10 J. Hampton Moore to Run For Mayor in Philadelphia By Associated Press. Philadelphia, Aug. B.—Congress man J. Hampton Moore has an nounced his candidacy for the Re publican nomination for Mayor of Philadelphia at the primary elec tion in September. In a statement Mr. Moore 6aid he was willing to sacrifice his Congressional career in an effort to "redeem the city and the Republican party." He declared that he would go before the people as a Republican, "singularly free from pledges and influences," and added: "I have not asked any leader ol faction or committee for his or its support, and seem already to have incurred the opposition of some. I would not care, therefore, to swear in to any specific declarations that might please one element or an- fl f £ ! B [§ 1 tf. 209 >TALNUT S*F. . Our Sixth Semi-Annual Gigantic Sale Of HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR goes on with full steam ahead. Many customer* have purchased their shoe supplies four months ahead. It Is a Rood plun. We have a good range of styles and sixes now and have marked the whole stock nt prices worth your while. BUY NOW. LAUGH AT FUTURE HIGH PRICES. Ladies* Pumps A'Aw and Oxfords. All the senso n*s /ifF ' ■ styles, colors and K leathers. Shoes it & wllr ™ ade to sell up to Ladles' .. % % \ Like cut. Brown \0? and black kid. Black patent colt. Ql $2.95 Ladles* *5 White Kid Ladies* *4 Black Kid Ladies' 54 Patent Oxfords. Long >nmpit. Military Pumps. Mill- 4-Strap Sandals. High L\V heels. Sale lary heels. Sale Price, price"" 1 l-.lw.' I*' 1 *' S " IC Price, *2.05. *2.05 ' ladies' *4 llloek Dull ... , . . Ladles' Brown Kid Kid Oxfords. LXV Ladles $5 Brown Kid Lace Boots. Brown heels. Sale Price Oxfords. Goodyear cloth tops to match. welted. Lonis hepls. High Louis heels. Sale $2.05 Sale Price, 52.05. Price, $2.05. Little Boys' Tan or Men*s Black Dull ~t . - Black Scout Shoes. English I.ace Shoes. Splendid school shoes. Rincx soles. Style f/ bJkfa# I ***** Sale Price, 51.08. like cut. Sale Price, w if Men's Tan Army - / Blurhcr Shoes. Heavy Eft / . r / 1 solid soles. Good work _fp M I shoes. VWiUW Little Boys* Tnn || English Lacc Shoes. Dark mahogany shade. / J Sixes to 2. Sale Price I.adiea' Felt House Slippers. Leather soles. Good colora. ijr % Sale Price, 81.40. y / Ul MCtt'l RlOCk Men's Black Calf I —■-•'? English Shoes. Shoes. Lace and but- Goodyear welt ton. Not all sixes. ed. Like cut. Sale Price, 92.05. 53.95 SPUTTER'S 25c DEPARTMENT STORE Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better jfrj FINAL REDUCTIONS ON ALL SUMMER MILLINERY PRICES LESS THAN ONE-FOURTH THE ACTUAL VALUES Ladies' Trimmed, Ready- Ladies' Trimmed, Ready - to-Wear and Untrimmed to-Wear and Untrimmed HATS HATS . ,__ , A . $6, $7 and $8 Actual Values. Actual Values $4 and $5 98c $1.48 Milan, Hemp, Lisere, Panama, Leghorn, Milans, Hemp, Lisere, Panama, Leghorn, Pineapple Straw, Neapolitan, Blue Taffeta, Pineapple Straw. Georgette. Come Early Tomorrow—They Can't Last Long at These Prices SOUTTER'S ■ Cent Department Store UMnßlif Where Every Day Is Bargain Day 215 Market St. Opposite Courthouse FRIDAY EVENING, other and then rise to plaguo n.e in the performance of my sworn duty. I have no hesitation, however, in making this statement as to so called contractor government, that if it exists now or has heretofore existed, it would not be tolerated by me if I were Mayor." Mr. Moore said that, if elected, he would enforce all the require ments of the new city charter in letter and in spirit. Actors Call Strike Which May Close Broadway Shows New York, Aug. 8. A strike, which it was declared would close many popular Broadway theatrical productions, was called by the Ac tors' Equity Association last night, following the rejection by the Pro ducing Managers' Protective Asso ciation of an ultimatum demanding immediate action on the actors' de mands for altered working condi tions. including extra pay for re hearsals. NEWS OF THE BOY SCOUTS TROOPSEVEN ENJOYS CAMP Meals Apparently Come First in Big Scout Program of Week Camp Roosevelt was established July 29 in fine shape. The trip of several hours on Tom Bogar's big lumber truck was made without any unusual happenings. With all scouts doing their little bit eight tents were put up in a short while. The camp is beauti fully located, about eight miles west of Carlisle and five miles from New ville on a high elevation on the bank of the Conodoguinet Creek. Quite a number of parents and friends of Troop seven have visited the camp and have expressed a very creditable opinion of the gen eral conditions and the programs that are daily carried out. The scouts appreciated, beyond expres sion. courtesies shown in this man ner. Many of the surrounding towns have been visited on hiking trips, and the scouts have tried to whos the training they are daily receiving. On Saturday evening they visited Blaserville, at which place a festival was in progress. Of course they as sisted greatly in reducing the ice cream. Before leaving they exer cised their vocal organs, singing. Sunday at camp was visitors day —Many people of the surrounding country and quite a number of au tomobiles came from the city. With a good cook, eating seems to be one of the first things a scout thinks of, while enjoying the va rious amusements and routine of a scout camp. Certainly they have had lots of good roast beef, chicken, ice cream and cake. The scout master will tell you later what 36 scouts and assistants have eaten oil their eleven days trip. Outside of several good, steady rains, the weather has been idea'. My! How the time has been pass ing. The scouts can scarcely real ize that the day of breaking camp is so near, when the camping sea son of 1919 will be a passing memory. The camp is ably managed by- Jerome R. Miller, scoutmaster, Will L, Bailey, assistant scoutmaster, Loree Bailey physical director and J. H. O'Donnell. cook. RUDOLPH MILLER, Troop Scribe. Troop II Will Give Out Final Camp Orders Xext Monday evening at 7.15 final camp orders and arrangements will be given out. This year only two boys are to be in one tent and there will be no "double decker costs," as we call them. About two weeks ago Mr. Manser brought us twenty tents, 7 by 8%, and some of the Scouts have tents also, so we will not have to worry about room. As Mr. Manser was away when we had our last scout meeting, no one knows whether he secured the ground at Mount Gretna, where we would all like to go. If the ground cannot be secured from the Govern ment for two weeks, we will go up to Clark's Valley, about one mile above Alger Bailey's farm. C. L. REBUCK, Scribe. aJLRRISBURG HfjjSV TELEGRAPH Eight Boys Pledged to Go to Scout Camp Joseph McClintock came all the way from Altoona to attend the meet ing of Troop 16. That's going some, isn't it? Sixteen fellows were there, and lots of money changed hands. The reason was the arrival of some supplies that had been ordered and were not expected so soon. Our new flags are O. K„ and Foose and Cleon Criswell were instructed to buy two poles. We hope to have them ready for the meeting to-night. Scouts Huston, Buler and Saunders were on hand for the movies on Sat urday morning. We have eight fellows pledged to go to camp on the 11th and hope to have some others. | The Troop is indebted to Cleon and Wilbur Criswell, Charles Froelich and Bob Weitzel for a water barrel and two baskets to be used at the "Hut." To-night we are to have the plea | sure of hearing Lieut Fred F. Lutz, i who went overseas with the first I Troops and camp home about a month ! ago. Lieut Lutz covered a large part of France on a motor cycle in the telephone service, and has something worthy ¥b tell us. Several of his let ters were read at Troop Meeting dur ing the period of the war. We are having a joint meeting with the Cubs at 7.30. No business or work, Just Lieut. Lutz and a general good time. Nuf sed. Huston, Scribe. New Caps For Troop Two Are Sent Back Yes, the new caps for Troop II have arrived, but don't mob Crego's house in order to get yours; they were not properly made, so they had to be sent back. Please be patient for another ten days, until the sec ond lot comes in. The crowd last Friday was small, our smallest by the way this sum mer: only fourteen fellows were therd. George Moore sent some dues from Oil City and asked that his place be kept for him. George's mother has been very ill, and he has been looking after her, like a good cub should. Charles R. Boak has qualified for house orderly prof iciency badge and we hope to pre sent it to him very soon. Two cubs will go with some six or eight Scouts to the camp next Monday. We expect to have our new nu merals very soon; they will cost 10 cents each and will be sold only to those cubs who have passed the tenderfoot test, and whose attend ance at the meeting is fairly regular. To-night we meet with Troop 16, at 7.30, so don't come at half-past six and expect to find the doors open. Lieut. Fred F. Lutz will tell us of the troubles of a telephane man with the American Expeditionary Forces. At 7.30, remember.' CUB CUNKLE, Scribe. Camp Hacoboscam Notes A big bunch, 53 Scouts and 4 Of ficers. The cooks threaten to go on strike. It was Lloyd Boyer's birthday yes terday—Lucky 13. With due cere mony he was presented with a blue eyed baby doll and a milk bottle right after breakfast. It Is perfectly proper to ask Quig- j ley, of Troop 26, why he sat in the tub of water. Cub Yingst, of 14, Is quite a fish erman. He caught a four inch sucker. Dick Seidel of 26 got an eel on his hook and swears it was a copper head snake. Everybody agrees that it should stop raining. Tents two and three are fighting for first place in tent inspection. There is a reason. An extra plate of ice cream on Sunday for the win ners. Five gallons of cream on Wednes day; twelve large pies on Thursday, that's two days' dessert, that's all. Pugh, of Hummelstown, is back In camp. He has a convict hair-cut. "Young Pottsie," otherwise known as Thomas A. Potts, has one of the largest appetites In camp. He also has a sore toe. Patterson of Camp Hill. Troop 1, is changing his complexion. He has now arrived at the mottled brown stage. A thrilling rescue during swim ming hour. Yingst thought he swal lowed a shiner and A. G. M. Lowry had to go to his help. I Wednesday Night Camp Fire was exciting. A mock trial was held. Asst. Scoutmasters Boone and Lowree I were brought to trial for talking to I some fair visitors at Camp. Verdict: I Guilty. Punishment: No dessert. Frl | day night, John Aselen of Camp Hill I Troop 1, convicted of snoring at ! night. I There are two fat brothers In Camp I John and Wesley Garland of Troop ! 17. They are known as the Heavenly Twins. Scout Theo. Selig, of Troop 4, pass ed his Life Saving Merit Badge test yesterday before an applauding crowd. He is also building a bridge for the Pioneering Merit Badge. Note: "K. P." duty is not popular. i Cocoanut Oil Makes A Splendid Shampoo If you want to keep your hair in i good conditions, be careful what you i wash it with. Most soaps and prepared sham i poos contain too much alkali. This I dries the scalp, makes the hair ! brittle, and is very harmful. Mulsi i tied cocoanut oil shampoo (which is pure and entirely greaseless), is j much better than anything else you can use lor shampooing, as this I can't possibly injure the hair. ! Simply moisten your hair with water and rub it in. One or two : teaspoonfuls will make an abund , ance of rich, creamy lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp thor oughly. The lather rinses out easily and removes every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil.' The hair dries quickly ffnd evenly, and it leaves It fine and silky, bright, fluffy and easy to manage. You can get Mulsifled cocoanut oil shampoo at most any drug store. It is very cheap, and a few ounces is enough to' last everyone in the family for months. CAMPSAMOSET A BIG SUCCESS Troopers of No. 8 Have Big Time For Two Weeks Twenty-seven members of Troop j 8 of Christ Lutheran church have j returned home again, after having spent the last two weeks at Camp j Samoset, which was located seven | miles northeast of Duncannon, along Sherman's Creek. This two week's outing was the most success ful and enjoyable ever attended by the scouts of Troop 8. The visitors at our camp assured us that we could not have selected a prettier spot. The camp was in charge of Scout master J. P. Jenkins, assistants, S. Masters, Koehler and Keller. The following scouts were enrolled: Burchiield, Brookes, D. Bowman, G. Bowman, Brandt Fry, Fcagley, Duncan, Gates, Gilbert Hopkins, Lehmer, Newman, Ossman, Strlck ler, Shoop, Slothower. Under, Ed. Wallis, E. Wallis, F. Wallis Walters, Wartield and Tasker. There were over 50 visitors in at tendance. We were nonored by the presence of Scout Commissions German and our own deputy scout commissioner, R. F. Lyons, and Mr. Heffelfinger and Frank Wallis of our troop committee. Did we have a good time? Unan imously, "Yes." Did we have any accidents? "No." One of the features enjoyed at camp was the hunt for "Wa! Wal" birds, baseball games (Blues vs the Gold). The big game of ball was played Thursday afternoon, the winners to receive a large cake of fered by Scout Commissioner Ger man. The Blues won the game and thoroughly enjoyed the cake. On Saturday we took a fourteen mile hike to New Bloomfield and showed the home-folks up there what scouts could do, signalling, drilling and first aid demonstra tions. After defeating the Ne>v Bloomfield Academy's baseball team, we returned to camp. Among the other outstanding fea tures of our camp was the usual morning dip, the flag raising and one hour drill; then breakfast. After breakfast scoutcraft. Eleven o'clock swimming for the would-be swimmers; 12.30 dinner; 1 o'clock a ball game; 3.30 a swim for the reg ular "guys." Troop 8 again had the pleasure of doing a good turn at camp. We helped rake and fill the hay* wagon and the haymow with five tons of hay for Mr. Shearer, who owns the ground we were camping on, and to our surprise Mr. Shearer invited us to his home for a good old fashioned country supper. We all wished there was more hay in the field for the next day. Lots of the scouts took tests and are on the road now to be First Class scouts. If fishing had been a test. Assistant Scoutmaster Koehler would have passed this one, for he sure did catch some nice base. Who went for the most water and who sawed the most wood? Looks as though Scout Feagley wins out in this contest. Who went for the most water? Scout Frank Wallio. Who ate the most? Well all the fellows sure took part in this and the winner was hard to pick. The highest number of "Wa! Wa!" birds captured goes to Christy Brandt, h* having received two large buckets of water as a reward, and it was agreed upon that he was thoroughly drenched. ■ fee ' as . though we were en riched physically, mentally and morally by attending this camp, and so at our meeting Monday we had song and prayer services, rendering thanks unto the Great Scout Master for his great, kind blessing that he bestowed upon us. We are already talking about our fall program and we can assure the rest of the troops of the city that any evening you drop in we will show you a "Live Wire Troop" and a good time. The third week in September will be our "eye opener" for the fall activities. A musical program and a prominent speaker, as well as other things are on the program. No doubt it will be interesting to our many friends, that two more of our scouts have received their Ace Medals; namely Patrol Leader Brandt and Scout Ben Tasker. Dick Harr also received another palm Pretty soon Dick will be covered with palms of victory. Advice to the Lovelorn Objects to Vaudeville Dear Miss Fairfax: lam twenty-two. The young lady with whom I have been going about for a year objects to my activities on the vaudeville stage. I love this young lady dearly, and yet it is im possible for me to give up a success ful career. Will you kindly advise me as to what course to take in this matter? R. I'm afraid this is a deadlock. If you are not inclined to give up your work, and the young lady is not in clined to overcome her objections. It looks as though you would have' to give each other up. In fact, I'm not sure this wouldn't be the best thing to do, as a fundamental difference in point of view is a serious menace to a happy marriage. WITHDRAWS CANDIDACY Suubury, Aug. B.—Chief of Police W. J. Smith has withdrawn from the race for the Republican nomina tion for sheriff of the county, but will throw his hat in the ring four years hence. MOONSHINERS BUSY Spring Grove, Pa.. Aug. 8. A rumor is current that a gang of moonshiners have erected a still in a secluded spot of the Pigeon Hills, Jackson township, and are making and offering liquor for sale. DROPS DEAD AT HOME Ea.st Berlin,. Pa.. Aug. B.—Harry H. Miller, of East Berlin, and a member of the borough council for eight years, dropped over dead at his home, of heart trouble. He was 56 years old. SUNBURY TEACHER QUITS Sunbury, Pa., Aug. B.—Chester B. Murray, who had charge of the commercial department of the Bu bury High School, has resigned rt accept the post of principal of MU high school at Alvernon, Pa. SOLDIERS TO BANQUET y Marietta, Aug. 8. Norman i\ Pickle, proprietor of Aceomac, will have full charge of the serving of the banquet to Marietta's soldiers. CHURCH PEOPLE PICNIC Marietta, Auk. B.—The picnic of St. John's Church und Sunday School was held at Maple Grove yesterday and it was a success in every way. The church and Sunday- School of the Bethel Church held their picnic at Chickies park, and there was people from Columbia and Lancaster churches present. Final Reduction Sale of Women's Dresses A Noteworthy Economy Event Any woman with a thought for economy wi'll do well to at tend this remarkable sale. Every sort of Summer Dress r~r* is involved so that no matter j/J /r^L what kind you have in mind is now offered at the lowest pos- v sible price. $ DRESSES Beaded and embroidered ( vl ( i | Georgette in White, Flesh, M \ jjflTCv. Bisque, Rose and Tan Silk \\ I nil i and Satin Georgette com- i il ■ \V binations in all the wanted \Hi jij f shades—and Voile Dresses of 113 // every description are here for your choosing. The Dresses 4 im & .ti™a Gingham Dresses Specially Priced We've a wonderful assortment of bright, colorful, attractive Ging ham Dresses you will want to see if you're interested in securing a smartly styled dress as well as saving money. Prices are $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 One Lot of Envelope Chemise, At qa Fine quality Batiste, Dimity and figured Voile—white I and flesh—Val lace and embroidery trimmed; also hand em- I - broidered in French knots in dainty colors—lace and rib- I ~ bon shoulder straps. Regular sizes only. Very specially priced at only Need a Wash Our entire stock of Wash Skirts is reduced to rock bottom prices for quick selling. You'll be greatly surprised by the wonderftil value offered at $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 Up Delicious Jersey Flakes Delight the Children BOTH children and grown-ups like the flavor of Jersey Corn Flakes and the cri:piness that is retained when milk is added. And mother finds it no trouble to prepare them between meals for the children. You can taste the natural flavor of the corn, which is de- m.. ja veloped by our toasting process. This process also makes them (| - IK brown and crisper. This distinctive "Jersey Flavor" and their K crispiness is what makes them the favorite dish for every mem ber of the family. jj Packed in a triple-seal package which keeps them fresh. V m The Jersey Cereal Food Co., Cereal, Pa. rSSge 1 JCMCYCBKALTOOOQQ W Learn the Jersey Difference-Ask Your Grocer for IL. "" -If Jersey Corn Flakes 'The Original Thick. Corn Flakes AUGUST 8, 1919. FALLS FROM BRIDGE Lcwisburg, Pa., Aug. 8. James Hafer, a Lewis burg resident, while sitting on'the stone abutment of the Buffalo Creek bridge, fell to the stone creek bed, 2 5 feet below, suf fering a broken wrist and internal injuries. He was found by and em ploye of the United Evangelical home. jjfA CORN a m B m bunions CAIJ.USKS GORGAS DRUG STORES ii inr i-ing^=ll
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