MAJESTIC High class vaudeville, Walman and Berry in comedy, songs and music; ► Hrads, eccentric comedy acro bats; J. c. Lewis and company in a lively variety act; Signor Carbone, Agnes Finlay and Chariie Hill in "Vodvll a la Mode;" Asahi 1 roupe, the famous Japanese won der workers presenting "The Hu man 1-ountain." COLONIAL. ~ ,To-day and to-morrow, Norma Te.l mudge in "The Way of a Woman." This is Attendance Breaking Week at this theater. VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow. Louise Glaum in "Sahara," a master film consider ed one of the season's greatest suc cesses. Thursday, Friday and Satur day of this week, Olive Thomas in "Toton," introducing the coming screen star. R'EGENT K To-day and to-morrow. D. W. Grif fith's production "True Heart Susie" accompanied by orchestra. Thursday Friday and Saturday, William S. Hart in "Square Deal Sanderson," and Mrs. Sydney Drey in "Bunker ed." I PAXTANG PARK Vaudeville—Two shows every even ing. Did you attend the Majestic theater yesteroay? If you did you know that the Asahi Troupe, At the Majestic the clever Japanese wonders are pre senting one of the most amazing feats in vaudeville namely, "The Human Fountain." The leader of this versatile trope is a wizard at working tricks, and the audience liked his oering im mensely yesterday. Of all the tricks accomplished by actors "The Human Fountain" is probably one of the most startling. But the Asahi act is not the only of the bill. There are four other acts, starting with The Brads whc. present a winning knock-about tumbling act, which is bound to start laughter. Another episode of "The Perils of Thunder Mountain," featuring the new seiial star Carol Holloway and Antonio Moreno is being shown in ad dition to the super bill. Prominent in support of Louise Glaum in that gorgeous Hodkinson picture, "Sahara." pre l.ouise Glaum sented by J. Parker At Victoria Read, Jr., is Master Pat Moore. This very youthful actor plays, with the inno-i cence of childhood, a part that will I 8 wring with pity the heart of every mother and father who sees this pow erful C. Gardner Sullivan drama, su pervised by Allan Dwan, while it | shows at the Victoria theater. Little Pat's mother in "Sahara" is! Mignon (Miss Glaum). She has desert ed her husband (Matt Moore) and i child for the admiration and luxury | her shallow soul craved. Years later she found the child in the filthy Street | of Beggars in Cairo begging for "alms for me and Aller." The money was used by his father for the deadly drug ] hasheesh. In the demented old beggar, the wife recognizes what she and the drug had left of her husband. The hoy's most pignant scene comes 1 when he turns his big. confiding brown eyes on the woman who has taken them from the gutter and asks. "Do vou know the bad woman we dot to kill?" She was that woman, and she unflinchingly faced the knowledge that the recovery of her husband's memory meant her death, but the stab of those baby words were greater than the pain "of death. You will enjoy the double treat in store for you at the Regent theater, where the D. W. Grif- A 4 the Regent tith production "True Heart Susie" is show ing. accompanied by an orchestra. Large crowds were at the Regent yes terday. Hundreds will see .it to-day and to-morrow. Lillian Gish is seen as the heart broken little girl who hoped to marry her girlhood sweetheart, and found him, instead, with his arms about a comparative stranger, whom be had asked to marry him With her aunt she is invited to the minister's home, to hear him play the little church or gan, quite a social event in the com munity. Just for a little surprise, she joyfully runs ahead of her aunt, tip toes through the open door and sees — The tumult of her heart seems to WHO IS SHE? One hundred photographs of her will bo given away in Harris burg—Will you get one? WllhWffiHl Thursday & Friday THE MAN BENEATH Another picture for the famous Attendance Breaking Week Pro gram. KING KELLY WORLD'S CHAMPION BALLOONIST AND PARACHUTE LEAPER ■it PAXTANG PARK—AII This Week Ascensions at 4 and 8:30 P. M. PARK THEATER The Metropolitan Trio Three Entertaining Girls IN MIRTH, MELODY and SONG 4 Other High Class Acts 2 PERFORMANCES NIGHTLY ADMISSION, 15c MATINEES THURS. AND SAT. surge in her face. The man for whom she has worked, and secretly helped and selected for her mate, turns witli a casual smile to her as an old friend, and she smiles back, a smile gracious with courtesy and well wishing, but palsied with the horror of surprise. Women should love that smile, for it is a triumph of their sex. Attendance Breaking Week opened at the Colonial theater yesterday with a bang! Hundreds of At the Colonial people flocked there to see Harrisburg's most popular screen star. Norma Tal madge ir. "The Way of a Woman.' her latest release. This picture has at tracted more than passing attention. It has brought up the question of what does a woman really want? Is it money Is it jewels? Is It influence? Is it social standing? or is it something more worth while? Norma Talmadge is at her best in this remarkable production. Ladies and children are especially urged to attend the matinees in order to avoid the night crowds. With an excellent vaudeville show at the Park theater, and King Kelly as a side attrac- At Pnxtung Pork tion, Paxtang Park should be favored with record-breaking crowds this week. King Kelly will make two balloon ascensions and take a chance on Cite parachute opeing every day. The first ascension will be at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and the second immediately ufter the first performace in the Park theater is over. On Thursday afternoon if weather conditions are favorable. King Kelly will try a triple parachute jump. This is one of the most hazardous feats known to the aeronaut game and can only be accomplished under the best weather conditions. The bill at the Park theater Is made up of five real vaudeville acts and to pick one particular act as the hendliner, would he doing the other four an injustice, they are all said to be grod. The Metropolitan Trio con sisting of three young ladies offer a combination of mirth, melody and rare versatility that is hard to boat. Karl Con and Blanch Ivitell, two stars of "The Fashion bop." have a comedy act that proved a winner at the park last evening. Others on the bill are Italphs and May jugglers. Eckert and Moore and Williams and Bennie, acro bats. CAFE DANSANT (Columbus Hotel) FOUNTAIN DRINKS, ICES AND REFRESHMENTS D A NCI N G Every Evening, C to 11.30 1. M. SYNCOPATED ORCHESTRA T 7"B TA T A 1 ' 1 "' Coolonf place to upend a mm %/ I I I ■ BIT I /m >i>*r ntterniian or cvenlnjc IN ot W -M. '"1*1 /~~A ri theater. If yon haven't tried It, oak your neighbor, who hn. One of the season's greatest successes—N. Y. World LOUISE GLAUM IN SAHARA A master film—Mignon was the idol of Paris, but her American husband, John Stanley, was ordered to the Sahara desert. She went along, and then came temptation to flee to Cairo. She went, but remorse went with her. Her husband in the meantime becamea drug addict and begged on the streets of Cairo for alms. She met him, when a nervous wreck, but he had sworn to kill her. What would the ordinary woman do, nurse him back to his senses so she might be killed or leave him begging alms on the streets. Ififll HCfl t I UIIPCIt? The coolest place to Mpcmt a Wln i"'l flll I llflfblil Jlf n>(k ~o tlr neighbor who has Did you hear about the enormous crowds that attended this theater yesterday to see Harrisburg's most popular star Norma Taimadge in her latest photoplay success "THE WAY OF A WOMAN" It was the opening day of Attendance Breaking Week, and it certainly was a success. But twice as many people are expected to attend to-day, as those who attended yesterday liked the picture so well they will tell all their friends. Ladies and children are urged to attend the matinees, in order to avoid the enormous night crowds. This is one of the brightest photoplays ever offered Harrisburgers at regular admission prices. REGENT REGENT SPECIAL DOUELE ATTRACTION Thursday, Friday and Saturday Thomas H. Ince presents WILLIAM S. HART IN HIS LATEST PLAY "Square Deal Sanderson' First time in Harrisburg He's n wonderful mixture In "Square Deal Sanderson;"' Wild, Woolly and Inflexible in Ills tight for the right; but tender ami utmost cowed by the presence of the woman lie loves. No man ever shielded a woman the way Hill Hart shields this one. He goes to the limit—and over!—for her. liut he always lives up to his name for the "square deal." also MRS. SYDNEY DREW "BUNKERED" Asks One-Quarter Cut in Use of Ice to Avert Famine Philadelphia, Aug. 5. With the daily consumption of ice in Philadel phia 1,300 tons above the daily out put of ice plants, and the surplus in storage down to only 39,000 tons, the Ice Conservation Committee yes terday decided upon drastic steps in order to curb the waste of ice and bring consumption as near the point of production as possible. The committee pointed out yes terday that with the small amount of ice in reserve it is absolutely necessary that the recommendations be followed out in order to avoid hardship, suffering and a more defin ite health menace later in the summer. Clemenceau Cites Paris For Conduct During War Paris, Aug. s.—Premier Clemen ceau has cited the city of Paris in Army orders as follows: "The city of Paris, a capital mag nificently worthy of France, ani mated by patriotic faith which nev er faltered, bore with firm and smiling courage frequent bombard ments by aircraft and long-range guns from 1914 to 1918, and has added deathless chapters to her secular glory." WILK^MgNTS Did you over see a group of clever magicians present, the Human Fountain the distinguished ASAHI TROUPE does it at this theater tho first liall' of this week 4—Other Keith Acts—l Everyone a hcadlincr REGENT "THE COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN" Totlay & Tomorrow D. W. GRIFFITH production "True Heart Susie" accompanied by orchestra de lights large nudicnees The story of a plain girl featuring Lillian Gish, Robert Har ron and Clarine Seymour HARRISBURG ££££&& TELEGRAPH $500,000 and Earldoms For Haig and Beatty; Premier Refuses Title London, Aug. 5. High titles and money grants will be given by Great COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA—TREASURY DEPARTMENT Btatement of the Amounts In tho several Funds at Close of Business July 31. 1919. GENERAL FUND Annvlile National Bank. Annvllle SIO,OOO 00 I Bank of North America, I'hiladelphia, 10,000 00 Curnegie Trust Co..' Car negie 145,000 00 Colonial National Bank, Connellsville 7,50t Central Trust Company, Harrisburg 50,000 00 Charter National Bank, ' Media . 12,500 00 County Savings Bank, Scrunton 80,000 Oil Chi .ens National Bank, Washington 100,000 00 City Bank. I'ork 25,000 00 Citizens State Bank, Wll lianisport 15,000 00 Delaware County Na tional Bank, Chester. . 76,000 00 ■ First Savings Ac Trust I Co., Derry, 30,000 00 Fayette City National I Dank. Fayette City ... 5,000 00 Fulton National Bank, Lancaster 5,000 00 Farmers Bank, Parkes burg 6,000 00 Fayette Title & Trust Co.. Unioiilown 60,000 00 First National Bank, Biairsvllle 10,000 00 First National Bank. Carnegie 60,000 00 First National Bank, Carrolltuwn 16,000 0(1 First National Bank, Cresson 10,000 00 First National Bank, Koensburg 50,000 06 First National Bank, Greensburg 100,000 00 First National Bank, Harrisburg 28.000 00 First National Bank, New Kensington 8,000 00 First National Bank, Plymouth 50,000 00 First National Bank. TrafTord City 10,000 00 First National Bank, Wellsboro 50,000 00 First National Bank, Confluence 10,000 00 First National Bank, Dunbar 10,000 00 First National Bank, New Wilmington 5,000 00 First National Bank, Martinsburg 5,000 00 Homer City National Bank, Homer City .... 16,000 00 Kane Trust & Savings Co., Kune 26,000 00 Kennett Trust Co., Ken nett square 10,000 00 Mechanics Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 00,000 Co Merchants National Bank, Harrisburg 60,000 00 Madera National Bank. Madera 20,000 00 Miners Deposit Bank, Ly kens 15,000 00 Metropolitan National Bank, Pittsburgh 25,000 00 Miners Saving Bank, Pittston 81,000 00 Middle City Bank. Phila delphia 80,000 00 Merchants National Bank, Pottsville 30,000 00 Miners Bank, Wiikea- Barre 86,000 CO Market Street National Bank. Shamokin 10,000 00 Miners National Bank, Blossburg 5,000 00 Manufacturers' & Me chanics Bank, Black Lick 15,000 00 McDowell National Bank, Sharon 16,000 CO National Bank of Coates vllle, Coatesville 8,000 00 National Bank of Mai* vern, Malvern 12,000 CO Naniicoke National Bank, Nanticoke, 10,000 00 National Bank of Ger muntown, Philadelphia. 15,000 00 North Scranton Bank, Scranton 20,000 00 I National Bank of Fay- I ette County. Unlontown 80,000 00 I Northern Central Trust Co., Williamsport 50,000 00 North Philadelphia Trust I Company, Philadelphia. 10,000 00 [Ninth National Bank, Philadelphia 20,000 00 Oil City Trust Company, I oil City 60,000 uu l'Klson National Bank, Berlin 12,000 00 I Pennsylvania Nation- I al Bank, Chester 36.000 0 Peoples Bank, Carnegie.. 10,000 00 peoples National Bank, East Brady 16,uu0 00 Peoples Bank, Hanover.. 6.000 0y Peoples National Bank. Lebanon B.OUO uy Peoples Bank. McKees port 60,000 00 -peoples National Bank, l Mittiln •. 4,yyy ov peoples National Bank, Monessen 12,000 00 1 copies National Bank, Mount Pleasant 12.UUU uy Provident Trust Com pany. Pittsburgh 30,000 00 Palmyra Bank, Palmyra.. 10.000 00 . en..a. Company ioi in surance on Lives and Granting Annul ties, Philadelphia 40,000 uo Pu,.asiiluu ney N ~,onal Bank, Punxsuta wney.. 10,000 00 Plymouth National Bank, Plymouth 35,000 uu Peoples State Bank of Red Lion, Red Lion 8,000 00 Peoples Saving and Dime Bank, Scranton 106,000 00 Pine BrooK Bang, Scran ton 12,(1110 on leoples Bank, Steeiton... 30,000 00 peoples National Bank, Stowartslown 15,000 00 Pittsburgh Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh 110,000 00 Peoples Trust Co., Wyo mlssing 16,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Latrobc 10,000 00 Peoples Bank of Oxford, Oxlord 10,000 00 Idttsburgh State Bank, Pittsburgh 5,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Edwardsville 5,000 CO Heading National Bank. Reading 36,000 00 Rural Valley National Bank, Rural Valley .... 8,000 00 Real Estate and Trust Co., Washington 12,000 00 3econd National Bank, Altoona 10,000 00 State Bank of Elizabeth, Elizabeth 2,000 00 Security Trust Co.. Har risburg 16,000 00 Standing Stone National Bank, Huntingdon .... 10,000 00 Second National Bank, Meyersdale 16,000 00 Safe Deposit and Trust Co. of Lawrence County, New Castle ... 16,000 00 South wark National Bank, Philadelphia ... 20,000 39 South Philadelphia State Bank. Philadelphia .... 8,000 00 Scottdale Trust Co., Scott dale, 36,000 00 South Side Bank, Scran ton 8,000 00 Snow Shoe Bank, Snow Shoe 6,000 00 Stroudsburg National Bank. Stroudsburg .... 25,000 90 Swarthmore National Bank, Swarthmore., . 16,000 00 Susquehanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co.. Wil liamsport 20,000 00 Security Title & Trust Company, York 20,000 00 Sons of Italy State Bank, Philadelphia 6,000 00 Third National Bank. Philadelphia 20,000 00 Tenth National Bank, Philadelphia 10,000 00 Tower City National Bank. Tower City 4.000 00 Tacony Trust Company, Philadelphia 26.000 00 "nlon National Bank, ConneMsvtlle 22,500 00 Union Banking A Trust Company. Dußols 21,000 00 Britain to her Victorious generals and admirals of the great war, ac cording to time-honored customs. The vote of thanks to the victors I will be presented in the House of Commons Wednesday, according to present plans. The name of Marshal Foch will be included. Field Marshul Sir Douglas Haig Statement of the Amounts in the Several Funds at close of Business July 31, 1919. Union National Bank, Johnstown 20,000 00 United S.ates National Bank. Johnstown 10,000 00 Union National Bank, Mc- Keesport 16,000 00 Union National Bank, Mineral-ill* 17,000 00 Union Bunk of Nanty Glo, Nanty Glo 8,000 00 Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. 30,000 00 Union Deposit & Trust Co., Waynesburg 16,000 00 Wayne County Savings Bank, Honesdale 15,000 00 Wayne Junction Trust Co., Philadelphia 16,000 00 Washington Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh 150,000 00 West Side Bunk, Scran ton 20.000 00 Wilbur, E. P., Trust Co- South Bethlehem 160,000 00 Warren Savings Bank, Warren 40,000 CO West Branch National Bank, Williamsport ... 16,000 Do Washington Trust Co- Washington 100,000 00 Western National Rank, York 10,000 00 West Side Bank, • West Pittston 8,000 00 Yough Trust Co., Con nellsville 40,000 00 York Trust Co., York,... 25.000 00 Colonial Trust Co.. Pitts burgh 137,029 52 Commonwealth Trust Co. Harrisburg 77,162'16 Corn Exchange National' Bank. Philadelphia .... 46,129 15 Diamond National Bank. Pittsburgh 41,908 S6 Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 28,104 14 Mellon Nutlonal Bank, Pittsburgh 83.279 12 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia .... 30,847 39 Cash on hand 107,421 59 Total Amount in Gen eral Fund $4,074,381 93 SINKING FUND Anthracite Trust Com pany, Scranton $50,000 Ub Brad fold National Bank. Bradford 15,909 Ou Commercial National Bank, Bradford 15.U00 i-u Commercial Trust Com pany, Harrisburg .... 5,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 55,820 26 Colonial National Bank, (-oiiiiellsviile 25,00 1 o Farmers & Traders Na tional Bank, Westlleld 10,000 00 Fayette City National Bank, Fayette City.... 20,uu0 (>u First National Bank, Ualeton 6,('Co 00 First National Bank, Knoxville 5.000 00 First National Bunk, Manstleld Ub First National Bank, Patton 15,000 00 First National Bunk, Susquehanna 39.'\>u Ou Mechanics Trust Co., Har risburg 15,00 V 0b McKean County Trust Co., Bradford 15,000 Cb Monongahela Nation al Bank, Brownsville.. 60,000 00 Punxsutawney Nutiunal Bank. Punxsutawney.. 90,000 00 Somerset Trust Company, Somerset 25,000 00 South Side Trust Co., Pittsburgh 20,000 00 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... 87,500 00 Tioga County Savings & Trust Co., Wellsboro.. 35,000 00 Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania. Harrisburg . 35.000 00 Union National Bank, Scranton 25,000 00 Total Amount la Sink ing Fund, $655,320 26 MOTOR FUND Farmers Deposit Bank, Cresson 7,500 00 First National Bank, Cherry Tree 30,000 00 First National Bank, Bellwood 8.000 00 First National Bank, New Kensington 5,000 00 First National Bank, Shenandoah 25,000 06 First National Bank, Wrightsville 10,000 09 Latrobe Trust Company. Latrobe 30,000 00 Miners National Bank, Blossburg 10,000 00 Mechanics Trust Co., Harrisburg 50,000 00 Notional Hank of Fay ette County, Union- ■ town, 20,000 00 Penbrook National Bank, Penbrook 10,000 00 Potter Title and Trust Co.. Pittsburgh 20,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Stewartstown 5,000 00 State Bank of Dravos burg, Dravosburg 10,000 4o Union Savings Bank. Pittsburgh 25,000 00 Wyoming Valley Trust Co., Wilkes-Barre 45,000 00 Yough Trust Co.. Connels vllle 10.000 00 Diamond National Bank. Pittsburgh ; 6.151 24 Harrisburg Trust Cu- Harrlsburg 72,891 36 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia, .... 7,921 51 Total \mount in Motor Fund $407,497 71 STATE BOND ROAD FUND Allentown National Bank Allentown 25,000 00 Allentown Trust Co., Allentown 25,000 00 Athens National Bank, Athens 10,000 00 Aldine Trust Co.. Phila delphia 15,000 00 American Bank and Trust Co., Philadel phia 60,000 00 Anthracite Trust Co., Scranton 25,000 00 American National Bank, Waynesburg 25,000 00 American National Bank, Ebensburg 42,500 00 Anchor Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 50.000 00 Archbald Hank, Archbald 5,000 00 Ardmore National Bank, Ardmore 16,000 00 Berwick Savings and Trust Co., Berwick . . 10,000 00 Bolivar National Bank, Bolivar 12,500 00 Braddock Trust Co., Braddock 30,000 00 BridgevlUe Trust Co- Bridgeville 37,600 00 Brookville Title and Trust Co., Brookville .. 25,000 00 Butler County National Bank, Butler 30,000 00 Burgettstown National Bank, Burgettstown . 50,000 00 Bank of Donora, Donora 25,000 00 Bank of Commerce, Philadelphia 50,000 00 Bank of East Fails, Philadelphia 15,000 00 Rank of North America. Philadelphia i 100,000 00 Bank of Charlerol, Char leroi 25,000 00 Berks Co. Trust Co- Reading 100,000 00 Bosak State Bank, Scran- ton 30,000 00 Broad Street Bank. Phila delphia 36,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Read- j ng 25,000 00 Carlisle Deposit Bank. Carlisle 30.000 00 Carlisle Trust Co- Car lisle 25.000 00 Carnegie National Bank, Carnegie 35,000 00 Carnegie Trust Co., Car negie 5,000 00 Citizens Trust Company of Cannonsburg. Can- nonsburg 20,000 00 Clearfield National Bank. Clearfield 26,000 00 Clearfield Trust Company, , Clearfield 60,000 00 and Vice Admiral Sir David Beatty, us expected, will be made eurls and each will receive u grant of $500,- 000. Field Marshal Viscount French, of Ypres, and Admiral Viscount Jellicoe, of Scapu, will receive grants of $250,000 each. A number of other commanding officers will receive money grants, Citizens Trust Company. Clarion 40.000 00 Ciyiner National Bank. Clymer 10,000 00 Citizens state Bank of Salisbury. Elk Lick .. 5,000 tO Citizens Bank, Freelund, 25,004) 00 Camp Curtln Trust Co., Harrisburg 30,000 00 Central Trust Co,, Har risburg 50,000 00 Commercial Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 20,000 00 Citizens National Bunk, Indiana 10,000 00 Clinton Trust Company, Lock Haven 15,000 00 City Hank of McKeesport, McKcesport 47,500 00 I Chartiers Trust Com pany, McKees Rocks.. 25,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Meyertdalc 40,000 00 I Vntral National Bank, Mount Union 18,000 CO Jentral National Bank, Philadelphia 100,000 00 Columbia Avenue Trust Co., Philadelphia 25,000 CO Con 11 nental Equitable Title & Trust Co., Phil adelphia 50,000 00 Cnnimonwealth Trust Co- Pittsburgh 50,000 00 County Savings Bank, Scranton 70,000 00 County Trust Company, Somerset 10,000 00 Citizens Title & Trust Co., Unlontown 25,000 00 Cone wago Trust Com pany, Warren 10,000 00 Citizens' National Bank, York 10,000 00 Central National Bank. Washington 100,000 00 Commercial Trust Com pany. Philadelphia .... 35,000 00 Conestoga National Bank, Lancaster 5,000 00 Cambria Title & Trust Co., Kbensliurg 10,000 00 Chembersburg Trust Co., Chambersburg 25,000 00 Cbarlerci Savings & Trust Co., Charlerol ... 50,0u0 00 Citizens National Bank, Middletown 15,000 00 Citizens Natiodal Bank, Tunkhannock 22,500 00 Citizens National Bank, Vandergrift 10,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Waynesburg 100,000 00 Continental Trust Co- Pittsburgh 50,000 00 Delaware Countv N a - tional Bank, Chester .. 25,000 00 Deposit National Bank. Dußois 25,000 0C Drivers and Mechanics Bank, Philadelphia .... 62.500 00 Dillsburg National Bank, Dillsburg 15,000 00 Dollar Savings & Trust Co., Pittsburgh 25,000 00 Dime Deposit Bank, Wil kes-Bnrre 50,000 00 East End Savings & Trust Co.. Pittsburgh . 50,000 0b Exchange National Bank, Pittsburgh 100,000 00 Electric City Bank, Scranton 25,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Canton 5,000 (10 Farmers Trust Co., Car lisle 85,000 00 Freeport Bank, Freeport, 10,000 00 Fayette City National Bank, Fayette City ... 10,000 00 Farmers State Bank, . Hanover 10,000 00 Farmers Trust Co., Leb anon 10,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Montrose 15,000 CO Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Northumberland, 10,000 00 Farmers National Bank, Oxford 15,000 00 Federal Trust Co., Phila delphia 15,000 00 Frankford Trust Co- Philadelphia 5,000 00 Franklin Trust Co., Phil adelphia 220,000 00 F; is Deposit National. Bank, Pittsburgh 95,000 00 Farmers A Miners Trust Co., Punxsutawney .. . 50,000 00 Farmers and Merchants I National Bank, Red Lion 20,000 00 Farmers National Bank, I Somerset 18,000 00 I Farmers Trust Company, State College 5,000 00 Farmers & Merchants National Bank, Tyrone, 15,000 00 Farmers & Mechanics Trust Co., West Ches ter 75,000 00 Farmers & Merchants Bank, West Newton.... 20,000 00 Farmers National Bank. Freeport 15,000 00 Franklin Trust Co- Franklin 15,000 00 Fredonia National Bank, Fredonia 5,000 00 Freehold Bank, Pitts burgh 100,000 00 Farmers and Miners Bank of Jacksonville, Kent 7,500 00 Fox Chase Bank, Phila delphia 20,000 00 B'irsl National Bank, * Ambler 50,000 00 First National Bank, Ashley 10,000 00 First National Bank, Addison 10,000 00 First National Bank, Bedford 25,000 00 First National Bank, I Berwick 10,000 0(1 First National Bank, Beaver Falls 25,000 00 First National Bank. Canton • 25,000 00 First National Bank, Charleroi 25,000 00 First National Bank, Clarion 30.000 00 First National Bank, Oil ton Heights 25,000 00 Fit si National Bank, Dushore 10,000 00 First National Bank of Salisbury, Elk Lick. 18,750 00 First National Bank, Franklin 25,000 00 b irai National Bank, Glen Campbell 25,000 00 First National Bank, Harrisburg 50,000 00 First National Bank, . Intercourse 10,000 00 First National Bank. Johnstown 50,000 00 First National Bank, Lebanon 10,000 90 First National Bank, Murysville 5,000 00 First National Bank, McKcesport 25,000 00 First National Bank, Meshoppen 20,000 00 First National Bank, Miiflintown 15,000 00 First National Bank. Montcursvllle .. 12,500 00 First National Bank, New Freedom 10,000 00 First National Bank. Nanticoke 47,500 00 First National Bank. Olyphant 30,000 00 First National Bank, Pitcairn 25,000 00 First National Bank. Pittston 75,000 00 First National Bank, Portage 15,000 00 First National Bank, Sayre 10,000 00 First National Bank, Somerlleld 10,000 00 First National Bank. Spangler 10,000 00 First National Bank, Spring Grove 10,000 00 First National Ban*. Rlmersburg 15,000 00 First National Bank. Tyrone 30,000 00 First National Bank, Wcatherly 10,000 00 | First National Bank. Williamsport 75,000 00 First National Bank, York 40,000 00 First Nhtl on a 1 Bank, Washington 50,000 CO AUGUST 4, 1919, making a total for all $3,000,000. Premier Lloyd George's name was proposed to-day for some honor by Sir James F. Kqmnant in the House of Commons but Andrew Bonar Law, the Government leader, replied that he had mentioned the matter to the Premier, who said he would not for a minute agroe to it. First Notional Bank, Cambridge Springs .... 25,000 00 First National Bank, Genesee 7,500 00 First National Bank, Hastings 15,000 00 First National Bank. Knoxville 2,500 00 First National Bank, Manstield 5,000 00 National Bank, New Sulem 12,500 00 First National Bank, Houtzdalo 20,000 00 First National Bank, Shenandoah 50,000 00 First National Bunk, Youngsville 10,000 00 First National Bank, Philadelphia 200,000 00 Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. Butler 50,000 00 Ulen Hoek State Bank, Glen Bock 8,000 00 Glass City Union Deposit Bank, Jeannctte 20,000 00 Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co.. Philadel phia 100,000 00 Glenside National Bank; Glenside 15,000 00 Hamburg- Savings Bank. Hamburg 10,000 00 Hanover Bank of Wilkea- Barre, Wilkes-Barre .. 15,000 CO Heights Deposit Bank, Wilkes-Barre 20,000 00 Honesdulo National Bank, Honesdale 15,000 00 Industrial National Bank. West York 10,000 00 Jcannette Savings & Trust Co., Jeannette . . 20,000 00 Jenkintown National Bank, Jenkintpwn .... 20,000 00 Juniata Valley National Bank, Mifflintown .... 10,000 00 Keystone Bank, Harris burg 15,000 00 Kennott Trust Co., Ken nett Square 10,000 00 Keystone National Bank. Pittsburgh 50,000 00 Keystone Bank, Scranton. 15,000 00 Liberty Discount and Sav ings Bank, Curbondale, 25,000 00 Lincoln Deposit & Trust Co., Altoona 45,000 00 Latrobe Trust Company, Latrobe 70,000 00 Lebanon County Trust Co., Lebanon 10,000 00 Littlestown Savings In stitution, Littlestown ~ 10,000 00 Luzerne National Bank, Luzerne 10,000 00 Lyndora National Bank, Lyndora 15,000 oo Logan Trust Company, Philadelphia 50,000 00 Liberty National Bank. Pittsburgh 75,000 00 Lincoln Trust Company, Scranton 60,000 00 Luzerne County National Bank, Wilkes-Barre . . . 20,000 00 Lycoming National Bank. Williamsport 25,000 00 Marine National Bank, Erie 50,000 00 Merchants National Bank, Harrisburg 50,000 00 Marion Center National Bank, Marion Center .. 10,000 00 McKeespoi'i Title ,v Trust Co., McKeesport 50,000 00 Metropolitan National Bank, Pittsburgh 50,000 00 Miners Savings Bank, Pittston 19,000 00 Merchants National Bank, Pottsville 10,000 CO McDowell National Bank, Sharon 9,000 00 Miners Bank, Wilkes- Barre 14,000 00 Masontown Natl on a 1 Bunk, Masontown .... 10,000 00 Miners & Merchants De posit Bank, Portage .. 10,000 00 Mutual Trust Co., Phila delphia 25,000 00 Monaca National Bank, Monaca 10,000 00 Moshannnn National Bank, Philipsburg .... 40,000 00 National Bank of Coates vtlle, Coatesville 17,000 00 National Bank of Jersey Shore, Jersey' Shore . . 10,000 00 National Bank of Malvern, Malvern 3,000 00 Nazareth National Bank, Nazareth 47,500 00 National Bank of Ger mantown, Philadelphia, 10,000 00 North Scranton Bank, Scranton 13,750 00 National Bank of Fayette County, Uniontown ... 50,000 00 Northern Central Trust Co., Williamsport 25,000 00 Ninth National Bank, Philadelphia 5,000 00 Northumberland National Hank, Northumberland, 25,000 00 North Philadelphia Trust Co., Philadelphia 15,000 00 Oxford Bank of Frank ford. Philadelphia .... 27,500 00 Oil City Trust Co., Oil 1 City 50,000 00 Old Forge Discount & De posit Bank, Old Forge, 10,000 00 Olyphant Bank, Olyphant, 16,000 00 tPhiison National Bank, Berlin . 6,000 00 Pennsylvania National Bank, Chester 14,000 00 Peoples Bank, Carnegie, 5,000 00 Peoples National Bank, East Brady 9,000 00 Peoples Bank, Hanover.. 5,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Lebanon 2.000 00 Peoples Bank. McKees port ** 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Monesson 13,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Mount rieasnnt 3,000 00 Provident Trust Co.. Pittsburgh 20,000 00 Pennsylvania Co for In surance on Lives & Granting Annuities, Philadelphia 10,000 00 Flymouth National Bank. . Plymouth 10,000 00 Peoples Savings & Dime Bank. Scranton 130,000 00 Pine Brook Bank, Scran ton 3,000 00 Pithtirrh Trust Co.. Pittsburgh 190.000 00 Peoples Trust Co., Wyo missing 4,000 00 Peoplps National Bank, Latrobe 25,000 00 I Pittston National Bank, Elkland 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Edwardsville 15,000 00 Peoples Bank. Erie 75,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Spring Grove 10,000 00 Peonies Trust Co., Phila delphia 15,000 00 Itittenhouse Trust Co., Philadelphia 25,000 00 Reading National Bank, Rending 9.000 00 Rp'l I Jon First National Rank, Red Lion 20,000 00 Rural Valley National Bank. Rural Valley .. 7,000 00 Real Estate & Trust Co., Washington 13,000 00 Ridlev Park National Dank, Ridley Park 15,000 00 Second National Bank, Altoma 15,000 00 Ststo Rank of Elizabeth. Elizabeth 8,000 00 Security Trust Co., Har risburg 9,000 00 Standing Stone National Rank. Huntingdon .... 5,000 00 Scoond National Rank, Meyrrpdnle 10,000 00 Safe Drnosit & Trust Co. of Lawrence County. New Castle 9.000 00 Sfoond National Bank of Erankford, Philadel phia 5,000 00 So"th"'arv National Pi nk. EMladotohia 5,000 00 Sido Trust Co.. Pittsburgh 30,000 "0 South Side Rank, Scran ton 17.000 on Snow Shoo Bank, Snow Shoe 2.500 00 The United Textile Factory Work ers' Association in England now has about 250,000 members and wages are now 110 to 120 per cent above the standard, advances of 110 per cent having been obtained during the period of the war. Stroudsburg National Bank, Stroudsburg ... 25,000 00 Swarthmore National Bank, Swarthmore .... 4,000 00 Susquehanna Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Wll llamsport 30,000 00 Security Title & Trust _ Co., York 6,000 00 Safe Deposit and Title Guaranty Co., Kittan Safe Deposit Bank, Ta rentuni 10,000 00 Savings Deposit Bank, Wilkes-Barre 10,000 00 Third National Bank, Philadelphia 12,600 00 Tarenlum Savings & Trust Co., Tarentum .. 25,000 00 Tower City National Bank, Tower City .... 6,000 00 Turtle Creek Savings & Trust Co., Turtle Creek 20,000 00 St. Marys National Bank, St. Marys 100,000 00 St. Marys Trust Co., St. Marys 60,000 00 Savings & Trust Co. of Indiana, Indiana 100,000 00 Union National Bank, Scranton 25,000 00 Union Banking & Trust Co., Dußois 10,000 00 Union National Bank, Johnstown 65,000 00 United States National Bank, Johnstown 5,000 00 Union National Bank, Mc- Keesport 9,000 t)0 Union National Bank, Mincrsvllle 8,000 00 Union Bank of Nanty- Glo, Nsnty-Glo 4,500 00 Union Trust Co. of Pitts burgh. Pittsburgh .... 70,000 00 Union Deposit & Trust Co., Waynesburg 9,000 00 Union Trust Co., Donora, 10,000 CO Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania. Harrisburg . 3,500 00 Union Savings Bank, Pittsburgh 75,000 00 Wayne County Savings Bank, Honesdale 10,000 00 Wayne Junction Trust Co., Philadelphia 34,000 00 Wyoming Valley Trust Co., Wilkes-Barre .... 5,000 00 Williamsport National Eank. Williamsport ... 25,000 00 Woodlawn Trust Co., Woodiawn 25,000 00 West Side Bank, West Pittston 2,000 00 Warren Trust Co., War ren 10,000 00 Waynesboro Trust Co., Waynesboro 25,000 00 York Trust Co.. York ... 10,000 00 Volley National Bank, Chambersburg 40,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts burgh 750,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 750,000 00 Corn Exchange National Bank, Philadelphia ... 500,000 00 Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh 740,000 00 Harrisburg Trust Co., Harrisburg .. .y 300,000 00 Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh 500,000 00 Quaker City Nationat Rank. Philadelphia .. . 495,005 75 Philadelphia National Rank, Philadelphia ... 388,241 05 Total amount, in State Bond Road Fund $12,364,746 80 GAME PROTECTION AND PROPA GATION FUND Cambria Title Savings & Trust Co., Ebensburg. 25,000 00 Franklin Trust Co., Phila delphia 6,000 00 First National Bank, Biairsville 65,000 00 Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg... 19,000 00 Wilbur E. P. Trust Co., S. Bethlehem 50,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts burgh 21,672 41 Total amount in Game Protection and Propa gation Fund 185,672 41 FUND FOR PAYMENT OF BOUNTIES -1 Bedford County Trust Co, Bedford $25,000 00 Dime Bank. Pittston ... 35,000 03 First National Bank, Somerset 26,000 00 National Bank of Coates ville. Coatesville 25.000 00 Peoples Union Savings Bank, Pittston 60,000 00 Third National Bank, Philadelphia 60,000 00 Providence Bank, Scran ton 25,000 00 Fir st National Bank, Houtzdale 6,000 00 Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh 3,903 69 Total Amount in Fund for Payment of Boun ties $243,903 69 INSURANCE FUND Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg .. $30,000 00 Mechanics Trust Co, Har risburg 26,000 00 C"mmonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 223,447 11 I Total Amount in Insur- ' ance Fund $278,447 11 STATE SCHOOL FUND Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg $100,817 05 Total Amount In State School Fund $100,817 06 BANKING DEPARTMENT FUND Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia .... $79,815 64 Total amount in Banking Department Fund ... $79,815 6t PRISON LABOR Commonwealth Trust Co, Harrisburg $53,661 39 Total Amount in Prison Lnbor Manufacturing Fund $53,561 39 FEDERAL APPROPRIATION FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Common wealth Trust Co, Harrisburg $32,059 03 Colonial Trust Co., Pitta burgh 93,190 94 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ..... 64,600 13 Total Amount In Fed eral Appropriation... $189,860 lo FISH I'UUCAUAI'ION FUND Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg $13,907 80 Total Amount in Fish Propagation Fund ... $13,907 80 The above statement includes the names of all Banks, Corporations and Firms with whom the moneys of said funds are deposited. ula Bonds are held by the State for the safe keeping of the same. Interest at the rate of 2 per centum is received by the State on such de posits. State of Pennsylvania, City of Har risburg —ss. Personally appeared before me Charles A. Snyder, Auditor General; ilHrmon M. Kephart, State Treasurer, who being duly sworn according to law, salth that the foregoing state ment Is true and correct to the best of his knowledge and belief. Sworn and subscribed before me, this stli day of August, 1919. CHARLES A. SNYDER, Auditor General. HARMON M. KEPHART. State Treasurer. Published In pursuance of the pro visions of Section 11, Act of Febru ary 17. 1906, Harrisburg, Pa. CHARLES A. SNYDER, v Auditor General, 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers