BELL 1001—2350 EXITED Futurist ■M- . is the new / ) name you A J '(/ will use y \ for what \ n \ is now i? )1 sf J called w J/\ [ I "Women's J Athletic S —j~~f Underwear"/ j Simmons' We have Armhole or strap models in sizes 34 to 46. r Bastiste, nainsook and marquisette at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. Silk mull at $3.25. Jap silk at $5.98, and the finer crepe de chines at $6.50 You will be interested in these for cool com fort during the hot summer days. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Serviceable Ginghams For School Dresses 29c Yard New arrivals of dress ginghams suitable for school dresses or waists in light and dark patterns; 45 dif ferent patterns to select from in plain colors and two and three colored plaids. These ginghams are 27 inches wide; cut from the piece, yd. Unbleached sheeting, 39 inches wide; fine, even, round thread. Will bleach easily; yd. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. . Boys' Union Suits, 65c A fine cotton ribbed light weight athletic union suit, knee length. Sizes Bto 16. 65< BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. tßedfern Corsets There is no pulling, no uncom fortable pressure or restriction to effect the desired result. You are just fitted to the right size in your Redfern model and it shapes with such scientific skill that the flesh is moulded natur ally, easily and with perfect com fort into the trim and charming contour of the fashionable figure. The high grade economy cor set is the Redfern. BOWMAN'S—Srcond Floor. Special Prices on Two Lots of Women's Union Suits, At 55c Suit Two styles of women's summer weight fine cotton union suits, have been reduced to close them out. Regular garments from our stocks in broken sizes of the first grade. These union suits are low neck, sleeveless, loose knee with lace trimming; some have band tops and trimmed. Sizes 34, 36, and 38; a good value; 55c suit. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Women's Silk Hosiery Special at $1.65 f A fine collection of women's white, full-fash * ioned pure thread silk stockings on sale Wednes day. These are the finest lot of silk seconds, stock ings we have had for a long time. It is an ex ceptional offering due to the scarcity of full fash ioned hosiery. These stockings are made from a medium weight silk, with strong, flexible lisle tops and lisle feet. The irregularities of these stockings are hard to detect. High grade quality stockings for seconds, at the attractive price of $1.65 pair. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. TUESDAY EVENING, STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Continuation Sale Of Pumps and Oxfords The Mid-Summer clearance of Women's and Misses' high and low white shoes will continue until they are all sold. Of course we could carry them over until next year and make the increase in cost on the basis of what we will have to pay to replace them for next summer. But we do not believe in carrying over any seasonable merchandise until next year if we can dispose of it now. Fur thermore, we want the women and misses who have not become acquainted with our shoe depart ment to come in and avail themselves of these unusual shoe values so they will see the dependable grade of shoes we carry. The shoe department has made remarkable gains during the spring and summer. We propose that it shall make still greater gains this fall and winter. If you have a pressing need for a new pair of white shoes, invest in an extra pair now. The prices of shoes are constantly advancing, but in this sale you will find shoes less than the usual price. Every Canvas and Nu-Buck shoe, oxford and pump for women and misses is included in the sale. NO C. O. D's. NO EXCHANGES. ALL SALES FINAL. $4.35, $5.35, $6.35 And $7.35 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Do Your Own Thinking and You Will Buy Furniture Here Now Everything entering into the construction of furniture is going up and will not come down in cost for a long time. The result is that you cannot hope to buy furniture for less in the near future and the probabilities are you will pay more. In fact, a number of increases in cost at factory has gone into effect since we pur chased most of the stock we now have on hand. This accrues to your advantage and the August reductions make furniture values even far greater than the price ticket indicates. Suppose for instance we had marked the furniture up to what it should sell today, based on present market price, and then taken off the usual August reduction, the price would naturally be much higher than if we take the reductions off of the price put on months ago. And the people certainly appreciate the fact. One look into the shipping de partment and you will see the beautiful suites and separate pieces going out to make prettier the homes of satisfied customers. But, of course, the sale is still new and we draw on our warehouse for more as soon as one design has been re moved from sales floor. And all of the Bowman standard in quality. We deliver by motor truck or prepay freight to distant points. Bowman's Club Plans offers opportunity for deferred payments if desired. A deposit will hold any piece for later delivery. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture. J Final Clearance | K* of all our remaining stock of higher priced § Cotton Dresses f js§ These dresses come in satin stripe, figured voiles, D. and J. Anderson ® op ginghams, white organdies and plain voiles, including all the most jS popular models of the summer season. S £§ These dresses are placed in two lots 1 $12.50 and $15.00 1 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. tgi HARRIBBTTRG frfjjjftl TELEGRIPH HARRISBURti. TrESDAT, AEGCST 5, 1019. Cretonne Cushions Just the kind you want for Summer days, when you need plenty of cushions to toss around the porch or lawn, and for comfort in canoe, motorcar or for use at summer bunga low. Attractive, but inex pensive, these cushions are well filled with pure floss and are excellent values at 89c, $1.19, $1.59 and $1.98. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Towels Nothing is more in vigorating than a nice, good rub with a Turkish or huck towel after a dip in the water. Our supply is complete with both of these makes of towels. Huck towels, 15c each. Huck towels, good weight and size, 29c fcach. Turkish towels, \2]/ 2 c each. Turkish towels, good weight, 25c each. Turkish towels, extra heavy. 35c each. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Vestees New vestings and vestees in net and or gandie, etc. Vesting of net and Val. lace, $2.50 to $4.95. Vesting of organdie Val. and insertions, $2.50 to $4.50. Tucked net, $1.75 to $3.00 yd. New vestees of dainty organdies and net with shirring and lace trim med, $1.25 to $5.50. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor Moth Proof Boxes Inexpensive but ser viceable. C e d a r o i d moth proof boxes for furs and small woolen garments; $2.00, $2.25 and $2.50. AUGUST 5, 1919. STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX White Skirts In Tub Silk Crepe de Chine and Satin White tub silk skirts, plain tailored, with hem stitched hem; $5.50. Petticoats of fine crepe de chine and washable satin in. white and flesh, lace trimmed or pretty tailored styles; $4.98 to $13.50. White satine skirts, always serviceable and useful; tucked ruffle; $1.75. White skirts with deep embroidery and lace flounces in various styles; to $7.98. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Middy Blouses Special At $1.19 This is a lot just received. Not many in lot —only 72, but a style that will be exceedingly popular \ and an excellent value at this price. f Made of white galatea, with black f \ Jimllpr tie and long sleeves, all sizes, $1.19. / New Novelty Blouses A new and varied line of novelty \ —~—/f blouses in voile and organdie, plain, V \ stripes and plaids. Some with \ pretty little frills and pleating, \ , others simply .plain; $2.25, $2.98 V and $3.95. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Garbage Cans Must Have Covers We Have Them Specially Priced. Co-operate With Health Department By Doing Your Bit Galvanized Household Garbage Cans with tight fitting cover and bail handle; C Galvanized g-arbage can, larger size \ iilMff II jlf with cover, Galvanized garbage can with tight fitting cover and bail handle, /-gallon capacity; $1.50. Galvanized garbage can with tight fitting cover and bail handle, 10-gallon capacity; $1.75. BOWMAN'S—Basement. Bright Hued Cretonnes mertime, with all its /w&Ppt lovely coloring, comes ===== cheerful cretonnes as summer costumes for Cretonnes for every purpose, in light, medium and dark colors, beautiful new colorings; 59c to $1.89 yd. 50-inch striped linene for slip covers; good, heavy quality; 98c yd. BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. Jupiter Pluvius! Yes. UMBRELLAS! August is famous for it's sudden downpours. Blame it on Jupiter Pluvius or St. Swithin, as you please; but don't have yourself to blame by not having an umbrella handy at both ends of the line—and one that will hold off the water —when there comes such a chance as this: Umbrellas with cord or mission handles, full size, 26 inches; paragon frames, with wide tape edge. Every umbrella is guaranteed rainproof; $1.59. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Couch Hammocks We have coush hammocks made of heavy khaki twill cloth, with galvanized steel springs and good mattress; $12.50. Couch hammocks made of khaki duck, adjustable headrests, feet on frames, either rope or chain hung; $15.00, SIB.OO and $20.00. Swing hammocks in wide range of' colors and qual ities; $1.39, $1.69, $2.00, $2.50 to $9.00, Neenah rugs, made of heavy Kraft fibre, in blue, taupe, brown, tan or green, with border on ends s 27x54 inches $1.50 36x72 inches $2.50 BUWMAN'b—Fourth Floor, 3 FOUNDED 1871
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