• Monday Morning Opens My Second 9 | Twice-In-A-Twelvemonth j CLEARANCE SALE *-M~ I 9 (34,000 WORTH OF HIGH QUALITY MERCHANDISE TO BE SOLD FOR SII,OOO 0 V I don't have to say much about this sale. In announcing ED. NO ALTERATIONS WILL BP2 MADE DITR- U • my last February's Twice-in-a-Twelvemonth Sale I said ING THE SALE, BUT DURING THE WEEK FOL- (~\ (~\ • [) "Harrisburg has never seen values even approaching those LOWING I'LL BE GLAD TO' MAKE THEM AT . A • I'm offering during this event." You all know that the COST. ' ,/$ Y A prices quoted proved the truth of this assertion. And this Another point: where I name a previous price I mean J , - . A A J time the reductions will be just as drastic if not more so. the price at which the item was actually marked Prices • Vf*rlo £1 11 IO • a I absolutely refuse to carry goods over into the new have so increased since many of these garments were 0 OCltCCi.ti'C.C' Q * V season. Each season I start in business anew. bought, that today's value is far in excess of the price at A • fl I Values like those named will jam my store. Therefore I which it was formally labelled. Thus an item marked "pre- . r\4- ZT 71/3 I") / O ® * y have arranged a schedule of events in order to ensure more viously $45" is really worth SSO or more at present values. 0 (// fa £/1// llu • A • comfortable shopping conditions. Also please note: NO Better tear this page out of the naner now so vou can re- i 0 • A PURCHASES OF SALE ITEMS WILL BE CHARG- fer to it next week. 0 OA 0 Fashionable Suits—Many Less Than Half Price ! ! 9 Q A satin and duvetyn novelty two- the first, size the second 42. The Six Shepherd plaid and velour check . ' 0 A • piece street costume in suede brown; $89.50 suit now $65.00; the $52.50 suits. Sizes- Three size 16- two fl m 1 A rtl • " A size 16. Former price $135.00. Sale suit now $35.00 size 18; one-size 38. Were'nwked l Tuesday, Aug. sth 0 • V Price $39.75 Thirty-nine suits of Tricotine, Poir- up to $57.50; now $29.75 ' C 1 ' 4 JP 4 0 v "® t A silk Tricolette sport suit, Pecan et twill and velour in navy and oxford, Four strictly tailored suits, size 16. 0 tSKIfIS A blue, size 38. Bought to sell at $45.00. both tailored and dressy models. Two Men's wear silvertone. Bought to sell * • A V Sale Price $26.75 —size 34; five—size 16; six—size 18; at $49.75. Sale Price $21.75 ? ttt i n a nn fl 0 A Two white Golflex suits, sizes 36 and five—size 36; three—size 38; four— Nine black suits of splendid quality 0 W GQHGSCIciy, rVUg. OIH l • V 38, conservative models. Previously size 40; five—size 42; one—size A2]/ 2 ; Tricotine and Poiret twill • manv x-* • A • priced at $39 755 and $45 00 now re- 5 44; °" c — S1 ; °ne—ize styles, both tailored and more elab- 0 UTeSSeS * 0 V (J spectively $27.50 and $32.50 46/4. Fonnerh- markedl up to sl2a.oa orate . Sizes: Two—size 16; two—size fi 0 A • Eight Golflex sports suits in suede Sale Pricess22.so, $35.00, $57.50 38; one—size 40; two —size 42; one— 1 mi 1 A r7J_l • " A and Beige. Sizes offered 16, 18, 36, and $75.00 _ _ size 44; one—size 48y 3 . Formerly sold 0 1 hUrSQcLy, Allg. I til 0 1 V 38 and 40. In two lots: Those former- Nine Goltlex suits in navy, robin's up to $125.00. Sale Prices $35.00, A x ALL L>AY) a (/ A ' lv $49.50 now $32.50; those which egg blue, oxford, leather. Sizes: Two $45.00, $47.50, $59.75 and $75 • TTT • , tt I • • U were $32.50 now $22.50 -size 16; two-size 18; two-size 36; Making a total of eighty-four suits 0 W CLISIS , UnCLerWeCLr 0 A A Two Golflex suits in Robin's egg two—size 08; one—size 40. Were a n purchased during- the nast soring ft ft • 0 blue, sizes 18 and 38. W ere $32.50; $39.50, $42.50 and $49.75. Now $35 and summer—marked at prices which ft T7l *4l A Q4-"L A fl • now $25.00 and $27.50 will mean a total savings of thousands j FriUciy, Allg. BIH 0 Y Q Two Reindeer Tricotine suits one One Scotch Tweed suit: misses, size of dollars to the women of Harrisburg ,, x, fl A • embroidered model, the other tailored, 16. Was $37.50; now $26.75 and vicinity. • JyJ ISCC LiCLTICOIIS 1 tCITIS 0 89 Summer Tub Dresses-Entire Lot $11.75 Five Dozen Hats ] I mi, S S A Formerly Sold Up to $35 Just sixty hats remain in stock. Re- 01 oHbbiFClciyj xxllg# tJbiT 1Q V gardless of what their former prices • , . " fl • Eighty-nine pretty frocks all I size 16; twenty —size 18; twelve—size were I have marked them all at two 0 frPTlPrnl (JIPCITWIT) 0 0 have left. French voiles, organdies 36; nineteen—size 38; seven—size 40; G °these l ° SCt °" e Ca'O fl fl A • and silk ginghams. nine—size 42; four—size 44; three— creadons 5 V —\ STORE CLOSU; SATURDAY —U A Sizes: Three—size 14; twenty-two— size 46. ~ />v\ AT i O'CLOCK 1 U ON SALE MONDAY. ( \ \ / f \ 1 A . ON SALE WEDNESDAY. vl J) X * / I cH • Coats and Wraps Pretty Skirts Drastically Reduced , 0 II Some of these are marked at one-third their real Vino cill- fnillo -„,t • , • , „• , A value. And remember, a handsome wrap is the iaiiie anci Erepe ae L.ninc skirts Eight sport skirts in plaid velour: Waist \ i• f* "I At PT\CP% U ,$. in Beige and sand. \Vaist measures: TWO- measures: 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30 inches. KPailtllUl (jOWIIS Hard to Credit • A Maiiinson silk, size 36. Boutjht to sell 26; two—2B; two—29; two—3o; one—36. Bought to sell up to $18.50. d -i xv qn -LJvTCA LI Ul-L til VJ DVV Liu 11(11(1 10 L/LUtt Nineteen handsome wraps in all sizes. Former- B ght to sell up to $18.50. d Q NOW . 1 Uoi7o For Evening Wear & Dancing; Also Many Street Dresses fl A 2 $22.75 No "' •; Four skirts, one navy and three black of ... 5.™... ,n .u ha.r pric. w. o,„ be. a r.w V V b,^r , ~q?s^r h Now V " tCl< ' th : $49.75 Wll.d Waist measures tr.es, - ts $13.50 0 A dcOT. U SizM .""'wS'is'S 1, Now"!". $47.50 Formerly up to $21.50. tin -7 |T to $19.50. "" '" C KS 'a>'i'o' 4r"' "T ,Wn. blue Chirtor crepe enins sown over metallte $53.75 * w Five velvet sport coats, one black with gray Now Uj L £ O Nnw A I % /•% cloth, size 36. Was $l5O. Now ............ .. • ..... A 0 angora collar and cuffs: shoe string belt 7C V A o• SJ A stone blue taffeta dance frock, size 38. Was $i9.00. $43.50 U A in V sl S zes s^6 5 , 0 18, N 3°6 V and 38."' fljoo 7e Til'crei e skirts of lanntasie, Moon 1 hirty eight white washable gabardine An ivory lace dinner gown, size 38. Was $89.50. $49 75 U Were $35.00. Now $23.75 Glo crepe, silk faille anc 1 ncolettc. Waist skirts. Sizes 25 to 38 waist measure. Now 7. .!. • Eight heather Golflex wraps; ladies' tfoq ye measures, 2/, 28, 29 and 30 inches, Prev- Bought to sell un to Six P >aln an<l dotted net dinner and dan-ce frocks in gray, tlcsh, coin, y A and misses' sizes. Were $35.00. Now. . PAO. # O iously up to $35. {h 1/> wm r* QU A* m mm ma , sunset and bisque; misses' sizes. Were $59.50. ,$39.75 • 11 A gray knitted wrap, navy blue .in- en XV,v .T> I K 7S wm |- a ild <J £* Now A v ing; size 38. Wan SIIO.OO Now .... **''OU V*Vf fKJ Now V oij tDOiiUv One printed Georgette in pastel colorings. Sie 38. Was SC?7 sfl Eight wraps of velour de lane; full lined; ladies' _ x $85.00 Now W W /l and misses' sizes. Were $42.50. 9Q 7C oALE TUESDAY. Eight lace dinner gowns, some in black; sizes 16, 18, 36 and ftH • U Now 34V. 1 0 38 were $125.00. Now SOO.UU m • w . . , $37.50 - $25.00 o 5 V£ '529.75 Waists and Blouses—lncredible Values 0 0 ££ w '"" Lack of space forbids an itemized list $8.50 waists for $6.50; $32.50 blouses • ON SALE TUESDAY of these offerings. Let it suffice to cite for s2l 50' 5*15 00 hi f Twelve Jersey Dresses; sizes 16 to 44; much underpricrd $35 00 (/ A /> a few instances of previous and pres- ©-u/kft/x ' ' ' blouses tor at ;••••• All • (1 f( \S T i* v.* or cr\ it $10.90 etr etc crnrps nf hriiiti'fiil Two maternity dresses of Crepe de Chine; sizes 37 to 39. ©1 Q Cr* A v xx • i t • • ent prices. lam listing $6.50 blouses v > eic - scoies or Deautitui Wcrc m . o o. now Oio.ou A • JJamty JLingGlIG d 0 up B ! ZeS . 16 '. 549.75 Y U A wonderful onnortunitv for the, V, NM „ $3.75 waists for $195; $3.95 waists tailored and more ornate priced at one- Eight Taffeta dresses in navy, brown and buff; sizes 16 to tio Cfk A • who re°eiif in beautifulnderwear? woman for $2.75; $21.50 blouses for $16.50; third or more below nrevious nrires 44 - nouKht to seU u,) to $52 50 - Th,s sule 515.5U y A Camisoles of washable satin *P , tmiu or more DeiOW prevlOUS prices. Four sport dresses in tub silk and Crepe de Chine in stone ©OO en , fl Were s>so Vow $1.95 ON SALE THURSDAY COPFM ATT 11AV\ blue and buff; sizes 16 and 18. Formerly up to $59.50. Now . . U Kayaer Bik camisoles' trimmed , IrIUKoJJAI (Ol EN ALL DAY). Ten afternoon and dinner gowns in pastel shades; Georgette, bead A • ssr* jffts j'r...589.50 - $65.00 V fl X °w p ;„'i, oV .. . „ Fifteen dresses of Georgette end f'repe de Chine in white and flesh; sizes A % v .. ' 5 $2 1 2 U All 4 At VI (Broken lots in sizes 3, 3'4, 4, 4% and s—Not all sizes in each lot) 1$ to 44. Bought to sell up to $55.00. tfOO gn tnd (90 7C • Now I") () 11 QOl I 5 pairs vlctor y 'ed, lavender and blue. Were $3.50 0 7C Now 3>OZ.OU 023.75 V 0 combimUlon, b ' e Georg- Now' 2-50 ' $1.69 $2 * 75 ON SALE WEDNESDAY. t • Was Embroldered Ru Sll N^ P . We, ; e .'" 5 ; $1.75 T A Ai T r nmn 0 fl NO Combi'natlon 8 : $10.95 < satin mules in pink and baby blue. Were $3.50. $0 95 BED JACKETS SOVC $7.50 1 X Were $3.00. in Crepe de Chi™ . . . (1 • Now .. 94.1V\ Biuie Burke. Was 4 pairs slippers, pink, blue and lavender, were $4.45. oen Several dainty bed jackets in pretty tints. <£Q Qf\ Y 0 n^JW 6 ? 3 : 95 ; $2.39| Now' $6.95 Now $3.50 Much underpriced at PpZs •%7\J m Etc., Etc. ON SALE THURSDAY. (OPEN ALL DWi Three breakfast robes: Ivory, lemon and <f* 1 E f\f\ w n Jl ON 8 -—THURSDAY (Open AH Day) peach. Were $22.50. Sale price 010 .UU V f N. ON SALE THURSDAY (OPEN ALL DAY). Q (i.®; j SATURDAY EVENING. HAIUEHS33TTRG iffilifrflSfll TEUEGRIAJPS AUGUST 2, 1919. 5
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