RIFLE PRACTICE WORKORDERED Militiamen Directed to Qual ify With the New United States Army Rifle General orders V\\ $ // j have been issued \v\\ HZ' by the A<> J utant f partment for in- auguration of the rifle practice by r JRQ39QC? the Reserve Mili i JviWlnn t,e wilh the new igUlnuOfll. government rifle which was issued "rf ihn militiamen at the Mt. Gret na camp to replace the old Reming tons. This rifle practice will be required of everyone connected with the Militia. The outdoor practice season be gan on July 21, but the gallery prac tice is continuous. The orders re quire preliminary instruction and provide detailed information regard ing the use of rifle and the ranges and targets. At each range a total of sixty per cent, of the possible fig ure in each required position must be attained before advancement to the next range. Scores once begun must be completed unless accident or stormy weather interferes. To Begin Inspections. First in spections of lands proposed for the next State game preserves in west ern Pennsylvania will be made this week by Dr. Charles B. Penrose, chairmap; Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, sec retary, and John M. Phillips, mem ber of the State Game Commission. Several properties are being survey ed. If the lands are suited pur chases will be made very soon. Montgomery to Speak. Dr. Thomas Lynch Montgomery. State librarian, will go to State College Thursday to present diplomas to thirty graduates of the library school. Employment Work. The Har risburg district Bureau of Employ ment reports for last week to Com missioner Connelly: Soldiers—l 39 applications; 121 openings; 121 men sent; 119 receiv ing positions. Civilians—l 34 applicants; 115 openings; 115 persons sent to jobs; 114 receiving positions. Women—69 applicants; 66 open ings; 65 sent to jobs; 58 receiving positions. tL'ompcnsation Cases. —Frost bite is violence to the physical structure of the body and "the fact that the claimant was suffering with chronic ailments which rendered him more susceptible to such an injury than an ordinary person will not defeat his right to compensation," rules the State Compensation Board in Green vs. Hill, Philadelphia. In deciding the case of Zukowsky vs. Philadelphia and Beading Coal and Iron Company, Pottsville, wherein the Schuylkill county court ordered a new hearing, the board reaffirms its former finding and de clares that the statement of the decedent made when he complained of pain while at work cannot be taken as made for a self-serving purpose. The fact that the man did not repeat it to the doctor who treated him is referred to. The board has referred the case of Jackubich vs. Jones & Laughlin Steel Company, Pittsburgh, to a ref eree for the purpose of determining questions of fact; granted a new hearing in Critchlow vs. Steen, Conoquenessing; and dismissed a number of appeals. Increases Filed. Announcement of the filing of a number of notices of increases of stock or debt and issuance of certificates by the Pub lic Service Commission has been made as follows: County Gas and Electric Company, Philadelphia, bonds, $1,800,000; Renovo Edison Light, Heat and Power Company, Renovo, common stock, $18,500; Beaver County Light Company, Pittsburgh, bonds, $24,000; Mauch Crunk and Lehighton Transit Com pany, Mauch Chunk, bonds. $150,- 000, common stock, $150,000; pre ferred stock, $50,000; South Pitts burgh Water Company, Pittsburgh, bonds, $5,000; Eastern Pennsylvania Railways Company, Pottsville, bonds, 198,000; Allentown-Bethle hern Gas Company, Allentown, bonds, $210,000; Philadelphia Rapid Transit Company, Philadelphia, equipment trust certificates, SBB,OOO and bonds, $174,000; New York. Chicago and St. Louis Railroad] bonds, $821,000; Cambria and In diana Railroad, Philadelphia, notes SBOO,OOO. Sock Jitney Rights. —E. St. Snavely has asked a State certifi cate to operate a jitney between Middletown and Elizabcthtown. The application will be heard by the Public Service Commission on Au gust 13. Holding Hearing.—Che.irman W. D. B. Ainey, of the Public Service Commission, is holding hearings in Johnstown to-day. Filed Increase. The Universal Machine Company, of Rcp.ding, has filed notice of increase of stock from SIO,OOO to $240,000. Warden Dies. W. J. Holland, well known as a game and fish warden, died at his home at Beach Haven after a long illness. Dr. Becht In Charge.—ln the ab sence of Superintendent Thomas E. Finegan, First Deputy J. George Becht is in charge of the Depart ment of Public Instruction for the next fortnight. Petitions Filed. Nominating pe titions were filed at the Capitol to day for Judge George Henderson, Or phans' Court, Philadelphia; Charles F. Uhl, Jr., Common Pleas. Somerset county: Judge Charles I. Landis. Com mon Pleas. Lancaster county, and these Associate Judges: A. L. Dyer. Lopez, Sullivan county, and Frank P! Plessinger, Amaranth. Fulton county! Many Bids Opened. Bids were opened at the State Highway De partment to-day for over 60 miles of State Highway on main routes, some of which will connect with county projects for Improvements. The awards will be made later In the month. Taking In Veterans.— Steps will be taken later in the month to complete the enlistment of the new troop of the State Police now being organized at Lancaster. The State will erect a barracks near the State Arsenal here this fall for the new troop, which will be composed almost entirely of overseas veterans. Henderson Honored.— Judge George Henderson, of the Philadelphia Or phans' Court, has been endorsed for election to the full term by four for mer attorney generals. M. Hampton Todd." John C. 8011. Hampton L. Car son and Francis Shunk Brown. Dewalt In Field.— Congressman Ar thur G. Dewalt is being boomed for Judge In Lehigh, although he says he TUESDAY EVENING, | is not personally running the move- Iment. but is in the hands of his friends. The Congressman Is a for mer Senator and well known here. He served as a member of the Capitol I Investigation Commission. | Governor Still In West.—Governor j Sproul is till in the State of Wash : ington. He may return here late next II" The LtVg Store " v 'M/ways I There's Only One I Which comes anywhere near describing our semi-annual sale, and that is I Phenomenal because it s almost beyond conception to believe that there could be such enormous crowds or such tremendous selling as there has been since we started our mid-summer Where Everything Is Reduced Except Collars and Interwoven Hose I From the moment the doors were opened until the very close of each day, the buyers have been here spending to save more generously than at any previous sale—yesterday, ay ' ° ne CUBtomer who lives right here in Harrisburg spent $177.00 W v? SHIRTS ALONE, ever hear of a more liberal purchase than that?. But rus tomer wanted to save and at our prices he was sure he could do it, for you know a man who has that much to spend isn't going to pay outside He is looking at the investment side of the question and he wants I t. > * Here s another interesting story— A customer from out i | | t°wn happened in and being pleased at the enthusiasm in this "Live Store" iHS I- s X ventured to the boys' department and looked over the wash suits, began picking out the ones ffe IjlliM B {* e llked ***? before she was through selecting had bought $49.92 worth of these good values. || > you these things to let you know what the critical buyers really think of this Bt " II? * This "Live Store" is the center of attraction 1 merchants for miles around are watching this store, just as if it I III!! ■' were their own store, and we deeply appreciate the many kindly remarks jgj llil they make about the high character and business policy pursued by this store i W ' ~° ur re cords show that we had a greater volume of business July than last W "December" which is generally supposed to be the best month of the year so y °' U 86e We . mus * kave * ke r *S k t kind of merchandise and sell at satisfactory H jl fW *WW '■ IffH August will be a still greater month at least 50 % greater 8 fIgSgCT / than July for the prices we are asking for good quality merchandise is so low 181§lf that you can scarcely help but take advantage of this opportunity. Remember all Shirts, Hos foi iery, Gloves, Underwear, Pajamas, Night Shirts, Brighton Garters, Pioneer Suspenders, all B. /' V. D. Union Suits, Men's and Boys' Trousers, Overalls, Work Shirts and all !(ji ' Hart Schaffner & Marx I Kuppenheimer and Society Brand Clothes ■ J Are included. We are having a regular Copyright 1919 Hart Schaflner & Marx : ; / , f . , - 1 r clean-up or spring and summer goods so we can make room for Fall shipments. If you need wearing apparel now or in the near furture this is • the time to realize big savings on your purchase. All $25.00 Suits $18.75 All $40.00 Suits s3l-75 > y All $1.50 1 AUs3o.ooSuits $23.75 Alls4s.ooSuite $35.75 I All <t? zn \ _ _ $ A11535.005uit5....; $27.75 Allsso.ooSuits $39.75 C I B. V. D. j J Boys' \ Union. ' j week for a few days and then go to | Salt Lake City. Hearings Tomorrow. —Steps are be ing taken to clear the dockets of the Public Service Commission of appli cations and a special hearing will be held to-morrow. A hearing will also be held at Clearfield in jitney cases. Moore Still I'p. —People from Phil- HJLRRXSBUFtG TRT.FGH3Pg I adelphia here to-day declared that It looked very much like Congressman J. Hampton Moore for mayor, and i that Ex-Governor Edwin S. Stuart would not be a candidate. Potash Is There Tioga county ' folks at the Capitol to-day backed up the statement In the Philadelphia North American that there were pot ash deposits in that county, but they shared the doubts of the Philadelphia newspaper whether they were of a slae that would justify their operation. Most people from that county think that the matter should be horoughly Investigated before any claims that startle the earth arc made. To Nome Geologist. Governor Sproul will name a State 'geologist when he returns here In September There has been no such official known os a State geologist In many years. Geological work was for a long time In the bunds of h Creologle.il Sur vey and the Geological Commission, WHICH uicludou SUCH uien as Aiiuiew S. McCreuth, Edward d'lnvllliers, R, 'AUGUST 5, 1919. R. Hlce, and Geofge W. McNees, for mer senator from Armstrong: and in early years men like the late Dr. J. P. Lesley. ASTHMA quickly relieved by NEW INVENTION. Medicine ad ministered by Inhalation MAN-HEIL INHAI.KR. Demonstration at Gor gon Pharmacy, 16 N. Srd St. 13 ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk For Infante artd Invalid* Aveia Imitatiea* aad Substitutes
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