Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page business OPPORTUNITIES HARIUSBURGS REAL ESTATE BUREAU ! CONSULT ua . BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. i 331 MARKET STREET. I Texas oil and industrial news. It you would learn of the wonder, Jnoney-rnuking opportunities in Texas oil. send for tree sample copy. Texas Oil and Industrial News. -0i Losoya £t., San Antonio, Tex. A FORTUNE awaits a man with iuto as sole distributor of the fastest selling auto necessity sold under a money back guarantee. Contract for •valuable territory if you carry st <>cK to supply trade. Auto Supplies Co., <O. Eproul st.. Chester. Pa. IN forming a SIOO,OOO manufactur ing company to be located in East. I need two parties with $5,000 each, who with me will have controlling in terest in a business. I'm able to show a profit of over 400 per cent, on the Investment. Article to be manufactur ed is provable the very best in its line, and first year's sales of over $300,000 to be guaranteed by a re liable sales company. No agents will deal with principals only. For further details write P. O. Box 76, St. Paul. Minn. $ a FOR SALE—Grocery and meat mar; Ret doing an average business of $.!-! u week; good location; don t answer unless you mean business. Address R-8470 care Telegraph. WOULD TOU RISK $2 PER WEEK FORSO WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MAN'S COM PANY". By paying $2 per week for 50 weeks •we will offer you something great. Most people spend more for drink, tobacco, etc., but object to spending c Xow dollars lor their future wel fare. Particulars 7021 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh. Pa. WOULD you invest in a property, the rent from the upper two floors o. which amounts to nearly 8 per cent, on the whole purchase price asked, , thus allowing you a first class up-to date apartment, with every conveni ence. to live in free? If so. address M-8024 care of Telegraph. FOR SALE —Restaurant and lunch room, "complete and up-to-date, near Market street; price reasonable; In quire A. P. Dorauz, 1225 N. Sixth st LIVE business tor a live man. In nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery cigars. Doing business of $42,000 a year or more. Apply A. P. Dorauz, 1225 North Sixth St. BUSINESS PERSONALS E. L. DAVIS Automobile and motorcycle repair ing and overhauling. All work guar- R nt ecd 'G ar age, 1421 Thompson sTEAII feather renovating; all ticks emptied; new ticks furnished; B. J. Campbell. 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDiNQ Any metal welded. Work guaran teed Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street. Bell 4396-J. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street FURNITURE CRATED for shipping J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street ' A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bouaht and sold. Highest prices paid. ?022 Market street Bell 4730-J. ~ PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING _ first-class work. Chilcoat Bros., J622 N. Fourth St. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR IM.XATIVE miOSPHO-yUININE will stave it oft if taken in time. Gross Drug Store, 113 Market street FAZOR BLADES SHARPENED •-"ngl* edge. 25c doz., double edge. 35c doz* razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE, china packing and re pairing. carefully done by R J. Koy ster. 813 West st. Bell 318-R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES The entire cost of $25 for five months is $2.64 SSO for five months is 5.25 $75 for live months is 7.83 i 100 for five months is 10.50 Based on five equal monthly payments on date due. Longer tint's, if desired at little extra cost. Shorter time at lower cost. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 204 Chestnut Street. Under State Supervision MONEY LOANED —Employes' Loan Society. Room 206 Bergner Bldg., Third and Market streets. "Licensed and Bonded by the State." WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 4, 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans a specially, business confidential, pay ments tc suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS THIS WEEK. S6O Universal mahogany phono graph: almost new; plays all rec ords. Price S4O SIOO Kimberly mahogany, phono graph: cabinet size; like new; plays all records SBO sllO Cheney; fumed oak; phono graph; like new; plays all rec ords. Price SBO Two Empire olden oak phono graphs; used about four months: cabinet size. Price each SBS $125 Cheney, mahogany phono graph; used very little; plays all records; price SIOO $125 Columbia, mahogany, like new; cabinet size; price SIOO Easv payments may be arrang ed on any of the above instru ments. AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. TROUP BUILDING. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. YOU have made the visit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have It. Spangl'T Music House, 2112 North y Sixth street. UATUKUAY £VENINC.. HORSES AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE —Carload of new Watson dump wagons. Inquire A. A. Thura tna, Lemoyne, Pa. Dial phone. FDR SALE —A black horse, 8 years old for fanning <>r an excellent road horse. "Will sell cheap. Apply 1700 N. Second st. FOR SALE—Carload of new Watson dump wagons. Inquire A. A. Thomas, Lemoyne. Pa- Dial phone. FOR SALE! —High grade horse; guaranteed sound; safe to ride or drive anywhere; also runabout; har ness. saddle and light wagon. Inquire I B Dickinson, 505 N. 13th St. Bell phone 4773K; Dial 4201. ROOFING A FAVORABLE DECISION AGAINST OBSTACLES IS AN OMEN OF SUC CESS. THE BEST DECISION AGAINST LEAKY ROOFS IS IN HAV ING YOUR ROOFING AND ROOF PAINTING DONE BY AUCTIONEER HITE. BELL 18,5-J. HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin Aungst. Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell phone 15R6. HAULING —Local or long distance, pianos and safes a specialty. Paul Beck, successor to O. H. Beck. Call at 1419 Vernon street. Bell 2811-J., or Ober's Livery. WE Move Anything. Anywhere. I Anv time. Price reasonable. Dial 4990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a specialty. General hauling. Fifth and Reily. Dial 6268. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS, 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. AUTO HAULING —Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 917 Capital street. Both phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 636 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3688. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both phones. FINANCIAL " STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. 1. K. GREENAWAL'.?, JR., 130 Walnut SC. Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 61°-J. OIL lease, ten acres or more; Tex as field, legally registered with re corder of deeds, offers wonderful pos sibilities; SSO secures lo acres; won derful speculation for large or small investor; largest companies control surrounding leases; drilling locations made; drilling and great activity near by. Y'cur name brings free map and booklet. J. K. Sutherlin & Co., 818 Commerce Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. INSURANCE It isn't a nice thing to say. But It is a fact that SIOO will buy you more care and attention when you are laid up than 100 friends will give you. The time to insure against sickness or accident, is right now. J. SCHOOLNIK, 21 Spooner Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beuutilully situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north end east faces the new park, way. The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co.. Agents. STORAGE STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private • rooms ui reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co., Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods in tireproot ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-nreproof waio house. Harrisburg storage Co., 437- 445 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 40b .Marker. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. P. G. Diener. 4UB Market street, WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACXLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 2133 RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director ana Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. BELL 252 DIAL 2145 AUTO WANTED WANTED —Buick or Dodge touring or roadster, will pay cash, state year model and price. Address Box 8457 tare Telegraph. AUTOMOBILES Kochler 114-ton truck. Over hauled. All tires like new. YV ill carry ten-foot body. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG COMPANY, 212-214 North Second St. FOR SALE—Standard Dayton tour in" cur in excellent mechanical con dition. Would make excellent light truck. For sale at City Garage. River and Strawberry streets. BARGAINS —International one-ton truck used ten months, cheap; in ternational two-ton truck, used niae months, cheap; Ford delivery panel bodv, in line oont ",V 0 4 l i'ii a n uhit. brand new. Cadi lac delivery, closed body. Denby 2si-ton. Power doniu body in fine condition; Denby 5" -ton With stake body, like now; Acme 3%-tdn. with Woods steel dump body, used air months; Denby 3-ton with Woods steel dump body. Denby t;ales Corporation, 1205 Capital street. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars for business or pleasure at all hours. BF.LL 2360 DIAL 4914 MAXWELL touring car for sale, 1916 model, in good condition, price $:;75. Inquire 1202 Christian st. \l'TO RADIATORS of all kinds re quired by specialist. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 305 North Third street. tCoutlnuec In Next Column) AUTOMOBILES Republic 94-1 ton truck, overhauled and repainted. All units in excellent condition. New armored type radiator, front tires good, rear tlren fair. A sturdy little truck specially priced at $750. THE OVERLAND-HARRISBURG CO.. 212-214 North Second Street. FOR SALE —Ford ton truck, 1918; worm drive, in good condition; price reasonable. Inquire 2403 Jefferson at. Dial phone 3042. FORD touring. 1"; demountable wheels; new tires; tire carrier; shock absorbers; speedometer; spot light; too) box and cut out; good cur tains with winter rods; price S4OO. Square Deal Horst. Linglestown. WM. PENN GARAGE •>24-6 Muench street, limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night. Bell 4564. CHEVROLET roadster, 490 model; year 17; electric lights. Sartor bumper: flnr running ordur. 1 rico, $525. Horst, Linglestown. near Harris burg. KEYSTONE AUTO T °P co -. All sorts of auto tops and cushion work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonabl rates, Cameron street. FOR SALE—Cadillac, one 1911 fivo passenger, 4 doors, touring car, in fine operating condition, oquiped with 35x 4'.'. tires one extra tire, 3 tube stor age battery, electric light and born, a good serviceable car, price $425. One lavge presto gas tank, two large gas head lights. Price $lO. Ap ply A. S. Rexroth, car barn, 11th and Foster streets. FOR SALE— Paige touring, 1918 Lynwood model; excellent condition; the biggest bargain on the market at $950. Call be seen at Hershey gar age. Address C. D. Peruchi. Hershey Inn. MAGNETOS All types, 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eisman, Dixie, Splitdorf. Mea. Remy and different makes of colls carburetors, etc. A SchifTman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. MODEL 83, 5-passenger Overland; new paint: new top and tires in first class condition. Slble's Garage, 301 Cumberland. OLD AUTOS Wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers, in any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. SchifTman, 22, 24. 26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE —Studebaker Touring; 1916 eight-cylinder Oldsmobile Tour ing- Reo Touring car; Overland Coun trv Club; Jefterles Touring car. An drew Redmond, Third and Reily streets. FORD Sedan; 1918 model; dem. rims; lock, etc.; O. K. $725. Horst, Linglestown, Pa., near Harrisburg. DELIVERY AND TOURING CARS FOR SALE 191? model, 90 Overland light de livery, newly painted: first class me chanical condition. *l9lß model American Six touring car: A 1 condition. 1919 model American Six touring car; only run 2,800 miles; good as new. A real bargain. AMERICAN AUTO COMPANY, Susquehanna Garage, 1414 Susquehanna St., below Relly FOR SALE —Roadster in good me chanical condition. Inquire 34 Chest nut st.. Pcnbrook, Pa. Dodge, 1917. in good condition, completely overhauled. Reo roadster. A bargain; overhaul ed and in first class condition; tiros good. Templar car. 1918. In fine shape; tires new; one extra. Overland roadster Completely over hauled; tires new and new battery A real baigain. Velie, 1918. In fine shape; carrying a new iar guarantee. REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO.. 1917 N. Third St. iv louring. sstlo; 1915 Hudson toui fng $550;1916 Ford delivery with cab' $400; 1917 Olds s touring, s3j>o; 1918 Hurley-Davidson electric equip , i •>?-,• 1918 Paige touring. $1009; 1915 i "hiilmer six. just !>inted. s4ooj 1,15 t'halmer 6 touring. S2OO Regal loadster. electric equipped. S3OO, 1914 Buick touring, new top, $300; thiee _- inn -4. lden trucks; one 2-ton Reo tiuck. •Vhli.- trucks can be bought on easy terms. Inquire Seidell Truck Dis tributors. 1025 Market st. W ANTED Any model or make veto Tiro Vulcanizing Molds, complete piarts or Parts, for cash. Give de scription. Queen City Vul. Co.. Cin cinnatl. Ohio. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires * We pay highest cash prices. No junk. li. EMerbrook. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990 FORD touring. 17 model; electric lights; runs and pulls like new. Price S4-5 cash. Dial 36-C. S. R. Hoist, Linglestown. near Harrisburg. n-E. worm drive, 1%-2-ton truck. Used only few months. Original tires like new. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG COMPANY, 212-214 North Second St. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Fire Public Liability. Theft and r-rUiision Phone and representative will call. Chas. Adler. 1002 North Third street. MITCHELL touring car in good condition electric equipped; flr bt $225 takes it. Coxestown Garage. Dial 5751. "FOR SALE" FORD TOURING. BRISCO TOURING—I9IS Model. AND ONE-HALF-TON TRUCK— s-tectric lights, starter and pneu matic tires on front; mechanically right. TWO LIGHT DELIVERY BODrES FOR FORDS. \, BRENNER & SONS MOTOR CO.. Third and Hamilton Sts. ATTRACTIVE bargains to quick buyers in good used cars. 1917 Buick eight, six touring, spare tlr i9l6 Buick, big ix touring, Bpare t,r iVls Buick. one-ton truck. i 914 Stutz roadster, newly painted, rC ?fll? a Euger. turn six, fine •shape. Jin Vim. light delivery. 1914 Overland, model ,J. just over ruled. bargain. 1918 Reo touring, fine running order a t a bargain price. The above cars will appeal to the overage buyer *n the market for a good used car. Demonstrations given CHELESEA AUTO CO., A. SchifTman. Manager. tn Next Column) HAIUUSSURG TELEGRAPH AUTOMOBILES 1918 Overland, model 90. delivery truck; steel body; absolutely first class condition; electric light and starter; fine tires; good as new run 3,800 miles; first $550 takes it. Coxos town Gat age. Dial phone 5751. FOR SALE —Overland, in good con dition. Post office box 1207, Harris burg, Pa. FORDS AT THE SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR COMPANY 117 SOUTH THIRD ST., HARRISBURG. AUTOMOBILES '.. ANTED WANTED —Automobile: light five passenger touring car, mußt with stand country roads and be eheap tor cash; give particulars. Address Box T-8461 care Telegraph. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES 1914 Excelsior motorcycle; twin cylinders; in good condition; new I tubes and tires, first S6O takes it. IQoxestown Garage. Dial 5751. FOR SALE —1917 twin cylinder In dian motorcycle; 3 feet back kick I start; first class condition throughout; first SBS takes it. Coxestown Garage. Dial 5751. FOR SALE—Harley-Davidson mo ! toreycle; 1918 model and side car; I electrically equipped. Address Box J-8433 cure Telegraph. FOR SALE —1915 Yale, twin cylin der motorcycle, in good condition, first SIOO takes It. Bell phone 1857; 1936 Briggs.strfeeL BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY StIANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE wm I take you to any part of city or nearby country Call at tß3i Spencer street or Dial 5937. ' I ACCESSORIES AND RICPAiRS DREADNAUGHT 5,000-MILE TIRES 80x3 Ribbed Tread $13.88 30x314 „ " 17.10 32x3 *4 ~ ' 20.53 31x4 „ • 25.28 32x4 „ 26.82 ! 33x4 ~ " 27.69 ! 34X4 „ •* 28.43 | ssx4 Vi „ 88.82 1 36X4)4 40.32 20x3 Vacuum Tread 15.5s 30x3)4 " " 18.08 22x3)4 „ „ 22.43 31x4 ~ 28.01 22X4 , 29.14 33x4 „ 30.6 M 34X4 „ 81.89 25x4)4 „ „ 42.46 26x4)4 44.07 DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 N. Third at- Dial 4990. IF YOU need a tire or any part of any make of secondhand cars, we have it. We also buy secondhand Junk earn Highest cash price paid. Selden Truck Distributors 1017-1025 Market street. CHARLES & JOHNSON G a rak' auto repairing done by experts oniv Cars for hire; all work guaranteed Fa Jonestown Road. Dial phone 3304. SUNSHINE GARAGE Aut " re pairing by an expert. Road Jobs specialty. Charges reasonable Both phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street. ln Harley Davidson, electric and side car Indian, 1916, 3 speed JKK Indian, 2 speed electric 1,, Harley Davidson, one speed ... 7? Thor, one speed Big bargains to quick buyers. DAYTON CYCLE CO. Dial 4990 912 N. Third St. RAYFIELD carburetors are recog nized as the most reliable by all di criminating car owners; more uow..r mere speed and 25 to 50 per cent, sav ing of gasoline, are some of the ren" sons you should have one; a sDeriß type Bayfield for every muke of cir Agency. Uedericks Garage, 1807 N Seventh at. NOTICE NOTICE OF REMOVAL Mrntzer-Bomberger Mfg. Co. have removed from 18th and Chestnut sts to their new mfg. plant, llth anii Forster sts. NOTICE is hereby given that Sam uel I* Lend, is no longer in the em ployment of the Auto-Aeroplane Me chnnlcul Training School or the 'day and night garage, 210-260 South Front street, Steelton. All persons having any business with above company should deal direct with William Fel ton. LEGAL NOTICES NOTlCE— Letters of administration on the estate of Anthony Zurich, ii," ot the borough of Steelton, Dauuhm -ftiinty. Ffl'i deceased, havinir a ranted to lhe un dersigned, in °Ji en fons indebted to said estate are * r ~ quested to make Immediate payment" and those having claims will pr ™s„_; them for settlement to Steelton -p" 1 Som'pany. administrator, or to £ Dress. Atty.. Steelton. Pa. u "• NOTICE " ' Notice is hereby given that appi lca . lion will be made to the Court Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County on Monday, August 4. 1919 o'clock' a. m.. or as soon thereof-or as said court may be in session? the transfer of the retail ii quor cense now held by John li. Smith and Andrew J- * arrell, for Premise* So •*l4 Chestnut street, in the Thirri waid, Harrisburg, Dauphin county Pa. known as Hotel Bollinger, Andrew J- 1 ARRELL I.- OX & GEYER Attorneys for Transferee. PENNSYLVANIA STATE HIGH WAY DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg, Pa. —Sealed proposals will be received at the State Capitol until 10 a. m„ August 19, 1919, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contracts awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction of the following pavements; 21299 linear feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hill side Brick in Allegheny county; 11640 feet of Reinforced Concrete In Arm strong county; 56111 fePt of Reinforc ed Concrete in Bedford county; 812 feet of Vitrified Brick in Bucks coun ty: 13232 feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Brick in Cambria county; 5651 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Carbon county; 29586 feet of Bitumi nous Macadam (penetration method) on a Telford foundation, in Chester countv; 7314 feet of Bituminous Maca dam (penetration method) on a Tel ford foundation in Delaware county; not feet of vitrified Brick in Fayette count: 71063 feet of Bituminous sur face course on a Concrete Foundation or Reinforced Concrete in Lackawan na and Wyoming counties; 16218 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Lehigh county: 31418 feet of either Bitumi nous Surface Course on a Concrete Foundation or Reinforced Concrete in Luzerne county; 15683 feet of either Bituminous Surface Course on a Con crete Foundation or Reinforced Con crete in Lycoming county: 2431 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Mercer coun ty: 8226 feet of Reinforced Concrete in Northampton county; 22287 feet of TSeinforced Concrete in Washington county and 89002 feet of Reinforced Concrete and Hillside Brick in West moreland county. Bidding blank* and specifications may be obtained fr—, and plots 'iP on paymet or $2.50 per set upon application to State High way Department. Harrisburg. No re fund for plans returned They can also be seen at office of State Highway Department, Harrisburg. 1001 Chest nut street, Philadelphia, and 904 Hartje building. Pittsburgh, Pa. LEWIS S. SADLER, State Highway Commissioner, MTRKFTS ii ■ .I ■ ii i I'IIII.AUKI.IMIIA PHimiiCß Philadelphia, Aug. 2. —Corn —Lower; yellow at 10 grade and location, $2.12 @2.14. Live. Poultry—Lower, 35c: spring ducks higher, 32©3 4 e. 1 tressed Poultry—Quit; broilers, lower; choice nearby broilers, 38® suc; choice western, 38@3Uc. Cheese—Higher; New Vork and Wisconsin, full milk. 32®34c. Outs—Firm; No. 1 white, 90@90'.4c; No. 2, 89)4@90c; No. 3, 88)i@8J. Eggs—Firm; nearby lirst, $15.63 per case; current receipts, sls; west ern extra lirsts, $15.60; lirßts, sls; l'ancy selected packed, 59@61c per dozen. Potatoes —Lower: white eastern shore No 1, s4©6; No. 2. $ 1 @2.75; Jer sey, No 1; per basket, 91)u@51.15; No. 2, (40®65c. Flour—Dull; winter straight west ern old, $10.76@11; hew, $9.75@1t). 25; winter straight, nearby old, slo® 10.75; new, $9.75@10; Kansas straight, new, $11.25® 11.50; short patent, old. $12®12.50; new $11.50® 11.75; spring short patent, old, $13@13.5(); spring, patent old, $12.50@13; lirst clear, old, $9.75® 10. Tallow Quiet; prime city loose, 30c; special loose, 20vic; prime coun try. 19c; edible in tierces, 24 H ® 25He. Hay Dull; timothy, No, 2, s36® 37; No 3. $32@33; clover, mixed light. $36©37; lower grades, $31©35. Bran —Higher; soft winter spot, $49©50; spring spot, $4S©49. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago, Aug. 2—Hogs—Receipts, 7,000; mostly 10 to 25c lower than Fri day's general trade; top $23.15. Heavy weight, $21.35 ©23; light weight. $21.26® 23.15; light lights, $20.50® 22.25: heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.50®21.23; packing sows, rough, $19.25©20.25; pigs, $19@20.50. ! Cattle—Receipts 500; compared with a week ago, top grade corn fed west ern steers and best she stock mostly 25c lower; other grades of western and native steers and butcher stock 50c to $1 lower; ennners and cutters, 25c to 60c lower: calves $1 lower; best grades of stockers nnd feeders, strong to 25c higher; others steady to " Sheep—Receipts 1000: compared with a week ago. fat lambs mostly 5(0 to $1.50 lower; sheep 75c to $1.. lower: feeders and breeders, 0c to $1 lower. HALIFAX THRONGS HONOR VETERANS (Continued From First Page! Fishervllle G. A. R. Post and Hall fax G. A. R. Post. Second division Marshal How ard B. Lyter; aid. Professor S. C. Bettzel; all Sunday schools. Mothers Association, H. A. Club, P. O. of A., P. O. S. of A., I. O. O. F. and Hail road Brotherhood. Third division Marshal W. J. Jury; Berrysburg band. Modern Woodmen, Fishervllle Knights of Pythias, Enders' Sr O. U. A. M„ Grand Fraternity, Grange and all other organizations. Honor Lend The big pageant formed at Second and Market Btreet with the right resting in Second. The first divi sion assembled in Second, north ol Market; second division in Market, | east of Second; third division in Market, east of second. The route of the parade follows: Out Second to Rise, down Rise to Front, up Front to Armstrong, up Armstrong to Third, to Rise, up Rise to I-ourth. out Fourth to Armstrong, up Arm strong to Fifth, out Fifth, counter march to Armstror-g. down Arm strong to Second, out 3econd to Market up Market to Fourth, countermarch to Second, where Oie parade halted and a ceremony was held at the column in me™ o of the five men who gate Included among the men "to were killed in action or dud from other causes were: Pa . wu" Lloyd E. Matter. Samuel Ham E. Hotter and Hem > Etzw eiie ••In Flanders lit Id •In Flanders Field" was recited hereby the Rev. A. I. Collom. re were decorated with laigc wreaths The Halifax Band played o ta r Spangled Banner, 1 alter which' the i rocesslor? moved to the Athletic nark, where the large com mU"|£ concert ended the afternoon program. Gala Day Halifax is presenting a gala lay SKr n t<K features oT the a largo whitepillarea main cd in Zr t the names of nil of who served with the 1 nited estates forces. cbon , AB honor "of be Btaged tn th o c k An extensive starting at 5.30 , {ot . t hose menu has been • months on who endured for many . army chow. The menu chlcken . Tomato consomm oorn on t . obi gravy. ITl f ß,lcd , f. mi ntß. salted nuts, &S " B "* The exercises wm tinf? a t 6.30 er in the even B- wll | b e held o'clock. These he fonow in the athletlc purk • „. ,ng program a -ocat|olli lhe U ev. Music, hand' addr( , 3H c . A . Sny j. George SmitlL of Pennsylvania; der. Auditor ® led b y Mrs. Wil communtly ® ® ' h ; address. Dr. ~am i Becht Deputy Superlnten- L^euVenant governor of Pennsylvania; band concert. exh f b itlon flight by The big aerl f . tbe Middletown Arnl> ; 'which 'had been arranged for Depot, whlc " , tts n ot held because this a . Qovernment order. Infor of a ' Hte received last evening that mation was re o( j be _ it was necesaa y un Arm y avi ators had been order to discontinue uerlal exhibitions. . W '"rrVomml""e conducting The. K en " a tan ,i on the ground at a refreshment the Ked c roas the athletic pa rQom lin ,| first aid conducting ar . Croßß headquart statlon at the U era. This is open and tree ,nen ' miir stands or fakirs are N ° flowedto operate. The State being an °* d Harrisburg recruiting arsenal ana ;l liberal supply BtaU Xs and machine .guns, and they or riflesand" pro mlnent place. ar lU on mineral committee in charge The seneral Includes P. C. Fox, of the celebration 8ec retary; R. chairman. H. S; 1 er; wT , wu . • Shoemaker. M w E ttr. let. Dr. J- yy other committees fol- Chalrman of otner flnance H. W L. Fetterhoff; banquet. Mrs. C. M. Richter. " CLEANERS AXD DYERS m . riean old clothes, make them W MI kinds of repairing guaran teed. Goodman's. 1306)4 North Sixth. | Personal—Social Give Farewell Dinner at Colonial Country Club A farewell dinner was given last evening at the Colonial Country Club for the Rev. Dr. J. Bradley Markward who recently resigned after a long and prosperous pastorate at the Beth lehem Lutheran Church. Eighteen covers were laid for members of the church council. J. N. Kinnard was toastmaster. Several members of the church re sponded to toasts and Dr. Markward made a farewell speech. Music was furnished by Roy Mathias and John P. Gibson. Dr. Markward will preach liis farewell sermon A ugust 31. GOES TO NEW VOHK Miss Maryland Gourley, 224 North Third street, who has been employed in the Spanish Division of the Mili tary Intelligence Branch of the War Department at Washington, for the past 13 months, has been transferred to the new offices opened to-day in New York. SUSS IlltA(;N E\TER+.\IXB Miss Mae Braun entertained last evening at her home, 526 Schuylkill street, in compliment to Miss Ruth Sellers, of Philadelphia. After an evening of games and music refresh ments were servd to Miss Bertha Gib bons, of Pittsburgh; Miss Ruth Sell ers. Miss Mae Braun, Lawyer M. Hess, the Rev. C. H. Stine, Dr. W. E. Shaef fer, Willis Braun, Mrs. M. K. Gibbons, and Mr. and Mrs W. 1,. Braun. ANNO! XCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Marko Marvetlc, SO2 South Second street, Steelton, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Anna Marvetlc, to Lawrence Furlan, of Kansas City, Kansas. The marriage will take place in the near future. Mr. Furlan is a First Sergeant In the United States Regular Army, and while as a reserv ist, is employed at the Elliott-Fisher Typewriter Company, this city. HERE FROM PHILADELPHIA Little Miss Mary Jane Gotsehall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lrvln E. Gotsehall, of Philadelphia, and little Miss Flora Cusack, of the same place, are vlstlng at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Berry, 2241 Penn street. ANNOUNCE EN' GAGE ME \ T Mrs. John A. Gull, of Lancaster, announces the engagement of her daughter. Miss Esther C. Goll, to William Granville Child, of this city. LEAVE FOR HIIODK ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefter, whose marriage was a recent event, left to day for Peacedale, R. 1., the former's home. Mrs. Schaeffer, who was for merly Miss Esther Weiser, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Weis er, of Lemoyne. Mr. Schaefter was a foreman at the Aviation Depot, Mid dletown. They are well known here and their many friends regret their departure for Rhode Island where they expect to make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Myers and family, of Philadelphia, motored here for the Weekend and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. Edward Taylor, at 2307 North Fifth street. Walter D. Fornawalt went to Chi cago last nlglit to remain for ten days on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Loring, of Boston, left for home to-day after a week's outing in this city and through the Cumberland Valley. Miss Kathleen Thompson went home to Baltimore last evening af ter visiting her cousins, the Miss Ray, of -Market street. Miss Grace Mumma, a teacher of Franklin county, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Hetrick, ."4 North Thirteenth street. Mrs. Joseph Young, of Parkes burg, who was visiting her son, George Young, at Washington, P. C., is the guest of her'brother, Oar pente Kelley, 534 South Cameron street. Mrs. S. A. Breese and daughter, Dorothy, of Brooklyn, N. Y„ are visiting the former's parents. Dr. and Mrs. F. TV. Hay, 1402 North Third street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Reckoad leave to-morrow for a week at Cold Springs Cottage. Williams Grove. [Oilier Social News on Page B.] TINIEST DOG A MEXICAN The smallest of all recognized breeds of dogs Is the Chihuahua, which is also one of the most Intelli gent of all the canine family. This breed Is a product of Mexico and is named after a northern province of that country, where there are thou sands of these little dogs running wild nnd multiplying each year. It seems a remarkable thing that in spite of the fact that they have never had iinv dog shows in Mexico, one „nly hn's to visit that country and try to purchase a really good, typical lit tle Chihuahua from a native to realize that the Mexicans know the worth of this dog of his wn country How these clogs werebved probably never will be known. Some authorities have intimated that they were bred some generations back from large squirrels and this view is borne out by the fact that at one time these dogs ran wild In the woods and that the Chihuahua is nearly as proficient In running up trees as the squirrel.—Detroit News. SING IN CHAMBKRSBURG - The War Camp Community Ser vice last evening held Its first com munity sing in Chambersburg in connection with a band concert. Mrs. Ley. or this city, was the leader. Local officers have been asked to continue the work every several weeks. f " " x_x xxx x x *" K * * K ~i UNITED STATES GOVERN- | 1 MENT SHORT TERM NOTES | 1 Beginning August Ist the Government will ffijtHcll'rJ oftcr about cver >' fifteen (lays a new issue of ||| | <>toG<ri 1 1 int I lagtotofwUltalto. | .1 KKMBSR FEDERAL ItESSRVX SYBTXM I 1832-19X9 ITniiliT ri _ i .*. .V. -A- J- ■•— ' X ••• ••• ••• = .••£ AUGUST 2, 1919. COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS HAVE A NEW PROBLEM Flaws Picked in New Law In creasing Salaries of Teachers School directors in the county dls- | trlcts are confronted with tlso problem of providing additionul funds to meet the provisions of the Woodruff salary bill which has be come law. and which provides for considerable increases in teachers' salaries, the greater part of which must be paid from school district funds. County school officials to-day said that some of the districts will have a serious financial situation before them to comply with the salary bill requirements. While some of the increases In teachers' pay are to be met by State appropriations, one of the school board officials in Cum berland county called attention to the fact that this money is not to be available until next year, but I lie new schedule goes into effect this fall. Not Serious in City In many of the districts, both in Dauphin and Cumberland counties, the school boards have a large per centage of teachers holding only provisional or professional certifi cates, and under the provisions of the bill they must pay the greater part of the salary which is placed at an increased minimum figure, lit addition to this financial burden, the old school code provision for a re fund of the amount paid over the minimum salaries of 1908 has been repealed by the Woodruff bill. In Ilnrrisburg the situation is not so serious, Superintendent F. la. Downes explaining at a recent school board meeting that this en#, has a largo majority of teachers holding: normal or collogo diplomas or certificates, and because of tliis fact about $3,000 more money will be needed to meet the requirements of the new bill than had been an ticipated when the 1919-1920 budget was approved. W. A. Bair, secretary of the Le moyne school board, his written to the Telegraph giving a statement of tile situation in that, borough, as well as other districts. His letter follows: "The school directors of T.emoyno as well as many other school in tricts are puzzled to know just how the conditions of the new Woodruff teachers' salary increase law will bo met. We are told that the appropria tion which goes with the law, in fact is a part of the law, will not be available until next year, al though the increase given the teach ers, which for us will amount to ! nearly $2,000 more each year, ap- 1 plies with the beginning of this ' school year. "It is impossible to pay this in- j t f nchcrs ' salaries, coupled with the Increased cost of coal books, supplies, etc.. without more i money, and in order to have the taxpayers and patrons help us solve this problem we ask that as many of them as can possibly be ! meet " s in the Hi * h School Auditorium on the evening of Au gust 5, 1919, at 7.30 o'clock." SINBCVRE '.' I , hve a t last thought of a Job I think I would like.' "And what is it?" "Lineman for a wireless telcgranh company."—Boys' Life. yU BEALS & STENCILS i 0 H HARRIBB&BTENCILWORKS |) I 1130 LOCUST BT, HARRISB'Q, PA. U —y Apartment House For Sale Apartment house with 1 three apartments. Centrally j located. Modern in every re- ! spect. Monthly income $125. | An elegant investment yield- I ' n g a grossjncome of over 14%. I This property can he pur chased for $10,500. A rare chance. Brinton Packer Co. Second it lid Wnlnut St*. v>vmMwuwv) Mentzer-Romberger Mfg. Co. TRIMMING STONE AND FACE BRICK Removal Notice 11 Removed From Eighteenth'and Chestnut Streets jj to their New Plant Eleventh and Forster Sts. S. F. MENTZER. \ 17 RETAIN HOME GUARDS UNDER THIN GUISE Germans Transfer Them to Cities as "Local Police Reserves" I Coblenz, Wednesday, July 30. — (By Courier to Paris by the Asso ciated Press).—The plan of Gustav Noske, the German secretary for military affairs to retain the homo guards throughout Germany by transferring them to the civil au thorities and calling the guards "lo cal police reserves" is going into effect according to information reaching the American area of oc cupation. in connection with this proce dure the German newspapers are carrying advertisements which say that recruits for the home guards no longer are required to take an oath to defend the country against invasion. In American circles it is said that the abolition of this pledge obviously is a result of Noske's new plan for If some of the guards were bound by such an oath they would clearly be prohibited under the terms of Article 177 of the peace, treaty. Noske's effort now is to have these organizations as best he can, and for this reason the pledge had to be discarded. Intended I-'or Iteserves An American Army bulletin com ment on the change of the guard to police reserves, says: "This is the first confession that such a pledge had been taken by the home guards. It confirms suspi cion that the home guards were in tended to he a great reserve army and justifies further suspicion of the home guards under their new guise of civil police reserves." Article 177 of the peace treaty signed by Germany says: "Educational establishments, uni versities, societies of discharged sol diers. shooting or touring clubs and. generally speaking, associations of every description whatever be the age of their members, must not oc cupy themselves with any militarv matters. "In particular they will be for bidden to instruct or exercise their members or to allow them to be instructed or exercised, in the pro fession or use of arms. "These societies, associations, educational establishments and uni versities must have no connection with the ministeries of war or any other military authority." City (Fire) Insurance Co. of Penna. Incorporated 1870 A. Sylva, Agent 27 SOUTH THlltl) STREET Itcll Phone 2143 r H. M. HOFFMANN Professional Funeral Director Day and Night Calls Promptly Attended To. Phone Bell 411, or Call ai 810 N, SECOND ST. V mJ> CONVERTIBLE BOND ISSUES The current number of the j Market Review presents briefly a number of facts of i interest to investors rcgard- I ing several convertible bond j issues, including Chile Copper Convertible 6s Wilson Ci Co. 10-yr. Convertible Sinking Fund 6s New York Central Convertible Gold Debenture 6s Chesapeake & OlUo 80-jr. Convertible 5s Sent on request for H. T.-417 HUGHES & DIER Members— Philadelphia Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Penn-Harris Hotel HARRISBUHG
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers