks here in ! the work of revising the Cuban 1 electoral laws, sailed for New York i at 11 o'clock last night aboard the ; Cuban cruiser Cuba. On the return i trip from New York the Cuba will j have on board the body of Gonzalo de Quesada, who for years was Cu- KJLRRISBURG VgS&S&jL TaLEGTOLPTI this prediction, While I am not a prophet, or a son of a prophet, they > will not go back January I.' Warren S. Stone, grand chief of the Broth erhood of Locomotive Engineers, was quoted in a newspaper inter view as having said regarding the agitation for the employes' plan of Government ownership: 'We will go far enough to win, and we are going 1 to win." He was asked: 'What if the roads are turned back to their owners?' He replied:'lf they should < be, they wouldn't stay there long, i and it is not absolutely sure that they will be turned back by next 1 January.' , What It Means "Three years ago the country wasi given an example of what Mr. Stone l and his associates mean when they( say 'We will go far enongh to win.'l Declining to submit their basic, eight-hour day demand to arbitra-', tion in any form, the 'Big Four", Brotherhoods frightened Congress i into passing the Adamson Law byi issuing an order for a tie-up of all) the railroads of the United States and refusing to withdraw it until Congress passed the legislation that they wanted. The man who doubts that the nation is going, within the next few months, to be brought face to face with a similar crisis is blind. "Do the 110,000,000 people of the United States, of whom at least 80 per cent, are opposed to Govern ment ownership and favor a return of the railroads to operation by the companies, intend to let the labor leaders, by threatening or calling strikes, force the tax paying publio to buy the railroads and assume, complete responsibility for their financial results, and then force thq public to turn the railroads over to the employes to manage? If the' public doesn't Intend to submit to this, it must begin very soon to man ifest its purpose to the President and the Congress of the United States and to demand that they i adopt effective measures for the public's protection." ban Minister at Washington and later at Berlin, where he died a short time before Cuba entered the war. I FACE Insect- I Water I SIOO jl _ Lilac Toilet i , s lette *■ , ~ n/MirrvPFl Remover, o for Moth j ne Glass Gem Razor POWDER 18c 25c Wc 10c „ c I 80c Hind s t> _ „ r —. Melba 50c $1.50 Lady Muriai Honey and wi ' j Durham Gillette r._ Fiancee _ Chocolates All Almond Wine and Duplex uiuette Gem Face Cutex Sets Cutex Sets Hand Dipped Cream Iron Blades, Blades Blades, podcr 37 c 89c 39c lb. 38c 84c 40c 40c 39c 79c 39 c Talcum Powders g .. -,w,','£ggSjpA Patent Medicines Pinaud - S Pinaud . s Mavis Talcum ISc Sal Hepatica .. 19c, 88c, 77c Hair Tonic, Hair Tonic fi ary Pompeian Houbigant Talcum ....83c /&jgL Glover's Mange Remedy, Garden Mennen's Talcum 19c / LCT| I 59c 98c 49c *rs Love-Me Talcum 19c \ j&s Vi ßwf ad !? C -j QQ-n \W Pierces Remedies 77c ______ —_____ 1 74C Melba Talcum 19c Vf ! Sloan's Liniment, 3 Colgate's Talcum 18c \ u/ j 17c, 37c, 66c Wyeth's Parisian S Bj Djej-.Kjss Talcum 31c Large, ripe Cordial Cherries, prepared by Merck's Sugar Milk ...77c B__ _. _ , aa master confectioners, so that the full, rich niweot-Viwmoline 18c 37c &a S e ana tovn nirar Mary Garden Talcum ..44c-flavor is retained, and covered with famous Glycothymonne IBC, o/C J J _ ~ _ . i Lady Helen Chocolates. A mouth-melting, Lavoris 19c, 39c Sulphur DUttertly ialcum ....... loC tempting confection. Equal to any 81.25 per . . ~ ■p: r Vico tlt js a.* n- 1 to pound chocolates made in the world. Our LlSterine IOC, 03C, OoC Hudnut S Talcum 18c Special Candy Sale Price, the full pound, j Wampole's Cod Liver Oil, 44c ————- 37c 49c „ ; „ £ZA ~ Gude's Peptomangan ..94c ' Glosso Tooth Pastes OtL s. s. S. . 66c „ , _ a R _______ " ' , „ , Hay's Sage and ! Kolvnos Tooth Paste.. 21c Chocolate E-utter Scotch 29c Vi lb. Pinkham s Compound ..77c , Milk Chocolate Cherries 29c V* lb.! Hair Sulphur. I Waltz Marie Pebeco Tooth Paste .... 34c Chocolate Covered Caramels 29c Vi lb. i r ellows Hypophosphites, _ . Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 38c | Mulsified Cocoanut Oil, 37c 43c Dream Antoinette Colgate's Tooth Paste ..25c ¥ A H TJT ? Q Miles' Nervine 73c 7Q _ JQ Lyon's Tooth Paste 18c ° a Atwood's Bitters 19c a nutta /3C WC Lyon's Tooth Powder .. 18c _ _ j Quaker Herb. Extract, 79c 19c3qT I Arnica Tooth Soap 19c CUT RATE M E DICIN E * 9c ' I ... Euthymol Tooth Paste, 19c AAA gflarkfii Caldwell's ° " B Garden Fornham's Tooth Paste, Ovll S*ldri\Gl Olivvl 38 C Ever- EE IQa _ 19c > 44c Strfifit Swamp Root 39c Staring lUC Fragrance Chlarox Tooth Paste ...34c WWV MI vuil _ y Cream, t 49c 59c Ft<t< _ SPECIAL SALE ~ g J I a a. . Doan's Kidney Pills 42c —— I Lambelle Sanito, OcchaM White'!!!! 11"! SatUMay, AUg. 9tll Tablets !i 6* > Pin, Hind's Honey and Almond _____________________ Oil Korein Capsules ..66c j pj nt g est Imported I I $2.19 21c Cream 38,; Hatntc's Witch Bay Rum, | 1 ° thine 69c : ULAKO DcWitt's Kidney PUIS, Haael, ... H Pompeian Day Cream. .37c A jj g c am j -j Q Ci gars 33c-66c H Swansdown Woodbury's Pompeian Night Cream, 37c 9 for 50c Pierce's Pellets 17c 28c „ Mum 19c Box of 50 for $2.59 j? Ev y He 17c Pond 's Vanishing Cream, 100 As P irin Tablets... .sue Si 10, All in JlO n' 100 Hinkle's Cascara Ready M 19c, 32c All 10c and 12c Cigars C om P 28c 45c Razor |4 Elcaya Cream 43c 3 f or 25c 100 Asafoetida, 5 gr. ...79c TOII FT Cucumber Cream 29c Box of 50 for $3.89 | Beecham's Pills ....... 17c Aromatic IVJ IL.Hi 1 Mcrcolize ' d Wax 69c 1 Spirits 'rc H \DC Ingram's Milkweed Cream, Sample Perfumes Miscellaneous Ammonia, , EJ , . 39c, 78c Love Me 25c Items 2 Oz., I 45c Sweet 8 It-. .mi Iq, Djer-Iviss 25c j Cuticura Woodbury's "OS" 113 iyc Azurea 25c F E Cascara Sagrada Spirits Cuticura D. and Ramsdell Cold . Houbiganfs ideal 25c AromatiC( 3oz 2 3c 29c * So3p ° ap Cream 26c, 34c Sample Sachets pluto Water ' quart 2 Oz e ; 19c 18c Sassafola 19c Mary Garden 10c Water Glass, pint 20c •*——■—• De Meridor Cream, 18c, 34c £er-Kh,s ............................ so. 20 . Mule T eam Borax .. 12= 5Qc ________ ■ i Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Garcen Fragrance ioc | Creohn 69 c AivV Resinoi Hobson's crcm 37c SST. l£|oiy*rin.. 30, 38, iodine, I 2 Oz., S. S. S. Soap Soap Horlick's Mellen's ! p or Fletcher's Jads Milks Pepper. 19c 22c u tt MUk od I Baby 23c It Emul!i ° n ' 37c ' Castile $2.70 ——- jo z Carden 1/ Oz. Djer- N,,V and " _ . _ . S Germictdal Soap Eskay , Fra g tsnce Kiss Sache t, Iron 1 Soap 3 for Food Granum Sachet, Tablets, Vegetal, Bloom, Pt tik 18c 25c 55c j 57c 69c 69c 84c $1.19 39 c 35 c INSURANCE CO. REAL SUFFERER IN BANK CRASH Vice-President of Former Con cern Leclares It Lost Most Scranton, Pa., Aug. 7. R. S. Houck, city solicitor of Scranton and vice-president of the New York National Insurance Company, taken over by the New York State au thorities as a result of the North Penn Bank failure, declares that the real sufferer was the insurance company and not the bank Mr. Houck who is also vice-pres ident of the Seneca Fire Insurance Company, another of the Boland concerns, intimates that the man ner in which the Boland interests secured money from the wrecked bank was entirely regular. "The James J. Boland Company. Inc., ob tained money from the North Penn Bank of Philadelphia on notes dis counted in the regular way and not in the shape of over drafts," he t said. "The real sufferers on account of the business relations of the two concerns, the bank and the Boland company, is the Boland company, not the bank," Mr. Houck said. He says the statement given out by the Boland company tells of the com pany borrowing SIOO,OOO in the regular way from the North Penn Bank and applying it to the account of the New York National Insur ance Company as a deposit. Mr. Houck would not discuss the stories appearing in Philadelphia in which it is alleged that James J. i Boland connived with Ralph T. ' Moyer, cashier of the Philadelphia bank, "to have certified to the New York State authorities as bona fide assets a check for $129,000 on the North Penn Bank which was de clared worthless." CARELESS DRIVER HELD Charged with driving his automo bile in a reckles manner and smash ing into a vehicle in Camp Hill yes terday, B. W. Roth, of Mechanics burg, was arrested yesterday by State Police. He is being held under SSOO bail. Hummelstown Wins Game With Hits at Right Time In a real pitchers' battle last eve ning Hummelstown Fire Company team won over Highspire A. C., score 4 to 1. Hassler and Gciger pitched great ball. The Highspire twirler received poor support at critical times. The fielding of the Hummelstown team was fast and accurate. Four double plays fea tured the game. The score: HUMMELSTOWN A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Waltz, c 3 0 1 6 3 0 Bordner. 2b .. 3 2 1 3 1 0 Rote, 3b 3 1 0 1 1 0' Madden, lb ... 3 0 1 8 1 0 Ford, If 3 1 1 2 0 0 Ehly, cf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Ruply, ss 2 0 0 1 2 0 Stoudt, rf 2 0 0 0 1 0 Hassler, p.... 2 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 24 4 4 21 10 0 HIGHSPIRE A.B. R. H. O. A. E. Hahn, cf 3 0 0 1 0 0 Klemfelder. 3b. 3 1 1 0 1 1 Gluntz, ss .... 3 0 1 2 3 1 C. Etter. 2b ~ 3 0 1 1 1 0 F. Etter, lb ... 3 0 1 10 0 0 Resinol will soothe that itching skin The first applicationof Resytol usually takes the itch and burn right out of ec zema and similar skin-affections. This gentle, healing ointment seems to get right at tlxe root of the trouble, restoring the skin to health in a surprisingly short time. Resinol is sold by all druggiils. AUGUST 8, 1919. Leedy. If 3 0 0 1 0 0 Snoddy, c .... 2 0 0 1 1 1 Daniels, rf ... 2 0 0 0 0 0 Gelger, p 2 0 0 2 0 1 Totals 24 1 4 18 6 4 Hummclstown .. 0 0 2 0 1 1 o—4 Highspire 0 0 0 1 0 0 o—l MILLERS SAY $8 FLOVR IM POSSIBLE Minneapolis, Aug. B.—ln view of statements made in Washington that j with the price of wheat remaining at $2.26 a bushel ' flour can be I bought fairly by the government at ' $8 a barrel, allowing for all by products and a fair profit to the HAY FEVER Quickly Relieved and Prevented By Again those long /\ 6d,L| jt" | 0 disease has mani weeks of misery, Vf I es^ itself, and sneezing, sniffling, y mfi frequently causes , . v vN all symptoms to coughing, gasping. lj within nose running, eyes ™ three days, watering and a gen- Jgjpif The Remed * is ?! condition of automatically ad miserableness from ' , . . ~ ministered as you which there seems - breath e without to be no relief. discomfort or in- By using the convenience. It is MAN-HEIL AUTO-. MESMHM t pleasant and harm- MATIC INHALER |w 41 less. Now used by for a week or ten Ik., AUTOMATIC VI J thousands with days i n advance g g\H Lj A\ I ; L *s phenomenal success your annual attack" I 91 for relief and treat of Hay Fever can _ ment of all diseases be entirely prevent- of the Nose, Throat ed. The treatment ° r and Lungs and for affords prompt re- „ , , Head-noises and lief even after the I Ear Trouble. Call and See Demonstration of This Wonderful New Invention. GORGAS PHARMACY, 16 North 3rd Street. millers, James Ford Bell, vice president of the Washburn-Crosby Company, flour millers, has pre pared figures showing that the pro duction of flour at this price is an impossibility. ' ToiiifSlit- ■-1 Get a Tomorrow Feel : Rioht|25 c ßox ■MTTy^ni.llr!. l . . 1,1.M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers